Sunday, November 5, 2017

Rino v. Dino Collectivism

Good grief.  No, I'm not arguing that moral and ethical decisions are insufficient if arrived at exclusively through naturalistic scientific reasoning.  I'm arguing that you don't have much of a clue about what naturalistic scientific reasoning means.  I'm also arguing that the moral and ethical decisions that your ilk have actually arrived at are often a fascist bane to decent civilization for free-thinking human beings who prefer not to be ruled by fake liberal fascists.

As to who is talking about pleasure, Wiki summarizes your confusion:  "At the Moving Naturalism Forward workshop, Nobel Prize winning physicist Steven Weinberg described how in his youth he had been a utilitarian but had been dissuaded of the notion that "the fundamental principle that guides our actions should be the greatest happiness for the greatest number" by reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Weinberg went on to say: "Now, Sam Harris is aware of this kind of counter argument [to utilitarianism], and says it's not happiness, it's human welfare. Well, as you make things vaguer and vaguer, of course, it becomes harder and harder to say it doesn't fit your own moral feelings, but it also becomes less and less useful as a means of making moral judgements. You could take that to the extreme and make up some nonsense word and say that's the important thing and no-one could refute it but it wouldn't be very helpful. I regard human welfare and the way Sam Harris refers to it as sort of halfway in that direction to absolute nonsense.

My comment:  I fail to see how advocating for the most well being for the most people is any kind of improvement over the utilitarian argument advocating for the most happiness (or pleasure) for the most people.  In both cases, the argument that such a "principle" can be measured in practice on some kind of science based scale is juvey at a fundamental level.  it's the sort of argument that a militant atheist or gay hedonist would make, to try to force everyone else to accept the "objective science" of his system of values.

I can see wo is advocating for delegating moral decisions to elites of science and socialism.  But who is advocating for delegating moral decisions to fake elites and authoritarians of religions dogma?  You imply I am.  However, if you can read and think at all, you will observe I have advocated no such thing!  I have said we are all "will-participants."  We have participatory will.   I have said spiritual forums that advocate for the Great Commandment (good faith) and the Golden Rule (good will) can (not must) tend to inspire us to assimilate values that can help sustain decent civilization.  Maybe you are upset because I do not find gov forcing of funding and celebration of same sex marriage to be one of those values?

Moreover, I have not said science has no role.  When you decide on a moral pursuit, science can help you determine how practically to achieve it.  What I have decried is over-greedy science, which I term scientism.  The kind whose groupies think they are specially commissioned to enlighten everyone else to forego any regard for spirituality beyond science.  I think you like to be a bullheaded blockhead.

Btw, what do you mean by progression as a species?  Is AI transhumanism progression of a species?  Is marrying silicone and/or big gov run by fascist knowitalls progression as a species?

I think Mill and Stuart were and are very smart, but I also think they (at least Harris) are blinded by hatred of the idea of Something (God?) that is beyond measurement or confinement to science that may abide in conscious feedback with all its perspectives of consciousness.  They often presume to hate the idea by conflating it with worship of giant spaghetti monster dogma or some such.  Which is juvey-juvey.  They seem also blind to the abuses of science, scientism, and militant atheism and to their hundreds of millions of victims.  I suspect Gays often hate religion because their overweening "scientific and philosophical interest" seems to be in justifying ways to require everyone else to fund and celebrate their peculiarities.  They bore me.


Russell Blackford, May 2014 --- "Rather, the primary value, that of “the well-being of conscious creatures,” is not a scientific finding. Nor is it a value that science inevitably presupposes (as it arguably must presuppose certain standards of evidence and logic). Instead, this value must come from elsewhere and can be defended only through conceptual analysis, other forms of philosophical reasoning, or appeals to our intuitions."

Ryan Born -- "Thus, your proposed science of morality cannot offer scientific answers to questions of morality and value, because it cannot derive moral judgments solely from scientific descriptions of the world.
I say you have not brought questions of ethics into science’s domain. No empirical inquiry into such questions can determine anything of clear moral significance without having normative conceptual answers already in place. And finding and justifying those answers requires a distinctly philosophical, not scientific, approach."

Aside:  Of Interest -- The Pleasure Principle: Neuroscience Revealing How Our Brains’ Ancient Wiring For Pleasure Is Deadly

Meanwhile, KJU walks in the garden of the bomb, while the serpent tells him to eat of its fruit. While millions of other sociopaths, narcissists, and suicidals also lust. If survival requires constant monitoring for thought crime, the sub-humanization of mankind, trans-humanity, and the arrival of Borgdom may be at hand, where a singularity will dictate what we must tolerate and believe about it. Can decent humanity survive?

When you start from a *false premise, there's little to limit you from rationalizing anything.  A lot of false premises have been rolled into judicial precedents.  Heaven help us, else foolish consistency will lead us to tolerate the sub-humanization of humanity.
EDIT:  We may never get to a system of absolutely true premises.  This is because the nature of reality seems to flux, as perhaps even the speed of light slowly changes over time.  However, we can seek explanations that tend towards a system that is most consistent, coherent, and complete.  In a politics for serving humanity as opposed to sub-humanity, such a system needs to help rationalize moral and social values that are sustainable. 
Bottom line:  Our respect for the Constitution needs to encompass respect for basic reason.  Justices ought not interpret the Constitution or Law in ways that tend to make the political fabric or respect for human freedom and dignity unsustainable. 
For example, I think Kennedy's rationalization of same sex marriage was an insult to that project.  However, that is already explained in detail online, so I do not care to rehash it here.  Hopefully, time will eventually heal that splinter.


I think the Left has officially flown over the cuckoo's nest.

Malignant Fascists saw an opportunity to construct a new political base by fanning activism among militant feminists and self-hating femimen.  So they found profit in fanning the idea of a war on women.  Taken with their war against "white privilege," they seek to destroy the political participation of straight white males.  The Left seeks a permanent New Majority by agitating militants among feminists, gays, minorities, indoctrinated youth, criminals, and illegal aliens.  Mainly, these are people who have been trained to lust after the big welfare state. I think that is the indoctrinated Left's over-arching meme.

These tools of fascists couldn't get Trump on collusion, so now they seek to get him for obstructing their investigation into collusion (a nonexistent crime).

Modern political plumbers don't need to stage Watergate style break-ins.  Their paymasters just invent crimes that don't exist and then get FISA Warrants to investigate and uncover their opposition's operatives and political plans.
Modern inquisitors don't need Star Chambers.  They just indict ham sandwiches and then set targets up for process crimes. 

Modern fascists don't need pogroms or Kristallnachts.  They just hoodwink their prey with fake promises of communal free stuff. 

Modern malignant narcissists don't need to mask devils.  They just put a happy mask on big fascist government.

If America does not wake up and give professional wussies and malignant fascists the bum's rush, it will soon become a hate crime to think for yourself.


Mueller seems to believe he should have unlimited power as an inquisitional worm to niggle until he can produce color of a process crime or basis for putting people before a star chamber. By stacking his inquisition with anti-nationalist pro-NWO types, Mueller is fancying himself a reincarnation of the Inquisitor of *Joan of Arc, determined to burn Trump to the maximum embarrassment of all who oppose the fascist NWO. This has gone medieval.
*Concerning ThoughtCrime, from Wiki: "Asked if she (Joan) knew she was in God's grace, she answered, 'If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.'" The question is a scholarly trap. Church doctrine held that no one could be certain of being in God's grace. If she had answered yes, then she would have been charged with heresy. If she had answered no, then she would have confessed her own guilt. The court notary Boisguillaume later testified that at the moment the court heard her reply, "Those who were interrogating her were stupefied."
Joan's real "crime" was trying to save France. Trump's real "crime" is trying to MAGA.


So the problem is: How can any representative republicanism be wrestled away from the corrupt and fascist establishment oligarchy? Corporations do not care about the republic. They care about profits. Walmart will sell whatever sells. Including Antifa shirts. I don't think we can "win." But we can fight the good fight. Impose progressive taxes on lobbying expenditures. Fight the moral knowitallism of scientism against spiritualism. Restore values (faith/family/fidelity) that make intrusive legalism less necessary. Decentralize the domestic intrusiveness of DC. Curb the efforts by the oligarchy and its stooges to flood the nation with indoctrinated liberty-illiterates. Provided we can get on that path, I can see how national health care along the Australian model may make sense. It should not be on the backs of businesses. Free education, not so much. Education is already largely free for every competent person with access to the Internet. Why encourage indebtedness or sloth by professional students/partiers?


Lefties endorsed social progressivism under JFK, LBJ, and WJC.  Womanizers all.  I don't include BHO because I'm not sure he's a bona fide heterosexual.  RMN and GWB do not appear to have been womanizers at the same level, but the Left hated them.  For a long time, the idea seems to have been that effective executives naturally tend to be horny.  So what has changed?
Well, the left has fanned activism among feminists and femimen.  It found profit in fanning the idea of a war on women.  Taken with the Left's war against "white privilege," this is part and parcel for how the Left seeks to destroy the political influence of heterosexual white males.  The Left seeks a new majority by agitating women, gays, minorities, misled youth, criminals, and illegal aliens.  (People who want to marry the welfare state.) That is the Left's over-arching meme.
This is part and parcel of the Left's war against the republic as it was founded.  The Left serves to replace that republic with a NWO Plantation, to be ruled by corporatists pretending to be benign socialists (pinkie-wagging, goose-stepping, snob-accented fascists).  IOW, the left consists of indoctrinated useful idiots and corrupt, souldead, people farmers.
In service to the Left's over-arching meme, it has become necessary to change its old message (that effective executives naturally tend to be horny).  It's new message is that there is something fundamentally wrong with people who identify as men, especially straight white Protestant men.  So the Left seeks to thoroughly discredit the Founders and various historical monuments.  The Left's Holy Grail is now about impeaching DJT. 
This is why the old boys-will-be-boys meme is now so reviled by Leftists.  For the good of the cause, all Lefty ignoranti and corrupti who have been guilty of horny offenses must now commit their auto-da-fes.  The Neo-Red Guard demands it.


Technology and opportunists will continue to push us towards more central control.  More industrial standards will need to be coordinated.  As jobs are replaced by machinery, more people will be given welfare under a social safety net.  What we categorize as infrastructure will expand.  This will lead to more buying and selling of political influence.  Iow, oligarchic collectivism.  Iow, fascism.  Insofar as corporate fascism tends to cloak itself as socialism, I doubt the trend towards collectivism and away from individual freedom and responsibility will be much reversed. 

This makes it all the more important that we find ways to make the march towards centralized control less sub-humanizing.  We need ways to reduce the political mooching of oligarchs.  To restore dignity, responsibility, and capacity to think to individuals.  To respect faith, family, fidelity.  Less central social diktat.


I much doubt the global oligarchy can be destroyed or made to come to an end. I doubt that it would be weakened by centralizing more governmental power. That would just move oligarchs to invest for the biggest bang for the buck: Buying and laundering governmental influence as if it were a tradable commodity. Nor do natural processes for defending republics among contending nations tend to favor utopian mind-your-own-business peace-loving nations. Nations and their cultures, to survive, have to centralize military and defensive power.

The best that can be done to reduce the power of oligarchs to run roughshod over human freedom and dignity may consist in three parts: A mechanism to progressively tax all investments in buying governmental influence. An assimilative reawakening of spiritual good faith and good will. A restoration of liberty-literate electorates (as opposed to free-stuff, safe-spaces, indoctrinated hedonists and other idiots made easy by "education" for oligarchs to pull around by their noses).

Problem is, it would take a miracle to move us in that direction. It would take an electorate that would support capable leadership that wants to "make America great again."

Tough love need not be hard hearted. It's not necessarily loving to allow corruption to go unchallenged, even when it prides itself on good intentions. The best empathy may be that which helps youth become competent enough to take personal responsibility.


I doubt we can know, ultimately, whether any particular course is TRULY best for moral purposes. This is because what is moral depends in part on whether it pleases God and general society. And that seems to carry an aspect that is subjective to unfolding and changing interests and capabilities of consciousness.
What we can do is apply our intuition, experience, judgment, and wisdom to seek to assimilate values that seem most conducive to human decency, dignity, and participatory freedom.
If a moral philosophy were available for determining values for precise applications that was internally consistent, coherent, and complete, then it may approach a correlation with Truth. But, per Godel, I doubt reason can ever uncover any such a complete philosophy or theosophy. Instead, we simply pursue it, endlessly. If we discarded every value that could not be rationalized consistently, coherently, and completely, then we could not assimilate any moral values. Not even with science or scientism. Ultimately, spiritual or religious like leap of faith is unavoidable, even if only in action and below the formulation of speech.
Even so, what we can do is plod along in good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule). Doing so seems to be inspired and enhanced by staying connected to unfolding histories and traditions of sacred languages and figures of speech, without trying to be hidebound to them.

Apparently, a racist is now anyone who is unwilling to write a blank check based on the feelings of minorities. If preferring not to invite this tool makes me a racist, then mark me down as a racist.

The establishment-owned fake-news does not just tweet inflammatory imprecisions. It mouth foams and shouts them, unceasingly. When surrounded by republic-killing stoolies for people farmers, it is often more urgent to thrust back, rather than to lay down your sword because you do not want to engage the verbal violence of your mouth-foaming opponents with some of your own.

So pinkie-wagers want to justify the continued importation of un-vetted Muslims by arguing "tu quoque"? That's great. Just teach the rape victims of Europe to pull out a sign saying "tu quoque" in order to discourage their victimizers.

If our populace had not become filled with corrupt people farmers and their imported stooges, I would be more concerned about Trump's imprecise twitterisms. As things stand, I don't see a better antidote to the poison of Dino/Rino anti-Americans. Stupidity isn't made smarter by celebrating it in Latin.

The Left wants release in a mass, collective suicide. We need to figure out how to let it go, without its taking us with it.

Perfumed Elites are killing America. Being paid well to kill Americans' sense of individual responsibility and initiative. Bewailing, like David Brooks, the loss of respect by ordinary Americans for Perfumed Elites.

A lot of sheeple like the fairy tale delusion that moral experts should farm them and take care of them. When more competent people try to free them from the Stalins, Hitlers, Maos, Soros, etc., they are called racists and punished for their efforts. With the sheeple throwing the stones, to the entertainment of their farmers. Nazis laugh.
    Trump's popularity is artificially tamped down by treasonous open-border types who appeal to slow witted stooges and corrupt people farmers. The more they are exposed, the higher Trump's popularity will go.
    Virginia is near Ground Zero for the Swamp. It is indicative of nothing.

    The Stupid has run riot in The West. Why do European cultures, but not Oriental cultures, think it is so great to replace themselves with Middle East and African cultures? Apart from enriching cultural cannibals, what is so great about cultural unraveling and suicide? In the U.S., it has even brought us to a point where many people deny that there is any American ideal or culture. Why do Progressives expect to achieve a New World Order, when it is so obvious that the mass escapist irresponsible childish hedonism they have in mind will never be accepted in the Middle or Far East? Why have Americans allowed all their institutions to become infested by The Stupid?


    I probably have a personal definition of Prog (Proglodyte). Being a person who, because of a combination of incompetence, indoctrination, and pathological codependency, is unable to consider information from a wide variety of sources in order to reason and navigate his own way. Many such people succumb to the below-the-surface agenda and propaganda of NWO open-society corporatists. So they become termites in the foundation of any representative republic. Lord knows, the path to riches is much easier when you flatter the corrupt establishment. Which is probably why so many colleges seem to be filled with indoctrinated Progs.

    Otoh, one can be a progressive on behalf of a representative republic, that seeks to avail decent freedom and dignity for its citizenry. For example, I am open to progressive changes in infrastructure and health care, as they become necessary and responsible. I am also open to finding ways to limit the power of oligarchs to buy and sell political influence. And reasonable ways to discourage population growth that pulls homeostasis out of whack. As machines replace jobs, old ways of thinking will have to mature. I do not aspire to be a Conservative, but a Conserver of Liberty. I do not look favorably on surrendering liberty in exchange for phony promises from incompetent and corrupt elites of "free stuff."

    I do not trust any self-idealized class of elites to run roughshod over the will of a decent and informed public. Problem is: Corrupt elites are deliberately flooding the U.S. so that it will become unsuited to representative republicanism. When that happens, I do not believe we will get Bernie style free stuff, safe spaces, fairness, and equality. Rather, we will get fascist despotism. That said, these are just my opinions. I may modify them as information accumulates. IOW, I consider my self a thinking progressive. As I suspect you also are.

    I believe Trump loves the republic and does what he can to salvage it.  Although the corrupt establishment cannot control Trump as they would like, they can throw snares in his path.  I believe the corrupt establishment would have its way with Bernie much easier.  The track record for idealistic socialists has not been good. Regardless, if we do not take immigration control away from the corrupt establishment, the representative republic will become an utter farce.


    Did God tell you it is true that it is more moral to allow societies based on hunting, gathering, barter, and savagery to perpetuate themselves than it is to replace them with societies based on agriculture, industry, monetary exchange, and legal formalisms? Did God tell you that the world would be better if primitive societies had never been replaced? Does your moral calculus tell you that modern society should be annihilated, to make room for a return to primitivism? Did some "moral scientist" tell you such "truths"? Does moral mean "that which you like"? Or does morality come on little cat feet, sit on silent haunches while looking over the world, and then, like Carl Sandburg's Fog, move on?


    It's hard to get unvarnished truth.  Reason:  Every social movement needs to inspire the masses.  And the masses tend most quickly and easily to be inspired by simplistic varnishing.  And history re-writing.  The contending varieties of simplistic varnishing ye shall always have among ye.  Few societies are suitable for representative republicanism.  No society that imports millions of liberty-illiterates can long be suitable for representative republicanism.  Any such society simply cannot handle the truth.


    I don't believe It's loving to allow corruption to go unchallenged, even when it prides itself on good intentions. The best empathy may be that which helps youth become competent enough to take personal responsibility. As opposed to targeting any particular gender, race, or ethnicity in order to clamor for free stuff and safe spaces after they are well into their 20's.

    The U.S, cannot sustain a representative republic if it allows itself to be hired out to arms merchants to use the U.S. as an international policing entity on behalf of the oligarchy-based NWO. 

    Nor can citizens expect to live decent lives when they are subjugated as mere pawns for contests among greedy tribalists, hedging cannibals, Nazis pretending to be utopian socialists, and mouth-foaming zealots.

    We need more ways to check corrupt oligarchs from laundering our trust-based currency in order to buy our representatives out from under us.  Otherwise we will be destroyed under slogans of "free trade" and "free enterprise" -- unconstrained to serve the republic. 

    Free this or free that, untethered to any real framework, are loco weed.  We need to apprehend that we do not purely have free will.  We have participatory will.  We do not have freedom except under parameters defined by law. We do not have liberty except under a republic that is defended against the rest of the heathen, cannibalistic world.  Every material-based idea of free or unconditional love, empathy, or anything else is bogus crap.  it's past time to put corrupt oligarchs seeking to cannibalize the republic under house arrest.


    People farming advertisers find their values in continuously leading the masses into the next big pleasurable temptations. The only brakes the masses could have against this evil would be in assimilating faith, as spiritual beings, in values beyond mere pleasure.. Problem is, all the human institutions of persuasion have been rotted out by people farmers. Except on taking monstrous shape, religion and spirituality are simply laughed at. So how can our choice be anything more than between one monstrosity or the other?

    Short of receptivity to miraculous revelation, the masses will be skinned. On earth, temptation is trouncing higher mindedness. How, then, can seeking higher mindedness through idle debate possibly be effective? Perhaps, beyond the dogma, there abides an assimilating basis behind Christianity?

    The Left wants release in a mass, collective suicide. We need to figure out how to let it go, without its taking us with it.


    Problem is, States are becoming creatures of Corporations, as Corporations invest more in buying and selling politicians and political influence, instead of in commodities and production.  However, this is not the fault of corporations.  This is the fault of a liberty-illiterate society that has allowed corporations to swamp it with liberty-illiterate people.
    A Representative Republic that fails adequately to check and balance against the natural tendency of corporations to seek easy profits must soon fall prey to profit seeking by the corporate buying and selling of political influence.  The problem is not who to blame.  The problem is how to regain competent citizenship.


    The agents that are causing societies to circle the drain are unmitigated greed and hedonism, made out to be the new morality.  Those are the common directors behind how human decency, dignity, and liberty are being polluted.
    This is in accompaniment with an idea that spiritual faith must be entirely replaced with faith in elitist driven scientism.  Under scientism, that which can be measured to produce the most pleasure for the most people is considered to be that which is most moral.  (Even though such a construction is logically problematic.)   This faith in scientism begins by measuring dopamine effects in the brain.  Soon, the most moral use of a bot will be based on how orgasmically effective it is.  In this train, it becomes "moral" to require children to be taught "safe" anal sex, to experiment with homosexuality, to celebrate having two daddies, etc., with no brakes in sight.  Reliance on the family is replaced with reliance on trend setting "moral" elitists --- who stand to make bucks.
    This makes it easy and tempting to herd people.  People are already tuned out from each other and instead tuned in to their personal devices and video games.  They don't know how to interact decently.  So we get an onrush of sexual harassment complaints.  In Muslim countries, we get men marrying pre-teens.  A lot of people, unless told, simply never grow up to learn how or what to do with themselves.  They are made ripe for the picking.
    Any spiritual caution to avoid plucking perpetual children for abusive and farming purposes is now thrown to the winds and watering holes of scientism.  There does not need to be any cabal of evil people to make such trends.  They simply drink from the same watering holes, where they are now unconstrained and unmitigated by any kind of cautioning or effective decency.  IOW, people have given up on any search for decent higher mindedness in theosophy or philosophy, and have instead surrendered to the gratifying delusions of "moral scientism."  Under this "scientific moral philosophy," no one has moral standing to caution or protect an adult from hiring him/her-self out for abuse if that is what he/she wants to do --- unless licensed by the elitist run governing authority (under "principles" of scientism).


    In practice, Communism, Socialism, and Fascism have more in common.  They are all collectivist.  Behind them all, there tends to be a ruling class of amoral, conniving, floating elites.  Orwell provides a good description of Oligarchic Collectivism in his dystopian novel, 1984. 

    Oligarchs often specialize in hedge tactics of divide and rule.  They are fully capable of hiring surrogates to curry favor on all sides, before they betray all.  Socialists can serve oligarchs who have bought political influence, just as Fascists can.  What the people take to be government for the collective tends to be government for elites who with laundered money or dark force have bought or conquered the government, as a commodity or booty.

    To try to distinguish among these different fronts for collectivists is often to make distinctions that make little difference.  The practical effect of all is rule over the masses by corrupt knowitall elites, who often, ironically, end up being fed to their own self-created monstrosities.

    To gain a decent government for non-sub-humans, a representative republic is needed, with a moral and informed citizenry, sharing an ideal of individual freedom and responsibility, and a work ethic over an entitlement ethic.  IOW, a society assimilated to "act white." 

    The alternative tends to be subhumanizing collectivization, which by subterfuge gradually inveigles its way to degrade all citizens and to infest every institution.  When a citizenry, by unwise practices of immigration and education, loses  moral vision and wisdom, it soon falls to degrading pleasures and amoral parasites.  And so the constant cackling of the Establishment of well-heeled parasites has become unbearably noisome.


    For whatever reason, it does seem that a lot of Jews place tribal collectivism over the representative republic.  The Founders did not share the collectivist ideal, but, somehow, that ideal has now penetrated every institution.  Modern moguls seem to invest less in domestic industrialization and more in buying and selling gov favors.  The consequence is elites ruling over masses, with money talking and bs walking.  The consequence is much the same as if a mess of Bolsheviks had become the ruling nomenklatura. 
    There is Bolshevik collectivism and there is Oligarchic collectivism, but both are collectivism.  The consequence of both is to destroy the representative republic.  The cynical, corrupt, godless thing is this:  Collectivizing oligarchs pretend they are on the side of equality and fairness for the masses, their shills and professoriate sell that, and the useful idiots and studenti actually and stupidly come to believe it! 
    Bottom line:  Too many alien ideals were allowed to infest the republic, so that it cannot now likely be salvaged without considerable trauma.  I don't care a whit about race, gender, religion, orientation --- until idiots, race baiters, femi-nazis, and femimen start destroying the republic and all the institutions needed to sustain it (faith, family, fidelity, i.e., good faith and good will). 
    The choice between oligarchic collectivism and communal collectivism is a choice without any important distinction.  We need to learn how to provide a safety net without killing the work ethic, and we need to check moguls from buying and trading governments as if they were commodities.  But our main political parties have lied and presented us with a fake either-or choice:  Either promote oligarchic collectivism or promote communal collectivism.  Either way, the masses are to be promised utopia but served eventual enserfment and gulag.


    Until a race based culture overwhelms the USA, there is still a chance, even if slim, that a culture can be resuscitated that would include all races and still reflect some American values regarding human freedom and dignity.  This would have to entail Blacks, Minorities, and Jews ceasing to be inspired to avoid "acting White,"i.e.., acting independently and responsibly, rather than as collective tribes.  That would necessitate a miracle.  A well spoken charismatic uniter for restoring faith in the American ideal (of individual freedom and dignity), rather than a divider.

    Problem is, so long as elite collectivizers, oligarchs, and race-baiters ride high, that chance grows slimmer every day.  Like parasites, many seem unyielding in their desire to suck the blood of the republic dry.  Unfortunately for everyone, the replacement society they dream of would be a nightmare.

    There is no fairy godmother.  God is not like that.  We are given participatory will under a system that avails tough love --- not love of everything, and not heaven on earth.  Of our participatory will, there is reconciliation and judgment.  God is not "love everything and make everything perfect on earth."  What we can pray for is strength and guidance, not perpetually primrose lanes.  Adults can learn to accept that, or they can fall into the trap of trying to replace God with Big Gov (above which Evil will always be floating).

    A side effect to putting corrupt and divisive anti-Americans in charge of immigration, education, and media. If Dino/Rinos have their way, the safe spaces they promise will turn into no safe spaces for anyone anywhere. The path to plantation perdition is paved with the good intentions of incompetent knowitalls. And their Fed Judges.

    I have no need of watching a lot of perpetually whiny ingrates, many of whom are criminals or abusers, playing with a ball while they deem themselves qualified to preach to the nation about absolute bs.

    We are awash in educated fools. For political concerns, high IQ means little. I know a lot of high IQ people. About half of them are supremely educated fools about social and political matters. IOW, their Political IQ sucks. Unless you admire stooges for NWO Rinos and Hairy Godmother Dinos. Give me a widely read thinker of experience and aptitude, who loves America, anytime over some femi-dandy who thinks his high test scores mean he is most likely right on political concerns. No doubt, a lot of the godforsaken Bolsheviks had high IQ's. A lot of similar pinky-waggers need to be tarred and feathered if the republic is to have a chance.


    It is automatic that Dems will try to blame someone outside their criminal party, because they hope their lies will condition minds before the truth has a chance to get its boots on.

    Decent adults will want the facts.  They will want to see what motivated the Perp.  Was it republican love for American Ideals of freedom and dignity?  Was it entitlement-minded hatred of the republic, combined with juvenile wish for a collectivist gov to serve forever as nursemaid?  Was it crazed fake-religion indoctrination?  Was it the work of a lunatic or a madman with a grudge against the people of the Church or society generally?  Could gun confiscation have prevented the crime, or would it to a certainly neuter the citizenry under elitist diktat?

    If the Perp was an Islamic lunatic, Dems and their lapdog Media will obfuscate as long as they can, while they try to sell their plan for neutering the citizenry.


    Trump means to make the economy better for Americans. He is not empowered as a dictator. He has to work with Congress, which is beholden to oligarchic corporatists. This Congress is not even inclined to let him enforce the border, much less resist the drowning of the republic into the NWO. Trump also has to work with the changed demography. It is not a demography of reliable, responsible, independent minded, well read, decent citizens. It is a demography with the mindset of being easily snookered to believe itself entitled to have "The Gov" baby the kiddies so they never have to learn how to think or to be responsible for themselves. Just follow the fairy godmother promises of wolf elites in sheep's clothing.
    Under an out-of-control idea of PC and diversity, this demography has been rendered largely unable to assimilate a decent system of principled values. Rather, it inclines to clamor for ever more free stuff and safe spaces. As if an idea of gov were a magical replacement for an idea of a magical god.  Given such a corrupt Congress and ignorant babyish electorate, it is idle to expect Bernie could be a savior or that the masses will ever stop clamoring for free stuff short of bankrupting the republic and filling it with desperate and impoverished cheap and radicalized "laborers."
    Formally, there may be a way to walk and chew gum at the same time. That is, to provide a safety net without undermining the work ethic, while inhibiting corporatists from turning the gov into a new kind of commodity to buy and sell. That way would be to eliminate and replace domestic income taxes with a progressive tax on individual consumption, with lobbying for gov favors to be taxed as consumption to whatever agent authorized it.
    However, no one thinks about how to preserve both the work ethic and the representative republic! Rather, people think in either-or terms:  Either gov monopolization of all power, or elite corporatists monopolization (actually, oligop-olization) of all power. Dino communal collectivists v. Rino oligarchic collectivists. But they are both collectivists, and both are death to the representative republic. (You need to make up your mind about whether the Koch brothers are for or against defending the border.)
    Regardless, absent a miraculous spiritual reawakening, no mere trick of forms can save us from the trend. Maybe spiritual good faith and good will, over time, can help. Trump is more equipped to buy us time than anyone else. This is because the NWO Establishment cannot control him, but it certainly can control Bernie. Trump cannot save us overnight. He can buy us time.
    No one can read another person's intentions, but all responsible citizens must try. My read of Trump is that he, more than most, actually wants to forestall the destruction of the republic. And for that, the Establishment hates him.  Because they think most Americans, "for their own good," need to be farmed. If the Elitist Establishment succeeds much longer in turning the citizenry, professoriate, and media into unable-to-think stooges, they will, by a long run of corruption, have made themselves right. Not every country or culture is suited for representative republicanism. In a short time, that may also come to apply to the USA. At that collective point, the argument between nomenklatura (or Soros-klatura, to be fronted by Bernie or Warren) and oligarchs (fronted by Bushes) will mean little to the masses.  Either way, they will be driven to serfdom or gulag.  Farmed.  Sub-humanized under thoroughly godless and corrupt elites.  Laughing as they play both sides against the middle, as they destroy the American Ideal by branding individual freedom and responsibility as "too white."


    I do have little patience with any complaint against Trump that compares him with those who want to destroy the republic merely because he is wealthy.
    Trump recognizes and deals with reality.  Reality is that corporatists own Congress.  If Trump were doing nothing about that, he would not be so opposed by so many of the corporatists would own Congress.  For that, the Bushes and McCain are slime in my estimation.
    Trump did rail against the NWO.  But its handmaidens have smeared him relentlessly.  They have most of the institutionalized power (claws).  “At the parliament of animals, the rabbits demanded equal rights, and the lions replied, ‘But where are your claws?’” 
    Bannon is our claws.  Although Bannon appears to be on the outs, I suspect he is not.  I think Bannon will help rid the Senate of some Rinos.  Until then, the Establishment's hold on Congress is such that there is little Trump can do, outside Executive Orders.  Which the Establishment challenges at every turn. 
    It is hard to imagine why you think Bernie could or would do more.  Bernie is a socialist.  He promises free stuff.  There are no principled limits to that routine.  It is poison.  Its naïve supporters would vote the nation into bankruptcy, poverty, and destruction.
    I suspect you are mainly concerned with Health Care.  I doubt Bernie could break the Insurance industry on that.  Trump would like a dual/single payer system like that of Australia.  But Congress, in its current state, would never go for that.  So Trump has to deal with the real world.
    The establishment oligarchy wants:  To keep borders porous; to import enough diversity and division to keep the general weal toothless; to control votes with cheap bribes and broken promises; to raise the economic ladders away from the middle class; to poison higher minded faith and replace it with gov crony-it is; to replace the nuclear family with governmental oversight; to make marriage meaningless; to utterly control the indoctrination of youth; to unmask and get the dossier goods on everyone's closeted skeletons; to encourage people to revile the American ideal of individual freedom and responsibility; to control the definitions of equal and fair and politically correct; to control the mass-mind to deem "racist" whatever the oligarchy finds profitable to put down; to generally neuter the citizenry; to brand anti-oligarchism as populist; to brand national loyalty as bigoted; to foster divisiveness by allowing the work ethic to be branded as acting too white; to weaken the U.S. so that it cannot push or defend its founding values; to flatten and widen the gulf between the striving class and the ruling class; to distract the masses with general fear and cheap pleasures; to keep the masses and new immigrants clamoring for ever more fake free stuff; to gimmick a sudden replacement of currency and wealth; to make a babble of political philosophy.
    When I look at Bernie's constituency, I see a lot of wrongly educated, poorly judging, inexperienced, incompetent, undisciplined, irresponsible, entitlement-minded goofs.  Idiots like those of Antifa.  Fodder for established connivers.  Brain damaged by thoroughly rotted and conniving institutions in academia, media, religion, banking, courts, legislatures, foundations, and entertainment.  I have little faith that they could move the Establishment towards any kind of  revitalization of the representative republic.  Rather, as Hillary would cackle, they would be easily farmed.


    The parasitical establishment of pinky-wagging cannibals and stooges is going to jeer at Trump no matter what. They make up the Rino/Dino part of the electorate. The thing is, the American part of the electorate is on to their game. And neither the Establishment of Rinos nor Dinos can defeat Trump without support from common-sense Americans. Constant jeering from the near treasonous Aino (NWO/Open Border) quarter will keep Trump's approval low. However, at the end of the day, the electorate will not replace Trump with another Bush, Clinton, or Obama. Still, the political roaring sponsored and agitated by the media-owning oligarchy will be deafening, and will try to turn many families inside out.


    I don't read much of what David Brooks says.  When I have read him, he has seemed to be much concerned with preserving respect for the busybody elitists who seek to replace the Republic and the Constitution.  Does he think ordinary Americans tend to be too sub-standard and incompetent to see to their own affairs?  An elitist tends to believe he and his kind should be ruling the masses, even without their consent.  Or that snookering their consent is ok.

    Both Rinos and Dinos believe in snookering and ruling the masses.  Rinos would do it by putting corporatists out front to buy the Gov and then let the Gov pretend to be democratic.  Dinos would do it by letting its corporatists lead from behind the curtain.  In practice, both are oligarchic collectivists.  In name, Rinos are "open-border free-traders," while Dinos are "social justice warriors" seeking to impose their idea of equality (free stuff) and fairness (safe spaces) on everyone else.  Both seek to replace the Constitution with however International Law may evolve for the NWO.

    I suspect David Brooks is an empty barrel for promoting the Rino brand of oligarchic collectivism, while Bernie is an empty barrel for promoting the Dino brand of oligarchic collectivism.  Even though Brooks calls himself a "Republican," and even though Bernie calls himself a "Socialist."  Are my suspicions wrong?


    Would Dems be too principled to make stuff up, like a rat? I think we know the answer. We've seen this movie before. Dems think their good intentions give them a pass to lie. As elites, they need to deceive the masses, for their own good. So, Dems have little credibility. Then they blame Americans who don't trust them, for being "uneducated."


    New World Order: Open Borders. Rule by Elites. Kabuki with the Masses.
    As to the God part, you might be choking on a gnat. I simply mean respect for Whatever-the-Source under which the Nature of our Cosmos finds its unfolding definition. Before you can enjoy honest communication about that which is reasonable, you need to find association with people "churched" in honest good faith and good will.

    Freedom, like goodness, is a concept that merits more thought. It should not be taken as entitlementism or right to rule over or take from others. Within a society, freedom should not be promoted as relief from personal and social responsibility. There is reasonable freedom within parameters. Freedom under Law. There is no such thing as complete Free Will. There is Participatory Will. We are not free of our bodies, language, culture, society, or country. Nor of God.
    Rather, we part-icipate, within allowable parameters, within more holistic systems of dynamic feedback. What is an appropriate range for freedom in one society may well be inappropriate in another.
    This is the problem with the idealization of an open-bordered NWO (which does seem to have floated to become a problem for many profs and undergraduates). It could only be accomplished by flattening out the management of the masses, by forcibly reducing many of the ranges for their freedom of thought, expression, enterprise, and association. It would tend to sub-humanize the masses and to monster-ize the rulers.

    After Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, DC became a Perfect Swamp Storm. No shrinking violet could hope to push it back on itself, no matter how smart. To lead the push back, it was necessary to find someone who had been brash enough to thrive among cannibals, cutthroats, connivers, and sordid criminals. Someone who could see their games, see through their charades, and dish back as good as he got. If God wants to preserve the representative republic against the corrupt corporatists that control the Rinos and Dinos, it would seem to make sense to offer DJT. Donald The Strong. F the Swamp.

    To preserve their world order, the Romans tried to make too many citizens out of foreign mercenaries. That Did Not Work.

    Not all Americans want a Military that may incline more to serve NWO interests than American interests. Not all Americans want a Military in which Generals are transgendered or same-sex married. Not all Americans want to work in close quarters with same-sex Gays. Not all American men want to go into combat with female soldiers. Perhaps fewer Americans find the Neo-Military to be well led. I wonder if that may be affecting recruitment goals and driving down standards? What's next? Offering citizenship to mercenaries?

    The problem with making government out to be science is that it provides fake legitimacy for the rule by elites over the unwashed masses, even though the elites are paid to find what favors their funders to be "scientific." And it encourages morons to think themselves entitled and qualified to replace the republic. So we get people like Colin K as man of the year. Insanity!

    In the hands of corrupt people farmers, greedy scientism pretends to have answers to moral issues beyond science. This helps them establish Turkey Schools to indoctrinate ("educate") gobblers.

    Whatever continues to define the unfolding Nature of our cosmos is by definition above (beyond, Super) to such Nature. It cannot be understood by science that is limited to our nature. It can be qualitatively appreciated, as a Source in respect of which to communicate and seek to inspire good faith and good will.

    There is danger in the U.S. Military becoming the enforcement arm of the NWO Oligarchy. Especially with the NWO flooding the borders and destroying the republic.

    Snowflakes, Transvestites, and Trannies are the Neo-Red-Guard under Madam Soros.


    I don't remember any high rates for mass shootings between 1955 and the time of mass release from mental asylums on account of Ken Kesey's novel of 1962 and the time of the cultural divisiveness of the 1960's. It may be interesting to chart the per-capita rates for mass shootings for each year against the increase in elitist-sponsored divisiveness for each year. It may also be interesting to chart any increase from 1986 (after immigration reform and as we later began electing a string of Rino-Dinos --- from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama).

    A study of changing rates of mass shootings from 1955 to present is needed, if we want to say that the changing emphasis on porous borders, immigration, diversity, family structure, tolerance of Islam, "social-justice" agitation funded by people-farming oligarchs, and use of the U.S. Military to police the World have not played a significant role (more so than the mere existence of guns) in mental sicknesses and tensions leading to mass shootings and killings.

    Of course, if we want to give gov despots and their stooges a monopoly on mass force and mass killing, then neutering the general citizenry is the way to go. If our highest value is peace in the countryside, we could also adopt the despotism of Vlad the Impaler. His kingdom was quite peaceful. Until then, the USA will probably be Ground Zero for the worldwide war funded by people-farmers against separately-bordered nations and non-elitist-ruled representative-societies. Agitation leading to violence will go hand-in-hand with that. The message from hirelings for oligarchic people-farmers seems to be: If you want the violence we cause to be stopped, then accept our cherry-picked evidence and hand over your defenses.


    How much money has been laundered by unprincipled Rinos and Dinos because they found it convenient to tell us that Islam is a religion of peace? Whatever this is, noblesse oblige it is not.


    Standing against the storm of unreason: ""For you have been taught that we must have as much diversity as possible and that equality means that everyone must be made equal. But equal simply means the same. To say that 2+2 equals 4 is to say that 2+2 is numerically the same as four. And diversity simply means difference. So when you say that we should have diversity and equality you are saying we should have difference and sameness. That is incoherent, by itself."


    Did someone force some harsh holy water on you? I did not say you cannot discuss freedom without use of the word "God." Regardless, you are going to need to reference an idea higher than sheeple-farming by expert scientisimists --- even if only by implication. Even if you want to assume moral truths just fell upon us out of otherwise nothingness. The invisible elephant in the room.
    I simply think an attitude of personal respect for a Source of Higher Mindedness can serve as an attractant to bring people to reason together in responsible good faith and good will. Not necessarily as stooges for fake prophets, priests, Imams, commies, or oligarchs. Otoh, those who seek to replace personal receptivity to an idealization for Higher Mind-edness with one of Big Gov tend to be far more likely to promote Big Evil, imo, based on my read of history.
    By assimilating higher minded ideals of goodness and civility, there is less need of intrusive, busybody Law. Not everyone believes in social scientism or Marxism. Well, except maybe those who want to be sub-humanized or to rule over sub-humans.
    This is not really that hard. Are you sure you are capable of intelligently discussing anything?