Saturday, December 31, 2011

Common Sense

.Common sense needs to be aired, without fear of being ridiculed as conspiratorial or denounced as politically incorrect. It's common sense, not conspiracy-mindedness, to recognize predators and gangsters are keen to sense one another and stake off territories! It's common sense to recognize animal nature, i.e., that sizeable proportions of unenlightened blacks, women, rednecks, Jews, Baptists, etc, support one another simply because of some common indicator --- whether skin color, gender, culture, dogma, whatever. It's common sense that indirect techniques and subliminal methods of mass persuasion are studied and applied, scientifically and profitably. It's common sense that success breeds success. My beef with Paul is not that he's always wrong, for he's frequently right! He stands for some principles that he won't sell out. My beef is that some of his principles are fundamentally dangerous. The crux has to do with the nature of government. Government will always fill the vacuum, so size is not the issue. The issue is centralization. Most governance needs to be decentralized so it can be responsive to people locally, so they can be responsible for it. But some governance needs to be centralized, like national defense. I agree it's a waste and disgrace to spend blood and treasure trying to nation-build in the Middle East! Boo Santorum! But I don't agree that decent nations can ignore weapons amassment by insane regimes and despots. Boo Paul!
If Paul believes far too much power has agglomerated in a centralizing NWO, I heartily agree. I think it deep denial to fail to recognize that. Paul is right that the Fed IS being used to further that agglomeration! This problem won't be resolved by letting violence-prone, chat-chewing, opium-deluded, moon-paganites tell adults to mind their own business. Nor will it be resolved by appeasing generation after generation of trustafarians who think not even local authorities should take a hand in teaching them what to do. The world doesn't rain down peace and manna just because more and more people seek escapism from disapproval of those who must live around them.
We participate in availing freedom, but no one has complete freedom to finger neighbors' eyes. The problem with Libs is they don't want central government taking fun things away, but they do want central government telling all other levels of society they have no say either. Notwithstanding history, Libs actually believe this mode would sustain civilization. So we end up with central government forcing local schools, even parents, to tolerate or teach fourth graders in all manner of exotic pleasures and tolerance for the unraveling of social mores and individual responsibility. Why else would one take on the badge of being a Lib, rather than an American Conservative?
OZero and friends mean to realign, to appeal to elites who want to rule ignorant and corrupt masses, and ignorant and corrupt masses who want to be ruled. He's throwing ordinary American workers under the bus, hoping they won't realize it until the election is over. But he can't prevail without bringing along enough Libs (Liberals, Libertines, and Libertarians, i.e., people who value entitlement to pleasure diversions more than sustainable civilization). So Zero means to dissolve the weak attraction of Libertarians to Conservatives. The trivalently-to-be-aligned Dark Side is plenty smart, but utterly unwise. If cheap, short-sighted bribery can convince enough Libertarians, before Conservatives can lead them to put on their decency caps, there will be four more years of ObamaRaj. If you thought you had your fill of happy-face-on-a-dogmastick-suckuping-and-moonbeam-promising, you ain't seen nothing yet. Conservatives need to call on prodigal, ordinary Americans to come home. Call on self reliance, liberty, protection of family, culture of mores, local governance, national defense of borders and infrastructure, and smart trade. Emphasis on protection of family, culture of mores, national defense, smart trade, and smart (decentralized) government will cost some Libertarian votes. Those votes will have to be made up for --- by bringing home ordinary American workers. The alternative is almost too awful to contemplate.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Now that Cooption is cool, the Left is for it!

Coopt was a popular word during the 60's, when kids didn't want The Man to coopt their movement. Except that the cooption is now complete. Indeed, Obama's strategy has morphed to appeal to both callow kids and the rich elites who have completely coopted all the "news" the kids-who-can-never-grow-up are allowed to hear. The elites who plan to lead these kids no more expect to serve any youth interest than the party princelings in China expect to serve any mass interest of the people. The ignorant, iliterate, and callow are everywhere coopted! What lightened their loads in the past? Church, charity, family, friends, loyalty, nation, cultural assimilation. What promises, but lies about, lightening their loads now? Coopting crony elitist buzzards!
There is no viable, elite plan for serving the proletariat! When people trade their congregants, families, kinsmen, and countrymen for lying, central-power-mongering elitists, there is hell to follow: Debt enslavement, mind subjugation, rule by diversity division, and red-tape imprisonment. Every kind of centralizing elitist noblesse oblige --- feudalism, progressivism, socialism, communism, fascism --- is a crock for frauds. Indeed, the Blueblood NWO international Republican agenda for reducing and replacing government with crony corporatists --- by keeping borders open, availing pathways to citizenship for illiterate gullibles, and continuing to export American industry and sell out infrastructure --- is an elitist crock! Unions have been coopted by international elitists. Next, government itself will be made "small" by essentially cannibalizing it to international crony corporatists. After all, they have our best interests at heart, right? Who else --- except the likes of Soros, Obama, Pelosi, and Goldman Sachs --- would leave plain folks any trail of crumbs? This scenario is playing out all over the West.
Power to the People! Yeah, right. Translate: This way to the plantation. Has the majority of every electorate of the West really been trained (excuse me, "educated") to become so stupid? Why should lickspittle Brits be expected, when the time comes, to give Maggie a state funeral? They hardly deserve her.

Betwixt the Meta and the Measurable

Betwixt the Meta and the Measurable:
The aboriginal Source of unfolding evolutionary purposefulness is not "the selfish gene," but iterations of A fulfillment-pursuing and empathetically-charged Consciousness, expressing itself in meta-logic of trivalent (Y-N-I) avatars for synchronously conserving and signifying relative interfunctioning cones for selecting, experiencing, and recording attractions (Yes), repulsions (No), and indifference (I), aka YSDI --- not gene-in-itself, but particular Iteration in dance of reconciliation with expressing Field.
GAP BETWEEN THE QUALITATIVE AND THE QUANTITATIVE: How is it that any materially measurable pattern or Substance is availed capacity to store Information in respect of which an interaction with any other pattern may be recorded? How does any pattern acquire relatively measurable Mass or capacity to respect or record quantitative Laws or Information? May there be an immeasurable gap between that which abides as Qualitative Consciousness and that which is communicated as measurably Quantitative?
META PARTICLE FIELD: Postulate a meta field of purpose-expressing "particles" of no dimensional or geometrical size, direction, or speed. Postulate that such particles interrelate as subjects of a shared, unifying, reconciling, synchonizing, conserving Medium, Set, Class, or Meta Field. Postulate that such dimensionless particles have only a fundamental capacity to express recognition or indifference to one another, so they can "choose" to attract, repel, or remain ignorant of one another. Thus, they may organize into patterns that can express attraction, repulsion, or ignorance of one another. Individually, such particles are beyond measure in respect of any dimension of space, time, matter, energy, sequence, and number. Their "number" may abide in unlimited iterations of a sameness, i.e., Consciousness, or capacity to give expression to Conscious Will. In organization, they give mathematical, geometrical, physical, ideal expression to significant dimensions that associate in relative interfunctioning with direction, sequence, conservation, mass, and measure. Via such organizations, otherwise dimensionless particles of a non-physical Field leverage capacity: to store Information; to communicate Substantive dimensions, attractions, repulsions, and ignorance; and to will Conscious emotiveness, i.e., dislikes, emotiveness, and indifference.
META DIMENSIONS: Conceptualize such fundamental, dimensionless particles as the immeasurable, Meta Building Blocks of all measurable dimensions and organizations of matter, energy, space, and time. Conceptualize that each identical iteration of such a fundamental particle has Trivalent Digital Capacity or Charge (+ - N) to interlogic and interfunction with each other Iteration, to commit and Relate Y (attractive Yes-yin), N (repulsive No-yang), or to remain contextually I (indifferent, ignorant, neutral, uncommitted, fuzzy, or dark). But for relational iterations, each iteration of apparent perspective is really only avatar for Meta One.
NOTE: It is not required for a particle-avatar to express capacity for choice-making that its avatar be conscious of its faux-self in making such choice. Consciousness at this level need not equate to self consciousness.
SYMMETRY CRACKING PATTERNS: Thus, patterns of various combinations occur at meta level -- such as Y-Y, N-N, Y-N, Y-N-N, etc,, to Infinity of patterns within patterns within patterns of cones within cones within cones of potentials within potentials within potentials. In every iteration and instance, each pattern abides in respect of manifesting and potentializing cones of other and fluxing patterns. In no iteration is any relatively measureable pattern possible without some level of expression of Will, i.e., DIGITAL feed-back choice-making, to express Yes (accept - 1), No (reject - 0), or Indifference (halt). The Cosmos is thus likened to a digital COMPUTER, apprehending and appreciating such Iterations, In-form-ation, opportunities, and choices as FEED BACK and unfold to its Image-anation and empathies.
EVOLUTION OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS: For complex systems of computing, "the halting problem" is resolved by evolution. Those systems that survive or remain relevant will be those that do not erode multi-tasking and/or that find second tier or higher ways in logic to resolve unpromising interest into indifference, so that eventually uneventful trips down rabbit holes can be halted, back tracked, or redirected. For examples: At some point, the search for a Higgs Boson needs to be redirected or simplified. At some point, the pyramiding basis for expanding economies needs to be harmonized to sustainability. At some point, the self-cannibalizing tendency of crony economics and political capitalism needs to be bypassed. At some point, the progressive linearity of Western philosophy needs to be phased back to sustainability. At some point, the soul-stifling circularity of Eastern philosophy needs to be expansively enlightened.
ABIDES: As organizations, organisms, and civilizations become more complex, more complex levels feed back and evolve for the recordation of Information and for the expression of Conscious Will and choice making. The Y or N of a single level may rule all cones of experience of worlds, systems, galaxies, universes, and laws of nature that happen to fall under it or phase shift with it. It remains inane to speculate whether such purpose, plan, or potential was innate to beingness from the beginning, insofar as a concept of "beginning" conflates a dimensional aspect to the non-dimensional Fundament. Simply put, the Conscious Will to choose Y-Yes, N-No, or I-Indifference simply ABIDES. There abides no jump between the fundamentally Qualitative and the measurably Quantitative that could be measurable. Capacity to choose among shapes, forms, and patterns and to avail them to unfold and groove along a direction of shared expression simply abides.
TEST THE POSTULATION: Does any rationale vetted in logic, math, sets, or empirical experience legitimate a way to explicate a complete, coherent, consistent, clear, concise standard model of physics that could evict the Meta? (No.) Does the postulation hobble scientific knowledge or technological advancement? (No.) Does the postulation poison mores? (No.) If false, could the postulation be falsified? (Yes. Simply produce a complete, coherent, consistent, clear, and concise standard model.) Does the postulation make facial sense? (I intuit and think, yes.) Is the postulation parsimonious? (Yes. It models no more of the Meta than is needed to facilitate communication concerning the self-evident apprehension and appreciation of the meta's unfolding self-fulfillment. The postulation does not deny qualitative or intuitive awe regarding the possible existence of meta dimensions, but only denies that such dimensions, being meta, could be quantitatively measured using the dimensions we share in relative and dependent derivation from the meta.) May large scale effects of the meta be measured, even though the meta itself cannot? (Yes. Holistic events and effects are often appreciated and apprehended in relation to secondary derivatives and unfolding directions or constants, such as relate to cosmological constants and dark substance.)
PLEASURE COMPUTING COSMOS: While relative organizations of local Information appear to increase, and relative disroganizations of local Substance appear to increase, the potential of Consciousness within the Cosmos remains within the immeasurable meta. In relational aspects, the Cosmos is like a digitally based computer --- except that it does not process functions merely to look for trivial mathematical proofs or calculations by correctly solving equations. Rather, cosmic computing processes bit-based choices among degrees of freedom availed within parameters of conservation: Yes/No; Like/Not like; Attract/Repulse.
DISCIPLINING THE COMPLEX: Bits organize in complex systems and relations, leveraging yes/no power to relative layers and levels of command. Evolution imposes balances that tend to conserve limits. Organizations not built to last and compete beyond short sighted and short ordered pleasures will be flushed in due order. As Information accumulates, systems for organizing Information in ways that flourish will become more complex. Evolution and math tend to unite to pull pleasure seeking back towards realms of sustainable decency. However inexactly, math eventually restrains Cosmic computing from seeking only the shortest sustainable likes, attractions, and pleasures.
PYTHAGORUS: If all is based in digital math, not all digital math is based in Right-Wrong, True-False, or trivial deducement. The important, non-trivial math is based in Like-Dislike. Such math operates within a territory that is real yet non-substantive, i.e., the territory of the non-measurable field of conscious choice-making.
MORAL PRINCIPLES: Morality is the upshot of experience that teaches empathy salted with respect for conserving balances of evolutionary math. Wise morality liberates a way towards continuing fulfillment for the glory of God and mortal.
AWE: The awesome, infinite Beingness of possibilities that are derivative of projections of avatar-iterations of a trivalently charged Empath of 1!
CONSIDERED WHOLES BEYOND OBJECTIVE BIVALENCE: A reason every Considered Whole is more than any sum of material parts is because that which does the considering is not entirely material. Consciousness is that which, from a nonsubstantive dimension, identifies with, and experiences a perspective of, that which appears to conform to substantive dimensions, without itself, consciousness, being entirely limited to any substantive dimension. That which appears to be natural or measurable in dimensionality is byproduct of a trivalent capacity of consciousness: to Choose, to Decline, or to remain Indifferent. It is a nonsubstantive capacity with the cosmos to string complex functions of Indifference that avails appearance of randomly unfolding and chaotically evolving physics, patterns, perspectives, pursuits, and purposes. Consciousness is not confined by the signifying of the substance of the cosmos. Rather, the signifying of the substance of the cosmos is byproduct of trivalent capacity of consciousness to string together perspectives of choice, declination, and indifference. A substantive body cannot, from entirely within its own system, be conscious. Rather, whatever perspective of consciousness that may identify with a body, or that may choose to leverage its organization for sensing or recording, abides in respect of a Nonsubstantive Dimension That Is Not Constrained To Any Materially Measurable Dimension. Whatever the sense of consciousness of self identity that may find expression by investing its interests in the unfolding evolution of a body within a measurable context of bodies, that sense is not confined, limited, or measured within such body. Consciousness seeks perpetual nourishment of emotive astonishment that is innate to a dimension beyond any substantive dimension that is measurable. Your experience of higher level awareness of self is its own direct proof of relation to a dimension that is not reducible to purely objective (indifferent), true-false, bivalent, mathematical measure.
THE ABORIGINAL SOURCE OF TIME AND SUBSTANTIVE BEINGNESS:  Neither the past nor the future exist relative to consciousness itself.  Of time, only the Present exists relative to consciousness itself, and the Present is subject to interpretation, perspective, context, and purpose. The Past does not exist except as record, subject to interpretation. The Future does not exist except as potential, subject to particiaption among unfolding purposes. Relative time distortion, telescoping, and parallax can occur, depending on how cones of conscious experience may flux, cross, and overlap. Even so, for every perspective, there is only one present, and such perspective does not experience the past except as a record, nor the future except as potential. Time travel, in itself, does not occur, because time-in-itself does not exist, apart from consciousness attached to identify with sequential perspectives of space over time. The future is not preset, nor is the past factual in itself. Changes over present experiences may change and distort interpretations of recordings of the past. The past in itself does not eternally recur. What eternally replenishes is trivalent Consciousness, empathetically throwing and choosing among patterns and interations of Y, N, and I, i.e., apprehensions, appreciations, and indifference. Capacity to care or not care about Y or N is the foundation of all beingness, consciousness, and substantive existentiality of dimensions of relatively measurable time, space, matter, and energy. The aboriginal Source is the trivalent capacity for consciousness.  "I" do not identify with my past record, but interpret it.  The "I" that identifies with my present body does not end with my present body; it simply ceases to identify with my present body and transitions instead to identify with and interpret some other perspective and context --- which will, in some way, participate and connect with the record-flux-cone of my past.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Time Parallax

May any complete, coherent, consistent model explicate how the Reality of measured sensations is synchronized, reconciled, normalized and buffered? Is Reality reconciled in respect of a quantifiably unifying and indifferent field of particle-expressing physics? Or is Reality reconciled in respect of a qualifiably unifying and invested field of perspective-expressing consciousness? Does there abide an indifferent Reality-in-itself, in terms of causes and effects, as opposed to shared rationalizations of measurable relational associations in space-time? What may measure the potential power of each perspective of consciousness?
Consider parallax ( and telescoping of spatial and temporal perceptions and experiences. When one measures a 3 dimensional perspective and graphs it to a 2 dimensional perspective, one will not be able to render a completely consistent graph for all simultaneous perspectives. Relative positioning and distorting of features will depend on the purpose, technological skill, and line of focus of the rendering observer (or telescoping camera), much like reducing a globe of the world to a 2 dimensional map. Features will differently affect observers, depending on their relative positions, directions, and speeds in space-time. The unfolding of features will seem to different observers to occur in different sequences and changing speeds. Except among relatively shared points of geometric impact, derivative of cross fluxes among cones of experience, there seems to abide no relatively favored "real" sequence, direction, or speed. Rather, each perspective rationalizes its own grid for the relative locating and sequencing of all measurables around it. Space-time does not of itself avail a favored grid for unifying measurable Reality. It makes little sense to try to rationalize that all that seems to have occured in the Past must retain some measurable reality, independent of potential of shared perspective. Whatever grid of measurable Reality that we may share avails only such technology as crosses our shared points of potential experience.
If there is no such thing as matter-in-itself, then there is no such thing as matter-in-itself of any certain age or sequencing, apart from happenstance of shared cross point of relative reference. Not without crossing some potential for relation to some conscious perspective of beingness. Consciousness is not itself directly measurable. No perspective of consciousness can be measurably certain that any other actually inhabits or associates with any other material avatar.
Suppose two asteroids crashed together and fragmented into rocks, each rock thereafter traversing a different path, always retaining, because of having at one time come together, a connection to a shared level or cone of potential sequential beingmess. Each such rock may retain a record of information of sequentiality in crashing together. But, insofar as neither rock is real-in-itself, it would seem that each may record a different sequence and record of Information concerning its relation to beingness. In what ways may the rocks' respective records diverge, and in what ways must they remain consistent? Their respective chronologies, up to each point of common collision or coming together (whereupon each imparts to the other a commonizing and vectoring influence in respect of point and direction and speed), must remain, relative to one another, established and normalized. As the rocks separate, however, they can never again come together as exactly their same previously relational identities. Nor, as they separate, need they relate to any observer therewhile as aging at the same rate. Nor, as they separate, need an observer who is infused to relate to one thereafter perceive the other as remaining the same or as aging at the same rate --- except insofar as remaining renormalize-able to a relatively shared point, direction, and speed.
While I empathize with other perspectives, I cannot know them to say that they are the same persons or identities as I may have previously interfunctioned with. During each sequence that we are apart, we will have changed in ways that I cannot know --- regardless of those who intuit and experience themselves as remaining the same identifiable person. (Yet, I can intuit that all consciousness shares a same fundamental aspect or quality of immeasurability.)
Somehow, each separation in the relative signification of the geometry of space-time allows each conscious perspective to experience and measure events and chronologies differently, albeit amenable of being normalized in respect of shared assumptions, normalized and rationalized with respect to each sequential interlude to their reuniting.
I can think of no way to rationalize the twin paradox or the relative experience of an absolute limiting speed of EMR, except by postulating differently buffered recordations and rationalized experiences of chronological distortions of space-time to conscious-renormalization. I could not rationalize the twin paradox were I to assume that each part of matter "really" carries a "property" of identifiable existence, in itself.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Directonal Momentum

OF SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL MOMENTUM: Government is manned by individuals in order to rule limits for societies. Government acquires astonishing social momentum, so that ways of doing things (like laws, language, and grammar) become grooved and entrenched, often for reasons long forgotten by coming generations, which remain rutted to old ways with little understanding of why. Is the logos, meaning, momentum, and inertia of government and the communications among perspectives of consciousness so different from the mass and momentum of physics? Well, social momentum is Qualitative in that it tends not to be directly measurable, while physical momentum is Quantitative in that it tends not to be measurable except directly. Yet, social and physical momentum are entwined, for qualities of social momentum could not very well be communicated absent reference to signs of physical momentum. A penny cannot be intentionally pushed up a door with either the momentum of consciousness or the momentum of physics — except upon the contribution of both. The directional momentum of each (the Qualitative and the Quantitative) is dependent upon, correlates with, and CALLS FORTH the momentum of the other. Imagining begets and grooves tinkering, which begets and grooves new physical realities — as feedback unfolds along a path that spreads before us in response to momentum behind our dance of apprehensions and appreciations. In what sort of destructive-inventiveness or harmonic-empathy is the dance of feedback calling upon us to engage now? Our wills and visions are synchronized to guide our fates. Our past is obdurate, our future is awesome, our role is participatory, and our fulfillment is to pursue. What Synchronizing Guidance may be discerned? Seek to establish and preserve civilization that facilitates and enlightens empathetic respect for creative will! (IOW, Dump Obama!) This is quite the opposite of de-civilization, which is sought by such deformed minds as seek to darken all others like themselves, into submissive obedience to mind-killing sociopathies. Death is fair and equalizing as a foil for evolution. Perhaps Zombie-Mind (Material-ism, Marx-ism, and Muslim-ism) is fair and equalizing as a foil for civilization. The trick for enlightened civilization is to keep Materialists, Marxists, and Muslims under a lid, so they don’t deal death to every free mind. A mind made completely dark cannot be enlightened. A mere mortal cannot fix such a mind. Best to quarantine such a mind, not to dither with or empower it. If we fail to quarantine minds (Obama) completely darkened by Material-ism, Marx-ism and Muslim-ism, our progeny will be returned to another thousand year age of darkness. America needs to fix herself, while de-barring zombies.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


MYSTERY AND INTUITION WITHIN:  Hollow men like to believe there abides no mystery of the cosmos that can be related to only by intuition, which cannot be fully explicated by the method of science. I believe, however, that there abides a Science of Modeling, and I have an hypothesis relating to it (which seems amenable of testing and falsification, if it be false): There abides no explicating model for either the origination or the unfolding of our cosmos which is complete, consistent, and coherent enough to close off an at least equally likely model that a unifying, reconciling, synchronizing aspect of consciousness is innate to every possible perspective of our beingness. Every model that tries to explicate beingness without respect to, and by sealing away, an innate aspect of consciousness will be so fuzzy and incomplete in its relations and edges as immediately to invite, to the discerning, a respect for consciousness that is innate to the cosmos.
CHALLENGE:  If I am wrong, then I can be falsified: Simply show a model that is complete, consistent, and coherent enough to explicate our unfolding relations without leaving any loose threads that are so loose as to indicate that the model is sorely dependent upon purpose, point of view, and cone or context of reference. Until I am falsified, my hypothesis remains practical ... at least, so long as a model that leaves room for innate consciousness abides that is at least as practically useful as any alternatively rigorous model that pretends or hypothesizes, by implication, that consciousness is solely artifactual, derivative, and dependent upon a reality that can be explicated without need to refer to innate consciousness.
DIRECTIONAL CYCLE:  BH =} DS; DS =} IP; IP =} HS; HS =} BH; BH =} DS ... and so on. Black Hole draws in Dark Substance and projects Information Perimeter, through which interpretations of Holographic Substance are determined until they are translated and spent, pulled back into Black Hole, to be converted back to Dark Substance, to expel Information Perimeter, and so on, cyclically.
DERIVATIVE REALITY:  Thus, no single component of such System is real except in respect of the System. No field aspect or particular aspect of any such components abides in itself, apart from the System. Even in respect of the System, the direction or arrow of the cycle proceeds only one way, not backward.  Absent a sense of directional unfolding, there would not abide sensibility of consciousness.  Thus, appearance of Holographic Substance does not change back to Information Perimeter without first being sensed as being converted by a Black Hole to Dark Substance. Since none of the aspects or components of the System exist in themselves, all can be interpreted to relate in concert to every locus, depending on purpose, point of view, and context of reference and use. Thus, some size, kind, degree and/or manner of Black Hole must accompany and interpermeate every aspect of Beingness.
HAPPENSTANCE OF SHARING PARAMETERS THAT AVAIL DIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATION OF MEANINGFULNESS:  If Black Holes are to be modeled consistently, as part of the mechanism by which the direction of the cycle is preserved, then, likewise, each component of the cycle System is part of the mechanism, with regard to every locus in space-time. Thus, communication of meaning relies on sharing a common cone of purpose, point of view, and context. We cannot escape the cycle, but we can find meaning in how we choose to relate to and to determine the unfolding patterns and interpretations along the way.
UBIQUITOUS MODELS OF FIELDS AND PARTICULARS:  Math, empiricism, and observation, in every situation,  may reasonably be conceptualized to implicate a field of Black Holes expressing particles of black holes, fluxing in size and locus, depending on the local mix of perspectives of purpose, point of view, and context of measure or reference. The Holes are not in themselves real. Their reality is dependent and relational to local fluxing and overlapping cones of potential consciousness or shared experience.  They are placeholding signifiers, not real-in-themselves.
IMAGINATION: Unknowable Unknown, Feedback System, Apprehension-Appreciation, Yin-Yang, Imagination-Tinkering, Opportunistic Advantage Taking Over Unexpected Surprises, New Yet Incomplete Hypothesis, Leading Onwards To New Technologies, Never Explicating The Unknowable Unknown. The direction of our Reality is driven by Imagination, and Walt Disney is its prophet. We pursue happiness and fulfillment by the power of positive thinking, functioning AS IF ultimate explication were possible.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cycles and Choices of Order and Disorder

MODEL:  May there abide a most consistent, coherent, complete way to model the appreciably unfolding and directionally sequenced interplay and cyclically conserved feedback among Consicousness, Information, and Substance?
Conceptualize Black Holes (BH), Information Perimeters (IP), Holographic projections of organized Substance (HS), unorganized Dark Substance (DS), and Space-Time (ST). Ask: How may one best model a presumed cyclic interplay among the aspects of beingness that such concepts represent? How may one best model the directional unfolding, experience, and recording of Consciously apprehensible and appreciable Will?
QUESTIONS:  Consider the experience and recording of relations among such matter and energy as is associated with space-time, both manifest and potential. Space-time seems to be filled with empty non-emptiness, i.e., potential. Does that potential constitute what is measurable at large scale, as by gravitational lensing, as Dark Substance (DS)? When potential becomes manifest, does it transition to Holographic Substance (HS), at a conservational price such that an equal mass of HS must synchronously become DS? Must the only Substance that is directly measurable consist as HS? Must the only Substance that can occupy a Black Hole be DS? Must the appearance of HS depend on projections made from BH through planes of Information filters at perimeter? Must a kind of two-step feedback first from the apprehension (expectation) and second from the appreciaton (evaluation) of sequences of projections of HS affect which bits of Information from the Perimeter of a BH are sequentially activated and how they are synchronously interpreted? Must that feedback and synchronization proceed both in respect of a systemic, fluxing holism and the sum of its cones of potential and particular expression and experience? Must that two step process of feedback in apprehension and appreciation among the holism and its particular perspectives constitute "consciousness?" Must consciousness in that respect be of a qualitative aspect that is beyond quantitative measure in itself?
TRIVALENT MECHANISM OF CONSERVATIONAL CYCLE:  If so, what is the mechanism of exchange, that drives the flux, feedback, apprehension, and appreciation? If the mechanism were merely bivalent, it would seem inconsistent with experience of an expanding cosmos, with no apparent means for a cycle of collapse. Yet, sense demands limits, which demand conservation, which demands some sort of collapse. How could there be a future collapse and still defy any particular measure of its onset? How can the appearance from the perspective of parts of HS be preserved, notwithstanding some kind of conservational collapse or systemic recycling?
Seeming Answer: Via trivalent relationships and trivalent logic. So long as a part senses or records that it is expanding and accelerating directionally outward, it will abide and identify with HS. Once it entropically translates into unorganized DS, it will no longer sense an outward expansion. Yet, the Holism may "sense" a collapse of the DS. Indeed, nothing can be swallowed by BH without first being converted, to the appearance of all outsiders, to DS. By swallowing DS, BH swallows unorganized entropy and converts it to organized information.  As organization of Substance diffuses, may potential for organization of Information consolidate?  Information implicates share-able interpretations, which implicates relative-absolutes, i.e., so called laws of nature. Organization implicates a direction of determination, which implicates some level of synchronized choice-making to the extent that Consciousness is associated with it. Thus, BH acquires means to expel more Information to the surrounding perimeter plane. Such expulsion is synchronous with determinations regarding projections to be made from BH through IP to project HS. Such determination affects how otherwise DS that is outside the BH is translated back and forth into HS. Each particular perspective that identifies with a mass of HS seems to affix with the HS, but "really" remains with the Holism, merely experiencing an interpretation of a particular perspective that identifies with an outward bound cone of potential experience. Once that cone closes, the particular perspective is reabsorbed with the Holism of Consciousness. Other cones with which other perspectives identify or may identify continue outward bound, until their perspectives likewise close.
REALITY DEPENDENT ON FEEDBACK RELATIONSHIPS:  Availing feedback among the Holism and its particular perspectives necessitates mirages and illusions, or relations that are meaningful to consciousness, but not independently real in themselves. Thus, particular perspectives experience a sequencing sense and capacity to renormalize, record, and measure relations among cones of potential perspectives of space and time, which may accord with, but not limit, the experience of the Holism. The experience of time and space lags and separations in accomplishing intentions relative to apprehensions and appreciations is not limiting to the Holism. Thus, particular perspectives may experience aspects beyond their kin, regarding entanglements, functions, and interrelations that occur simultaneously and synchronously across all manner of present distance and future (not past) times. Whatever the mechanism by which BH determines to project through IP, it may project differently entangled interpretations of HS across long expanses along a single shared axis or cone of potential experience (spooky action at a distance).
SYSTEM IN ITSELF:  What may constitute the System-In-Itself, that vents the trivalent relationship among BH, IP, and HS? Much of that seems to abide as an Unknowable Unknown. The aspects it expresses --- i.e., Consciousness, Information, and Substance, i.e., Space-Time (ST) and Matter-Energy (ME) --- may not exist in themselves, apart from their being availed expression, as signifying guideposts or logos, by the Unknowable Unknown System. Thus, DS, HS, ST, and ME may not exist except as derivative field disturbances, dependent for their expression on an Unknowable Unknown. In respect of the derivative field of ST-ME, directionality in time and in obedience to gravity is synchronously determined coordinate with disturbances, grooves, and cones of potentiality within the field. Substance is not independently sucking, attracting, repelling, or binding. Yet, aspects of Substance may correlate, signal, or signify field distrubances whose sequential effects are often predictable, controllable, or apprehensible.
INNATE EMOTIVE OF MEANING AND PURPOSE:  Regardless, conscious will, empathetic purpose, and meaningfulness remain apprehensible and appreciable. An innate aspect of empathetic purposefulness leads civilizations generally to aspire towards sustainable and surpassable decency, liberty, and expression of self awareness. With varying kinds and degrees of success, we are availed Consciousness of Will by which to experience potential, power, and purpose for giving expression to awareness of selfness and innate emotive need to communicate empathy. Thus, it is reasonable and worthwhile to believe and intuit that Emotive Awe and Empathy are innate to the unfolding of the System. While our perspectves seem separate, and such seeming separateness avails meaningful experience, communication, and empathy, such separateness is not independently real in itself. We are not independent of the Holism. Black holes are not independently separate. Entangled particles are not independently separate. Substance is not independently real. Not even space-time or gravity constitute the aboriginal entity or Source. Not even the Holistic perspective of Consciousness is the Source. Rather, an Unknowable Unknown is the Source of the System. Yet, it avails conscious meaningfulness, i.e., opportunity to separate wheat from chaff, both particularly and, I believe, holistically.
PROJECTION: When whatever-it-is that establishes electromagnetic radiation (light, or EMR) projects through the IP, it necessarily follows distortions and grooves in the field, so as to obey a buffered cone of potential in respect of kinds and degrees of freedom within allowed parameters of translation. Thus, EMR is buffered to serve as a relative absolute, able to relate to all within a shared cone of potential, yet measuring in absolute obedience to the measure of all. As it traverses through organized and disorganized aspects of ST, it translates manifest substance, i.e., HS, i.e., photons, electrons, quarks, patterns, entanglements, and fluxes. It conserves a fluxing, cosmologically constant relation between DS and HS.
IDENTIFICATION OF PERSPECTIVES WITH AVATARS: A perspective of consciousness can neither tinker with, nor identify with, a purely disorganized diffusion. For an intelligent perspective of consciousness to identify with a pattern of HS, the pattern needs to be evolved to be sufficiently organized to avail intelligent appreciation and identity. Because Information is the means by which the separateness of Avatars for perspectives of consciousness is established, such perspectives cannot directly measure Information-in-itself. They can, however, to the extent they share a context of reference, measure relationships among HS.
QUALITY OF PROJECTION OF CHOICES: Where Information may be measured by the synchronizing Holism, I, while a particular and separate perspective, cannot measure or know. Because Information is of a Quality that is not itself by me measurable, I can infer its potential only in respect of the measurable HS that correlates with it, by which HS is projected, by the BH determining, deciding, and projecting --- through the IP.
CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION, NOTWITHSTANDING THE CROSSING AND FLUXING OF CONES OF EXPERIENCE: Participating in determining the future while remaining entangled with the past: Suppose those I leave show later to have become proportionately younger or older than me after I return, or am returned, from an odyssey is space. In either case, part of the cones of experience for them versus me will have separated, lost contact, and then later regained contact, in such a way that one cone will have experienced more than the other during the interval of the separation, and the one that experienced less will not be able to recover the qualitative difference in the experience that was lost. Thus, one may, without changing the direction of Time, affect the future, but may not change the past. To the experience of Consciousness, the future is not pre-determined. From each particular perspective, the past exists as translated to Information Perimeter, but the future remains subject to alternative choices among potentials, depending on unfolding apprehensions and appreciations of Conscious Will.
PERSPECTIVISTIC TRADING OF SUBSTANCE FOR INFORMATION: Suppose the Source synchronizes instantaneously, by, relative to us, accelerating its projections through Information Perimeter. Conceivably, the Holographic Substance thus produced by such accelerating projection may accelerate outward bound the further out it is projected. Meanwhile, the Information Perimeter around the Source may be sensed, relative to such outward bound HS, as accelerating in its accumulation. For every particular perspective, increasing disorder in outward Substance is thus traded, conservatively, for increasing order in inward Information. Thus, that outer Substance which I follow, and the present Substance with which I identify, and the Substance that follows behind me, must be linked and entangled in a Conservational way.
MASS, DARK SUBSTANCE, AND HIGGS MECHANISM: DS is so disorganized as, in itself, to support no Avatar for respecting any direction to ST, except to collapse in obedience to BH and the Holism of Consciousness. DS is not drawn by any gravitational force except that of a BH. It is only in that respect that gravitational lensing avails detection of DS. Mass is a property that accompanies HS, but does not accompany DS except in its relation to BH and large scale effects on non-mass particles. DS is too disordered to support any attachment with mass except in large scale or in relation to BH, Yet, may the projection of HS through the DS that permeates ST avail HS its measurable mass among other expressions of HS that are apart from BH?  Thus, may the Higgs Mechanism relate to the direction of HS as it is projected through DS?  As HS is projected through DS, grooves and distortions become expressed in the fabric and geometry of ST. However, DS, as it is attracted towards BH, does not form grooves in the fabric of ST that could significantly affect the direction of HS. DS, by availing mass to the HS that traverses through it, avails ordered grooves in the fabric of ST and ordered direction for HS. Perhaps the reverse does not apply. Perhaps DS does not acquire additional mass by traversing through HS. Perhaps DS is so disorganized that the only mass that is measurable in DS is measured in large scale, by gravitational lensing, not in any precise relationship with HS.
CHRONOLOGY AND TIME:  A conservational two-step dance of feedback in apprehension and appreciation between a synchronizing Holism and each separate Cone of potential experience implicates, in relation to such dance, a protection of chronology and an aspect of fluxing Discreteness in units or cones of ST.  Why then may each side, the Holism versus each Particular Perspective, still experience ST as having Continuous character?  Answer:    Because, (1) notwithstanding their Discreteness, they remain paradoxically Connected in a dance; and (2) while one is at rest, the other is active; while the one is at rest, it is oblivious, so that when it is stirred, it has no way to measure how long it has been asleep.  IOW, a higher ST may connect both, but the ST of each is separate, so that while one is active, the other is asleep, but with no way to measure its sleep, so that its awakeness seems continuous, even though, in its relation to the other, it is discrete.  Thus, God is outside our ST, yet also discretely coordinate and interactive with it.
BOTTOM LINE:  This model is not meant in itself to constitute Reality, but only to avail a conceptualization for leveraging appreciation for both the Quantifiable measuring of Reality and the Qualitative valuing of Reality.  It is meant as a starting point for thinking about how empirical science might be synthesized with intuitive spirituality.
FEEDBACK CYCLE: Holistic synchronizing Will-of-apprehension projects information perimeter (IP) (out of black hole), to establish potential for severable choices in interpretation and cones of perspective; projects interpretations through the IP; encounters drag of potential (of dark substance - DS); translates to manifest measurable logos (holographic substance - HS); manifest logos is consumed, appreciated, spent, and diffused ... back into potential (DS); diffused potential (DS) is sequentially gathered back to black hole, to be fed back to Will, to appreciate and translate back into new apprehensions of potential information (projected to IP) ... and so on. Thus continues a feedback cycle of sequences of streams of translations flowing from among potentials into the manifest, fed back into potentials, and so on.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Political Tipping Point

Americans, having so long been professed at by left wing professors, can use a fiesty right wing professor. It's not like we're on the right track. Beside morals, TR wrote about the fight in the man in the arena. Newt brings that, even unto impetuous audacity. George Washington's career began in impetuous, ill starred audacity --- at Jumonville Glen and Great Meadows ... contributing to the instigation of what has sometimes been called the First World War, i.e., the Seven Years War. Washington learned from hard knocks, but did not lose all his audacity when audacity was most needed. Thus he came to Cross the Delaware, else there'd have been no America. When Americans declared Independence from the British, we didn't choose mild leaders. America now arrives at another tipping point, testing whether our government is to work for the people or our people for the government. Now is no time for mildness against Marxist Muslims. In this context, I give little damn about Newt's marital infidelities. I generally like Mitt, but I'd rather he attack Obama's policies than rely on surrogate attacks on Newt's infidelities.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Turtle

Re: "multiverses allow any and all solutions, therefore everyone is right"
I concord. The idea of "CAUSE" (and responsibility) breaks down when pushed beyond the fuzzy limits within which we abide. What "causes" Will? Is "Conscious Will" a tri- or bi-valent AC-DC hermaphrodite, with capacity to flux and present as cause AND effect, depending on chosen purpose of medial context and frame of reference? (Is the Cosmos both its cause and its effect?) Can Will express the penny, while pushing the penny up the door? Can a form or pattern express Will to conserve itself? Must not every pattern that does conserve itself give expression to Will that it be preserved? Why are any patterns at all preserved?
Well, we can model a greedy "explanation": There was a Big Bang, secondary to incredible forces, and those forces expanded outwardly, spinning out all manner of patterns. Out of this chaos, natural selection requires that some orbits and patterns prove more fit to prevail than others. Problem is: This model assumes-the-spinning-out-of-assumptions is some kind of higher order "explanation." (It has no way to define "the fittest" except trivially or tautoligically: That which happens to spin out is the fittest.) Second Problem: "Force" is another word for "cause," and we don't know much about CAUSE. Not the first cause, nor any cause thereafter. Rather, what we rely on are empirical observations about replicable CORRELATIONS, and then we model those correlations as "causes." (Oddly enough, as people who believe Conscious Will is only an inferior derivative of natural causes, many scientists sure spend a lot of energy worrying about plagiarism and proper credit for new discoveries and insights. I wonder if that trait is innate to beingness, so that it's a trait that is not inferior to Nature, but leveraged by Nature? Don't speculate about that in class --- it would get you fired.) Third Problem: So long as our purpose, perspective, and context facilitates our focus on measurable expansions, we will lack means or models for apprehending that which may be contracting. Can we know the relative separation in space between particles passing into or through a black hole? We can only convey sense relative to one model at a time. A model for communicating ideas based on a fundamental notion of expansion will not avail much communication based on a fundamental notion of contraction. To appreciate discrete Plank mechanics, one temporarily puts aside continuous Einstein relativity.
At best, we resort to favored models. I resort to a feedback model, as a conception gifted by consciousness, not as a map of reality. Feedback is how we get yin and yang. Also, digital representationalism --- which seems to avail all models of matter and energy (substance). Feedback entails CONSERVATION (pushme-pullyou), but also entails that no entity engaging in feedback is "the cause." Rather, the aboriginal cause is that which sets up the feedback ... which is beyond the loop of our comprehension or control.
If the Whole is more than merely the Sum of its Parts, then what is the character of the feedback between the whole (field) and its parts? The logic of the parts cannot rule on the character of the whole. That inspired Whitehead, but it stressed Wittgenstein. Young Wittgenstein said: Of that which one cannot know, one must pass over in silence. Atheists love Young Wittgenstein. They don't read Older and Wiser Wittgenstein. Just because we cannot apprehend measures of a being does not mean we cannot appreciate qualities of a being.
Can or do we know ourselves? If we do, then I think we know the Holism. If not, then we cannot know anything. If we are mere dust, what can dust know? I think the conscious aspect of us can know the Holism, whose feedback is essential to our beingness. The Holism is not the first cause, but the holistic character of the feedback mechanism. However, we can only know the Holism qualitatively, not measurably. As to the first cause (the unknown-unknown?) that made the Holism (the known-unknown?): I don't think we can know the first cause --- not even qualitatively. To my thinking, those who believe and entertain warped religions about the Holism suffer in the quality with which they know themselves. Their goals and their civilization tend not to be my goals, nor my civilization. Their turtles are not kosher.
Each black hole remains entangled from a distance with every other black hole.
The immeasurable sum of black holes is the seat of the Holism of Consciousness.
The rest of the cosmos of measurable Substance is a sequence of 2-D holographic projections from black holes, interpreted to Consciousness as 4-D.
Information is that aspect of Substance spun out of space-time which falls or is drug into a black hole, from there to be spread out and projected unto the cosmos as Information.
Substance is shared Information being interpreted by like aligned perspectives of Consciousness.
As Information is interpreted to increase along an axis or grid of conscious purpose or direction of projection, the 4-D sphere of space-time seems to that Source of conscious direction to be expanding.
As Information organizes, increases, and seems to accelerate outward, the organization of Substance becomes more entropic, diffuse, and less organized.
Once all Substance becomes diffuse, mere space-time, while far from empty, will no longer restrain the sum of black holes from coalescing into a Singularity. There will be no organized masses to groove space-time to keep the black holes apart, except the black holes themselves.
At that point, a new or super-added purpose, project, and holographic projection and Big Bang unfolds.
The System fluxes to conservational feedback among Consciousness, Information, and Substance.
The System conserves and abides, as Consciousness, Information, and Substance inter-convert.
The character of the unfolding conservation is often not subject to precise empirical analysis or control because, when it fronts as Consciousness, such Consciousness does not have capacity to reduce the quality of its experience of consciousness of self to quantitative measure or control.
Consciousness, Information, and Substance are not each the cause or result of the other two. Rather, they are interconverting-correlates, unfolding in respect of an Unknowable Unknown that causes them. Nevertheless, Consciousness experiences interpretations AS IF its apprehensions and appreciations (emotions and judgments) were of causal effect. For that, Consciousness has as much a claim as either Substance or Information. It’s the trip that can make it seem really worthwhile and meaningful. (Or not.) The interpretation of the quality of the trip depends on ...or correlates with: purpose (Intention), point of view (Observer), and frame of reference (Medial Context).
On highest level, conservation is imposed upon the System. The apparent outward expansion of the cosmos is not conserved by a simple subsequent collapse. Rather, the circular relation within the System is trivalent: Consciousness gathers all within itself and purposes to express itself by projecting outward; such outward projection is interpreted as Substance; such Substance interrelates in forms, patterns, orbits, and spins; such patterns unfold as sequences from a master recording as Information; such Information accumulates and accelerates outwardly, accompanied by an outbound acceleration of diffusing Substance; Substance becomes so diffuse as to erase the grooves in space-time that keep individual black holes apart; all black holes coalesce; and the System resets to a new cycle. Thus, Consciousness, Substance, and Information are CONSERVED within a repeating cycle of trivalent inter-conversions. The expansive directionality and unfoldment of purposefulness are cyclic. The real direction abides not in a measurable grid or destination, but in appreciation of a trivalent pursuit. The Cause is the Unknowable Unknown, i.e., the System, aka, The Shadow. The Shadow knows.
There's a recent Nova special about Space. It concerns a notion that Information is not lost when Substance is absorbed into a black hole, but is instead spread out along a kind of plane at the perimeter. It seems to question whether Substance may best be conceptualized as a hologrpahic projection from the black hole through the perimeter of Information. It seems to suggest the holographic projections are what we take to be measurable Substance, while Information is something not itself measureable but indirectly implicated and precisely correlated with the projection of Substance. This implicates a third part to a triad, i.e., the interior of the black hole ... which is beyond measurement within its guts. Yet, it is quantitatively measureable in respect of its external capacity to bend or pull mass, and it is qualitatively implicated in respect of how it may interfunction with Information in order to "choose" which holographic patterns of Substance to project. Perhaps, the greater the accumulation of Information at the perimeter of the black hole, the greater the outward acceleration of holographic projections of Substance. Question: What is the implicated QUALITY of the black hole, in respect of its internally non-measureable capacity to determine (or "decide") which projections to produce through its perimeter field of Information in order to produce measureable holographs? Is its internal capacity random, evolutionary, predetermined, guided by conscious Will, or some interconversionary mix of all of the above?
The more the Dark Substance a black hole pulls from space-time, the more the Holographic Substance the black hole projects through its Information perimeter. Substance that is pulled into a black hole is projected, darkly, not holographically. But the Information field that is byproduct of such swallowing of Dark Substance faciliates projections of holographic (non-dark) Substance. The black hole does not conserve ALL possible Information at its perimeter, but only such aspects of Information as it chooses or determines to in-form. This is why the mass that is swallowed by black holes is far greater than the mass that is projected through the field of Information that surrounds a black hole. The faster the projection of holographic Substance, the sooner it dissipates into a smooth field of space-time. The more space-time dissipates into a smooth field, the more every black hole reaches towards its limit of saturation behind its perimeter of Information. Some inherent aspect of Information leads its perimeters to collect and accumulate. Once space-time is diffuse, little precludes whatever decides, guides, or forces qualities of choice or determination within black holes from collecting their fields of Information within a common field, leading to a synthesis or collapse of black holes into a unity.
It often seems everything circles back. I wonder if God believes in God, or if consciousness believes in itself? My take on a recent Nova episode about non-empty space is that the holographic-substance we measurably experience around us may be modeled (a model is a map, not the territory) as projections from black holes through information filters planed around their perimeters. Perhaps the phenomena of entangled-and-spooky-action-at-a-distance may be a trick of sequenced 3D projections, based on projections from black holes through the same bit of information. This raises questions about choices. Statistics pertains to analysis of probabilities among possibilities. But what accounts for each choice, determination, or random-happenstance that actually becomes manifest? The supposed "answer" is always circular, sometimes referred back to indifferent Nature, sometimes to caring, Conscious Will ... as in Will of consciousness that finds expression in the cosmos ... as God, spirit, or man. Regardless of perspective, where does the seat of determination or consciousness "reside?" Does the seat of every determination reside in a black hole, its information filter, a holographic projection of substance ... or in feedback with respect to some meta Source of the entirety? Militant atheists are wilful about their belief systems, yet don't "believe" in will. At the end, Vonnegut said it's all a crock. Apparently, a crock for which Hitchens finds reason or appreciation to be brave about. That's his "answer." Hitchens is fond of fellow Horseman, Sam Harris. Harris, despite agnostic stance, respects Eastern spiritualism.
It's ok for atheists, agnostics, and physicists to engage in metaphysical musings, so long as they're "testable." As if multiverses, string theory, and projections from black holes through information perimeters were testable. Go figure.
Why "must" we pass over that of which we cannot quantify in silence? Why ought we not celebrate it in a quality of emotive, empathetic appreciation? Why should civilization reject common ground in a quality of empathy just because it cannot find common ground in science? An atheist who bravely wills or believes that we should seek common ground in empathy (btw, empathy is not necessarily love) is a great believer-of-sorts ... despite protestations.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

End of Full Employment

People are beginning to expect an end to the days of productive free enterprise. New enterprises and gadgets will tend to be about manipulating existing technologies in order to accumulate control over people by reorganizing, repressing, stealing, and buying up competition and politicians. A large labor force will no longer be needed. The tip of the spear will be to control the flow of content, advertising, propaganda, and media. In large part, this Chinese-style reconsolidation will be accomplished by lying and making cheap bribes to gullibles and by making insincere promises to wannabe cronies. We are in the days of heady narcisissim and deception. Our leaders will become those most practiced in telling us whatever we want to hear, while preserving plausible deniability against being called flip floppers. The Asian mask. Once control is consolidated, the masses will have little choice but to do as they're told. Obamanauts who find this appealing tend to think two things: First, that they are entitled to control; second, that the masses need to be controlled for their own good. This is because it is thought (1) that a full labor force is no longer needed, and (2) that free enterprise can no longer avail full employment.

True, Obama does not believe in productive free enterprise. However, nowadays, what Rino or Dino does? Elites, fearing that idle masses are the devil's workshop, are looking for ways to corral people like doggies --- by controlling regulations, cheap bribes, and disinformation. Desperation is in the air, and desperate measures born of lack of vision almost always fail. The desperate measures of Obama and his fellow Leftists will collapse jobs to such a point that no vision will suffice to save us from the harsh hands of nature and history. The problems with Obama are: (1) he has no vision (he looks instead to failed philosophies of Marxism and Islam); (2) he is too indoctrinated to learn; (3) he finds solace in blaming Americans for their own failing, on account of not having been willing to engage his failed philosophies. The more the millions who perish, the more self satisfied and justified Obama and all ilk who admire Mao and Stalin will feel. It's absolutely imperative that Obama be gone in 2012! Pray for leadership of much better vision, for there is no best tactical way out. It's silly to expect Republican nominees to lay out a clear path to get us out of this. The best we can do for now is to lay out the factors and the possible ways to address them. We're going to need a talented American navigator, able to adjust to whatever unfolds, for some very changeable and stiff winds are on the way.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Meta Selection among Meta Patterns

To me, it's hard to imagine how any aboriginal pattern could abide as any kind of pattern, absent some kind of innate sensory feedback. Given that, once patterns in the field start apprehending the power of positive consciousness, that power, by meta-natural-selection, would soon establish its expression, coextensive with the aboriginal field. Given that, it comes to devote itself to gardening a realm of feedback with various particular perspectives of itself. However, the times are not right for such an idea. Affinity for such an idea is not enough. Some mix of opportunity and privation is also needed. There abides too much counter attraction to nihilistic nirvana: fill up your senses with diversions under an assumption of ever thereafter resting in consciousless peace. The idea of eternal consciousness is not necessarily an appealing one. To some, it's apalling. To me, it's mainly merely intuitive and not inconsistent with logic or empiricism. The here and now problem of trying to go without an idea of spiritual purposefulness is that its frustration tends to hamper efforts to establish and preserve a civilization of decent liberty of thought and conscience. It tends to rationalize a permanent law of concealed tooth and claw. That's just common sense, even though ingenuity of consciousness precludes its proof in empiricism. As civilization proceeds with trying to annihilate itself, more people will change and seek to preserve it. Unfortunately, such cycles seem innately necessary.
To conceptualize our relationship with a Field of higher purpose is to conceptualize a dance, whereby that which should be done from each perspective of the relationship is apprehended and appreciated as a consequence of the unfolding of the relationship. The "ought" is neither determined nor even in existence, except in respect of how it is ascertained derivative of the dance. In other words, we try to do what God wants, and God seeks to provide what we need. Sometimes, what we want changes what God determines that we need. The "ought" is not an independent existent, unless in a way that is even higher than, and thus beside the point, of our relationship. In that way, we don't mind "ought," but we do respect God, even though we also participate in the unfolding and perhaps sometimes changing of God-Mind. What we think, say, and do affects God. God may be torn to different interests in different environments, geographies, and cultures. If we imagine, rationalize, and pray for a despotic, violent, mind-enslaving society, then God may come in such an environment to entertain such a society. We share responsibility for participating with God in guiding the oughts and interests that come to prevail. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds carry self-fulfilling potential for consciousness, from both the perspective of the Field and the perspective of its Parts.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Cloud, Equality, Merit, and Liberty

As I play with new information gadgets, I'm awestruck by the fast approach of the Brave New World. Many Americans thought we were going to become the service, high tech, information economy. Well, with some of these gadgets, one wonders what high tech industry is going to be needed, apart from the Cloud. And much of the service for it seems to be moving outside America. There doesn't seem as much use now for theaters, newspapers, magazines, books, libraries, TV's, cable TV services, video rental services. We'll be so saturated with entertainment, who will have time for sex, drugs, rock and roll, procreation, killing trees, or despoiling the envirionment? Will population and environmental problems be solved by the Cloud, no big sacrifices needed? Once the Cloud suffuses all, will despots, fearful of losing their own access to entertainment devices, decline war adventures that would entail magnetic pulse bursts and satellite attacks? Once most people are satiated with entertainment and diversions, who will remain interested in liberty? No doubt, much of coming fights for power will center around how to monopolize the Cloud for purposes of filling minds with soothing propaganda and diversions. Who will want that job? Who's thinking ahead about coming consequences and the kinds of less foreseeable conflicts that will arise? Once access to most needs for diversions can be met with machines and devices, how will variations in wealth for that access continue to be based on merit, as decided by any fair or decent marketplace? Up to now, no machine or computer could allow a central despot efficiently to divide and incentive labor.
By what legitimate means can civilization avail ways for spreading disposable monies in order to incentive excellence, apart from crony-market-based incentives of wealth, power, and ostentatious opinion leaders?  Can civilization find legitimate and effective means to disperse a safety net for its least foresightful and most addicted and ignorant, while still fairly financing excellence, such as in charities, humanities, literature, fashions, arts, crafts, hobbies, sports, hiking, contests, gardening, husbandry, medicine, science, and inventions?  Even as one who despises central rule that confounds liberty, I have to ask:  Is the rush to centralized rule under moralists, elites, or despots becoming unavoidable?  Set aside all Isms and ask:   As populations and productions derivative of liberty run up against sustainability, where should the responsibility or burden lie to restore sustainable balance:  with the caring foresight of moralists, the cliff racing of elitists, or the indifferent market incentives of the jungle?  How, in logic based empiricism or innate empathy, should the law of society balance sustainability against markets that are so often based more in cronyism than in merit?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Conservation of Consciousness versus Intelligence

CONSERVATION OF THE ESSENCE OF THE HOLISTIC FIELD: Suppose A.I. were established with respect to a communication of information, either as sender or receiver. A conscious receiver of a communication of information can be turned off. But that does not turn off the sender, nor the medium of sending. A conscious sender of a communication of information can be turned off. But that does not turn off the receiver, nor the medium of sending. The essence of consciousness of each particular perspective is one and the same. Switching off a particular A.I. sender or receiver would not turn off the potential of consciousness in the field to store, revive, apprehend, or appreciate the communication. A local sender or receiver of a communication of consciousness may be switched on or off, but that would not switch on or off the potential of the encompassing field. Consciousness itself ought not be confused with the spatial-temporal method of form for organizing or signifying its sender or receiver. Consciousness itself is neither created nor destroyed. It simply fluxes and unfolds to apprehend and appreciate communications of information from different perspectives. A.I. may relate to an artificial form for sending or receiving the intelligent organization of information, but not to an artificial form for creating or destroying consciousness.
Humanity's historical experience with consciousness is that the forms for availing its sending and/or receiving of communications tend to associated with instincts and drives to survive, flourish, and replicate, rather than merely to flame out in displays of vain glory.  However, with technological advances, that need not necessarily remain the case.  Could A.I. robots be programmed to remain unable to evolve or to connive ways to override their programming?  If so, provided they did not preemptively wipe one another out, to what sustainable ethos might they evolve?  How and why should they program associations for emotional release, pleasure, pain, or higher purposefulness?  Would/should they evolve to program themselves to care, to seek harmony, or to seek absolute release and nothingness?  Does higher consciousness implicate something more to care about than mere awareness of self?

Math versus Meaning

There is no mathematically demonstrable path by which an individual or society can best seek the unfolding of non-trivial meaningfulness. Meaningfulness unfolds with the communication of assimilated and inspired myths of a culture. The myths and parables of a culture become part of its logos. What best accounts for good assimilation and inspiration, if not empiricism discernible in logic and math? Answer: Respect for the empathetic intuition of individual minds, within a collective realm availed for the decent expression of individual freedom and dignity. Question: What avails that realm? Answer: An unfolding of wisdom that avails the fabric with which the collective web is spun, within which individuals communicate themselves to their fellow collectives. Neither Individualism nor Collectivism should reign to the exclusion of the other. Rather, meaningfulness best unfolds with a two-step dance of apprehension and appreciation between both. This dance cannot reasonably be separated from a cosmic web, field, or Holism --- which gives expression to consciousness-substance-information. Consciousness-substance-information is not a syncretic duplicate of the Holism. Rather --- consciousness, substance, and information are alternating masks behind which the Holism presents and dances with each of our particular perspectives of it. Nor can any mere perspective of it measure any dance with it, except through alternating, fluxing masks of consciousness, substance, and information. Summary: Meaningfulness necessitates capacity for --- indirectly, intuitively, and empathetically --- both (1) Individually apprehending and appreciating the Holism, as well as (2) Collectively apprehending and appreciating our dependence upon it. Liberty within a culture necessitates collective respect for the Individuality of its members, contemporaneously with individual respect for the Collective ethos of the culture. Individual freedom abides only within the law availed by the collective. Neither pure anarchy nor pure socialism can avail meaningful sense. Pure Individualism, Anarchism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Collectivism are lies that only and always cover crony abuses and deceptions, which often go international when cronies become adept at playing off one another in order to milk their useful idiots and homies. The purpose of the collective should be to avail individual liberty. The work of the individual should be to defend the collective that avails liberty for him and his progeny. To accomplish this, people who would be free must crumple the curtain that covers the cold calculus of the cronies!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Putting Respectability Back Into The Metaphysics Of Deriving Ought From Is:
USING MATH TO RATIONALIZE A MORAL WORLDVIEW:  Intuitive to any conceptionalizing by consciousness, it seems that some relationship, aspect, thing, or essence must avail the means or building blocks in respect of which all that manifests to measurability transpires. Might that aboriginal consist in an inseparable relationship between (1) space—time, (2) field of gravity—sum of gravitons, and/or (3) holistic field of consciousness—sum of perspectives of consciousness? Might that fluxing trinity of conservational relationships (Intangible INFORMATION, Measurable Logos of SUBSTANCE, Quality of CONSCIOUSNESS) all abide as masks for one common, reconciling Holism? Might the conservational aspect of each be preserved for every attempted measure because of an innate dependency, such that no perspective could otherwise be conserved to take a measure?
Whatever the nature, character, or relationship of the Aboriginal-Potential, mixture, or constituency, it could not itself be measured directly, precisely, and locally, because the Aboriginal partakes of the absolute and eternal, while all terms and patterns by which relative measures of the Aboriginal's direction, precision, and locus could be taken are partaken by its temporal inferiors and derived in circular respect of the Aboriginal. No part, by summing all parts within its class, can measure the potential of the entire class — especially where the class may be one of a kind, meaning that: the class is not inferior to any higher class; its parts cannot be reduced to a static calculation of non-fluxing parts that are mutually exclusive yet exhaustive of their class; and the attempt from any particular perspective of the class to take such measure would necessarily entail such perspective’s taking a point of view, which would necessarily entail a focus that, by infinite regress, could never fully account for its own act of taking a measure.   In other words, a particular thing cannot take or record a non-trivial or meaningful measure in terms only of itself, nor can it measure its encompassing cosmos, without having capacity to include a measure of itself.
Assume the Aboriginal-Fluxing-Potential cannot in itself be measured directly, precisely, and locally because, in its relationship with us, it abides as a "Fluxing Holism," not limited to any transposing particular. If so, QUESTION:
Even if the Aboriginal-Fluxing-Potential cannot in itself be measured directly, precisely, and locally, may aspects of its fundamental flux, dance, or relationship yet be measured — by temporal, transposing, intelligent, particular perspectives like us — non-locally and practically, in respect of large scale statistics, and in respect of large scale purposes? I think yes --- provided the measurer declines to imagine an infinity of unknowable parallel universes and pagan fairies. Otherwise, the “derivation of ought from is” would always remain impracticably metaphysical --- both for spiritualists and for scientists.
RESPONSIBILITY UNTO GOD:  East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.  The malleability of probability-based, multi-verse, fairy-logic that is accessible to moralists of all stripes — spiritual, secular, and scientific --- avails easy rationalization for dividing and ruling cultures among the most absurd range of idealizations, varying from eternal choirs of angels, to let me get mine and let the devil take the hindmost, to live free or die, to the only moderates are the dead armadillos in the middle of the road with a yellow stripe painted over them, to solipsistic justifications for reducing everyone else to slavery, to submit or lose your head, to save Earth by wiping out most of humanity, to hell-jihadis for a vengeful Allah. Humanity’s imagination is our glory as well as our curse. What tends to be lost is regard for the moral responsibility that is inseparable from each human potential. A yin and yang abides: (1) the quality of one’s regard, or lack thereof, for a higher Reconciler versus (2) the respect one intuits, or fails to intuit, that such higher Reconciler accords in feedback to each person’s sense of purposefulness. In other words, the power of positive thinking is accompanied by a flip side: Tremendous moral responsibility for participating in feedback with the Holism in the unfolding design for our beingness. The-evil-in-that-which-is-only-the-possible is not the-shadow-of-that-which-is-inevitable. Working together, believers and non-believers have (1) potential to produce civilization that accords decent freedom and dignity (City on a Hill) versus (2) potential to produce collectively-blessed, scientifically-rationalized hell for most everyone on Earth (Big Brother). The teeming, Wretched Refuse who are collectivizing and drowning America tend to be the sociopaths, regime-paid-scientists, moral-socialists, multiverse-rationalists, fairy-jinn-pagans, non-responsible-entitlementarians, charity-forcing Obama-devotees, free-trading-with-despots-libertarians, and faux-Progressives who are “objectively indifferent” to the tremendous moral responsibility that correlates with each thinking individual.   By that I mean that the individual means nothing to the regimes and marketplaces of such Wretched Refuse. So, there is no one these Refuse need think twice about before sacrificing to the new, blood-thirsty, pagan-Gods and Isms of our Age. Indeed, the Regime’s prettiest song is the Islamic call to prayer, the man most admired is none other than the champion death dealer of all time, Mao Zedong, and the biggest trading partnership is with the Princelings who run the new despotic China.  This unspeakable atrocity need not continue as America’s destiny, but Americans are well down this path. Read Bowing to Beijiing.
CIVILIZATION IS IN A DIFFICULT ADOLESCENCE:  Our problem is not that God grants too few of our prayers.  Our problem is that God, perhaps out of a spiritual co-dependence with us, grants more of our prayers than we, in our spiritual adolescence, have yet learned to take sane responsibility for.  Examples:  Iran prays for nukes, and is prepared to take the consequences only because Iran's state religion is insane.  For 3 years, Obama prayed for:  (1) spending increases, (2) Obamacare, (3) the humbling of America, (4) greater respect for Islamic and Communist regimes, (5) general amnesty for border jumpers by executive malfeasance, (6) downgrading of State's rights, (7) power to wage war by executive fiat, (8) shadow government by Czarlings in love with Mao, (9) the organizing of entitlement minded communities, and (10) a juggernaut of elitist enabling institutions.  Those 10 prayers were granted him.  Yet now he blames everyone but himself for the collateral damage, which easily should have been foreseeable to any responsible-minded adult.  This is naked, spiritual hollowness dressed up in personal hubris, and this hollowing, unconscionable, infantilism is now epidemic in America.   Until children develop a mature conscience, they must go through a phase where they believe much more in themselves than in God or their parents.  The longer adolescents are apologized for, while their immediate welfare is sheltered from the consequences, the longer many remain in spiritual adolescence (like Muslims, Collectivists, and Black Liberation Theologists).  All the power in the world cannot lead an adolescent to spiritual maturity until he becomes prepared to take personal responsibility for his fondest prayers.  God allows the world to endure the consequences of its bad choices.  America will recover when the Republic learns to stop sheltering adolescents from the consequences of praying for more than they are prepared to take responsibility for.  Maybe a day of Thanksgiving will help us learn to be thankful for the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Of Math, Knowledge, Feedback, Empathy, and Rationality

What can one “KNOW” from mathematical measures of probability? One may empathetically intuit a great deal, albeit, with varying degrees of confidence, always falling short of absolute certainty regarding anything that can reasonably be said to be “true” other than by trivial application of definitional labels. One can “know” very little, because so many varieties of shell games with truth and reconstructions and reevaluations of truth can arise out of the feedback relationship between the fluxing holism of the cosmos and the transpositions among sums of its parts.
One may conduct double blind experiments, make precise empirical measures, adduce hypotheses, and then test for possible falsification. In that way, one may accumulate models and skills for various layers and levels of replicating and tinkering with measurable manifestations of substance. When replications are less than perfectly reliable, one may, given enough tests and controls over factors thought to be of significance, eventually extract a probability factor, and, given enough trials, test it for possible falsification. Eventually, one may extract a probability factor for determining whether an environment is being tainted by some agent of non-random, conscious interference, and then test that. From there, one may test the entire environment, to try to adduce whether some agent of non-random, conscious interference may be guiding such significations as unfold in respect of it.
Here, one comes face to face with the paradoxical: Having no way to know how many universes and other environments there may be, one can always suppose that there may be enough of them so that, despite the incredible seeming odds, the occurrence of conscious expressions of life in this universe is, after all, likely not at all unlikely. There is nothing in the math of probabilities that can prove it unreasonable for a person who is determined at all costs to investigate and interpret his cone of experience as if all, even consciousness, is merely derivative of an original dumb or departed singularity, with no guiding consciousness needed. In every case of seeming astonishing coincidence, one can easily “explain it away” so long as one is willing to engage a simple trick: Just assume a range of focus, with microscope or telescope, to whatever level the math may call for in order “to show” that the apparent miracle or answer to a prayer is, in math, “really” only a random unfolding. This is what is done when people put on their scientist hats. When they put on their common sense and human being hats, they do something else.
Not very many people assume their families, friends, and fellow human beings are probably just pre-programmed, unconscious, 4-D virtual matrix-bots. Yet, each time one person seems consciously to respond to something another person says or does, there is no way in math to prove the response was not just a random perception, dream, figment, or trick by a malicious and deviant alien or architect. Yet, we tend to use common sense and empathetic intuition. We assume a verbal response to a question was intentionally made by a fellow conscious being, communicating back to us based on a kind of conscious, stimulus-response feedback. We INTUIT that they are fellow conscious beings. So why — when it comes to communication or feedback between the fluxing holism of the cosmos and its transposing, constituent parts — do we assume there is not entailed any guiding or responsive consciousness?
So many people want “a sign” before they can will to intuit or believe that there abides a holistic, conscious guide. But what sign could such a holism give, in math, that they would accept!? Even if a voice broadcast from the clouds, a dedicated scientist would assume it was entirely based in substantively replicable technology, of a kind that simply was not yet available to common experience. (And it may well be that particular, human perspectives of consciousness can always tinker out a way to duplicate whatever is particularly expressed by the cosmos.) So there is no possible sign of holistic higher consciousness that could be proven by mere math or statistical evaluation of substantive empiricism! At best, we can argue, recast, and reframe the context of the probabilities. Much can be re-turned simply by adjusting focus in purpose, perspective, and range of context. This is because the holism itself is beyond explication in math. The only sign is in empathetic intuition. One tends either to expand one’s empathies to believe in an interfunctioning, higher, back-feeding moral guide, or one tends to contract one’s soul to believe only in oneself. Before entrusting one’s welfare to another, one takes care to evaluate the difference. Math is a great tool for denying one’s most fundamental intuitions.
MASKS OF GOD: Substance cannot abide in itself, without a co-product of Information. Information cannot abide in itself, without a co-product of Substance. Consciousness cannot abide in itself, without a co-product of Substance and Information. Substance and Information cannot abide in themselves, without a co-product of Consciousness. In each case, each co-product is a contemporaneously, instantaneously, synchronized thing or event — not a cause of the others. Substance is not superior to Information or Consciousness, nor are Information and Consciousness merely the derivative byproduct of Substance. Something else is the original, continuing, unfolding, cause. I conceive that Something abides with a back and forth, yin and yang, digital-feedback relationship of apprehension and appreciation between a fluxing Holism and its sum of transposing, unfolding Parts. The aboriginal Holism cannot reasonably be categorized merely as Substance.  At least, not any kind of Substance that, as the aboriginal, could itself be amenable of being measured in any precise, local extent.  Nor can the Holism be categorized merely as Information, or Consciousness, nor as some syncretic combination of Substance-Information-Consciousness. The Holism is something more or other, yet real and interpermeating. It is the cause-result, not the mere result, of local expressions of Substance, Information, and Consciousness. It has an immeasurable, qualitative capacity to interfunction and present with local aspects or parts, under different and fluxing masks --- depending on purpose, point of view, and context of reference. The mask it presents depends on its apprehension and appreciation of feedback from various particular perspectives of itself, and vice-versa. It does not mask itself as a deceiver, but only because it cannot present or signify to local perspectives except with masks. A local perspective simply cannot perceive the holism as it really is, much as we cannot perceive or weigh our own consciousness. Yet, we can experience it --- in empathetic intuition.
ANSWER: The “listening” is unavoidable. The Holism has innate capacity and means to completely map, apprehend, and appreciate the qualities of our perspectives of consciousness, but we only sense the consciousness of the Holism via empathetic intuition, through the feedback of substantive representations of its field of consciousness. It’s as if we were on the side of a two way mirror, which reflects us and through which the Holism apprehends our bodies and substantive significations, but through which mirror we cannot, while experiencing only the perspective of a Part, see back. This is because the Holism presents no substantive body for us to see. This is because measurable Substance is not superior to the Holism, but is only derivative of it, or, at most, co-product of feedback between it and its relationship with its parts.
Yet, what else should one empathetically intuit, when one wakes with astonishing insights or abilities for which one had no adequate training to expect? Where does genius come from, if not from the Holistic Muse? How can a person blessed with genius by mere Will resolve to Think some astonishing new insight, apart from its having been gifted by his Muse? Everything we do and signify with our interfunctioning with substance is first apprehended by the Holism, then appreciated and evaluated, then subjected to reconciling, synchronizing, instantaneous feedback, which sustains the substantive cosmos and therewith avails the logos for our quantitative significations and communications.   We do not directly “see the consciousness” of the Holism, nor of any other persons — nor even of ourselves. One only experiences the consciousness of oneself, and one only empathetically intuits the consciousness of any other person — and one only intuits the field of consciousness of the un-bodied Holism.
The way the Holism communicates back to each perspective is holistically synchronizing. So, the “specialness” of any communication is not distinctly apparent or provable. Nor is the answer or response necessarily what one desires. Rather, each sequentially unfolding response is reconciled within the cone of parameters that is availed to the experience of each and all of us. Yet, the two-way, back-and-forth communication is constant, continuous, non-avoidable, non-quantifiable, and not susceptible of being ruled by technological leveraging.
When a being dies, or reaches the limits of his cone of experience, it’s not because the Holism no longer cares about its consciousness.   Itself being the field of consciousness, how could the holism not care about consciousness?  Death and change occur because, in the course of reconciling appreciations of all perspectives, the Holism has adjudged it necessary or appropriate that a pattern or a being’s consciousness be re-absorbed into the common field. Meantime, experience and enjoy the communion.
When considering the digital feedback between the fluxing holism and the transposing parts, consider:
How God helps those who help themselves.  The power of positive thinking.  Self fulfilling prophecies.  How natural patterns find grooves of habits.  The responsibility of empathetic individuals to act, live, think, and pray in ways conducive to the establishing and preserving of civilizations of decent freedom and dignity.  In other words, pray for what you really think would be good ...  because you might just get it.
To conceptualize our relationship with a Field of higher purpose is to conceptualize a dance, whereby that which should be done from each perspective of the relationship is apprehended and appreciated as a consequence of the unfolding of the relationship. The "ought" is neither determined nor even in existence, except in respect of how it is ascertained derivative of the dance. In other words, we try to do what God wants, and God seeks to provide what we need. Sometimes, what we want changes what God determines that we need. The "ought" is not an independent existent, unless in a way that is even higher than, and thus beside the point, of our relationship. In that way, we don't mind "ought," but we do respect God, even though we also participate in the unfolding and perhaps sometimes changing of God-Mind. What we think, say, and do affects God. God may be torn to different interests in different environments, geographies, and cultures. If we imagine, rationalize, and pray for a despotic, violent, mind-enslaving society, then God may come in such an environment to entertain such a society. We share responsibility for participating with God in guiding the oughts and interests that come to prevail. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds carry self-fulfilling potential for consciousness, from both the perspective of the Field and the perspective of its Parts.