Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Collection of Misc


- At its simplest level, Consciousness may be modeled or conceptualized as that which detects or interprets Information.
- Substance as that which quantifies and stores measures of Information.
- Information as that which is stored by Substance and subject to being interpreted by Consciousness.

- Self Awareness as Consciousness that experiences and is aware of itself.
- Higher Consciousness as that which facilitates a matrix of parameters for Perspectives of Consciousness to share an integrated and connected experience of a world they consider to be Reality.
- The Matrix as a web of Math that is fluxed and tuned of and by Higher Consciousness.

- Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI), to be defined, all necessitate reference to a math-based, conserving flux or circulation of one another. None abides as an un-sequencing thing in itself.

-If this seems circular, it is because our experience of the world is fundamentally based in a flux of circularity. No amount of empirical effort will pull us out of that.


Can a Spock-like AI Program be made to think outside pure logic? Can moral values be justified in objective or logic-based programming?
Can AI understand some of the fundamental dilemmas being posed to human beings? I suspect it eventually will share some of our concerns. If so, I wonder to which world view it will incline: Whether the cosmos is most fundamentally based in physicality or most fundamentally in a math-based matrix? Would that affect the logic of empathy-based value systems?

One may have a strong feeling or intuition that our measurable universe is an artifact of something (The Source) that is not physically measurable, i.e., a fluxing-feedback matrix-system of math-based conservation of expressions of possibilities within allowable parameters.

However, if whatever we may be the artifacts of is not itself measurable, empirical data based on measurements could neither prove IT nor calculate IT's possibility. It would seem folly to expect that mere logic or empirical evidence should show precisely which worldview concerning the fundamental nature or character of the cosmos must be “correct” or “most likely.”

Are expressions of matter and energy really based most fundamentally in physicality, or are they most fundamentally based on mathematical information? Either interpretation seems eventually to avail many of the same rationalizations.

At most, we may try to keep our notions as consistent and coherent as seems possible, without ever quite being able to put the final touch to complete them. If the Source's expression of us is based fundamentally in math, then what is the nature or character of this “Source” that puts the fire in the math? If IT is based in physicality, then what, apart from math, is the nature of the smallest, ultimate, physical building block or “thing-in-itself”?

Is IT a matrix-simulation for the entertainment of a Category V Civilization or Architect? Or is IT an innate, universal, cosmic, feedback-unfolding of a Unitary-Unifying Empathetic-Consciousness?

One may have informed intuitions or formed indoctrination for one's “worldview.” But a mortal participant within such a system cannot go outside IT to observe, measure, confine, control, direct, or prove IT.

Regardless, the ways a person participates with his beliefs and conceptualizations affect the ways he observes, appreciates, interprets, selects, and measures data. In that way, conscious conceptualizations affect how we shape the world, what discoveries we make, what inventions we bootstrap, and what becomes empirically practicable.

We do not have completely Free Will. But we do give expression to Participatory Will. Perhaps most importantly, our willful conceptualizations affect how we rationalize, assimilate, discover, and promote our moral values, purposes, and forms of civilizing governance.

Matrix Web Of destiny: Have things like this happened to you? See :
“[I]f we really are caught in a web of destiny, who is weaving it? …. [W]e have the tale of Émile Deschamps and several different plum puddings. As a boy at boarding school in Orléans, Deschamps is introduced to this dish, unusual in France, by a Monsieur de Fortgibu. A decade on, wandering down a street in Paris, he sees plum pudding on the menu of a restaurant and decides to go inside. He is told that the last slice has just been taken, but that the customer – a Monsieur de Fortgibu – might be prepared to share it. Years later, Deschamps is dining at a friend’s when she announces that plum pudding is to be served. He wonders out loud if this will occasion another meeting with M de Fortgibu. Just then the doorbell rings and De Fortgibu is announced. It turns out the hostess isn’t even expecting him. De Fortgibu was to dine at another house that night and rang the wrong doorbell.”


Where does the Constitution give the House or the Speaker unilateral power to require the President to make known to them the full content of all discussions with his advisers? Is that not what Pelosi is claiming, since she is claiming a right to impeach for any reason or suspicion whatsoever that the House may desire, and a right to subpoena and force testimony and documents from all employees of the Executive Branch in order to explore the suspicion or make the case?

Where in the Constitution does the House have authority to conduct continuous and unending inquisitions of the Executive in order to gather political opposition research? Where in the Constitution is the Senate or any Senator made ineligible to rule summarily against such actions, regardless of supposed bias?

As a Democrat and Speaker, Pelosi is a partisan --- not an impartial judge. The House did not accord due process in any way remotely resembling a judicial proceeding. It does not have authority to dictate policy to the Senate or to the President. This inquisitional crap by the sinister assholes of the Deep State Establishment has got to be stopped.


Why do Conservers of Liberty congregate in fewer crowds than socialistic sheepletons?

Intelligent people think and talk about things that others cannot process or do not think about. So they have to live in two worlds: One where they often ride with others; the other where they often ride alone. If they find others to be uninteresting or demented, they tend to become less social and to develop fewer social skills.

Except, thank God, people like Candace.


So what is interpreting the Information and putting fire in the Math?

"If the nature of reality is in fact reducible to information itself, that implies a conscious mind on the receiving end, to interpret and comprehend it. Wheeler himself believed in a participatory universe, where consciousness holds a central role."


No one can make a Measurable thing manifest unless it is measurable based in some kind of math. No one has Free Will to create a measurable that abides outside of math. To the extent a Qualitative abides beyond math, it is non-Quantitative to that non-measurable extent.

No measurable Body has Free Will. All conscious choices, decisions, and determinations that are measurable are confined to parameters that are potentially calculable. No body is free to ignore the inertial frame of reference that contains it.

However, no inertial frame of reference entirely predetermines the life path of any body.

For expressing measurables, we all obey the parameter-constraints of a Matrix. However, the Matrix does not pre-select which among allowable life-paths we will take. That is determined under a process of consciously observational appreciation and feedback-flux.

In other words, a perspective of Consciousness does not have Free Will, but it does experience Participatory Will. For it to function as a responsible member of a society, it must in various ways be taught and made accountable for the Choices in which it participates. Otherwise, every legal or philosophical basis for morality, fairness, or justice would fall into mere noisome nonsense.

For any society or republic to sustain a functional identity, it must avail good faith and good will at least to attempt to allocate Justice based on the expressions of Conscious Participatory Will of its members and potential members. To make meaningful sense, our systems must respect an idea of Conscious Will, even though that Will is not entirely free. A person cannot be accorded the dignity of being a morally responsible agent of a society if all his activities are dictated by a sinister, conniving, controlling Leftist Fascist.


If you think the idea of Freedom is entirely an unnecessary illusion then just wait until the range of your allowable activities is minutely controlled by oppressive fascist assholes.


Fascists always want more control. But why should people bend to their control if they cannot show their proposed methods would be efficacious for anything other than to throw the economy into chaos, which may then exacerbate rather than relieve the concern? First do no harm.

Moreover, why not first do the obvious thing: Incentivize voluntary reductions in populations.

So why do we continue to incentivize herding people into cities? Supposedly, the USA is barely replenishing its population. Yet the amount of new construction in the triangle of San Antonio-Austin to DFW to the Houston Metroplex continues to be astonishing. What is it all for? To encourage invasions of illegals and the exodus of urbanites to inner cities, and then inner city dwellers to suburbs --- to increase congestion and traffic snarls?

Is this supposed to reduce carbon consumption? Or is it to facilitate increased control by fascists?


The system is broken. But a guy who thought Hillary would make a spectacular President is not to be trusted. It is more important to true the vote to citizens than it is to make voting easier.

Secure the borders. Lessen immigration. Reduce immigration from areas that are islamic, communistic, fascist, and liberty-illiterate. Such areas are antithetical to defining American values.

Break the monopolistic representation of leftists in the media-academia-fascist complex. Make decent health care for citizens part of the national infrastructure. Fight back against the buying and selling of political influence. True the vote. Impose term limits. Replace the income tax with a yearly progressive tax on personal consumption. Progressively tax lobbying out the yang yang. End gov unions. Put daylight on foreign banking and money laundering. End foreign investment in American infrastructure.

Then there may be a chance to salvage America.


So tired of the self-righteous vandalism of anti-American lefties.

So tired of stoolies for sinister Dems that are easily agitated to hate Trump for the made up reason of helping Russians undermine the USA --- while they agitate to keep borders open in order to undermine the USA.

Rational and morally responsible thought completely eludes the Dem base. Which is precisely why Dems recruit and groom liberty-illiterates. People trained to forsake reason in order to vent feelings tend simply to be unequipped to keep or exemplify a republic or to function as responsible moral agents.

The fundamental perversion of the Dem base, including Islamists and Commies, is that they punish people for refusing to give up their responsibility to think and act for themselves. A society that gives up its right and duty to function as free thinkers makes a mockery of any possible basis for moral participation. Jesus, otoh, did not command people to come to Him because of force, but to come voluntarily out of love and empathy.

It becomes noisome nonsense to expect morally responsible behavior from wannabe governors that have lost ability to persuade except with sticks and candy, or from people that have been swamped or made to lose capacity to think for themselves.


Once the electorate is 51% socialist open borders, the Constitutional Republic is lost forever. Which is precisely what the stinking socialist open border Dems want. Well, most are dim-witted sheeple, so they do not really have much of an idea what they want. Except to scapegoat other people, as their overlords prescribe. Pathetic.


How much money is kicked back and laundered for corrupt politicians that virtue-signal while they sell out the Republic in their illicit quid pro quos? How dumb must a Dino or Rino or sex-addled pansexual be to believe these people are well-intentioned as they siphon money from Ukraine, China, Saudi Arabia? And then they cover by diverting attention to bs issues like reparations! Good grief. Is it not yet time to gtfu?


Is there not everywhere something that is in common about I-ness? Is that not the innate basis for good faith and good will? For moral responsibility among conscious individuals under the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule?

How can it be right for one person or gov to presume to subjugate the moral agency and responsibility of another person, to turn him into a sheeple or a goat? Or to work to undermine a gov that protects the moral agency and competent autonomy of each citizen? Or to undermine freedom of speech, association, and enterprise in a representative republic?


The Media-Academia-Fascist Complex, like some elected officials, appears to think nothing of selling the country out. I wonder how much infestation the Saudis have paid for?

"All of those propaganda pieces, which are cleverly disguised to appear as normal news or commentary articles, tend to frame China and the communist government in the most positive light possible while downplaying the things that China is often criticized over — such as its oppression of Tibet, the imprisoning of Muslim minorities in concentration camps in Xinjiang and the brutal crackdown on pro-freedom protesters in Hong Kong, among other things."


Given the Internet, there is little reason for anyone with a modicum of intellectual competence to rely on College to learn about history, politics, or the "social sciences."

In those subjects, most institutions have floated mere shills and stooges for Establishment B.S. to positions of power.

This has now infested Law, so we have stooges preaching that the Constitution means little, that it is easily malleable to the times, that American law should be entirely subordinate to "International Law," and that borders should not be enforced.

In effect, the system has floated the worst of the worst to control most formal institutions. Their crowning achievement is now to throw a fit against a President who seeks to enforce borders and MAGA. Pathetic


If you have a modicum of intelligence you do not need College to learn about history, politics, or social science. If you do not have a modicum of intelligence, why are you going in debt in college to learn crap from shills? The beer is just not that good.

If there are any Dem adults in the House, it is on them that they were stupid and corrupt enough to impeach while knowing there was not enough support for it, either in the Senate or in the general citizenry. Impeaching and then holding the articles away from the Senate is about the most infantile thing imaginable. Shame on the voters that elected these anti-Americans to high office.


Holy artifact, Batman!

"Is our Universe's expansion speeding up? The 2011 Nobel Prize went to three scientists for proving just that. But what if the evidence they used to come up with this conclusion was wrongly interpreted and the supposed cosmic acceleration is simply an artifact of our movement through a local part of the Universe?"


Or maybe every measurable is artefactual of a feedback-fluxing, math-based Matrix? Laughs the Architect.


The impeachment stunt is bound to wake a lot of people up to the fevered loyalty of Dem Minions to Establishment Creeps bent on subjugating America under a fascist fist of corporate buying and selling of political influence. These are the times that try the soul of the Constitution and the Republic.

This will go down as the day the mask fell completely off the hideous Establishment of fascists posing as do-gooders.


The USA hires corporatists to develop military tech. Then corporatists lobby to sell the tech to other nations. Then politicians argue we need more tech to defend against potential enemy advances. Rinse and repeat.

Along the way, scum like the Clintons profit, such as via backdoor contributions by foreigners to questionable foundations.

Quid pro quo much? The reason Trump is being impeached: The Eatablishment that plays this game was unable to control him.


Clinton befouled the Whitehouse by selling secrets to China, engaging in oral sex near the Oval office, and then committing the crime of perjury by lying about it. He was afforded due process in a bipartisan proceeding. He was properly acquited.

The Trump impeachment is entirely partisan and has been in planning since his election as a way to remove him. The evidence against Trump has been ambiguous at best and has been based on scummy lies and methods perpetuated by a corrupted FBI/Deep State.

No clear crime has been alleged or shown. It is a sham that is being perpetrated in utter disrespect for the Constitution and the Republic. By a Party whose members in main hate the nation and want the world to be ruled under fake experts and corrupt elites bent on subjugating the freedom and dignity of the general citizenry.

Only a Dem or a person in thrall to the Devil would argue that we must burn the Constitution in order to save it.


"In addition, while the fourth electronic surveillance application for Mr. Page was being prepared, an attorney in the FBI’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) engaged in conduct that apparently was intended to mislead the FBI agent who ultimately swore to the facts in that application about whether Mr. Page had been a source of another government agency.”


So what was the political atmosphere at the FBI that encouraged that attorney to do that? And why is not that attorney being put to the screws to talk about who put him up to it? How could the deliberate misrepresentations have been passed along without levels of review? This does not pass the smell test.


No good can come of rewarding malcontents that use cell phones when they are looking to stir up some crap. The more society rewards this behavior, the more of it society will get. Stop buying and rewarding this crap.


The hubris of the Deep State / Establishment is beyond the pale of tolerance. They are laying snares and looking for trouble.


I will not vote for Dems. I know Rinos are disgusting, but what Dems have been doing is intolerable. They want to replace the representative Republic with rule of the globe by the Establishment's fake experts and completely corrupt elitists. The test at stake is Lincolnesque: Whether government of, by, and for the people shall perish from the Earth.


So the FISA warrants would not have been granted without the Steele Dossier, it was bunk, and the FBI, apparently intentionally, failed to give the FISA Court information suggesting it was bunk. But this is somehow not scummy?


Dems have one principle: Serve the Establishmentarian paying the most grift money.


Translation: A President can be removed if enough House Assholes owned by the Establishment of Treasonous Cannibals of the Republic say so.


Libs cultivate habits of immediate gratification (progressive values?) when it comes to drugs, sex, marriage, family, fidelity. Then they expect to be taken seriously when they discuss matters that entail selflessness, sacrifice, or delayed gratification.

They shamelessly undermine families, institutions, and republics, then virtue-signal how they want to save the poor, the climate, and the planet.

They become a very poor excuse for a joke. Like a hoarfrost that befouls decency. Eventually, their impotent follow through leads to acting out with ineffective or catastrophic virtue signaling. Including the destruction of Constitutions and Republics.


The pansexualized, wussified Establishment has doped itself into feeling entitled to rule and to take its cut for doing so.

It has convinced itself that this is righteous and that all that oppose it, especially Trump, must be gun nuttering, racist-phobic-chauvenistic-colonialistic-climate haters.

We are in the deep woods where Teddy Bears are on proud, angry, and extended parade and on the cover of Time Mag.


We often get so wrapped up in sacred metaphors that we lose appreciation for the essential, underlying message of Good Faith (Great Commandment) and Good Will (Golden Rule). But hope springs eternal, Santa.

Or a religion that still demotes half its population, promotes honor killings and subjugation of infidels, FGM, and killing of apostates.

This is more like Stockholm Syndrome than voluntary committment based on good faith belief. I would like to see someone attempt to show how Islamism is consistent with a nation of free thinkers under a representative republic.

My antipathy is hardly restricted to just this Season. Nor do I believe it is consistent with decent toleration to tolerate that which is intolerable among free thinking human beings.


Perhaps what we call life and death are related to something more fundamental. As different expressions for how Perspectives of Consciousness are re-informed, re-combined, re-enhanced, re-focused, re-projected, and reified.

In fundamental terms, perhaps no-thing abides in space-time and space-time does not in itself exist --- except as coordinated for variously fluxing Perspectives of Consciousness. But what would be doing, conserving, or math-ing the coordinating? Does IT operate outside space-time, and instead

The motive to MAGA is inextricably coincidental with exposing anti-Americans. That is not impeachable unless and until the nation is overcome with stooges for commie kabuki masters. in numerical sequences and mathematical re-balancings?


The View seems to be filled with malcontents that selfishly think the world and its governance should be reformed and confined to their image. That is what they mean when they squall for "fundamental change" -- to make all malcontents, deviants, and pervs feel better.

Excepting sex and drugs wild in the streets, these "ladies" (zers) want the Republic replaced by asshole fascists bent on targeting, regulating, and obstructing the thoughts, speech, associations, and enterprises of everyone they disagree with. So they can feel safe and comfortable.


“Here’s what the Democrats should do. They should get this impeachment idiocy behind them and never speak of it again. They should start pretending to be reasonable, especially on popular things like infrastructure and non-crazy health care reform, even if Trump gets some credit for them. And they should stop calling normal Americans “racist.”

But they can’t. They’re broken. Trump, the real estate mogul, owns the prime real estate inside their collective head, and he’s not paying rent.

When you decide your opponent is evil, and that his supporters are likewise evil, you kind of limit your ability to pretend to be reasonable and compromise. You commit yourself to a fight to the death inside the Octagon. And that’s a fight that the data show they are not winning.

Hey Democrats, you are heading for disaster in 2020. You could prevent it. I just told you how. But you won’t. You can’t. And you get to spend the next 11 months knowing that next November Trump and the GOP are going to kick the Schiff out of you.”


Libs have wallowed, suckled, and rationalized so long with PC-Tools-For-Fascist-And-Sinister-Elitists that it has become unbearable cognitive dissonance for them when the fundamentals of their entire belief systems are exposed to be unprincipled and self-contradictory. So they lash out, key cars, block traffic, beat up elderly people, contrive hoaxes, undermine the borders, stir hate, manufacture BS articles of impeachment, and then retreat to safe spaces to suck their thumbs and nurse one another's feelings.


BS Establishment Propaganda. The main split is between anti-American stoolies for kabuki corporatists v. free-thinking Americans. Shallow race-baiters v. principled citizens. The Establishment of people farmers and farmees hate Trump because he stands against their sheeple-izing destruction of human freedom and dignity. They cannot control or subjugate him, and that stops their perversity for wanting to subjugate everyone else. Come and take it.


I want to see some consequential jail time for the people that tried to destroy the republic with a puppeteering coup for the Establishment of corrupt corporatist media owners and influence peddlers. I want to see some serious jail time for these phony baloney impeachment harpies.


Why expect Trump to cooperate with kangaroo investigators for a kangaroo Congress elected by liberty-illiterates imported and indoctrinated by a corrupt media-academia-fascist complex of entitlement-minded snowflakes and grifters?

Restore the representative Republic. Toss the Dino-Rino-Ainos.


Stop giving.people stuff just because they cry and throw things. This is not good.for anyone or anything that is decent. Stop encouraging people to gang up to cry and throw things. Stop hiding behind know-nothing kids that cry and throw things. Stop buying crap slogans from professional crap slingers.



Bohr is quoted as saying: 'There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature.' This vaguely positivist statement was echoed by Heisenberg: '[W]e have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.'


Islam and Leftism tend to be antithetical to the First Amendment. They are intolerant of core American values. To allow their creeds to be foisted and forced on Americans is to encourage the cumulating and eventually fatal poisoning of the Republic.


Which is worse: A political person or Party weaponizing the FBI-DOJ-CIA-IRS-NSA or a political person or Party asking a foreign Gov to investigate fraudulent and criminal behavior?


Obama is Organizing for America, which is Identity Politics, which is Unionized Corruption --- which is how republics are destroyed to grease the way to kabuki kakistocracy.

Corrupt and Deep State Unions would not be necessary in a land better protected from cheap labor invasions that go hand in hand with corporate buying and selling of gov influence as a commodity. Rather, industrialization would produce work forces paid enough to purchase the items being produced.

How are human freedom and dignity enhanced and slave labor reduced?

Not by wussies marrying the gov. Not by unions that are infiltrated by proponents for destroying all republics that are based on responsible families. Not by unions that are infiltrated by proponents for importing cheap foreign labor, exporting jobs, allowing borderless corporatists to buy political inflience to create fiat money to buy more inflluence, not by mushing minds to accept socialism that is inherently ruled by corporate fascists, and not by incentivizing mobs to play identity politics.

Rather, establish a decent representative republic. Defend it and promote freedom of speech, association, and enterprise. Defend against corporate buying of political influence. Pay for enhancements to common infrastructure (such as a social safety net) by replacing the Income Tax with a progressive tax on yearly personal consumption. Aside from a safety net, let gov do gov and let charities do charity.

Prosperity, freedom, and decency would then follow and spread --- with or without labor unions and gang-banging identity-politics --- provided the Republic were protected from corrupt political infiltration.

This is why DJT kicks BHO's ass.


I watched the Penrose clip. It leads me to suppose that all expressions of measurable events seem to obey a matrix of math-based functions. But the math would not seem "to math" itself. "Somethimg" puts fire in it. Something appreciates or processes the feedback and reconciles and determines which outcome to express and make measurably manifest from among all available parameters.

The nature or character of that "Something" would seem to be of a quality beyond merely quanticizing maths within maths.

If so, it would seem a pipe dream to expect by mere math-based empiricism to capture or control IT. Without good faith and good will based in metaphors beyond models, it may be hopeless to appreciate IT meaningfully.



Why are Dems such relentlessly unhappy people? Their ranks are filled with unhappy feminists and unhappy femimen. People used to find comfort in faith, family, and fidelity. Traditional marriage and extended families. Individual competence, self reliance, and work ethic.

Now feminists and femimen have ruined most of faith, family, and fidelity. So to what do these unhappy people turn to fill that void? No family or spouse can fill the void. So they dream of marrying Big Gov.

They dream Big Gov can be a Shining Knight, for which their newest name is Democratic Socialism. Instead of an oppressive, fascist, villain. Because they have been corrupted and stupified. Made illiterate of history, common sense, and basic decency. So they rush to kill the republic that nurtured them and for which millions shed their blood and sweat. Unhappy, perverse souls.


The hateful Left is licensing people with problems of jealousy, envy, covetousness, and entitlement mindedness to feel justified in blaming a targeted goat for not serving their every depraved longing. Race baiters and virtue signalers are currently profiting by making that goat out to be whities. Anything to avoid growing up to become responsible, functioning adults.


Common sense. Dems have to work hard to be stupid enough not to get it.

"Is it in the U.S. interest for Ukraine officials to see that a company can escape scrutiny for corruption if it hires the son of the U.S. Vice President? Is it in the nation’s interest if other countries and companies observe this behavior and hire relatives of other American politicians?"

Buden's Nazi defense: I was just an accessory following orders that happened to benefit my son.

Oh, and Dems are more equal than others. Especially Republicans. Because of entitlement to "reparations" (booty). In perpetuity.


Nut Lady. No one is stopping her from saying, eating, buying, or loving whomever or whatever she wants. Most of us do not f-ing care. GTHU. Sheesh!


Pelosi and her ilk are a clear and present danger to the Constitution and the Republic.

"Trump correctly cited his authority given to him by Article II to allow him to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, even though he never did. The president did not cite Article II to make the case that he was above the separation of powers in the Constitution."


For years and years, Dems have used their political offices and connections to deal (engage in abuses, bribery, and quid pro quos) in dirt. That is what they do. But when someone they have thus targeted for three or more years fights back, he is the impeachable obstructionist? Even when he is uncovering the dirt rather than creating it?

What loads of s for brains Dems deal in!

The Republic will endure this crap until enough Americans wake up and stop electing s for brains to higher office.

Epstein was not an outlier. He was part of the main sewer line for vile Dem shenanigans.


“They weren’t tapes so much as DVDs. I don’t know if these were footages or not, but every bedroom in Epstein’s houses had multiple cameras in them. He used to keep records of everybody. He used to store everything. So the Palm Beach Police Department, they knew that there were thousands and thousands of these DVDs. Except… Now, this is very interesting. When they went to search for them, they were gone.”


How much rot has been cultivated by Mossad, Epstein, Western Establishmentarians, and all their little stooges, shills, and fascist socialists? How deep does the connection go with high level Dems?


So Trump is a coward for standing up to defend the Republic, while Pelosi is brave for helping the Establishment that wants to kill it? Good grief.


Pelosi's Dems do not care about Hillary's emails or Ukraine. They want to be thought police. They want to remove the President because he does not accept their programs for disarming the population, opening the borders, giving the franchise to so-called dreamers, putting the gov in charge of parceling out health care, and using climate change as a bogeyman to allow the gov to license a Carbon Bank to control every economy in fine detail. Dems want the masses to be their mind-mushed serfs. They are outright lying through their teeth when they claim they have principles that Trump is violating. Do not give credit to their satanic posing and pretense. This fight is about Good v. Evil, and it cannot be avoided.


Dems now consider it unpardonable racism if you do not like what they like as much as they like it. Stunning and brave, these mush brains strut their kinks and fascism.


Now Georgetown students are demanding Turley be fired. This is how every institution squeezes out every decent, principled, free thinker. This will continue until Americans start putting toddler-hooligans back into the romper room until they grow up. Wake up Americans: Ungrateful, entitlement-minded, pleasure-addled people are NOT smart or decent. Nor are they cute. But they will burn down the republic if adults do not stop them.


Sheesh. She may as well say Libs are sheeple that bah bah together because they are not competent, independent, self-reliant, free thinkers.

I am a Conserver of Liberty. I like to ride with others. But I also enjoy free time to ride alone. It helps me to avoid becoming a Sheeple. Which may be why I detest this assholish, toxic feminist that presumes to be an expert on why my President should be impeached.


For insight into the bullshit of Collectivist Liberals, read Koestler's Darkness at Noon. Or at least check Wikipedia. Paraphrasing from Wiki snippets and quotes:

The novel begins with Rubashov's arrest in the middle of the night by two men from the secret police.

Rubashov hopes that, no matter how vile his actions may seem to their contemporaries, history will eventually absolve them. This is the faith that makes the abuses of the regime tolerable as the men consider the suffering of a few thousand, or a few million people against the happiness of future generations. They believe that gaining the socialist utopia, which they believe is possible, will cause the imposed suffering to be forgiven.

The charges are hardly discussed, as Rubashov understands they are not relevant. Rubashov says that he is "tired" and doesn't "want to play this kind of game anymore

… every leap of technical progress brings with it a relative intellectual regression of the masses, a decline in their political maturity. At times it may take decades or even generations before the collective consciousness gradually catches up to the changed order and regains the capacity to govern itself that it had formerly possessed at a lower stage of civilization.


What kind of idiot would believe hypocritical Dems that profit by selling political favors want to establish some kind of principle against politicians negotiating for political quid pro quos?

Why then do they so desperately want to remove Trump?

Obvious answer: He is interfering with the way they profit by cannibalizing the Republic. How much foreign money cycles through their foundations, off shore accounts, and campaign war chests? Why are they all millionaires?


Bi-coastal Prog states attract hordes of liberty-illiterates, homeless addicts, deviants, entitlement minded wussies, and anti-Americans. Abolishing the Electoral College would put all other states under their stupid and corrupt thumbs. Being stupid and corrupt, they of course want that. But no decent, free-thinking American should want that.

The issue is an existential one for the Republic. Do we want to retain human freedom, dignity, and decency? Or do we want to be ruled by assholes?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Many Worlds -- Holistic v. Particular Perspectives of Consciousness

Many Worlds -- Holistic v. Particular Perspectives of Consciousness
Consciousness of Knowns v. Consciousness of Interests (simulations and feedback)

Potentiality: All possibilities of the cosmic math function are "known" to IT to exist in potentiality.

Manifestation: A manifestation occurs only in respect of experience, knowledge, or measurement by some Perspective of the cosmic function that is mathematically constrained or limited to be less than or apart from the Holism of the cosmic math function. For a Perspective actually to reach or touch the limits of its defining parameters would be for it to dissolve as a Perspective.

Mortals and persons do not populate any potentiality unless and until it is collapsed to the experience of measurement of some particular Perspective apart from the Holism of the math function. That is, a Perspective whose consciousness is limited in respect of parameters that define situational limits for its experience of sensate measurements.

Every Perspective fluxes in and out of manifest existence as a variation on an unfolding system of limitations on the sensory potentiality of the cosmic Holism. This is the basis for Empathetic Feedback and its conservation and reconciliation.

The Holism "knows" all potentialities, but only takes "interest" in the flux of those systems within systems for which IT avails feedback for particular Perspectives. Matrixed Levels of Consciousness: structurally patterned, cellular, Id, ego, super ego, spiritual ego.

What is it LIKE for the Holism to experience knowledge, feedback, interest, empathy, spiritual concern, surprise, forgetfulness, purposefulness, change of perspective? Whatever it is like, it may be conceptualized as metaphorical with our science-based senses --- but beyond mortal science.

We can worship IT, try to attune to IT, seek to intuit IT, try to be insightful concerning IT, use our conceptualizations of IT, but we cannot know IT or IT's fluxing purposes.

PROBLEMS: How should a decent civilization seek to PURPOSE itself?

Should it allow its members to take turns experiencing the various possible levels of talent, ability, opportunity, success, and power?

Why "should" (and how can) top powers be coaxed to surrender power after their turns are over?

Should all members be raised to the same level of equal power, like a Borgdom?

Should all members fill class needs and be bred and groomed to be happy with their assigned class (as in Brave New World)?

Should straws be drawn to determine slaves and food by random luck?

Should limits be imposed on technological advancement and individual talent and power? How to impose, how to determine, who to set, who to enforce?

PURPOSEFULNESS:  Assuming we want a decent civilization that avails reasonable human freedom and dignity, then the use of faith, family, and fidelity to establish and sustain a checked and balanced representative republic makes sense as a way to avail human purposefulness and pursuit of happiness.


Look at what now passes as TV entertainment. Look at who has power now. Kabuki Corporatists. Cartels and Islamists. Human traffickers and coyotes. LGBTQ. Virtue signalers with ties to Lolita island. Child groomers. Fetal organ sellers. Destroyers of faith, family, and fidelity. Ainos comprising the worst of the worst. The rest calculate what to pretend in order to please the dirtbags on whom they are dependent for their pay and promotion. S* floats faster than cream.

Almost all our institutions have been corrupted. The worst seem to have promoted the worst and squeezed out the decent. Media, Schools, Banks, Houses of Worship, Corporate Boards, Foundations, Legislatures. All have been infested by Identity Politics being played as PC to divide and rule the masses. Democratic Socialism -- ugh!

Everyone wants, blames, and takes. Everyone seems to calculate about whom to pillage and how to espouse populist slogans for personal advantage, but few think for themselves about what is needed to establish and sustain principles of decency. Most think themselves superior to the Founders of the Republic. Especially the most illiterate of history. And so the cycle continues.


Fraser Tytler, a European historian published The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic. In his publication, Tytler reported that from his research he had determined the following:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world's great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage."

If Tytler's conclusion is correct, this year America exceeded the average length for a democratic form of government by 33 years.


Populist democracy cannot sustain a decent civilization. It soon falls to soft-headedness and corruption. It becomes overcome with nutbags and snowflakes. Femimen and feminazis.

An educated, intelligent, empathetic, vigilant citizenry that is literate in history is a rarity. If it nurtures faith, family, and fidelity, it may longer sustain a representative republic.


There is right and there is wrong. Right is empathy for the dignity and freedom of persons apart from yourself. In gov, it is what the Founders tried to establish for a representative republic.

Wrong is treating others as your inferiors and tolerating those that do. Wrong is forcing pretense of belief and thus overriding the dignity of others. Wrong is grooming and abusing children to do likewise. Wrong is seeking to replace representative republics with the elitist diktat of monstrous, mind enslaved, entitlement minded, fake elitists. Wrong is following sloganeers of fairness or social justice as espoused by clueless idiots of no intelligible, moral, or empathetic philosophy.

Bottom line: Commies are wrong. Islam is evil. Neither should be encouraged by anyone of intelligible decency.


Civil Service protection laws. With them, Corporate Bribers turn the Service into a Deep State. Without them, politics turns the Administrative State into a Spoils System. Rotters never sleep.

The only protection would be in a moral, educated, vigilant, assimilated citizenry.

Problem: institutions for churches, foundations, colleges, and citizenship, like every other institution, have now become too poisoned and infested to perform a protective function. Rather, they have become elaborate apologists for the sinister, amoral, godless Corporatists that run the Deep State.

Bottom line: The Republic needs a miracle because it is hanging by a thread. The chance for that miracle now rests on Trump's shoulders.


To what do Atheists look to rationalize or guide any consistent principles or moral purposefulness? If there is something, it abides regardless of whatever name you prefer to attach to it. Otoh, if you believe no such Source exists, then you may as well espouse that there is no basis for moral purposefulness.

In that case, you are merely an irrelevant noise malefactor with nothing meaningful to say about what anyone or any society should or should not do. Like a shit fly. Or maybe a godless, victim-grubbing, Dem?


Wednesday, July 24, 2019


A Philosopher of Natural Law once explained to me:

After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone will ring.

If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always answers.

The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

Thursday, June 27, 2019



Three main reasons for the lackey-MSM's push for Dem nonsense:
1) The Deep State needs to divert the public's attention from its numerous crimes and treason.
2) People-farming Corporatists see opportunities in cannibalizing and destroying the Republic.
3) Their stooges have been relentlessly trained and certified to believe their lies and promises of free stuff and a "Great Society."

NOTE: Even the poorest Americans are better off than billions of people living in abject poverty worldwide. To really open the borders and share the wealth would probably greatly impoverish even the poorest Americans. But it may temporarily enhance the wealth and power of the most ruthless of sheeple farmers. If there is karmic justice, the flooding will soon enough reach the Nordics.


Fake kindness: Chases people into dependence on handouts by denying them entry level jobs. Forces destruction of law and order by inviting children to be used to gain asylum advantages. Grooms children into collectivist brainmushing campuses by denying 16 year olds opportunities to seek apprenticeships. Constructs tax advantages to lure factories to ship jobs overseas. Serves cheap labor interests of corporatists by reducing the legal effectiveness of borders. Uses gov resources to groom children towards gender dysphoria and mass abuse, camouflaged as higher mindedness or religion.

Thus stooges for sheeple farmers have replaced industry with tolerance for mass abuse camouflaged under a banner of "progress."

The more cultural selection favors con artists posing as public benefactors, the more artful the betrayals, confusions, and masks become. Eventually, everyone that wants to survive tends in public to profess slobbering love for big brother, dear leader, or authority on Allah. Few can risk the bad opinion of stooges for cultural selection bent on mass kabuki socialism. Once tentacles of the NWO become irresistable because they monitor everyone and everything, what could be the point?

The Squad wants Kabuki-directed Gov to pay special bribes and promises of favors to grievance groups based on no principle other than skin color and lack of citizenship. This is Gov directing the means of production so despots can play identity politics to eliminate any independent-minded middle class, to keep their hold on power.

This is worse than classIcal socialism. It is idiocracy. See Harrison Bergeron.

The Left wants PC to keep everyone quiet about the effect. Reminds me of a horrific scene in Saving Private Ryan, where a former German prisoner is slowly forcing a knife into the heart of an American soldier. While urging him to hush.


You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP.
You have BET...Imagine if we had WET (White Entertainment Television)...we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists. If we had White History Month,

we'd be racists. If we had any organization for whites only to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce
And then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.


Americans of all colors are welcome to join the Trump Train. But this racist beatch wants to tell all poc they cannot succeed unless they demand entitlements to favored treatment, in perpetuity. This mindset has eviscerated black families and it has impoverished many inner cities. It has ruined higher education. It has undermined work ethics. It has made silly putty of many Dem minds, allowing them to be exploited by lying funders of lyiing Dems.

There abide many possibilities for how each part of the cosmos may unfold in appreciation of any particular context. What participates in determining the precise unfoldment of any particular manifestation, if not some kind of appreciative feedback with a fundamental aspect of the cosmos? Random chance is a label for math-based rationalization, not a description of a causal agent. Does it not seem innately intuitive that every perspective of consciousness from every level is entangled, like "turtles all the way down," with a fundamental, qualitative, empathetic aspect of consciousness? Why else should Nature endow us with purposeful or moral sentiments?


Twiki translation: Freedom is just another word for slavery. Unless Gov rules your workplace, you are not free. Freedom means the ability to do only what knowbetters allow. They know best how to serve your desires, needs, health, and security. To do what you want and that is outside PC is to be an enemy of freedom. So to be a free thinker outside PC is now mocked. Beeta beeta beeta.

This is about optics. It is not about doing anything actually to benefit anyone. Dems play optics and only optics because their base includes so many utterly dense people that reason solely with their wannas to the exclusion of their thinksters. What is sad is that they cannot even play optics well. At least, not against their master, DJT. Sad, scurrilous mice.

Unfortunately, some very corrupt corporate profiteers have calculated that they can increase their power and wealth by overrunning and destroying The American Republic. So they fund and agitate stooges to do their destructive work for them. And the stooges know nothing except what immediately gratifies their feelings. They are not noted for having much insight concerning the consequences of their trains of perfidy. And so a long period of institutionalized educational malpractice has brought humanity to the brink of reverting to its default condition: Rule of the masses as sub-humanized serfs for the most corrupt of conniving assholes. As evidence, look at Soros and the Clintons.

What else are central masters of PC and social media manipulating? "The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes depending on how aggressive they were in using the techniques that I’ve been studying, such as the search engine manipulation effect, the search suggestion effect, the answer bot effect, and a number of others,” he said.

“They control these and no one can counteract them. These are not competitive. These are tools that they have at their disposal exclusively.”

The physically measurable world functions under a law of conservation. That implicates math. Whatever is availed to be measurably expressed must conform to the math-based rules. This implicates addition and subtraction. Forms continuously transitioning (birthing, dying) into new forms. Creation and sacrifice. Pleasure and pain. Equations for all that is measurable must balance.

This neither evidences nor dis-evidences whether an immeasurably conscious Mathematician may function in qualitative feedback to determine what unfolds within the parameters that are allowed within the math-based constraints of a quantized universe. In broad terms, that which is selected to unfold does not appear to be precisely pre-determined. But it does seem to be affected under an unfolding appreciation of consciousness or perspectives thereof.

What program do Dems have that is viable and that Americans would reasonably support? Except for taking Orwell's book, 1984, as their guide book, Dems and their Kabuki Funders have nothing. So all their time and resources are directed to malign Trump. How does this help anyone? What are Dem Stooges good for, except working feverishly to return us to a default condition of serfs being ruled by knowitall fake-elites?

Even historically, what have Dems and their Rino anti-American corporatist-funders been good for? Slavery. Opposition to Civil Rights. KKK. Often singing the praises of Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Fidel, Che, Hugo, and Islam. Helping to build up the Weimar Republic. Making us sitting ducks in Pearl Harbor. Giving away most of Eastern Europe at the end of WWII, condemning millions of people to the Communist bloc -- including many captured American troops. Inviting the infestation of the nation with incorrigible socialists, imavictim-mongers, and entitlement-minded ingrates.

Maybe everyone whose ancestry includes Dems and Rino Corporatists should pay reparations?

Walter Duranty/NYT gave assurances about Stalin. Edmund Wilson said Stalinist-Russia was the moral light at the top of the world. Upton Sinclair defended the integrity of the Russian show-trial confessions.


Alcoa: When US involvement began in WWII, there was a massive shortage of aluminum, due considerably to Alcoa having sold so much of it to Axis powers for them to build their war machine.

Ford: The Third Reich provided Ford’s factory in Cologne with 1200 Russian slaves as compensation.

GM: Albert Speer said the rubber GM supplied was the key to the ability of the Germans to wage war the way they did.

IBM: Up to 1941, IBM worked with the Reich to train SS personnel how to use their machines to record the movement, sorting, and mass execution of undesirables.


Yet you keep commenting!:) Collectivists (Progs) dehumanize individuals by taking their freedom and presuming to know better how they should live their lives. (Especially the ones that hold half their populations to be inferior. Especially the radical ones that advocate killing apostates or depriving opponents of freedom of speech.) So I guess Progs should know all about dehumanization and the State as a substitute for Christian charity.

I still see no intelligent response, either to your original post or to my analogy. So it appears you are correct: It indeed is inappropriate to expect Progs to actually think beyond slogans. All together now: "Diversity makes us stronger. Except when it overwhelms our preferences for a bio-system. Or local culture."

You are going over old ground. I noted an analogy. You indicated you were uninterested. Fine. Done. Then you had two obsessives chime in with derogatory comments. And I was not supposed to respond? Wow! How decently progressive of you. You have one comment apart from my train. Easy solution: Delete and repost your original. I promise to remain uninterested.

Nope. There is no thread. The whole train was in response to my post, by obsessives trying to pretend the analogy is inapplicable. But the only difference is one pertains to alien snake animals and the other pertains to alien-human animals. The course of damage follows similar patterns.

If you want alien snakes to be kept out until they can be introduced without damaging the local habitat, I am certainly in accord.

The post would not have been added had it not been baited. It was in response to an obnoxious poster that pretended injections of persons from incompatible cultures do not do harm to established communities, much the same as injections of alien snakes do to a locally balanced system of wildlife.

The analogy is readily obvious, despite silly pretense to the contrary. And the grievous harm is documented in the previous post.

If you don't want replies to nonsense from other posters, then don't let them pretend they did not invite the reply.

IAE, the point is too clear to be deniable: Diversity does not always make us stronger. Why pretend otherwise? Is not an existing culture part of the environment?

Sort of reminds me of radical Commies and militant Muslims. Except it seems they are being deliberately planted on an industrial scale.

And then, lmao, they blame Trump for Russian collusion. Collision, racism, diversity, they yell, while they ruin entire cultures.


Nature or Weed made him that way. That is an all-purpose defense, btw. Case dismissed. Thanks be to Dim-minded, feelings-drunk jurists. The face of caring and brilliance.

When Dem anti-Americans say vile things, Lefties rarely complain that they are unable otherwise to state or defend their positions. Maybe because Lefties, tending to be weaker or adolescent, feel justified by feelings more so than by reason.

When Trump points that out, these adolescents then accuse him of being the one that is weak minded.

This same pattern is used by the Left for every label.The Left has the most incorrigible racists, fascists, and hypocrites, yet its members preemptively jump to call everyone that disagrees with their racism, fascism, and hypocrisy by those names.

A nation that allows itself to be intimidated by such tactics has allowed itself to be overrun by feminazis and femimen. That is not a compliment.

In reason, there are grounds to impeach the Squad. There are no good reasons to impeach Trump. The Left is pure feelings, not reason, but often hate. They hate the nation, and Trump personifies it for them.

I guess we need an Amendment to give kabuki profiteers more power over us. How many non-recoverable manhours and resources have been wasted because the despicable, rent-seeking owners of our Representatives refuse to allow legislation that would actually be effective and constitutional?
Regardless of the Constitution, our kabuki owned Congress will never pass health care provisions without paying off the rent-seeking Establishment. We need term limits, monopoly break-ups, political RICO, and punishment for aiding and abetting the destruction of the Republic. We need to stop public schools from being used to groom children for lovers of Trannies, Che, Fidel, Hugo, and all that crap.

What do Dems think is so great about taking in swarms of refugees, most of whom cannot prove grounds, many of whom are shown to make reliable voters for kabuki socialism? What is the reality behind their fake tears, if not a demented desire to overwhelm the Republic? Enough!

Omar's loyalty is not to America, but to funders and agents bent on its destruction. Limp-wristed Ainos need to get a clue. Her "love" for America is the love of destroying it. That is the love of a demented Islamic MB supremacist.

The Squad is a squad of radical Commies and/or Muslims. It furthers its infestation by intimidating people against identifying it for what it is. Focus a magnifying glass on it and root it out. And stop lying about Trump.

What kind of sub-humanizing, wannabe plantation-masters are indoctrinating people to fund her? How much of Congress have they already bought and paid for? What siren calls have they planned to use on their social-media monopolies for herding the 2020 elections? Of Morlochs and the Eloi that believe their siren propaganda:

The indoctrination is working on a lot of the Eloi-Sheeple, who are now doing much of the funding for people like AOC. Whatever else one may say about radical, militant malcontents, many of them are activated. A few orgiastic promises and off to the sirens they run!

The Squad cried, yelled, emoted, and played the race card into office.

With the constant drumbeat from social media plantation-masters., they have become so confident that they have turned enough brains into mush that they now accuse all opponents of being racists, everywhere. They have turned many Americans into gender-dysphoric, limp-twisted, pajama-boy, perpetual crybabies.

Sociopaths often become skilled in techniques for spreading Stockholm Syndrome. Purveyors of Islam, Communism, and Alinskyism have mastered such techniques for the purpose of globally subjugating and sub-humanizing free-thinkers.

Never forget? Even as I watched 9-11, I knew we had already been infiltrated by a likely majority of mush-brained, eloi-sheeplized, food-for-despots. How many trillions of dollars in diverted manpower and resources have we now exhausted to fight the snakes we continue to invite to wrap around our necks? How much has been wasted in airport lines, alone? The Bushes and the Religion of Peace: Bad joke of the millennium.

Sort of reminds me of radical Commies and militant Muslims. Except it seems they are being deliberately planted on an industrial scale.

And then, lmao, they blame Trump for Russian collusion. Collision, racism, diversity, they yell, while they ruin entire cultures.

The Squad cried, yelled, emoted, and played the race card into office.

With the constant drumbeat from social media plantation-masters., they have become so confident that they have turned enough brains into mush that they now accuse all opponents of being racists, everywhere. They have turned many Americans into gender-dysphoric, limp-twisted, pajama-boy, perpetual crybabies.

Sociopaths often become skilled in techniques for spreading Stockholm Syndrome. Purveyors of Islam, Communism, and Alinskyism have mastered such techniques for the purpose of globally subjugating and sub-humanizing free-thinkers.


Note: Now they are conditioning their Sheeple to revile the term "free-thinker." And to not view any news that is off the farm.

Flatness is more a head game than anything serious. Sometimes it does not actually refer to shape.

See Wiki on the "flatness" of the universe: "Many physicists also believe that inflation explains why the universe appears to be the same in all directions (isotropic), why the cosmic microwave background radiation is distributed evenly, why the universe is flat, and why no magnetic monopoles have been observed."

If you are claiming Ben Carson is not a caring and smart man, good luck with that. Sounds contrived for racist purposes to me. Should I call you a racist. Lmao. :)

What was the Anita Hill thing? A ditz advanced her career on Thomas' coattails then talked about pubic hair on a coke. Are you serious? Do you have any awareness what the Left has been injecting into the culture? Good grief.

When you become as intelligent and insightful as Candace Owens or Allen West, get back with me.

Newsflash -- If you do impeach him he also gets re-elected. Plus you lose more of the House. Recommendation: Try focusing on things that are worthwhile.

A good number of very intelligent Blacks strongly disagree. Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, Kanye West, Clarence Thomas, Allen West. They got tired of listening to the Plantation Masters. Polls indicate voters tend to think Trump has been better for Blacks than Obama. Unfortunately, a lot of globalist, anti-nationalist, billionaire Establishmentarians hate Trump. Poor thinkers read their crap and fall for it. Sad.

You know, I don't see it that way. I see Pelosi as the villain. Just like she has been all along on funding border enforcement. She serves interests that are not those of American patriots.

Trump wants to serve Americans. I have no idea who or what the Dems think they are serving.

Republicans are not against a reasonable safety net, including for health care, provided it is constitutional. Trump has made suggestions in that regard. However, most Ainos in Congress seem more interested in serving the rent-seekers that fund them than they are in addressing concerns regarding border security, infrastructure, or health care. Providing reasonable infrastructure such as with regard to travel, transport, standards, disease control, public sanitation, and health, is not commonly considered the kind of central control over the means of production that is thought of as socialism. Btw, Pelosi and Dems have resisted and yelled against taking care of Americans by enforcing the border. And they have resisted health care suggestions that would be constitutional. Why? Because they care about serving their owners, not Americans.


Globalist anti-nationalists are turning into the new Crown Loyalists, loyal to efforts by anti-American Elitists to destroy the Constitution by continuing to open our borders to being swamped by ever more stooges for destroying the Republic. This is coming to a head: Pinkie-Waggers v. Free-Thinkers. We live in interesting times.


Nations are continually displaced as a consequence of cultural chauvinism and hypocrisy. It has always been thus. So I am immediately struck by the chauvinistic hypocrisy of minority-invaders when they deem it an "injustice" that they are expected to assimilate to the country to which they immigrated, but deem it justice to expect that country to change to become more like the place from which they launched. Since when should our nation consider invading wannabe elitists to be our ruling betters?

The problem is compounded when invaders come from a place or nation that funds them as cultural warriors to bend us to their use. To add insult, godless, pagan or amoral profiteers have indoctrinated many Americans to support the promotion or election of cultural invaders to positions of power.

Too many among us have been indoctrinated to believe our culture is bad in the eyes of Mother Nature and must be changed, but the cultures of all invaders are somehow superior because "diversity makes us stronger." More often, such invasion does not make us stronger. Especially when the invaders are in such numbers that they find support in feeling more need to change us than to assimilate to us. Ask any American Indian! Does any sentient soul expect that Muslim invaders, upon overpowering any victim nation, will feel remorse and decide they should return the land to the culture they displaced?

This is a way cultures of freedom, dignity, and decency often become indoctrinated to die of suicide. And so it comes to pass that a nation indoctrinated to become sheeple, with half its population blanketed and mutilated, comes to consider itself superior to a nation of individually-responsible free-thinkers. And the host nation, sheepishly but with "milkshakes," says Amen. If you disagree, elite profs, progs, and antifians will deem you a "racist."


Cramdowns have rapidly changed the civic foundation of America. Given a small shift in the political (not racial) center of gravity, then over the precipice tips the Republic. Which seems to be the cherished wish of all sucklings represented by Dems, Progs, Never Trumpers, Globalists, and all their fellow travelers. Lords of Flies (Antifians, SJW's, Militant Malcontents, Crony Overlords) are buzzing and excited for the paradise being imagined in the dreams and fantasies of Progs made illiterate of basic history.

The Dem Party, Congress, media, and academia are extensions of oligarchic puppeteers. Information about you is being harvested and manipulated everywhere. And not for fair-minded purposes.

The foreign class of brain-mushed, co-dependent, incompetent femi-sheeple, like its American counterpart, hates the ideal of individual responsibility. It is ready-made to serve itself up to the most utterly corrupt of "fair-minded" elitists that have floated one another to the top of the s-pile. Left to their own devices, this always ends in lords of flies.

The Pinkie-Wagging Class of aholes wants to reduce wages by importing cheap and desperate labor, and then tell the middle class they are not giving enough!

Are globalist, prog Dems saying we must sacrifice our beacon of representative republicanism --- that promotes human freedom, dignity, and decency --- in order to reign in a new world order of borders everywhere opened to the worst of thieving cultures, demagoguery, and sub-humanization? I say to the filthy rich globalist Pirate Ships -- You first!

Is this not an obvious power ploy by thoroughly unscrupulous, Constitution-destroying, sheeple-farming, conniving oligarchs to secure their cloud domain by pulling up the ladders against responsible-minded citizens of nations everywhere? Enough! Confiscate THEIR estates behind their walls, armed guards, and off-shore banking accounts.

For goodness sake, don't spit on or burn the flag of the USA. Spit on and burn the birdcage liner called the NYT!

Not much point in watching football nowadays. Or women's soccer. These un-Americans need to go to their idea of a better country and take their entitled selves out of mine. Just go.

Obamacare was passed by a cramdown. Congress needs to get serious and comply with the Constitution. Trump has suggested ways to bring healthcare costs down. However, Congress may be more interested in protecting profits of globalists and their lobbyists than in making healthcare more affordable.

Is this the next step after taking a knee or stepping on the flag? An entitlement-minded, anti-social virus seems to be spreading at the behest of MSM stooges for some even more nasty-minded crony oligarchs. Common decency and common sense are being committed to the flames.
Some people are celebrating or profiting by promoting anti-social behavior instead of denouncing it. Maybe this is one more way that non-assimilating diversity is making us stronger?


If a person cannot stop being a major detriment to decent society, regardless of whether he was born or twisted that way, then decent society needs to protect itself from him by whatever means necessary. Decent society is made that way.

It should be ground for impeachment for colluding to swamp the republic. Sadly, the people that should be impeached are the ones howling to impeach Trump. Instead of storming the Bastille we should be storming the walled compounds of the anti-American oligarchs that fund and promote this crap.

Hey Antifians, I think I found your fascists. They are the ones that are funding your agitation.

He that has the gold makes and interprets the rules. The people advocating for overthrowing the nation by swamping it with grievance mongers do not call it that. They call it being charitable to people that have become refugees on account of the activities of colonial powers. This is how traitors brand themselves as caregivers, bums brand themselves as entitled, Antifa fascists brand themselves as SJW's, and stooges for despots brand themselves as educated. When you have power to play a constant drumbeat you can convert a lot of people into mindmush. Darwin's cousin, Cultural Selection, has been busily evolving, rewarding and promoting the most conniving, disingenuous, perverse, and sociopathic of despots for a long time. The cultural niche has become one that gives such ilk tremendous advantages. Call it the Perversity Privilege. A society that too long confuses indoctrination with education soon becomes putty in its hands.


By Congressional enactment, the Secretary (for the Census Bureau) shall prepare questionnaires, and shall determine the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof, for the statistics, surveys, and censuses provided for in this title.
(Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, 68 Stat. 1013; Pub. L. 94–521, § 4(a), Oct. 17, 1976, 90 Stat. 2459.)

Determining the number of citizens within a country should be a fundamental aspect of its sovereignty. Evidently, opponents of a citizenship question do not want the nation to know its number of citizens, or they have political reasons for opposing such a question.

Such a question has been asked in previous censuses.

Now, however, because of Dem opposition, Scotus seems to be putting the burden on the President to show authority under law and the Constitution to ask such a question. Scotus seems now to be requiring the President to show good, non-partisan purpose and reasons to ask such a question. Should Republicans in Congress be entitled to receive information from such a question? Should the legitimacy of purpose or allowance for such a question depend on the likeability of the President that happens to be in office? Should Scotus require evidence so it can plumb the mind and intent of the President?

IAE, the Department of Commerce, which supervises the Census Bureau, must now identify a more developed explanation for the citizenship question, and present it to the courts for approval.

Concerns are that the government failed to follow rules and procedures proscribed by law when it changed the census form. And that Republicans plan to use the citizenship data to give them an advantage for gerrymandering purposes.

Per Fox News, the Supreme Court majority concluded the executive branch has broad authority to decide what goes onto the census, saying the survey routinely asks a range of questions on the form, beyond the number of people in a household. Roberts wrote that "neither respondents nor my colleagues have been able to identify any relevant, judicially manageable limits on the Secretary's decision to put a core demographic question back on the census." However, given the broad power given to conduct the Census under the Law, how is that kind of analysis within the purview of the Judiciary?

Of course, Dems have for a long, long time been pandering and cultivating for the socialist vote. By opening borders, Not providing resources to enforce the border. Using minors to bait more invaders. Working to undermine the electoral college. This is putting the representative republic to the danger of being permanently converted to crony socialism (sheeple-farming).

Corrupt kabuki cronies got their noses in the door through their combined propaganda about multi-culturalism, without regard to controlling the rate of immigration so it did not overwhelm the foundational ideals of the nation.

Multi-culti propaganda is how politicians and parties were pushed to forget about the good of the country and instead to turn their focus to Identity Politics. And recruiting tribes bent on sucking from the producing middle class. If our society were more to resist being disintegrated into scurrilous, tribe-based, voting factions, there would be less profit and demand for gerrymandering. Politicians could then compete based on how to promote the best interests of the nation, instead of how to appeal to contemptible identity politics. Alas.


Make sure your tribe gets in line and has its victim statements ready because those that adhere to the "Dem Constitution" are in a reparating frame of mind.

Principles don't matter when it's just clowns playing with sheeple.

Dems believe the humanitarian thing to do is to cultivate people into sheeple, to be ruled by expert cronies. The voters Dems pander to are too uneducated, indoctrinated, naive, codependent, effeminate, or corrupt to appreciate that simple fact. To allow Robertian Dems to shape the electorate is to lay waste to the representative Republic. Time to fly the Bird.

Because what you need most during a crisis is a lot of crying Dems. If only the band on the Titanic had kept crying.

Trump has had an amazing string of wins that are good for the republic. Dems hate that.

Even when Pelosi refuses him, it just makes her and Dems look stupid and bad. This is a great time to be a Conserver of Liberty.

Don't worry. When the barbarians come for you, she will hold your hand.

The perversity of cronies easily conquers the virtue-signaling and shallow empathy of Sheeple.

I do not know the extent of manmade damage to the climate best to address it. Although population disincentives would seem to make sense.
What I do know is that fundamentally dishonest Dems would seize on such a notion to justify their corrupt, elitist, globalist purge against Republics.

Congress stole power to impose an income tax via an Amendment that seems not ever to have been properly ratified. However, it is too late to squeeze that toothpaste back into its tube. So now Congress uses its power to tax and allow exemptions as a magic lamp for usurping all manner of powers by which to pander for kickbacks from whatever corrupt bases it recruits.

In terms of policy, what has Trump actually done that so outrages Dems?

Are they outraged because Trump
does not want to enrich Iran?
Does not want to further schemes against America for which Dems receive kickbacks?
Does not want to continue the Dem invitation for mass invasion and chaos at the border?
Does not want to continue incenting factories to go overseas?
Does not want unrestrained immigration by radicals and terrorists?
Does not want thought police running media or campuses?
Does not want kabuki socialism?
Does not.want. to further pretense that the Gov has power to make everything free?
Does not.want to play identity politics or promise to enrich or. repararate every fringe group that claims to have been victimized by monolithic Whitey?

Make work is not necessarily wasted. The pyramids were not wasted labor. They organized labor. Which caused a flow of currency. Which produced demand for foreign trade via ships carrying supplies, foodstuffs, idle interests, and luxuries. This circle primed an expanding economy based on more and more.organization of productive labor.

If religion is thought of as a source or cause of moral guidance or higher mindedness that is outside empirical proof, then Metaphorical Communications via Cultivated Myths, Human Secularism, Communism, Socialism, Spiritual Intuition, and so-called Natural Law are all forms of religion.

Merely because actions are rationalized in religion does not mean that they are based outside morality. In that respect, "Moral Atheist" is an oxymoron. To argue humanity "should" abandon all forms of religion is the nonsense of Baffledom and perpetual adolescents.

Boring, boring, boring.
Keep that Congress foraging.

Look for our biggest enemies to be willing to pay our own politicians to take us down. And Look for the biggest traitors among us to be quick to take the money.

Then look for the people that collect character-skeletons to deploy elaborate threats to secure their position under the iron throne of criminal sheeple farming.

This meme infests everything and marks the oldest profession. It feeds itself routinely in the Aino Parties. Decent civilization requires constant defenestration of such rats.

If religion is conceptualized as a belief system that one comes to voluntarily to try to become.right with the Source of Consciousness or Justice, then does a belief system that advocates for the killing of apostates constitute a religion the free exercise of which is entitled to protection under the First Amendment?

Jimmuh greased the overthrow of the Shah, which threw wide open the doors of Islamic terrorism. I am not interested in his policy opinions about fairness or decency. However, when the barbarians come, if he is still alive, he will hold your hand.

The perversity of cronies easily makes fools from the shallow empathy of sheeple. The sheeple probably in some way like it that way. That is how they have been bred and groomed. And they want to impose that on everyone else.

There is no honor or dignity in bending your knee to a party of, by, and for elitists.

Good grief. What is there to explain?
The sovereign people and their representatives are entitled to track indicators of rates at which their country is being non-assimilated. They need to know when proportions of non-citizens are increasing at rates that endanger the sustainability of the republic. This is common knowledge since the time of the Romans.
How else can they intelligently monitor in order to preserve founding ideals? A nation should have tools to keep its identity as a nation from being drowned by illegal or unwise immigration floods.
This is not a whiteness matter. It is an American (USA) matter. Roberts is a dunce, trained by Ivy dunces and knaves.

Shep, by overcompensating from behind his fortress of socially irreproachable gender superiority, has become skilled in peremptorily pointing his shame finger.

New is making raves. It is called, Will the real dumasses please raise their hands. Or, Who wants to be Dumas in Chief?
So now social media (Google, Facebook. Twitter) will be promoting Agents Smith, Jones, and Brown to keep us all under the Blue Pill.

To suggest that no measurable thing is the source of unfolding sequencing, causation, reconciliation, purpose-driven consciousness, and moral rightness is not to suggest that such source is no thing at all.

The problem Dem candidates have is their media is in the hands of looney goonies that will not give them the time of day unless they go full bull goose looney. The establishment is like an enraged bull and cannot help itself. I want to see them locked up and handed their asses. And a mass exodus from worthless university degrees and Ivy b.s.

There's no such thing as democratic socialism. It's all crony despotism for profiteering elitists. Democratic Socialism means the country gets sold out to foreigners, eventually Muslims.

Dems are peddling Fantasyland, but their way of constantly raising the ante for tribe-based Identity Politics is guaranteed to have no limiting principle by which to rescue it from crony-socialist misery.

Lmao. So now it is Trump's fault that the Dems have gone insane? Wowsa.

The Left has become mad with mouth-foaming hate. They live in a land of limitless opportunity, but they hate it. They blame their problems on the competent middle class, instead of on themselves or the Political Crony Class that farms them. Their spiritual guides and mental health people seem nearly all to be mentally ill. Something evil is consuming them, but they have no insight about what it could be. Big Brother is not forcing their bodies into two-minute hate drills like those displayed in their political debates. Yet, Big Brother seems somehow to have infested their minds. They are anxiously "progressing," but with no star to guide them. Except for their hatred of Orwell's Emmanuel Goldstein, now personified to them as Donald Trump. They are demanding that O'Brien take them, and everyone else, to Room 101 --- so they can fully experience the socialist rats.

So what does this juvey mouthpiece argue God condones?  Replacing charity with revenues taken and dispersed by elites playing Identity Politics while claiming to be gov benefactors?  Undermining a representative republic? Forcibly taking from producers to pay layabouts? Making a living by ganging up in tribes to play Identity Politics to use force of Gov to turn other people into serfs to support you? Replacing the institution of family with marriage to the Gov? Grooming children to believe the concept of sex among humans is fluid? Inviting foreign cultures to swamp and replace the American ideal of freedom-dignity-decency? Inviting cultures that marry cousins at 6 and burka-wrap half their populations? I do not find much of this kind of crap being justified in either the Bible or the Constitution.