Sunday, March 26, 2017

The People Farm

Lefties who claim to be serving the interests of fairness and equality are in fact serving the interests of those who seek power to farm and fleece the masses, worldwide. Lefties have already been fleeced of their decency and often their brains. Those who would dictate fairness and equality must dictate subhumanization for the masses. The feminazis and femimen of fairness and equality are flying monkeys against the free-thinking republic.


When ladders are availed for invaders and pulled up against citizens, you know an oligarchy has taken over your republic.


How is libertarianism on preserving representative republics? Or on faith, family, and fidelity? Without those, there is little ordered liberty. 

With too little or too much law, there is no ordered liberty. There needs to be enough assimilation of faith, family, and fidelity to assimilate a nation. There needs to be enough law to define a nation. There needs to be enough checks and balances to defend the nation's citizenry from oligarchs who wish to buy and sell it.

Keeping the correct mix of ingredients needed for sustaining a representative republic is a rarity. I'm not sure Libertarians understand the best cook books for that. Maybe Conservers of Ordered Liberty would do better?


What "equality" and "no rules" really mean to the subjective hearts of Progs is "me first." Me first means to parasite from, but not to sacrifice for, the nation, nor to preserve it as a civilization. No sacrifice means easy.

It's easy to be a feminazi. When you get whatever children you want, you can turn responsibility for raising them over to the village/gov.

It's easy to be a girlyman. When you get whatever you want, you don't have to worry about being drafted to defend the borders.

No mores, no borders, no nation, no responsibility does not really mean freedom or dignity. What it means is that everything will be selectively regulated by fascist despots and their social law droolers. Speech, guns, associations, safe spaces, welfare, child grooming, diets, books, scientism, and hurt feelings will be regulated by laws enforced by despots -- right down to the toenails.

And this society of me firsters will be able to defend itself from invading barbarians, jihadis, and fascists? Guffaw!


Empathy is innate, but it is often so unenlightened as to be counterproductive. Tough love is often the more enlightened kind of empathy for raising responsible children.

The empathy of feminazis and girlymen tends to be horribly unenlightened.

The Problem With Feminazis and Girlymen: They want gov to make everyone be nice. So they listen to elite strongmen or scientists who promise to impose a best system of law enforced niceness. Problem is, when you force people to act nice or to give charity, they aren't really learning or doing either. Because their character is not in it, they will have learned neither niceness nor charity. As soon as they are sure no one is watching, they will take off the masks and revert to uncivilized, barbaric, selfishness.

They are not really keen on electing officials to enforce laws of niceness, fairness, or equality. Principles of niceness be dammed, they are keen on electing and appointing officials who will work they system in favor of their tribe, race, gender, orientation, ethnicity, union. Officials who will enforce laws only selectively, to reward in-crowd merits and punish out-crowd demerits.

The wannas of Feminazis and Girlymen do not nurture decent civilization, fairness, or equality. Rather, they grease the path to utter despotism. Despotism that will eventually bite its useful idiots and salt its own economy.

Moral: You can't use gov or law to make people be nice or charitable. When you use gov to try to force people to be nice and charitable, what you accomplish is only to teach them to be two-faced connivers and parasites. When you use law to take away the freedom and dignity of adult citizens and replace it with the diktat of expert elitists and moral scientists, you wind up with a citizenry of incompetent, whinny sheeple. That is, Feminazis and Girlymen, entirely incapable of defending a representative republic.

Indeed, such unenlightened Feminazis and Girlymen will crowd out nearly all competent citizens. When they are done, their country will be ripe for picking by despots and invading jihadis and barbarians.

When citizens are allowed to learn enlightened empathy, there is much less need for busybody law drooling. That is the genius of the First and Second Amendments -- Snowflakes be dammmed.


Trump's core principle is to MAGA. That entails borders, Will to defend them, Law Enforcement and Military to enforce them, and Tax and Trade regulations to sustain them.

What Trump is not for is the dissolution of the republic, to replace it with phony Commie Equality as promised by Fascist Oligarchs, who really intend to rule the masses, worldwide, as think-as-you-are-told subhumans.

However, Trump's core principle is played out in a real world, not in an antiseptic laboratory for small-brained, linear-thinking Purists.


Dinos would be liars if they were not immunized by their idiocy; Rinos are liars. Both are corrupt servants, sold out in the pay of Oligarchs. Both pretend to protect fairness, but both want to shackle everyone to the worldwide serfdom.

Dinos rationalize their talking points through the "moral scientists" that are paid by the Oligarchs.

Rinos rationalize their talking points through the "free trade economists" that are paid by the Oligarchs.

Both Dinos and Rinos work to reduce the world and its masses to a lowest common denominator of desperate and cheap laboring serfs.

Apart from Trump, how many denizens of DC want to MAGA, really? Apart from Trump, where is the two-party system, really?


To explain Progressives, one needs to consider who are the hive minds, socialists, and fodder for the NWO? They are:

- People too incompetent to think and do for themselves. Many are born that way; many are imported and/or indoctrinated that way. (Anyone who spends 5 years getting a "critical studies" degree has been rendered without skills or competence, except to serve the worldwide people-farm.)

- And people who think they care about others, who are too incompetent yet to have learned that gov, when pretending to be charity, fosters entitlement-mindedness and ingratitude. They fail to learn that a good and successful charity is one that is appreciated because it teaches skills and self reliance. Real charity helps people grow up. It does not shelter them in people-farms.

Unfortunately, decent Americans were too long rendered senseless by natural feelings of sympathy and tolerance, wrongly projected feelings of goodness, and by flim-flammers of bait-and-switch, three-card-monty, fiat money, fake news, fake virtue signaling, fake scientisism, and fake religionism. Many are finally waking up. Pray it's not too late for the republic.


Trump is the guy who was smart enough to tell Americans their republic is in a NWO pot, being boiled alive by oligarchs. Progs are the frogs who are so dumb they think the water is just cozy. The only clear choice is Republic or lowest common denominator NWO people farm.

Progs are of several classes: (1) So dumb they fall for stupid indoctrination; (2) corrupt sold out shills and apologists for godforsaken oligarchs; or (3) pleasure addled goat fvuckinng pansexuals too distracted by their perversions and buzz brains to be able to think straight.

It's not Communists that have completed the long march through the institutions. It's godless and/or godforsaken oligarchs. In 1968, they had not completed their acquisition of nearly all significant institutions of power and persuasion. Now they have. They thought Hillary would be the icing on the cake.

Then, the cake was switched out and replaced by a man with an unusual hair style and aura. That man tells us we can still reclaim the republic from the clutches of the NWO people farmers. Since the facts show the depredations and depravities of the people farmers, they can't make their case with facts. They have to make their case with fake news.

And boy howdy do they have a lot of money, power, platforms, and institutions from which to broadcast their case. To spread it higher and deeper among the typical members of the Prog base. That base consists of several classes: (1) So dumb they fall for stupid indoctrination; (2) corrupt sold out shills and apologists for godforsaken oligarchs; and (3) pleasure addled goat loving pansexuals too distracted by their perversions and buzz brains to be able to think straight.

How can Trump save a country that is morally bankrupt from the financial bankruptcy it has courted for so long? He can't, by himself. Not without inspiration received among Americans to bring under control those in their midst who are bent on forcing the country along the degenerate path of free stuff and globalism. 

This will entail a miracle delivered more by moral regeneration and hard work than by free stuff. The choice is moral cleansing or the abyss (where people are farmed as animals). Absent evidence of regenerative repentance and moral cleansing, we will be made farm animals. Pinocchio donkeys. it will be the abyss. If we can't face down the funders, instigators, and supporters of degeneracy --- the Oligarchs, Open Society, Femimen, Feminazis, NWO, ADL, BLM, ACLU, CAIR, and other sold-out, de-brained, people-farmers --- then we are done as a nation.

Radical Progs, unlike Radical Muslims they align with, draw a temporary red line in the sand against grooming children at the point it becomes sexual exploitation. That's against their "faith." Temporarily.

Apart from their synthetic dolls. what do Dems/Progs/Commies love, and who loves them? Many adult Americans have sweated and bled to establish and preserve the republic. The republic is based on borders and is sustained by assimilated faith, family, and fidelity.

Globalism is sustained by breaking borders, breaking faith, breaking families, and ridiculing patriotic fidelity. Among those that established and preserved the republic, who would love the godless faithless sex-addled mind-doped oxymoronic kabuki Globalism that the Dems/Progs/Commies want to impose on Americans?

In the sight of faith and those who sweated and bled to give us a republic, what can be said of Dems/Progs/Commies/Globalists --- other than that they are fundamentally detestable to every American with a shred of common sense who still values human freedom and dignity?

What do Dems/Progs/Commies/Globalists stand for --- other than their desire to destroy the republic so they can imagine they will live in a continuous, demented, subhuman state of orgiastic im-Borg-ment?

For those who choose transgenderism as a convenience, those who encourage children to engage in gender experimentation, those "men" who need safe spaces, those women who admire femimen --- what would the men and women who helped win WWII think of these crappies? I suspect they would shame them, detest them, and run them out on a rail. As they should.

These people are poison to the republic. They are more poisonous than the original Loyalists of 1776 --- who were chased into Canada. They cannot be further imported, empowered, or tolerated. They need to be deported, disempowered, shamed. Otherwise, given their funding by a shameful, demented oligarchy, the republic simply cannot survive the push to sub-humanizing globalism. There is simply no way a person who values the representative republic can continue to reach across the aisle to a demented globalist, oligarchist, or musloid. Let them pack up their crap, satanic worship, pedophilia, pansexualism and ride out on the globalist horse they want to eff everyone else with. Just gtho!

Political correctness kills people, and it kills nations. PC kills willpower -- individual and national.

We are approaching majorities that no longer have faith in God, in the representative republic, in the Golden rule, in the innocence of children, in country, or in one another. Rather, they have faith in virtual reality, soma, the need to redistribute whitey's stuff, the immediate gratification, and money. Nothing decent can come of this "new faith." Nor can this new faith prevent the dollar from utterly failing.

In the new faith, globalization will save everyone. Compare the lack of sanctity of homes with the lack of sanctity of national borders. Suppose you were to try to provide a safe space in your home for a jobless or alcoholic relative or derelict to recover. You may think the derelict would/should feel grateful. More likely, he/she will feel entitled and insult you by drinking in your home. Then cursing you. You will find, after 30 days, the law prohibits you from self-help evicting the ingrate, even as the ingrate begins stressing your health. You will be jailed or lose your property if you attempt self-help.

I suspect this law is a consequence of open borders, whereby farmers of illegal aliens agitated to preclude their cheap laborers from being summarily evicted. The nation may be analogized to a home. And so it is becoming harder for the nation to evict ingrates. This is part of the law-drooling agenda for destroying nations to bring in the open bordered NWO people-farm. Ingrates are being used first to destroy us, then to convert the masses to farm animals.

The useful idiots are propelled by their immediate addictions. The people-farmers are propelled by their godless or godforsaken greed. The American people, out of mistaken "charity," have been asleep to the utter evil that frolics among us. Our checks, if ever we had any, against degenerate oligarchs have been dissolved by pleasure-addled femimen and feminazis.

The Deep State is a product of our innate susceptibility to evil. It makes early death the ultimate soma. Which seems appropriate for gender-confused farm animals.


The Revolving Door helps DC cockroaches ensure their fascist pay-to-play. Soros Ilk are the Ilk Rinos love to hate. 

All DC roaches are hacks for the Fascist Party --- that often works behind the curtain. Though, nowadays, fascists are coming out from behind the curtain and going proud (like Gay Pride and Black Pride). Saturnalia Pride. Romans-inviting-barbarian-savages pride.

We're in a tight spot. The Constitution was ignored in order to require employers to provide health insurance. So how, politically, can that Unconstitutional impediment to competition by U.S. employers now be lifted, Constitutionally? 

Given the situation as it is, unless the Fed Gov finds a way to budget and provide for health insurance for all citizens, how can the U.S. remain competitive with foreign corporatists? And how can foreign nations remain competitive with the U.S., if they were to allow the U.S. to remove public health insurance and revert entirely to desperate, cheap, and/or imported labor?

To escape from our tight spot, however temporarily, would require either an assimilation of good sense or an undeserved miracle in answer to a restoration of good faith. Of the two, an assimilation of good sense seems the less likely.


To make everyone fair and equal, it is first necessary that everyone be rendered subhuman. This Agenda for the Worldwide Destruction of Humanity requires repeal or replacement of the First Amendment. Everyone who opposes the subhumanization of humanity is a hater, a misogynist, a phobe, and a racist. S/

Dems loathe generalized eugenics (allowing women to become knowledgeable before they select for proficient mates),

but they love dysgenics (indoctrinating women and femimen to marry and propagate and prof-agate the cause of producing social miscreants and malingerers).

1400 years of inbreeding has produced swarms of demented Muslims. How many years of "enlightened" professorial socialism has it taken to inbreed swarms of demented Dems?

The USSR system of production failed. The U.S. system of education is failing. Everything eventually falls through phases of entropic disorder. Some call this "progress."

We grasp at rules, like weak branches during our fall down, but our manmade systems of rules keep braking, putting us in free fall to the next weak limb. Now, Elon Musk would lead us to grasp towards cyber-bionic-cloud borg man. Not just a new world order, but a new cloud order. Yup. That'll fix us. S/

Generally, to force people to like you, you must first make them incompetent. When you force too many incompetent people to like you, the competent people tend to want nothing to do with you. Dems are cornering the market on the people who are incompetent to man (he-man and she-man) a representative republic. In anger, they call those who do not want to join their cause for worldwide free stuff "racists."

In Dems' eyes, this makes a racist out of everyone who is a competent defender of the republic. To them, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump are all mainly racists. But George Soros, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Billary, Bernie, the ACLU, the ADL, BLM, La Raza, Acorn, and CAIR are "progressive" and "enlightened" and therefore not racists. S/

If Lerner were prosecuted, how many more would be required to be prosecuted? The Swamp counts on being too big to prosecute. You can't swat every mosquito. But you can drain its access to a livelihood.

Nixon could feel shame. Obama-ilk are shameless. They have a lot of practice at being shameless. Not the audacity of hope, but the shamelessness of utter perversity and depravity.

As Gov replaced Church with its minted and demented brand of higher-minded charity, Citizens replaced liberty-sustaining values under God with the abysmal values of easily perverted, easily bribed, easily herded farm animals.

Chutzpah: Republic Destroyers alarming the citizenry by accusing the one guy who stands in the way of their destruction of being a destroyer. The wolf hollers at the sheep: Run into my lair to save yourself from the wolf! And the dumb sheep, Judas sheep, and perverted sheep all run towards the lair. Pushing the flock with them.

Would a tax by any other name smell as sweet? Could a yearly payment (collect $200 for passing Go?) by the Fed to every citizen for the purpose of acquiring health insurance be called a tax (or an advance on an expected tax)?

Our manmade laws are often like daydreams. Delusions fed by fascists to entice the serfs, bedevil the literalists, and provide full employment for the ACLU.

The Revolving Door helps DC cockroaches ensure their fascist pay-to-play. Soros Ilk are the Ilk Rinos love to hate.

All DC roaches are hacks for the Fascist Party --- that often works behind the curtain. Though, nowadays, fascists are coming out from behind the curtain and going proud (like Gay Pride and Black Pride). Saturnalia Pride. Romans-inviting-barbarian-savages pride.

We're in a tight spot. The Constitution was ignored in order to require employers to provide health insurance. So how, politically, can that Unconstitutional impediment to competition by U.S. employers now be lifted, Constitutionally?

Given the situation as it is, unless the Fed Gov finds a way to budget and provide for health insurance for all citizens, how can the U.S. remain competitive with foreign corporatists? And how can foreign nations remain competitive with the U.S., if they were to allow the U.S. to remove public health insurance and revert entirely to desperate, cheap, and/or imported labor?

To escape from our tight spot, however temporarily, would require either an assimilation of good sense or an undeserved miracle in answer to a restoration of good faith. Of the two, an assimilation of good sense seems the less likely.

To make everyone fair and equal, it is first necessary that everyone be rendered subhuman. This Agenda for the Worldwide Destruction of Humanity requires repeal or replacement of the First Amendment. Everyone who opposes the subhumanization of humanity is a hater, a misogynist, a phobe, and a racist. S/

Friday, March 24, 2017

Health Care

Musings regarding Krauthammer and Single Payer (I am not here trying to give an objective interpretation of the Constitution; I am only musing about practicalities):
It is probably too late to put toothpaste back in the tube. Fed money to buy health care will likely be ruled Constitutional, as a "tax."
If so (again, "if" -- and, note: Trump will be appointing judges and justices, and seems to be on record for favoring something akin to single payer or the Australian system), then:
To be a single and decent society, a nation should have a single and unifying safety net, sufficient to ensure human decency even when an individual citizen has become without a job, family, support, or hope. The net should not, however, become a hammock, nor should it encourage citizens to become sloth-like.
To compete internationally, a nation's private employers should be freed from the onus of needing to provide health insurance for their employees.
To remain a decentralized federal republic, the extent of central regulation on domestic matters, such as health care, needs to be minimalized, without sacrificing decency.
HOW might that be done, consistent with our Constitution?
Eliminate most obligations to insure illegals and invaders.
Set up parallel competition via a private system, in which insurers can insure across State borders, and in which policies are made portable across borders.
Allow States to join in regional/area co-operative ventures for ensuring State employees, citizens, and residents.
Allow States/Areas to set limits on fees and costs by making reference to private insurance costs and rates.
Provide a tax credit for every citizen (or for every filer who reports some minimum net income), to be usable only for purchasing health insurance.
Call the health insurance provision a "tax" on the productive health of every citizen.
It will be interesting to follow convolutions and evolutions on this issue of health care, as proceedings unfold ....

A Conservative Position:  Gov ought not require private employers to provide health insurance.  Gov ought to provide a health safety net for citizens who need help with catastrophic health care.  Insurers ought not be required to insure for pre-existing conditions.  The Fed Gov should share revenue with States and State compacts to coordinate and delegate responsibility for health care.

EDIT:  To allow corporatists to "invest" in buying political influence and in importing desperate and cheap labor, then to deny any social obligation to provide some minimal health safety net, is to lower the dignity of citizens, who are supposed to be boss in a representative republic, to the status of farm animals.  The problem with absolutist free marketeers is their tendency to be oblivious to the limits of simplistic linear thinking.  A representative republic, to be sustained, requires that the social contract with citizens be considered as something of more dignity than a legalistic widget.


Should Gov help with health care for wounded soldiers?  Military personnel?  Police wounded in the line of fire?  Veterans?  And once for veterans, then supporters and families of veterans?  For Presidents?  For orphans?  Abandoned handicapped people?
Then there's welfare, earned income tax credits, and guaranteed minimum income coming for many of the same personnel.
Jobs are being robotized.
To some extent, the welfare state is likely here to stay.  Moreover, what are deemed infrastructure jobs will likely increase, as gov takes over more functions, subject to letting bids to private contractors.
The issue will not be whether gov has business in such functions.  The issue will be the level of gov, the kind of state coordination and funding, and the amount of supervision and regulation of private contractors.
Simple minded linear thinking is not going to deliver us away from the alternative, which is:  People farming international corporatists, puppeting governments.  I want to avoid the NWO people farm.  We won't be able to do that with pure (simplistic) conservatism. 
The issue is:  What layers and levels of gov are necessary, given our unfolding and technological situation, to preserve decent human freedom and dignity?  The answer is not to allow corporatists to flood us with desperate laborers, bid them down to non-sustainable wages, then tell them tough luck when they have catastrophic health care expenses.  We need Conservers of Liberty more than conservers of simplistic purity.  To sustain a representative republic, we will have to learn how to draw and amend lines that can actually work and make sense.
When oligarchs can buy and sell politicians and govs, there is no more any such a thing as "free trade" than there is free lunch, free stuff, or free will.  What is there, really?  Well, there is Participatory Will.  Participatory Freedom under a representative republic that does not allow itself to be bought and sold by mind slavers, body slavers, or treasonous oligarchs.

To require insurers to insure preexisting conditions without allowing them to charge higher premiums for assigned risk pools is to engage in reverse eugenics. It is to tax the general citizenry to pay for mal-genics, which is to pay for its own demise. To combine that with porous borders is to serve hemlock to a nation on its deathbed.

Freedom of speech includes freedom to say things that hurt feelings. This kind of prosecution is too much. Suppose someone ridiculed the guy in the gorilla suit by wearing a Cracker suit. Should such a person have been charged with a hate speech crime? I could maybe see a charge for disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace. But a felony indictment?! Wth.
Students are being taught all the wrong things about how to preserve freedom under a representative republic. Wth is wrong with our modern professoriate?

An international oligarchy, with millions of usefully indoctrinated and nose-ringed idiots, is at war against the American people, trying to overthrow the representative republic in order to reign in the NWO of syndicated corporatist diktat.
The Patriots of 1776 did not win the republic by playing nice with the British or with their usefully idiotic Loyalists.
The modern version of the Loyalists that were chased out of the early U.S. consists of the imported and indoctrinated socialistic servants of the Oligarchy. They are so stupid they actually believe billionaire elitists, because of some new scientismic idea of godless noblesse oblige, mean to confer "fairness and equality" upon them as an entitlement. Most of them are brain warped beyond fixing.
If the republic is to be salvaged, both the people-farming oligarchs and their brainwashed scum will have to be reduced. Because of their godless corruption and incorrigibly infested brains, most cannot be fixed.
Most of the world is unfit for representative republicanism. Unless the U.S. undergoes a strong regimen to reduce its parasites and predators, it also will soon be unfit for representative republicanism. It will be replaced by sub-humanizing Islamic style mind enslavement and/or oligarchic fascism, that pretends to be socialistic do-goodery while it re-imposes a worldwide plantation people-farm. Satanic rule under law droolers, imposing "law for thee but nor for me." Evil will be PC, with all decent vestiges of faith, family, and fidelity utterly corrupted. The innocence of children will be sold out by sex crazed, doped up, mind enslaved, devils.

More and more, I'm thinking Dems are not just snowflake whiny baby commies. They are actually agents of evil. They have been stalking Trump as a proxy for killing the free-thinking republic. But anyone who wants to take away my freedom of speech to call it hate speech is my sworn enemy and an enemy of human dignity. If we aren't free to think and communicate for ourselves, then we will have become little more than subhuman scum. This will not end well. Especially for Snowflakes.

As most people come to believe that only racists exist, then most people will become racists. As most people come to believe most problems require community organizing and force of law, most people will become parasitical socialists. The patriots of 1776 did not eventually win the Revolutionary War by importing ever more parasitical Loyalists. They won by kicking both the British and their Loyalists out of the U.S.
It's hard to judge an individual by the content of his character when few non-parasitical individualists any longer exist. Gang banging, community organizing, obamanistic law droolers tend to be not good for much of anything. But for law drooling carpet baggers, I doubt Jim Crow would have lived so long. But for FDR's New Deal, I doubt the Great Depression would have lasted so long. But for our indoctrination and importation of massive numbers of third world socialist voters, I doubt we would be in such danger of losing our republic. But for feminism run amuck, I doubt our men would have become such incompetent and impotent snowflakes.
What does a snowflake nation deserve? Well, it deserves to be cooked. And it will be.

Free thinking Americans want to preserve the republic. Rinos and Dinos want to make it a farcical puppet for Globalists. Likely, the Rinos and Dinos want then to support different gangs of Oligarchs. Effect: Once the republic is reduced to a farce, we will inherit a War of the Roses. The people will become canon fodder for syndicating elitists, for years and years, fighting over the spoils. The Swamp Politicos tend not to be nice people.
Meanwhile, millions of dufus Snowflakes support the Swamp Politicos, who are seeking to destroy the republic. It's a wonder these dufi (plural of dufus) have sense enough not to drown from dousing in the down piz, like the mythical turkey that keeps looking up during a rainstorm.

So our Fed gov now deploys "Education" officials to groom school children to deviant sex. Likely soon to normalize transgenderism, pedophilia, polyamory, bestiality, polygamy. To grant rights to multiples of same sex partners to adopt children. To outlaw free speech when it opposes PC-approved perversion. To fund deviant "charities." To agitate students to protest the defense of our borders from sworn jihadi enemies.
So why be surprised when our gov authorities call Islam a "religion" of peace, or Satanist Clubs tax-exempt charities?
Assimilating faith, family, fidelity: Undermine those, and no representative republic can long stand.
A foolish consistency is the downfall of linear minds. Foolish consistency is how marriage is expanded to meaninglessness. How citizen status is rendered meaningless. How forced acknowledgment of a worldwide murder cult becomes a "religion." How worship of evil becomes protected as a religion. How republics are destroyed.
Law-drooling linear thinkers bent on foolish consistencies tend to assume the sides of an equation, with regard to its terms, remain static. That the terms will change and balance in number, but not in kind. But reality often entails terms that change by fluxing and phase shifting into terms that are different from those of the original equation with which they were being observed, recorded, or considered.
Methods of observation, recordation, and consideration flux with phase changes in status. Rebalancing is often pulled from a wider context, not from a simple linear formula. Especially when terms under an original formula are stretched beyond their point of consistent application. When attempts at consistency become morally foolish.
This is often the case when an oligarchy of self-pleasuring hedonists becomes too wealthy and powerful over a representative republic. Linear thinkers may presume oligarchs "earn" their money, property, influence, and power and "should" be entitled to keep them. They often fail to comprehend how power, beyond a point of balance, easily tips and phases to absolute corruption.
For a republic to fail to implement checks against the rise of oligarchs whose only principle is for self-pleasuring is for that republic to sleep with devils. And to promote devil worship to a protected form of "religion."

Ye have heard it said that slavery is freedom. Given the hatred of oligarchs united against Trump, they would now have us to believe that freedom (Trump) is slavery (Russia). The oligarchs want to enslave us, so they can deliver us from freedom, which they now tell us is slavery.
When 1/10 of 1 % own every significant institution of persuasion, there are sheeple that can be conditioned to baa for everything. Those are the sheeple (simple-minded linear-thinking grass eaters) the oligarchy wants to force us to import and indoctrinate. The great flaw in our tax system is the allowing of an oligarchy to agglomerate nearly all power and political control. No representative republic can allow this trend of agglomerating power to continue and yet remain a republic.
Given the power to do so, oligarchs will always judge in their interests to rationalize that the people are better off because of their rule. This agglomeration of absolute power is bound to corrupt, absolutely.

Why would anyone think the Deep State would want to deep six or studiously ignore all evidence of its activities?
Why would anyone think the Oligarchs who own the Deep State would unite to try to depose Trump?
Why would anyone think the oligarchy would play puppet master to the media-academia-entertainment-legislative-judicial-charity-church apparatus that it owns?
Why would anyone think the constant efforts to take down Trump are coordinated and orchestrated?
How much circumstantial evidence do we need, to believe we are being fattened while fed kabuki?

Re: "The suggestion that intelligence services are surreptitiously cooperating to use the data readily available to them via raw NSA surveillance is now taboo. "
Among cattle, it's taboo to discuss why their oligarchs are having them fattened.

All possibilities have always been implicated. Tinkering, persistence, correlation, imagination, and insight merely facilitate rearrangements of form-ulas, patterns, and sequences in ways that are often unexpected to our limited perspectives. They surprise us because we are so limited, not because they are freshly created.

Without respect for innate spiritual higher-mindedness (the Godhead), science-reason-secularism would be lame. Science is powerless to derive or inspire higher-minded morality and empathy. Pure reason cannot derive ought from is. That requires receptivity to the immeasurable Source-Reconciler. And that receptivity is only available in direct intuition, innate empathy, good faith, and good will. Organized religion merely provides forums for assimilating the sustaining values of good faith and good will. Without that, we would be mere serfs and slaves to law droolers, who would rule us and exempt themselves. Christian values inspired and sustained America's Founders. No other system or religion has come close to that record for promoting decent human values of individual freedom of expression and enterprise. Too often, scientisimists rush from moral lameness to spiritual blindness.

I want Americans put in their rightful place. Of all colors, races, and religions. Caveat: Religion pertains to what you believe, under your own participatory will and free thinking. Because Islam does not allow for freedom of belief, but is spread and maintained by force and oppression, it is a slave cult, not a religion.

Independent minded Americans (Black Sheep) have been pulled into a Dino-Aino-Rino vortex. Dinos want to be devoured and farmed. Ainos want to devour them. Rinos want to farm them.
Incompetent Sheep want to be the herd. Wolves want to cull the herd. Sheep Dogs want to farm the herd. Black Sheep (unlike many Black Americans) want to escape from the herd minders.
But the Sheep, Wolves, and Sheep Dogs want to leave them with no place to go. Long ago, America invited Black Sheep (independent-minded small-business entrepreneurs). But, until Trump, America, like most of the rest of the world, had long been unraveling. Since Trump (praise be upon him), Black Sheep are finding their voice.
With Trump cutting regulations, removing central strings, and reversing foreign depredations, Black Sheep may once again find ways to make their own way --- while refusing to be devoured or farmed. Make America free-minded and dignified again.

I do prefer the KJV. Regardless, politically, I am concerned with preserving the representative republic, with equal dignity for all who are faithful to a decent republic that respects the freedom and dignity of individuals. So I try not to mix religion any more than is essential.
That said, I think faith in a caring, inviting, reconciling, Sponsor of Higher Mindedness of some sort is essential. I do not consider Islam to be a spiritual faith, because it is based not in faith but in oppression and force.
The doctrine of original sin, etc., is complex and, when considered in depth, is not nearly as simplistic as some like to believe. Imo. That said, I do believe mortals are inferior to the Reconciling Source (Trinitarian Godhead) and in need of guidance and correction. Beyond that, I do not much engage.
I have no quarrel with religious study in Church. Nor with Christian or other values of decency being represented in the public square. I do not think all societies, cultures, or countries are suited to representative republicanism as a form of governance. And I think they, and oligarchs, seek generally to undermine the American Republic. And that, politically, is my main concern.
I suspect the Godhead is interested in, and needs, outlets for experiencing particular points of view within limiting and defining contexts, and vice versa. I think the relationship between the Trinitarian Godhead and individual Beings, unavoidably, is one of constant, continuous, and appreciative feedback and reconciliation. So I think our imperfection (being limited as part-iculars) is one of necessary, innate design. Original sin and ongoing sin may somehow be bound up with that, but that idea does not seem as essential to the furtherance of a representative republic as the idea of shared and humble receptivity before a guiding Reconciler. Imo. :)

Free Trade, like Communism, is a delusion. It has often been taught by filthy "Think Tanks" to the masses as a way to get them to eat crap sandwiches.
Even if all national borders were erased, there could not be "free trade." This is because such a world would not be free from central meddling. Rather, the central meddling, conniving, and sharp trading would simply be done by syndicates of oligarchs to get the central authorities to favor some over others.
It is necessary to get real, look behind the curtain, and pull the masks off the central meddlers, corrupted bureaucrats and cronycrats, and amoral disloyal international corporatists. The alternative is the plantation. But, instead of picking cotton, the picking would be of the masses.
We need leadership that does not lie to us or peddle free condoms, free dope, free sex, free marriage, or free trade. We do not have free will. We have participatory will, under the reconciliatory guidance of the Godhead. When we pollute that with delusions of free stuff (like Communism and Free Trade), we make ourselves easy prey.
No wonder free stuff appeals to Dem donkeys.

So a tribal crybully gets caught, then defends himself by crying that his proclivity for crybullying is a disability. Pity him because he suffers from pity mongering. Lol!!! Which he teaches others to do. So, BLM, OWS, ADL, CAIR, assaults on freedom of speech, and destruction of a free republic continue to accelerate, unabated. How great is that? S/
Jews (and the various anti-American, hyphenated, law-drooling minorities they lead), if they don't want such tendencies to be associated with being Jewish, need to put the kibosh on all this pity mongering and start manning up. I don't know about the Israeli Ideal, but the American Ideal is based on independent manning up. Not on pity parasitism or law drooling.
The femi-manning of America needs to stop.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spiritualism, Assimilation, Civilization

People are often embarrassed by personal responsibility for fairness and charity. So feminazis and femimen wash their hands by saying those things should be done by laws and governments. Which they then try to except themselves from.
When their phony cover is lifted so they are plainly seen as ignoranti and corrupti, they are again embarrassed. Then, they seek to put their boots on opponents' faces. Then they can revel in the superiority of gang-banging and no longer need care about embarrassment.

I suspect manipulative provocations and agitations on behalf of the Deep State are involved in much of what the CIA does. Rewards tend to go most to those manipulators who are least bothered by scruples -- indeed, agnostic and carefree about scruples. That's how opportunities for political influence and wealth are custom made to snowball. The means and motive are inherent. All that blocks the Will is higher-mindedness. In which a lot of prevaricators, agitators, and hedgers likely do not believe --- except when it behooves them.
Among the most powerful of individuals, natural selection, unimpeded by higher mindedness, often favors sociopathy.  Reference History.
Of course, natural selection impeded by poorly enlightened higher mindedness often leads to dysfunctionality. As in the cases of feminazis and femimen. Heaven help us!

I do not dispute that we have to live in the world as it is and as it unfolds.
Along the way, we can try to inspire and assimilate values that can make it better. For that, we need tough love and receptivity to miracles. Feedback with principles of Reconciliation.
How long can any two nations live in peace, once each acquires capacity in a lightning stroke to annihilate the other? Eventually, the human form will be phased out and transcended.
Note: Weapons manufacturers (and hedge funders) need conflict. The ones that float to the top tend to agglomerate political influence, often to a point so that it cannot be resisted and so that human factors get reduced to objectified body counts. Even if that seems to lead relentlessly to mutually assured annihilation.
Without inspiring receptivity to higher mindedness, we hardly have a prayer.


SPIRITUALISM:  Suppose each separate Identity of Conscious Perspective is in a constant and continuous process of feedback at spiritual, sub-quantum, fractal-receding levels of math.  Each would be coordinated, selected, and conditioned, via evolution and from birth, to understand and relate to such transmissions and feedbacks, at levels below self-awareness.  Maybe affecting how dreams are coordinated with present accumulations of information.  May this be part of how fractals and evolution unfold and are reconciled?  May such processes forever recede and elude complete control under science-based technologies?  Yet, may such processes allow special masters to intervene as control-coordinator-reconcilers at various fractal-levels of limitation-definers?



So our Fed gov now deploys "Education" officials to groom school children to deviant sex. Likely soon to normalize transgenderism, pedophilia, polyamory, bestiality, polygamy. To grant rights to multiples of same sex partners to adopt children. To outlaw free speech when it opposes PC-approved perversion. To fund deviant "charities." To agitate students to protest the defense of our borders from sworn jihadi enemies.

So why be surprised when our gov authorities call Islam a "religion" of peace, or Satanist Clubs tax-exempt charities?

Assimilating faith, family, fidelity: Undermine those, and no representative republic can long stand.



A foolish consistency is the downfall of linear minds. Foolish consistency is how marriage is expanded to meaninglessness. How citizen status is rendered meaningless. How forced acknowledgment of a worldwide murder cult becomes a "religion." How worship of evil becomes protected as a religion. How republics are destroyed.



Law-drooling linear thinkers bent on foolish consistencies tend to assume the sides of an equation, with regard to its terms, remain static. That the terms will change and balance in number, but not in kind. But reality often entails terms that change by fluxing and phase shifting into terms that are different from those of the original equation with which they were being observed, recorded, or considered.

Methods of observation, recordation, and consideration flux with phase changes in status.  Rebalancing is often pulled from a wider context, not from a simple linear formula. Especially when terms under an original formula are stretched beyond their point of consistent application. When attempts at consistency become morally foolish.

This is often the case when an oligarchy of self-pleasuring hedonists becomes too wealthy and powerful over a representative republic. Linear thinkers may presume oligarchs "earn" their money, property, influence, and power and "should" be entitled to keep them. They often fail to comprehend how power, beyond a point of balance, easily tips and phases to absolute corruption.

For a republic to fail to implement checks against the rise of oligarchs whose only principle is for self-pleasuring is for that republic to sleep with devils. And to promote devil worship to a protected form of "religion."

Friday, March 10, 2017

Health Care

I wonder what would happen if Congress took us to Single Payer, to be phased into State Payers, conditioned on limitation to persons with permanent legal residence status, with revenue sharing to that purpose? (Given the revenue sharing aspect, Roberts could call such a scheme a "tax.") Let the States figure out the insurance issues, provided that insurers must be allowed to compete across state borders.
Get the insurers out of the central lobbying. Make them compete across borders. Don't license them to sue individual non-payers or to convert them to debt slaves.
Take the burden off employers and corporations.
Take most of the benefits away from illegal invaders.

Re: " Fines are payable to Insurance Companies instead of the Treasury (Fascism)"
Sounds like it would empower Insurance Corporatists to confiscate the holdings of people too poor to pay for insurance and to turn those people into debt slaves.
This does sound like a kind of fascism that would empower corporations to make perpetual serfs out of the masses. Which fits almost perfectly with the NWO ideal of oligarchic collectivists.
The flimflammers will never give up their flimflammery, will they?

Reverse Flush

By all means, let's never let up on tax and regulatory policies to encourage the most ignorant and clannish cults to breed and overrun every society that seeks an ideal of quality of life.

The cognitively impaired would oppose tax policies designed to reduce incentives now in place for the most ignorant, invasive, and cultish of breeders.  Given the broader context, this phases into actually incenting such breeding and swamping.   To think beyond their noses, the cognitively impaired do not.  They like their cognitive impairment, and they want more of it.  These are the farmees of the people farmers, bred to be epsilons for the Brave New Uniparty.  The unwitting vanguard for the sub-humanization of humanity and the destruction of every representative republic.  Food for Soros.

Trump's supporters include many smart, energetic, average, and not-so-energetic supporters. But all of them are faithful Americans. It is necessary to circle back to relate to and to en-courage even the slower and less energetic among them. Especially the ones that would never have understood the complexities or troubles from the beginning. This is what every leader finds necessary to do in order to accomplish a difficult task. I think you're ankle-biting on behalf of people who are part of the problem.

It would not matter whether Trump were perfectly fluent in Washingtonspeak. It is Trump's independence from the axis of people farmers and farmees that alarms all Ainos. Regardless of his words, whether profound and artsy or not, they would find ways to try to impugn him with his own words. It's not Trump's words they hate. It's his values and ideas. Trump values a decent Republic of free thinkers. His opponents hate that. The sheeple farmers don't want free thinkers. And the sheeple don't want to be bothered to think.

Ainos are great pretenders. They all faithfully shill on behalf of whatever syndicate they chose or that chose them. Dinos shill on behalf of the parasitical syndicate that pretends to want to redistribute fairness and equality. Rinos shill on behalf of the parasitical syndicate that pretends to believe in equality of opportunity (while working to pull up the ladders).
Ainos all shill for faithless pretenders that really just want to farm the little people.
Trump does not work for the syndicate that only pretends to be looking out for the little people, nor for the syndicate that only pretends to want to restore opportunity to Americans. Rather, Trump really does want to allow America and Americans (adults who seek competency) to become great again. And wealthy.
And this is why the people farmers and their farmees all hate him. Dinos, Rinos, and Ainos, alike.


The gap in wealth between ordinary people and oligarchs has increased far beyond the point of diminishing social returns. It is true that entrepreneurs need to accumulate wealth and capital to be able to offer jobs and organize productive employment. Better that they do that than bureaucrats. But to allow oligarchs to agglomerate more wealth than they can put into productive employment is to encourage them to invest the excess by buying political favors for the purpose of pulling the ladders up.
Then the system becomes perverse, similar to what we have now. Evil gets promoted, while virtue is sent packing. We end up with people in power who, like Obama, are evil, cynical, lying, deceiving, chooming, grooming, abusing shills and agents for self-godded, people-farming, fascist-oligarchic collectivists.
Once the ladders are pulled up, inefficiency increases much the same as if productive work were taken over by governmental bureaucrats. That's when fascism becomes much the same in effect as socialism. How then to reduce the gap in wealth, so that fascist oligarchs stop investing so much in buying governmental favors and instead invest in more socially productive endeavors?
Assuming the political will were gathered to reduce the oligarchic insults to humanity, I have not been able to think of any clear way to accomplish that purpose, short of redistributive catastrophe.
I have mused about a fuzzy way, but I am by no means confident it would work. That way would take a few generations. It would entail a progressive tax on each citizen's consumption --- with all governmental lobbing investments to be treated as personal consumptions charged to the agent who exercised authority to approve such investments in buying political influence.
To work, such a plan would have to entail ways to capture fleeing accounts. I am not confident such a progressive tax on personal consumption could work. But, short of redistributive catastrophe, I don't see much by way of an alternative.
I suppose there is RICO. However, the RICO rules will always be subject to oligarchic buying. And, to work, they would have to be applied hundreds of times in the courts --- even though the courts are easily perverted simply by bribing judges, shopping forums, and propagandizing the public with oligarchic owned media. The Oligarchy and its ACLU own the Game of Courts. The people at large have as much chance at incrementally prevailing in the Courts as a small better has of taking a Casino House down.

Re: " Fines are payable to Insurance Companies instead of the Treasury (Fascism)"
Sounds like it would empower Insurance Corporatists to confiscate the holdings of people too poor to pay for insurance and to turn those people into debt slaves.
This does sound like a kind of fascism that would empower corporations to make perpetual serfs out of the masses. Which fits almost perfectly with the NWO ideal of oligarchic collectivists.
The flimflammers will never give up their flimflammery, will they?

Re: "A powerful mental construct – the liberal myth of a progressive utopia brought about by surrender of the individual to state control – is at risk of being swept away by a great movement to free consciousness from the controlling ideas of the liberal past."
Indeed! The work of the ACLU and its fellow-traveling legalistic-utopians can be summed up as law drooling. Rabid droolings of godless and/or godforsaken, wannabe people-farmers. Funky S for brains.

Why are people who identify as Jews, even when they are atheistic, so unlikely to marry people who do not identify as Jews?
Why do these same people tend to promote the diversification of every other tribe/society/culture?
Why are they so opposed to applying their preaching about diversity to themselves?
Why are they not called more to account for this?
Why do they tend to incite "privilege" ideas by all minorities against all whites, except Jewish whites?
Is it "anti-Semitic" to call a white Jew to account for his privilege and his tendency to prefer supporting and promoting his own tribe. even as he tries to shame others that may do the same?
Better yet, why have other whites allowed this hypocrisy to go unchallenged for so long?
Why are you always preaching about anti-Semitism? What are American Jews being denied? How are their rights being restricted? If they are so mistreated, why are nearly all our institutions and much of our nation's wealth under strong Jewish influence?
There are billions on this planet who really are mistreated. How are you being mistreated? What is society denying to you that you think you should be entitled to?

I would rather that needed social incentives be general, rather than applied as direct force. I don't trust elites to make detailed, intrusive decisions for each member of the masses. I prefer a society of educated, responsible citizens, who are respected and trusted to do what's best for themselves --- subject only to such general constraints as are necessary.
The problem is, as difficulties approach becoming emergencies, ever more specific and intrusive constraints and rations are soon deemed to be necessary. And sometimes the emergencies are hyped or invented, to facilitate elitist rule. I would rather societies acquire vision enough to instigate general (tax) incentives to reduce populations.
Some societies are less suited to individual trust, responsibility, and freedom. But that is not a good reason to flip our demography to become like them.
Too many unwise and abusive people want to run other people's lives. Maybe they can be trained or diverted more to identify with virtual worlds of X Boxes, where they can interact in virtual worlds, without harming ours so much?

Many years ago, I believed in affirmative action to be encouraged or imposed by the government. Since then, I have learned how it produces ingrates and hollows out real charities. Indeed, most charities nowadays seem to be about lobbying for more gov welfare in order to produce more ingrates --- who tend to be incompetent, both in skills and in moral purposefulness.
I raised children who have become good citizens. I did not do that by raising them to feel entitled to reparations. Mommas and Daddies, don't raise your children to be ingrates. They'll always be unhappy -- even when they're looting.

Ingrates owe gratitude, but they will never find it in themselves to show it. They think this makes them righteous. In reality, it makes them unhappy and spiritually deformed. And harder to love or want to help. Trying to help an ingrate is like pouring time and money down a pit.

One of the worst traits to instill in a child is a general sense of entitlement to everything.  When a person believes he is owed, he is not grateful when he receives volunteered help or charity.  More likely, he sees the volunteer as a mark.  He does not learn charity from a mark, but he does learn how to bait and take from marks.  Moreover, this ugly character trait is soon seen by his relatives, friends, and even acquaintances.  Not many people want to volunteer their time to help an ingrate with a permanent attitude disorder.  Not even a dog will play with an ingrate dog.  A jealous, envious ingrate is a walking sin, looking for a place to happen.
And why the crazy concern about equalizing material goods?  Above what is needed for shelter, sustenance, and community, how much value is there, really, in additional material stuff?  How many real friends would you surrender in exchange for more material stuff?
Our society has free access to libraries, with computers, with access to an internet of information of which the richest Kings of old had but a tiny fraction.  This was developed, not by a communistic society, but by a society that respected the dignity of individuals and their freedom of expression and enterprise.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Enlightened Governance

With regard to taxes and regulations, it's complicated to say what we should worry about. My take would be this:

We should worry about our tax incentives that are perverse. We need incentives and ways to gradually trim population, trim gov size, trim gov expenditures, delegate gov functions to states and localities.

If power players are not to evolve and devise ways of divisiveness and technology to kill us all, we need less stress. More assimilation of a kind of empathy that is strong enough to pre-emptively defend its liberty against sociopathic people abusers. Less meekness and more strength in social values related to Christianity.

Less race baiting. More tolerance for the spiritual value of each person. Less tolerance for sociopathic gang-bangers, fascists, and narcissistic despots. Less tolerance for the idea that it's ok for societies of proven fascists and despots to use gov funds to indoctrinate populations with tribal based hatreds and to acquire dangerous technologies. Less tolerance for sub-humanizing cultures seeking to acquire instruments of mass destruction.

We should not allow sub-humans to grow technologically strong. We should not allow oligarchs to gain absolute or worldwide power.

Problem is, our schools and institutions are teaching and promoting opposites: Weakness, toleration of monsters, political correctness as defined by despotic oligarchs, safe spaces, delusionary free stuff, doped up vacations from reality, gender fluidity, family de-definition, polyamory, gov as nanny, social and individual irresponsibility, undue faith in the noblesse oblige of people abusing elitists, and so on.


I would rather that needed social incentives be general, rather than applied as direct force. I don't trust elites to make detailed, intrusive decisions for each member of the masses. I prefer a society of educated, responsible citizens, who are respected and trusted to do what's best for themselves --- subject only to such general constraints as are necessary.
The problem is, as difficulties approach becoming emergencies, ever more specific and intrusive constraints and rations are soon deemed to be necessary. And sometimes the emergencies are hyped or invented, to facilitate elitist rule. I would rather societies acquire vision enough to instigate general (tax) incentives to reduce populations.
Some societies are less suited to individual trust, responsibility, and freedom. But that is not a good reason to flip our demography to become like them.
Too many unwise and abusive people want to run other people's lives. Maybe they can be trained or diverted more to identify with virtual worlds of X Boxes, where they can interact in virtual worlds, without harming ours so much?

Well, I have no way to determine the cause. I can see correlates. And I can speculate on spiritual causes. But I could no more prove "the cause" than I could prove ramifications from the flight of a butterfly.
For correlates, I see economic successes leading to soft lives, leading to parental indulgences, leading to non-merit based feelings of entitlement, leading to shame unless reinforced by others similarly situated, leading to denigration of "acting White," leading to greed and jealousy and envy, leading to tribes and gangs justifying gratifications and predations, leading to disloyal and foreign opportunists cheaply buying our politicians and political favors, leading to phony governmental promises, leading to the breakdown of families and individual discipline and responsibility, leading to cheap pleasures and thrills, leading to the hollowing of America.
The signs are increasing numbers of Mosques, diminishing numbers of Christian congregants, increased divorce rates, more stressed and troubled and alienated children, increased disrespect for the flag and nation. Basically, the hollowing and desecration of faith, family, and fidelity.
For a main cause, I think too many people have expected too much from scientism, and so they have turned away from spiritual-based good faith and good will. They are trying to fill the void with superficial, cheap, meaningless pleasures and thrills.
This may continue until it can't.
How to reverse it? A Moses or Jesus. We need some wise and inspirational leaders to smash through the prevailing moral idiocy and point a way to a better way of being. My faith is that the need will bring forth the personages. But it won't be cheap or easy. Nothing worthwhile is.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Peaceful Protestors

A lot of Lefties are more like infants, looking to force the gov to take the place of parents that over-indulged them. Their tactics are not that far from temper tantrums. Some toddlers aren't used to having to articulate their concerns. They expect their parents to read their body language, i.e., frowns, wailings, tantrums, fits, feces throwing. They increase the protest volume when that is rewarded. So it comes to pass that thugs are given space to destroy. They haven't learned about t for tat.

Mathematically, the best strategy tends to be this: Start out nice, then exchange t for tat -- subject to forgiveness. Or a smiley face. :)

Not so good is to give out participation trophies or to pass out rewards for nothing. Watch The Miracle Worker sometime, about Helen Keller.

This is basic. But it seems to have escaped most teachers and profs. Have they been educated into stupidity? Given the damage they have done to the society at large, I don't see the point in trying to put it more politely. They have earned far, far worse.

This seems not that much different from what God/Nature does to us, over the long run. Like Karma.

The peaceful protestors are those supporting Trump. The people spraying pepper, shouting down speakers, undermining free speech, banning books, faking affronts, and vandalizing property are Dems.

Who is more corrupt and has the lower IQ: The typical Klansman, or the typical BLM Looter/Vandal? Well, check the crime stats.

I suspect the stock of genes that indulged the lynchings of the past is similar to the stock of genes that presently provides useful idiots, agitators, and thugs for the Paymasters who profit from divisiveness.

Genes and Memes that made Klansmen now make Progsmen. Still working for the corrupt Paymaster. An incompetent, infantile, incorrigible, blood-sucking Dem is a blood-sucking Dem.

This is the double-plus double-standard of double-thinking disciples of Marcuse. This is rationalized as necessary, to even the playing field. Even though the playing field (most of the institutions of persuasion, bribery, seduction, and force) is largely owned and operated by godless and godforsaken paymasters of Proggies (who nevertheless cherish membership in their fellow gang-banging tribes). Why do secular atheistic Jews cherish their Jewish membership? Why do Blacks want to exclude Whites? And so on.

There is nothing good or decent about perpetual infantilism or gang-banging rationalization. They are little more than rationalization for evil parasitism and predation. Infants, after all, start off as parasites. If they do not grow out of that phase, they remain parasites indefinitely. You cannot fix Proggies or talk them out of parasitism by rewarding parasitism or by being nice to it.

First, you seem to target Conservatives. Then you want to target Whites. Then to imply White Klansmen are more likely serial killers. I don't trust your notions.

I suspect you want to claim to be fair minded and not a racist, yet want to blame some kind of "white gene" for an increased propensity for mass crime. I was talking about the distribution of corruption, intellect, and crime at the fringes of both Political Parties.

I do suspect that the more indoctrinated a person is, the more likely he is to take his violence outside of his family and community.

With regard to your race-based notion, I checked, to see if there was any substance in support.

Some pertinent quotes from that source are:

"The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population."

"The difference between these types of offenders [killers] and other serial murderers is the nature of their traveling lifestyle, which provides them with many zones of comfort in which to operate."

"Serial murderers, like all human beings, are the product of their heredity, their upbringing, and the choices they make throughout development."

"Neglect and abuse in childhood have been shown to contribute to an increased risk of future violence. Substance abuse can and does lead to increased aggression and violence."

"The development of a serial killer involves a combination of these factors, which exist together in a rare confluence in certain individuals. They have the appropriate biological predisposition, molded by their psychological makeup, which is present at a critical time in their social development."

"The majority of serial killers who are sexually motivated erotized violence during development. For them, violence and sexual gratification are inexplicably intertwined in their psyche."

"Attendees did identify certain traits common to some serial murderers, including sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior."

"Psychopathy is a personality disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs."

"The lifestyle behaviors include stimulation-seeking behavior, impulsivity, irresponsibility, parasitic orientation, and a lack of realistic life goals. The anti-social behaviors include poor behavioral controls, early childhood behavior problems, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, and criminal versatility."

"Psychopaths are not sensitive to altruistic interview themes, such as sympathy for their victims or remorse/guilt over their crimes. They do possess certain personality traits that can be exploited, particularly their inherent narcissism, selfishness, and vanity."

"Ideology is a motivation to commit murders in order to further the goals and ideas of a specific individual or group. Examples of these include terrorist groups or an individual(s) who attacks a specific racial, gender, or ethnic group."


See also https://www.scientificameri...

"African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total. Significantly, however, only white, and normally male, serial killers such as Ted Bundy become popular culture icons."


At bottom, we are all human beings. The more we focus on race and other superficialities, the more we miss the more important social issue, which is: Do we as a society want to retain a decent respect for the freedom and dignity of individuals, as availed under a representative republic? Or do we want to subjugate the republic to a new, lowest common denominator, globalism -- to be ruled by "morally beneficent" (fair minded and equal) elitists and their oligarchic paymasters?

With regard to taxes and regulations, it's complicated to say what we should worry about.  My take would be this:
We should worry about our tax incentives that are perverse.  We need incentives and ways to gradually trim population, trim gov size, trim gov expenditures, delegate gov functions to states and localities.
If power players are not to evolve and devise ways of divisiveness and technology to kill us all, we need less stress.  More assimilation of a kind of empathy that is strong enough to pre-emptively defend its liberty against sociopathic people abusers.  Less meekness and more strength in social values related to Christianity.
Less race baiting.  More tolerance for the spiritual value of each person.  Less tolerance for sociopathic gang-bangers, fascists, and narcissistic despots.  Less tolerance for the idea that it's ok for societies of proven fascists and despots to use gov funds to indoctrinate populations with tribal based hatreds and to acquire dangerous technologies.  Less tolerance for sub-humanizing cultures seeking to acquire instruments of mass destruction.
We should not allow sub-humans to grow technologically strong.  We should not allow oligarchs to gain absolute or worldwide power.
Problem is, our schools and institutions are teaching and promoting opposites:  Weakness, toleration of monsters, political correctness as defined by despotic oligarchs, safe spaces, delusionary free stuff, doped up vacations from reality, gender fluidity, family de-definition, polyamory, gov as nanny, social and individual irresponsibility, undue faith in the noblesse oblige of people abusing elitists, and so on.

God and Freedom

No thing can be made measurably manifest in the absence of a sponsoring expression or reconciliation of Conscious Will.
Reconciled, participatory Will is that without which a thing would not have been expressed.
No measurable Substance unfolds to existential relevance except as the reconciled product of Conscious Will interfunctioning with accumulated Information.
As a Conscious Observer, to take a perspective at any particular locus in space-time, it is necessary both to focus on a limiting system and to lose focus on that which limits it.
Any aspect of the Godhead that fluxes to consciousness of a particular perspective will lose contemporaneous consciousness of other perspectives.
Is there a holistic Reconciler that fluxes with consciousness of all perspectives?
Apart from innate empathy, may it know of that which it reconciles?


If God were entirely outside our space-time, with no capacity to change how it unfolds, then God would be irrelevant to us. 
If God functions both in and out our space-time, then we do not have complete free will, but only the partial free will of conscious parts functioning within the framework that defines us. 
If God has at least participatory free will, then God inter-functions with, and reconciles, our prayers and inputs. 
If all that unfolds is pre-set, and God knows it all, then God is powerless to change the creation, even if God had power to create creation.
The intuitive upshot of an imperfect yet empathetic perspective:  Some aspect of God functions in our space-time, and we do not have complete free will, but only the partial free will of conscious parts functioning within the framework that defines us.
A way the Godhead might simultaneously enjoy something like both omniscience and omnipotence would be as a Trinitarian Flux, fluxing aspects or faces of Consciousness, Substance, and Information. 
Holistic Consciousness may have access to all knowledge, yet, at any particular locus of space-time, not have accessed it all.  Holistic Information may at any particular space-time have agglomerated records of all that has gone before, yet not have pre-set all that will subsequently unfold.  Holistic Substance may at any particular space-time have specified limits for what is next to unfold, without necessarily specifying limits for what is to unfold after that.
Under a Trinitarian conceptualization, the Conscious Aspect has power to make choices, the Information Aspect has power to reconcile, and the Substance Aspect has power to specify. 
We, as perspectives of the Godhead, do not have Free Will to change the purposes, reconciliations, and determinations of the Godhead.  But, as imperfect perspectives of the Godhead, we do enjoy Participatory Will.


Without respect for innate spiritual higher-mindedness (the Godhead), science-reason-secularism would be lame. Science is powerless to derive or inspire higher-minded morality and empathy. Pure reason cannot derive ought from is. That requires receptivity to the immeasurable Source-Reconciler. And that receptivity is only available in direct intuition, innate empathy, good faith, and good will. Organized religion merely provides forums for assimilating the sustaining values of good faith and good will. Without that, we would be mere serfs and slaves to law droolers, who would rule us and exempt themselves. Christian values inspired and sustained America's Founders. No other system or religion has come close to that record for promoting decent human values of individual freedom of expression and enterprise. Too often, scientisimists rush from moral lameness to spiritual blindness.


We often think of simple "cause and effect" communication as being inanimately unconscious and billiard-ball like. Then we consider communication among conscious beings with multi layered brains, using symbols and words of multi, fluxing, and ambiguous layers and levels. Such communication entails processes of feedback, to refine communication and make it clearer in perspective and context.

Feedback is essential to communication among conscious beings. Without communicative feedback, there could be no tendency towards clarification out of the background of fuzz, noise, and chaos. The essential aspect of Consciousness is communicative feedback. (This implicates conscious modeling, i.e., representation-communication-clarification.  Re-presentation means presentation of something other than the original thing-in-itself.  Re-presentation is what is accomplished when a photon, impacting a substance, leaves/imprints an image, and receives/carries another.  An image of something is not the original thing itself.)

Among mortals, this entails a body (Substance) with memory (Mind) and time (recorded Information). Human beings do not interact simply as pre-set billiard balls, but as evolving identities that process feedback.

Is consciousness limited to human beings? Maybe consciousness of self is limited to higher-brained creatures. But what about sub-consciousness of identity? How does any so-called inanimate part-icle retain its measurable identity even as its various layers and levels inter-function with other particles in ways that, on individual levels, retain some aspect or degree of innate uncertainty? Out of the allowed range of possible expressions within the limits of defining parameters, how --- except with communicative feedback --- is the relative locus, vector, charge, mass, inertia, relative speed, density, frequency, wavelength, and intensity of any particle/wave conserved, phased, renormalized, and reconciled? And how is this dance of feedback communicated and coordinated within the cosmic bubble that we happen to share?

Often, we forget that even communication (transference of force and/or energy) among the tiniest of billiard balls entails fractals of many layers, levels, and fluxing perspectives, contexts, and phase shifts. Just when we suppose we have found the tiniest building block billiard ball or particle, we find it phase shifts into something more ambiguous and receding, like a rainbow. We may come to intuit that no particle really abides as a thing in itself, but that the measurable substantiality of every particle is renormalized to perspectives to the extent they happen to share a frame of reference.

If conscious perspective is essential to avail any particle of meaningful, measurable, recordable existentiality, then consciousness must abide as an innate aspect of beingness. So, of beingness, we have the present measurability of substantiveness (Substance), the past accumulation of records of previous substantiveness (Information), and shared renormalization of perspectives to context (Consciousness). Thus, our existential reality consists of three fundaments of equal essentiality: Consciousness, Substance, and Information -- CSI. Immeasurable Consciousness must inter-permeate with all of Substance that is measured out and then recorded into re-derivable Information. Thus, the unfolding source (Godhead) must feedback and flux with Consciousness, Substance, and Information.

Of Measurable Science and Cause and Effect:

As the measurables around our bodies and minds change, so do we -- coordinately. We do not cause the measurables to change, nor do they cause us to change. These measurables are merely the coordinate significations of change. But, intuitively and empathetically, some inter-functioning, feeding-back, Reconciling-Source of innately spiritual and immeasurably conscious apprehensions and appreciations does part-icipate -- in Itself and with us -- to facilitate all such change.

Our apprehensions, appreciations, coordinations, and observations of chronological unfoldings ("causes and effects") do not cause such change, but are interwoven with it. We appreciate the signs that are "written on the wall."

As the rules and formulas that nurture us change, we are facilitated to notice and sometimes measure perspectivistic and relational rates of such change --- even though our conscious Will to "cause" such change is not free, but only part-icipatory.

The measurables we notice are not "in themselves" measurable, but measurable only to perspectives within contexts, relationally. From points of view that are normalized to a shared frame of reference ("bubble").

The CSI Godhead (Consciousness/Substance/Information) applies presently operational rules to appreciate new rules, which in turn eventually coordinate with change in the previous rules.


TWINS DIFFERENTIALLY TRAVELING IN SPACE-TIME:  An identifiable particle in space, to the extent it continues in time, is necessarily functioning both as a particle and as a wave, through space-time.  Its accumulation of relationships is how it records relationships/chronologies in time.  Different particle/waves accumulate relational information at different rates.  When they mix, they renormalize with one another.  A photon imparts information concerning a pervious record of an image as it absorbs a new record of an image.  This entails a process of image-ination and in-form-ation.   Differently traveling twins may differentially experience and absorb in-form-ation, so that, when they return to re-mix together, one may be of a different entropic aspect in wear and tear from the other.  One will have experienced information at differently renormalizing rates, intervals, and interpretations from the other.


A photon is a particle in space and a wave in time.  In space-time, a photon is a particle-wave.


Science, in itself. is not real.  Rather, science, as an unfolding process, is real only in this respect:  The CSI Godhead (Consciousness/Substance/Information) applies presently operational rules to make new rules, which in turn eventually change the previous rules. 
Once the previous rules are changed, their old formulas and formulations may or may not be preserved as part of the past -- depending on the extent to which the information accumulated and recorded concerning the past is preserved.
If our cosmic bubble were burst or dissipated, would its accumulation of Information (or "science") be preserved as part of what is real?  Who can say?

Welding as a science remains real only to those of us who happen to share a bubble in which the process that we call welding is reliable. Apart from that happenstance, the reality of welding, as we know it, is temporal. Against the time of the Godhead, the reality of our science of welding may be fleeting, at best.


To my conceptualization, a feedback situation applies between the Trinitarian Godhead of (immeasurable) Consciousness-(measurable) Substance-(accumulation of past recordation) Information and the various individual and particular perspectives of it, such as the personages on our planet. 
I conceptualize that the CSI Godhead appreciates moral purposefulness, but that its appreciation fluxes with feedback regarding us.  We do participate in defining how our destinies can and should unfold.   That has to do with how our prayers and purposes are reconciled in ways that do not threaten the rules that limit and define our shared bubble.
The Great Commandment is merely to love (appreciate) the Reconciler (CSI).  It is absolute.  Subordinate moralities are relative.  They are reconciled out of the mix.  Regarding them, I can say or judge, given such and such a purpose, such and such was counterproductive (or evil).  But, if we are to speak of morality, I believe all subordinate moral codes should serve in some respect the Great Commandment (good faith) and the Golden Rule (good will).
What is an I-ness?  Simply a perspective of the holistic CSI, given particular form by limiting its capacities and senses.  Without limits to our particular forms, we could not be humans or evolve as humans.  Homeschoolmom expressed some related ideas concerning how evolution unfolds consistently with entropy.


Is there really a foolproof Turing Test?  I don't see how objective-measuring can remove all potential for subjective other-directing.
The eye has evolved to allow us to see, tune, and take approximate measures of relational size, form, and distance.  Other of our senses allow us to take approximate measures of heat, pressure, taste, sound, balance. Together, I think our senses facilitate a general sense of consciousness of self.  A qualitative sense of being.  I think various receptors allow sensations of pleasure.  Together, I think that allow a qualitative sense of purposefulness
I think a qualitative sense of morality is an upshot of the mix of senses of being and of purpose.   (Dogs are readily seen to exhibit a sense of fair play.)   However, apart from good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule) that seem to flow inherently from the general senses of being and of purpose, I don't think the cosmic Godhead sponsors any other permanent rules of morality.
 Rather, evolution unfolds generally in coordination with a generalized sense of being and of purpose.  Societies of laws and governance evolve in coordination with their capacity to endure and to facilitate various aspects of good faith and good will.  I doubt any person or society that was entirely devoid of good faith and good will could long survive or replicate. 
Dawkins seemed to hypothesize a kind of good will attraction among "selfish genes."  He modeled that, and engaged in statistical analysis.  But I doubt individual genes are "really" selfish.  I suppose one could engage in statistical analysis to  "measure" degrees of "sensations of being" or of "sensations of purposefulness."  But I suspect such analysis would amount to circular rationalization to a contrived purpose.  Fundamentally, I think of the sense of being and the sense of purpose as being qualitative, not quantitative.
The relative power and freedom to give expression to moral purposefulness (good faith and good will) fluxes between societies and their individual members.  Some societies tend towards collectivism, others towards individualism, others towards empire or globalization, others towards nihilism and anarchy.  These varieties of social expression compete.  Whatever the upshot, historians (and scientisimists) of the time will be paid to rationalize it as moral (or perhaps even the best of all possible worlds).  Some may even call the desired upshot the everlasting will of the Godhead.  I don't dwell much on that.
I don't think there are many specific rules of cosmic morality.  Rather, most rules of morality are subordinate to a purpose.  If we are of a society that values freedom of expression and enterprise for individuals, then we will promote a different set of rules than would those who aspire to a society that more values longevity, security, equality, servitude, and diktat.  If one considers the power of the human brain, it seems a wrong and a waste to confine it to servitude.
For a decent, civilizing society that respects and facilitates the freedom of expression and enterprise of individual citizens, I think a model for a religious faith is invaluable and essential.  That model may evolve, but it would need to inspire respect for a caring, empathetic, inviting, tough-loving, Reconciler.  It would need to accord forums for congregants of good faith and good will to coordinate their rules of social engagement.   Preferably, more in terms of general morality than in terms of stifling elitist regulations down to the toenails.  However, when the citizenry is unassimilated, divided, and ruled by oligarchic collectivists, then individual freedom of conscience will tend to be replaced by stifling, arbitrary, ignorant, sub-humanizaing, elitist diktat.
If the Reconciler smiles on the efforts of American Idealists, we will preserve the Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment, the Golden Rule, and the idea of Christian Charity (not Gov taxation).  However, if the ACLU has its way, oligarchic collectivists will run most Christians out of the public square.  Presently, the ACLU and its fellow travelers have made long strides towards a general course of sub-humanization.


There aren't many substantive expressions that do not yield in aspects to approaches for mathematical analysis.  The more we happen to depend on a shared bubble of approaches, the more we will tend to communicate among ourselves AS IF those approaches were "real." 
However, even for the most reliable of dependencies, such as, for example, the speed of light,  it is becoming more apparent, over a wide and long enough haul,  that even those change.  There are no non-trivial formulas that are true-in-themselves, apart from a limiting and happenstance bubble. 
While everything that we communicate can be subjected to math-based analysis (some in more detail and encompassment than others), all such communications (the non-trivial or non-tautological ones) are incomplete.  There will always be unmeasured or immeasurable qualitatives at the fringes and in the fuzzy transitions and phase shifts.  In some endeavors, those qualitatives often lead our best laid plans to go awry.  We proceed then with leaps of faith, tinkering, searching for better explanations and models that are more complete or reliable to our purposes.
I doubt a philosophy based purely in substantive and math-based analysis can well serve the moral needs and chosen purposes of humanity.  Or even a "best" model of "reality."  I think reality tends better to be modeled as Trinitarian.  Past, present, future.  Substance, Information, Consciousness.  In constant and continual flux.  (Moreover, I suspect even the very bubble we share is reconciled to flux in feedback response to the ways we happen to model and tinker with it.  Like a living X-Box Virtual Reality Holodek of feedback reconciliation.  How many more cloud advancements before players become more like virtual gods to their chosen X Boxes?)
Sam Harris would likely agree with you and disagree with me.  So, if one were to swallow that pleasure is the most important or only worthwhile human purpose, then one may suppose that the only test of morality is what would facilitate the most pleasure for the most people.  There are problems in logic with that, but put those aside.  If one takes the leap of faith that what is moral is what is most pleasurable to most people, then one could, like Ron Hubbard, audit for brain wave evidence of pleasure sensations.  Then a team of moral scientists could endeavor to apply findings to the mass herd of humans.   Thus could a Church of Scientology evolve to a Church of Scientism.
But that cup of tea would not be for me.


It used to amaze me how little insight and common sense people have who think like you. Yes, God is irrelevant to an attempt to find a theory of physics to explain and control every measurable thing. No, God is not irrelevant to innate spiritual insight, intuition, and empathy. Nowadays, I tend to feel sorry for people who lack the common sense to understand that, but I cannot fix them.
The Godhead does inter-function with our cosmos. The way IT does so is by effecting choices within parameters of possibilities. Because the way IT does so with regard to measurables is necessarily consistent with math-based rules for measuring, neither math nor empiricism can be used to prove or confine the Godhead. So, the only way the Godhead is relevant to us is through innate spiritual intuition and empathy. It is with those that we derive our moral codes and meaningful purposes. Not through some grand theory of moral science for measuring degrees of morality.
Regarding morality having "nothing to do with science," I would not say morality has nothing to do with science. I would say that morality has nothing measurable to do with science.
When you say morality pertains to "what is best from the society it represents," you use that word "best" in an ambiguous way. Do you mean measurably best, or do you mean intuitively, empathetically, and immeasurably best? Unless you mean measurably best, then you are in effect, however unwittingly, in agreement with me. But if you do mean measurably best, then you need to provide a more rigorous, scientific definition of your term "best." It does not appear that you have thought this through.

My only proof is in direct experience of a general (qualitative) sense of being.  Not in any specific (quantitative) measure to any specific sense.

Re:  " what the society as a whole agrees that is best"

And who is the judge of what society as a whole agrees (or should agree, or changes its mind to believe, i.e., have faith) is best?  To think this is some kind of objective or scientific test is silly.  How does "society as a whole" agree?   Is "settled morality" like "settled science"? 

Surely, you can do "better" than that.  Are you saying that some kind of utopian representative republic should be forced on every society, culture, and nation --- regardless of the traditions and desires of its people?  How chauvinistic of you!

Regarding proof:  Yes, by definition, to confine holistic God to a definition or an empirical proof is beyond any mortal's particular capacity.  I don't deal in silly empirical proofs of God.  I deal in reasons to have faith in a Reconciler of unfolding moral purposefulness. 

Not all reasons for all issues can be subjected to rigorous measurements or material tests.  Some are based in direct intuition or empathy.  Not in measurement by any particular sense, but in experience of a general sense of being. 

For example, "you" (and any other Turing Bot) probably believe you have an essential identity.  So, prove it to me.  Or to "yourself."  Prove you're not a bot who only deludes himself that he's a human being.  Prove "ÿou" are "more reasonable, less deluded, or more enlightened" than a person who believes Consciousness is innately tied to beingness. 

If you can't prove that, in empiricism or in math, then does that make you "deluded"?  Do you foresee a Church of Scientism, to inspire and spread the gospel of the "best moral way of being"?  Do you have a list of Ten Tolerances, to provide a consistent, coherent, complete guide to end conflicts regarding that which should be tolerated and that which should not?  Maybe you can join with Sam Harris, to study up on how to produce the best, biggest, longest, orgiastic burst of dopamine in the most human beings.  Or with Jim Jones, to produce the "best" Kool-Aid to put everyone out of their misery in the fastest, least painful way.


Regarding Freedom: There is no such thing as free will for an individual to do everything he can imagine he wants to do. There is participatory will, that allows an individual, within the parameters that nurture his body and mind, to participate by appreciating his context and his choices --- that are reconciled within it. His choices are necessarily constrained by math-based rules that define and conserve his encompassment. The very idea of parts implicates an idea of an encompassing holism, to whose rules and parameters the parts must conform. The parts cannot unfold in any way beyond the extent of the conservatory math that is applied to or by that with which they are encompassed.

If all choices were pre-set, then the holism would amount to no more than a set of pre-determining rules, for which any creator would have no further role or involvement.

However, that does not seem to be the way our cosmos works. In broad parameters, our cosmos does seem to have been reliably pre-set. If it had not been, our bodies would have had little chance to evolve from the slime.

However, our role as appreciating and apprehensive observers seems to affect directions for how particles and particulars unfold. Something about our cosmos seems to require an interplay with observers from transitory points of view.

Indeed, it is hard to imagine how there could be any such thing as any independent inanimate unconscious fundamental building block thing-in-itself. Rather, every measurable thing seems to necessitate a context and a measuring point of view (appreciative, conscious, and part-icular observer/part-icipant).

Moreover, our attempts towards unifying explanations seem to implicate an origin of substance and anti-substance out of no-thing-ness ---- which "really" abides as some-thing-ness (however immeasurable IT may be).

At fuzzy fringes that limit us and facilitate our phase-fluxes, there seem to abide essential qualitatives that defy rigorous, unifying, particularly pre-set, quantification.

Perhaps this leads some philosophers of science and morality to intuit an inherent, innate role for consciousness and pure math in the unfolding of what could not otherwise appear to be our substantive cosmos.

IAE, there is nothing in logic, math, or empiricism to make a belief in an inanimate and entirely pre-set cosmos any more probable, necessary, palatable, or scientific than a belief in a consciousness-based cosmos.

Moreover, the idea of an inanimate and entirely pre-set cosmos tends to deaden inspiration for moral purposefulness, while the idea of a consciousness-permeated cosmos implicates an intuitive and empathetic appreciation for good faith (Great Commandment), good will (Golden Rule), and pursuit of purposefulness. it facilitates churches and forums for people to congregate to inspire and assimilate moral values and meaningful lives. It facilitates intuitive, appreciative, personal, feedback-receptivity, respect for Something Spiritual that Guides and Reconciles our unfolding experiences.

In these days of moral overreach by too many scientisimists, we are seeing how a representative republic unravels as its citizenry replaces the moral values of spiritual-based good faith and good will with little more than a "scientific" pursuit of the biggest and longest orgiastic send off. We are reaping the fruit of "moral scientists" who decided that spiritual-encouragements of faith, family, and fidelity were of little import, if not humbugs.

We don't have free will to suddenly change the rules for the niche without whose nourishment we could not survive. However, over time, the chassis with which our consciousness is adapted will be modified. We don't individually have free will to effect those modifications all at once. But, over time and space, working in a feedback flux with the Holism and one another, there does abide such power! That is what I mean by Participatory Will. We participate in a feedback dance with the Holism, as IT reconciles, unfolds, and guides our choices.

I don't believe our substantive cosmos is entirely pre-determined in its path of unfoldment. I think the Reconciler is involved with us! I believe spiritual intuition and empathy are innate to every perspective of consciousness. I believe congregations in respect of that are advantaged to assimilate sustainable and civilizing values.
However, because whatever the Reconciler measurably effects will be consistent with rules of measurement, the existentiality of the Reconciler is necessarily outside the proof of measurables.
In an array of ways (quantum uncertainty, observer effect, butterfly effect, lack of ultimate building block thing-in-itself, paradoxical nature of philosophy of particulars, etc.), the spiritual entailment of the reconciler seems to be qualitatively interpenetrating in ways that will forever defy reduction to scientific quantitatives.

(All good bacteria go to heaven. Or not.)
I am agreeable to a belief in a powerful, caring, Reconciling Consciousness. I suspect IT seeks all manner of possible experiences through each and every perspective of consciousness. I suspect each such perspective is eventually restored to, re-absorbed by, and subsumed in, that Reconciler.
I suspect what makes us mortals is what defines and limits us to particular spatial-temporal perspectives. Without our defining limitations, we could not have power as mortals. But because we are particular derivatives of the Holism, none of us, while alive, can be tasked to carry a bigger cross than we are able. Because when the cross exceeds our limits, we die. We are then transposed.
As to eternal rewards or karma for mortal perspectives, I claim no knowledge ....
Regardless, I do not intend to be antagonistic to a heavenly faith -- unless or until it becomes twisted to rationalize some kind of despotic communism on Earth.
I celebrate faith that inspires and sustains a representative republic that can facilitate individual decency, freedom, dignity, good faith, and good will. I celebrate forums and churches that assimilate sustainable values in respect of such faith.

You are very confused because your brain is self-blocked. God is God. Ultimately, there is one cosmos. One manifestation of an array of all that is and will be possible.
The different dressings people try to put on God to model God are only about their perspectives, desires, and hang-ups. Most religious people do not claim to "really" know the mind of God. But they do seek guidance from God by being receptive in meditation and prayer concerning God. They pursue non-trivial truth, while appreciating that their mortal limitations will never completely avail it. Much as they pursue happiness. Or, in your case, distemper.
Does light "really" consist of waves or of particles? Neither, by itself. Whatever light (or any other measurable standard for measuring) "really" consists of is as beyond our complete explanation as the conundrum of any particular "thing in itself." Still, we find value and purpose in tinkering with various approaches to trying to understand and use light. To say there is no value to trying to understand or use light by modeling it in different ways would be the practice of a fool. A nobody.
Able scientists have provided us with useful ways to model light. Insightful theologians have provided us with useful and/or inspiring ways to conceptualize and appreciate God. Look through your blockages and you may come more to appreciate some of them.

So, you are admitting that "something" can exist (only) in one's mind? What is this something that can exist only in one's mind?
Light functions as both a wave and a particle. As to what light "is" or will become, I doubt any mortal knows. I function and model as a citizen. But "I" am much more than a citizen.
I do not believe my model for God is God. Rather, I believe my model is a model. The Source of Mind is what people often call God. IT is not "in" any mortal's brain or mind. IT is the Source of Mind.
I doubt you learned much in high school at all.


We use math to measure aspects that are measurable with math. We do not measure any thing-in-itself. We do not measure anything that is independent (for its definition and changing nature and function) from the encompassing and fluxing context within which it is found. Assuming some particular things-in-themselves may "really" exist, none can be measured by any means that would alter their character and/or place, because the measurement itself would have changed an aspect of the thing being measured. We base our measurements on assumptions that all aspects of things necessary to the measurement remain otherwise constant. However, beyond approaches to limits, we are otherwise unable to confirm that assumption. Scientists are beginning to realize that not even the speed of light necessarily remains constant for galactic periods of time.

Given such conundrums, some physicists/mathematicians think it may make sense for some purposes to model empirically measurable substances as if they were derivatives not of anything really physical, but purely of math. (And maybe "something" immeasurable --- unless math can measure all math.) In that case, electromagnetic radiation would not really consist of waves and/or particles, but of purely math-based values (as in the case of a matrix). Again, this is modeling for empirical purposes.

Modeling about Spiritual Mind (God) is for moral purposes. Do you respect any kind of moral code? If so, do you regard it as dealing somewhat with immeasurables, or do you really think you derive it rationally, purely from what is measurable in physics? Have you found a way to derive ought from is? Can you teach it, without its becoming a religious leap of faith?


Lol!  Of course the Immeasurable cannot be evidenced by measurables!  Only a fool (or a nobody) would confuse himself by believing that measurables have or could have disproven immeasurables.  (What is the source of science, or the measurable cosmos?  Math applied to nothingness that was really somethngness?)
The evidence for the Immeasurable is not in empiricism.  It is in innate spiritual intuition and empathy.  It is "in" Mind.  By appealing to science to disprove what is beyond science, you have now confirmed that you are not just very confused.  You are very, very confused.
I notice you make no attempt to use science to justify a moral code or to answer my inquiry concerning how you derive ought from is.  Are you afraid?  Answer the question:  How do you derive your moral code without taking a leap of faith?  Do you find it in science?  Preach!  Tell us what science says concerning the moral code we "should" respect.  Break it down and show us your work.  Show us how your moral system is entirely based in "science."
I am going on a nice bike ride.  Use the time to put your thinkster to work.

Of course God exists outside physics, in the imagination of consciousness. God said, let there be light. And there was light.
Of course the supernatural exists, beyond measurement, in the spiritual imagination of consciousness. I agree. So what are you arguing about? You still seem very confused.

So, you are admitting that "something" can exist (only) in one's mind? What is this something that can exist only in one's mind?
Light functions as both a wave and a particle. As to what light "is" or will become, I doubt any mortal knows. I function and model as a citizen. But "I" am much more than a citizen.
I do not believe my model for God is God. Rather, I believe my model is a model. The Source of Mind is what people often call God. IT is not "in" any mortal's brain or mind. IT is the Source of Mind.
I doubt you learned much in high school at all.
We use math to measure aspects that are measurable with math. We do not measure any thing-in-itself. We do not measure anything that is independent (for its definition and changing nature and function) from the encompassing and fluxing context within which it is found. Assuming some particular things-in-themselves may "really" exist, none can be really measured by any means that would alter their character and/or place, because the measurement itself would have changed an aspect of the thing being measured.
We base our measurements on assumptions that all aspects of things necessary to the measurement remain otherwise constant. However, beyond approaches to limits, we are otherwise unable to confirm that assumption. Scientists are beginning to realize that not even the speed of light necessarily remains constant for galactic periods of time. Some suppose it may change in phases.
Given such conundrums, some physicists/mathematicians think it may make sense for some purposes to model empirically measurable substances as if they were derivatives not of anything really physical, but purely of math. (And maybe "something" immeasurable --- unless math can measure all math.) In that case, electromagnetic radiation would not really consist of waves and/or particles, but of purely math-based values (as in the case of a matrix). Again, this is modeling for empirically measuring purposes.
Modeling about Spiritual Mind (God) is for moral purposes. Do you respect any kind of moral code? If so, do you regard it as dealing somewhat with immeasurables, or do you really think you derive it rationally, purely from what is measurable in physics?
Have you found a way to derive ought from is? Can you teach it, without its becoming a religious leap of faith? Might you have some sub-conscious belief/idea of God/higher-mindedness, yet, because you have not named it or called it God, you suppose you are just a pretending or unaware atheist? Or a seeker of moral purposefulness, just like everyone else, but one who does not like the verbalized sound of G O D? If so, that's ok. I doubt G O D is troubled it you want to refer to a name or not. so long as respect is intimated in higher mindedness.

Science deals with models of reality, not directly with reality. Science is what intelligent observers use to model explanations about reality. Science is a process that relates to reality. Science itself is not physical reality. And often scientific models are wrong, incomplete, transitory, or reliable only to a bubble in space-time. There is no measure for how much reality a model holds.
There is, however, practical experience for how reliable a model seems to be. While and where we happen to share a same bubble of limits and potentialities, we can tinker and model to achieve amazingly reliable and practical technologies.
But those technologies and reliabilites pertain only to the cosmic bubble that we happen to share in space-time. That bubble changes. Does that bubble have reality for any being of a different bubble? When our bubble out of otherwise seeming nothingness phases to express something else, does our model of its "past reality" still exist? Are either the past or our models of it real? Or only derivative of a "superior and immeasurable reality-in-itself?"


The eye has evolved to allow us to see, tune, and take approximate measures of relational size, form, and distance.  Other of our senses allow us to take approximate measures of heat, pressure, taste, sound, balance. Together, I think they allow a sense of consciousness of self.  a qualitative sense of being.  I think various receptors allow sensations of pleasure.  Together, I think that allow a qualitative sense of purposefulness. 

I think a qualitative sense of morality is an upshot of the mix of senses of being and of purpose.  However, apart from good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule) that seem to flow inherently from the general senses of being and of purpose, I don't think the cosmic Godhead sponsors any other permanent rules of morality.  Rather, evolution unfolds generally in coordination with a generalized sense of being and of purpose.  Societies of laws and governance evolve in coordination with their capacity to endure and to facilitate various aspects of good faith and good will.  I doubt any person or society that was entirely devoid of good faith and good will could long survive or replicate. 

However, the relative power and freedom to give expression to such moral purposefulness (good faith and good will) fluxes between societies and their individual members.  Some societies tend towards collectivism, others towards individualism, others towards empire or globalization, others towards nihilism and anarchy.  These varieties of social expression compete.  Whatever the upshot, historians of the time will be paid to rationalize it as moral (or perhaps even the best of all possible worlds).  Some may even call the desired upshot the everlasting will of the Godhead.  (I don't dwell much on that.)

I don't think there are many specific rules of cosmic morality.  Rather, most rules of morality are subordinate to a purpose.  If we are of a society that values freedom of expression and enterprise for individuals, then we will promote a different set of rules than would those who aspire to a society that more values longevity, security, equality, servitude, and diktat.  If one considers the power of the human brain, it seems a wrong and a waste to confine it to servitude.

For a decent, civilizing society that respects and facilitates the freedom of expression and enterprise of individual citizens, I think a model for a religious faith is invaluable and essential.  That model may evolve, but it would need to inspire respect for a caring, empathetic, inviting, tough-loving, Reconciler.  It would need to accord forums for congregants of good faith and good will to coordinate their rules of social engagement.   Preferably, more in terms of general morality than in terms of stifling elitist regulations down to the toenails.  However, when the citizenry is unassimilated, divided, and ruled by oligarchic collectivists, then individual freedom of conscience will tend to be replaced by stifling, arbitrary, ignorant, sub-humanizaing, dlitist diktat.

If the Reconciler smiles on the efforts of American Idealists, we will preserve the Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment, the Golden Rule, and the idea of Christian Charity (not Gov taxation).  However, if the ACLU has its way, oligarchic collectivists will run most Christians out of the public square.  Presently, the ACLU and its fellow travelers have made long strides towards a general course of sub-humanization.


Law Droolism is how faithless pervs seek to rule and farm the corruptible masses.

Well, I do prefer the KJV. Regardless, politically, I am concerned with preserving the representative republic, with equal dignity for all who are faithful to a decent republic that respects the freedom and dignity of individuals. So I try not to mix religion any more than is essential.
That said, I think faith in a caring, inviting, reconciling, Sponsor of Higher Mindedness of some sort is essential. I do not consider Islam to be a spiritual faith, because it is based not in faith but in oppression and force.
The doctrine of original sin, etc., is complex and, when considered in depth, is not nearly as simplistic as some like to believe. Imo. That said, I do believe mortals are inferior to the Reconciling Source (Trinitarian Godhead) and in need of guidance and correction. Beyond that, I do not much engage.
I have no quarrel with religious study in Church. Nor with Christian or other values of decency being represented in the public square. I do not think all societies, cultures, or countries are suited to representative republicanism as a form of governance. And I think they, and oligarchs, seek generally to undermine the American Republic. And that, politically, is my main concern.
I suspect the Godhead is interested in, and needs, outlets for experiencing particular points of view within limiting and defining contexts, and vice versa. I think the relationship between the Trinitarian Godhead and individual Beings, unavoidably, is one of constant, continuous, and appreciative feedback and reconciliation. So I think our imperfection (being limited as part-iculars) is one of necessary, innate design. Original sin and ongoing sin may somehow be bound up with that, but that idea does not seem as essential to the furtherance of a representative republic as the idea of shared and humble receptivity before a guiding Reconciler. Imo. :)

Instead of talking about Jews versus Jews, I would rather talk about Zionists versus Secular Atheists. It's the Secular Atheists that want to replace the assimilation of moral values with oligarchic diktat and ACLU law drooling that give me the creeps. Especially when they want to claim special license to affirmatively free them from handicaps they want to impose on other Whites. A complicating problem seems to be that Zionists are dependent on funding and political support from American Jews.

I don't believe Adam tainted humanity or that Jews tainted only themselves. I think humanity is naturally in need of guidance, correction, reconciliation. Jesus would have had to die, regardless of whether He had been assigned a birth among people of any religion or culture. Regardless, I think the YOLO idea is silly.

Only recently have I noticed so much whining about so-called anti-Semitism. It's as if the whining were coordinated, like the so-called War on Women. Is anti-Semitism really on the increase, or is there some undercurrent agenda at work?
Are those who want to preserve legalistic regulations down to the toenails getting anxious that Americans may actually want to restore some freedom and dignity for individuals, free from globalistic law-drooling regulators?