TIME: We do not live in either the (previously determined) "past" or the (undetermined chronological next) "future". Rather, our consciousness occupies an "eternal present". We do not experience time passage as a thing. Rather, we appreciate and record locally observable chronological changes and math-based sequences. Aggregating sequences can be related differentially, to appear to the interpretation of some perspectives as unfolding quickly, and to others as unfolding slowly. To add information to some perspectives, and to subtract it from others. We live only with entangled present-ations of math-based bits of Information, Substance, and Consciousness.
DISCRETES AND CONTINUOSITIES: Yet we cannot measure any universal nowness. And, because the future has not been determined, its eventual choice or determination must somehow be subject to present apprehension. The only thing that "occupies" the present is Consciousness of Information that has been appreciatively cumulated for re-presentation as Substance.
Entanglement with quantum bits of Information and Substance avails bits of Consciousness to aggregate so as to seem to be experienced as continuous. Information and Substance can be conceptualized or measured in quantum bits. As Consciousness aggregates to subjective appreciation as continuous, its aggregate cannot be wholly or precisely measured in bits. Every attempted measure would alter the nature of the relationships among the bits, ad infinitum. (Example: If I form my intention in a game of rock-paper-scissors while entangled with two Doppelgangers, and if such measurement is simultaneously available me and to my Doppelgangers, then how can any of us measure or guarantee a winning tactic --- even if all of us must choose?)
IAE, the presentation of sequences to the appreciation of Consciousness seems to it to be both instantaneous and continuous. The chronology-protective-device (time) avails Information to bond instantaneously with Substance, but avails Consciousness to experience aggregates of unfolding sequences as being continuous. Time in itself does not exist, exchanges of quantum bits occur instantaneously, but Consciousness interprets aggregate unfoldings continuously. Time itself does not exist, but an illusion of time seems for some purposes to present as granular and for others to present as continuous.
DURATION OF PRESENT: Consciousness seems to experience what is presented as a duration among aggregates. This apprehension of duration is a consequence of entanglements among bits of Information, Substance, Consciousness, and their aggregates. Neither Information nor Substance exist without entanglement with Consciousness, and vice-versa.
FAST, SLOW, AND CHANGING CLOCKS: Suppose our cosmos compartmentalizes galaxies and sub-systems, so that rates of instantaneous exchanges of bits of Information flux and vary among the separate systems. In that case, we might interpret the age of our universe in terms of our shared experience of sequence rates (time), but that interpretation may flux and vary from that of personages occupying other systems. We may guess how such rates may vary, but precise determination for comparing fluxes would render our calculations less and less significantly reliable the faster and further such systems were to appear to recede from us in distance (space).
There is no fixed point of reference in time, space, or space-time against which to measure the relative unfoldment of all distant systems. To mortal measure, there is no universal nowness, and no universal point of origin in space.
ETERNAL GODHEAD AS LIVING ALGORITHM: May there abide, even for the Godhead, outside itself, a universal nowness or a universal point of origin against which to measure the unfoldings of every system within the universe or cosmos? I suspect not. Rather, I suspect the Godhead simply is, and always has been, "eternally present." I suspect the only nowness and point of origin is and always has been the Godhead itself. I suspect the Godhead is a Living Algorithm that presents to us among our localities as an entanglement of Consciousness, Substance, and Information. I suspect the Algorithm itself has no discernible beginning, nor does it age, yet IT appreciates, coordinates, and correlates all that unfolds among systems fluxing in systems fluxing in systems, all in obedience to it. I suspect the Algorithm functions to express dimensions that affect our systems in ways that no mortal can ever hope entirely to fathom. I suspect the Algorithm never changes quantitative-wise, but that what it appreciates qualitative-wise does change, perhaps more in rhymes than in repetitions.