Well, I don't objectively know. My basis for objective measuring seems to be tied to a math-based matrix that defies complete explication and to the locus for the unfolding that has been assigned for my identity in respect of it. I have no objective way to measure beyond the potential for that unfolding.
I do, in respect of my sense of beingness, intuit that my body is necessary to, but not equivalent to, my consciousness. My material, substantive, measurable body accompanies my conscious identity, but is not itself my identity. My body is an expression that correlates with and accompanies the expression of my consciousness. Neither my body nor my consciousness are free of such relationship. Substance (the measurable cosmos) itself is not consciousness, but it is an expression that correlates and fluxes with consciousness. I doubt either Substance or Consciousness could abide without a relationship with the other.
You may be entertaining an overly anthropic notion of consciousness. I do not take Substance as itself being conscious, but as being indicative of an associative unfolding of Consciousness. I would not say that the metal of a robot were itself conscious, but that the unfolding organization of the metal is indicative of an association with Consciousness.
Regardless, the relationship that fluxes between Substance and Consciousness seems necessary for the expression and reconciliation of both. That reconciliation seems to account for feedback within the relational system.
We have no science that can entirely predict, control, or determine the exact path of that reconciliation. Yet, Something, system-wide, seems contemporaneously to reconcile and determine each particular unfolding among all possible unfoldments.
What is the nature or character of that Something? Is IT holistic, encompassing, connecting, interpenetrating? I am unable objectively to determine. Subjectively, my sense of beingness intuits an empathetic connection among perspectives of consciousness. I think coming together in good faith and good will in respect of that empathetic intuition can (not must, and not in every case) enhance decent civilization.
I think much evil is the consequence of pretenders, who farm other people by pretending belief in some notion of good faith, good will, higher mindedness, or science based moralism. They are the unprincipled people that seek no consistent moral philosophy or theosophy. So they default to pleasure addled, selfish hedonism. As their masks slip, gangs and tribes of rotters pillage.
In every system-beginning is the system-math, as it is voiced and fleshed with simulations, which are fed back and reconciled under the participation of the legions of perspectives of the assimilating God. The math is the word. The speaker is God, through innumerably connected perspectives.
Science tests on contingent relationships. It does not prove non-trivial or non-contingent absolutes. Even what are often called the absolute laws for our bubble of universe are contingent on the supporting continuation of our bubble. Or its non-union with another bubble.
In a sense, the Law of Conservation is a restatement about math that is true by definition: That equations must balance. Which, in that respect, is more like a statement of a truism than a testable hypothesis.
Apart from truths by definition and testable hypotheses, much among the codes in respect of which we live are "mere" belief systems. Not provable facts. They are acted on in faith.
Q: Can any soul, regardless of immature howls to the contrary, keep a belief system or way of being that is not in some sense religious?
How can an absurd belief that a universal condition of "non-existence can exist" abide --- other than as a (religious like) faith? What person has died and then proved that "his" consciousness no longer exists?
You are adapted with an unfolding and interconnecting subroutine.
Before You adapted with that subroutine and its unfoldings, "You" had adapted with a previous routine.
Whatever availed your adaptation with your present subroutine, IT also availed similar adaptations of parallel subroutines. Other people. To whose Consciousness you are empathetic, but of which you are not directly sensate.
One Superior Routine and it's conscious aspect ("You") would seem to be the Source of all subsequent human subroutines.
That Routine would likewise have been a derivative of a Routine superior to it.
However, the sequencing of math does not go from first to last, but from infinity to infinity.
So, do Routines and Subroutines come in and out of existential manifestation? Does the qualitative power or Will of a Source abide --- constantly, consistently, perpetually? Or does IT change and pop in and out of relevant beingness? Does an emergent character of the essential Source change in response to its appreciation of the flux of feedback?
What separates each perspective of consciousness is its necessary identification with the unfolding of a separate, digitally quanticized, subroutine. But for association with consciousness, the subroutine with which you have identified neither have formed nor activated.
What connects every perspective of consciousness is its dependence on a common routine of envelopment. What avails communication is the engaging each subroutine among perspectives of consciousness with necessary, re-normalizing interpretations regarding their associations. Thus, they share common references for interpreting space-time --- such as the limiting speed of electromagnetic radiation and the constant for gravitational acceleration.
Space-Time is an emergent appearance that is derivative of systematic relationships among disparate subroutines of math-based unfoldings. The appearance of continuosity in space-time is derivative of its association with quanticized, math-based unfoldings. But for math-based algorithms, there would be no appearance of space-time. Nor of Substance, Information, or Consciousness.
What are "You"? Are you nothing more than your body, to pass into complete non-existence when your body becomes disrupted, disorganized, and destroyed? Or does conscious you-ness spread out to be re-absorbed and re-processed to ever more unfolding perspectives? If you existed in potentiality before your body was born, why not after.your present body fundamentally changes? Can "you" consciously and sensibly conceptualize a condition or existence of non-existence of existence?
If some fundamental aspect of the cosmos has always existed, then how can that which sponsored and continues to sponsor your perspective ever entirely obliterate the information relating to that perspective?
Can a state of non-existence exist? Is that what many people imagine their deaths will be like? Billions of passed-away lives, now being non-being states of non-existence of existence? Absurd.
The quality of Consciousness that You experience is a fundamental necessity for the expression of an active system in space-time.
Try to imagine the existence "somewhere at sometime" of a system entirely, measurably apart from your experience of universe, which itself held or expressed no possible Consciousness.
Does such a supposition not strike you as absurd? Firstly, your consciousness is imagining it, which is a kind of relationship to it, rather than entirely apart from it. Secondly, a notion of somewhere or sometime also implicates consciousness. Thirdly, to be measurably apart would necessitate access by a measuring consciousness. Fourthly, if it really held no possible connection to your consciousness ever, how could it be relevant in any way to you or to your interests or philosophy?
Even so, entertain the absurdity. Would not the existence of such a system of your non-consciousness still, in potentiality, exist parallel with the potentiality of your consciousness? Given that, how could you say such system would or must be entirely beyond any effect of feedback to the consciousness that abides in respect of yourself? If you were in any way to measure it, it would then not be apart from you. Nor if you reasonably hypothesized it. Nor could you be assured that it could never collide with or interpenetrate your own experience of consciousness. Nor could you be assured that a larger system did not encompass both it and yours. Nor could you be assured that all events within it were necessarily without any correlation with events in yours.
Question: Would such a system be a necessary cause, or would it be a mere correlate, for consciousness in respect of your own system? Would consciousness in your own system be a necessary cause or correlate for lack of consciousness in another system? How can you reasonably say what the role or effect of consciousness in your system is, in respect of all other systems? In what way can science, reason, or philosophy-of-causation be improved by conscious speculation concerning the possibility of a parallel universe (or universes) that lacks consciousness?
Likewise, may it be irrelevant to speculate whether there was ever a place or time within your own universe in which your consciousness was entangled with no necessary role?
Given consciousness (and given a broad and general definition of consciousness as pertaining to that which participates to determine which among all possible unfoldings will actually unfold to measurable manifestation), does it not make more sense to presume that consciousness in respect of "your" system of universe has always existed and always will exist?
In that case, how may you reasonably assess the perimeter of influence, spread of overlap, or flux for each perspective of consciousness? Can human consciousness really be reasonably assessed as being limited to the perimeter of a body's skin, notwithstanding tools for extension (telescopes, microscopes, hearing aids, resonance detectors, capacity for learning and communicating and empathizing, etc.)? May a body politic (or body spiritual) react with a kind of conscious purposefulness? Can you reasonably say what may be the level of consciousness in respect of various substrates of connected, conserving, reconciling, fluxing, measuring experience, events, matter, energy, and information?
GOD: May yours and every other perspective of consciousness simply be a differently, temporally limited expression of the same interconnecting and reconciling Consciousness?
Consciousness adopts, or is adopted with, various perspectives. Such perspectives seem to consist with Consciousness associated or correlated with an unfolding flux of bodily Substance and cumulating Information. CSI.
A perspective, as an unfolding identity, remains the same perspective even as its interpretations of experiences change. You remain you, even as you grow and change. Does a perspective of you continue after the death of your body?
It may not be so important to try to conceptualize such a thing. This is because Consciousness is Consciousness, and, as some forms or others, it seems consciousness is a fundament for the unfolding expression of our universe. By that I mean that I doubt measurable Substance or cumulating Information could even exist, much less find expression, in the entire and complete absence of Consciousness.
Something innately metaphysical (qualitatively beyond measurable physics) seems to abide with the Observer Effect, the Measurement Problem, and the selection of each unfoldment of measurable manifestation from among all potential possibilities. That something would seem to abide as innate Consciousness. A fundamental aspect of a trinitarian unfoldment of CSI.
It seems the cumulative effect of your information continues, whether spread to consciousness generally or transmitted or cumulated to the unfolding experience of new bodies and perspectives. The unfoldment would seem necessarily to absorb your "you-ness." In that respect, the qualitative fundament with which "you" are expressed does not seem to die, but to transition, spread, and unfold. The passage of the Substance of your body simply marks a passage of Consciousness and Information.
In that respect, "Soul" may be conceptualized as the qualitative aspect of the innate trinitarian unfoldment of CSI. Soul may relate to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeter of our selfish skins. Pity the person that seems unable to identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratificaton of his glandular impulses.
Many people seem to be looking for a superior in respect of which to derive all inferiors. But what if, instead of a situation of a Superior causing or accounting for all derivative Inferiors, we instead have a system of always existent correlates ("changeless-changers")? By what experience or logic could we evidence that such is not the case?
If no first or ultimate cause can be found or rationalized, then is it just as well to consider every apprehension of an unfoldment a correlation, rather than a cause-in-itself? Is every apparent cause or sequence just a part of a math-based flux of correlations?
May our bodies represent only vessels, through which a trinitarian flux of correlations appreciates, determines, and re-presents its unfolding flux? Do virtue and blame abide only with appreciation of appearance of agency? Are virtue, morality, purposefulness, or empathy enhanced as our brains and bodies become more attuned to their role as vessels for a trinitarian flux that re-presents consciousness, substance, and information?
You merely argue your belief or faith, then you show name-calling and bitterness because others decline to take your faith as fact.
I try to communicate at the level to which my audience is accustomed. When my audience is a name caller, I tend to hold up a mirror. Empathy tends to lead me to take T for Tat as generally being the most effective tactic.
To my intuition, empathy at some level is innate and fundamental. Perhaps even among the lowest reproducing patterns and bacteria. But it can emerge to more fulfillment and inspiration when channeled and focused among people seeking to harmonize more in good faith and good will. And people tend more to seek such harmony as they come more to apprehend or believe that Empathy is innate.
Gush nonsense. You explain nothing. You simply take what is and call it moral. You offer no guidance and no inspiration regarding what we should aspire to. May as well describe a pile of crap. You failed to address the other issues because all you have to offer is crap.
Demonstrate to me how to derive moral higher mindedness from the scientific method. When you fail, do you take it as meaningless?
Demonstrate to me how it is that, out of all other possibilities, only one unfolding is chosen/determined/appreciated/made manifest to measurable appearance.
Demonstrate to me how any measurable thing can exist apart from capacity of a measurer.
I agree that enhancements to Consciousness at particular loci in space-time are emergent.
I do not agree that Consciousness as a fundamental necessity, is an emergent. Any more than I believe that Substance and Information, as fundamental necessities, are purely emergent.
Demonstrate to me why I should believe that a condition of non-existence of Substance or Information anywhere could exist. How a condition of non-existence could exist.
To imagine Consciousness could abide without Substance or Math would seem to be useless. However, to intuit Consciousness as being in necessary correlation with Substance would not necessarily be to "disembody" (or de-substantiate) Consciousness.
With Beingness, parts within systems flux and evolve. Systems within systems evolve. Universes within universes evolve. The only things that do not change would seem to be changeless-changers, i.e., the fundaments that undergird all things that are presented as appearances and experiences. While the experiences and capacities of changeless-changers are fluxed, enhanced, and changed, the fundamental beingness of such changeless-changers remains constant.
Such changeless-changers would seem to include, at most fundamental level, the following: Capacity of beingness to become perpetually un-balanced and re-balanced. Capacity to represent such perpetual process in math. Experience of Consciousness. Measurement of Substance. Cumulation and flux of Information.
Because interpretations of facts concerning relationships and objective measurements among things, events, distances, sequences, and vectors are taken in respect of laws of systems, and because such systems and laws change, facts about relationships also change over representations in space-time.
As systems change, the so-called objective truths about measurements in respect of them change. Transposition, flux and evolution. Truths about how our universe as it presents in physics today need not be presented as the same physics in respect of what we may interpret for a hundred billion years from now.
IOW, Consciousness correlates with changes that are effected in so-called objective physics and Science of Substance and Information. At a deep level, this may be why the scientific method does not prove things that are not merely trivial or true by definition. Rather, Science avails testing and probing relationships, to find where presumed laws concerning such relationships can eventually be falsified or changed.
The laws of physics that describe the combined system under which we in common model and take our measurements would seem to have had a beginning.
To measure any part of an independent and previous system, we would need to have independent access to it.
However, to the extent any such previous system incorporated to form ours, how could we, as parts of the combined system, find means to stand outside to measure either or both?
By what math, logic, or reason can we, as limited particular perspectives, hope to prove whether or not there have been previous systems that were necessary to form ours? Or whether a flux among transposing systems has always existed and always will exist, without beginning or end? Or whether Consciousness has always been entailed therewith?
To activate math to avail representation of space-time (locus-sequence), the otherwise nothingness of perfect symmetry (obliteration of all matter with anti-matter), the symmetry must be cracked (big bang).
An activated system of perpetually reconciling feedback necessitates a perpetual unfoldment of un-balancng and re-balancing. Even in what we may presume to be immutable, absolute, unchanging laws of natural physics.
Given gradual enough flux and change in such laws, would we necessarily have means even to notice? Must the physical laws for "our universe" (or our identities) necessarily remain the same after a chronology of 100 billion years? Would our universe then be the same universe?
For each new un-balancing in the system, must a reconciling function of conscious direction be entailed, perpetually?
Qualitative and quantitative Connectivity: All forms that unfold with the flux do so as part of an active system of conservation that perpetually seeks to re-balance every crack as it develops in the math based symmetry. Every form is subject to the conservational reconciliation of the system. In that respect, every form connects with a system of feedback that reconciles the unfolding evolution of all cooperation and competition.
Everything we think we know is a perception to or an interpretation by a perspective of Consciousness. We can think of nothing that exists that is not a perception or interpretation of and by C.
To think there must be a superior reality that is a substrate of perception and interpretation is simply to engage a regressive interpretation.
To imagine a superior C abides entirely outside the cosmic system that defines us is to imagine an irrelevancy to us. As soon as any C relates to us in a relevant way, it connects, to that extent, as a qualitative part of our system. Even if every measurable aspect of that relationship is perceived only from the direction of the superior C.
It is not that Substance and Information are inferior to C or that C is inferior to S and I. It is that every measurable manifestation unfolds with a flux of CSI, functioning as correlates that feed back with one another.
Each such correlate can function to enhance the other two, but none of the correlates can abide free of the other two. In that sense, each of CSI is a fundamental ingredient without which the unfolding flux would lack capacity to effect either quantitative or qualitative fluxes or experiences.
C expresses the cracks in the symmetry. S and I express the restoration of the symmetry. The balance is subject to perpetual re- balancing.
C. as a connective fundament, abides in that respect as the God aspect of the Trinitarian Godhead of CSI.
Whether there abides a holistic perspective of C that is more than the sum of all persoectives of C may make for interesting speculation.
Whether the Godhead may reasonably and conceptually be further reduced, as the derivative of Math being activated by a Mathematician, may also make for interesting speculation.
In that case, the Mathematician would abide as the God aspect of a duality.
Both love and hate are just different faces and results of unfolding empathy. To say Gid is purely about war makes no more sense than to say God is purely about peace. The unfolding system of perpetual re-balancing entails a constant and continuous flux of both cooperation and competition.
God is always empathy. God is not always love. If God had to love everything equally, what could ever change?
The people seeking to bring down Trump by favoring porous borders are identifying themselves as enemies of every patriot.
Every sentient person should know by now that Congress is owned by sadistic social-media oligarchs with power urges, perhaps bordering on pedophilia, that want to weaken all nations and families so they can carve up syndicates to farm and abuse all the desperate little people, worldwide.
Who needs free spirits and free thinkers? For the security and good of the planet, let the chosen elite lead the stoolie masses to convert the world into a matrix of bellies and sex glands. Sarc.
The people that want porous borders to serve the oligarchy and undermine the republic tend to be the same people seeking to bring down Trump. They are making themselves enemies of every patriot.
The status quo could be anything. To be a conserver of the status quo (a system of people farming) is in no wise to be principled. What we need are Conservers of Liberty. Of human decency and dignity. Of individual responsibility before God. Of self actualization, against all the materialistic temptations of unprincipled pimps and stoolies for wannabe people farmers, child groomers, and latent pedophiles.
A person who does not believe a society is just tends to have no problem using deception or pretending to be loyal in order to undermine it. Such a person may tend not to believe there exists any higher mindedness in respect of which to take an oath.
The oath of a godless Marxist to serve a representative republic is but a farce. As a society becomes saturated with godless Marxists, its reliance on oaths becomes farcical. Which may be why no Marxist society can sustain a republic other than as cover for a despotism.
The world is not a stagnant balance. It is a dynamic pursuit of balance. A perpetual flux of rebalancing inequalities. Without inequalities (cracked symmetry), there would be neither flux nor consciousness, but only stagnation. There is no rainbow utopia to arrive at and say "this is it."
People and groups pursue power, not stagnation. For a Gov falsely to decree that all are herewith given right to claim equal entitlement is to lull many people into non-productive stagnation. Socialism as an ideal is a distraction for rotting society. When pursued by pitting gang and tribe against gang and tribe, it incites perpetual division and destruction. Time and again, it produces non-productive rot. Gangsters that intend to justify their gangsterism --- by claiming special knowledge or chosen-ness or by appealing to a utopia of universal equality in outcomes --- pave the road to hell by mistaking their intentions for goodness.
Yet, people farming knaves continue to indoctrinate socialistic useful idiots to believe, religious like, in a natural justice right to use superficial markers to attract gangs to make gov require productive people to make reparations, to make entitlement-minded people more equal. And gangs seem always to want an unlimited period for reparations to pursue such equality. They never reach a point of saying, "We have had enough reparations." Even so, their atheistic and fake scientific "objective thinkers" supposedly find their right to demand reparations not in anything spiritual, but in "fundamental fairness as objectified by Nature."
As such useful idiots are attracted by fake promises and distracted by immediate gratifications, they do not think about the question begged: If Nature prescribes that gangs should be entitled to farm productive workers, why should not oligarchs be entitled to deem themselves "chosen" to make themselves even more equal by farming (dividing and ruling) the gangs?
Of course, oligarchs will try to shame everyone that sees the obvious as being conspiratorial minded. But I would say that every student of history that fails ever to ask such a question is a fool.
If civilized people want morality, fairness, and justice, they need to seek elsewhere, rather than in equality of outcomes or scientific fairness of Nature.
The Deep State consists not of spiritual fishers of men, but of materialistic farmers of men. Gangsters and gangsters of gangsters. Pretending to be chosen, benign and well meaning. But, in trade for baubels, security, cheap bribes, drugs, free sex and free stuff, they demand your subservient sacrifice of self actualization. Your humanity. They call this charity, virtue, justice, and fairness. In pagan exchange for surrendering your moral responsibility for yourself before God.
The Deep State and its stoolies have set about dividing people and destroying nations, in order to farm and rule the world.
The Great Question is whether humanity will waken in time to throw off these jackals and knaves, that have now infested every institution of social persuasion.
Who is trapping what watering holes? Sometimes it seems that Nature conspires to mine every factual event for advantageous knavery. Just look at the relationships among Oliver Stone, JFK, Roger Stone, GHWB, Oswald, Hinckley, Ultra, Deep State, Unabomber Manifesto, Patriot Act, social-media, gov-sponsored global-warming mass-hysteria, divide-and-rule multi-cultural hate-crime gay-marriage mass lunacy, the "tolerant" promotion of Sharia over Christianity, and the elitist shaming of nationalists. So often, systems promote the most reliably two-faced knaves.
So people farming knaves indoctrinate socialistic useful idiots to believe, religious like, in a natural justice right to use gangs to make gov require productive people to make reparations to make entitlement-minded people more equal. This right is supposedly not found in anything spiritual, but in fundamental fairness as objectified by Nature.
As the useful idiots are distracted by fake promises and drugged by immediate gratifications, they do not think about the question begged: If Nature prescribes that useful idiots should be entitled to farm productive workers, why should not oligarchs be entitled to deem themselves "chosen" to make themselves even more equal by farming the useful idiots?
Of course, oligarchs will try to shame such thinkers as being conspiratorial minded. But I would say that any student of history that fails to ask such a question is a fool.
Bottom line: Any serious thinking about human decency and morality in relationships needs to delve beyond what is objectively measurable or rationalize-able among avowed atheists in Nature. When thinkers fail, we just continue to water a system that promotes the most duplicitous and audacious among gang-banging people farmers. And so we get Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Then on to Comey and Mueller and all that gang. Virtuous these materialistic pretenders are, my ass!
Science tests on contingent relationships. It does not prove non-trivial or non-contingent absolutes. Even what are often called the absolute laws for our bubble of universe are contingent on the supporting continuation of our bubble. Or its non-union with another bubble.
In a sense, the Law of Conservation is a restatement about math that is true by definition: That equations must balance. Which, in that respect, is more like a statement of a truism than a testable hypothesis.
Apart from truths by definition and testable hypotheses, much among the codes in respect of which we live are "mere" belief systems. Not provable facts. They are acted on in faith.
Q: Can any soul, regardless of immature howls to the contrary, keep a belief system or way of being that is not in some sense religious?
How can an absurd belief that a universal condition of "non-existence can exist" abide --- other than as a (religious like) faith? What person has died and then proved that "his" consciousness no longer exists?
You are adapted with an unfolding and interconnecting subroutine.
Before You adapted with that subroutine and its unfoldings, "You" had adapted with a previous routine.
Whatever availed your adaptation with your present subroutine, IT also availed similar adaptations of parallel subroutines. Other people. To whose Consciousness you are empathetic, but of which you are not directly sensate.
One Superior Routine and it's conscious aspect ("You") would seem to be the Source of all subsequent human subroutines.
That Routine would likewise have been a derivative of a Routine superior to it.
However, the sequencing of math does not go from first to last, but from infinity to infinity.
So, do Routines and Subroutines come in and out of existential manifestation? Does the qualitative power or Will of a Source abide --- constantly, consistently, perpetually? Or does IT change and pop in and out of relevant beingness? Does an emergent character of the essential Source change in response to its appreciation of the flux of feedback?
What separates each perspective of consciousness is its necessary identification with the unfolding of a separate, digitally quanticized, subroutine. But for association with consciousness, the subroutine with which you have identified neither have formed nor activated.
What connects every perspective of consciousness is its dependence on a common routine of envelopment. What avails communication is the engaging each subroutine among perspectives of consciousness with necessary, re-normalizing interpretations regarding their associations. Thus, they share common references for interpreting space-time --- such as the limiting speed of electromagnetic radiation and the constant for gravitational acceleration.
Space-Time is an emergent appearance that is derivative of systematic relationships among disparate subroutines of math-based unfoldings. The appearance of continuosity in space-time is derivative of its association with quanticized, math-based unfoldings. But for math-based algorithms, there would be no appearance of space-time. Nor of Substance, Information, or Consciousness.
What are "You"? Are you nothing more than your body, to pass into complete non-existence when your body becomes disrupted, disorganized, and destroyed? Or does conscious you-ness spread out to be re-absorbed and re-processed to ever more unfolding perspectives? If you existed in potentiality before your body was born, why not after.your present body fundamentally changes? Can "you" consciously and sensibly conceptualize a condition or existence of non-existence of existence?
If some fundamental aspect of the cosmos has always existed, then how can that which sponsored and continues to sponsor your perspective ever entirely obliterate the information relating to that perspective?
Can a state of non-existence exist? Is that what many people imagine their deaths will be like? Billions of passed-away lives, now being non-being states of non-existence of existence? Absurd.
The quality of Consciousness that You experience is a fundamental necessity for the expression of an active system in space-time.
Try to imagine the existence "somewhere at sometime" of a system entirely, measurably apart from your experience of universe, which itself held or expressed no possible Consciousness.
Does such a supposition not strike you as absurd? Firstly, your consciousness is imagining it, which is a kind of relationship to it, rather than entirely apart from it. Secondly, a notion of somewhere or sometime also implicates consciousness. Thirdly, to be measurably apart would necessitate access by a measuring consciousness. Fourthly, if it really held no possible connection to your consciousness ever, how could it be relevant in any way to you or to your interests or philosophy?
Even so, entertain the absurdity. Would not the existence of such a system of your non-consciousness still, in potentiality, exist parallel with the potentiality of your consciousness? Given that, how could you say such system would or must be entirely beyond any effect of feedback to the consciousness that abides in respect of yourself? If you were in any way to measure it, it would then not be apart from you. Nor if you reasonably hypothesized it. Nor could you be assured that it could never collide with or interpenetrate your own experience of consciousness. Nor could you be assured that a larger system did not encompass both it and yours. Nor could you be assured that all events within it were necessarily without any correlation with events in yours.
Question: Would such a system be a necessary cause, or would it be a mere correlate, for consciousness in respect of your own system? Would consciousness in your own system be a necessary cause or correlate for lack of consciousness in another system? How can you reasonably say what the role or effect of consciousness in your system is, in respect of all other systems? In what way can science, reason, or philosophy-of-causation be improved by conscious speculation concerning the possibility of a parallel universe (or universes) that lacks consciousness?
Likewise, may it be irrelevant to speculate whether there was ever a place or time within your own universe in which your consciousness was entangled with no necessary role?
Given consciousness (and given a broad and general definition of consciousness as pertaining to that which participates to determine which among all possible unfoldings will actually unfold to measurable manifestation), does it not make more sense to presume that consciousness in respect of "your" system of universe has always existed and always will exist?
In that case, how may you reasonably assess the perimeter of influence, spread of overlap, or flux for each perspective of consciousness? Can human consciousness really be reasonably assessed as being limited to the perimeter of a body's skin, notwithstanding tools for extension (telescopes, microscopes, hearing aids, resonance detectors, capacity for learning and communicating and empathizing, etc.)? May a body politic (or body spiritual) react with a kind of conscious purposefulness? Can you reasonably say what may be the level of consciousness in respect of various substrates of connected, conserving, reconciling, fluxing, measuring experience, events, matter, energy, and information?
GOD: May yours and every other perspective of consciousness simply be a differently, temporally limited expression of the same interconnecting and reconciling Consciousness?
Consciousness adopts, or is adopted with, various perspectives. Such perspectives seem to consist with Consciousness associated or correlated with an unfolding flux of bodily Substance and cumulating Information. CSI.
A perspective, as an unfolding identity, remains the same perspective even as its interpretations of experiences change. You remain you, even as you grow and change. Does a perspective of you continue after the death of your body?
It may not be so important to try to conceptualize such a thing. This is because Consciousness is Consciousness, and, as some forms or others, it seems consciousness is a fundament for the unfolding expression of our universe. By that I mean that I doubt measurable Substance or cumulating Information could even exist, much less find expression, in the entire and complete absence of Consciousness.
Something innately metaphysical (qualitatively beyond measurable physics) seems to abide with the Observer Effect, the Measurement Problem, and the selection of each unfoldment of measurable manifestation from among all potential possibilities. That something would seem to abide as innate Consciousness. A fundamental aspect of a trinitarian unfoldment of CSI.
It seems the cumulative effect of your information continues, whether spread to consciousness generally or transmitted or cumulated to the unfolding experience of new bodies and perspectives. The unfoldment would seem necessarily to absorb your "you-ness." In that respect, the qualitative fundament with which "you" are expressed does not seem to die, but to transition, spread, and unfold. The passage of the Substance of your body simply marks a passage of Consciousness and Information.
In that respect, "Soul" may be conceptualized as the qualitative aspect of the innate trinitarian unfoldment of CSI. Soul may relate to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeter of our selfish skins. Pity the person that seems unable to identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratificaton of his glandular impulses.
Many people seem to be looking for a superior in respect of which to derive all inferiors. But what if, instead of a situation of a Superior causing or accounting for all derivative Inferiors, we instead have a system of always existent correlates ("changeless-changers")? By what experience or logic could we evidence that such is not the case?
If no first or ultimate cause can be found or rationalized, then is it just as well to consider every apprehension of an unfoldment a correlation, rather than a cause-in-itself? Is every apparent cause or sequence just a part of a math-based flux of correlations?
May our bodies represent only vessels, through which a trinitarian flux of correlations appreciates, determines, and re-presents its unfolding flux? Do virtue and blame abide only with appreciation of appearance of agency? Are virtue, morality, purposefulness, or empathy enhanced as our brains and bodies become more attuned to their role as vessels for a trinitarian flux that re-presents consciousness, substance, and information?
You merely argue your belief or faith, then you show name-calling and bitterness because others decline to take your faith as fact.
I try to communicate at the level to which my audience is accustomed. When my audience is a name caller, I tend to hold up a mirror. Empathy tends to lead me to take T for Tat as generally being the most effective tactic.
To my intuition, empathy at some level is innate and fundamental. Perhaps even among the lowest reproducing patterns and bacteria. But it can emerge to more fulfillment and inspiration when channeled and focused among people seeking to harmonize more in good faith and good will. And people tend more to seek such harmony as they come more to apprehend or believe that Empathy is innate.
Gush nonsense. You explain nothing. You simply take what is and call it moral. You offer no guidance and no inspiration regarding what we should aspire to. May as well describe a pile of crap. You failed to address the other issues because all you have to offer is crap.
Demonstrate to me how to derive moral higher mindedness from the scientific method. When you fail, do you take it as meaningless?
Demonstrate to me how it is that, out of all other possibilities, only one unfolding is chosen/determined/appreciated/made manifest to measurable appearance.
Demonstrate to me how any measurable thing can exist apart from capacity of a measurer.
I agree that enhancements to Consciousness at particular loci in space-time are emergent.
I do not agree that Consciousness as a fundamental necessity, is an emergent. Any more than I believe that Substance and Information, as fundamental necessities, are purely emergent.
Demonstrate to me why I should believe that a condition of non-existence of Substance or Information anywhere could exist. How a condition of non-existence could exist.
To imagine Consciousness could abide without Substance or Math would seem to be useless. However, to intuit Consciousness as being in necessary correlation with Substance would not necessarily be to "disembody" (or de-substantiate) Consciousness.
With Beingness, parts within systems flux and evolve. Systems within systems evolve. Universes within universes evolve. The only things that do not change would seem to be changeless-changers, i.e., the fundaments that undergird all things that are presented as appearances and experiences. While the experiences and capacities of changeless-changers are fluxed, enhanced, and changed, the fundamental beingness of such changeless-changers remains constant.
Such changeless-changers would seem to include, at most fundamental level, the following: Capacity of beingness to become perpetually un-balanced and re-balanced. Capacity to represent such perpetual process in math. Experience of Consciousness. Measurement of Substance. Cumulation and flux of Information.
Because interpretations of facts concerning relationships and objective measurements among things, events, distances, sequences, and vectors are taken in respect of laws of systems, and because such systems and laws change, facts about relationships also change over representations in space-time.
As systems change, the so-called objective truths about measurements in respect of them change. Transposition, flux and evolution. Truths about how our universe as it presents in physics today need not be presented as the same physics in respect of what we may interpret for a hundred billion years from now.
IOW, Consciousness correlates with changes that are effected in so-called objective physics and Science of Substance and Information. At a deep level, this may be why the scientific method does not prove things that are not merely trivial or true by definition. Rather, Science avails testing and probing relationships, to find where presumed laws concerning such relationships can eventually be falsified or changed.
The laws of physics that describe the combined system under which we in common model and take our measurements would seem to have had a beginning.
To measure any part of an independent and previous system, we would need to have independent access to it.
However, to the extent any such previous system incorporated to form ours, how could we, as parts of the combined system, find means to stand outside to measure either or both?
By what math, logic, or reason can we, as limited particular perspectives, hope to prove whether or not there have been previous systems that were necessary to form ours? Or whether a flux among transposing systems has always existed and always will exist, without beginning or end? Or whether Consciousness has always been entailed therewith?
To activate math to avail representation of space-time (locus-sequence), the otherwise nothingness of perfect symmetry (obliteration of all matter with anti-matter), the symmetry must be cracked (big bang).
An activated system of perpetually reconciling feedback necessitates a perpetual unfoldment of un-balancng and re-balancing. Even in what we may presume to be immutable, absolute, unchanging laws of natural physics.
Given gradual enough flux and change in such laws, would we necessarily have means even to notice? Must the physical laws for "our universe" (or our identities) necessarily remain the same after a chronology of 100 billion years? Would our universe then be the same universe?
For each new un-balancing in the system, must a reconciling function of conscious direction be entailed, perpetually?
Qualitative and quantitative Connectivity: All forms that unfold with the flux do so as part of an active system of conservation that perpetually seeks to re-balance every crack as it develops in the math based symmetry. Every form is subject to the conservational reconciliation of the system. In that respect, every form connects with a system of feedback that reconciles the unfolding evolution of all cooperation and competition.
Everything we think we know is a perception to or an interpretation by a perspective of Consciousness. We can think of nothing that exists that is not a perception or interpretation of and by C.
To think there must be a superior reality that is a substrate of perception and interpretation is simply to engage a regressive interpretation.
To imagine a superior C abides entirely outside the cosmic system that defines us is to imagine an irrelevancy to us. As soon as any C relates to us in a relevant way, it connects, to that extent, as a qualitative part of our system. Even if every measurable aspect of that relationship is perceived only from the direction of the superior C.
It is not that Substance and Information are inferior to C or that C is inferior to S and I. It is that every measurable manifestation unfolds with a flux of CSI, functioning as correlates that feed back with one another.
Each such correlate can function to enhance the other two, but none of the correlates can abide free of the other two. In that sense, each of CSI is a fundamental ingredient without which the unfolding flux would lack capacity to effect either quantitative or qualitative fluxes or experiences.
C expresses the cracks in the symmetry. S and I express the restoration of the symmetry. The balance is subject to perpetual re- balancing.
C. as a connective fundament, abides in that respect as the God aspect of the Trinitarian Godhead of CSI.
Whether there abides a holistic perspective of C that is more than the sum of all persoectives of C may make for interesting speculation.
Whether the Godhead may reasonably and conceptually be further reduced, as the derivative of Math being activated by a Mathematician, may also make for interesting speculation.
In that case, the Mathematician would abide as the God aspect of a duality.
Both love and hate are just different faces and results of unfolding empathy. To say Gid is purely about war makes no more sense than to say God is purely about peace. The unfolding system of perpetual re-balancing entails a constant and continuous flux of both cooperation and competition.
God is always empathy. God is not always love. If God had to love everything equally, what could ever change?
The people seeking to bring down Trump by favoring porous borders are identifying themselves as enemies of every patriot.
Every sentient person should know by now that Congress is owned by sadistic social-media oligarchs with power urges, perhaps bordering on pedophilia, that want to weaken all nations and families so they can carve up syndicates to farm and abuse all the desperate little people, worldwide.
Who needs free spirits and free thinkers? For the security and good of the planet, let the chosen elite lead the stoolie masses to convert the world into a matrix of bellies and sex glands. Sarc.
The people that want porous borders to serve the oligarchy and undermine the republic tend to be the same people seeking to bring down Trump. They are making themselves enemies of every patriot.
The status quo could be anything. To be a conserver of the status quo (a system of people farming) is in no wise to be principled. What we need are Conservers of Liberty. Of human decency and dignity. Of individual responsibility before God. Of self actualization, against all the materialistic temptations of unprincipled pimps and stoolies for wannabe people farmers, child groomers, and latent pedophiles.
A person who does not believe a society is just tends to have no problem using deception or pretending to be loyal in order to undermine it. Such a person may tend not to believe there exists any higher mindedness in respect of which to take an oath.
The oath of a godless Marxist to serve a representative republic is but a farce. As a society becomes saturated with godless Marxists, its reliance on oaths becomes farcical. Which may be why no Marxist society can sustain a republic other than as cover for a despotism.
The world is not a stagnant balance. It is a dynamic pursuit of balance. A perpetual flux of rebalancing inequalities. Without inequalities (cracked symmetry), there would be neither flux nor consciousness, but only stagnation. There is no rainbow utopia to arrive at and say "this is it."
People and groups pursue power, not stagnation. For a Gov falsely to decree that all are herewith given right to claim equal entitlement is to lull many people into non-productive stagnation. Socialism as an ideal is a distraction for rotting society. When pursued by pitting gang and tribe against gang and tribe, it incites perpetual division and destruction. Time and again, it produces non-productive rot. Gangsters that intend to justify their gangsterism --- by claiming special knowledge or chosen-ness or by appealing to a utopia of universal equality in outcomes --- pave the road to hell by mistaking their intentions for goodness.
Yet, people farming knaves continue to indoctrinate socialistic useful idiots to believe, religious like, in a natural justice right to use superficial markers to attract gangs to make gov require productive people to make reparations, to make entitlement-minded people more equal. And gangs seem always to want an unlimited period for reparations to pursue such equality. They never reach a point of saying, "We have had enough reparations." Even so, their atheistic and fake scientific "objective thinkers" supposedly find their right to demand reparations not in anything spiritual, but in "fundamental fairness as objectified by Nature."
As such useful idiots are attracted by fake promises and distracted by immediate gratifications, they do not think about the question begged: If Nature prescribes that gangs should be entitled to farm productive workers, why should not oligarchs be entitled to deem themselves "chosen" to make themselves even more equal by farming (dividing and ruling) the gangs?
Of course, oligarchs will try to shame everyone that sees the obvious as being conspiratorial minded. But I would say that every student of history that fails ever to ask such a question is a fool.
If civilized people want morality, fairness, and justice, they need to seek elsewhere, rather than in equality of outcomes or scientific fairness of Nature.
The Deep State consists not of spiritual fishers of men, but of materialistic farmers of men. Gangsters and gangsters of gangsters. Pretending to be chosen, benign and well meaning. But, in trade for baubels, security, cheap bribes, drugs, free sex and free stuff, they demand your subservient sacrifice of self actualization. Your humanity. They call this charity, virtue, justice, and fairness. In pagan exchange for surrendering your moral responsibility for yourself before God.
The Deep State and its stoolies have set about dividing people and destroying nations, in order to farm and rule the world.
The Great Question is whether humanity will waken in time to throw off these jackals and knaves, that have now infested every institution of social persuasion.
Who is trapping what watering holes? Sometimes it seems that Nature conspires to mine every factual event for advantageous knavery. Just look at the relationships among Oliver Stone, JFK, Roger Stone, GHWB, Oswald, Hinckley, Ultra, Deep State, Unabomber Manifesto, Patriot Act, social-media, gov-sponsored global-warming mass-hysteria, divide-and-rule multi-cultural hate-crime gay-marriage mass lunacy, the "tolerant" promotion of Sharia over Christianity, and the elitist shaming of nationalists. So often, systems promote the most reliably two-faced knaves.
So people farming knaves indoctrinate socialistic useful idiots to believe, religious like, in a natural justice right to use gangs to make gov require productive people to make reparations to make entitlement-minded people more equal. This right is supposedly not found in anything spiritual, but in fundamental fairness as objectified by Nature.
As the useful idiots are distracted by fake promises and drugged by immediate gratifications, they do not think about the question begged: If Nature prescribes that useful idiots should be entitled to farm productive workers, why should not oligarchs be entitled to deem themselves "chosen" to make themselves even more equal by farming the useful idiots?
Of course, oligarchs will try to shame such thinkers as being conspiratorial minded. But I would say that any student of history that fails to ask such a question is a fool.
Bottom line: Any serious thinking about human decency and morality in relationships needs to delve beyond what is objectively measurable or rationalize-able among avowed atheists in Nature. When thinkers fail, we just continue to water a system that promotes the most duplicitous and audacious among gang-banging people farmers. And so we get Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Then on to Comey and Mueller and all that gang. Virtuous these materialistic pretenders are, my ass!
A representative republic needs common values to inspire the promotion of decent leaders that earn the trust of their constituents, as opposed to deeming themselves chosen. It needs leaders that identify with the freedom and dignity of their constituents, as opposed to deeming themselves entitled to rule them. It needs leaders that do not advocate for a knowitall system of elites to dictate all the minutiae of everyday life, right down to the nitty gritty of approved speech, diet, clothing, ad nauseum. The disgusting and invasive tendency of Libs to regulate, license, and tax everything is an abominable affront to America's founding ideals. Unfortunately, lack of vigilance against the breach of common faith and trust has led to the poisoning of every institution, against the founding ideals.
A representative republic needs common values to inspire the promotion of decent leaders that earn the trust of their constituents, as opposed to deeming themselves chosen. It needs leaders that identify with the freedom and dignity of their constituents, as opposed to deeming themselves entitled to rule them. It needs leaders that do not advocate for a knowitall system of elites to dictate all the minutiae of everyday life, right down to the nitty gritty of approved speech, diet, clothing, ad nauseum. The disgusting and invasive tendency of Libs to regulate, license, and tax everything is an abominable affront to America's founding ideals. Unfortunately, lack of vigilance against the breach of common faith and trust has led to the poisoning of every institution, against the founding ideals.
Leave it to the moral scientism faith of the atheistic NYT to propose that eradicating humanity to save the planet would be consistent with the objective higher mindedness of natural goodness.
Is morality or justice part of objective natural science? Does objective justice entail voluntary/forced replacement of the human form? Or respect for the evolving freedom and dignity of other forms? Does social justice entail forcing people to support their replacement, such as by others with more needs, regardless of willingness to work?
Progressive Socialists seem to believe a "natural science of justice" supports a revocation of the human form or of human nature, as it is repeated time and time again throughout history. That is, their religious-like faith, unsupported in either logic or empirical history, seems to be in a right for a base majority (consisting of layabouts, malingerers, incompetents, pervs, pansexuals, trannies, child groomers, dope fiends, felons, perpetual toddlers, snowflakes, femimen, illegals, naive children, indoctrinated students, people in desperate conditions, manipulating people farmers, and facilitators for new life forms to replace humans) to vote to require competent workers to provide for their wants and pleasures. They do not appreciate charity, but they do feel entitled to it.
However, they do not notice that gov-sanctioned force tends to have a relationship with forced labor, or slavery, or sacrifice of slaves. In voting, they elect politicians that fancy themselves to be moral scientisimists that should rule, notwithstanding protests from actual producers. They seem incapable of imagining that the oligarchs that fund and control such politicians may likewise deem themselves entitled by natural science to put their own interests foremost ("more equal"). They are so blinded by their faith that they are oblivious to the hundreds of millions slaughtered under Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro.
IOW, they imagine their slave-making or sub-humanizing regulations are higher minded. That they are just, enlightened, and benign, and that the people they entrust to make and enforce such regulations will likewise be just, enlightened, and benign. However, time and time again, the consequence is not socialistic paradise, but a return to the default condition of an uninformed and non-vigilant population --- which is economic disaster, serfdom, and despotism --- even if called by a rosy name --- like social justice. Or saving the planet.
How many relationships among particles are needed to express a particle? Can the idea of a thing-in-itself particle make sense as a building block, if to relate as a building block it immediately becomes no longer a thing-in-itself?
Is logic essentially a branch of math? Can math-in-itself exist, or activate itself, or unfold along a path of perpetual balancing, without a relationship with a mathematician? Can logic exist, by itself, as a thing-in-itself? Can math ever completely balance, to put a stop to all further unfoldings to be represented in space-time?
Can logic, from the perspective of a part of a given system, reasonably avail a complete explanation of the system as a whole?
Mortal Mankind are unable measurably or objectively to comprehend the infinite, eternal, and metaphysically qualitative Godhead. Yet, I think IT abides. We can, however, with imagination, metaphors, poetry, literature, and sacred stories, assimilate perspectives for trying to appreciate the Godhead. So I tend to appreciate sacred metaphors and stories in that respect. It does not seem generally bothersome that many sacred metaphors find new translations as civilizations flux and replace one another. Rather, the celebrations seem meaningful. And the light of imagination in the eyes of a child is a blessing.
"Soul" may relate to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeter of our selfish skins. Pity the person that is unable to imagine, celebrate, or identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratificaton of his glandular impulses.
To see with the eyes of a child and to celebrate with the gusto of a pagan!
It is perplexing how mortal mankind are unable measurably or objectively to comprehend the infinite, eternal, and metaphysically qualitative Godhead, yet to think, as I do, that The Dude abides. Even so, we can --- with imagination, sacred stories, and Good Wine --- raise perspectives for appreciating the Godhead. I appreciate sacred stories in that respect.
Progressive Socialists seem to believe a "natural science of justice" supports a revocation of the human form or of human nature, as it is repeated time and time again throughout history. That is, their religious-like faith, unsupported in either logic or empirical history, seems to be in a right for a base majority (consisting of layabouts, malingerers, incompetents, pervs, pansexuals, trannies, child groomers, dope fiends, felons, perpetual toddlers, snowflakes, femimen, illegals, naive children, indoctrinated students, people in desperate conditions, manipulating people farmers, and facilitators for new life forms to replace humans) to vote to require competent workers to provide for their wants and pleasures. They do not appreciate charity, but they do feel entitled to it.
However, they do not notice that gov-sanctioned force tends to have a relationship with forced labor, or slavery, or sacrifice of slaves. In voting, they elect politicians that fancy themselves to be moral scientisimists that should rule, notwithstanding protests from actual producers. They seem incapable of imagining that the oligarchs that fund and control such politicians may likewise deem themselves entitled by natural science to put their own interests foremost ("more equal"). They are so blinded by their faith that they are oblivious to the hundreds of millions slaughtered under Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro.
IOW, they imagine their slave-making or sub-humanizing regulations are higher minded. That they are just, enlightened, and benign, and that the people they entrust to make and enforce such regulations will likewise be just, enlightened, and benign. However, time and time again, the consequence is not socialistic paradise, but a return to the default condition of an uninformed and non-vigilant population --- which is economic disaster, serfdom, and despotism --- even if called by a rosy name --- like social justice. Or saving the planet.
SNOWFLAKE DRAG: We have become a nation that is filled with snowflakes, who know not that the road to hell is paved with the good intentions of virtue signalers that have presumed beyond their combined virtue and knowitalls that have presumed beyond their combined intellects. But for advances in nutrition and communications, modern humanity would probably compare poorly in terms of IQ, strength, agility, virtue, and reason against the citizens of the Roman Republic, before its gene pool became exhausted by endless wars and diseases.
How many relationships among particles are needed to express a particle? Can the idea of a thing-in-itself particle make sense as a building block, if to relate as a building block it immediately becomes no longer a thing-in-itself?
Is logic essentially a branch of math? Can math-in-itself exist, or activate itself, or unfold along a path of perpetual balancing, without a relationship with a mathematician? Can logic exist, by itself, as a thing-in-itself? Can math ever completely balance, to put a stop to all further unfoldings to be represented in space-time?
Can logic, from the perspective of a part of a given system, reasonably avail a complete explanation of the system as a whole?
Mortal Mankind are unable measurably or objectively to comprehend the infinite, eternal, and metaphysically qualitative Godhead. Yet, I think IT abides. We can, however, with imagination, metaphors, poetry, literature, and sacred stories, assimilate perspectives for trying to appreciate the Godhead. So I tend to appreciate sacred metaphors and stories in that respect. It does not seem generally bothersome that many sacred metaphors find new translations as civilizations flux and replace one another. Rather, the celebrations seem meaningful. And the light of imagination in the eyes of a child is a blessing.
"Soul" may relate to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeter of our selfish skins. Pity the person that is unable to imagine, celebrate, or identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratificaton of his glandular impulses.
To see with the eyes of a child and to celebrate with the gusto of a pagan!
It is perplexing how mortal mankind are unable measurably or objectively to comprehend the infinite, eternal, and metaphysically qualitative Godhead, yet to think, as I do, that The Dude abides. Even so, we can --- with imagination, sacred stories, and Good Wine --- raise perspectives for appreciating the Godhead. I appreciate sacred stories in that respect.
So it does not seem generally bothersome that many sacred metaphors find new translations as civilizations flux and replace one another. Given an eternal Godhead, how could it be otherwise? The celebrations seem meaningful. And the light of imagination in the eyes of a child is undeniable.
Maybe "soul" relates to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeters of our selfish skins. I hope every man-child can learn to imagine, celebrate, and identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratification of his glandular impulses. Bless our childish capacities for imagination and celebration!
The Witch Hunt is not about justice or securing the Republic. It is about keeping the girls of the Deep State clan safe from the enticements of out of town Russians. And preserving the privileges of the Deep State to farm the people and control their President.
You don't need scripture to sense a basis for faith.
The NWO you imagine to be benign is not.
Morality or virtue without individual responsibility is nonsense.
As to qualitatives regarding empathy, there is nothing new under the sun.
I don't talk about heaven or end times. I have no insight in such matters.
My concern is about what is needed to sustain a republic as it unfolds to avail decent freedom and dignity.
Not every person or culture is concerned to preserve human freedom, dignity, or a republic.
The task for those that want to preserve such a republic is to inspire values suited to it.
To wholesale trash the traditions and metaphors that helped a nation to establish such a republic does not tend to sustain it.
It is beyond me to comprehend how any intelligent and reasonably informed person could look around and not see the unraveling of the nation and the ongoing program to replace it with a despotic NWO. Maybe they never got beyond the fixations of puberty?
Maybe "soul" relates to how we are able to identify with causes that are bigger than or beyond the perimeters of our selfish skins. I hope every man-child can learn to imagine, celebrate, and identify with causes beyond what serves the immediate gratification of his glandular impulses. Bless our childish capacities for imagination and celebration!
The Witch Hunt is not about justice or securing the Republic. It is about keeping the girls of the Deep State clan safe from the enticements of out of town Russians. And preserving the privileges of the Deep State to farm the people and control their President.
You don't need scripture to sense a basis for faith.
The NWO you imagine to be benign is not.
Morality or virtue without individual responsibility is nonsense.
As to qualitatives regarding empathy, there is nothing new under the sun.
I don't talk about heaven or end times. I have no insight in such matters.
My concern is about what is needed to sustain a republic as it unfolds to avail decent freedom and dignity.
Not every person or culture is concerned to preserve human freedom, dignity, or a republic.
The task for those that want to preserve such a republic is to inspire values suited to it.
To wholesale trash the traditions and metaphors that helped a nation to establish such a republic does not tend to sustain it.
It is beyond me to comprehend how any intelligent and reasonably informed person could look around and not see the unraveling of the nation and the ongoing program to replace it with a despotic NWO. Maybe they never got beyond the fixations of puberty?
Regarding tool kits for wannabe farmers of farmers: How nearly has all social education now been twisted for those that want to farm voters as opposed to serving voters? Among farmers of domestic voters, how small is Russia compared to the Deep State?
If there was a coordinated Russian purpose, is there any sense in supposing that purpose would have been more to help Trump than simply to weaken the USA and Hillary?
I don't think Mueller is hired or interested to shed light on that.
We seem pretty far down a path that is taking us into some deep woods. Steven Pinker thinks violence has declined. Maybe so. But hate seems to be heated under a tighter pressure cooker. There seems to be as much or more profit for every institution from scapegoating and race baiting as ever.
What Vets paid for with blood and sweat, corrupt Oligarchs and their stooges want to destroy. They shelter under what vets provide, then call Nationalists nasty names. Shameful sissies and sissymen.
Farmers catch and farm wild pigs by acting as if they are promising to give the pigs equal outcome bennies in exchange for them surrendering their freedom and individual responsibility.
Well, if they can't pay taxes, at least they can help turn the electorate blue enough to vote to replace the rule of law with the rule of oligarchs puppeting the "educated" champions of felons, illegals, and child groomers.
When empathy is not grounded in wisdom, it is not enough. A persevering society does not need bleeding hearts in gov that think virtue or compassion are well expressed by forcibly redirecting other people's money.
That said, I do agree that empathy is fundamental and consists with sensing the connectedness among perspectives of consciousness, that we are not entirely separate from the suffering of others, that there but for fortune go I.
Regarding tool kits for wannabe farmers of farmers: How nearly has all social education now been twisted for those that want to farm voters as opposed to serving voters? Among farmers of domestic voters, how small is Russia compared to the Deep State?
If there was a coordinated Russian purpose, is there any sense in supposing that purpose would have been more to help Trump than simply to weaken the USA and Hillary?
I don't think Mueller is hired or interested to shed light on that.
We seem pretty far down a path that is taking us into some deep woods. Steven Pinker thinks violence has declined. Maybe so. But hate seems to be heated under a tighter pressure cooker. There seems to be as much or more profit for every institution from scapegoating and race baiting as ever.
What Vets paid for with blood and sweat, corrupt Oligarchs and their stooges want to destroy. They shelter under what vets provide, then call Nationalists nasty names. Shameful sissies and sissymen.
Farmers catch and farm wild pigs by acting as if they are promising to give the pigs equal outcome bennies in exchange for them surrendering their freedom and individual responsibility.
Well, if they can't pay taxes, at least they can help turn the electorate blue enough to vote to replace the rule of law with the rule of oligarchs puppeting the "educated" champions of felons, illegals, and child groomers.
When empathy is not grounded in wisdom, it is not enough. A persevering society does not need bleeding hearts in gov that think virtue or compassion are well expressed by forcibly redirecting other people's money.
That said, I do agree that empathy is fundamental and consists with sensing the connectedness among perspectives of consciousness, that we are not entirely separate from the suffering of others, that there but for fortune go I.