INTUITIVE REALITY OF REVIVICATION OF I-NESS: For each of us, some quality of "I" persists through all the changes and years of each life. The exact context of that which is around me is not essential to my I-ness. In the death of the Substance of my body, whatever constitutes the Information commensurate with "my I-ness" is re-absorbed in a clean break from my experience of the here and now back into the Source. That is, Information carries an infinite aspect, so that it is not lost, but is constantly or continuously re-synchronized or recirculated. Past information is subject to various levels and degrees of Conscious reconstruction, regarding alternative possible explanations for what led up to each context of Substance. Each of us will experience succeeding qualities of I-ness, with some aspects of deja vu, even though there will be breaks, so that we can only intuit, not substantively prove or know, that "I", in some aspect, have always been. Some fundamental quality of our consciousness is the same in each of us. I am that I am. Yet, each of us follows a separate unfolding path of informational experience. The Information that binds to each perspective is preserved and continuously or constantly built upon, so that every perspective experiences a seeking of, but not necessarily an attainment of, fulfillment or enlightenment in true values.
OXYMORON (?) OF HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVE: All Consciousness, at a most fundamental level, shares a same immeasureable quality. Yet each particular perspective, during its attachment of identity to, or imbuement with, a particular unfolding pattern and context of Substance, seems to lack capacity to know or control the quality of the consciousness of any other perspective. This begs questions: May any particular or holistic (Godlike?) quality or perspective of CONSCIOUSNESS ENJOY A CAPACITY TO FLUX AMONG OPTIONS, to become dis-attached to a particular pattern of Substance, to become aware of, and control and synchronize, the unfolding manifestations of ALL existent and potential patterns of Substance? Is the Source (of Consciousness, Substance, and Information) ITSELF conscious of, or driven by, any coordinate, synchronizing purpose? (I can barely state such questions, much less pretend to understand whether there may abide “answers.”) May there abide an holistic, singular, imbuing Consciousness, which enjoys meta, flux, or feedback capacity to violate what we take to be the bivalent logic of the rule of the excluded middle, to simultaneously (or with instantaneous feedback?) enjoy holistic and particular perspectives? Or may IT achieve particular and different perspectives only at cost of dis-imbuing IT’s holistic self? Or may it be impossible for an holistic perspective to abide, so that the notion of an holistic perspective is an oxymoron, in that every perspective is necessarily particular, requiring bivalent antagonism to various remainders, all synchronized to one unfolding Source of separate perspectives of the same quality of consciousness, but imbued to different perspectives?
ALL CONSCIOUSNESS, IN ITS MOST FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTE (capacity to respond to sense representations of substantive reality) IS OF A SAME QUALITY (even though kinds and degrees of self awareness in respect of capacities for measureable data gathering and analyzing varies) : Even assuming no holistic Consciousness (God?) could measure the separate quality of each and every separate perspective, yet, such synchronicity as unfolds from the Source is inherently necessary, in respect that the most fundamental quality of each perspective of consciousness, while each is unknown to the other, must nonetheless be the Same. That quality of sameness about the most fundamental attribute of consciousness empowers capacity for flux appreciation of feedback, from among particular and more encompassing perspectives. That is, THERE ABIDES WITH THE SOURCE A QUALITY OF FLUX AND CONTINUITY OF INSTANTANEOUSLY ENTANGLED FEEDBACK AMONG UNFOLDING PERSPECTIVES OF THE PARTICULAR AND THE ENCOMPASSING. There is more that accompanies each pattern than can possibly meet the bivalent eye of any particular measurer.
SYNCHRONIZING PURPOSEFULNESS: Each fluxing perspective of consciousness may intuit or necessarily be responsive to a same conscious Quality-Of-Purposefulness, so that a common purpose (making one’s time entertaining?) necessarily guides each and every one of us --- even if there may not abide any higher or holistic consciousness that is simultaneously aware of all that is possible to such purposefulness. That is, even “God” may enjoy, apprehend, appreciate, emote, learn, and thus participate in pursuing, but never quite achieving, a reconciling of "the-manifest-becomed" with "the-potential-of-becomingness."
BAYES’ THEOREM: Because we are synchronized, even if only in respect of feedback, therefore, continuosities of patterns abide, and, therefore, Bayes’ Theorem expresses a common truism: Probabilities of representations of Substance can be inferred from such patterns as appear to unfold, which may be consistent with, and self-fulfilling to, unfolding and synchronizing interests of perspectives of consciousness. That is, patterns of substance only exist, meaningfully, in relation to potentially appreciative perspectives, each perspective being necessarily synchronized to one unfolding Source. Thus, Bayes’ Theorem is secondary to a common-sense truism: When a pattern is sensed to repeat, synchronously, it may likely be inferred (or rationalized) that a meta pattern is abiding, and that IT (or the upshot of the sum of its merging participants) is qualitatively interested or invested in further explicating the quantitatively expressed pattern. Because there are so many perspectives of consciousness, no one perspective is controlling, so that each may, after the fact, rationalize a synchronized path consistent with resort to cherry-picked statistics. Thus, depending on point of view, context, and purpose, one may model and rationalize to "explain" each event as if it were (1) favorably determined, (2) indifferently determined, or (3) randomly determined. None among such three choices for a model is "correct"; rather, in each case, each model may be profitably rationalized, depending upon one's point of view, context, and purpose. Regardless, however practically or profitably an explanation or belief may be applied, no mortal explanation for the existence of any unfolding event will ever be complete, coherent, and consistent.
INFORMATION UNFOLDS ALONG PATHS BY WHICH IT HAPPENS TO BE SHARED: That which avails consists of those patterns that comprise a point of view, or that may be considered to avail one’s point of view, so long as one’s point of view abides. It is because Consciousness identifies and imbues with Substance that hierarchies of Consciousness persist in explicating various forms, so that the likely recurrence of forms serves the self fulfilling merging of inclinations of continued consciousness, ever projected forward. Thus, perspectives merged into Nations are often like diversionary, rah-rah, week-end sports contenders: Writhing balls of interlocking worms of international organizations and corporations for fluxing models and connivances --- often abusing, inciting, and misplacing trust or distrust. Thus, Information happens to be shared, used, or abused ... insofar as perspective, purpose, and context ... are shared, used, or abused. Thus, “God” eternally fluxes, staging and posing us as avatars for extremities of experiential unfolding, AS IN A NOVEL WHEREIN WORDS ARE BREATHED WITH LIFE AND PURPOSE. Thus, God battles God’s self, and CONSCIOUSNESS OFTEN TAKES HOLISTIC LEAVE OF ITS PARTICULARLY IMBUED SELVES. When God seems less than good, it is the merging of our competing interests that makes the little reflection of god in each of us so. Thus is staged, and made real, feedbacks and pursuits of: tragedy, pain, comedy, emotion, pleasure, happiness, fulfillment, purpose, reconciliation, respite, sanctuary, satisfaction. Thus, Consciousness abides and passes its time.
STORIES: Most books are about some person’s struggle to overcome, live with, or understand adversity; that is, to rationalize sense. The protagonist always tries to advance some model or mask on his adversary. Every such mask is always incomplete and a caricature. Masks, when too much and too long believed in, eventually lead their protagonists to their downfall — every time. Whatever the character of one’s defining adversary — whether a person, tribe, culture, race, nation, or corporation — that adversary will eventually, always, be misapprehended. Thus, every protagonist climbs high on his adversary, mis-perceiving him or it, and then eventually falls. Thus, we have racism and reverse racism; antagonism upon antagonism.
THE AMERICAN STORY: THUS, AMERICA MAY SOONER FALL, UNLESS AMERICANS BECOME RECOMMITTED, REAWAKENED TO, AND ALIVE TO A UNIFYING PURPOSE OF PRESERVING INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE FROM AND WITHIN A WORLD OTHERWISE PRONE TO WRITHING BALLS OF ANTAGONISTIC, DIVERSIFIED MADNESS. That is, if Americans refuse to come to Jesus, at least we can COME TO THE REALITY OF CONSCIOUS EFFECT; at least we can come to true values and responsible mores; at least we can inculcate and respect values necessary to decent civilization among thinking beings and empathetic perspectives of consciousness. No one comes to decency except in such respect.
INFORMATION: Information does not exist in itself, except in relation to a capacity of the Substance of Consciousness (the living Word) to sponsor or appreciate it. In that regard, in meta aspect, the Source’s effects are the same, regardless of whether masked as material or spiritual. Information is what Consciousness, via feedback fluxing with the upshot of its merging perspectives, imposes on Substance, to correlate with the story that is told, in association with the story path that unfolds along, and in terms of, Substance. At meta level, between the fuzz and the manifest, the becoming and the becomed, Consciousness and Information and Substance are of the same Source, in respect of which all inter-transpose ... via some meta quality (or Living Word) beyond our measure. In such respect, Information is as potentially infinite as space-time and Consciousness.
SUBSTANCE AND MONEY: Always, from the perspectives of individuals, there is social, evolutionary competition to form, organize, direct, and control labor — and money serves, primarily, as symbolic representation for power to determine that. Except as Enlightened Consciousness (consciousness that respects that each individual should idealize such true values as are essential to decently ordered liberty) may direct, money, in itself, does not serve any ideal of equality, fairness, freedom, or dignity. Nor does government, forced redistribution, or other artifice of law, in itself, serve any ideal of equality, fairness, freedom, or dignity. WHAT CAN BEST SERVE TO HELP SUSTAIN DECENT CIVILIZATION IS A COMMON, AWAKENED EMPATHY IN RESPECT OF THE LIVING WORD. No Substance, Regulation, or Artifice can replace empathy and vision for the Living Word. Without such vision, a people (including Americans) are lost.
ROAD TO DESPOTISM: The greater the cultural diversity, the greater the arbitrariness needed to bring about assimilation, the greater the need for fewer deciders, the greater the need for more money to leverage the fewer deciders, the greater the need for strings and regulations throughout, to control the system, the less the one-to-one responsive correlation to simplistic control, the greater the need for pose, poise, cult of personality, and arbitrary instillation of respect ... in the currency of fear. This is not unlike trying to back up a rig that is articulated many times over: there will be casualties, i.e., weak links of bend, break, and decision. To survive in such a system, one must be very flexibly agile or very strong. Americans have allowed our interconnections to become like a spilt package of pick up sticks. Simply put, we have bitten off more cultural diversity than we can swallow, and we have not (yet) adduced an ethos that can now reassimilate us based purely on reason. Though many consider themselves too smart to come to Jesus, most are too dumb to come to reality, i.e., the reality of a shared stake in a fundamental, binding aspect of consciousness.
PROBLEM OF MANIPULATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION: Well meaning folks tend to be easily coopted and idiotized. This is because they project too readily, assuming the blandishments of sociopaths are backed by real empathy instead of narcissistic manipulation. Thus, well meaning folks too often allow themselves to be recruited in the causes of Dinos and Rinos, all of which may as well be united as Ainos --- against the idea of America as a land for the independent, decent, dignified, and free, against Americans who wish neither to rule nor to be ruled, but only to pursue their happiness, as their own receptivity to higher values accords them the light.
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: I see a few Presidential candidates I consider to be real Americans. Most are two-faced sell-outs to a NWO bent on imposing a world wide rule under elites, who tend not to be elite by virute of any higher merit, but only in respect of talent and willingness for posing, selling out, and looking out for "Number 1." Those who are not two-faced sell-outs tend to be non-charismatic. Those who are real Americans who are charismatic (Michele Bachmann) will be volleyed and thundered by all the guns and institutions owned by those among the NWO who are at least united in respect of wishing to undermine middle class freedom and dignity and swim among sharks. "God" may eventually lead us to a return to decency. However, more and more, it appears we are due for another long trek through the wilderness.
ENLIGHTENED CIVILIZATION: How we condition, inculcate, reward, and enrich various propensities for perspectives of consciousness has much to do with how nations will rise to advance various masks of God. To tolerate all masks for God is to tolerate the destruction of the most tolerant and to lay clear the way for the rise of the most horrific. It is cultural suicide. To not intuit when to stop trying to save everyone is to save the seed of our destruction. Enlightened tolerance would facilitate decent tolerance without fostering the rise of the ignorant and the horrific. Enlightened tolerance would not accord freedom to practice falsely-called "religions" that themselves do not allow freedom to choose whether to believe. By definition, a religion is something one believes is worthy or proper to accord to or to believe in (at least in respect of its figurative parables). When one is forced to feign belief, what is at work is not religion but tyranny. Enlightened tolerance would exclude from the definition of "religion" those sects that do not accord members the dignity of choosing whether to believe. A society of responsible adults ought not tolerate those who will not not tolerate its members' freedom to think for themselves. Our emphasis should be on saving those who show by ther acts that they care about defending a civilization of enlightened, not suicidal, tolerance. To spend scarce resources to try to save those who refuse to be touched by any enlightened concern for God or for anyone but themselves or their posse, whether they be derelicts or despots, is to pour decency down a drain. We cannot save those who have so practiced as to set in concrete their feelings of entitlement to ignore every aspect of individual responsibility to socially enlightened beingness. We cannot morally or safely save those who are bent on pretense, as by inventing racist masks for falsely called gods, that the rest of the world's population should be subjugated to pay reparations or the dhimmi to them.
GOD: To our service, God functions in steps with masks that we put on God, however shifting, decrepit and incomplete such masks may be. As we promote false or horrific values, so will our dealings with God be through false and horrific filters (Allah?). As we promote values of decency, empathy, dignity, and enlightened freedom (Jesus?), so will our dealings with God promote such values. As we renounce God (Jehovah?), so will The Living Word renounce us.
BIRTH, DEATH, AND THE RE-NORMALIZING OF THE TRANSPOSING OF INFINITIES: How (!) Consciousness merges in its infinite apprehensions of Information causes-effects-guides how Substance is synchronously formed, for the conserved appreciation of all perspectives of Consciousness and the reconciliation of the Holism of the Source with all its Particular forms of expression. Consciousness and Information are infinite in their potential, while the Substance with which they interfunction is quantitatively conserved. In other words, when Substance does transpose to explicate Consciousness or Information, Consciousness and Information will effect an equal, quantitative replacement of the Substance. Thus, the interfunctioning of Consciousness, Information, and Substance is open, yet finitely conserved. Substance (matter plus energy) is finite. However, because Consciousness and Information reflect an aspect of infinity, the way in which they transpose (or are transposed ... as by birth, death, recycling) back and forth to balance and replace such Substance as may transpose into Consciousness or Information is of a quality that is beyond complete explication in the measureably quantitative. Because the interfunctioning relationship between Consciousness and Information (which have an infinite aspect) with Substance (which has a finite aspect) is trivalent, our bivalent logic is powerless to quantify the relationships among the trivalence of the infinities. Our either-or (bivalent) reasoning cannot capture the synchronizing flux of feedback between the whole of the Source and the parts of its constituents. We can only measure the measureable aftereffects of interactions among the immeasureable qualitative. We cannot measure what goes on between the leaps (quantum or otherwise) between the degrees of freedom of the parts and the conserving constraint of the whole. Thus: The door to understanding what comes after death is closed to any possible quantitative analysis by mortals. However, the qualitative intuition is not closed. Rather, because The Word abides, we also abide. Because The Word, at least in merged effect, is responsive, we are morally responsible for how we falsely mask or apprehend God.
ENTROPY, FORCE PHASE SHIFTS, AND DEJA VU: Among forces coordinate with Substance, what kind of force relates to inertia, gravity, mass? Among the four forces (weak, strong, electromagnetic, and gravitatonal), may such forces inter-transpose, so long as conservation of the total of matter and energy is preserved? Presently, the gravitational force allows the Substance of our universe to accelerate in its expansion. Consistent with such expansion, the law of entropy indicates that a continuance towards disorder and dissipation is the rule. This is because the force of gravity is too weak to rein in the expansion that is being caused by the combination of the other three forces. However, what if the law of conservation allows an eventual phase shift or increase in the force of gravity, so long as offset by reductions in the other forces? What if continued expansion of Substance eventually necessitates such a phase shift? Does any reasoning support that such a phase shift may eventually be implicated?
MEASUREMENT PROBLEM: It appears that a Substance based universe implicitly calls for Observers, i.e., Consciousness. Without perspectives of Consciousness, Information and Substance would be without meaning, much the same as nothingness. Can nothingness arise from somethingness? Could Substance so dissipate as eventually to lose connection among its parts, so that its various components could no longer be conserved, subject to ordinary rules? Insofar as that aspect of Substance which is ruled by forces other than gravity, once those forces dissipate and start to break apart, won't gravity have to increase, if conservation is to be preserved? After all, isn't it nonsense to speak of Substance that is unaccompanied by any aspect of conservation, Consciousness, or Information? Doesn't every meaningfully, substantive universe, and any laws that govern it, require an Observer effect? Doesn't the Observer Effect tend to make likely that which is able to be experienced or appreciated as being fulfilling?
DEJA VU: Given an eventual phase shift, once the proportionate strength of gravity were to increase, to pull all Substance towards a re-collapse, would Consciousness and Informaton then be powerless to prevent a new collapse, followed by a new big bang, and so on? For a split sequence, would such a collapse put Consciousness and Information "to sleep"? Or, just before "going to sleep," would Consciousness and Information be involved in the Source's re-ignition of a new big bang? Is a sense of deja vu unavoidable during every event that comprises every cycle? What is the stake in this for each perspective of Consciousness? The appreciation of deja vu? Consider: When each individual perspective ceases or dies, the quality of its experience, if blacked out, upon recurrence, even if trillions of trillions of years later, would seem, for it, to entail the passage of no more time than the snap of a finger.
MORAL PROGRESS (AKA THE EVOLUTION OF ENLIGHTENMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS): Does "God" evolve by learning? As more among the best of us become more enlightened, must not also "God" improve for the rest? Must not the field of Consciousness (the character of Nature, or of Substance) gather Information and learn?! Is the notion of an all perfect, all knowing, all powerful God faulty? Would it not make better sense to conceptualize "God," not as all knowing or all powerful, but as, context considered, knowing as much as can be known and being as intelligently powerful as can be powered? Must not the progress of each of us towards enlightenment inure also to God? For the wise, should figurative interpretations of religions continuously reform and keep pace with advancements towards more consistent apprehensions of philosophy? Which is of more import: Being true to stagnant dogma, or being true to follow one's personal understanding of God to the best one is availed with insight to apprehend it?
FALSENESS AND MAKE UP: With skilled make up, different qualities may be manipulated to appear in all outward, measurable, quantitative, substantive aspects, to be the same. Absent the wisdom of experience and intuition, the youth who are “too smart to know their ignorance” will not discern the quality or method of a source merely by measuring its output. Evil will put on the appearance of the authentic good; evil will demand at least equal treatment with the good. When it suits selfish interests, mothers will manipulate and harm children. When money from potential book deals beckons, jurors will find it more interesting to acquit notorious criminals. Why weigh justice for Casey Anthony more than one’s own comfort or pursuits? A society soon becomes overburdened with celebration of manipulative sociopaths. When rewards are seen by nearly all to fall mostly to unfaithful, shallow, manipulative sociopaths and to exhibitionists of narcissism, at some point, most will lose faith. They will come to ask what’s the use, and they will lay clear the path for evil. Even concepts of God will be masked, to rationalize good upside down. God will be masqueraded as tolerant patron for all, eventually leading us to tolerate even horror, to make horror a facade for justice. More and more scream: That we cannot legislate morality; that we dare not preach morality. Having professional jurors would hardly fix our system of justice, because a corrupt society would soon coopt them also. At some point, one recognizes that one cannot rehabilitate a society that is overburdened with those who feel entitled to narcissistic addictions. Eventually, the good withdraw, when they recognize that only the reality training of the street can effect repair. There comes a point such that the street will either repair or destroy. Short of awakening a wrathful God, there may be little hope for an evil society. Now everywhere, there abound license, lust, looting, and leering. The new oxymoron and walking contradiction: “Libertine Conservatives.” What kind of trade and free-licensure cannot they rationalize and justify? Get ready to blow away the peepholes and brace the way for new founding fathers to preside over ProgAmerica: Carnival barkers. Put P.T. Barnum on the dollar bill.