REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF, BY, AND FOR CRONIES: Of course Americans are becoming more and more distrustful of the Establishment! Consider who runs our institutions of significance and how they are run. Banking, media, academia, political funding, corporate control. Look at the stuff that passes for news and analysis on MSNBC. Does anyone with the intellect of a goose fail to see how slanted it is? Consider the political alignment that has pretended for more than 50 years that it is impossible to enforce the border. Look at how fast American industry and the American middle class have hollowed out. Look at millions losing jobs while billions in bonuses are funneled to cronies. Look at cronies playing pay to play, choking domestic energy production after crony corporatists have finished placing their hedges. Look at crazy, frenzied enrichment of almost every congressperson. Look at free trade of technology with despotic regimes that cannot be trusted to keep WMD out of hands of pirates and terrorists. What person of the least intellect who is not corrupt fails to see how corrupt and devoid the Establishment is of any value higher than constricted self interest? Class warfare? For what reason, apart from corruption, should any person who holds no value higher than his self interest, leveraged by gang support, ridicule any other for playing for his own self and gang interests ... by accusing him of playing for gang interests?
CONSERVATION AND WEALTH CREATION: Since before dawn of recorded history, humanity has promoted hierarchies to direct its variously contending tribes. Masses have always been taxed to accord great sacrifice and effort to their chiefs, in order to preserve and redistribute liberty and wealth among tribes. Liberty and wealth were often obtained by imposing enslavement and extracting spoilage. At the end of each contest, the relative liberty and wealth of the combined masses was not likely improved, although the current of power to direct the hierarchy would be diverted. The main agency for promoting liberty and wealth was coordinate with spoilage, enslavement, and death. To considerable extent, the pie was made bigger by squeezing life in ways that banished many from the party.
Now, instead of face to face military campaigns, we have face to face political campaigns. At the end of each face off, the relative liberty and wealth of the combined masses often seems not much improved, although the current of power to direct the worldwide hierarchy is diverted. (Yes, there is accumulation of access to technological diversions, if same are to be accounted "wealth," but often at price of unmentioned dead and diminished. In material terms, the law of conservation DOES impose a zero-sum environment, although the zero-summing is experienced as directionally accumulative. Thus, we accumulate stuff upon shoulders of the departed and diminished, and we convert earth to stuff at expense of altering previous balances.)
Nowadays, the main agency for redistributing the conservation of liberty and wealth is less coordinated with the organizing of military expeditions than with the organizing of corporate and taxing expeditions. The pie is temporarily fluxed bigger FOR SOME by harnessing the many and then telling them to toil and wait on hope and change. Despots savvy in newspeak always rule by inspiring, organizing, and forcing masses to wear harnesses in order "to win individual liberty by accepting organized slavery."
DECENTLY CIVILIZED LIBERTY AND OPPORTUNITY: To enhance liberty and opportunity for the masses, it's no answer to coax or force them into corporate or communal collectives in order to compete against the cheapest serfs for the opportunity to be ruled by elites. The longer the masses fail to apprehend, the more tightly their harnesses will be cinched. The answer is in (1) assimilation of common-sense respect for spiritual, qualitative, non-quantifiable empathies, (2) appropriate decentralization of governance, (3) general protection of borders, infrastructure, and industry of homeland, (4) re-balancing of prerogatives of international corporations, disloyal elites, and callow cannibals, and (5) general apprehension of zero sum conservation of material wealth versus appreciation of qualities of non-quantifiable values.
SPIRITUALITY ---- OF META WORLDS WITHIN WORLDS: Why do post-analyzed, seemingly crazy dreams, visions, and meditations often seem to have been so real and logical before one wakes? it seems some meta-material aspect of The Axiomatic of which brains or minds are derivatively identified must have imaginative capacity to image all manner of fuzzy relations. In that respect, worlds abide within worlds, expanding, contracting, and conflating. The further one fuzzes away from the humdrum of the manifest, the closer one identifies with the meta Source of axioms. In that state, the usual logic of the materiality of the manifest tends to fall away, leaving one to image and adduce from the Source in respect of all manner of imaginative potentials. The reality that supports the logic of that altered state is not of the same quality of dependence upon assumptions of any particle of matter, as if matter could in itself constitute some kind of independent and unconscious "thing." The more one's waking self remains UNAWARE of one's dreaming self, the less one apprehends that materiality, as a mathematical extension of linearity-in-itself, is an illusion borne of happenstance of identification with imagination, and the less one is open to a non-quantifiable quality of empathy in consciousness, which is NOT constrained to the merely linear. Entropic directionality in the unfolding of an expanding universe of measurable matter is secondary to happenstance of identification with perspective of material linearity. Linear directionality is not predetermined secondary to meta-matter constituting some kind of measurable matter-in-itself. Alternatively stated, happenstance of identification with perspective of material linearity is not derivative of entropic directionality in the unfolding of an expanding universe of measurable matter-in-itself. Rather, directionality of material unfolding is derivative of identification of conscious imagination with perspective of material linearity.