Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Potentiality of Platonic Forms

All the possibilities for Plato's FORMS, i.e., FORMULAS, exist in present potential.  Forms are signified into manifestation, as needed for iterations of perspectives of consciousness to be coordinated to adopt and inhabit.  As apprehensions of each perspective are fed back to The Originating Iterator, forms continue to unfold before each Observer's experience.  As observations of perspectives are coordinated and reconciled, the previous FORM-ATIONS of the "past" become set into the present IN-FORM-ATION, so that available permutations for the future may seem to a path of conscious experience to be diminished.  As potentialities and possibilities collapse into manifestations, the next subsequent choices that are available seem to become clearer, as they seem to become more limited.  As more and more Observers coordinate to appreciate and view the extent of the cosmos, more and more of the paths of light through the cosmos are reconciled so as to reduce potentialities to manifestations.  Thus, the ongoing feedback of perspectives of consciousness continues to reduce mere potentialities of equations and formulas to presently set information.  Thus, our apprehensions continue to participate in the contemporaneous unfolding of the possible into the manifest.  The "meta energy" that drives the unfoldment of experiences in space-time consists in the contemporaneously coordinated identification of perspectives of consciousness with apprehensions of possibilities as they collapse into manifestations.  That is, the quality of consciousness makes equations of quantities meaningfully manifest to interpreted significance, by passing consciousness through equations, by apprehending and "possessing" them.  By itself, no intrinsic or extrinsic formula is causal.  However, in pairs, formulas may avail a field that passes from potential to manifest as perspectives of consciousness pass their interpretations through such equational terms as they, by their reconciled apprehensions, contemporaneously and presently adopt.  Thus, experience of infomration is sequentially added to experience of information, as such information continues to be agglomerated into a shared interpretation of the PRESENT, or cosmic nowness.

MANIFEST -- To What: If existence is conceptualized as that which is manifest, then ask: To what is existence manifest? To "existence" itself? To an inanimate, meta recorder? To an encompassing and/or reconciling consciousness ("intrinsic math")?

INNATE: The innate, meta capacity of Intrinsic Math ... transitions and flows from being paired with the extrinsic math of the present ... to the extrinsic math of the present ... to the extrinsic math of the potential. Thus, consciousness agglomerates and organizes information into the present.

FORMS AND FORMULAS:  Formulas and equations do not manifest in themselves, either intrinsically or extrinsically, but only as intrinsic and extrinsic PAIRS ("Active Math").  Extrinsic formulas ("things" and significant contexts) require intrinsic formulas ("perspectives") in order for formulas to manifest and function among themselves.

MATH -- INTRINSIC V. EXTRINSIC: Consciousness emerges with intrinsic versus extrinsic organizations of math. Intrinsic math is not "in" the measurable body, but in the immeasurable mind. Dreams derive of operations of intrinsic math, with intrinsic math assigned to a body. Manifestations arise of operations of intrinsic math with extrinsic math, associated with a body.

EXTRINSIC: Manifestations and experiences of "THINGS" other than consciousness are sensed only as signs and interpretations, derivative of formulas with which consciousness then and there happens to be identifying as being outside its Mind.

INTRINSIC: What is intrinsic to a perspective of consciousness depends on how it identifies (adopts, transitions, appreciates, focuses, and fluxes) with forms and formulas, without making them part of the organism or body to which if is bound.

CAUSATION -- Changeless Cause of Change:  Formulas do not exist in themselves, so they are not causes in themselves.  Manifest causation occurs only as intrinsic formulas apprehend extrinsic formulasFormulas function only as potential pair-correlates, for experiential manifestations for perspectives of consciousness. Because manifest consciousness and equational potentialities exist only as necessary correlates, neither is coherently conceptualized as the cause of the other.  Thus, both are subject to CHANGE with regard to that which is sequentially manifested, but both are also CHANGELESS in an attribute:  their necessary dependence upon one another.  Except in the attribute of potentiality, there exists no changeless identity. (Change is the only non-trivial constant.)  Even the most fundamental formulas (which may define and limit the parameters of space-time, fields, and the substantive particles for the cosmos we happen to share in present manifestation) seem subject to potential phase shifting and change.

Manifestly Intrinsic, within, and sensing --- conscious observing identity.
Manifestly Extrinsic without, and sensed -- thing being observed.

ACTIVE MATH:  Every where and every time math is contextually reconciled to express intrinsic and extrinsic parity, there is contemporaneously and correlatively expressed innate capacity to Image and to Interpret.

ORGANIZATION -- of FIELDS of values of Math: How is each particular perspective of Identity organized? From a perspective of consciousness, such question is qualitative. While being experienced as a qualitative, an organization for a perspective cannot be entirely quantified with regard to its formulistic organization.

ORGANIZATION -- of Identifiable PARTICLES and Things:  An organization of equational information, for signifying a perceivable organization of substance, i.e., an organism.

BINDING ITERATIONS:  Consciousness may bind with intrinsic, inward organizations of math, for the iteration and propagation of additional perspectives.

EXISTENCE AND BEING:  Consciousness does not endure through "time" or perdure through "time."  Manifest experience of Consciousness simply is.  It ABIDES, with the Present, as cyclic feedback between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Math.

GOD IS EMPATHY (not the same as love):  Without pervasive empathy on some level, there would be neither competition nor cooperation.

RECONCILING --- Consciousness and Math --- Imagination by God of Iterative Perspectives:  Pairs (digitals) of intrinsic and extrinsic Math enable perspectives of limited, severable, and transitioning perspectives.

KEY TO COLLAPSE --- of Wave Functions:  Each perspective of observation can only bind with, absorb, affect, be keyed to, and feed back to such organizations of math as are then and there organized to be compatible for being affected by its level of organization.

PRESENT:  Consciousness always operates in the present, and agglomerates and organizes Information under formulas within its shared propagation and civilizing and organizing of the present.  Each iterative perspective of consciousness abides only in the present.

EXISTENTIAL TRANSLATIONS: Extrinsic math does exist within a porous compartment of the potential, where it may only be fuzzily apprehended by Intrinsic math of consciousness. Intrinsic math can move it from the potential and the fuzzy only by pairing with it in such a way as to make it manifest. Beyond pairing and hypothecating, Intrinsic math leaves unpaired Extrinsic math compartmentalized in the realm of the non-manifest potential. The transitory bridge to conversion of the potential to the fuzzy to the presently accumulated manifest occurs as Intrinsic math hypothecates, apprehends, and substitutes aspects of its bonded, paired allegiance.

TRANSITION:  Perspectives overlap and transition because the subformulas with which they identify overlap and transition, as appearances of particulars that appear to fade in their endurance and perdurance, through what is identified by perspectives as the apparent time and space which appears to define and divide their identities.

SEPARATENESS OF IDENTITIES: This fundamental incapacity of any particular identity to simultaneously experience the entirety of the quality and quantity that is associated with any event in the sequential unfolding of our shared state of affairs marks the separateness of each perspective from all others and from the common Reconciler. While an identity, as a perspective of consciousness, is focusing its apprehension to the manifesting expression of a quantity, it cannot itself simultaneously experience a quality to such quantity. While an identity, as a perspective of consciousness, is focusing its apprehension to the experiencing of a quality, it cannot itself simultaneously experience a quantity to such quality.

SEPARATE DIGNITY: Participatory, conscious will's separateness allows us not to be entirtely predictable to one another. It leads us to develop empathy and it helps justify our separate dignity. It dignifies us with severable experiences of contemporaneous participation in deciding and determining how to unfold that which we appreciate.

STABLE YET CHANGING IDENTITIES: Ways abide for perspectives of consciousness to give sequential feed back, to entice and apprehend transitions, for altering across limitations, which otherwise would define and separate each perspective of each perception in such a way as to preclude such transitions.

POTENTIALITY -- in STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  The ultimate potentiality of consciousness may not change.  Potentiality that is reducible to manifestation does change to the experience of perspectives.  Yet, there abides renormalized or apparent chronological continuosity in each perspective's stream of consciousness.

TIME: "Time," in the sense of "things passing" does no exist except as delusion, if the things thought to be passing do not exist except as delusions (with qualities that, as qualities, are not reducible to quantitative measure, as opposed to qualitative interpretation and appreciation). Things, apart from transitory relations being fed back between intrinsic math and extrinsic math, are delusions. Thus, things and times, apart from formulas and maths, are qualities of delusions. To Active Math, "time" is merely a derivative of math. Math is the mirror of reality, which, ultimately, is qualitative. That is, the manifest reduction of reality to present experience is derivative of a qualitative interfunctioning between intrinsic math and extrinsic math.

CHRONOLOGY Protection:  Previous sequences in space-time no longer exist, except in their potentiality to recurr or to inform the present, so as to illuminate next sequential possibilities and choices.  Neither the past nor the future exists, except as potential, or as chronological presets of equations of possibilities for present consideration.

SPACE-TIME:  Space-time does not exist in itself, but only as a correlate of severable experiences of iterations of perspectives of consciousness.

MANY WORLDS: Not an infinity of manifest worlds, but an infinity of potential worlds, some of which may in infinity be chosen for expression, and some not, depending on how consciousness decides to cycle through them.

MORAL PURPOSEFULNESS:  The only changeless and meaningful purpose is to appreciate,  judge, value, communicate, and be empathetic among whatever perspectives of consciousness happen to be reconciled to devolve. This idea seems to relate to the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.

Perdurantist view:  an individual has distinct temporal parts throughout its existence.
Endurantist view:  an individual is wholly present at every moment of its existence.
My view:  An individual perspective abides only with the present, and only as a derivative of Active Math.  The only real existent is Chronologically Active Math, with no knowable beginning or end.  This is because Active Math can trick memory and sequential recordation.

P - PROPERTY --- Maths (Number and Equations) abide only because they are carried with them a property for transitioning their potential into the manifest at the juncture of the conserved present.

A- ALGORITHM -- COSMOS -- The present algorithm -- in respect of which Active Math has determined the limits for conserving and defining the manifest -- is what defines the cosmos which our Perspectives have been determined to share.

A + P } PM
Algorithm plus Property yields Perspectives of the Manifest
A (Nature) + P (God) } Moral Purposefulness

INTUITIONS OF GHOSTS:  By itself, Math would neither exist nor produce measurable Substance.  By itself, the Property by which Math junctures at the Present to produce measurable Significations, is also not a measurable substance.  Considered separately, such Math and Property are like GhostsIntuited and considered together, they are the Source of all that is measurably experienced by each separate Perspective.

IN THE BEGINNING:  If the past does not exist as such, then there was no beginning.  There is only an abiding present.  Information does not exist as a thing in itself.  The only Information that is preserved is the Information that happens to be agglomerated, organized, and preset for application to the present.

OPPORTUNITY COST:  As to the manifest present, each reduction in potentiality to the present entails, for each next possible sequence, a qualitative and immeasurable loss of opportunity that is offset by a qualitative and immeasurable gain of opportunity.

QUALITY OF SPIRIT:  Quality of spirit is the medium of the perpetual Present, which medium does not itself change, as medium, but which facilitates and conserves exchanges between intrinsic and extrinsic organizations of mathematical values, as they are mediated to relate with one another.  Such Spirit is the medium which facilitates placeholding relations among positive, negative, neutrally bound, and random organizations of values of math.

QUALITATIVE EXPERIENCE IS NOT DIRECTLY AND STRICTLY CORRELATIVE WITH QUANTITATIVE EXPERIENCE: The quality of experience of mind by a perspective need not precisely correlate with how quantifiable values in the field of significant experience are relationally arrayed and organized. That is, a perspective may apprehend, desire, and pray for a collapse of wave function to a particular or general result, yet not fully apprehend the kind or degree to which the Reconciler may mediate to grant or deny the prayer. That is, the synchronization by the Reconciler, among the desires of its sum of perspectives, will often result in wave collapses that are far from being precisely correlative with what was generally desired by each perspective. This, however, does not mean that the perspectives' desires or prayers were of no contemporaneous pertinence to the eventual reconciliation that becomes manifest. The difference between what the prayer was for, versus what was granted, allows the qualitative experience in apprehension to be not precisely correlative between desired will and reconciled manifestation. Thus, in the feedback between and among Perspectives and Reconciler, different manifestations may often be accompanied with similar qualities of appreciation, and similar qualities of appreciation may often be accompanied with different quantities of manifestation.



CAUSATION V. CORRELATION: How can a unitary quality, soul, and mind measurably "cause" (preset, push, impinge, move, catalyze, or instigate) a reorganization or translation of a physical body (measurable signification)? By what non-mechanistic means may meta consciousness (mind) induce, guide, choose, or choose to choose, mechanistically measurable changes?

INDIRECT CORRELATION: In relation to a concept of mind, which directs and reconciles minds, by which placeholding significations are manifested and reconciled to measurably sensed communication and qualitative apprehension, there can be no connection that is quantitatively measurable as opposed to being, intuitively, qualitatively correlative. Thus, mind is not caused by, or inferior to, measurable substance. Rather, measurably substantive changes are indirectly correlative with apprehensions communicated among severable qualitative experiences of a reconciling Mind.

FUZZY CORRELATION: The correlation between qualitative apprehension and collapsed quantitative manifestation cannot be mathematically or directly mapped, because the sum of all severable apprehensions is necessarily fluxed, directed, and conserved in respect of a Reconciling Function or Functioner.

NON-MAPPABLE CORRELATION: A mortal perspective cannot mathematically map the holism of the Reconciler. Hence, a direct mathematical correlation cannot be perfectly controlled solely by a severable perspective of mind.

QUALITATIVELY INTUITIVE CORRELATION: Yet, a correlation that is subjected to higher reconciliatory feedback can be intuited, believed, and one can endeavor to be qualitatively mindful and receptive in one's apprehensions in respect of such Reconciler. A Holism, relating from severable mortal perspectives, need not map for each perspective a causally direct relationship between mind and body.

GOOD WILL: One can endeavor to communicate civilly and in good faith and good will among such others as also seek to be mindfully receptive to such Reconciler. One can intuit and seek to communicate with others in receptive good faith and good will (empathy for the Reconciler and empathy for severable perspectives).

KEY TO COLLAPSE --- of Wave Functions: Each perspective of observation can only bind with, absorb, affect, be keyed to, and feed back to such organizations of math as are then and there organized to be compatible for being affected by its level of organization.

MORTAL LIMITS: A mortal, while mortal, is confined to limits of being mortal. A mortal can sense, experience, apprehend, and measure practical experience of, unfolding correlative organizations and associated feedback of qualitative experiences.

INNATE CAPACITY OF THE FIELD: The Field's capacity to qualitatively contextualize empirically measured and consciously sensed significations is INNATE The Field perpetually functions to choose, collapse, and reduce measurable significations of the possible Potentiality to the perpetual Present.

MORALITY, LIKE CONSCIOUSNESS, IS AN INNATE EMERGENT, NOT A THING IN ITSELF: Morality is not to be adjudged as a thing, but as an emerging aspect of a relationship --- from a perspective, for a purpose, in respect of a context. No state of affairs is meaningfully to be adjudged as being of positive, negative, or neutral moral value, except in respect of some perspective, purpose, and context.

UNCONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS SENSATIONS: Innumerable sense impressions, too minute to be measurable, may produce an aggregate qualitative effect. Such as cilia hairs combining to avail auditory effect. ( See also Gene Man, regarding Particles of Consciousness?)

MORALLY BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS? All that unfolds, at the time of unfoldment, seems deemed, in some aspect, to be not inconsistent with morality of the Reconciler.  However, as to the purposes of mortals, there is no such thing as morality, per se, as such. There only abides morality to a perspective, for a purpose, subject to a space-time context.

PERFECT MORALITY: For God, intuitively, it would seem that the purpose and function of every particularly relational perspective of consciousness would be to avail God's feedback: Appreciativeness of qualitatives, based on due order of signification with quantitatives. For mortals, it would seem that the only "real good" would consist in trying to be receptive to the reconciling aspect of the spirit of the cosmos. Apart from empathy for, and receptivity to, God (reconciling source of empathy), there would seem to abide no higher law, even though such law often necessitates competition, creative destruction, suffering, and death. Each mortal retains empathy before God to consider responsibly whether a civilization should be preserved, improved, or replaced. It is to make of ourselves an easier fit for civilization that we condition citizens to bind themselves to respect "objective" moral and legal laws.

ANALYTICALLY BEST MORALITY: It is a delusion (often shared among analytical philosophers) to expect, via mathematical and empirical investigations, eventually to reduce all valid concerns among perspectives of consciousness to a single set of rigorously objective moral answers. A mortal cannot pretend to identify with the holistic reconciler, without simultaneously and hubristically trying to downsize the Reconciler to one's mortal self. Thus, man-made law needs to be far less ambitious in trying to set universal moral maxims in concrete in ways that would overpower every individually conscious choice.

CIVILIZING MORALITY: Given evolution of a society of true equals, as among them, there may come laws of civilization and morality that implicate "aspects of objective application" among such subjective beings. However, an organization of laws that would remove all pain and envy would remove all individual dignity as well, It would reduce all citizens to a lowest common denominator (which would be akin to universal death and perfect dissipation into conscious-less nothingness). When an organization so levels the environment as to forces every individual not to feel pain or envy, the organization therewith destroys much of individual consciousness that is purposefully worthwhile.

PRACTICAL MORALITY: May there abide a better kind of morality, that would not analytically make the perfect the enemy of the good, that would counsel us to cease trying to become God, or an elitist-godlike -factoring-reconciler (i.e., Ivy Idiot), and instead seek only to serve a function for the form with which one's consciousness has bonded, therewith to be guided to follow and serve that which intuitively seems to be assigned to such form? It would seem that unconscious states of potential being are often endowed with moral status, worthy of being preserved or prepared for appropriate application in due course. Deconstruction and death are means by which present states of being are morally sacrificed to the potentiality of future unfoldment. No mortal is privileged "to know" whether he is in empathetic good faith and good will. (If he could know, he could know whether or how to be in perfect faith and will. But then he would not be mortal.) Thus, committment, belief, self examination, and consenting to reason about contexts with others would seem the practical way. One may seek to know in one's relationship with the cosmos, without ever reaching complete true knowledge while mortal.

UNBOUNDED POWERS OF EMPATHY V. DISTRUST:  In Space and Numbers, to what Purpose, Limits, or Teleology is the Reconciling Source headed?  The qualitative limits of organizations of organizations are as unbounded as Space and Numbers.  From mortal standpoint, if I have hope to fathom, it may consist in this: although complex qualities of experience may multiply exponentially, that multiplication will be braked or collapsed by the needs of empathetic survivors among particular perspectives.  That is, Moral Evolution will need to limit technological capacities so they do not mismatch corrupt perspectives to overcome defenses of empaths.  When two super powerful entities or organizations of entities collide in distrust of one another's purposes, the result may be something like a Big Bang "do over."  Despite all, the seeds of moral pursuit, throughout perpetuity, remain to grow organisms for a purpose: To be empathetic.


IDENTITY OF INDISCERNIBLES: Can an ORGANIZATION of fundamental units, each an exact replica of all others, even each is charged to organize with variouis others in respect of external relational fluxings, partake, as an ORGANISM, of some inferior, formulaic, charged, present Identity? In that way, it seems Identities of Organisms can become Discernible, even though, at most elemental level, composed of Indiscernibles.

IDENTITY:  Is the only real identity the necessary relationship between consciousness and formulas? Can a thing retain its internal intrinsic identity while its external extrinsic contextual niche changes? Can a context retain its identity while a thing within it changes? In kind or degree or purpose?
SYMBOLS ARE IMAGED OUT OF THE STUFF OF THE SOURCE SO AS TO BE STRICTLY CORRELATIVE WITH NUMBER VALUES ASSIGNED TO RELATIONAL VECTORS: In synchronizing relations among forms (geometries of organizations) and formulas (organizations of numerically charged vectors), the Reconciling Source has innate capacity continuously to reduce future potentials in order to represent presently apprehended and conservationally relational vectors. That is, the determinants for present unflodings are purely mathematical, but such math is synchronously represented, via nathematical vectors that are formed out of irreduciby digitized units of the Reconciling Source. Such irreducible units can be switched back and forth, relating from positive plus to negative minus, depending on happenstance or choice of qualitative context of quantitative values (i.e., relational orbit, rotation, spin; i.e., point of view, relational context, and consciously rationalized purpose). However, the "stuff" of such irreducible units cannot in themselves either be subdivided or measured. Rather, they are the digitizeable means by which every other substantive quantitative is measured and organized. From relations among organizations of qualitative charges for such irreducible units, ZOOs of properties emerge to our apprehension and indirect measure, using maths upon maths, stats upon stats. Thus, our senses can experience and graph appearances of continuous curves and waves. Thus, our experiences, although at bottom qualitative and irreducible, are contemporaneously signified and represented in rationalizations of math, in general, statistical, Bayesian terms.
FIELD OF NUMBERS: Thus, sensations of numbers are innate to the irreducibly qualitative field of the Reconciling Source. Thus, the Reconciling Source is qualitatively coterminnus with a Number Field, by which quantitative values and charges are organized to represent and give communicably appreciative expression to values within a number field, organized in respect of fluxing values of plus, minus, neutral balance, and apparent but not provable randomness. Thus, qualitatively apprehended relations among individual particles of math yield emerging aspects of severable perspectives of consciousness and form, secondary to their organizational relationships. Thus, values of positive attraction, negative repulsion, and charge bindingness are organized in number fields, and such fields are relationally fluxed to give expression to severable perspectives of Beingness and emergent levels of conscious pleasure, pain, purpose, and indifference.
MASS:  NUMBERS are symbols of Reconciling Mind.  Identical UNITS of relational-izable, organizable VECTORS are symbols of Mind.  Taken in numerical sum, such Units constitute the meta organism that fluxes to represent the qualities of apprehension of Mind.  By themselves, such Numbers and Units of Vectors, individually, have no quality of Mass.  Fluxed together, as Mind, they avail Present Perspectives of consciousness, with capacity to sense and communicate in respect of organizations that flux in measurable significations, i.e., they avail fluxing, derivative, apparent placeholding records of Mass.
QUESTIONS:  Is there a SET NUMBER of such "Identical Units of relational-izable, organizable Vectors"?  Can such number be discovered, even though no one of them, in itself, has measurable size, form, or mass?  Can their limiting relational speed be discovered, even though no actual location, speed, and direction of any one of them can be discovered?

ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHERS: Intuitively, an Innate Quality of a Reconciling Source seems to reconcile  its one-ness in a way which accounts for all quantities. Thus, its seems not to be a unifying Quantity which accounts for all Qualities. Rather, it seems to be a unifying Quality which accounts for all Quantities. Thus, many Analytic Philosophers tend to take a wrong path at outset, by presuming to use logic based on quantitatives to try to analyze non-objective qualitatives, in "pure objectivism," rather than proceeding with direct intuition to a rationalism that is consistent both with conscious conceptual insight and quantitative empiricism.

APPEARANCE OF DUALISM DERIVATIVE OF MONAD:  Math cannot presently exist in itself, without consciousness presently doing or experiencing the math, on some level, kind, or degree. Ordering and focus of operations among terms within equations. Flip, feedback, focus, adoption of perspective of purposefulness. It is the necessary relationship between consciousness and defining and limiting formulas and feedbacks of sequences that avails continuity to present experiences of perspectives. The relationship is necessary; not perspective in itself. Apart from relationship, there is no changeless Identity.
MONAD:  A meta source abides, which is a sum of irreducible units, much like a field of number values, which has innate qualitative potential for fluxing and for reconciling its fluxes. Thus, as to the meta source,  (1) it has innate capacity for reconciling among its irreducible units; and (2) its irreducible units are in flux that feeds back (in perpetual reduction to quantitative equivalency with a present organization of a field of numbers). In other words, the appearance of physicality is inferior to a qualitative field (MONAD), which in itself cannot be confined to closed mortal measure. Thus, the irreducible UNITS of the Monad and its digitized expressiveness of organizations of NUMBERS (fields of formulaic functions) are of One Ultimate Reconciler, not Two.  (Even the numbers of numbers are counted. That is, even the Potentiality of future expressions and apprehensions of numbers exists only in respect of the quality of flux capacity that resides with the Monad.)
DARK SUBSTANCE (?):  A single photon may be massless.  However, would a number of confined photons increase the mass of the confining container?  Suppose a Reconciling Source were to dedicate to a "bubble" a set number of fundamentally massless units under a hierarchical system of fluxing formulas.  Perhaps the bubble would be equally beset all around by potentialities for sustaining it, such as against other potential bubbles.  The hierarchical system of fluxing formulas that sustained it would similarly be beset all around by potentialities for undoing it.  So long as the bubble and its sustaining math were preserved, every functional change within the bubble would be "in respect of, or set against," all externalities to the bubble (even if such externality consisted only of an immeasurable potential of the Reconciling Source for Image-ing).  May the aspect of being "in respect of, or set against" correlate with indirect measurements within the bubble of "dark mass?"


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brave New Cloud

Brave New Cloud:  Aside from defense, health, and roads, our Governors are getting into The Cloud (and the privacy monitoring business) in a big way.  This leads me to think about Arthur C. Clarke (Childhood's End), Ray Kurzweil (How to Create a Mind), and Google Earth.  Imagine electrodes put on nearly every square foot of Earth's surface, to monitor every kind of measurable value, and then plug the data into a simulator that is rich in algorithms.  If you trust the NSA, you might not mind being monitored and collectivized in that way.  Then imagine adding chips for monitoring every individual.  For awhile, the computers running simulations on such a model would be earthbound.  However, I wonder whether their functions could also be transmitted to the Cloud?  If so, a cloud-based holodek could replace Earth (and goodness knows what else).  How would choices be made for synchronizing the adventures of the Cloud itself, and for making decisions for the collective of whatever the "life" forms that may continue to "inhabit" such a field-cloud?  Would there devolve an evolutionary competition between good and evil algorithms of Elohim?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Community, Identity, Stability

There has come to be much opportunity in baiting and mobilizing resentments in order to gain attention as a front for advertisers and organized pick pockets.  The majority of our new immigrants and youth do not incline towards ways to express themselves as individuals.  They want to be diverted and absorbed into the next big thing, so they can debase their feelings in a raving crowd.  So politics has become a perpetual team sport for enriching those who can become the face for exciting the peeling away of sheets of division.  This is the new Regime's cynical milking of crisis.  So our politicians have become cheerleaders, porn hustlers, race baiters, and cannibal change artists.

There have been times when life was far harder, when the masses did not have time and resources to buy boom box noise and dope and when the people would not have tolerated rioters.  The goal of our founders was Liberty, Spirituality, and Pursuit of happiness.  When spirituality foundered, that goal devolved into pursuit of "Normality," which eventually devolved into something like the slogan of Brave New World -- Community, Identity, and Stability.  When that was by and large achieved, new opportunity has been sensed in a 3D slogan:  Division, Deconstruction, and Debasement.  That 3D slogan is not actually said, but it should be recognized for what it is.

When I was growing up, clergymen were respected and respectable.  I did not know anyone who would feel comfortable:  swearing in front of a clergyman; saying God damn America; enlisting a clergyman to help stir up racial division; or seeking blessings for engaging in all manner of deviancy.  Whatever idea of God many of our modern clergy think they are serving, it is alien to me.  Whatever idea of Country many of our modern politicians think they are serving, it is not the America I grew up with.  Whatever idea of Family and Values our youth have had their minds filled with, it is Jeantel-Creepy-Screechy to me.  I do not think many of our modern clergy, politcians, corporatists, and youth can be salvaged.  I suspect most will become little more than fertilizer for the New Farm.
THE MATH OF EXISTENCE AND BEING:  Is the "is of is-ness" a noun, verb, or gerund gender hermaphrodite? Should Existence be thought of as Being, with time recognized as only an illusion? Or should Being be thought of as Existence, with illusions recognized only in respect of time?  Should personal life and death be thought of as existing only as flips in personal focus and perspective, from within to without to within, of fields of particles of fields?  Is the math of inequalities (of greaters and lessers) the math of twisting and fluxing and phasing perspectives of overlapping sets of hierarchies of hierarchies?  What of particles of physics and organs of consciousness? Consciousness may be thought of as organically (internally) organized math. Physics may be thought of as math that is organized (externally) for the external appreciation, sensation, or recordation of consciousness.  Consciousness is associated with holons of math that are vectored within themselves; particles are associated with holons of math that are vectored external to themselves.  Depending on perspective, context, and purpose, the field of Active Math may be thought to balance (and unbalance) to produce rifts (or corruptions) in fields of particles of consciousness.
THE MATH OF THE DANCE OF FEEDBACK:  While Consciousness qualitatively participates in adopting a particular perspective and in appreciating an inner purpose in respect of a measurably outer-experienced field, it will not, at the same mathematical instant, be able to measure the quality of its experience.  Nor can a perspective of Consciousness choose to direct the present and precise result of a measure by adjusting the quality of its appreciation.  Rather, there is a necessary sequential or mathematical break, however small, in feedback between the quality of an appreciative experience and any quantitative measure of such quality.
RISE OF ALGORITHMS:  Meta-math unfolds such that --- depending on the locally adopted perspective, context, and purpose --- it avails simultaneous expression for the Qualitative and the Quantitative.  However, no perspective can measure both the Qualitative and the Quantitative for the same space-time (locus of context).  That which is Qualitative and that which is Quantitative may FLIP --- as in from life to death, or desire to undesired --- depending on flip in focus with regard to perspective, context, and purpose.  The power and efficacy of any locally adopted perspective for leveraging any desired change will depend on the relative organization of its math for image-ing ways to leverage change.  It's not quite the rise of machines that humanity needs to fear.  It's the rise of algorithms.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Marriage Word Games

Let's play softball word games with Chrissy.  There are "classic cows" and "new cows."  A new cow can be anything you define it to be.  A new cow could be a cow printed from a 3D printer, or a sea cow, or a picture of two sea cows.  If you don't specify and just order cow in a  restaurant, the proprietor could serve any kind of "cow" he wanted.  Or let's take a man and let him require everyone to call him a "new woman."   Must he be entitled to use any women's facility he desires?  Or let prisoners "marry" one another.  Must the State thus accord them with equality claims for conjugal visits?  Or let a female soldier change her "social registration," from republican female soldier to democrat "new male" soldier.  In the name of equality, must he-she now be entitled to reside in the men's barracks?

What word gamers refuse to acknowledge is that law makers have enacted thousands of secular laws that were meant to apply, SECULARLY, to "classic marriage."  What new marriage proponents want to do is to deny that there could be ANY proper secular purpose to any such a law.  So, if Feds provide for legal incentives, privileges, or protections for "classic marriage," and a State wants to end run such incentives, all a State has to do is to re-define a kind of "new marriage."

Suppose Feds want to incent and fund soldiers to defend the country. Must law makers be precluded from doing so, unless they are willing to "equally" incent every other kind of occupation (i.e., classic soldiers v. "new soldiers")?  Suppose Feds want to incent and fund "classic" families for raising the next generation, many of whom will become soldiers or help support social security. Must law makers be precluded from doing so unless they are willing to equally incent every other kind of family (or "new family")?

Government already does not preclude consenting adults from acting howsoever they wish in games of sexual pretense and fantasy.  But why should fantasists be entitled to "equal treatment" for that which is inherently not equal?  Why should government, if its representative law makers wish to promote domestic tranquility by availing a privilege among spouses not to testify against one another, afford a same privilege to members of a crime club who may decide to enter into "new marriages?"  Must an alien who enters into a "new marriage" with an American citizen be entitled to sponsored entry?  What we have is too many femimen who have been raised as girls to play "let's pretend" at "new dolly tea parties."  This "new dictionary" game is a recipe for requiring Americans to support metrosexuals so they never have to grow up.  By letting pretenders call the tune for word games, adults are letting themselves be mastered by perpetual children.  Indeed, one has now been elected Prezzy.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


It gets tedious seeing Progs denigrate southern schools by comparing average statewide SAT scores, as if local political attitudes and lesser amounts spent on education were the causes, regardless of demographics.  However, look at the JSTOR study for 2000, at http://lesacreduprintemps19.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/sat-participation-scores-by-state-and-race.pdf.  If,you compare the SAT scores for 2000 among white test takers, you find that Texas averaged higher than, for examples, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and equal to New York.  Only by lumping the entire population of test takers do those states show a higher average.  However,  the percentage of test takers who are black is considerably higher in Texas (10.5 percent) than in Vermont (0.4), New Hampshire (0.6), Rhode Island (3.7), and it is even higher than for New York (9.9).  So,what is so superior about the Progs, and what value are they getting for their money?  (Note: the study did not appear to factor for Hispanics, but a dose of common sense may suggest something about this.). Conclusion:  Progs lie --- at least as much as anyone else. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leap of Faith

Regarding Profs vs. Parents:
No human being has the ultimate unifying knowledge of the truth about how physics or purposefulness are organized and determined. What we have are models that seem to be practical to levels of accuracy that are contrived to convenience. Because we are so far unable to unify the models to any rigorous completion, we learn to compartmentalize and live with the cognitive dissonance.   At best, we "reconcile" the dissonance by resort to figurative interpretations and great circles of parables. Much of religious and moral training is filled with seeds of cognitive dissonance, with which children are nurtured and learn to cope. So, to whom should children be expected to yield, as the main authority for helping them learn to live with whatever leaps of faith may be necessary in order to cope with what seems to be inherent cognitive dissonance? For examples, does any non-trite or non-circular understanding or connotation come to mind when one discusses such concepts as: contemporaneous determination, fetal rights, free will, moral purposefulness, epicurean pleasure, freedom of association and choice, discrimination, profiling, judgment, charity, killing with kindness, fairness, property, allocations based on merit, and "material progress"?   Can such concepts really be applied in any consistently scaled or linear way?
When an authority, in triteness, says to a child that he should take such and such on faith, "just because," and the authority seems to be in conflict with others, then to which authority should the child ordinarily be expected to yield? To cronies, government, elites, profs, parents, peers, chance, convenience, or inner conscience (however undeveloped it may be)?
The trend is one of consolidation of power to confound free thinking by bending minds, or at least by bending the free expression of minds. Islamists bend and subjugate minds by threatening death for apostasy or "dishonor." Profs bend minds by dropping "hints" about how grades are determined. Governments bend minds by picking the models of thinking which they will fund. Cronies bend minds by controlling governments and employers, by nurturing political correctness, and by creating and funding hostile environments of ridicule against all families and parents who may think against the trend of the regime.
As mind control is consolidated and centralized, the authority of parents is necessarily undermined. For a representative republic whose citizens are accustomed to freedom to think for themselves, the question is: To whose comfort, convenience, and control should such citizens cater? That is, should parents and families consent to the undermining of their authority by a police state (even if it is supported by elitist apologists)?   If not, how can the thinking middle class of parents possibly hope to unite to resist the great weight and financing of the cronydom that is so obviously agglomerating and quickening against them?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Does Math Function, Without Material?

The Meta Past:
MATH COMES PRECODED:  If no measurable "thing" really exists, in itself, then every measurable sequence that has unfolded since a hypothetical "first thing" would seem also not "really" to exist. As to things measurable to mortals, it would seem that the Past does not exist, except as an ongoing rationalization of Mind, for which each particular perspective is easily duped into thinking it reliable. That is, Mind functions in association with Math in such a way that our memories, insofar as they go, cannot seem other than to be reliable. Math requires that each side of every equation be paired with, and offset against, a balance. In the logic of Math, every measure implicates a counterbalancing measure. Every expression of Math comes precoded and preloaded with capacity to direct the experiences of Observers to be conservationally and contextually reliable.
MEMORIES ARE TRICKS OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  Thus, the appearance of memories of (the past of) Mind would seem to be an inherent "trick," that is, a necessary consequence of Mind experiencing expressiveness in correlation with Math. Math represents Information, and Information cannot be conserved other than in respect of Math, such that Information is forbidden of being other than reconciled with math-based representations of Mind's experience of the perpetual Present.
THE DEPENDENT REALITY OF MEASURABLE THINGS AND THEIR PAST:  Mortals have no way of distinguishing between a "real past" versus a present, math-based "rationalized past."  When our Cosmos flickers out, it may as well be as if our past never "really" existed.  Thus, it would seem that the Holism (or System, or Reconciling Agency of Math) may be constrained, such that, regardless of how IT may correlate with any reconfiguration of the Present, the memories of IT's perspectives of their "pasts" will always seem supported, in math. For all we know, it may be that the Holism can in no way, other than in obedience to said "trick," avail particular Perspectives of Mind.
THE REAL CAUSE SEEMS AVAILABLE TO FAITH, BUT NOT MEASURABLY OR MATHEMATICALLY PROVABLE:  So, if "measurable things" do not really exist in themselves, or function as real causes in themselves, then WHAT DOES REALLY EXIST and "really" function as a cause? Possible Answer (?): Math, unfolding in appreciative concert with a preset but immeasurable system (or reconciling Ruler) of rationalizations unto perspectives of Consciousness. In other words, the Agency of math that governs the math by which mortals measure seems to abide as a Qualitative that is Immeasurable to mortals. That is, we cannot Complete a way by which to measure the Quality of the meta-math that avails our sense of Information about the Past.  Thus, we can neither prove that the Holism is predetermined, not prove that it is not.  We cannot prove whether of not God can know whether God has "free will."  However, our appreciation of "God" (IT) seems to be "enhanced" by taking it on a leap of faith that God is not pre-determined, i.e., that God receives, appreciates, guides, and reconciles our feedback.  Thus, there abides at least one idea that can neither be proved nor disproved, which may be neither true not false, but simply "abiding."
PURE REPRESENTATION IN MATH:  Apparently, at least some atomic and subatomic particles are necessary to be conceptualized, to represent particles that can be massless, chargeless, and sizeless, constituting only a single dimension point on a vectored trajectory of spin, rotation, and orbit.  Each such a particle would seem to be representable in nothing more than pure math.  Hypothetically, if every particle can similarly be potentially stripped of mass, charge, and size, or constituted out of nothing but particles that can be stripped of mass, charge, and size, then it would seem that all of measurable substance is potentially representable in, and reducible to, pure math.  This seems not surprising, because imagination does not conduce to any particle that could exist in itself and still be made to function in respect of a system of such particles.  This is because the instant the particle's existentiality depends on its relation to a system, it becomes no longer a particle in itself.  Thus, for particles to function in measurable respect of a system, it would seem that the system must, at bottom, reduce to an immaterial system, i.e., a system of pure math.  Thus, it would seem that the notion that every action is entirely caused and explicated in terms of atoms must yield to a concept that every atom is entirely caused and explicated in terms of math.  If so, then an explanatory system based purely on atoms or material particles, as in Lucretius' "The Nature of Things," cannot complete a system of explanation. 
FREE CAUSAL AGENCY V. CORRELATIVE PARTICIPANT:  This thought exercise is not to argue that each perspective-in-itself exercises freedom-to-choose-in-itself. Such would be self contradictory. This exercise is to argue that the particles that are often imagined as being of Nature are not themselves causal, either. That is, we (and matter) are more than billiard balls. The math that constrains billiard balls also constrains and synchronizes and reconciles and feeds back to the entire system of math, functioning in hierarchical, overlapping, and encompassing levels and layers. That is, the whole and the parts, at various levels of simultaneity, appreciate and feed back to one another. In that sense, the Holism "cares." The system of algorithms is not preset as to the future, but constantly and continuously "rewires itself" in appreciation of each present instant of feedback. The experience of each particular perspective is continuously absorbed and factored into that "collective unconscious."
EXISTENTIAL PLACEHOLDERS FOR MIND IMAGES APPREHENDED IN RESPECT OF FORMULAS OF FORMS:  If atoms-in-themselves cannot exist as atoms-in-themselves, then they cannot in themselves be existential placeholders. Rather, some field-based signifier of significations of math values seems to abide --- for the setting, appreciating, and adjusting of a synchronizing dance of forms, which feedback to dance in respect of localized perspectives, contexts, and purposes.  Some Immaterial Aspect that accounts for iterative representations of math seems to be implicated.  In that case, Who or What is the power, potential, and character of the mathematician?  How and why does it "cause" patterns of unfoldings?
TAKE, EAT:  Thus, the role of  participatory, perspectivistic Feedback seems vital to an appreciation of subsuming iterations of consciousness of reconciling aspects of SpiritualityWhen Jesus said,."Take, eat," what is being taken and eaten, at deepest level, is not any measurable-substance-in-itself.  Rather, what is being qualitatively appreciated is the deeper substratum of quantitative (apparent) reality.
THE QUALITATIVE IMMATERIAL:  Does Math Function, Without Material?  Seemingly, yes, but not without accompaniment with the Qualitative Immaterial.
TIME AND SPACE:  Time is Space, as it is being transformed into countable sequences.  Space is Time, as it is being transformed into present experience.  Time that is not counted, and Space that is not experienced, are of the Image-ination of the Holistic Tetragrammaton.  That which is made countable has simultaneously been made appreciable.  If capacity to appreciate it did not abide, it would not have been made countable.
FREE WILL:  Does Free Will for mortals exist?  No, but an aspect of moral participation does exist, to wit:  Mortal adoptions of perspectives of apprehension participate to facilitate feedback that contemporaneously affects how the future is to unfold.
MATH SIGNIFIED AS MANIFEST SEEMS TO ABIDE AS THE MEASURABLE TERRITORY:  Objections are often drawn to a notion that, ultimately, it is nothing more than math being signified to act on math that is the agency for projecting all that we observers sense as "measurable reality."  An objection seems to be that math-in-itself cannot function as a billiard-ball-like entity that we often correlate with being a causal agent.  This objection does not stand up to analysis.  First, the idea of a series of material CAUSAL agents does not stand up well, as opposed to an idea that, at deepest level, all material causal agents seem to reduce to CORRELATES within and accompanying correlates, sort of like significations of the functioning of an ultimate, but unseen, Signifier.  Second, separate or subordinate math equations, as correlated with separate or subordinate perspectives of observers, can be conceptualized as fluxing, functioning, interacting, and emiting sensible significations, simply by conceptualizing that such occurs, not as causes acting on causes, but as correlates emiting Information that is associated with an accompanying, associative, subsuming, mediating, correlating equation.  That is, the "living" operation of one equation on another, so that both are recombined or subsumed, always occurs in correlation with a third (trivalent) equationTo detect the third (catalyzing, collapsing) equation is to detect the Information regarding the recombinatory interfunctioning of the other two equations.  Thus, the math equations flux and recombine, not as their own causal agents, but as correlates that implicate a Signifier.  Detection of the associative third equation is often implicated in respect of apparent proximity, as in the analogy of a billiard ball being seen to bounce off a billiard ball.  But "the third equation" may also be implicated or detected in reliable respect of changes or vectors observed (detected or sensed) from a distance.
EMERGENT HOMUNCULUS:  But how is a "picture" of the correlative equations and their interfunctioning changes taken, transmitted, received, and interpreted?  How can an equation reliably "take a picture" of an equation, transmit it, download it, and interpret it?  Especially if the very function of taking the picture necessarily changes the subject before it is "photographed"?  How does Consciousness arise, coordinate and correlative with mere equations, to interpret the picture?  May one reasonably conceptualize the interfunctioning equations (Substantive "billiard balls") as the first two equations, while conceptualizing the associative equation (Information accumulating "picture taker) as the third equation, and a Conscious interpreting observer as a fourth (implicated, unobserved, unmeasured) equation, i.e., a correlate of a correlate of a correlate of a correlate?
UNMEASURED MATH:  Insofar as Consciousness correlates with the entailment of an unseen, unmeasured math function, such math function may grow, change, "rewire itself," and itself be recombined, much as a brain constantly and continuously wires itself.  However, while such Consciousness is functioning as the perspective, rather than the measured thing or the measuring thing, IT will not be measuring itself or its own changes.  For every Substantive interaction of math equations whose Information is stored in association with a correlative equation, there must abide (now or in potential) an unmeasured equation (Consciousness), which has capacity to interpret ("reconstruct") such sequence of equational interfunctioning.  (What Equation correlates with a conserving, reconciling, synchronizing of all the otherwise Locally Unmeasured Equations?)
OF THE SINGULARITY:  It is postulated that Information is being accumulated and organized to a "CLOUD,"  such that local perspectives can be availed to draw on the cloud, to be capacitated thereby with algorithmic powers for exploring and downloading all manner of accumulated abilities and Information.  Such a Cloud would entail, on some level, that PRIVACY for individual perspectives would be lost.  That is, some level of operation of the Cloud would have access to all Information about everyone.  No life would have complete privacy in any detail from a potential for an all seeing, all recycling, all subsuming capacity to envision, reconstruct, adapt, and re-pursue.  On such a spiritual level, the avatars for our lives would be stripped of privacy and continuously subject to re-booting, recycling, re-outfitting, and contextual re-judging.  CONSIDER:  May such a Cloud already be extant, but, at our level, we simply lack present verification?  To survive, must such Cloud avail local power and freedom only to such extent as such can be simultaneously measured and constrained against potential for molesting the Cloud?
BIVALENT, TRIVALENT, QUAD-VALENT:  Equations are bivalent, but are inter-function in respect of a mathematically correlative trivalency, which is conserved in respect of a holistic quad-valency.  Equations function in opposing pairs, across equal signs, conceptualized against a field os space-time.  That is, equations come in pairs, separated by equality significations, i.e., like the dots and dashes of Morse Code.  Thus, Substance comes measurably manifest only in pre-digitized pre-codes, i.e., pairs.  There is no measurable Substance of Yin that lacks a Yang against a context.  Substance comes digitized to whatever level of accuracy may be called for in order to support any interpretation in respect of a local frame of reference (perspective, context, and purpose).  In itself, each equation is a digitized bivalence, but can be seen to meaningfully function only in respect of a correlative field, i.e., a trivalency that is (at least potentially) subject to interpretation of a locally correlative perspective of Consciousness.
THE QUAD-VALENT LEVEL:  Math can quite well be applied to signify the limits and range of the domain where one CAN go from point A in X amount of local time, but math cannot preciesly guarantee or prescribe where one WILL go.  For that, one would need access to the 4th level, i.e., the quad-valent level or YHWH tetragrammaton, i.e., the level beyond local unmeasurable math, to the level of the Holistic unmeasured math.  That is a level to which mortals have no path by which to complete.
TERRITORY OF THE QUALITATIVE:  Geometry is a form of math.  Space-time can be conceptualized in geometrical terms.  As to particular expressions of matter and energy, it seems that at least some atomic or subatomic particles are necessary to be conceptualized as being massless, chargeless, and sizeless, constituting only a single dimension point on a vectored trajectory of spin, rotation, and orbit.  Each such a particle would seem to be representable in nothing more than pure math.  Hypothetically, if every particle can similarly be potentially stripped of mass, charge, and size, or constituted out of nothing but mixes of particles that can be stripped of mass, charge, and size, then it would seem that all of measurable substance is potentially representable in, and reducible to, pure math.  This may not be so surprising, since imagination does not conduce to any particle that could exist-in-itself and still be made to function in respect of a system of such particles.  Rather, the instant a particle's existentiality depends on its relation to a system, it becomes no longer a particle-in-itself.  For particles to function in measurable respect of a system, it would seem that the system must, at bottom, reduce to an immaterial system, i.e., a system of pure math.  Thus, it would seem that the notion that every action is entirely caused and explicated in terms of atoms must yield to a concept that every atom is caused and/or explicated in terms of math.  If so, then an explanatory system based purely on atoms or material particles, as in Lucretius' "The Nature of Things," cannot, by itself, complete a system of explanation --- either of physics or of morality.  It seems that everything that is measurable can be reduced to math, yet, math, in itself, cannot complete itself.  Whatever the Immeasurable Qualitative that may complete math, IT seems to abide as something other or more than math.  In itself, math is not the territory of the qualitative.  It seems reasonably plausible or intuitive that Something Else abides, some Qualitative Immeasurable.
INHERENT DIGITALITY OF EQUATIONS:  Every measurable thing that exists and unfolds in beingness comes measurable in respect of equations.  (Unities, Equations, Sides, Parts.) For one side of an equation to exist in any meaningful respect is to implicate an associative and intuitive apprehension of the other side, i.e., a digitized 0 or yin balancing or re-normalizing a digitized 1 or yang.  (Math, Ratio, Reason, Rationale.)  These facts --- that equationally representable and quantifiable things and formations of information exist, and can be known, inferred, intuited,  or qualitatively appreciated to exist, that ways exist by which to express the unfolding and changing beingness of such things, and that some metaphysical source seems to sponsor or cause or guide such facts --- seem to be part of an interconnecting holism that accounts for every aspect of philosophy:  of the ontology of being, the epistemology of knowing truth, and the metaphysics of causes of consciousness and identity.
PHYSICALITY IS THE ILLUSORY PROJECTION OF MATH-BASED LOCALLY-ADOPTED PERSPECTIVES:  All that is measurable seems to be made, perhaps by some meta quality, out of math, i.e., not out of any really physical thing. i.e., physicality is a derivative illusion, not really existing in itself, but being, in itself, a no-thing.  Thus, all measureable things that be are given expression out of a non-measureable nothing, by some qualitative thing that itself is neither measurable nor really physical.  Hence, measurable beingness ultimately reduces to physical nothingness.  Beingness and Nothingness.
THE MATH OF EXISTENCE AND BEING: Is the "is of is-ness" a noun, verb, or gerund-gender-hermaphrodite? Should Existence be thought of as Being, with time recognized as only an illusion? Or should Being be thought of as Existence, with illusions recognized only in respect of time? Should personal life and death be thought of as existing only as flips in personal focus and perspective, from within to without to within, of fields of particles of fields? Is the math of inequalities (of greaters and lessers) the math of twisting and fluxing and phasing perspectives of overlapping sets of hierarchies of hierarchies? What of particles of physics and organs of consciousness? Consciousness may be thought of as organically (internally) organized math. Physics may be thought of as math that is organized (externally) for the external appreciation, sensation, or recordation of consciousness. Consciousness is associated with holons of math that are vectored within themselves; particles are associated with holons of math that are vectored external to themselves. Depending on perspective, context, and purpose, the field of Active Math may be thought to balance (and unbalance) to produce rifts (or corruptions) in fields of particles of consciousness.
THE MATH OF THE DANCE OF FEEDBACK: While Consciousness qualitatively participates in adopting a particular perspective and in appreciating an inner purpose in respect of a measurably, outer-experienced field, it will not, at the same mathematical instant, have capacity to measure the quality of its experience. Nor can a perspective of Consciousness choose to direct the present and precise result of a measure by adjusting the quality of its appreciation. Rather, there is a necessary sequential or mathematical break, however small, in feedback between the quality of an appreciative experience and any quantitative measure of such quality.
RISE OF ALGORITHMS: Meta-math unfolds such that --- depending on the locally adopted perspective, context, and purpose --- it avails simultaneous expression for the Qualitative and the Quantitative. However, no perspective can measure both the Qualitative and the Quantitative for the same space-time (locus of context). That which is Qualitative and that which is Quantitative may FLIP --- as in from life to death, or desire to undesired --- depending on flip in focus with regard to perspective, context, and purpose. The power and efficacy of any locally adopted perspective for leveraging any desired change will depend on the relative organization of its math for image-ing ways to leverage change. It's not quite the rise of machines that humanity needs to fear. It's the rise of algorithms.