Can freedom survive the agglomeration of all power to the central apparatus, if it is able to monopolize the parceling out of rewards to oligarchs for hobbling the masses? Not likely.
Can freedom survive the agglomeration of power to the central apparatus to decree and punish that which is hate speech? Can freedom survive forcing people to communicate common sense only in whispers? Maybe.
That's how DJT was elected, despite all the fascist hate by stooges for the oligarchy. As stooges were promoted beyond their levels of expertise, they became easy marks for more competent Americans. So Bannon triumphed over Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, Megyn Kelly, and Hillary. EVEN THOUGH his followers were muzzled in public by all the PC krap.
Most of modern discrimination is by Fascist Collectivists against Free Thinkers. Fascists posing as SJW's will never comprehend why ordinary Americans of all colors feel discriminated against by those who exercise Fascist Privilege to shout down, suspend, fire, sue, and punish citizens for little more reason than for opining that people should be able to judge others for the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
If the discrimination paid for and agitated by Fascists were not everywhere so pervasive, people would not feel compelled to whisper when they express little more than common sense. This is the consequence of nearly surrendering the republic to the rule of oligarchs hiring stooges to pretend to be looking out for the little people. (Hillary cares? What a bad joke.)
Most of the discrimination is by Fascist Collectivists against Free Thinkers. Fascists posing as SJW's will never comprehend why ordinary Americans of all colors feel discriminated against by those who exercise Fascist Privilege to shout down, suspend, fire, sue, and punish citizens for little more reason than for opining that people should be able to judge others for the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. If the discrimination paid for and agitated by Fascists were not everywhere so pervasive, people would not feel compelled to whisper when they express little more than common sense. This is the consequence of nearly surrendering the republic to the rule of oligarchs hiring stooges to pretend to be looking out for the little people. Hillary cares? What a bad joke
For incompetents, it's self-soothing to say that no one who has achieved more has earned it. It's easier to say that no one earns or merits anything. From there, the argument by incompetents is that everyone is equally deserving and entitled. The problem with such "reasoning" is that everyone will want to be seen as entitled, and no one will want actually to serve these so-called entitleds. The consequence would be worldwide dystopia, leading to worldwide despotism. When everyone is equal and no one can actually earn anything, misery becomes ubiquitous, as night follows day. Only a citizenry indoctrinated into stupidity would fail to see it.
So wannabe despots play to the "you didn't earn that" meme, even though they do not want to empower the masses, but to farm them. To establish and preserve a decent society, it is essential that more people develop a better philosophy about property rights and what should be meant by "earning" and "meriting." It is also essential that they learn how to recognize (yes, judge) and deflate the cynical, souldead corrupti that want to farm them.
To deflate people-farmers, it is necessary to break their grips on every institution of social persuasion and influence. It is also necessary to break the financial pipeline whereby more and more unbalanced wealth and power is pumped to oligarchs, to the destruction of influence from the striving classes. The only kind of tax that might break the trend for unbalanced empowering of corrupt influence buyers would be a progressive tax on personal consumption. However, once a citizenry has been sufficiently corrupted and stupefied, no mere form of tax can salvage it. So the process of filtering and floating krap will continue. And so it floats. And corrupts stooges.
It is easy for souldead cynical oligarchs to pull Lefties around by the nose. In part, this is because it is so easy to be a Lefty.
It is very easy to be a Liberal! It requires little education about history. Hardly any thought about moral philosophy. It puts you with ready-made friends whose only commonality is love of helping the plight of poor thugs by using other people's money -- and blaming them for not paying more. That and the "principle" of pleasure -- free love, free stuff, safe spaces, and "if it feels good do it."
You have only to learn a few words (racist, phobic, misogynist, supremacist) and then apply them to every word used by anyone who argues in opposition. Those who educate and fund you (professors, employers, oligarchs) will reward you handsomely for helping to divide, disarm, and impoverish the masses by opening borders to invite competition from illegal aliens who are desperate for work and ready made to hate everyone who is better off in terms of economic security than they are and wants to keep whatever property they have earned. The pay for helping souldead oligarchs cannibalize formerly wealthy representative republics is good. And more legitimate than robbing banks.
This is the exploitation of Fascist Privilege. The Fascist Privilege is the privilege of never having to think or to say you're sorry, because your intentions, however historically illiterate they may have been, were "good". (See The Gulag Archipelago.) It is the privilege to undermine families, destroy religious good faith, and excite division and animosity. IOW, to un-glue society.
Fascist Privilege gives a faster greed track for those willing to sell out their fellow Americans in order to please NWO oligarchs --- all while pretending to be doing it for social justice, equality, and fairness.
Fascist Privilege encourages parents to raise and farm incompetent liberty-illiterates, and weaponizes such children by indoctrinating them that ordinary Americans are racists, phobics, rednecks, without class, greed heads, god nuts, or gun nuts --- who need to be fem-ed and farm-ed by their betters. IOW, rendered sub-humans, by sub-humans.
Fascist Privilege is used by all the oligarchs who cannot control Trump against the general citizenry.
It is used to hoodwink the masses --- by assaults throughout fake media, fake academia, fake entertainment, fake charitable foundations, laundering banks, and paid-for judges and legislators.
Fascist Privilege is a thousand fold more dangerous to human freedom, dignity, and decency than so-called White Privilege. It is a mortal threat to the representative republic, and it is a catalyst for human misery and enserfment. Likely, all agitators against so-called White Privilege are stooges for Fascist Privilege. The purpose of the Fascists who fund and promote Fascist Privilege is to turn the masses, worldwide, into little more than exploitable farm animals. To entice the masses to give up all representative republics in exchange for fake promises of equality and fairness, to be distributed by expert caring elitists.
The reason Fascist Privilege is so powerful today is because souldead corrupt oligarchs have taken over nearly ever institution of power and persuasion. They hedge-fund Dino-and-Rino stooges, to keep the nation divided, weak, and easy to farm.
As surely as night follows day, when the masses are made liberty-illiterate and ruled by little more than their short term pleasures, the people farmers will want elections by popular vote, unchecked by any other considerations.
I would agree that if we allow our nation to be overrun by liberty-illiterates and short-sighted pleasure-addicts and femimen, we will be unfit for representative republicanism. I would agree that is the goal of the oligarchy and their stooges, who just want their soma.
I think promoting understanding through volunteerism is vital. I think trying to fix every insult with laws piled on laws tends often to be counterproductive. I would like to see a lot more black police officers. I would like to see more faith, family, fidelity. Less license, hedonism, and envy. I suspect a big part of the established oligarchy profits by keeping people stirred up and divided. I hope for the best, but I fear the trend. "A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me."--- Frederick Douglass
What is the flag kneeling about? Is it really about police oppression? The police oppression is only a small part of what oppresses people of color. To ban police from their neighborhoods is not to decrease oppression, but to increase it, by giving free reign to outlawry. If the problem were white police officers, then the solution would be easy: Just hire and train more officers of color.
Or is it really about misplaced and stirred up animosity against everyone who is not of African origin? If Liberals really did anything effective to reduce oppression, what would happen to the voting base they farm? What are Section 8 houses and hood centers, if not farms for electing fake Liberals? Do such people really believe they can force others to lovingly serve them? Apart from the kind of Stockholm Syndrome common among Islamic societies, what rapist should expect his victim to love him?
I suspect the new world ethos is based on license, hedonism, and envy, to the destruction of faith, family, and fidelity. Such a world will not cohere voluntarily. It requires maliciously elite rulers, pretending to be moral scientists. How else to indoctrinate the people to be roped, branded, and de-horned -- like farmed cattle?
We seem to be on a path leading to the central farming of the masses by cynical, soul dead, booty-minded oligarchs and Oz monkeys --- skilled at pretending to want to lead us to equality and fairness. They do this while they take away our individual freedom, dignity, and responsibility.
The world has been pushed along this path so long, I'm far from confident that a worldwide centralized dystopia can be avoided. When cattle yield the responsibility to feed them to others, they will get farmed. I suspect the people-farming establishment looks upon DJT as a rustler.
By giving up their individual responsibility, the masses are being had. And the republic is being swamped under a NWO whose agents only pretend to want equality and fairness. This is about much more than race and divisiveness. It is about the worldwide destruction of human freedom and dignity. I shudder at the sub-humanizing kind of world we are leaving for our children. To say I do not trust the modern professoriate of pretending "moral scientists" shilling for the established oligarchy would be a considerable understatement.
My heroes include Ben Carson, David Clarke, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, and Martin Luther King, Jr.. They do not seem to be sell-outs or shills for the people-farming establishment. Not burners, looters, traffic stoppers, saggy-panters, or shills for people-farmers.
I suspect empathy, like altruism, is innate to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to disarm itself and kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish, defend, and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens. Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Prince Arjuna was empathetic. Apart from a responsible purpose, proponents of unguided empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers, bent on monopolizing media to foster resentments in order to divide and cannibalize a republic. There is little virtue in being tolerant or empathetic of professional victims or victimizers, merely for the sake of being empathetic. Beyond love, children need to be guided in how to grow up.
Socialism Done Right: If you were born in a country that has materially benefitted from the industrial and technological revolutions that accompanied free enterprise, then it's like you were born 10 yards away from a touchdown against everyone born in any other nation. This is unequal privilege!
Everyone born with such unequal privilege should be shamed, until he shares 90% of his wealth with every person in every nation whose populace has not yet developed the culture and initiative that can sustain a competitive system of free enterprise.
The fact that this would undermine the free enterprise that produced such wealth is far less important than the good feelings, social justice, and higher civilization that will arise once worldwide Socialism is done right. So history and fascist oligarchs teach, right?
For those unburdened by history or responsible adulthood, the above is sarcasm. But why does social misery always follow in the wake of snake-oil salesmen? Some people want to impose misery, the better to signal pretended virtue and sustain the market for snake oil. Some people want to impose misery, the better to wear their boots and saggy pants on the faces of others. Some people want to impose misery, because they have twisted their faith to believe that individual autonomy and happiness are bad. But really, what is the virtue in imposing worldwide social misery?
Generalized altruism can arise voluntarily throughout an assimilating culture. Or it can arise through the force and diktat of Moral Scientismists loosed upon the public by Elite Oligarchs and Despots. In the first case, altruism tends to flow from personal connections among the people throughout a culture. Your identity relates to people you empathize with who are close to you. In the second case, your identity has not empathized with any particular persons, but with an imagined persona of a celebrated elitist/despot. More like Fake Altruism than Informed Altruism. More like a Pharisee, signaling his virtue to his Benefactors.
EDIT: When can a baby cry? Anytime he wants to. But when he does, he will tend to be put back in the crib. Until he figures out something more productive to do with himself.
Everyone born with such unequal privilege should be shamed, until he shares 90% of his wealth with every person in every nation whose populace has not yet developed the culture and initiative that can sustain a competitive system of free enterprise.
The fact that this would undermine the free enterprise that produced such wealth is far less important than the good feelings, social justice, and higher civilization that will arise once worldwide Socialism is done right. So history and fascist oligarchs teach, right?
For those unburdened by history or responsible adulthood, the above is sarcasm. But why does social misery always follow in the wake of snake-oil salesmen? Some people want to impose misery, the better to signal pretended virtue and sustain the market for snake oil. Some people want to impose misery, the better to wear their boots and saggy pants on the faces of others. Some people want to impose misery, because they have twisted their faith to believe that individual autonomy and happiness are bad. But really, what is the virtue in imposing worldwide social misery?
Generalized altruism can arise voluntarily throughout an assimilating culture. Or it can arise through the force and diktat of Moral Scientismists loosed upon the public by Elite Oligarchs and Despots. In the first case, altruism tends to flow from personal connections among the people throughout a culture. Your identity relates to people you empathize with who are close to you. In the second case, your identity has not empathized with any particular persons, but with an imagined persona of a celebrated elitist/despot. More like Fake Altruism than Informed Altruism. More like a Pharisee, signaling his virtue to his Benefactors.
EDIT: When can a baby cry? Anytime he wants to. But when he does, he will tend to be put back in the crib. Until he figures out something more productive to do with himself.
I think there is a spiritual basis for altruism. Even Ayn Rand recognized how a person identifies his interests with those of his family. That easily extends to close neighbors, friends, tribal affiliates, persons with shared cultural values. That kind of altruism can be self affirming, healthy, and make for purposeful existentiality. But the kind of communistic pc altruism that is drummed and forced into you by ruling elites is not like that. Their altruism comes at the cost of killing the souls in humanity, turning us into zombie serfs. Their altruism is the false promise of the devil, that always produces misery. They do the Big Lie, saying give to us so we can equally redistribute fairness. What they really mean to do is take a big cut, then dole out as needed to preserve the enserfment. Aid to lands ruled by despots is ever thus. So called social justice leaders, as they wear their fake virtue on their sleeves, always shill for such despots because the rewards are so greasy easy.
Freedom comes with consequences. Within the law, everyone can protest, speak, and lead by example. Start, join, and encourage a Charity, Civic Club, Church, or Synagogue. Contribute to big brothers, big sisters, children's homes. If you provide a good example, you will inspire. If your argument resonates, it will spread. If it sucks, it will get smacked down. Sure as the Sun rises. Teaching children to whine instead of to become competent is a losing, evil way of life.Problem is, if you want to get promoted by those cynics who run most modern institutions, the path is far easier if you become adept at mouthing the pc than if you function as a responsible individual. If you become skilled with the pc, you can get away with just about any s*** imaginable.
Some say the system does not allow them to protest. What hooey! They protest all the time. Shouting down speakers. Enforcing pc speech codes. Floating nothing but socialists to tenured positions. Liberating property during protests. Making it their occupation to have children for welfare purposes and to vote for a living. Following Crowds on Demand. Whining when producers decline to volunteer to have their blood sucked.
The ultimate in virtue signaling would be to feed yourself to the parasites. Matthews wants everyone to feed themselves to the worms. It's time he showed us how.
I'm not stopping the Players from protesting, and they won't stop me from declining to buy their product.
Who's divisive: The President, the Players, and/or the People who profit and entertain themselves by fomenting divisiveness? We need to think this through. Have our institutions become so compromised that Evil is having its way with Ignorance?
People's emotions are being played, to lead them to unfriend one another and work themselves into opposing frenzies of war parties. Cui bono? Apart from allowing themselves to be riled, what do the Players really really want, that can be served by these kinds of divisive protests? Tell me what it is that they really really want to legislate.
Like helpless toddlers, so-called anti-fascists have no clue what their purpose is, what they're protesting, or how to go about achieving a goal. They hear other whiners and they whine with the trend. What do they want, what law do they really want to pass, how do they plan to achieve it, apart from whining and insulting? They have no clue. They are led by the noses by agitators working for despots with ulterior motives.
Suggestion: Get counseling for personal problems. See a reputable Minister. Find alternatives to wearing Castro shirts, advocating for bs communism, wearing cop-pig socks, falling for people-farming oligarchs. Have a decent goal. Join a charity or civic club to that purpose. Don't insult people by flashing your butt with saggy pants or by blaring hateful rap crap. Don't make excuses for death-dealing cults. Don't go into debt to be indoctrinated into bs by bs profs. When in America, do as Americans do. Hint: Most Americans do not respect able-bodied beggars and whiners.
Oligarchic Socialism is in some respects like the Communist Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Both seem to apply Alinsky's Rules for (Oligarchic Control of) Radicals. The Owners are the Oligarchs/Nomenklatura. The Players are their well paid Shills. The Fans are the Useful Idiots.
Those Rules are often in tension. See Rule 7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. And Rule 11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counter side.
People are trying to debate Substance, but what is really at issue is Control.
For Substance, many of the Fans readily appreciate that, like helpless toddlers, so-called anti-fascists and social justice warriors have no clue what their purpose is, what they're protesting, or how to go about achieving a goal. They hear other whiners and they whine with the trend.
Ask: What do they want, what law do they really want to pass, how do they plan to achieve it, apart from whining and insulting? They have no clue. They are led by the noses by agitators working for despots with an ulterior motive: Control. The Owners would sooner suffer a temporary drop in profits than a loss of the system of Oligarchic Socialism that is called American Football.
Substantive Suggestions for Useful Idiots: Get counseling for personal problems. See a reputable Minister. Find alternatives to wearing Castro shirts, advocating for bs communism, wearing cop-pig socks, falling for people-farming oligarchs. Have a decent goal. Join a charity or civic club to that purpose. Don't insult people by flashing your butt with saggy pants or by blaring hateful rap crap. Don't make excuses for death-dealing cults. Don't go into debt to be indoctrinated into bs by bs profs. When in America, do as Americans do. Hint: Most Americans do not respect able-bodied beggars and whiners.
Problem is, they aren't called Useful Idiots for nothing. Substance will sail over their heads and be replaced by nonsensical slogans. Such as, "How else can a black person demonstrate?" What crap!
Apparently, African and Caribbean black lives do not matter.
They are not liberals. They are indoctrinated sheeple. A single oligarch can herd millions of them.
The planet has reverted to a sheeple farm. It's very hard now not to be either a sheeple or a sheeple farmer. Opportunities for independent minded, free thinking, autonomous Black Sheep are becoming extinct. Whether you are "educated" at a public school or a corporate school, you are being pc-indoctrinated to accept the established operators of the divide-and-rule memory hole.
People are not taught to remember or reconcile principles, but to go with the established trend setters and opportunists. Resisting on real principle is a career destroyer. It will get you flunked or fired. The inevitable consequence of concentration of wealth and technological power, combined with ever-dividing immigration policies, is the destruction-by-cooption of every representative republic.
A representative republic is a delicate flower, that depends on the reproduction and exertion of very brave and competent citizens. I doubt the ingredients for that happen to come together more than about once a millennium. It is hard gained and easily lost. It's price is eternal vigilance. Without a higher-minded faith, that is very unlikely to persist. Every person who might defend the representative republic is now being ridiculed, reviled, hounded, monitored, demoted, made irrelevant.
The Resident Evil will not rest until it has wiped out every vestige of respect for informed free speech under a representative republic. After that, it will redistribute equality. Equality in misery.
Some of the anti-Trumpers seem to think we would be a better, safer nation if we replaced the police with Antifa. IAE, everyone seems to hate the police, until you need them. This is getting to be a really stupid drag. It seems to be about Control: Will we retain a semblance of a Representative Republic, or will we allow stooges to agitate us to whimper, whine, and bend under Oligarchic-Fascist-Socialism?
Who knows what the kneelers are protesting? Well, now some Libs... have stepped in to tell them. They may not have known it, but they are apparently protesting for social justice. Apparently, they want less police harassment. Even though in many cases the harassment proves out to have been not quite what it was said to be.
Regardless, what the heck is "equal" about reducing police protection, if it results in increased danger in race-based neighborhoods? How do you get less police harassment without getting less police protection in dangerous areas?
Can't say this in school or on a job. Or if you want to grease a ride on the fast track. Institutionalized flunkies for the oligarchy would get you flunked or fired. But I'm retired, so I can call it as I see it.
The owners/Nomenklatura seem to be united with the players/Shills for the purpose of spreading the system of oligarchic socialism that is the model for American football to the rest of society. They don't like the representative republic, so they coordinate discrediting its flag. They discredit the flag because they are working to impose a model of elitist rule via oligarchic socialism. They imagine that would produce more fairness and equality. Iow, they are illiterates of history. If you don't like elitist rule, you should be working to preserve the representative republic and its flag, instead of to discredit it.
What kind of criminal justice reform? Pro rata equalize arrests based on race? How about instead of kneeling, go through a program to become a part time deputy. After all, these protesting athletes have months off between seasons. Volunteer to provide police assistance and neighborhood watch assistance. Or support those who do. Instead of making up phony claims about phony outrages. Do something positive instead of teaching so many kids to play imavictim for the rest of their lives.
Evidently, Paddock hated the republic and was unfit for decent society. I wonder how many of his ilk believe the world would be better off by destroying the American Republic and replacing it with some kind of unspecified governance of elite knowbetters? These imavictim parasites are really getting to be a drag.
EDIT: Do they hate the police or just the idea of policing? If they hate the police, then the fit ones should take the training to become volunteer reserve deputies, to try to do something positive to improve law enforcement. Instead of working to destroy the republic and its symbols.
Except on faith, how can anyone say whether society should flux based on an unfolding accumulation and expression of individual likes of citizens versus an expression of elite determiners of likes?
Unless one on faith believes in an innate dignity for each perspective of personhood, one has no moral argument for resisting the rule of any arbitrary oligarchy that may gain power. It is meaningless for faithless people to claim to be as moral as any other, because they attach no meaning to the word moral --- apart from whatever serves their wannas.
They are not liberals. They are indoctrinated sheeple. A single oligarch can herd millions of them.
The planet has reverted to a sheeple farm. It's very hard now not to be either a sheeple or a sheeple farmer. Opportunities for independent minded, free thinking, autonomous Black Sheep are becoming extinct. Whether you are "educated" at a public school or a corporate school, you are being pc-indoctrinated to accept the established operators of the divide-and-rule memory hole.
People are not taught to remember or reconcile principles, but to go with the established trend setters and opportunists. Resisting on real principle is a career destroyer. It will get you flunked or fired. The inevitable consequence of concentration of wealth and technological power, combined with ever-dividing immigration policies, is the destruction-by-cooption of every representative republic.
A representative republic is a delicate flower, that depends on the reproduction and exertion of very brave and competent citizens. I doubt the ingredients for that happen to come together more than about once a millennium. It is hard gained and easily lost. It's price is eternal vigilance. Without a higher-minded faith, that is very unlikely to persist. Every person who might defend the representative republic is now being ridiculed, reviled, hounded, monitored, demoted, made irrelevant.
The Resident Evil will not rest until it has wiped out every vestige of respect for informed free speech under a representative republic. After that, it will redistribute equality. Equality in misery.
Empathy, like altruism, is innate to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens. Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Apart from a responsible purpose, empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers.
How much of the destructive hate now on display everywhere should be laid at the door of agents that are fomenting hate against the republic?
EDIT: Do they hate the police or just the idea of policing? If they hate the police, then the fit ones should take the training to become volunteer reserve deputies, to try to do something positive to improve law enforcement. Instead of working to destroy the republic and its symbols.
Except on faith, how can anyone say whether society should flux based on an unfolding accumulation and expression of individual likes of citizens versus an expression of elite determiners of likes?
Unless one on faith believes in an innate dignity for each perspective of personhood, one has no moral argument for resisting the rule of any arbitrary oligarchy that may gain power. It is meaningless for faithless people to claim to be as moral as any other, because they attach no meaning to the word moral --- apart from whatever serves their wannas.
They are not liberals. They are indoctrinated sheeple. A single oligarch can herd millions of them.
The planet has reverted to a sheeple farm. It's very hard now not to be either a sheeple or a sheeple farmer. Opportunities for independent minded, free thinking, autonomous Black Sheep are becoming extinct. Whether you are "educated" at a public school or a corporate school, you are being pc-indoctrinated to accept the established operators of the divide-and-rule memory hole.
People are not taught to remember or reconcile principles, but to go with the established trend setters and opportunists. Resisting on real principle is a career destroyer. It will get you flunked or fired. The inevitable consequence of concentration of wealth and technological power, combined with ever-dividing immigration policies, is the destruction-by-cooption of every representative republic.
A representative republic is a delicate flower, that depends on the reproduction and exertion of very brave and competent citizens. I doubt the ingredients for that happen to come together more than about once a millennium. It is hard gained and easily lost. It's price is eternal vigilance. Without a higher-minded faith, that is very unlikely to persist. Every person who might defend the representative republic is now being ridiculed, reviled, hounded, monitored, demoted, made irrelevant.
The Resident Evil will not rest until it has wiped out every vestige of respect for informed free speech under a representative republic. After that, it will redistribute equality. Equality in misery.
Empathy, like altruism, is innate to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens. Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Apart from a responsible purpose, empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers.
Depends on how you define various terms, such as Godliness, Morality, Virtue, and Goodness.
As to system-wide objective morality, I doubt God is incapable of being surprised by Feedback into changing his/her Mind. I doubt God can be apart from the unfolding Creation. To measure or judge it is to become a part of it. Subjective Mind expresses Objective Morality. Without conscious subjective appreciation, objective moral measurability would be a chimera.
I suspect empathy, like altruism, is innate (therefore objective) to the extent you identify with those who happen to be close to you in some way. It can be expanded (therefore subjective) to the extent you learn to expand the circle of those whose purposes and needs you happen to identify with. It is not principled unless it is directed to some responsible purpose. Politically, empathy can be directed to push a society to disarm itself and kneel under elite oligarchs. Or it can be directed to help establish, defend, and sustain a representative republic of competent, vigilant, and responsible citizens.
Empathy can consist in tough love, beyond coddling. Prince Arjuna was empathetic. Apart from a responsible purpose, proponents of unguided empathy would be herded by opportunistic people farmers, bent on monopolizing media to foster resentments in order to divide and cannibalize a republic.
There is little virtue in being tolerant or empathetic of professional victims or victimizers, merely for the sake of being empathetic.
Beyond love, children need to be Guided in how to grow up. But the unfolding process entails feedback and surprise. The assimilating Guide abides in a Common Consciousness (God, Collective Unconscious?), of which perspectives are availed to mortals.
Lefties are sell outs to the people farmers. The despicable anti-republic oligarchy runs so many institutions that hardly anyone who is in school, employed, or dependent on a lib-run pension can safely comment on any media against it. Instead, tenure and promotions go to PC sell outs to the sheeple farmers. This will not result in a flowering of social justice, equality, and fairness. Rather, it will produce mass poverty and enserfment. But at least the neutered sheeple will then be "equal."
Open borders is dog whistling for making the masses equally desperate and poor. Kneelers hate the ideals of individual freedom, dignity, and responsibility. They want to replace the republic with a NWO that their minders tell them will spread fairness and equality, but that history shows will instead spread impoverishment and enserfment. They so hate America that they will make a false perfect the deathly enemy of the good.