Of the God of Spinoza:
REGARDING SPINOZA: To my lights, Spinoza is a mixed bag, perhaps because he did not have the qualifying experience of modern discoveries, fractals, or the "nature" of nothingness. I like Spinoza's independent thinking, free from conformity with established "authorities." I like his analysis of determinism, with respect to hindsight examination of events of the past. I do not agree that events of the future are already determined. I do not think an individual human being has free will to move the future howsoever he will. I do think the apprehensions of an individual human being are contemporaneously factored by a Reconciler, whose vector or range of freedom is limited by the past but not bounded by the future. I do think it contemporaneously worthwhile and meaningful to believe the Reconciler, as to the future, tends to be interested in the reinforcing good will of collectives and fractal iterations of people of good faith. I agree that the Reconciler is not solely interested in humanity, but I do not agree that the Reconciler is indifferent to humanity.
From Wikipedia, I like this idea about Spinoza:
"a dynamic nature in action, growing and changing, not a passive or static thing."
And this one:
".... the pantheist formula "One and All" would apply to Spinoza only if the "One" preserves its transcendence and the "All" were not interpreted as the totality of finite things."
But not this one:
"... Spinoza's cool, indifferent God is the antithesis to the concept of an anthropomorphic, fatherly God who cares about humanity."
I like this one:
"In Spinozism, the concept of a personal relationship with God comes from the position that one is a part of an infinite interdependent "organism". Spinoza taught that everything is but a wave in an endless ocean, and that what happens to one wave will affect other waves. Thus Spinozism teaches a form of determinism and ecology and supports this as a basis for morality."
And this one:
"All that happens or will happen could not have unfolded in any other way."
I am somewhat indifferent to this one:
"Spinoza certainly has a use for the word 'freedom', but he equates "Freedom of Mind" with "blessedness"
I like this:
"Spinoza's system imparted order and unity to the tradition of radical thought, offering powerful weapons for prevailing against "received authority." As a youth he first subscribed to Descartes' dualistic belief that body and mind are two separate substances, but later changed his view and asserted that they were not separate, being a single identity."
I like this:
"This picture of Spinoza's determinism is ever more illuminated through reading this famous quote in Ethics: 'the infant believes that it is by free will that it seeks the breast; the angry boy believes that by free will he wishes vengeance; the timid man thinks it is with free will he seeks flight; the drunkard believes that by a free command of his mind he speaks the things which when sober he wishes he had left unsaid. ... All believe that they speak by a free command of the mind, whilst, in truth, they have no power to restrain the impulse which they have to speak.'
OUT OF NOTHING: What sort of existential quality creates, guides, appreciates, purposes, reconciles, conserves, or synchronizes any unfolding path for forms (that have become measurable to perspectives) ... out of an immeasurable quality of no-thing?
QUALITATIVE ASSOCIATION WITH A FRACTAL PLETHORA OF ITERATIVE QUANTA: MUST each physically measurable quantum be of derivative association with some fractally corresponding quantum of a qualitative complexity, i.e., consciousness?
YES: Cosmic Source is inherently in appreciative communication in respect of unfoldings and recordations of accumulations of Information. Fractal Complexity in how Information unfolds is correlative with the complexity of the Recording Fractal(s) and Observing Brain Systems with which it is associated. The apprehensions of a complex human mind interfunction to affect the complexity of unfolding Informational experience. Events stand ready to be affected by apprehensions. Because there are a plethora of fractal apprehensions to be reconciled, they tend to be fuzzed (and eventually hardened to algorithmic reinforcement) under a common range of experience, which can be rationalized to statistical analysis.)
UNFOLDING SYNCHRONIZATION OF CHOICES: How or why are particles across a field conserved, reconciled, and synchronized to a common, hierarchical cone of unfolding experience?
QUANTA THAT ARE MEASURABLE TO PERSPECTIVES ARE EXPERIENCED AS BEING DIGITALLY AND INHERENTLY CHARGED: Digital feedback of quanta --- in regard to electromagnetic-charge, spin-orbit, vector-polarity, digitality-mirrorness --- must obey some mathematical ALGORITHM, which facilitates or correlates with each Conscious Perspective's anticipation, apprehension, recordation, transfer, reception, and communication of Information. Quanta cannot arise or form without a digital, conservational, mirroring relationship. Measures of particles of quanta relate to perspectives of parallel polarity, spin orbits, electro magnetism, mirror correlations, vector correlations, space-time orientation translations, etc.
INNATENESS OF YIN YANG: Physical Particles are inherently charged and dualistic. Matter arises only in correlative, balanced, conservational respect of anti matter. The only quality that is not measurably dualistic is that "measurable nothingness," which is not measurable, but with which all that is measurable is derivative. Such nothing is "not really nothing." It really exists, but it is directly or intuitively signified and experienced --- not measured, demonstrated, empirically proved, or substantively signified. It is the Signifier, not the Signified. The Signified is only the sign of the Signifier.
INFORMATIONAL BITS: Quantitative bits of correlative Information are inherent to any possible experience of measurable communication. Each perspective adopts a qualitatively subsuming interpretation of every correlative that is availed to its experience, which is iteratively communicated and spread throughout a shared and overlapping system of fractal-geometry (space-time).
CONSCIOUS PERSPECTIVES ARE NECESSARY TO QUANTITATIVE EXISTENTIALITY: Until particles exist to mirror feedback to a perspective (or correlative recorder), there is no relevance to time or space. Each present perspective of consciousness must abide as a correlative of an incomplete fractal of an entire cosmic cone of perspective. The reality of measurable extensions of existentiality is necessarily correlated with Conscous Measurers.
NOT REALLY NOTHINGNESS: Physically measurable, particular points are not real in themselves. The form of their measurable reality is derivative of having been split out of a quality of no measurable thing, as matter and anti matter. Once a path is chosen, it is habituated to the set sum of circumstances from which it arose. The intuitive question is: What is the existential character of this "nothingness" that is not really nothing? What primitive or originating apprehension caused the evolution of the presets that facilitated photons, i.e., light, to record and transmit images and representations?
FORMATIONAL SCIENCE OF THE PAST: Once the past is set, the Information about the past becomes set to an algorithm, so that a powerful enough calculating computer could take the Information that has accumulated up to the present and work backwards, to ascertain the path that had unfolded to the present. That path and Information would thus be set.
CONSERVATION: Conservation inherently allows each charged particle to correlate with, mirror, represent, and quantify its necessary balancing partner. Such inherent quality of parallel digitality (yin and yang) builds and binds a fractally hierarchical record of information of the past, i.e., the "truth of physical facts." However, it does not account for the outbound vector of expansion of space-time, nor for the perpetual potential with regard to any unifying first force. Conservation can inform us how the past has unfolded to our present. However, conservation cannot fully determine or tell us how our future will unfold.
UNFOLDING DETERMINATION OF THE FUTURE: Each succeeding situation will be determined, conserved, and reconciled based on four factors: (1) How similar it is to preceding patterns and forms, which have been set as algorithmic determinants; (2) how much newness is now confronting the present, in respect of outbound expansions of pre-sets along a vector of space-time; (3) what new connections have been made and are being made among chaotic, mirror-polarizing, fractal-hierarchical patterns of particles within particles and hierarchies within hierarchies; and (4) what is the immeasurable quality of appreciation that is fed back between the ultimate Source Sponsor (which split nothingness into mirror images of somethingness and somethingness' various and incomplete perspectives of incomplete fractal representations of itself)?
CONTEMPORANEOUS DETERMINATION: Via innate digital charges (positive and negative, north and south, plus and minus, yin and yang), the Source Field observes and measures its parts, and the parts, contemporaneously, observe and measure their (incomplete) experience of the Field. Once field-parts are set in flux-motion, such process is sustainable via contemporaneous feedback upon feedback.
FIRST CAUSE: But what was the first cause of such a sonservational system of feedback? What did IT observe, and what may IT still observe, appreciate, and influence?
FUTURE EVOLUTION IS NOT PRESET: The Source Field avails feedback in the apprehension and evaluation of vectored arrays of possible unfoldings. Forms evolve to conscious experience, built on layers of previous (preset) acceptance, unfolding towards apprehensions of possibilities.
RELATIVE EXPERIENCE OF COMMONLY REFERENCED CONSTANTS: The speed of light is not measurably constant in relation to things, except in respect that such things are either recorders or observers. To recording observers, experience in the measuring of time is always adjusted, so that light always seems to every observer be traveling at a set, constant speed. Experience of time has to do with tic-toc, digital, orbital relationships that are experienced. Were there no Source of Consciousness and no observers, not even math (numbers) would be "trued to definition," much less would light be trued to a constant speed. The Source Field causes and reconciles Recording Observers to experience adjustments in their experiences of time, in order that they will experience the speed of light as being a constant, therewith availing relativistic and relationally communicable measurements of quanta.
PERPETUAL PRESENT: For any particular perspective, the present abides with the junction between such perspective's accumulation of preceding Information and its participatory experience with regard to unfolding choices for the future.
"COSMIC MIND" -- COSMIC CODE INHERENTLY FACILITATES CONSCIOUS APPRECIATIVE FEEDBACK BETWEEN THE HOLISTIC SOURCE FIELD AND THE SUM OF ITS INCOMPLETE PARTIAL PERSPECTIVES OF ITSELF: The cosmos, depending as it does on digitized pairs that were originally split from nothing and vectored in quantifiable, correlative, and transferable spins and orbits, represents an inherent capacity to encode, record, represent, organize, network, transmit, and receive fractalized bits of Information. Each bit is a recursive fractal, containing with its context information about its smallest part and its most encompassing whole. Selves evolve to intuit awarensess of such field of Information, as they evolve to organize information about information about information, and organizations of organizations of organizations, and perspectives of perspectives of perspectives. Such selves, as abstracted, fractal, and incomplete perspectives of consciousness, intuit moral interpretations of the purpose of the Reconciler of consciousness.
HOW: From mortal, incomplete perspectives of The Unifying Universality, we have no means or language by which to test or explicate how it is that the Source Field is able, or should desire, to split measurable quanta out of a quality of no measurable thing ("no-thing"). The quality of no measurable thing is not no-thing.
RELEVANCE OF THE IMMEASURABLE QUALITY OF THE SOURCE OF MEASURABLE SUBSTANCE, ACCUMULATED INFORMATION, AND PRESENT CONSCIOUS PERSPECTIVE: We don't intuit the Source's future purposefulness in terms of past bits of (scientific) information, but in respect of our (fractally incomplete) perspectives of universality.
It may be (perhaps must be) that there was only one way for the Source of the field to inform what we take to be the present. It may also be that the Source-Field enjoys a range of potential for expressing the future, which range may be limited in respect of any chosen starting point, but unbounded in respect of not having any absolute ending point.
SCIENCE OF THE PAST VERSUS MORALITY OF THE FUTURE: Thus, the past was determined (and Information about the past can be discovered), yet the future is not yet determined. That is, the Source may have qualitative power to "change its mind" about how its apprehensions about future vectors should change. Thus, Bayesian based Science applies to how Information can be obtained about how the past has been set, but does not precisely determine the future (whose algorithm has not yet been determined). Rather, our perspectives appreciate intuitive participation in a synchronizing, fractal, contemporaneous choice and determination of how the future should unfold. We do not do that by weighing quanta, but by intuitively interpreting and participating in the unfolding of the universality.
INDIVIDUAL HUMAN DIGNITY VERSUS CIVILIZED SOCIETY: What about the hierarchical dignity of civilized experience for checking our individual reptilian branis with collective inhibitors, without which we would be brutes? What about a supposed best mix of "dignity definers" or helpers, via church, family, culture, and governance? What about freedom availed to adult participants, in good faith before God, and good will before one another, to think and communicate?
REGARDING THE GOD-INTOXICATED SPINOZA: To my lights, Spinoza is a mixed bag, perhaps because he did not have the qualifying experience of modern discoveries, fractals, or the "nature" of nothingness. I like Spinoza's independent thinking, free from conformity with established "authorities." I like his analysis of determinism, with respect to hindsight examination of events of the past. I do not agree that events of the future are already determined. I do not think an individual human being has free will to move the future howsoever he will. I do think the apprehensions of an individual human being are contemporaneously factored by a Reconciler, whose vector or range of freedom is limited by the past but not bounded by the future. I do think it contemporaneously worthwhile and meaningful to believe the Reconciler, as to the future, tends to be interested in the reinforcing good will of collectives and fractal iterations of people of good faith. I agree that the Reconciler is not solely interested in humanity, but I do not agree that the Reconciler is indifferent to humanity.
COSMIC MIND: There abides no ultimate building block that could be measurable as a thing in itself. Measurement by a mortal necessitates comparison to a locally chosen standard. All measurable matter comes manifest in pre-coded pairs, such that matter can be related to and measured from different local perspectives in different contexts for different purposes. That which is measurably manifest to local experience has been "ready made" to support a reconciled evolution of complex systems of feedback among hierarchical levels of information, which are pre-coded for representing about information about information. Thus abides a guided system of iterations of codes, which are mutually dependent and fractally repetitive across levels of synchronocity.
Why is this system of material representation reconciled to support guided evolution of complex systems, seemingly arising as a matter of course out of chaos? I suspect the reason genes may be rationalized to be "selfish" is in respect of a Source Self, which pre-encodes them and reconciles them to be self-ish in their feedback, which tends towards organizing complexity of information about information about information.
Thus, all measurable manifestation of Substance (matter) is inherently encoded (not subsequently built to be encoded) to be image-representational. Material (measurable substance) is conserved, organized, fractal, and synchronized --- like synapses organized and associated with hierarchies of feedback within a brain. All present accumulation of Substance represents all measurable Information that has been accumulated to the present. Mortal Consciousness is that which recognizes complex informational correlations of local substance. And it is apprehensively readied for their possible vectors. (Your conscious brain readies itself for decisions already made by your unconscious brain.) Source Consciousness (God) is that which brings forth pre-encoded matter from a quality of no thing that is measurable to mortals. That is, Source Consciousness brings forth matter and anti-matter out of a measurably nothingness ... which is ... not really nothing.
RELEVANCE OF THE IMMEASURABLE SOURCE OF MEASURABLE SUBSTANCE: We don't intuit the Source's future purposefulness in terms of past bits of (scientific) information, but in respect of our incomplete perspectives of universality. This is why we need to come together in good faith to reason together in good will. It may be that there was only one way for the Source of the field to inform and determine what we take to be the present. It may also be that the Source-Field enjoys a range of potential (contemporaneous freedom) for expressing the future, which range may be limited in respect of any chosen starting point, but unbounded in respect of not having any absolute ending point.
Mortal Consciousness is that which recognizes complex Informational correlations of local Substance and apprehensively readies for their possible vectors. Source Consciousness is that which brings forth encoded matter from a quality of no thing that is measurable to mortals, i.e., it brings forth matter and anti-matter out of a measurably nothingness ... which is not really nothing.