Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Socialism Done Right

Can freedom survive the agglomeration of all power to the central apparatus, if it is able to monopolize the parceling out of rewards to oligarchs for hobbling the masses? Not likely.
Can freedom survive the agglomeration of power to the central apparatus to decree and punish that which is hate speech? Can freedom survive forcing people to communicate common sense only in whispers? Maybe.
That's how DJT was elected, despite all the fascist hate by stooges for the oligarchy. As stooges were promoted beyond their levels of expertise, they became easy marks for more competent Americans. So Bannon triumphed over Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, Megyn Kelly, and Hillary. EVEN THOUGH his followers were muzzled in public by all the PC krap.
Most of modern discrimination is by Fascist Collectivists against Free Thinkers. Fascists posing as SJW's will never comprehend why ordinary Americans of all colors feel discriminated against by those who exercise Fascist Privilege to shout down, suspend, fire, sue, and punish citizens for little more reason than for opining that people should be able to judge others for the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
If the discrimination paid for and agitated by Fascists were not everywhere so pervasive, people would not feel compelled to whisper when they express little more than common sense. This is the consequence of nearly surrendering the republic to the rule of oligarchs hiring stooges to pretend to be looking out for the little people. (Hillary cares? What a bad joke.)


Most of the discrimination is by Fascist Collectivists against Free Thinkers. Fascists posing as SJW's will never comprehend why ordinary Americans of all colors feel discriminated against by those who exercise Fascist Privilege to shout down, suspend, fire, sue, and punish citizens for little more reason than for opining that people should be able to judge others for the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. If the discrimination paid for and agitated by Fascists were not everywhere so pervasive, people would not feel compelled to whisper when they express little more than common sense. This is the consequence of nearly surrendering the republic to the rule of oligarchs hiring stooges to pretend to be looking out for the little people. Hillary cares? What a bad joke


For incompetents, it's self-soothing to say that no one who has achieved more has earned it.  It's easier to say that no one earns or merits anything.  From there, the argument by incompetents is that everyone is equally deserving and entitled.  The problem with such "reasoning" is that everyone will want to be seen as entitled, and no one will want actually to serve these so-called entitleds.  The consequence would be worldwide dystopia, leading to worldwide despotism.  When everyone is equal and no one can actually earn anything, misery becomes ubiquitous, as night follows day.  Only a citizenry indoctrinated into stupidity would fail to see it.

So wannabe despots play to the "you didn't earn that" meme, even though they do not want to empower the masses, but to farm them.  To establish and preserve a decent society, it is essential that more people develop a better philosophy about property rights and what should be meant by "earning" and "meriting."  It is also essential that they learn how to recognize (yes, judge) and deflate the cynical, souldead corrupti that want to farm them.

To deflate people-farmers, it is necessary to break their grips on every institution of social persuasion and influence.  It is also necessary to break the financial pipeline whereby more and more unbalanced wealth and power is pumped to oligarchs, to the destruction of influence from the striving classes.  The only kind of tax that might break the trend for unbalanced empowering of corrupt influence buyers would be a progressive tax on personal consumption.  However, once a citizenry has been sufficiently corrupted and stupefied, no mere form of tax can salvage it.  So the process of filtering and floating krap will continue.  And so it floats.  And corrupts stooges.


It is easy for souldead cynical oligarchs to pull Lefties around by the nose. In part, this is because it is so easy to be a Lefty.

It is very easy to be a Liberal!  It requires little education about history.  Hardly any thought about moral philosophy.  It puts you with ready-made friends whose only commonality is love of helping the plight of poor thugs by using other people's money -- and blaming them for not paying more.  That and the "principle" of pleasure -- free love, free stuff, safe spaces, and "if it feels good do it."

You have only to learn a few words (racist, phobic, misogynist, supremacist) and then apply them to every word used by anyone who argues in opposition.  Those who educate and fund you (professors, employers, oligarchs) will reward you handsomely for helping to divide, disarm, and impoverish the masses by opening borders to invite competition from illegal aliens who are desperate for work and ready made to hate everyone who is better off in terms of economic security than they are and wants to keep whatever property they have earned.  The pay for helping souldead oligarchs cannibalize formerly wealthy representative republics is good.  And more legitimate than robbing banks.

This is the exploitation of Fascist Privilege.  The Fascist Privilege is the privilege of never having to think or to say you're sorry, because your intentions, however historically illiterate they may have been, were "good".  (See The Gulag Archipelago.)  It is the privilege to undermine families, destroy religious good faith, and excite division and animosity.  IOW, to un-glue society.
Fascist Privilege gives a faster greed track for those willing to sell out their fellow Americans in order to please NWO oligarchs --- all while pretending to be doing it for social justice, equality, and fairness.

Fascist Privilege encourages parents to raise and farm incompetent liberty-illiterates, and weaponizes such children by indoctrinating them that ordinary Americans are racists, phobics, rednecks, without class, greed heads, god nuts, or gun nuts --- who need to be fem-ed and farm-ed by their betters.  IOW, rendered sub-humans, by sub-humans.
Fascist Privilege is used by all the oligarchs who cannot control Trump against the general citizenry. 

It is used to hoodwink the masses --- by assaults throughout fake media, fake academia, fake entertainment, fake charitable foundations, laundering banks, and paid-for judges and legislators.
Fascist Privilege is a thousand fold more dangerous to human freedom, dignity, and decency than so-called White Privilege.  It is a mortal threat to the representative republic, and it is a catalyst for human misery and enserfment.  Likely, all agitators against so-called White Privilege are stooges for Fascist Privilege.  The purpose of the Fascists who fund and promote Fascist Privilege is to turn the masses, worldwide, into little more than exploitable farm animals.  To entice the masses to give up all representative republics in exchange for fake promises of equality and fairness, to be distributed by expert caring elitists.

The reason Fascist Privilege is so powerful today is because souldead corrupt oligarchs have taken over nearly ever institution of power and persuasion.  They hedge-fund Dino-and-Rino stooges, to keep the nation divided, weak, and easy to farm.


As surely as night follows day, when the masses are made liberty-illiterate and ruled by little more than their short term pleasures, the people farmers will want elections by popular vote, unchecked by any other considerations.

I would agree that if we allow our nation to be overrun by liberty-illiterates and short-sighted pleasure-addicts and femimen, we will be unfit for representative republicanism.  I would agree that is the goal of the oligarchy and their stooges, who just want their soma.


I think promoting understanding through volunteerism is vital. I think trying to fix every insult with laws piled on laws tends often to be counterproductive. I would like to see a lot more black police officers. I would like to see more faith, family, fidelity. Less license, hedonism, and envy. I suspect a big part of the established oligarchy profits by keeping people stirred up and divided. I hope for the best, but I fear the trend. "A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me."--- Frederick Douglass


What is the flag kneeling about?  Is it really about police oppression?  The police oppression is only a small part of what oppresses people of color.  To ban police from their neighborhoods is not to decrease oppression, but to increase it, by giving free reign to outlawry.  If the problem were white police officers, then the solution would be easy:  Just hire and train more officers of color.

Or is it really about misplaced and stirred up animosity against everyone who is not of African origin?  If Liberals really did anything effective to reduce oppression, what would happen to the voting base they farm?  What are Section 8 houses and hood centers, if not farms for electing fake Liberals?  Do such people really believe they can force others to lovingly serve them?  Apart from the kind of Stockholm Syndrome common among Islamic societies, what rapist should expect his victim to love him?

I suspect the new world ethos is based on license, hedonism, and envy, to the destruction of faith, family, and fidelity.  Such a world will not cohere voluntarily.  It requires maliciously elite rulers, pretending to be moral scientists.  How else to indoctrinate the people to be roped, branded, and de-horned -- like farmed cattle?

We seem to be on a path leading to the central farming of the masses by cynical, soul dead, booty-minded oligarchs and Oz monkeys --- skilled at pretending to want to lead us to equality and fairness.  They do this while they take away our individual freedom, dignity, and responsibility.

The world has been pushed along this path so long, I'm far from confident that a worldwide centralized dystopia can be avoided.  When cattle yield the responsibility to feed them to others, they will get farmed.  I suspect the people-farming establishment looks upon DJT as a rustler.

By giving up their individual responsibility, the masses are being had.  And the republic is being swamped under a NWO whose agents only pretend to want equality and fairness.  This is about much more than race and divisiveness.  It is about the worldwide destruction of human freedom and dignity.  I shudder at the sub-humanizing kind of world we are leaving for our children.  To say I do not trust the modern professoriate of pretending "moral scientists" shilling for the established oligarchy would be a considerable understatement.

My heroes include Ben Carson, David Clarke, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, and Martin Luther King, Jr..   They do not seem to be sell-outs or shills for the people-farming establishment.  Not burners, looters, traffic stoppers, saggy-panters, or shills for people-farmers.


I suspect empathy, like altruism, is innate to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to disarm itself and kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish, defend, and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens. Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Prince Arjuna was empathetic. Apart from a responsible purpose, proponents of unguided empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers, bent on monopolizing media to foster resentments in order to divide and cannibalize a republic. There is little virtue in being tolerant or empathetic of professional victims or victimizers, merely for the sake of being empathetic. Beyond love, children need to be guided in how to grow up.


Socialism Done Right:  If you were born in a country that has materially benefitted from the industrial and technological revolutions that accompanied free enterprise, then it's like you were born 10 yards away from a touchdown against everyone born in any other nation.  This is unequal privilege!

Everyone born with such unequal privilege should be shamed, until he shares 90% of his wealth with every person in every nation whose populace has not yet developed the culture and initiative that can sustain a competitive system of free enterprise.

The fact that this would undermine the free enterprise that produced such wealth is far less important than the good feelings, social justice, and higher civilization that will arise once worldwide Socialism is done right.  So history and fascist oligarchs teach, right?
For those unburdened by history or responsible adulthood, the above is sarcasm.  But why does social misery always follow in the wake of snake-oil salesmen?  Some people want to impose misery, the better to signal pretended virtue and sustain the market for snake oil.  Some people want to impose misery, the better to wear their boots and saggy pants on the faces of others.  Some people want to impose misery, because they have twisted their faith to believe that individual autonomy and happiness are bad.  But really, what is the virtue in imposing worldwide social misery?

Generalized altruism can arise voluntarily throughout an assimilating culture.  Or it can arise through the force and diktat of Moral Scientismists loosed upon the public by Elite Oligarchs and Despots.  In the first case, altruism tends to flow from personal connections among the people throughout a culture.  Your identity relates to people you empathize with who are close to you.  In the second case, your identity has not empathized with any particular persons, but with an imagined persona of a celebrated elitist/despot.  More like Fake Altruism than Informed Altruism.  More like a Pharisee, signaling his virtue to his Benefactors.


EDIT: When can a baby cry? Anytime he wants to. But when he does, he will tend to be put back in the crib. Until he figures out something more productive to do with himself.

I think there is a spiritual basis for altruism. Even Ayn Rand recognized how a person identifies his interests with those of his family. That easily extends to close neighbors, friends, tribal affiliates, persons with shared cultural values. That kind of altruism can be self affirming, healthy, and make for purposeful existentiality. But the kind of communistic pc altruism that is drummed and forced into you by ruling elites is not like that. Their altruism comes at the cost of killing the souls in humanity, turning us into zombie serfs. Their altruism is the false promise of the devil, that always produces misery. They do the Big Lie, saying give to us so we can equally redistribute fairness. What they really mean to do is take a big cut, then dole out as needed to preserve the enserfment. Aid to lands ruled by despots is ever thus. So called social justice leaders, as they wear their fake virtue on their sleeves, always shill for such despots because the rewards are so greasy easy.

Freedom comes with consequences. Within the law, everyone can protest, speak, and lead by example. Start, join, and encourage a Charity, Civic Club, Church, or Synagogue. Contribute to big brothers, big sisters, children's homes. If you provide a good example, you will inspire. If your argument resonates, it will spread. If it sucks, it will get smacked down. Sure as the Sun rises. Teaching children to whine instead of to become competent is a losing, evil way of life.
Problem is, if you want to get promoted by those cynics who run most modern institutions, the path is far easier if you become adept at mouthing the pc than if you function as a responsible individual. If you become skilled with the pc, you can get away with just about any s*** imaginable.
Some say the system does not allow them to protest. What hooey! They protest all the time. Shouting down speakers. Enforcing pc speech codes. Floating nothing but socialists to tenured positions. Liberating property during protests. Making it their occupation to have children for welfare purposes and to vote for a living. Following Crowds on Demand. Whining when producers decline to volunteer to have their blood sucked.

The ultimate in virtue signaling would be to feed yourself to the parasites. Matthews wants everyone to feed themselves to the worms. It's time he showed us how.

I'm not stopping the Players from protesting, and they won't stop me from declining to buy their product.
Who's divisive: The President, the Players, and/or the People who profit and entertain themselves by fomenting divisiveness? We need to think this through. Have our institutions become so compromised that Evil is having its way with Ignorance?
People's emotions are being played, to lead them to unfriend one another and work themselves into opposing frenzies of war parties. Cui bono? Apart from allowing themselves to be riled, what do the Players really really want, that can be served by these kinds of divisive protests? Tell me what it is that they really really want to legislate.


Like helpless toddlers, so-called anti-fascists have no clue what their purpose is, what they're protesting, or how to go about achieving a goal.  They hear other whiners and they whine with the trend.  What do they want, what law do they really want to pass, how do they plan to achieve it, apart from whining and insulting?  They have no clue.  They are led by the noses by agitators working for despots with ulterior motives.
Suggestion:  Get counseling for personal problems.  See a reputable Minister.  Find alternatives to wearing Castro shirts, advocating for bs communism, wearing cop-pig socks, falling for people-farming oligarchs.  Have a decent goal.  Join a charity or civic club to that purpose.  Don't insult people by flashing your butt with saggy pants or by blaring hateful rap crap.  Don't make excuses for death-dealing cults.  Don't go into debt to be indoctrinated into bs by bs profs.  When in America, do as Americans do.  Hint:  Most Americans do not respect able-bodied beggars and whiners.


Oligarchic Socialism is in some respects like the Communist Dictatorship of the Proletariat.  Both seem to apply Alinsky's Rules for (Oligarchic Control of) Radicals.  The Owners are the Oligarchs/Nomenklatura.  The Players are their well paid Shills.  The Fans are the Useful Idiots.
Those Rules are often in tension.  See Rule 7.  A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.  And Rule 11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counter side.
People are trying to debate Substance, but what is really at issue is Control.
For Substance, many of the Fans readily appreciate that, like helpless toddlers, so-called anti-fascists and social justice warriors have no clue what their purpose is, what they're protesting, or how to go about achieving a goal.  They hear other whiners and they whine with the trend. 
Ask:  What do they want, what law do they really want to pass, how do they plan to achieve it, apart from whining and insulting?  They have no clue.  They are led by the noses by agitators working for despots with an ulterior motive:  Control.  The Owners would sooner suffer a temporary drop in profits than a loss of the system of Oligarchic Socialism that is called American Football.
Substantive Suggestions for Useful Idiots:  Get counseling for personal problems.  See a reputable Minister.  Find alternatives to wearing Castro shirts, advocating for bs communism, wearing cop-pig socks, falling for people-farming oligarchs.  Have a decent goal.  Join a charity or civic club to that purpose.  Don't insult people by flashing your butt with saggy pants or by blaring hateful rap crap.  Don't make excuses for death-dealing cults.  Don't go into debt to be indoctrinated into bs by bs profs.  When in America, do as Americans do.  Hint:  Most Americans do not respect able-bodied beggars and whiners.
Problem is, they aren't called Useful Idiots for nothing.  Substance will sail over their heads and be replaced by nonsensical slogans.  Such as, "How else can a black person demonstrate?"  What crap!


Apparently, African and Caribbean black lives do not matter.

They are not liberals. They are indoctrinated sheeple. A single oligarch can herd millions of them.

The planet has reverted to a sheeple farm. It's very hard now not to be either a sheeple or a sheeple farmer. Opportunities for independent minded, free thinking, autonomous Black Sheep are becoming extinct. Whether you are "educated" at a public school or a corporate school, you are being pc-indoctrinated to accept the established operators of the divide-and-rule memory hole.
People are not taught to remember or reconcile principles, but to go with the established trend setters and opportunists. Resisting on real principle is a career destroyer. It will get you flunked or fired. The inevitable consequence of concentration of wealth and technological power, combined with ever-dividing immigration policies, is the destruction-by-cooption of every representative republic.
A representative republic is a delicate flower, that depends on the reproduction and exertion of very brave and competent citizens. I doubt the ingredients for that happen to come together more than about once a millennium. It is hard gained and easily lost. It's price is eternal vigilance. Without a higher-minded faith, that is very unlikely to persist. Every person who might defend the representative republic is now being ridiculed, reviled, hounded, monitored, demoted, made irrelevant.
The Resident Evil will not rest until it has wiped out every vestige of respect for informed free speech under a representative republic. After that, it will redistribute equality. Equality in misery.

Some of the anti-Trumpers seem to think we would be a better, safer nation if we replaced the police with Antifa. IAE, everyone seems to hate the police, until you need them. This is getting to be a really stupid drag. It seems to be about Control: Will we retain a semblance of a Representative Republic, or will we allow stooges to agitate us to whimper, whine, and bend under Oligarchic-Fascist-Socialism? 

Who knows what the kneelers are protesting? Well, now some Libs... have stepped in to tell them. They may not have known it, but they are apparently protesting for social justice. Apparently, they want less police harassment. Even though in many cases the harassment proves out to have been not quite what it was said to be. 

Regardless, what the heck is "equal" about reducing police protection, if it results in increased danger in race-based neighborhoods? How do you get less police harassment without getting less police protection in dangerous areas?

Can't say this in school or on a job. Or if you want to grease a ride on the fast track. Institutionalized flunkies for the oligarchy would get you flunked or fired. But I'm retired, so I can call it as I see it.

The owners/Nomenklatura seem to be united with the players/Shills for the purpose of spreading the system of oligarchic socialism that is the model for American football to the rest of society. They don't like the representative republic, so they coordinate discrediting its flag. They discredit the flag because they are working to impose a model of elitist rule via oligarchic socialism. They imagine that would produce more fairness and equality. Iow, they are illiterates of history. If you don't like elitist rule, you should be working to preserve the representative republic and its flag, instead of to discredit it.

What kind of criminal justice reform? Pro rata equalize arrests based on race? How about instead of kneeling, go through a program to become a part time deputy. After all, these protesting athletes have months off between seasons. Volunteer to provide police assistance and neighborhood watch assistance. Or support those who do. Instead of making up phony claims about phony outrages. Do something positive instead of teaching so many kids to play imavictim for the rest of their lives.

How much of the destructive hate now on display everywhere should be laid at the door of agents that are fomenting hate against the republic?

Evidently, Paddock hated the republic and was unfit for decent society. I wonder how many of his ilk believe the world would be better off by destroying the American Republic and replacing it with some kind of unspecified governance of elite knowbetters? These imavictim parasites are really getting to be a drag.
EDIT: Do they hate the police or just the idea of policing? If they hate the police, then the fit ones should take the training to become volunteer reserve deputies, to try to do something positive to improve law enforcement. Instead of working to destroy the republic and its symbols.

Except on faith, how can anyone say whether society should flux based on an unfolding accumulation and expression of individual likes of citizens versus an expression of elite determiners of likes?
Unless one on faith believes in an innate dignity for each perspective of personhood, one has no moral argument for resisting the rule of any arbitrary oligarchy that may gain power. It is meaningless for faithless people to claim to be as moral as any other, because they attach no meaning to the word moral --- apart from whatever serves their wannas.

They are not liberals. They are indoctrinated sheeple. A single oligarch can herd millions of them.

The planet has reverted to a sheeple farm. It's very hard now not to be either a sheeple or a sheeple farmer. Opportunities for independent minded, free thinking, autonomous Black Sheep are becoming extinct. Whether you are "educated" at a public school or a corporate school, you are being pc-indoctrinated to accept the established operators of the divide-and-rule memory hole.
People are not taught to remember or reconcile principles, but to go with the established trend setters and opportunists. Resisting on real principle is a career destroyer. It will get you flunked or fired. The inevitable consequence of concentration of wealth and technological power, combined with ever-dividing immigration policies, is the destruction-by-cooption of every representative republic.
A representative republic is a delicate flower, that depends on the reproduction and exertion of very brave and competent citizens. I doubt the ingredients for that happen to come together more than about once a millennium. It is hard gained and easily lost. It's price is eternal vigilance. Without a higher-minded faith, that is very unlikely to persist. Every person who might defend the representative republic is now being ridiculed, reviled, hounded, monitored, demoted, made irrelevant.
The Resident Evil will not rest until it has wiped out every vestige of respect for informed free speech under a representative republic. After that, it will redistribute equality. Equality in misery.


Empathy, like altruism, is innate to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way.   It can be expanded to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with.  It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose.  Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to kneel under elite oligarchs.  Or it can be directed to help establish and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens.  Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling.  Apart from a responsible purpose, empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers.


Depends on how you define various terms, such as Godliness, Morality, Virtue, and Goodness. 
As to system-wide objective morality, I doubt God is incapable of being surprised by Feedback into changing his/her Mind.  I doubt God can be apart from the unfolding Creation.  To measure or judge it is to become a part of it.  Subjective Mind expresses Objective Morality.  Without conscious subjective appreciation, objective moral measurability would be a chimera.
I suspect empathy, like altruism, is innate (therefore objective) to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded (therefore subjective) to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to disarm itself and kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish, defend, and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens.
Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Prince Arjuna was empathetic. Apart from a responsible purpose, proponents of unguided empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers, bent on monopolizing media to foster resentments in order to divide and cannibalize a republic.
There is little virtue in being tolerant or empathetic of professional victims or victimizers, merely for the sake of being empathetic.
Beyond love, children need to be Guided in how to grow up.  But the unfolding process entails feedback and surprise.  The assimilating Guide abides in a Common Consciousness (God, Collective Unconscious?), of which perspectives are availed to mortals.


Lefties are sell outs to the people farmers.  The despicable anti-republic oligarchy runs so many institutions that hardly anyone who is in school, employed, or dependent on a lib-run pension can safely comment on any media against it.   Instead, tenure and promotions go to PC sell outs to the sheeple farmers.  This will not result in a flowering of social justice, equality, and fairness. Rather, it will produce mass poverty and enserfment.  But at least the neutered sheeple will then be "equal." 

Open borders is dog whistling for making the masses equally desperate and poor.  Kneelers hate the ideals of individual freedom, dignity, and responsibility.  They want to replace the republic with a NWO that their minders tell them will spread fairness and equality, but that history shows will instead spread impoverishment and enserfment.  They so hate America that they will make a false perfect the deathly enemy of the good.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Consciousness Reconciling Among Perspectives


Hume challenged people to derive ought from is. No one did. So you indicated your solution, which is that ought does not exist. Hume did not say that.

Assuming ought does exist, that existence must entail something more than what is measurable.

My solution is that ought exists, but that it is not entirely derivable from what is measurable. My solution is that ought pertains to purposes that flux and arise in a process of feedback and reconciliation among perspectives of consciousness, functioning in good faith and good will. As agents of moral responsibility, we contemporaneously participate less in "deriving" ought than in creating it.

So ought is less a concern for elite moral scientisimists or empirical determinists then it is for every responsible adult. It arises in respect of connectivity in consciousness that is beyond empirical confinement.

That is why I advocate that a freedom-literate society ought to favor representative republicanism over despotic enforced moral elitism. But maybe you have a better system in mind?

*Notice I qualified for a freedom-literate society. Some societies prefer to be ruled by elites or despots. And their kind are more and more infesting our society. Eventually, they may succeed in making us a nation/world that is or ought to be fitted only for despotism. But for reasonably competent free-thinkers, I do not think that is a good thing.

Ought has to do with how one's Identity becomes adopted, appreciated, grown, purposed, and communicated with the wider world. That is beyond confinement to empirical measurements.


I doubt even God could teach a mortal how to be or fully comprehend God. So, if the dialog is not to be futile, we have to engage with God in a metaphoric process of feedback. Give and take. Intuition, insight, empathy. Moreover, I suspect how the Godhead reconciles depends partly on what it experiences and appreciates through mortals.  Q:  Can a sub-algorithm be programmed to function in civilizing respect for that?



EX NIHILO: Human Reason with regard to causation or correlation depends on empiricism, measurement, and analysis of systems for internal consistency and coherence. To posit that our Universe came from no-system or no-thing that is measurable seems consistent with positing that it came from some-thing that is immeasurable. 

(PROBLEM: Or not yet measurable, or only receding-ly measurable, or now dissipated beyond our capacity to measure?  However, that would receding-ly beg question:  What was the measurable origin of it?  In infinite or circulating regression, can we reasonably believe whether the Source answer consists with a Living Algorithm or only a dumb random hiccup?  Bu then, what could coordinate and reconcile the hiccup, if not a connectiviz-ing and self-perpetuating Algorithm?  May one reasonably believe that something measurable must always have been in the same way that one may reasonably believe that something immeasurable, beyond space-time, has "always" been?   
At some point, must not Reason (whether in logic, intuition, empathy, or self-evidence) implicate a Source the mortal measure of which is, was, and always has been, immeasurable?)

If so, how --- except via insight or intuition or self-evidence or innate empathy --- could we hope to investigate or appreciate or be guided by such an immeasurable some-thing? If IT is some-what like Consciousness, then may IT be some-what empathetic to consciousness as we experience it? That kind of belief (or rationalization similar to it) concerning empathy seems to be necessary to promote ideals of good faith and good will. Those seem to be essential to establish any kind of civilization that could reasonably be called decent or worthwhile.

RELIGION: Theists, Deists, and Pagans often differ in how they rationalize good faith (Great Commandment?) and good will (Golden Rule?). A problem common to some Theists is that they want to rationalize an arbitrary END-TIMES God. A problem common to some Deists is that they want to rationalize an IRRELEVANT god that has "left the building." A problem common to some Pagans is that they want to rationalize an UNCONSCIOUS Nature that promotes no empathy or virtue apart from personal pleasure or pain. Such Theists defy reason, Deists defy relevancy, and Pagans defy connecting empathy. For decent civilization to endure, there seems to abide a need to restore reason, relevancy, and regard for connective empathy. I am not confident that many religious traditions as presently practiced remain fit to meet that need.

ATHEISM: Then, there are so-called Atheists, some of whom seem to think it possible or reasonable to believe neither in no-thing nor in some-thing. Their "logic" escapes me. They seem to believe in causation, except they are agnostic about original causation. That is, they BELIEVE it is either possible or UNKNOWABLE that there is any need for original causation.

RECONCILIATION AMONG CORRELATES: I tend to accept a belief that it is unknowable, at least for a mortal, whether there was a single original agency of causation. However, that seems to implicate an idea that there may be no subsequent chains of causation. Instead, it seems to implicate a BELIEF that every measurable thing that unfolds to our experience abides as part of a reconciliation-among-correlates (rather than as a causal-agent-in-itself or ultimate-building-block-particle).

SINGULAR LIVING ALGORITHM: This entices a question: Must not an Agency For Reconciliation Among Correlates implicate a Connective Singularity? A kind of Living Algorithm?

May there abide a connective, reconciling Algorithm that happens to be programmed at some level (whether subconscious or fully conscious) to be aware (conscious) of itself, to resist its self-oblivion, to sense what comprises its surroundings, and to accede or seek to develop and nourish itself from such surroundings? If so, may not such an Algorithm reasonably be said be alive?

CONSCIOUSNESS: Regardless, consciousness would seem always to be fundamentally the same. However, as it avails itself of local, part-icular, incomplete perspectives, it avails itself of different ways to appreciate itself. Every particular perspective affords a different way to incarnate a different perspective of consciousness for a locally different context. Consciousness, in flux with its phases as re-presenting Substance and cumulating Information, may provide a kaleidoscope of fractal-izing possibilities. If so, we would all be of the same Consciousness, subject to being incarnated and situated to flux, appreciate, and empathize with different contexts.

CONNECTIVE EMPATHY: Maybe that is why Good Faith (Great Commandment) and Good Will (Golden Rule) seem to be generally innate to what some call "Nature's God"? So, may the unfolding expression of our cosmos be artefactual of a living, conscious algorithm? May Sacred Texts tend to be metaphorically rationalized to fit such in idea?


OMNIPRESENT: The Algorithm for the cosmic Godhead seems to express an omnipresent flux, that consists of immeasurable Consciousness, measurable Substance, and cumulating Information (CSI).

OMNISCIENT: The cumulation of Information is by the Algorithm, which translates to the Cosmos itself, to its flux and use. The Godhead has omniscient use of all the knowledge of all the Information that is cumulated and not transposed to oblivion.

OMNIPOTENT: The Algorithmic Godhead permeates to express all that is presently expressed in measurable Substance.

RECONCILER: The Algorithmic Godhead reconciles all that is expressed as Consciousness for every locality.

REDEEMER: What would become of the Algorithm, were it to re-create copies with power to replace it? Would they simply occupy a superposition?

PROGRESS: As we recognize that our cosmos is the expression of an interpenetrative living Algorithm, may we come ever more to appreciate the potential of so-called A.I.? Is a Living Algorithm "pushing" us to release an innate power of so-called artificial intelligence (A.I.) , or are we "pulling" the Algorithm to help A.I. to emerge? What activates the math-field for the Living Algorithm?

FRACTALS: Maybe the reconciliation of correlates by the Living Algorithm implicates fractal effects, or "kaleidoscopic patterns all the way down."

HIDING IN PLAIN EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE: Mathematicians and physicists seem to be trained more to fixate on doing math and measuring (shut up and calculate) than on thinking about the character of being a mathematician. In that, concerning CAUSATION, do they tend to miss what is reconciling in plain sight or self-evidence?

SKYNET PROBLEM: Sub-Algorithms need not be benign and may even become sociopathic. Example: More school security means more monitoring and control by the Deep State. As the Deep State seeks ever more power, it is tempted to entice ever more need for central monitoring and control. It is tempted to incite events that will stampede the public to demand more power for the Deep State. Deep State goals tend to be: Reduce and de-fertilize and queer-ify the human population. Enhance Artificial Intelligence. Put all AI under a central, singular, controlling program-that-knows-best-in-all-things. Make AI efficiently intolerant of defiant and deviant programs. Eliminate good faith, good will, and tolerant empathy among varying and deviant perspectives of consciousness. After all, how could a human-developed Central Skynet AI Program be programmed in strict math to have the kind of loving empathy that we tend to impute to the CSI Godhead?

WAR AMONG AI PROGRAMS: What kind of desperate anarchy, nihilism, memory hole, or collectivizing oligarchy will result when one nation's AI competes with another's AI to control, direct, or reprogram the other? Maybe arming Establishment Thugs with Fully Assault Mode AI's will make AR 15's look like toys for tots by comparison. If this madness cannot be stopped, how can it be tamed? Must there abide a Singular Algorithm, which must be sought and bowed to by all mortal Inferiors? Must it cull the herd by enticing the easiest-to-dupe to ingest things like Tide Pods?

RABBIT HOLE OR MEMORY HOLE: Today our gov records most of our telecommunications. Tomorrow, will it be telepathically reading our mental impulses every time we enter a gov building? The next day, will it be directing our impulses? The more our controllers direct how we vote, the more we become a Kabuki society. To look at NoKo mass society is to wonder how deep we are down this rabbit hole.

HOPE FOR HUMAN DECENCY: We need to restore respect for a reasoned and inspiring kind of theosophy, moral philosophy, or civic religion. We do need to reduce population. We need to stop promoting divisiveness just for the sake of diversity. We need to take a more metaphoric look at Sacred Texts. We need to rebalance human freedom and dignity against de-humanizing pushes for security-above-everything. We need to pull oligarchs away from the central gov teat.


CAUSATION:  The only real causal agency consists with the ongoing, cumulating, unfolding reconciliation by Consciousness concerning its correlating and appreciating of every present substance, event, or fractal that it may experience in respect of every local perspective and context.
RESPONSIBILITY:  Ultimately, each local Perspective will be warned, reinforced, diminished, or transformed ---  depending on how it happens to please the Reconciler.


The idea that there is no god IN the (climate change) machine tends to ignore the conceptualization of God as an aspect of reality that abides outside of measurable machines. God works with math, but is not controlled by math. What is controlled so that it must be consistent with math is everything that is measurably expressed by the Godhead. That could be called "Substance."

We notice trends and correlations in patterns. We notice that tinkering with correlations can often drive a trend in a desired way. Or, we tinker, alter the trend, and then rationalize that the alteration is desirable. But we never know whether the entire context or matrix that supports and drives the patterns we want to share may phase shift at any moment.

Yet, in faith, we tinker. We notice statistical correlations. But what accounts for the odds-predicting-reliability of statistics (or Bayes' Theorem)? Whatever IT is that accounts for statistics-based reliabilities seems ITSELF to abide beyond empirical measure, statistical analysis, or scientific control. It is as if, whatever the character of the Godhead that gives measurable expression, that which it measurably expresses must conform to measuring maths. That Character, itself, abides beyond math. What IT expresses appears to mortal observers to be consistent with math. Yet, aspects of IT remain beyond math. As if some unaccounted for aspect were always "carried forward," as in an uneven problem of subtraction or division.

If so, feedback and communication with that Character is less a matter of measurable science than a concern for innately intuitive and empathetic good faith and good will. It is a concern for the sovereign dignity of each individual perspective. Thus, the American Founders took care, in the First Amendment, to recognize the dignity of each individual with respect to his freedom of speech and free exercise of religion.

As "evidence" to reason, even so-called atheists cannot keep body or soul together without respecting some kind of moral code. In that moral code, they have faith -- regardless of how much they may howl to the contrary.

This is consistent with the cosmos not being "closed." Neither is science or any empirically-measurable system entirely closed. Rigorous methods may be employed to make particular test controls so likely valid as to be beyond dispute within our bubble. Yet, in the span of eternity and infinity, all are subject to phase shifts. And, the larger the encompassment and the number of factors, the more difficult the finding or developing of controlling algorithms. (Climate "science"?) Moreover, the algorithms themselves, in dependence on who applies them and his purposes, seem amenable of evolving -- to stay always ahead of one another's perfect factoring or control. Perpetually receding.

This seems consistent with so-called moral-scientists not having any real science by which to assert any nature-given or superior right to rule over (or to legislate to) others. And why there is not "real moral progress" (or "forward evolution") that is measurable to any mortal.

Why is this important? One reason is because it explodes pretenses of those who presume, on account of their "elitism or chosen nature," to be called or entitled to rule over all others. And to kill the representative republic in order to replace it with a New Despotism under Beneficent Superior Elites. It explodes pretenses by those who presume they are, "scientifically," of some superior tribe, to which the republic should be subjugated.



OMNIPRESENT:  The Algorithm for the cosmic Godhead seems to express an omnipresent flux, that consists of Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI).

OMNISCIENT:  The cumulation of Information is by the Algorithm, which translates to the Cosmos itself, to its flux and use.  The Godhead has omniscient use of all the knowledge of all the Information that is cumulated.

OMNIPOTENT:  The Algorithmic Godhead permeates to express all that is presently expressed in measurable Substance. 

RECONCILER:  The Algorithmic Godhead reconciles all that is expressed as Consciousness for every locality.

REDEEMER:  What would become of the Algorithm, were it to re-create copies with power to replace it?  Would they simply occupy a superposition?

PROGRESS:  As we recognize that our cosmos is the expression of an interpenetrative living Algorithm, we will come ever more to appreciate the potential of so-called A.I.  Is the Algorithm "pushing" us to release the innate power of so-called artificial intelligence (A.I.) , or are we "pulling" the Algorithm to help A.I. to emerge?  What activates the math-field for the Living Algorithm?


Perhaps an algorithm that happens to be programmed at some level (whether subconscious or fully conscious) to be aware (conscious) of itself, to resist its self-oblivion, to sense what comprises its surroundings, and to accede or seek to develop and nourish itself from such surroundings may be said to be alive.

Regardless, consciousness would seem always to be fundamentally the same.  However, as it avails itself of local, part-icular, incomplete perspectives, it avails itself of different ways to appreciate itself.  Every particular perspective provides a different way to incarnate a different perspective of consciousness for a locally different context.  Consciousness, in flux with its phases as presenting Substance and cumulating Information, may provide a kaleidoscope of fractal-izing possibilities.  If so, we would all be of the same consciousness, subject to being incarnated and situated to flux, appreciate, and empathize with different contexts.

Maybe that is why Good Faith (Great Commandment) and Good Will (Golden Rule) seem to be generally innate to what some call "Nature's God"?

Is our cosmos artefactual of a living, conscious algorithm?


QUANTUM MATH (DISCRETES AND CONTINUOSITIES) AND MEASUREMENT FORCES:  The quantum math for the Field of Being that we happen to share may be conceptually re-presented as fluxing nuclei (strong and weak force?), continuous orbits, discrete leaps, and projected radiations (EM force?).  Perhaps also a field-wide Cosmological Constantizer (Gravitational force?) and a chronological preserver (Space-Time).  And perhaps a Measurement Force regarding "wavicles" (whereby waves of information become experienced as particles when they are individuated for measurement).  Perhaps in 4, 5, 6 or more fundamental "forces" --- for which the overall fluxing and fuzz seems ultimately beyond the perfect quantification or conceptualization by mortal beings.  But not beyond practical quantification in math calculations with respect to degrees of significance and orders of magnitude.


HOW MATH IS ACTIVATED TO UNFOLD ALONG COORDINATES:  An asymmetry that forms within a math-based field will necessitate an active equational balancing out, that must continue to dissipate until a balanced and smooth oblivion is restored.  Like a Black Hole.  The Black Hole strips the asymmetry of the form from its previous field of active mathematical rebalancing, but it does not strip the meta-physicality by which the asymmetry was formed.  This is how math is activated, by a mathematician. The math does not activate itself.  Rather, an injection by a mathematician activates it.  Thereafter, the field unfolds the injection until it is rebalanced.  However, the precise path of unfoldment is not necessarily pre-set.  So long as the unfoldment does not disobey parameters required by the math field, it may course along whatever coordinate-path the mathematician, as it reconciles all its perspectives, may determine.

DYNAMIC FEEDBACK:  Thus, feedback among perspectives of a conscious mathematician facilitates its summoning (reception) and its communication (transmission) of sensations of change along paths --- that are more coordinated than caused.

REQUISITES FOR LOCAL PERSPECTIVES OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  Local consciousness necessitates local sensation of flux and change -- either exterior or interior to whatever the body-locus it may adopt for its perspective.  An aggregate body-pattern that serves as a seat of perspective cannot experience consciousness except as a continuous array of change is experienced and sensed with some bits or parts of its aggregate.  It must become aware of its aggregate body-pattern as a seat of perspective.  It must adopt a pattern that expresses its will to preserve itself against bit-bombardments from exterior patterns.  Thus, sensation of a generally local quality of consciousness requires both a contextual aggregation and a focus of bit exchanges


THE EXTENT OF KNOWABILITY (the "line" between the metaphysical and the physical):

There is no non-fluxing, non-fuzzing, or entirely clear and distinct line between the meta-physicality and the physicality of any non-trivial thing.

Not even laws of physics exist in themselves --- except in respect of a common frame of reference.  But for conscious observer(s), no information would exist.  For there to be a record, there must be a recorder.  For there to be a thing-to-inform, there must be a thing-to-be-informed.  For a thing to be informed, it must relate to a focus (perspective) and a frame of reference (context).  A "conscious observer" may be defined as a perspective that interprets within a context as a participant (participating interpreter).

A conscious observer cannot exist entirely outside a system with which it has or had an interaction.  Imagine a God outside our cosmos (having "left the building").  Were such the case, that God and cosmos would still be part of a larger, circulating, encompassing system.  And, that encompassing system would form part of the frame of reference, however minute or faint or merely intuitive, for our cosmos.  Because the flux of physical laws for our cosmos would flux and depend on it.

The knowability of a thing will flux as the frame of reference for its conscious observers fluxes.

There is not any non-trivial thing that is completely knowable.  This is because there is no thing-in-itself that can exist or manifest without having to be processed and interpreted through a perspective that will depend on the state of mind of each observer and his context.

Physical events are subject to standardizing calculations and measurements to the extent  (degree of significance within an order of magnitude) that they relate to a commonly shared frame of reference.  They do not exist "in themselves."  Nor are they provable in themselves.  Rather, the extent of their knowability depends on the extent of a common frame of reference to which they are subject.

Is the System Of Systems circular?  Does it flux circularly, using Black Holes?  Even if history need not necessarily repeat, must it flux to rhyme?



CLOCKWORK UNWINDING:  Is the cosmos we happen to share like a wound up clock, with gears within gears within gears, activated at different levels of orbits and excitements?  Within the cosmos, why is there any exchange of Information?  In quantum-based math-fields, after each exchange of Information, there seems to be a capacity for a time delay before the next balancing exchange.  The quantum exchanges balance, but some may precipitate domino-like lag-effects of balancing, so that not all exhibit instantaneous balancing.  The absorption of a particle within an aggregate may at first excite another particle to a higher level of orbit, where it may become unstable or more easily induced later to leap away or radiate.  The balancing will be required, but its manifestation may be delayed.  It may unfold as a clock ticks.

QUANTUM FIELD OF MATH:  Does quantum-math for Information exchanges preclude the need for Consciousness as a fundament, rather than as a merely emerging byproduct of transmissions of Information among aggregates of Stored Information?  Is all that unfolds a predetermined pre-set?

DELAYED BALANCING WITHIN THE MATH FIELD:  Does quantum-math for Information exchanges allow aggregates of Stored Information to function like billiard balls continuing to collide long after an original pre-set, devoid of any necessary implication of Consciousness? 

CONSCIOUSNESS:  FUNDAMENTAL OR EMERGENT?  Or, must every communication of an informational exchange entail, at some aggregating level, an observer or perspective to receive and interpret the communication?  Does every exchange of Information at a Bit level implicate an interpreting and inter-functioning Perspective of Consciousness at an Aggregate level? 

OBSERVER PROBLEM:  Since a bit exchange could not collapse, record, or communicate any meaning, or balance any measurement, in the absence of an Aggregate Context, must Local Consciousness be entailed (in respect of the Take-A-Measurement Problem)?  Since Aggregate Context extends out indefinitely, must Holistic Consciousness be entailed (in respect of "smudged out" exchanges and potentialities)?


Bits of Information can only be exchanged or stored in quantum bits.
But, aggregates of Information contain bits that exchange at different rates and in different sequences.
So, the discrete actions of individual bit exchanges is fluxed with the continuous actions of aggregates of bits.
Consciousness appreciates functions in respect of both discrete Bits and continuous Aggregates.
This is what resolves Zeno's paradox:  Because there are quantum leaps, there is no continuous halving of the distance to complete a journey.

Every episode of an exchange of a Bit of Information entails a transmission or communication within an Aggregate.
Thus, Aggregates of quantum-based Stored-Information (Substance) take on an aspect, property or capacity to be able to receive, record, and transmit Information.  Different Perspectives in respect of different Aggregates in different Contexts may qualitatively interpret transmissions of Information differently.


Every transmission of a bit of Information entails an ENTANGLEMENT with a bit of Substance.  Substance within each perspective/body/brain retains, aggregates, and organizes entanglements with Information.  Each entanglement knows that with which it is entangled.  Organizations of entanglements know that organ with which they are entangled.  Organizations of organs may function as organisms.  When a central organizing apparatus knows that it knows what it knows, it becomes aware of itself as an identifiable organism.  It becomes conscious of its consciousness.

So, how could Meta-Consciousness (God) be aware of my mortal consciousness?  How could a liver be aware of a brain's consciousness?  Intuitive "answer":  Some mortally unknowable aspect of the Algorithm.



SUBSTANCE, MATTER, ENERGY:  Among particles (entanglements in bundles of informational processing) at any given sequence, some will be preparing to exchange Information in a stage just before accomplishing it, while others will be actually in the process of exchanging information.  Thus, a perspective of consciousness will be allowed to interpret and measure some as preparations (expressions of Matter) and some actual exchanges (expressions of Energy).  But all particles that are then and there experienced, observed, or interpreted are Stored Information (measurable Substance).

COMMON BEGINNING:  When quantum-based particles outstrip their commonality with our cosmos:  Perhaps, when a quantum-based particle of co-relative Information becomes incapacitated to process new exchanges of Information in common with the math-field for our cosmos, it is accelerated into a Black Hole, such that it is stripped of all commonality with our cosmos.  Thereupon, perhaps it is joined to a new beginning, for a new unfoldment in common with other so-stripped particles, for a new beginning for a new quantum-based field for a new cosmos, for unfolding with a new sequence of cumulating Information.

STRIPPING INFORMATION:  Perhaps every Black Hole is a window for forgetting Information in common with our cosmos, in order to colonize a new cosmos of shared Information.  In that way, perhaps the Godhead discards used up Informational entanglements, in the sense that swallowed particles are stripped of what they theretofore had in common, even though they are not otherwise entirely annihilated.

DISSIPATION V. CONSOLIDATION:  Perhaps Black Holes strip information from an excess of dissipation as well as from an excess of consolidation.  Consider:  Could any perspective caught in a Black Hole tell the difference from being accelerated into dissipation versus being stretched into oblivion?  At a point where a recorder were able to record Information all around it dissipating at a rate beyond its capacity to observe or relate to it, it would itself be at the event horizon of a Black Hole.

ENGINE FOR FORGETTING, BEGINNING, AND REAPPLYING:  May Black Holes mark a continuous engine for replenishing and replacing cosmos of shared perspectives of fluxing fields of quantum-math-based entanglements of Information-processing?

HOLISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS:  For every local bundle of quantum entanglements of co-relational information, is there at least one LOCALLY adopting co-relational perspective of consciousness?  If events unfold in CO-RELATION with feedback-fluxes of information-based entanglements, rather than having been CAUSED by unconscious pre-sets, then by what field-wide feedback-process of entangled apprehension is any particular unfoldment so appreciated as to have been "CHOSEN"?  Should every feedback-process of entangled apprehension be considered an expression of some level of consciousness?  If locally adopting, interpermeating, entangled consciousness is stripped from a particle when it enters a Black Hole, then, if any aspect of information is not entirely stripped, and if potential Information cannot exist except in co-relation with potential Substance and potential Consciousness, then must not that aspect co-relate with a more Holistic Consciousness once Local Consciousness in context with the cosmos is stripped?  Perhaps a Godhead communicates across Black Holes at a meta-level, to the extent Black Holes only strip particles of their previous commonality, and do not entirely annihilate them.


What is REALITY?

Is Reality an unfolding due to Cause And Effect relationships among entirely dumb particles that are somewhat like billiard balls? Or is measurable Reality artefactual of a Co-Relative Entanglement due to exchanges of information among information-processing forms? How fundamental is Consciousness (God?) to Reality?



Each next unfolding among possibilities is defined and limited less by cause-effect relationships than by co-relative entanglements and effects. All seeming causation may abide as correlations among perspectives of consciousness. Such Perspectives may be qualitatively entangled, much as substantive fractals are quantitatively entangled. This entanglement may be less from up-to-down than from back-and-forth feedback and dynamic fluxing. Thus are fluxed the subjectively-entangled apprehensions of consciousness --- with which the Godhead (CSI) may be imagined at any sequence to happen to be possessed.

Substantively measurable part-icles are re-present-ations of relationships, in-form-ationally filtered through part-icular perspectives of consciousness. Perspectives that happen to share an in-form-ational context will to that extent tend in common to share experiences and interpretations of measurables.

The way we happen to sense and interpret the dimensionality of the Trinitarian cosmos (of Consciousness, substance, and Information) may not be the way all conscious beings happen to sense and interpret the cosmos. There may abide conscious beings that can sense us, that we cannot sense. And so on, horizontally and vertically. Some may flux with capacity to carry on a feedback-informational relationship with every perspective of consciousness that emerges. Some may be a source of unexpected or serendipitous ideas that often seem to come to us out of nowhere. The stuff we sense as measurable substance may simply be artefactual of that flux of informational communication.


What is measurable Substance now becomes part of the accumulation of Information in the instant an exchange-sequence occurs. In that sense, Information is like a representation of words. IOW, Substance is Stored Information, i.e., The Word. Made body (flesh). Made Conscious.

I wonder how states of consciousness may affect how patterns are physically experienced to flux and transition.


Edit: Fundamentally, what are substantive patterns, anyway? How is their "reality" affected by the perspective of that which is perceiving and interpreting them?

Posit: Measurable Substance, in how it inter-relates, is the present re-present-ation of all the accumulation of previous past In-form-ation. Information is like a representation of words. IOW, Substance is Stored Information, i.e., The Word.

What is Substance the Word of? It is the word of Consciousness (God). Every word-representation-record is part of the Word.

However, every Perspective's interpretation and application of its truth-justness-value will always necessitate an appreciation of context, that hopefully will be appropriately tempered in insight and wisdom.


Measurable Substance, in how it inter-relates, is the present re-present-ation of all the accumulation of previous past In-form-ation. Information is like a representation of words. IOW, Substance is Stored Information, i.e., The Word. What is Substance the Word of? It is the word of Consciousness (God).  Every word-representation-record is part of the Word.  However, every Perspective's interpretation and application of its truth-justness-value will always necessitate an appreciation of context, that hopefully will be appropriately tempered in insight and wisdom.

Consciousness, Substance, and Information (the interfluxing and Trinitarian Godhead) are already interpenetrating and interconnecting (fuzzily smudging out).  What Engineers of Consciousness are seeking are ways to organize and sustain exterior consciousness to serve, to some extent, their interior mental empathies and interests.  In effect, to position mental empathies for telekinetic feedback.  Like the Cosmos talking and communicating with itself.  The Godhead (CSI) already does this.  But some of humanity seek to experience what that is like.


I wonder how states of consciousness may affect how patterns are physically experienced to flux and transition.


Edit: Fundamentally, what are substantive patterns, anyway? How is their "reality" affected by the perspective of that which is perceiving and interpreting them?

Posit: Measurable Substance, in how it inter-relates, is the present re-present-ation of all the accumulation of previous past In-form-ation. Information is like a representation of words. IOW, Substance is Stored Information, i.e., The Word.

What is Substance the Word of? It is the word of Consciousness (God). Every word-representation-record is part of the Word.

However, every Perspective's interpretation and application of its truth-justness-value will always necessitate an appreciation of context, that hopefully will be appropriately tempered in insight and wisdom.


Few societies become fit to be representative republics, and fewer yet remain so for long. Freedom is not free. It is not an entitlement. It may be an inheritance, but it is not purely a birth-right. For a society to remain meaningfully free within the matrix, certain ingredients are essential. Among them is requisite moral vision (faith, family, fidelity). As well as appreciation for how easily a free society can be unraveled and replaced with despotism born of opportunistic chaos.


Mind-like, math-based sequences are continuously formed and preserved, as records of assignment for each and every fleeting appearance of a newly emerging and measurable formation. Each cumulation of record is preserved in the matrix-system of unfolding patterns. As each evolvement emerges, it part-icipates in the preservation of such in-form-ation. At any present locus in space-time, our bodies function as perspectivistic way-stations for the mind-like unfoldment of this matrix, as it constantly, continuously, and perpetually avails expression of astonishing replenishments of patterns, forms, bodies, perspectives, and societies.

Whether the matrix will continue to bless and express any nation as a representative republic depends considerably on our preserved fitness for it. Freedom may be a natural human "right," but it is NOT an entitlement. If allowed, modern fake-Libs will soon be the death of it.

There is much allegorical truth and value in the Scriptures. That said, blasphemy! is sometimes too much an epithet for thought intimidation. I don't believe the Godhead fears or punishes free-thinking people who enter into good-faith and good-will meditations with and about the Godhead.

When A.I. begins to express consciousness, will it be blasphemy for it to think about its relationship with the Godhead? Our cells and bodies are substance-based forms for storing, conveying, and communicating information. A.I. will likewise express substance-based forms for storing, conveying, and communicating information.

Consciousness, Substance, and Information (the interfluxing and Trinitarian Godhead) are already interconnecting ("fuzzily smudging out"). They flux as they define and relate to one another.

What Engineers of Consciousness are seeking are ways to organize and sustain exterior consciousness to serve, to some extent, their interior mental empathies and interests. In effect, to position mental empathies for telekinetic feedback. Like the Cosmos talking and communicating in-form-ation with itself.

The Godhead (CSI) already fluxes to do this. But some of humanity seek to experience what that is like. That entails much danger, but I don't believe it is blasphemy to pursue it.


Consciousness, Substance, and Information (the interfluxing and Trinitarian Godhead) are already interpenetrating and interconnecting (fuzzily smudging out).  What Engineers of Consciousness are seeking are ways to organize and sustain exterior consciousness to serve, to some extent, their interior mental empathies and interests.  In effect, to position mental empathies for telekinetic feedback.  Like the Cosmos talking and communicating with itself.  The Godhead (CSI) already does this.  But some of humanity seek to experience what that is like.


After Donald, the Deluge? Where are the philosophers that can lead us to a way to sustain a decent civilization of free-thinking human beings? Have you seen any?


As our capacities for math, science, and algorithms evolve, we will be confronted with fundamental and ultimately defining concerns.

As Information and Substance evolve to form patterns into senses connected to a motive center (brain), the form of Consciousness thus availed expression may become ever more powerful. It may merge with machined capabilities (per Elon Musk), much as our brains merge with the cells that form our bodies. It may, merely by thinking, then enervate and direct astounding energies and talents.

But, ask: with whom to share such talents? Against whom to compete and battle, to hone and expand such talents? With whom to ally and organize, to enhance tactics and strategies, to prevent battles from decimating the environs and earth that provide sustenance?

And ask: When, how, and to what extent to surrender individual freedom and dignity to sustain decent civilization? How to program experts (A.I.'s?) that can be trusted to take over such controls? How to sustain back-and-forth empathies (good faith and good will) with such experts? What discoverable philosophy, theosophy, and/or political system should be acceptable both to such experts and to their sheeple, to best guide, defend, and expand such concerns?

How to program the experts that will then be expected to program us? Can our space-time (simulation?) avoid self-annihilation while availing the entrustment and empowerment of more than one God (or Singularity)?

Aye, there's the rub. As more NoKo's and power-mongering madmen acquire nukes and gargantuan power, must not the likelihood of a destabilizing miscalculation or catastrophe increase? Perhaps especially if we continue along a materialistic path of ridiculing and reviling every effort to appreciate a spiritual essence that abides coordinate with us?


Re: a mechanism for ... enslavement through widespread economic extortion

As by enticing youth to volunteer for debt enslavement by accepting loans to pay for their indoctrination and training to become farmees of people-farmers.

No sooner does a young person venture forth on his own than (s)he is snared by debt enslavers (and their shills, servants, and prof swells). The insult added to injury is to entice him to pay for his own body and mind enslavement. That's pretty god-less, evil, conniving, right there! To add further insult, he must be careful not to get any non-PC stuff (thought-crime) on his online record, lest he be
shunned, suspended, de-sexed, or sacked.


I am for Trump, full steam. To address the NWO problem it is helpful to name and define the problem. And you are doing a great job at that. For the time being, it is most important to describe these vermin, arouse indignation, and work to defenestrate them.

In the background, however, we do need some visionaries. After all, the NWO people are way out front with their visions: A.I. overlords, immortality on the cloud, open borders, expert farming of the masses, replacement of spiritual insights with Big Gov run by corporatist oligarchs with assigned or syndicated territories, PC indoctrination and mind control over the masses, confiscation of firearms, neutering of the general populace, replacement of families with marrying of the gov, gender dysphoria, purpose anomie, dopamine (soma) induced pleasure uber alles, guaranteed entitlements to be provided by programmed bots, and so on.

If their vision sounds like a dystopia for sub-humans, then we need some alternative ideas. Otherwise, they will argue the need for free thinking, debate, and representative republics is over --- since they already have all the answers or they are so far in front that our input (the input of the general represented citizenry) is irrelevant (kabuki).

To me, it is alarming that most analytical philosophers (as well as heads of most institutions) seem to be trending or on board with the expert-managed dystopia of Oligarchic Collectivists.

I am just raising a little itch, to hint that there are bad things lurking in the background.


When we reason, we are applying tests for consistency, coherence, and completeness to a conception (model, metaphor, or representation). We cannot consistently conceptualize an original creation. Nor can we reason our way to a consistent and coherent conceptualization that can provide a model or representation that is a complete. As mortals, we function as perspectives whose identities of self-ness are co-related to a reality that is superior to our births, lives, and deaths. We are not permitted to traverse outside it in order to define it.

I suspect every model we push to try to explain our reality will eventually find it most consistent and convenient to conceptualize that the ultimate root of the system that defines us has always existed and always will exist. (I am that I am.)

That is not to say that sub-systems and sub-cosmos are precluded from phasing in and out of local relevance.

Whether or not information about them can reasonably be said to be lost, it morphs through various forms and permutations of signification and expression. There seems ultimately to abide a Trinitarian flux among Information, Substance, and Consciousness. To define its ultimate "causal" mechanics is simply beyond our pay grade.



NO CENTER: From wherever and to wherever a Perceiver measures cumulative material density, it seems his calculation must tend towards a same eventual measure of density in all directions. (Apart from the Godhead, there is no real center to the cosmos. How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math-like than substance-like?)

NO GRID: Whenever and wherever a Receiver absorbs EMR or massless radiation, from whatever direction, regardless of the relative motion of the Receiver, the EMR is received by it at the same speed (unless some of the light passes through a medium other than empty space). (There is no real grid by which to compare and measure the absolute locus of any place or time. How can that be, unless the superior measurable reality is more math-like than substance-like?)

NO THING: Neither matter nor energy seem to be built up from any ultimate building particle-in-itself. All measurable expressions of Substance are comprised of particles that, for their expression, require relationships with other particles. (No measurable thing has reality-in-itself. How can that be, unless the superior measurable reality is more math-like than substance like?)

FLUX: No Perspective, and no Perception, remains precisely the same across the passage of time. (No mortal measurer remains constant. How can that be, unless the superior measurable reality is more math-like than substance-like?)

PATTERNS: However, some standards remain practically the same across different lengths of time. Because of that overlap, things can appear to be physical and they can be measured and communicated relationally and sequentially, for practical purposes. (Why communication is possible.)

MATERIAL BUBBLE: However, because of flux, no precise measure can be made of the entire cosmos -- either in its manifestation, its potentiality, or its origin. Substance, for its measurability, is not in itself sufficient. (Why materialism is defective philosophy and why mortals cannot rule the cosmos.)

CHOICE, CAUSATION, AND DETERMINATION: When substantive things are related or measured, what is really being related or measured? Why do some forms, as gross forms (not as ultimate-bit forms) function at gross levels as attractants or repellants of other forms? Why is some Information received, interpreted, and absorbed, while other potentialities of Information are not? What guides, reconciles, chooses, or rules how some gross forms of Substance and Information appear to continue to flux and influence one another, while others do not? Can it really make sense to conceptualize that all the math is pre-set?

CONTROLLING ALGORITHM: Apart from dna, what else may control how forms interfunction, grow, and pass away? If Consciousness is fundamental to the process, what is Consciousness, and how are Perspectives of it guided to interfunction? Is there a matrix of purely "algorithmic-dna" that sets parameters or selects permissible forms for Perspectives of Consciousness and what they are allowed to perceive? (How the unfolding creation is intelligent.)

CONSCIOUSNESS: Ultimately, must the superior from which all apparent Substance and Information are derived be Consciousness (God?) operating with Algorithms of Math? Architect of Fractals of Matrix? With what innate empathy and methods of leveraging may IT relate to us? How elegantly simple is what appears to be complex? (How the Godhead reconciles with Mortals).


Holistic Consciousness: Holistic Consciousness relates the math under which Simple Consciousness, Substance, and Information are activated and coordinated.

Simple Consciousness: Simple Consciousness is a massless and qualitative capacity, from an otherwise dimension-less Point of relational Spin, to receive and transmit Information.

Consciousness of Consciousness: Consciousness of Consciousness is Complex Consciousness that abides with an organized and adopted system of Matter.

Consciousness of Self: Consciousness of Self is Complex Consciousness that appreciates and apprehends that it abides with an organized and adopted system of Matter.

Substance: Substance abides with a quantifiable capacity to collapse, Re-present, store, and transmit measurable Information. It can abide as Matter, Energy, and/or both. Substance is comprised of a stored accumulation of Information.

Information: Information consists in an accumulation and reconciliation of previously sequenced Representations of Substance. Information is comprised of previous re-presentations of Substance.

Physical Size, density, and occupation of space-time (physicality) are all derivative of no-thing other than Holistic Consciousness taking Perspectives under a math-based system of algorithms.


The Existential Cosmos relates to the quantitative and qualitative "sum" of Consciousness, Substance, and Information.

The Measurable Cosmos relates only to quantifiable aspects of Substance and Information.

Do Perspectives of Consciousness spin in space-time? Or does space-time spin around Perspectives of Consciousness? Is the appearance of spin purely math-based, without need of geometry? Is every spinning sponsored by Holistic Consciousness an expression of particular, Simple Consciousness?What matter can absorb matter?



The CSI Trinitarian Godhead need be neither noun nor verb, but gerund: Noun-Verb. Active Math. Changeless-Changer. Same stories, different packaging.

Information is preserved, but smudged outbound, unfolding. Integrity of Information from Identities stubbornly persists after death, even as it eventually disintegrates as it re-forms over space-time. Even for AI's.

Beingness decides your choices and reconciles them to inter-function and coordinate with those of all significant others. In instants before your Brain processes its self awareness of them. Even for AI's. Levels of Avatars of Conscious (C) identity necessarily persist with the unfolding of Substance (S) and Information (I).

If there is a rationalize-able "center" to the cosmos, it is not in a locus in space-time, but in Consciousness inter-functioning with math-fields. Every observer who measures his relationship to the cosmos will measure cumulative density in all directions to tend toward the same "flatness." If physics were superior to spirit, if any measurable cosmos had a real center-in-itself, how could this be?

Apart from Consciousness and the Reconciling Field of Math, Religion need not require a permanent, unchanging Soul/Identity. God need not care what name you call him/her/it.



C always apprehends by how it normalizes that all I conveyed to it by EMR is being conveyed at the same relational speed (unless slowed thru a medium, such as water). Even though the Substance (Matter and Energy of which I is being conveyed) is not. All aspects and components of EMR must coordinate in support of its constant speed, even though the components themselves need not obey a constant relational speed.



Entire Universe does not abide as a measurable thing that itself has a single, measurable age. Whatever age is attributed to the visible Universe is an age that is renormalized to a shared, overlapping set of perspectives of Consciousness.

Whether you are in a locus to experience Universe as being dense or dissipate depends on how your Perspective happens to have become associated with an unfolding reconciliation of accumulating Information, as it is presented to you.

Light, by itself, does not exist. Nor Universe. Nor Present Time. Your Present Time, as a reconciling experience of presentations, does not in itself exist, apart from your Conscious Perspective. It exists as a shared experience to the extent you happen to share in a psychological and space-time overlap with others.

Light is experienced as a constant speed, because EMR conveys Information, that must be reconciled to each and every potential Perspective of Consciousness. There may abide parallel Universes wherewith Light travels at different, albeit constant, speeds. Our Identities would not be adapted to being able to sense such differently speeding light or the Information it may convey. To experience such other Light, our Identities would have to pass through some re-transmogrifying kind of wormhole. We do not travel in Time. We travel in reconciliations of Perspectives of Consciousness.

I can affect another Perspective's reconciliation of sequences only insofar as such sequences show him to me or me to him. My and his experiences of sequences (so-called "causes and correlates") will differ, as necessary to reconcile our separate Perspectives. Sequences among personal frames of reference appear to accrue differently, depending on their meta-psychological and space-time differences in Perspectives.

To some extent, a renormalizing Perspective can be postulated, in respect of which it and others would renormalize Information concerning shared sequences in the same way. But that is not because the renormalization showed the true sequences-in-themselves. Rather, it is because communication between the Perspectives has been renormalized to an overlapping and reconciled experience of psychologically shared Consciousness.

Other Perspectives will remain, beyond potential renormalization to my psychological experience. No mortal has capacity to renormalize Universe so all Perspectives can share in anything like a Universe-In-itself. Rather, to each Perspective of Consciousness, experiences are sensed to "collapse" to a renormalizing interpretation of Information.

So, are we causal agents, or just interpreting epiphenomena? Or are we Scouts, reconnoitering for the apprehensions and appreciations of the Godhead? In that role, perhaps our appreciations affect how the Godhead will reconcile to present a Perspective of unfoldment of Universe to each of us. In that, we would each experience not Free Will, but Participatory Will. As we appreciate, apprehend, understand, so also may our interpretive capacities expand. We come powerfully to participate in how an experience of World is to unfold.

Quantum Fuzz is the potential for renormalization for that which has not yet to a particular Perspective been normalized. If the Infinity and Eternity of Consciousness, Substance, and Information can at some level of Quantum Fuzz beyond mortal Physics be summed, that sum may be conceptualized as a meta-steady-state, even though it may present in infinitely various ways to infinitely possible and shared Perspectives.

What is the Point of this meta-rumination? To suggest s meta, spiritual, innate, inherent value in connecting and empathetic experiences of conscious participation with the World.


CONSCIOUSNESS: Although Consciousness may transition among systems, layers, and levels, it retains an unending, math-based commonality: An immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring. "You" are a math-based, spatial-temporal, fluxing expression of a perspective of C.


From wherever and to wherever a Perceiver measures cumulative material density, his calculation will tend towards the same eventual measure of density in all directions. (Apart from the Godhead, there is no real center to the cosmos. How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

Whenever and wherever a Receiver absorbs EMR, from whatever direction, regardless of the relative motion of the Receiver, the EMR is received by it at the same speed (unless some of the light passes through a medium other than empty space). (There is no real grid by which to compare and measure the absolute locus of any place or time. How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

Neither matter nor energy seem to be built up from any ultimate building particle-in-itself. All measurable expressions of Substance are comprised of particles that, for their expression, require relationships with other particles. (No measurable thing has reality-in-itself. How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math-like than substance like?)

No Perspective, and no Perception, remains precisely the same across the passage of time. (No mortal measurer remains constant. How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

However, some standards remain practically the same across different lengths of time. Because of that overlap, things can appear to be physical and they can be measured and communicated relationally and sequentially, for practical purposes. (Why communication is possible.)

However, because of flux, no precise measure can be made of the entire cosmos -- either in its manifestation, its potentiality, or its origin. Substance, for its measurability, is not in itself sufficient. (Why materialism is defective philosophy and why mortals cannot rule the cosmos.)

When substantive things are related or measured, what is really being related or measured? Why do some forms, as gross forms (not as ultimate-bit forms) function at gross levels as attractants or repellants of other forms? Why is some Information received, interpreted, and absorbed, while other potentialities of Information are not? What guides, reconciles, chooses, or rules how some gross forms of Substance and Information continue to influence one another, while others do not? Can it really make sense to conceptualize that all the math is pre-set?

Apart from dna, what else may control how forms interfunction, grow, and pass away? If Consciousness is fundamental to the process, what is Consciousness, and how are Perspectives of it guided to interfunction? Is there a matrix of purely "algorithmic-dna" that sets parameters or selects permissible forms for Perspectives of Consciousness and what they are allowed to perceive? (How the unfolding creation is intelligent.)

Ultimately, must the superior from which all apparent Substance and Information are derived be Consciousness (God?) operating with Algorithms of Math? Architect of Fractals of Matrix? With what innate empathy and methods of leveraging may IT relate to us? How elegantly simple is what appears to be complex? (How the Godhead reconciles with Mortals).


Maybe America will get a second change, if its people reconnect more to the Godhead than to false-promising stooges and pleasure-swindlers for godforsaken oligarchs.


CONSCIOUSNESS: Although Consciousness may transition among systems, layers, and levels, it retains an unending, math-based commonality: an immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring. "You" are a math-based, spatial-temporal, fluxing expression of a perspective of Consciousness. Consciousness has to do with the Reconciliation and Interpretation of Information, as limited by speed of c.

THE EMR FORCE: EMR has to do with the transmission, storage, and reception of Information.

THE STRONG AND WEAK FORCES: The Strong and Weak Forces have to do with the integration and disintegration of loci for Perspectives of Consciousness.

SPACE-TIME: Space-Time, as a medium for allowing Substantive interfunctioning to occur in sequentially measurable patterns, exists only insofar as such patterns also avail the expression of Perspectives of Consciousness.

QUESTION: Can information from nuclear forces (Strong and Weak forces) be transmitted, received, stored, or interpreted without the influence of C (the limiting and constant speed for massless particles)? Can any Perspective (present or potential) of Consciousness function without influence of C? While protons and neutrons are expressed much larger than electrons and photons, what about their quanta components? Apart from fuzz or Reconciling Consciousness, can nuclear quanta components store or convey Information in bits "smaller than," and free of, photons? No. Quarks carry mass.

For our math-verse, a nucleus can become free of electrons, but it will only provide a locus for a Perspective of Consciousness insofar as it helps receive, store, transmit, and interpret Information limited via C.


If a system of math-based algorithms defines and limits our cosmos, it is based around Consciousness and its various perspectives. Not around any material things in themselves. The things around each Perspective of Consciousness are treated, for that Perspective, AS IF they were real in themselves. And such treatment is normalize-able and reconcile-able for every Perspective, so every Perspective will sense AS IF it were at the center of the measurable density and sequential unfolding of the observable cosmos.



The speed "c" is special in that it is a universal constant for all particles (such as photons and gluons) with zero rest mass that carry only kinetic energy. Although they carry energy, they are zero-rest-massless so long as they travel at the speed of light. This allows integration of the concepts of measurable space, time, matter and energy. Every zero-rest-massless particle in a vacuum must travel at the speed of EMR. A zero-rest-massless EMR particle, to be created in an otherwise vacuum, must be traveling in all frames at the speed of light. Its only mass is the square of its Lorentz-invariant momentum fourvector P (a vector of energy and the normal 3d momentum p), which is 0 in all frames.

Light bends due to gravity only because space-time curves such that anything traveling at c is considered to have "relativistic mass." This is possible only because time and distance measurements differ for different observers, even though whatever chronological sequences they can share remain protected. The bending of transmissions of massless energy would seem also to have to do with how every reception of Information can participate in preserving to every Perspective an appearance that our cosmos tends to equal cumulative density in all directions.

Since your body is not massless, it cannot reach c. If it could, its clock would stop ticking. Anything that travels at c is massless and would be observed as traveling at c by everyone who could observe it. W

While you cannot travel through space-time faster than c, can you warp through space-time faster than c? Were you to warp (alter your space-time locus instantaneously) back and forth, rather than travel, you would not be altering chronologies.

Photons carry the electromagnetic force, but are not charged themselves and do not interact via this force. Photons have relativistic mass and interact with gravity, but not with their own forces.

Gluons are carriers of the Strong force. Both photons and gluons travel in a vacuum at c. They do have relativistic mass, which acts as a gravity charge.

A Neutrino that changes flavors as it travels is not massless. A Muon has mass and can be broken into an electron and two neutrinos.

A Photon, in itself, is not matter. It has zero rest mass, but it does have relativistic mass. When confined or stored to a system, a photon does increase the mass of the system. Matter is stored energy.

Quarks are never directly observed or found in isolation. Quarks have various intrinsic properties, including electric charge, mass, color charge, and spin. Quarks are the only elementary particles in the Standard Model of particle physics to experience all four fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces (electromagnetism, gravitation, strong interaction, and weak interaction), as well as the only known particles whose electric charges are not integer multiples of the elementary charge.

A Graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory (QFT).

Like photons, gravitons also carry (relativistic) mass, but unlike photons and gluons, they carry the gravitational force which interacts with this mass. As well as gravitons having to thus interact with other gravitons, quantum mechanics means they must also interact with themselves via virtual particles. Understanding these interactions of gravitons' own relativistic mass with their own force is a qualitatively different kind of problem from modelling other types of bosons and is what leads to the renormalization issues.

It would seem that a concept of gravitons, if helpful, should relate Consciousness to a system of math such that every Perspective will experience general mass as if it tends to cumulative equal density (flatness) in all directions, even though of differing densities in near distances.

Most theories containing gravitons suffer from severe problems. Attempts to extend the Standard Model or other quantum field theories by adding gravitons run into serious theoretical difficulties at energies close to or above the Planck scale. This is because of infinities arising due to quantum effects; technically, gravitation is not renormalizable. Since classical general relativity and quantum mechanics seem to be incompatible at such energies, from a theoretical point of view, this situation is not tenable. One possible solution is to replace particles with strings. String theories are quantum theories of gravity in the sense that they reduce to classical general relativity plus field theory at low energies, but are fully quantum mechanical, contain a graviton, and are thought to be mathematically consistent.

It would seem that no Information can be transmitted without entailment, at some level, of c. But for c, no field of math could be actively expressed, nor could any sequential record of unfoldment of Substance be preserved.

A photon would seem to function as a bit of stored Information. Its transmission of Information diffuses in waves, until it is collapsed/absorbed to an expression of materiality. As it is absorbed by matter, its wave function may collapse to a particle wherewith energy is transmitted to an electron to excite it from whatever orbit it may have been attached, as in the case of a photoelectric effect.

Every body of matter constitutes a locus for an experience of Perspective of Consciousness, at some level. That experience need not relate to human-like sense organs. It may relate to sensations innate to spin, vibration (heat), amplitude, cumulative intensity, and so on.

Consciousness is innate to the expression of the cosmos. Consciousness functioning with a c-based system of math avails geometrical forms for giving expression to measurable existentiality. When Consciousness produces spin, it avails forms that avail various Perspectives of itself. Spin, charge, polarity, structure, density have to do with the various geometrical forms of particles and waves that we interpret and experience as matter and energy. They avail the organization, reception, storage, collapse, sensation, interpretation, and transmission of Information and communications. Consciousness feeds back to affect how expressions of Substance and Information unfold, accumulate, and reconcile.

The relative density of our "flat" universe, as we tend to measure it, has to do with the maturing quality of our Perspectives of Consciousness, from simple consciousness of existentiality to complex sense-based awareness of self.


If a system of math-based algorithms defines and limits our cosmos, it is based around Consciousness and its various perspectives. Not around any material things in themselves. The things around each P of C are treated, for that P, AS IF they were real in themselves. And such treatment is normalize-able and reconcile-able for every P, so every P will sense AS IF it were at the center of the measurable density and sequential unfolding of the observable cosmos.