Re: "The notion of white privilege does nothing but exacerbate and extend the relative underperformance of the average black person in America relative to the average white person"
Let's see -- how many "privileges" are there? Privileges to have been born, to be able bodied, smart, good looking, emotionally stable, spiritually fulfilled, financially lucky, industriously hard working, skilled, have had good parents, good mentors, sense enough to follow good advice, have met formal point systems for affirmative action, talent for evoking sympathy, and on and on. So how many of these "privileges" ought to be formalized or handicapped in law? How much should the system "owe you"?
Should we have a bureaucracy to assign each person a weighted privilege factor? Should we call in experts from India to help us impose a new caste system?
How many ingrates will the system raise by entertaining claims of special affirmative privileges or entitlements? How much harm will be done to an individual's drive by indulging his self pity? How much harm will be done to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and American Ideal?
What "experts" are scientifically qualified to apportion privileges or reparations based on "merit"? How should the scales be pre-weighted or handicapped, and for what factors? Should the weights be profiled or enacted based on present political power or propensity to agitate or loot?
What kind of civilization and behaviors should we seek to reinforce by rewarding them?
Do we really want to raise a society of whining, irresponsible, loutish femimen? WHY SHOULD THE CENTRAL GOV BE CHARGED TO ENTERTAIN SUCH BS? And how can the central gov be entrusted to address such concerns without making them worse?
Bottom line: Responsible grown-ups take charge of their own lives. Able bodied people, in any decent society, do NOT play the pity card. The nerdy femi ACLU whites who entertain this crap are doing no one any good. We don't need more central gov bs. What we need is for our central gov to do more to stop the people-farming oligarchs from funding this nonsense, which they use not out of a sense of fairness but out of cynical contrivance to put themselves in perpetual rule of the new world plantation. People need to wake the h up!
Politically, wth do Blacks want -- some kind of special class treatment based on skin color?
Would that not be discriminatory?
who would qualify: Would 1-drop-people qualify? Would it matter
whether they were light complected, or whether they were Jamaican blacks
instead of American blacks? What about Guatemalan Americans? Should
ghetto people who are white, red, or yellow be excluded? Is there some
single active gene that correlates precisely with status for being
black, so people could be tested, to disqualify non-carriers or
non-expressers of the gene?
And when should the special treatment
expire? Once Blackness spreads to every citizen? Once Blacks abort
themselves out of political viability? Once blind tolerance leads to
the rise and dominance of a new class of race or religion baiting
people, such as Sunni Arabs?
Should we have different tiers of
central gov welfare for different classifications of skin color, sexual
orientation, or national or ethnic origin? What kind of bureaucratic
panels are we going to need to make these class determinations? Should
we bring in experts from India, to advise on how to develop a gov
sponsored caste system? Really, wth do Blacks want? Do they have a
clue? Do they want more projects, more central city ghettos, more
joblessness, more incentive to never launch?
I read enough to see it was babytalk. I don't go in for too much
babytalk once I see that is what it is. For one thing, to say modern
Dems and Repubs are now polar opposites is just childishly foolish.
They are much more like a uniparty of people farmers for elitists.
to say Dems are not racists is to overlook: Hillary's blackface
antics; LBJ's cynical rationale for selling civil rights; Obama and
Hillary's open borders policy to convert all working Americans to
compete with the worldwide market for cheap labor -- even as the
resources of America for which our troops bled are pulled out from under
us by back door Clinton Foundation laundering.
You have a big
cancer on your brain that has given you a tic about racism. You need
help with that. The world is about much more than gangsta agitating for
What we need is a smaller central gov, more protection
against globalists that think they have a right to trick us out of our
national inheritance, less taxation on small business, less tolerance
for the ACLU (Assorted Crybullies Lactating for Utopia), less cynical
development of project slums, less incentive to make being a bum a
lifetime aspiration. IOW, a safety net, not a hammock. Workfare for
infrastructure jobs instead of welfare. As to minimum wage: It's
simply a lie, like the lie of a free lunch. In this age of
robotization, it helps no one. We need to get gov out of the business
of pretending to be a charity, and we need to get churches out of the
lie that to vote for a living is to be charitable.
When all else
fails, it may be time to grow up. Maybe more inner city Blacks would
have learned that, if they had not destroyed their two parent families.
And if they had not turned so many congregations over to race baiting
Stepping in any way necessitates two legs. The reason Trump is having success is because he learned from a good mommy AND daddy.
way is much the same as that of the soft headed Pope and Mother Merkel
-- making the West prostrate before Islam and Global Fascism.
Every pace requires two legs. Pretty simple. Which is probably why
kids generally do better when they have a daddy to show them what is
wrong and a mommy to show them the way to do better. You're trying to
go forward without the daddy. That's how we got in this mess.
people who make excuses for Hillary-the-people-farmer and who grease
her way need to be made to feel the heat of shame. Romney lost
precisely because he failed to put the wood to Obama.
You seem to be advocating for "spaces to be safe from shame."
However, so long as a guilty person feels no shame, he is unlikely to
Some globalists (read Never Trumpers) see nothing wrong
with people farming! They tend to believe elitists should farm
incompetents, for everyone's best good. (But why on earth should any
decent person remain silent against such perfidy? Why not call the
advocates for NWO perfidy out, in loud and clear brass, for the immoral
way they are behaving as people farmers? After all, how many reticent
female DI's have trained good soldiers for defending the American
Others believe it is unworthy and shameful to assist in
preventing people from growing up to become independently responsible
for thinking about their morality and purposefulness for themselves.
They tend to believe
dignity necessitates that people should not be
forced by government; instead, they tend to believe people should be led
to reason, of themselves, with regard to how they want to offer their
labor and energy.
In religious (and governmental) philosophy,
this is the difference between Mohammad (or Hillary?) with a sword at
your neck versus Jesus (or Trump?) with reason to your face. It's the
difference between offering rapine and plunder versus offering dignity
and grace.
Hillary wants to arrange for you to be diktated to by
an array of femi-experts and elitists. Trump wants to free you, within
bounds of grown-up decency, to pursue your own talents and dreams.
So who is peddling dreams from banana-scimitar despots, and who is inspiring dreams from our founding fathers?
See generally
this way, shame allows us to see ourselves through the eyes of others,
and tells us that we are not being who we want to be. A shameful self
is thus the opposite of a worthy self. The same standards that make us
good persons when we live up to them make us bad persons when we fail
to live up to them. And so, a good person cannot be shameless. Like
it or not (probably not!), we cannot be good persons without some sense
of the possibility of shame."
"The trick, of course, is to provide people with a constructive way out of shame."
"What would happen if we were to think of ourselves as works in progress rather than as fixed personalities?"
was giving us an “out”. She was not so much saying “Your are a
disgrace and cannot be otherwise” as much as she was saying, “Don’t be
without shame! When you feel shame, use it for the purpose of
self-improvement! Learn to be a good person.”"
Moral leadership
consists in two parts: Show the shame. Then show the way out. Every
pace being made with two legs: Show why being anti-American in ideals
is bad. (Show why not to be a globalist fascist.) Then show a way out.
That's what Trump is doing, that's why it works, and that's why it's a
two-legged process.
Sometimes the Pope seems to "defend" Catholic Ideals much the same
way our Prez defends America's Ideals. What is behind this? Globalism,
sponsored by faithless people farmers. They're selling mass dhimmitude
and enserfment, and incompetents are buying it.
Empathy isn't always about love. Sometimes it's about how much protein you can provide.
Per DJT:
like to conclude with a passage from First John, Chapter 4: You know
it! You see most groups I speak to don’t know that. But we know. If you
want we can say it together. “No one has ever seen God but if we love
one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."
Maybe God's protein is in us and his protein tends towards completeness in us? Wth?
The Ghetto Slosh Effect.
Say you have a little federal republic
consisting of 10 sub-states. Each sub-state has 10 districts, each
with a population of 1000. This could make for 1 electoral delegate per
1000 voters. Thus,100 delegates to represent 100,000 people.
5 of the states are Red (republican repubs) and 5 are Blue (globalist
dems). Voters in the Red total 50,000, and voters in the Blue total
50,000. Delegates in the Red total 50, and delegates in the Blue total
Now suppose in each of the 5 Red sub-states, 75% of the voters
in 9 of its districts vote for the Republican candidate, while 51% in
the remaining district vote for the Globalist. For the Republican, the
total vote for those 5 states would be {[(0.75x9x1000) plus
(0.49x1x1000)]x5}. For the Globalist, the total for those 5 states
would be {[(0.25x9x1000)plus (0.51x1x1000)x5}.
Of the 50 electoral
delegates for those 5 states, the Republican would get 45 and the
Globalist would get 5. Of the popular vote, the Republican would have
gotten 36,200 votes, while the Globalist would have gotten 13,800. The
Republican would have gotten 45/50ths of the delegates and 36,200/50,000
of the votes. IOW, he would have gotten 90% of the delegates, but only
72.4% of the votes.
Now suppose in each of the 5 Blue sub-states,
51% of the voters in 9 of its districts vote for the Globalist, while
95% of the voters in the remaining district vote for the Republican.
For the Globalist, the total vote for those 5 states would be
{[(0.51x9x1000) plus (0.05x1x1000)]x5}. For the Republican, the total
for those 5 states would be {[(0.49x9x1000)plus (0.95x1x1000)x5}.
the 50 electoral delegates for those 5 states, the Globalist would get
45 and the Republican would get 5. Of the popular vote, the
would have gotten 23,200 votes, while the Republican would have gotten
26,800. The Globalist would have gotten 45/50ths of the delegates and
23,200/50,000 of the votes. IOW, he would have gotten 90%of the
delegates, but only 46.4% of the votes.
Compiling both the Red and
the Blue states, the Republican would have 50 electoral votes and the
Globalist would have 50 electoral votes. Even though the Republican got
36,200 plus 26,800 equals 63,000 votes to 37,000 for the Globalist.
Effect: The Globalist, with only 37% of the total vote, would have
gotten 50% of the electoral college.
What is the consequence? By
building project housing to concentrate key districts with reiiable
voters for Globalists, electoral effects as to delegates can be
disproportionally sloshed -- EVEN IF each state is redistricted to make
each individual vote proportionally equal.
By gerrymandering and ghetto building, Globalists can keep ratcheting up disproportionate political power.
Bottom line: Globalists are corralling people back into plantation projects.
Communists were never communists in the sense of being egalitarians.
They were always party elitists about the rule by crony nomenklatura.
At bottom, is there really any key distinction that differentiates them
from any other two-bit, faithless, people-farming, criminal enterprise?
it comes to the worldwide network of criminally syndicated cronies and
oligarchic launderers, what has Cruz (or any other candidate in recent
times except Trump) advocated or done that was really calculated to
defend the representative republic against the syndicated imperalism of
If the ACLU (Assorted Crybullies Lactating for Utopia) is involved, then
it is guaranteed to have NOTHING to do with preserving the American
Ideal of a competent, charitable, self-sustaining, assimilating, freedom
and dignity loving, grown-up electorate and citizenry that is unwilling
to bend to banana-gumming crybullies and fascist despots.
Hillary suffers for all the little people: the illegals, shadow
people, free travelers, foreign talent, LQWERTY, rainbows, free spirits,
anti-producers, greenies, moral scientists, mother earther femipagans,
gender fluids, redistributers, entitled self-esteemers, ghetto project
dwellers, child groomers, safe space sjw people, dissolvers of borders
and the First and Second Amendments, parasites, predators, pervs,
phonies, and fellow crooked hyphenated subhumans. Seekers of the Holy
Grail of Free Stuff.
All harnessed to the progressive guidance of the oligarchic noblesse oblige. Forward!
Why was Scooter Libby prosecuted, again? Libby was convicted for
obstruction of justice, perjury, and making false statements. If Libby
obstructed justice, then what have Hillary and Huma done? If Libby made
false statements, then what have Huma and Hillary been doing to
Congress? what's the diff? Well, GWB did not have political capital
enough with the NWO to have been able with impunity to fully pardon
Libby. Obama, otoh, is fully protected by Black Privilege. This is not
about justice. It's about connections with the international political
crime syndicate of people farmers.
Per Wikipedia: On August 28,
2006, Christopher Hitchens asserted that Richard Armitage was the
primary source of the Valerie Plame leak and that Fitzgerald knew this
at the beginning of his investigation. This was supported a month later
by Armitage himself, who stated that Fitzgerald had instructed him not
to go public with this information. Investor's Business Daily questioned
Fitzgerald's truthfulness in an editorial, stating "From top to bottom,
this has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of prosecutorial power
in this country's history...The Plame case proves [Fitzgerald] can bend
the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols."
line: Hillary is a chosen puppet for the international crime syndicate
of cronies for oligarchs. She will be of use to them so long as the
most uninformed of pansexuals, women, and blacks (the subhuman portion
among them that wanna be effing farmed) continue to flock to her. If
that changes, she will overnight become recycled meat.
But hey, the "moral scientists" among the ruling class are "just as moral as" faithful Christians. Yup yup yup. S/
Hillary and Huma's judgment about the people they seek to "serve" and
their judgment about the husbands they chose is instructive. Seems
like the kind of judgment one would expect of a cold hearted user. Just
the kind of person one can trust with FBI files. And nuclear codes.
When I think about people who were most likely twisted or educated
beyond their intellects, I tend to think of Marcuse. If ever he said
anything that passed the smell test, it would be hard to find.
did say some things that could rank with, Fish don't need roller skates.
Such as: "Not every problem someone has with his girlfriend is
necessarily due to the capitalist mode of production." (It's amazing
that kids go into college debt to learn similar tripe.)
"gem": "Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against
movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left."
The man got it twisted up and backwards. Must have twisted his brain on some really flaky bad weed.
coined "repressive desublimation" and argued that: "[P]ostwar mass
culture, with its profusion of sexual provocations, serves to reinforce
political repression. If people are preoccupied with inauthentic sexual
stimulation, their political energy will be "desublimated"; instead of
acting constructively to change the world, they remain repressed and
Maybe he was trying to tell us that postwar
"repressive desublimation" simply got the best of his mind? Maybe
"inauthentic sexual stimulation" has poisoned the well in most modern
Some people need hating. The world is better when crybullies and
militantly gay Hitlers, Stalins, and Soros are timely and effectively
So now we make fun of politicians unless they advocate to allow
illegals to invade? Wth? Are we really this infested with morons? I'm
not a racist. But I am an anti-moronist. I'm against people who
deliberately strive to be moronic. If that makes me a moronaphobe,
I am a proud progphobe. Not that I fear them individually. But collectively they make my skin crawl.
What kind of people tend most to be attracted to the
psycho-social-service professions? I know a few. They seem to have
been adopted, confused, abused, and slow to learn who they are, how to
cope, and how to launch. So of course, they, in their study of
"science," are "qualified" to tell us why DJT is unfit. (And,
eventually, why gangsta collectivism (communism), pedophilia,
bestiality, and polyamory are not mental illnesses.) Lol.
And the Sons of Mary smile and are blessed - they know the angels are on their side.
They know in them is the Grace confessed, and for them are the Mercies multiplied.
They sit at the Feet - they hear the Word - they see how truly the Promise Runs:
They have cast their burden upon the Lord, and - the Lord He lays it on Martha's Sons.
- Rudyard Kipling
Who are "we"? "We" cannot -- without great inspiration and effort --
stir what our trouble-stirring funders and masters choose not to allow
to be stirred. They do not find it convenient to eliminate that which
allows them to keep us divided, weak, and farm-able. We are their
engine, for which they apply oil, gas, and grease and decide what to
steer and when to ignite. Islam is a component of their fuel for
igniting us. They would never consent to its general reduction.
I suspect BLM "leaders" want more ghettos, so BLM can complain more, so it can get more ghettos, so it can complain more ....
Likewise, Dems want more rainbow people ....
Dems, and Jihadis don't want to solve problems for people. They want
to farm people. That's their idea of "work." Real work is for Whities,
Uncle Toms, and dhimmies. Who are the rainbow coalition coalesced
against? Well, that would be against the people who work. Not against
layabouts, and certainly not against the oligarchs who fund the
layabouts in order to keep serfs divided and easier to lord over.
For BLM, Dems, Rainbows, and Jihadis, money looted is twice as sweet as money earned.
In Russia, serfs tended their miserable potato crops. Boris and Ivan were neighbors. Both lived in squalid poverty.
day, Ivan discovered a magic lamp and, after rubbing it, was greeted by
a genie who offered him one wish for anything his heart desired. Ivan
was a simple but good man and asked for a goat so that he could have
milk for his family. His wish was granted: a beautiful nanny goat
suddenly appeared, her belly full of milk. Ivan named the goat,
Ivan joyfully brought the goat home and celebrated the
gift with his family. Boris spotted the goat and Ivan’s happy family and
his heart was filled with bitter envy. To his surprise, Ivan visited
him the next day and gave him the lamp as a gift.
After Ivan
departed, Boris took the lamp inside his hovel and rubbed it carefully.
The genie appeared and offered him a single wish for his heart’s desire.
“Anything you want,” said the genie, “be it gold, jewels or a herd of goats – I will give it to you at once.”
Boris immediately demanded: "Kill Ivan's goat."
BLM consists of faithlessly corrupt stooges for the NWO and a mixed
bag of degenerate fools who lack sense enough to see how they are being
used to reimpose feudalistic oligarchic rule, worldwide. They are
running BACK to the plantation, and pushing as many people as they can along the way. This is "acting BLM" -- because "acting Black" is no longer needed.
Elites see fools who need to be farmed, and they are quick to lay
snares to farm them. BLM -- because Blaming Liberty Matters.
Re: "Hillary Clinton and Democratic candidates are likely to get 90%
of the black vote in November. They have well and truly trapped black
voters with tried and true scare tactics about Republicans"
race-baiting Dems know to put on their "marching shoes" when they
enounter the proverbial, non-thinking, enraged bear: They don't need to
outrun the bear. They just need to feed the bear by throwing stink on
ordinary working people. Meanwhile, the bear is content to raid picnics
and has no intention of joining working society (i.e., "acting white").
With Scotus and Executive Diktat, what difference, at this point, could
it possibly make to have Rinos down ballot? Conservers of Liberty need
to take the Presidency. Period. Never-Trump morons need help with head
extraction from tight cavity.
The fundamental issue is about whether ordinary citizens want to live
their own lives or whether they want to entrust their souls to
international people farmers. Regardless, the soul snatching people
farmers will never go away. They will always be about, setting snares.
Much more than merely voting is required to keep these soul swindling
subhuman swine at bay. Our world is now thoroughly infested with
sucubating spawn of Soros. HISS - Hillary Is a Soul Swindler. The
sound of her cackle is your flesh crawling.
Wait until the 4 caged monkeys bang out Shakespeare. Or longer still,
until Black leadership gives up the blame game. Just keep puffing,
waiting, fuming, looting, whining, excuse-making. And voting Dem.
That'll pay your bills and your debt to society. S/
If Black leaders worked 1/10 as hard at teaching their youth more to
"act Asian" than to act Black, 9/10 of Black woes vis a vis themselves
and police would vanish. Seriously, what good is MacDaddy culture?
What have you got to lose by ditching it?
The only thing Neo Cons want to conserve is crony privilege. I have nothing for them but "French disgust":
Progs don't single out any particular race to keep society divided.
They keep all races, genders, orientations, ethnicities, places of
origin, and all combinations thereof divided.
Keeping people at
one another's throat is how they justify throwing out decently
assimilating philosophies like, oh, say Christian based values. That
way, they can step in and, by claiming the power to make
redistributions, lay claim to being the new savior. Noblesse oblige and
all that.
The Sado-Masochistic Stoned-Out Uniparty of Prog
Wannabe-Rulers and Wannabe-Ruled has learned how to control the herd,
worldwide, by making free-stuff promises, pitting manufactured aggrieved
groups against aggrieved groups, hedging, putting fingers to the wind,
and then tipping on their bets in order to guarantee financial and
political killings. You and every other little person are nothing more
than pawns.
Status as pawns will continue until middle class men -- of all colors
--stop letting themselves be ruled by whiny pantywaist men.
It's north by northeast. Forward by rearward. Familial by bureaucracy. Angelic by Ivy. Happy, and pretty, and gay.
Normal by abnormal -- once educators kill normal by a thousand cuts.
So is being homosexual more about overpowering stresses or is it more
about overindulged struts? After all, nothing sells like passing
sensationalism. If homosexuality is not about being born that way, then
is it about poor permutations of parenting, peers, pimps, profs,
priests, pols, parasites, pornanalists, predators, and pedophiles?
such a complex, how can we possibly figure out where people go off the
beam? And given populations that put all other creatures at risk, and
perps that want to farm people, how much do we care?
I love the fairer sex. But why oh why must they roast America on the
hellfire of Hillary? If you liked patriarchy, you're gonna love
matriarchy. The Striesand Shakedown -- what a ball! But after we've
gorged on the benefits, what do we do the morning after? The Whitey on a
The worst of white trash loved to make everyone they could out to be
n's. The worst of rainbow trash love to make everyone they can out to
be racists. At bottom, trash is trash. But, for their children, give
them honorary degrees and safe spaces anyway. S/
Ted Cruz is a competent and intelligent guy, but he appears never to
have learned much about humility or his limits. He could be averse to
the whole world and the entirety of history, and he would still likely
not question his rightness. The hubris stinks in this one. He may need
to learn some lessons from George Foreman if he ever hopes to make
himself viable again.
Had Cruz been the chosen one, why would the
republic have more likely survived, had he been elected instead of
Hillary? Cruz never sufficiently answered that question -- even though I
and many others gave him much much longer than 15 minutes. His
position on immigration (visas for high tech workers) and on TPP was
never made palatable.
In the search for an American over a
Globalist, Cruz, for much too long now, has failed to show why he should
not be put in the category of Globalist. Indeed, if Cruz wants to
defeat Trump to pave the way for Hillary, then he can go to blazes. And
I hope Perry sends him there. This ain't his night. This ain't his
decade. It's not losers that America hates. It's sore losers that sell
their principles at a dime a dozen.
The Muslim tilt is the apotheosis of anti-American, criminal cynicism. The Clintons are the gleam of the devil's eye.
decent civilization that reinforces the essence of the human pursuit --
autonomy for self expression and enterprise -- needs forums for
assimilating values and empathies. It needs to encourage people to
humble themselves to expand their minds by coming together in mutual
respect. That is part of the essential message of Jesus and of churches
that facilitate humble regard for the Great Commandment and the Golden
Rule. Unlike the hubristic Muslim message of superiority, license, and
entitlement, the essential Christian message of strong humility is not
one of predation or parasitism. Unlike mosques, churches that emulate
or adulate the life of Jesus do not license or adulate the life of a
throat-cutting, cousin-marrying, polyamorous pedophile.
atheists, libertines, and anarchists often seem to get hung up on
literalisms. That tends to blind them to otherwise obvious truths
underlying the life of Jesus and the value of coming together to
consider the application of such truths to varying perspectives.
Anti-American anti-Christians (The Faithless) lose the strong, decent,
and civilizing message of moral empathy when they simplistically equate
literalistic bafflegab with Islamic promotion of thuggery exhorted in
the name of a monstrosity imagined by twisted minds to be all supreme.
are The Faithless costing us, as they relentlessly facilitate the
replacement of churches that nurture manly good faith and good will with
mosques that nurture the parasites and predators of entitlement-minded
In the face of predators -- foreign and domestic -- what
becomes of the U.S., as we lose our moral manhood to femi-waggers with
"law" degrees?
I'm from the gov, and I'm here to help you. I'm from the U.S., and I'm here to give you democracy. What's really going on?
going on is perpetual bait and switch, stirred by international people
farmers and race baiters operating out of central power stations like
DC. The hedgers and tippers get rich and powerful, while everyone else
just gets divided, cut up, and had.
Decentralize the power apparatus!
This is not about improving the environment. The way to do that is
to have policies that do not encourage the replacement of Western
societies with exploding births from third world refugees.
This is
about putting the final nails in the coffin, to ensure the two class
system of world rule by faithless people farmers is established beyond
any possible challenge. This is to give carbon cover to executive
diktat to regulate everything. RR: If it moves, tax it, If it keeps
moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
rationalizations for agglomerating central executive authority. Then
use the learned trust of the people to buy off all elitist debt. (Btw,
this demonstrates one among many ways by which Information is fluxed
into Substance, for its exploitation by Consciousness -- in this case,
treacherous forms of Consciousness.)
At the same time, start
confiscating all privately owned guns and gold. Keep the people
divided, stirred up, and at one another's throat by inventing "racism."
And deploy Islam to kill itself and Christianity -- to kill all
Christian means for the citizenry to assimilate better social and
political values.
Why is this so hard for so many dupes to see?
no one was looking, the time limit for voting against automatic
approval of TPP has probably expired. To be announced after the
election. The masses are being regulated -- without their being
represented and without their having consented. This is tyranny, on a
global scale. Through Obama, elites are gigging us ever deeper with
their middle digits. "Free" trade my a.
We've become the New West. The Old West had predators and parasites,
but it also had vigilantes. The New West has predators and parasites,
but they sashay about in creased pants, raised pinkies, extra heeled
black booties, and black robes. And few who want to keep their jobs or
businesses dare to criticize them. Whether it's to clean up Old Dodge or
New Dodge, we need Matt Dillon again.
Our problem may be conceptualized (minded) to relate to a trinitarian
(spiritual) flux: What values exist (Substantive facts), how and in
what aspect do we know they exist (Informational interpretation), and
why should we care (Conscious emotion)? What forms can we bring into
manifestation, and what should (purpose) we do with them?
masses hardly care, because most have accepted that spiritual and
material responsibility should be transferred to the elites. By and
large, the masses have been induced to trade material bribes, false
promises, and indoctrination for mental freedom: Free stuff that isn't
free in trade for surrendering freedom that isn't absolute.
upshot, neither the masses nor the elites much participate in good faith
and good will in guiding the unfoldment of our civilization. Instead,
they simply default to the embrace of mind-overpowering addictions.
They become people-farming pushers in want of addicts, and farmed
addicts in want of pushers. Mind enslavers that want zombies, and
zombies that want mind enslavers. Advertisers posing as educators, and
educators feeding the destruction of the republic.
During the
Renaissance, we ventured out of the cave, got a lot of stuff and dope,
then promptly took it back with us into the cave. The consequence is
the destruction of the republic: A two-class system of fascists, whose
members have faith in nothing but emotions of pleasure and techniques of
power, that is gaily putting the boot on its own faces, all the way
Bottom line: We have become swamped in faithless funk, as
we remain distracted and transfixed by corrupt purveyors of mind
surrender and "very neat" idiocy off the ACLU's fatuously legalistic and
oxymoronic Orwellian charts.
You're holding that candle, looking for the one honest politician. I
don't think one exists that is viable. I see people like never before
rushing to justify killing the republic.
If Trump is lying about
favoring the republic over the rest of the world, then we are already
toast. The thing is, when I look at the people who hate him most, they
all seem to be open border globalists. I don't see any other cards to
play that could salvage us.
After this election, unless Trump
delivers at least some of what he has promised, we may as well turn the
lights out on the American experiment.
And if you have children, they will ask you: "Daddy, once upon a time,
was there every really a United States of America?" And your response
will be: "The USA was just a fairy tale. So people like myself greased
the way to globalism, so the best and brightest could tell everyone
what they needed to do with themselves."
It's true, as robotics replaces human labor, that means alternative
to (or in aid of) the marketplace will have to be found to make
politically viable distributions based on "merit."
However, as you
recognize that the marketplace will no longer, by itself, be sufficient
to steer allocations, you must also recognize that the same applies to
the marketplace internationally. When you say the marketplace cannot
much longer apply nationally, but can much longer apply internationally,
you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. So I think you're
finally and clearly showing your true colors: You WANT elitist rule
over the masses in everything that can be made a subject of material
trade. You aren't bothered by a worldwide caliphate, so long as you
imagine it can be made subordinant to a worldwide syndicate of elitists.
In effect,
arguing that the freedom and dignity of Americans must be sacrificed to
the lowest common denominator of invading third-world fascist
societies. You would purport authority to trade what has been bled
for by your betters in exchange for hand-me-downs, free stuff, and safe
spaces. No thanks!
It's YOU that does not understand. Or care.
Globalism is the flip side of worldwide enserfment to elitists.
Presently, by the Fed's signifying and assertion of power to buy
(international) corporate debt, it is signifying that elites can, by
hook or crook, cinch the masses more and more under their control --
anytime they want -- regardless of which face of the Prog Uniparty
happens to be in favor. Even without law. Simply with executive
elitist diktat. Very neat and gay.
In this, elitists expect to
succeed, and are working feverishly to spread lies and disinformation to
help ensure they do. And you Never Trumpers are helping them. Shame!
bending masses worldwide to elitist rule is not a problem and affront
to basic human dignity, then Orwell rules, and words mean nothing. How
did they squeeze the empathy out of you for the dignity of your fellow
human beings?
If elitist diktat were really about "free trade," as
opposed to lies about the "greatest good for the greatest number," it
would not require 10,000 word bills and treaties. What is prosperity
without freedom? Answer: A bawdyhouse for pigs, some of whom are "more
equal" than others.
For someone who doesn't care because it doesn't matter much,
you seem to care enough to write quite a lot.
You remind me a bit of the scientists who care so much about their
non-caring (posture of objective indifference) for the world.
you were not more comfortable with the agendas of elitists, I doubt you
would be saying, "Globalism is here to stay." Yes, in the scheme of
things, globalism will flux here and there. But to advocate for mass
surrender of freedom and dignity in trade for a mess of pottage and
elitist lies, well, that is an abomination to humanity. But hey, as
long as YOU'RE comfortable with it.
Elitists are leading the masses into the plantation, but only as prelude to the sacrificial barbque. As the main course.
have discovered it's much easier to entice cattle into the
slaugterhouse with bribes and pretty pictures than with prods. Yay:
Free stuff, Obamacare, Black Lives Matter, Equality, Fairness, Charity,
Baby Parts, Nuclear Equality, Islamic Toleration, Entitlement, To Each
According To His Wannas, Space To Destroy, Safe Spaces, Equal
Representation, Metro Projects, Sanctuary Cities. Yay! Sacrifice
yourself for the good of Gaia. To Progs, freedom is just another word
for not enough dope. S/
I agree with the idea that the demographic for the U.S., as a freedom loving people, should be preserved.
I would not agree with is that the color of one's skin precludes one
from being a freedom loving American. Frederich Douglass, Booker T.
Washington, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Michael Jordan,
Lloyd Marcus, Allen West. Problem is, the regime tries to discredit
most of those Americans as "Uncle Toms."
Given the right mix of
circumstances, I am confident a gene pool that is highly competent for
representative republicanism could be pulled from every race. That
said, for whatever reason in nature and/or nurture, there is no denying
that, as it happens, most American Blacks have too much identified with
being Black as opposed to being American.
The way to less racism
is to talk less about race. But that has not been an option, because
our wannabe elitist rulers want to stir division as needed to keep us
under thumbs. That is our main problem. And that main problem is less
about racism than it is about the human capacity for perfidy.
Especially when unguided by decent philosophy (often sponsored as
"God"). America's main problem is not Blacks, Whites, etc. Our main
problem is evildoing, faithless, hedging, feinting, pleasure-addicted,
hubristic, elitist greedheads.
Much as I disdain elite-agarchy, the arguments of multi-culti elitists will have to be met on elitist grounds.
U.S. was a rarity, built mainly by competent and independent minded
individuals who joined for that purpose. Most of the rest of the world
has remained in the default condition of Lowers (peasants) ruled by
Uppers (aristocrats and oligarchs). Now, those oligarchs, through
traitors such as those of the Clinton Foundation, have reached for the
jugular of the U.S., to pull us back into their primitivism.
things stand, given the mass Stockholm Syndrome imposed on much of the
rest of the world, we cannot fix them. Nor, outside Philosophy, can we
argue that we should or should not fix them. IAE, we can hardly fix
them if we let them, through our own traitors, "fix" us.
There is
NO good reason in science or philosophy why we ought to let them pull us
back into the default enserfment of humanity. Problem is, "we," having
been massively invaded without the firing of a shot, are no longer as
vital as once we were.
Progs pretend to be against eugenics, but
that is only so they can practice it all at once by flipping
demographics on entire local gene pools. And the eugenics they want is
much the same as for the plantations of old: Divided masses, with
strong backs and weak minds.
Decent Americans are only now,
possibly too late, awakening to the perfidy of elitists who argue
against the humanity of the masses by seeking to pull the U.S. back into
Think about how quickly gene pools for dogs can be managed to produce
breeds that vary considerably in intelligence and numerous other
aspects. And how a history of wars, famines, and catastrophes can
rapidly change gene pools. Or sudden loss of vitality can invite
immigration to dramatically swamp the gene pool.
If you ignore
that, then I don't see how your "sciency" can be very meaningful for
political purposes. Genes and cultures don't just evolve by
themselves. Political choices help, to affect and direct the evolution
of gene pools. And those choices can be greatly influenced by the
philosophical stuff -- especially bad philosophical stuff as broadcast
by control-minded elitists to entitlement-minded subjects.
IAE, it
is amazing that so many people get hung up against evolution. The fact
that patterns for reproducing forms continue to evolve is as obvious as
noticing that change unfolds. And that evolution takes place within a
system whose flux is governed by conservation of matter and energy, thus
necessitating reconciliatory feedback. It is because material change
entails constant rebalancing of equations that there is no free lunch.
system is "alive" to reconciling sacrifice and guidance. Lower animals
may be unaware of feedback effects on their gene pools. But oligarchs,
cronies, and war chieftains often try to design for the kind of gene
pool they want to bring forth. That is what the Uniparty of Prog
Rino-Dino-Ainos is presently set upon: The deliberate redesign of gene
pools, worldwide, to produce a world of people who want to be farmed,
and of people who want to farm them.
The question is: To what and
whose end is your "sciency" pertinent? Whatever the historical
interest of your sciency, modern science for gene design and gene pool
management will easily swamp it.
Pump cycles? Once survival pressure is reduced because of increased
intelligence, genetic drag resurfaces in the kind of softheadedness we
often see in metromen and jihadi turkeybait. What we reward
(softheadedness), we often soon get more of - - genetically, culturally,
cyclically,, systemically, and spiritually. Farmed people, people
farmers, and liberated people. Fluxing, transposing, and reconciling
But for Cruz' TPP shenanigans and his wife's connection to Goldman
Sachs, it could be argued that he is an anti-globalist who is intent on
warning us against Trump. However, the time left on the clock for him
to make that case is rapidly ticking down.
The best case for Trump is the hysterical hatred he excites from globalists!
Why do globalists hate Trump? Why are globalists falling over
themselves to contribute to Hillary? Why do you prefer a globalist like
You are spreading weapons grade stupidity and BS!!!
"A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.
Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.
On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.
Until recent years, most people caught illegally crossing the southern border were simply bused back into Mexico in what officials called "voluntary returns," but which critics derisively termed "catch and release." Those removals, which during the 1990s reached more 1 million a year, were not counted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement's deportation statistics.
Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records."
See also
Human liberty in the U.S. has a fever, brought on by weapons grade stupidity, willing hacks and abettors, and people-farming oligarchs. This is causing a rapid toppling of liberty-literate demographics, worldwide. It's as if a lot of lofo lowlifes can't wait to rush back to the plantation. Or to push the U.S. into it.
The key concern for those who would preserve a representative republic is to limit
the net proportionate change in demography so that liberty-illiterates from south of the border, Muslim refugees, and technocrats from third world nations do not cause the American experiment to perish from the earth. Why is this hard for you?
Why do you think the destruction of the representative republic is in your interest?
Against the citizens of the U.S., Obama, through DACA, has essentially extended invitations to flout the law, such that trainloads of kids from Guatamala have infested the nation. See Hillary wants many more Muslims. A federal court had to order Obama to cease illegal executive non-enforcement. See
Obama has boosted his numbers by classifying people who are turned back by the Border Patrol, without additional legal process, as "deportees." Whatever increase there may heave been in deportations has been because of laws in place, changes in relative economic circumstances, and manipulation of the definition of deportation. NOT because of any desire by Obama to protect liberty-loving demographics for the U.S. SO IT IS OBVIOUS THAT YOUR "POINT" IS INTENTIONALLY DECEPTIVE!
Why would Obama do this? Well, so he can talk evil out of both sides of his lying mouth. Did you not get the memo? Obama wants to "fundamentally change" (destroy) the representative republic and turn it into an Elitist Diktat for serving faithless, corrupt, kickback, oligarchs. Are you not signing up for the Clinton Foundation money laundering mill for selling out the U.S.? Is that not what you are signing up for? Is that not what BLM is agitating for? Who pays for the signs and overhead to promote your protest events? How many of the sign-walkers have the least clue wth they are about?
When the nation is drowning in illegal aliens -- to finagle the definition of "deport" to play a game with statistics -- is not just asinine. It is maliciously evil!
What good are statistics for the number of "deportations" when the regime is running a turnstile at the border?
This is an evil that has been spread by the Uniparty of Corrupt Rino-Dino Establishmentarians. To say Bush did it too is hardly evidence that the faces of the Establishment are not thoroughly corrupt. For the love of Pete, stop being a house serf!
This Evil is firehose-broadcast by the Soros Open Society pagans. They WANT a borderless world, and they fund much of this. To ignore that takes real effort. Heck, they're even proud of it. They hardly hide it. They smirk about it. Between smirks, they unconscionably and fraudulently tell us it would be "unconstitutional" to limit "immigration" from Muslims. See;
The Uniparty consists of corrupt Rinos and ignorant Dinos. Jesus was neither. Wise up! Decent, free thinking, liberty-loving people are beset from all sides by a rainbow assortment of people-farmers, shills, liars, race-baiters, incompetents, "free-stuff" con artists, "safe-space" carnies, "gender-fluid" child groomers, SJW thugs, metromen, femimen, pimps, perps, pervs, profs, priests, pornologists, and progs. Shame!
For a final ignominy against free thinkers, the regime plans to turn control of the Internet (memory hole) over to a consortium that will not be bound to principles of free speech. The final link will be placed to chain minds under the propagation of crony lies, worldwide. See e.g., You think this is mere diatribe? You're sacrificing your freedom for nothing more than a bowl of pottage.
WWJD? Did Jesus exhort on behalf of vlountary charity? Or did He exhort for a despotic, fascist, or Marxist state? Think man! While you still can.
Your Dem "Heroes" have turned the Middle East into a fire hole. Encouraged failing socialism throughout South America. Weakened the First and Second Amendments. Stirred up racial strife. And now, as people awaken to your evil, you want to call them names? Racist, bigot, phobe, diatribe. What brilliant aholery! YOU ARE THE RACE-ON-THE-BRAIN RACIST! Jesus my foot! You're an anti-American Marx man.
Hint: You can't give hope to the world by licensing fascists to take from liberty-loving producers and give to liberty-illiterates. If you want to give hope, then give the charity and wisdom of the Master: Charity is voluntary, not gov forced. And it does not go primarily to the deliberately indolent or fascist.
How many children has Obama invited to be raped and abused, by encouraging their parents to send them without chaperones on the Beast Train?
When you forcibly take from producers to redistribute to liberty-illiterates, you stir a cauldron, and you
raise a crop of ingrates who merely deem themselves entitlted to more for doing less. When do "reparations" end? When the last race-baiting Marxist whimpers out in his last purple-hazed protest?
That was NOT what the Master taught. If you are so Christian and you are so touched by third world refugees, then stop importing them. Stop enriching and empowering their despotic masters. Go to where they are. Go there and teach them how to develop their talents and reach for liberty for themselves. Stop using them to push the U.S. into their status and to destroy the last best hope for human decency and liberty on the planet.
Who makes us all into cheap labor for the most despicable of oligarchic
globalists, who want to reduce the masses of the world to a lowest
common denominator of cheap laborers. They value your culture only to
keep you from assimilating, only to stir animosity and prevent national
assimilation. They want to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights,
and a lot of ignorant clowns want to help them.
Why have a nation? Why not just open the borders and let everyone come?
Do not the Nigerians, Kenyans, Somalians, Palestinians, Indonesians,
and North Koreans suffer? Is not their suffering as important as yours?
And bring all their El Jefes with them. Lmao.
Why does every imaginable group think it needs to organize itself
politically, to ensure the central gov does not "take it for granted?" I
can understand groups that want to assimilate to achieve a decent,
common purpose -- such as the Bill of Rights, or laws against
exploitation of children or handicapped people, or health and sanitation
laws, standards for weights and measures and traffic regulations and
infrastructure, and protection against despicable people-farming
oligarchs and their subhumans and open-society globalists who want to be
But why do groups think they should seek special
entitlements based merely on blackness, queerness, redness, yellowness,
whiteness, mixedness, fondness for snake handling or goat loving or
polyamory, ethnicity, origin, gender orientation? Why should any of
these groups be seeking to be made "more equal" or more privileged or
more comfited or more reparated under the law? Why do special
snowflakes think the central apparatus and its bureaucrats and panels
should be empowered or entrusted to impose innumerable regulations that
cannot all be understood by anyone but that make criminals of everyone?
Why do they want peeping Uncle SamNicholas to be charged to keep
fascist lists and invade privacy to keep score on everyone who is
naughty or nice (or racist, bigoted, mean, chauvenistic, paternalistic,
maternalistic, judgmental, or haughty) against the "feelings" of anyone?
wth do these groups of special snowflakes want -- some kind of special
class treatment based on the "merits" of their subjective feelings or
special conditions?
Is that not insanely discriminatory? And who
should qualify: Would 1-second or 1-drop people qualify? Would it
matter whether they were light complected, or whether they were Jamaican
Americans instead of faux-African Americans? What about Guatemalan
Americans? Should ghetto people who are white, red, or yellow be
Is there some single active gene that correlates
precisely with status for being a particular kind of Snowflake, so
people could be tested in order to disqualify non-carriers or
non-expressers of the gene?
And when should the special treatment
expire? Once Blackness or Snowflakeness spreads to every citizen? Once
Snowflakes, in mass, fail to launch? or decide to abort themselves out
of political viability? Once blind tolerance leads to the rise and
dominance of a new class, religion, or color-baiting people, such as
Sunni Arabs?
Should we have different tiers of central gov welfare
and specialness for different classifications of skin color, sexual
orientation, or national or ethnic origin? What kind of bureaucratic
panels are we going to need to make these class determinations?
Should we bring in experts from India, to advise on how to develop a gov sponsored caste system?
Really, wth do all these various kinds of gatherings of special
Snowflakes want? Do they have any clue? Do they want more projects,
more central city ghettos, more joblessness, more incentive to never
I am ready for an alternative message: Send
representatives and gather around leaders in order to secede from the
madness of special Snowflakes and instead establish a new birth of
freedom: A new United States, comprised of citizens who are
individually competent adults who value the essential quality of
humanity -- which is the capacity for free thinking and personal
Let the Snowflakes go. Just go. And never, ever come back.
In an enlightened society, the culture would be one that valued the freedom and dignity of individual adults. Such a society ought not allow elitist cronies to redesign its demographics to flip it into one of easily regulated and milked prog-dupes (like BLM, OWS, ACLU, CAIR, SJW, CPUSA, LA RAZA, etcetera). Such a society, as a society of values assimilated to the preservation of human freedom and dignity, ought to consider general incentives as needed to preserve its population. In no event should it allow its borders to be flooded by inassimilable collectivist cultures and mindsets.
Decent Americans have come to a point of choosing: Will they do what is necessary to resist the onslaught of subhuman liberty-illiterates, or will they shoulder responsibility and do what is necessary to preserve the representative republic? I am comforted that a lot of Patrick Henry's still live in the U.S. Collectivists be damned.
Every member of a population that wants to flourish as an enlightened society needs to be attuned not to diversity for diversity's sake on any shallow ground such as race or origin. rather, it needs to be receptive to new blood that is disposed -- whether genetically or culturally -- to want to inculcate and nurture an enlightened and representative republic of freedom loving citizens.
I'm a Native American, born here, 1/32 Cherokee. And I do not like your
desire to destroy the American Ideal of individual freedom and
responsibility so you can parasite off people who have the decency to
actually produce. Buzz off, parasite.
No doubt, you think race on the brain is healthy. You should seek
your special purpose in the African destination of your choosing. I'm
sure a lot of folks would be glad to help you with a one way ticket.
Maybe there you could be part of the solution instead of part of the
problem? I hope you find peace there.
Edit: Take all those days
you spent whining about race. Suppose instead of that, and "educating"
yourself in "critical" studies, you had instead devoted yourself to
learning an honest trade. You would have been considerably better off.
Financially, spiritually, and psychologically. And you might have
actually helped a brother get out of his funk. Instead of reveling in
it. Like proud losers.
Metromen (like Nazi and Marxist goose
steppers and Musloidian cousin marriers and goat lovers) and feminazis
who think they know a better way have throughout history probably been
the cause of more turmoil, suffering, mayhem, and death than any plague.
Electing Obama and Hillary have added to the turmoil. We need to stop
with the metromen, feminazis, and crybullyiing whiner babies. They
bring little more than war, disease, and death. Trump, though a New
Yorker, is also a construction guy. An actual, energetic, man. Who
does not hate America or the American Ideal.
Race race race. You know nothing of history except race. Your brain is
poisoned. Grow up. Then man up. You would be a better person for it.
I think we have some good clues. Division, strife, destruction,
hedging, tipping, war profiteering, nation cannibalization, pulling up
ladders, restoration of feudalism, "noblesse oblige" (hah!), getting the
little people out of the way of their view. These faithless, pagan,
self worshipping, treasonous, treacherous pos's need to be rounded up.
predators need to be Rico'd. Then put in prison. Then their pos
parasitical shills and dumas oz monkeys need to be given their own
utopia and severed from the republic. Decent people need to put
tolerance aside awhile and escort a lot of corrupti and deliberately
ignoranti for an extended reaquaintance with the wood shed. More
workfare; much less welfare for corps and crappies.
Let's face it. Anyone who isn't for taking more free stuff from
white middle class Christian males is a racist. Anyone who advocates
for individual freedom and responsibility is a racist. Anyone who
thinks men tend to do some things better than women and women do some
things better than men is a racist. Anyone who thinks Hillary is a
liar, a crook, a demagogue, a sell out, and a traitor is a racist.
Anyone who prefers Trump because they hope he might be less of a NWO
sell out is a racist. Anyone who thinks the central gov and Congress
ought not be in the business of laundering contributions from
grievance-baiting gang bangers is a racist.
Let's face it:
Everyone who opposes the NWO Uniparty of anti-American predatory
Oligarchs and parasitical Crybullies is a racist. In that case, I adopt
the appellation: I am a Proud Racist American. Eff the demonic
rino-dino-aino alliance of corrupt predatory oligarchs and ignorant
parasitical crybullies! Gather the tar, feathers, and rail.
You are disassociated, all right. So now the mosquito calls the cow a
supremacist? Whatever justifies your predation, you'll always be just a
Black Liberation Theology is just Christian whitewashing put on a
Musloidian agenda. They have become Musloidian fellow travelers.
this way, too many Black Christians have been subverted, to equate the
oppression of taxpayers with "charity." They fail to see that the truly
abusive people (oligarchs) have simply coopted their slow-witted game.
By offering little more than bowls of pottage, oligarchs have enlisted
Musloidian fellow travelers to do the heavy work of destroying the U.S.,
so it can be cannibalized, hollowed out, and sold down the river.
this way, oligarchs and their slow witted Musloidian fellow travelers
are oppressing the world and trying to re-Africanize it. When you
consider the scale of their oppressive plans to subjugate all of
humanity, they have a lot of gall to talk about oppression! If the U.S.
imports very many more like minded liberty-illiterates, the world will
be rolled into a millennial reimposition of two-class feudalism. Really
smarrrt and morrral. Not.
Racist is a word used by parasitic mosquitos to target prey. The
only group that tends, as a group, not to be parasitic consists of
white, middle class, Christian males (WMCM). According to the parasitic
groups, they are the only group that can br racist. Indeed, by their
very being, WMCM are considered to be racist. S/
Because of their
success, WMCM became slow cattle. Parasitic mosquitos will continue to
suck their blood until they wise up and stop rewarding parasites that
refuse even to look for non-blood sucking employment.
The U.S. as a whole benefitted from WMCM. And during WWII, all the
races targeted by the Nazis benefitted from America's WMCM. The world
has benefitted from the scientific advancements of WMCM. The Founders
had to fight the British for their Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights
eventually became an inspiration and a gift to many people.
have a very big log that occludes your vision. Moreover, you lower
yourself to Hillary's level, by "justifying" your parasitism off
"Whitey." Deplorable! Moreover, you include with Whitey every decent
American who holds to the American Ideal but is not white in skin. You
know, the people you would call "Uncle Toms." People with your kind of
blindness are targetting non-white police and soldiers as if they were
our "oppressors." If you want oppression, consider what the world would
be like without whitey or the U.S.
Wars, enslavement,
dhimmification, and "oppression" have been going on between and among
all peoples since the dawn of recorded history. You are one very
cherry-picking, uninformed person!
Moreover, your attempt to
justify parasitism by reference to skin color becomes seen as obviously
counterproductive to everyone who gives it more than a moment's thought.
How in the world do you plan to apportion among non-whites the blood
you suck? Do you have a test based on genes, skin hue, ancestry,
one-drop, two drops, relatives, intermarriage? Do you envision some
kind of reverse master race? And what good has been done for inner city
Blacks as a result of your style of blind parasitism? Madness!
you are a Reverend, inspire "your people" to look to God and their own
responsibility. Man up, instead of teaching people to aspire to become
nothing more than perpetual beggars and entitlement-minded, safe-space,
parasitical, little whiners.
Simple truth: You don't get real
respect by demanding it, as if you were entitled to it. You work and
earn it. And begging, protesting, gang banging, and whining are NOT
what I mean by a man's work. Those things are only "work" for slavers.
But then, Africans have been slavers for a long, long, long time. Just
keep doing what you're doing. Whatever you do, heaven forfend, don't
"act white." S/
In an enlightened society, the culture would be one that valued the
freedom and dignity of individual adults. Such a society ought not
allow elitist cronies to redesign its demographics to flip it into one
of easily regulated and milked prog-dupes (like BLM, OWS, ACLU, CAIR,
SJW, CPUSA, LA RAZA, etcetera). Such a society, as a society of values
assimilated to the preservation of human freedom and dignity, ought to
consider general incentives as needed to preserve its population. In no
event should it allow its borders to be flooded by inassimilable
collectivist cultures and mindsets.
Decent Americans have come to a
point of choosing: Will they do what is necessary to resist the
onslaught of subhuman liberty-illiterates, or will they shoulder
responsibility and do what is necessary to preserve the representative
republic? I am comforted that a lot of Patrick Henry's still live in
the U.S. Collectivists be damned.
Every member of a population
that wants to flourish as an enlightened society needs to be attuned not
to diversity for diversity's sake on any shallow ground such as race or
origin. Rather, it needs to be receptive to new blood that is disposed
-- whether genetically or culturally -- to want to inculcate and
nurture an enlightened and representative republic of freedom loving
An enlightened society needs to apprehend that people
who are devout believers in diversity merely for the sake of diversity,
who have not been able to break free from such indoctrination by the
time they are 21, are unlikely to break free from it by the time they are
40. And, if they have not broken with it by 40, they are unlikely to
break from it even at 60 -- if ever. An enlightened society ought not
be inviting such people to join it. Otherwise, its survival is dubious,
and its prompt fall to a default position of demagogic despotism under
elitist rulers who sneer at those they rule becomes almost certain.
To my mind, let the flies feed the flies. Let the socialists feed
the socialists. Just get the flies off America. Trump should be Deet.
the faithful who want to develop their talents and skills develop them
-- not to pursue a false utopia, but to pursue a goodly/godly society
based on the Master's teaching of the Great Commandment and the Golden
Rule. Return charity to the people, and only rarely, if ever, entrust
it to governments and demagogues who want to rule as gods.
"principled" difference between the predatory slaver with the whip and
the entitlement-minded parasite who joins the gang of an oligarch is one
of little distinction.
I have thought about this. We are either at a point of no return or past it. If we are past it, then you are correct. If we are not past it, then only a miracle will wake up enough people in time. That can't happen by being sweet and nice about it.
The aggravating thing is that the evil uniparty of people farming oligarchs and asinine farmed gangstas, by polluting the electorate, is making its recipe of elitist diktat the only viable choice. The question is: Have they already succeeded?
To that, my analysis is: If they have already succeeded, then our society, as a whole, has little to lose by resisting them. Either way, we will remain a banafrican republic. But if they have not already succeeded, then we have much to gain for ourselves and our progeny, in terms of human dignity and freedom and decency by fighting them.
Too many banafricans see our Founding as no big deal. Actually, it was a very big, even millennial, deal. It occurred at a rare time as a rare consequence of a number of fortuitous events happening to come together all at once: A rich new land, a self reliant pool of new immigrants, a strong work ethic, a strong assimilated faith in the goodness of God, an understainding of the obligation of charity and the potential evil of central gov, a common language, a protective ocean, and a wealth of enlightened thinkers.
For willfully ignorant, selfish, incompetent, entitlement-minded, work-averse, collectivist minded, banafricans and their fellow traveling subhumans and commies and jihadis and reconquisting socialists and metrofemimen and feminazis to destroy (fundamentally change) it is a great sin against everything that is decent and human.
At this point, there is little reason to be nice about this to the rainbow coalition of banafricans and their fellow travelers. All those die-hard ignorant racists posturing as if they were "educated" will simply have to be defeated, and, if feasible, quarantined. They pretend behind well creased pants to be nice and tolerant. The reality is that they are black hearted, mean spirited, intolerant, INCORRIGIBLE, parasites and racists. Indeed, without their coalition of racists, they would have no rainbow of parasiting gangstas to call upon.
Re: " The blacks and whites could join together and focus on the same elite group that has always desired to enslave the human race."
What you're describing are the souldead people farmers. That's why they divide and rule. Why they offer free stuff that really amounts to cutting up multi culti in order to entice each to seek such "free stuff" by pillaging from all others. They even kill one another over their territories of plunder. Subject to the big vig for the people farmers.
An enlightened society ought to learn how to preserve itself and avoid falling into snares of the people farming souldeads. Unfortunately, the souldeads have after many years become very skilled in breeding (with visas), indoctrinating (with "education"), and mesmerizing (with advertising and propaganda) useful idiots so they are reliably attracted and controlled by appeals to envy, jealousy, and self esteeming rationalization (cheap "free stuff").
Some groups have been made so inbred, project ghetto bound, and culturally isolated that they will always prefer phony promises under the oligarchic plantation. As reliable voters and enforcers for the oligarchs, they are the perpetual "house servants." And if you try to free them from their caves, they scream "racist!" And call you deplorable.
What have they got to lose by supporting Trump? Answer: Their chains and mental disease. But they will kill before they let go of those.
Welfare ("free" stuff) arranged by oligarchs laundering pols buys
armies of useful ingrates. Oligarchs use the ingrates as advance forces
to plunder entire nations and governments.
Shills and phony
scientists and profs for faith-breaking oligarchic devils train the
masses to believe the oligarchs are benefactors and the producers that
are plundered somehow deserve it because ... racism.
The inmate
ingrates pillage and burn, the oligarchs party, and the devil laughs.
Welcome to the Arfican Banana Republic -- banafra-ca-nation: The
rino-dino uniparty of soulless faith breakers and trust breachers. The
trained racists projecting their racism onto everyone and everything
Our leaders are stupid. And corrupt. And phony. Our New Gov God is crap.
Black leaders and black culture are failing Blacks. As individuals,
Blacks would do much better if they thought more about being responsible
Americans and less about being black.
What good have race agitators done? The effort to open public accomodations has succeeded. It is over.
effort to further force reparations and quotas is misguided,
unscientific, politically abusive, and, in the end, counterproductive.
It takes decisions away from private enterprise, puts them under
dimwitted bureaucrats, nurtures cultures of ingrates and incompetents,
rewards sloth, and, in the end, destroys the republic by undermining the
Constitution and substituting arbitrary rule under diktat of
people-farming despots and oligarchs. It makes the U.S. into a banana
republic. Banafricanization: Not smarrrt, not good, and not just.
"Good" only for race pimps and their oligarchic partners in cheap-labor
crime and destruction.
EDIT: Somehow, the union of people-farming
oligarchs and free-stuff agitaters has produced a uniparty of
self-admiring narcissists that deems itself "smart" -- because it breaks
faith with the American Ideal, plunders and pillages the "not-so-smart"
producers (whities and uncle toms), and cannibalizes the republic in
order to leave a Marxist-Muslim shell. For Dems, this faith-breaking
and plundering passes as "smart." Wth is wrong with the souls of these
Wth is wrong with the souls of these people? Do they think Jesus wants them ganging up to plunder from Whitey? No wonder so many turn to Islam. They want to "justify" rapine and plunder and self help (gov sponsored) affirmative "charity."
Bling Lords of flies actually think good people admire them. That's because we
have been infested with so many maggots. But it's too late to say so,
because the maggots deplore us when we do. Human beings will not
survive unless they start doing something effective about all the
marxist muslim maggots.
Somehow, the union of people-farming oligarchs and free-stuff
agitators has produced a uniparty of self-admiring narcissists that
deems itself "smart" -- because it breaks faith with the American Ideal,
plunders and pillages the "not-so-smart" producers (Whities, Uncle
Toms, and White Hispanics), and cannibalizes the republic in order to
leave a Marxist-Muslim shell. For Dems, this faith-breaking and
plundering passes as "smart." Wth is wrong with the souls of these
Wth is Obama still popular? Evidently, while producing
Americans slept, we let Gremlins flip our demography into a
Marxist-Muslim hell. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and too
many of us stopped paying that price.
The oligarchs that own Hillary are confident that she can be relied
upon to do as they have paid her to do. They have confidence in their
puppet to be a puppet, so the humanity of the puppet is not of
significant import to them. Unless, that is, the public learns of the
To elect Hillary is to lodge at the Roach Hotel: The U.S.
might go in, but it would not come out. This seems appropriate for
It's only profiling if its white to black. Not black to white. This
is part of the reparation "calculus." For whites, it's prejudice. For
blacks, it's Justice. Entitlement. Reparations. So 95% of Blacks
voting for Obama had nothing to do with racism. S/
Actually, most
Blacks are racists. They have been "educated" to have race on the
brain. They and other "minorities" think enforcing the borders and
Constitution is racism. With this quality of "education" and thinking,
it will take a miracle for the U.S. to survive the next 4 years as any
kind of representative republic.
The swamping of our nation with
the bilge of banana republics is probably terminal. Moreover, most of
our profs (indirectly paid by people-farming oligarchs) are nutcase
pos's. What else could explain the rampant, probably terminal,
stupidity? Like Trump tries to tell us: Our leaders are stupid. And
When a political yard sign is destroyed, or a car is
"keyed," more likely than not the perp was a Democrat. Except in
Presidential years, Dems are less likely to be smart or responsible
enough to vote. And they are easier for nutcase profs to mislead. Yet,
Dems never tire of telling us how "smart" they are. Rrrright. S/
borders, a nation is lost. With too much multiculti, the
representative republic is destroyed and the people become mere cattle
for despotic oligarchs to farm. And man, do the cattle ever come for
the "free stuff" lies of the people farmers!
Good, decent,
thinking Americans have taken in too much crap for much too long. It is
way past time for them to demand an accounting.
Given that 95% of Blacks voted twice for Obama. most people may
reasonably respect that most Blacks have a preference to be among
themselves. When other people do happen to sit next to Blacks, most, to
my observation, are quite cordial and friendly. This is just more
pre-conditioned "I'm Black so you're a racist." This blackness 'tude
has gone beyond being very, very tiresome and loathesome. Talk to the
hand, because I no longer buy this crap.
Some people will argue that no-thing, whether among measurables or
non-measurables, was or is divinely inspired, nor divinely inspiring.
Not even the cosmos. For them, neither morality nor purposefulness
really exists. But they never tire of telling us what we ought
(morally) to be doing (giving to them). They represent no gravity.
They are a sucking void. Fitted by their sophistries to be physically,
mentally, and spiritually incompetent -- except to suck from
collectives. But for their racist hate for Whiteys and Uncle Toms, they
would be nothing but harridans, shrieking in the wind.