As you probably know, a new idea in physics relates to "rainbow gravity." whereby the effect of gravity is felt differently by different wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. For scientists, experiments are underway to seek testable measurables for relating to this idea.
For philosophers of intuitive but untestable aspects of our existentiality, the choice of word of "rainbow" would seem interesting. For observers who reside within a rainbow-producing system, every attempt to catch the end of the rainbow recedes and regresses until the rainbow melts back into the background. For astronomers who seek to map the cosmos, every attempt to find and see the furtherest star recedes, and every point of reference seems to share a common condition such that its observations tend to show the same densities in all directions. There does not seem to be any real center to the cosmos. Nor perhaps any real beginning ("Big Bang").
This phenomenon may be conceptualized as an uncanny renormalization of every measurable within every context to the separate focal point of each individual observer and recorder. One begins to wonder how much one can trust one's senses to identify what is "really out there." One may even begin to doubt whether not only time, but also recorded chronologies of events (i.e., information), are "just" stubborn illusions that are somehow renormalized to each perspective, but not carrying forward any "reality in themselves."
What may a concept of "rainbow gravity" implicate to "reasonable" philosophical intuition concerning the apparently constant and continuous renormalization of observations and recordations to perspectives and foci? What may it implicate regarding a "beginning to time" or a lack of any "real beginning"? Like the receding rainbow, does information recede, regress, and become lost or "forgotten" to whatever extent is needed to facilitate each interpretation that is renormalized to each perspective-context within a shared bubble of experience?
It is one thing for a recording device or observing perspective (person) that functions within a context to record or apprehend as if there must have been some kind of chronological beginning to whatever the nature or character of the bubble that happens to sustain it. It is another thing for a perspective to believe that such beginning must be of a reality that is more than mere renormalization to its situation.
It is one thing to postulate, as a convenient conceptualization for a purpose of renormalitive calculation, that there was a beginning point of infinite density. It is another thing to believe that such a beginning point of infinite density ever existed as a "thing in itself." It may be that the apparently unfolding sequence of measurable events does not exist independently, but only artifactual to perceptual interpretations that happen to be renormalized in respect of a shared bubble.
If so, it would be a very strange bubble, because it would not seem to exist as a thing in itself, either. This "bubble" does not coherently seem to have any center-favored, focal-point of reference in time, space, or space-time. Every point that may be randomly chosen as a point of measuring reference seems to appear only as a function of a recorder or observer of information that interprets events as they unfold around it in a way that "just so happens" to renormalize all measurements to its perspective and context. This "bubble" seems to be more like a web of no-thing, more like a digitally-actuating and renormalizing math, i.e., a self-programming programmer, i.e. the
Essence-Source-Sponsor of a trinitarian participatory-feedback-flux of Consciousness (Son), Substance (Father) and Information (Holy Ghost).
At least, that's where my moral perplexity seems to lead me "at this point."
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable."
"There is another theory, which states that this has already happened."
Douglas Adams - The Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe