Saturday, March 4, 2017

Of Nationalism and Globalism

We need to facilitate the freedom of individual workers to bid their labor to free enterprisers more so than to middling governmental bureaucrats. But we also need to control the enterprisers so they do not become oligarchs enterprising in the buying and selling of our politics, politicians, and republic. As things stand, we have the worst of both. We have enterprise choked by governmental regulation. And we have oligarchs devoting most of their time and talent to abusing the political system.
This is out of whack. We need to get investors to return industries to the U.S. And we need to get oligarchs out of the business of buying and selling political influence. That is hard to do. It will require a number of reforms. More than that, it will require an assimilating spiritual awakening. And, given the massive undermining of faith, family, and fidelity, that will be very hard to accomplish. When we learn to pray and weep, with eyes uplifted like Ryan's Widow, maybe we will have a chance.

The separation is between those that are individually competent and higher-minded versus those that are incompetent, depraved, and entitlement-minded.
The better parent is not the one that gives a child everything, but the parent that teaches skills so a child can in dignity pursue his own happiness.
The "imavictim of selfish Conservers of Liberty" shtick is infantile and often evil.

The only decent Globalists are the ones who respect this general moral value: Absent good reason to the contrary, political power should be disseminated to the lowest level of effective governance.
We should aspire to no more globalism than is needed to nurture and defend the decent unfolding of free society.
However, that fluxes as technology comes more and more to interconnect and threaten humanity. That is why the formula must remain both vague and spiritual. That is why humanity will sub-humanize itself as it loses its higher-minded spiritual faith. The undermining of faith, family, and fidelity has gone hand in hand with the unraveling and degrading of human societies. Given this prevailing condition of rapid moral depravity, it is morally insane to expect our world would be better off under the fake beneficence of world oligarchs.

Cloud people think they are chosen to rule. As law-droolers, that's why they work tirelessly to concoct legalese to apply to most others, but not to their "enlightened" selves. Really, they're racist gang-bangers of the worst sort. They thrive in self-promoting darkness and when good people wrongly project and assume they also are good.
Heck, good people are often so prone to assume everyone else is fundamentally good that they cannot take in what is written plainly in front of them. As when Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers dedicated their works to Lucifer and Fake Rev. Wright called on God to damn America. And BHO sat in the pews each Sunday for 20 years.

Love your human neighbor. Not some remote, souldead, people-farmer or people-farmee. How can a human being love or empathize with someone who deliberately chose to sub-humanize himself and to treat everyone else as a widget or a pleasure-bot?

The unfolding flux requires continuous and constant change. Each individual tends to be best situated to decide for himself how to cope with that change. To cede power to manage that change to central despots and their remote bureaucrats is to turn the idea of "progress" into a grotesque joke for the Devil.

It would make the globe into a toilet, where the most competitively evil floated to the top of the bowl.

You're seriously nuts. I, and many others, have always been a Conserver of Liberty for individuals. I have never wanted to rule others, nor be ruled by them. Those that want to be people-farmers and people-farmees have always been of the same ignorant and corrupt mindset that want to be people-colonizers and people-colonizees. WTFU.

Rinos and Dinos were always two sides of the same coin, carried around by the same filthy monster.

The idea that there exists one correct theory or system of law to govern all of humanity worldwide is a tale told by law-drooling idiots and filthy devils.
The most basic reason is that the world fluxes. The system of governance that seems temporally best for one culture will be the worst for another. The only way to establish a system that can effectively rule all is to reduce all to a lowest common denominator of cheap servants of the most evil despots that can be floated in a toilet bowl of competitive evil.
Only idiots and devils deny that. In promising to create some lasting, worldwide utopia, they deceive and dishonor themselves and everyone else as they proceed with their filthy attempt to sub-humanize humanity.
The Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment are the heart and soul of the American Ideal. To kill those in order to move to a lowest-common world is to put a despotic boot on every American face and to murder the exemplary hope of freedom, dignity, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are beset by filthy, law-drooling parasites, predators, and monsters who put their gangs, tribes, and nut-most kin above the happiness of their fellows. If they want a fight, they will get one.

Which is dumber: The school that teaches Islam, or the school that teaches tolerance of it? The crocodile, or the fish that swims into its mouth?

Question: Why is DC and our culture awash in non-factually substantiated rumor and innuendo?
Given all the concern about PC, fairness, and equality, why is this stuff backing up like a broken toilet?
Possible Answer: Because our culture has lost its way, spiritually. Faith, family, and fidelity have been grossly undermined. So we are rife with problems of pedophile priests, pedophile politicians, pedophile bankers and corporatists. "Educators" and pushers and Fed Agents who stupidify and groom children. People abusers and people farmers.
Apart from self-serving gang-bangery, what shapes the character, integrity, and honor of modern leaders? The more our country takes the spiritual form of a toilet, the more it will disadvantage virtue and promote corruption. Run amuck.
To the aasshhoolleess who promised social values were not important: GFY.

One Party takes special license with double standards. It claims that is necessary to even the playing field, because it is of the little guys. Even though its controllers own and control nearly every institution. The other Party hews closer to the line, because it does not want to offend those very same owners. The owners take on different accents, depending on which Party they are puppeting.
This is why Trump is so despised. He is not really committed to either of those Parties. Trump is not a good cop or a bad cop. He is a different kind of cop. A necessary cop.

The price of Trump's love is that each person take some responsibility for himself. Progs hate that. Are Progs souldead moral criminals and traitors to human decency? Insofar as they are working to put the republic under the thumbs of oligarchic collectivists, what else could they be?

Science entails a method for trying to explain a thing as it really is --- even though no thing-in-itself can really be measured in itself. So science begins with the same conundrum faced by every particular existential Being.
Thus, science is used to approach practical challenges by deploying a variety of models and perspectives --- even though the models defy unification under one encompassing model.
Within the limits that we happen to draw our measurable experiences from, the scientific method avails a powerful and reliable tool. But when science is applied to try to derive the "real" explanation for those limits or to derive a hypothetical best and scientific system of morality, it is outside its scope.
To seek the "best" system of morality necessarily entails an intuitive, empathetic, innately spiritual and feedback appreciation for the qualitative experience and immeasurable guidance of Beingness,
Intuitively and/or mathematically, it is impossible for any scientist to horn in on that quest without making his/her own leaps of faith. And he/she will never be able to rigorously confine or measure in exactitude all the factors that were reconciled to rationalize any of those leaps of faith.
Every sentient, well-functioning person rationalizes a moral code of some kind, and assumes or believes it is grounded in (some meta-source of) higher-mindedness. Otherwise, he/she thinks in circles, believing in higher mindedness, while not believing in its reality. Sad.

Social "science" is more like modeling to rationalizations that prevail among the monied class than it is like science. Elitist mind enslavement.

When pressed, most Progs would probably admit that they want to subjugate every separate nation/republic under a global apparatus, evidently to be run by global elitists (under international paymasters). Sort of like a worldwide people-farm plantation. They have agents highly placed in every institution of a media/academia/banking/judging/preaching/grooming/agitating Apparatus. They will deploy every deceit, every horror, and every means to stop any backsliding to representative republicanism.
Because Progs tend to believe nation-states are illegitimate, they incline not to believe that sedition is possible. For many, treason seems to have become a virtue, Islamic horror a tolerable (even an ally), and patriotism an evil.
Test: Ask a Prog/Dem if to attempt to flood the borders with anti-nationalists is seditious.

I do not believe the Deep State and its Oligarchic Paymasters would decline to use underhanded means of spying, lying, and misleading when it was confident it could get away with it. And the Deep State becomes ever more pridefully confident it can get away with anything the more it comes to control the media/academia/banking/preaching/people-farming apparatus. Indeed, lately, it seems the Deep State takes perverse (even devilish) pleasure in toying with the good faith and good will of Americans. Pride goes before a fall.

Because of the Prog Doubleplus Boublespeak Double Standard, plausible accusatory applies only the Conservative Nationalist Republicans, while plausible deniability applies only to Radical Global Democrats. This is necessary to even the playing field. Even though the playing field, in nearly all its public institutions of persuasion (the media/academia/finance/admin/bureaucratic/priestly apparatus), is owned and controlled by the PayMasters of the Dems.
How does the Prog Big Lie Technique of Perpetual Deceit work? By numbing the brain. Billions have been numbed. Forget Zombies. We have billions of Numbies. How else could 50% of our electorate be so braindead? How else could billions of people fall for the sub-humanizing monstrosity of Islam? How else could so many students be so brainwashed into pure mindcrap?
And so, it has come to pass that plausible accusatory, without actual or admissible evidence of wrongdoing, constitutes ground to recuse Trump's AG and to incite a slow death march investigation of his administration. But it cannot constitute ground to investigate wrongdoing by Obama. Even though the record is rife with actual evidence of spying, lying, and misleading by Obama and his fellow-traveling souldead pleasure-bot Proggies.

Most people are mixed race. Those that aren't soon will be. The purpose of this SJW crap is not about fairness. It's about prepping people to be farmed.

How about an intelligence privilege? Or privilege factor for skill, talent, beauty, strength, quickness? Yup. Let's collectively handicap Darwin. That'll work. s/
When the law-drooling SJWs get done factoring for "equality and fairness," we will have the most counter-productive, unfair, sub-human, merit-untethered, despotism imaginable. The most perverse SJW/Commie/Jewish/Catholic heaven-on-earth imaginable.
These law-drooling fairness-police are too corrupt and/or stupid to understand that Vonnegut's story about Harrison Bergeron was a sarcasm.

In second marriages, some of the siblings would owe reparations to other of the siblings? Not to mention the adopted kids. What a nightmare for Brad and Angelina! Oh. and what about the Straight Privilege? Or should that be the Pansexual Privilege?

When a person has no higher-minded faith, he/she will fall for every passing pleasure and temptation that money can buy. To see the extent of the evil, it is necessary to follow the money. (Especially with regard to lying Rinos!)
That requires eternal vigilance, since money also buys routines for plausible deniability. If I could advise Trump of one thing, it is this: There is no more convincing liar than a cold-hearted, "no drama" person whose entire life has been a practice in lying.
I will never forget a witness I once tried to discredit with a personality expert, after he had opened the door. The expert indicated the witness' propensity for deceit was "off the charts." The witness' story was beyond incredible. I thought I had the case made. But the jury bought his story -- hook, line, sinker, and Mika's tears.
Trump knows the value of evoking emotion. But he needs some trusted advisers to bring home to him the importance of coolness and timing. Much easier said than done. Especially when you have to live in a 24/7/365 fishbowl. If he can't get that advice from a trusted confidant, he needs to get on his hands and knees and draw that wisdom and strength from the Higher Power. But privately -- not like Nixon in front of a Kissinger.

What could be more obvious than that the oligarchic establishment stirs up Muslims and expects to use them to help kill the representative republic, in order to move the world to an oligarchic ruled NWO? The establishment does not want to be actually successful in defending the republic. Tar and feathers are too good for them. We need ropes. Lots.

Almost the only stuff that comes out of the tube is the stuff that floats to the top of your toilet bowl. This situation calls for industrial strength Clorox.

Loretta Lynch is angry that the "right" of Progs and their Oligarchic Masters to drown the Nation and replace it with a Happy Worldwide Plantation is being resisted. The temerity of those who still value the American Ideal!

The separation is between those that are individually competent and higher-minded versus those that are incompetent, depraved, and entitlement-minded.
The better parent is not the one that gives a child everything, but the parent that teaches skills so a child can in dignity pursue his own happiness.
The "imavictim of selfish Conservers of Liberty" shtick is infantile and often evil.

The only decent Globalists are the ones who respect this general moral value: Absent good reason to the contrary, political power should be disseminated to the lowest level of effective governance.
We should aspire to no more globalism than is needed to nurture and defend the decent unfolding of free society.
However, that fluxes as technology comes more and more to interconnect and threaten humanity. That is why the formula must remain both vague and spiritual. That is why humanity will sub-humanize itself as it loses its higher-minded spiritual faith. The undermining of faith, family, and fidelity has gone hand in hand with the unraveling and degrading of human societies. Given this prevailing condition of rapid moral depravity, it is morally insane to expect our world would be better off under the fake beneficence of world oligarchs.

Cloud people think they are chosen to rule. As law-droolers, that's why they work tirelessly to concoct legalese to apply to most others, but not to their "enlightened" selves. Really, they're racist gang-bangers of the worst sort. They thrive in self-promoting darkness and when good people wrongly project and assume they also are good.
Heck, good people are often so prone to assume everyone else is fundamentally good that they cannot take in what is written plainly in front of them. As when Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers dedicated their works to Lucifer and Fake Rev. Wright called on God to damn America. And BHO sat in the pews each Sunday for 20 years.

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