Little imagination is needed to apprehend conspiracies based on the shared envy of Dinos and the greed of Rinos. Just read history. Man's capacity for evil, even in the least of us, is chilling. Wealth, power, and opportunity tend to snowball --- especially among the most cynical. They find the same watering holes, and there they meet. Those most fit to succeed as sociopaths hardly need explicit words to intuit where to combine in order best to maximize nefarious ends. An overarching agenda and narrative arrests the minds of sociopaths, the clear outline of which is already boldly written in various places, even though it need not be. That agenda calls for the elimination of all republics and nations, and it necessarily leads to the dividing and replacing of the rule of peoples and kings with the rule of "elites," aka nation-less, international corporatists, cronies, czars, caliphs, and other such sociopaths. What keeps us blind to that reality, which now permeates all our institutions and the brains of all whom our institutions have "educated" (duped)? Answer: Hard wiring that has evolved with our brains drives us towards immediate gratifications and concerns, while keeping us slow to apprehend the default patterns and repetitions of history, and even slower to apprehend the hand of a higher Guide. In the time of mortality, nothing suggests that either Zion or the New Republic are near. Our elections are more akin to farce, good for the entertainment of master hedge operators (like Lucy lifting the football just before Charlie Brown's hopes of kicking it are raised to highest level). When will we learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time? When will we learn how to incentive socially responsible work, without promoting serfdom under sociopaths?
A flat tax would not by itself limit Leviathan, nor would it limit those who came to rule in place of Leviathan. A Republic must be able to talk and chew gum at the same time; that is, it must have checks and balances by which to incentive workers while not raising despots in wealth and power beyond all compare. Just turning power over to international corporations does not save ordinary hard working folk from Leviathan; it just puts a different mask on Leviathan. Ordinary Americans, those who pay attention to a variety of sources, want neither a society of self absorbed louts nor a society of sheep being sheared by sociopathic advantage-rollers operating under crony-aided accumulations of wealth. They don't want a society of peasants and lords. The Tea Pary ought not rally to Republican candidates simply because they put on masks as Republicans. The Tea Party ought to rally to Republicans who want to preserve America against temptations of pimps selling out to lowest interests of a thug-infested global marketplace. Many among the OWS mobs are louts, but not all. Some are simply and quite disenchanted with the notion that those best fitted to rule in place of government are those who are enabled to accumulate the most wealth in order to buy and sell government. For them, Governor Perry is altogether too nonchalant about grossly enriching a few in order to enhance their capacity to rule in place of republican government. If Perry-ilk strip away the focus of the Tea Party, Obama will be reelected. But even if not, Perry would not stem the fall of the Republic into gross New Worldism. Now, more than ever, we need champions who are not long-time mules for lords. I don't know whether Cain is that champion, but nothing in Perry's background since he switched parties leads me to believe that he is.