Sunday, March 10, 2019


Given the industrial push, there was no way a hunter-gatherer way of life across the USA was going to prevail. That culture would have been replaced no matter what. Humanity is often brutal. The people immigrating from Europe had been especially brutalized by long years of warring. There is a season for everything, and all things must adapt. Good people try to diminish the brutality. The culture that replaced the American Indians sought to produce a representative republic. That is not the best system for everyone. But I and many other free-thinkers tend to prefer it. And do not like seeing socialistic societies trying to replace it. Which they have no more natural right to do than the Europeans had a natural right to replace the American Indians. And so it goes. In the end, it comes down to this: Do enough free thinking Americans remain to preserve the republic against the onslaught of snowflake "thinking"?


By far, the bigger problem is that good Americans have too long allowed themselves to be intimidated into not saying anything. Then the Left takes their silence as consent. Then the kiddos take the silence as signifying agreement. Then the idiots, scoundrels, malcontents, addicts, deviants, nation destroyers, and professional whiners take over. Then Congress becomes really evil and nasty. They no longer represent decent or ordinary Americans. The agenda of the Uniparty is now simply evil.

No perspective of consciousness can take in the entirety of the system at any instant. Perspective changes. For one perspective, a math system correlates. For a different perspective or or purpose, a different perspective or matrix or model or math system better relates. No math system works well for all perspectives and contexts. Yet, all perspectives are of the same aspect, because consciousness is consciousness. In potentiality, all perspectives or their progeny are in potential common influence.

This is why there is no TOE and no universal instant or nowness and no universal objective age for the system. We only nor.amaize order in respect of our own contexts and over-lapments.

Atheism builds good character by promoting materialism over spirituality. Because everyone knows that ought comes only from is. (Sarcasm.)

It is by communication and exchange of charged Information that patterns emerge, build on, replicate, and mutate patterns. Communication is entailed at every instance of order arising out of chaos. At a fundamental level, communication entails exchange of feedback. IOW, involvement of Conscious appreciation is entailed with the determination of every event that is measurable to ordered meaningfulness. Moreover, every system that functions as a system entails feedback with the principles that order and conserve the system. IOW, reconciliation among conscious perspectives is entailed with the unfolding flux and determination of every system. Including the implicated system of all systems that are in mutual communication.

The concern of the Deep State at DOJ-FBI to protect Hillary was less because they expected her to become Potus than because they expected her to become the Lying Front for the Anti-Republican Ruling Establishment.

Invoke ExExecutiverivilege, tell Nadler to go to blazes, and sue him officially for harassing overreach beyond separation of powers, while lacking probable cause or authority to investigate any crime. If the House files for impeachment, stare them down with the Senate. Or let the Senate pay the consequences if they do the idiotic and convict. Americans are tired of this sh*t.

Americans may not be at war with the Deep State, but the Deep State is definitely at war with Americans. At stake is whether Americans are to be reduced to war booty. Plantation servants.
What do smart Libs and real Socialism have in common? Maybe a title from a Charles Bronson movie.

Plenty of smart people are bored by college b.s. Like Churchill, Patton, and McCain. "Patton spent a year at the Virginia Military Institute and then transferred to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, where he was forced to repeat his plebe (freshman) year because of poor grades." Otoh, plenty of dumasses sail through. DJT is the only American good and smart enough to stand against and beat the Uniparty and its weasely apologists.

Maleducated dumasses still have not figured out that the purpose of the funders and fronts for their Dem and Uniparty is to make their opinions as irrelevant as mooing cattle.

The worst of criminals, traitors, scoundrels, liars and cheats tell good Americans they should just be nice, don't complain too loudly, don't cuss back, don't resist, and generally just shut up. Because all the criminals, traitors, scoundrels, liars and cheats are better than us, doncha know. Fts!

We are living under a fascist attempt by well-embedded deep-state corporatists to put the final touches on finishing off the representative republic in all but name only. These fascists have so successfully infested every institution that they now show off their power by getting every public front they own to proclaim that anyone who opposes their fascism is a fascist. They even have Brownshirts to help, called, using doublespeak, Antifians. The next two years will tell much of the tale. The only real reason for the impeachment circus: To kill the last breath in the Republic.

Behind false fronts, most Rinos are part of the treasonous Uniparty. They represent monied, global corporatists. Not Americans or the Republic. They have infested every institution. They have neutered faith, family, and fidelity. And they have divided Americans, the better to farm them.

The concern of the Deep State at DOJ-FBI to protect Hillary was less because they expected her to become Potus than because they expected her to become the Lying Front for the Anti-Republican Ruling Establishment.

Meanwhile, too many polite Americans think it is rude to notice or talk about. Little can be expected until they wake up and make themselves heard.

First they came for Christians. Then White Men. Then Hispanic Whites. Then married women. Then Jews. And Americans. Next they mean to swamp and destroy the Republic. To replace it with a Rainbow Flag. Behind which stands a goose stepping Big Brother subhumanoid. A mad leap of faith into the abysmal void. Such great moral scientisimists! S/

When people that can only emote but cannot count get put in charge of currency. When people feel entitled without having to work. That is when Nature takes them back to the school of hard knocks. Let them stay there until they learn something. If ever.

Friday, March 8, 2019



This is meant as a blurb for the Willow Loop/Bluebonnet Ride. Please let me know if you need anything else to have it put on the calendar.  Link:

Willow Loop/Bluebonnet Ride -- 4-7-19, meet at McDonald's at the Y, KSU 8:45 am.  Ron Garner will lead and Larry King will sweep. This ride will last about 2.5 hours and cover about 98 miles.  It ends at Freidhelm's Inn and Restaurant at 905 West Main Street, Fredericksburg.

The 25 miles of Willow Loop has some beautiful Hill Country scenery and wildflowers.  It winds through some ranch areas with numerous cattle and cattle guards.  There will be some narrow bridges, tight curves, and low water crossings with loose gravel or silt.  Photo ops may be hard to find because the land off the loop road is private.

The Route will go from US 290 East to Dripping Springs to US 281 and Johnson City.  First stop for fuel/rest will be at the Stripes gas stop at 501 US 281 (about 38 miles).  There will be no additional stop until the ride ends.  Ride will turn Left from 281 onto RR 1323 to Willow City.  after reaching Willow City, that will quickly feed onto the Willow City Loop (which is about 25 miles of low speed scenic travel, winding counterclockwise to Tx-16).  Ride will then turn Left (S) onto Tx-16 towards Fredericksburg.  In Fredericksburg, Right on Mulberry, Left on Milam, Right on W. Austin, Left on T. Specht, stay in middle lane, Left on 87, then cross 290 immediately into the entrance for Freidhelm's Inn at 905 W. Main.  Recommend the Schneitzel (tenderized meat fried in oil and coated with bread crumbs).


FYI: Here is a preliminary Link for the Willow Loop Ride. I do not have notes from when Bruce did it, but I have kept it simple in view of the considerable distance.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I will probably do two pre-rides, with a preliminary first one on Friday.

Plan is as follows:

8:30 am on 4-7-19:  KSU at McDonald's at the Y (7010 Tx 71).
--- Fuel / Rest Stop at Stripes at 521 US 281 in Johnson City  [About 39 Miles]
Proceed to Willow City [About 27 Miles]
Drive Willow City Loop. [About 26 Miles]
Return to Johnson City for BBQ sometime after 11 am at Burnet County Line BBQ at 105 US 281, where no alcohol until Ride Ends.  [About 26 Miles]

TOTAL MILES FOR RIDE:  About 116 Miles]
US 290 E from McDonald's to Stripes at 521 US 281.
R on US 281 to RR 1323.
L on RR 1323 to Willow City.
Continue on 1323 to Tx 16.
R on Tx 16 to Willow City Loop.
R on Willow City Loop until loops back clockwise to Willow City until I with RR 1323.
L on RR 1323 until I with US 281.
R on US 281 until reach Burnet County Line BBQ at 105 US 281.
(May take US 290 W towards Luckenbach after ride over.)

Invite persons interested to ride/meet on own at 412 Luckenbach Town Loop [About 25 Miles] and from there find own way home whenever ready.

NOTE:  The Link has me going counterclockwise in the Willow Loop.  I may prefer to change that to clockwise, as I pre-ride it.

LINK:  (Hoping this works -- Will convert later to HD Ride Planner to put on Zumo):