Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Perspectives of Participatory Free Will


When you require evidence, the implication pertains to cause and effect evidence. Or assumption of a sequence of unfoldings from an idea of a beginning.

In doing so, you are assuming, without proof, that there really was a beginning and that there really was some kind of beginning causal agency. But that begs questions about what begat the begetter, in infinite regression.

We do not know what we do not know, and we may not be able to know.

If Something abides as a Source-Reconciler, in what way is IT so? Is IT an uncaused thing-in-itself causal agent? Is IT, and all that IT sponsors to unfold, pre-set? Or does IT function in respect of systematic and dynamic feedback? Is IT an unlimited sponsor of a system of limiting parameters?

Is it really reasonable to try to contemplate such concerns in cause-effect terms? Or may it be more reasonable to look to innate conscious intuition within?

If science cannot logically measure or prove what it is ultimately founded on, then in what sense is it reasonable to suppose science has a "burden to prove" whether it is or is not founded only on some kind of metaphysical but unconscious and unappreciative protoplasm or meta-math?

What does your intuition suggest? Does an unfoldment based on meta-math suggest a meta-mathematician? Does the reconciling of measurements suggest participation with an active (conscious) Measurer?

If intuition relates to concerns beyond empirical measure, then in what way can it make sense to suppose intuition has a burden to prove itself by empirical measures?

Either one respects an intuition of a Source-Reconciler, or one does not. The idea of an empirical burden of proof for such a general belief is bafflegab.


With how IT appreciates feedback of Information, a Qualitative participates in the determining of which among possible Quantitatives actually unfold as measurable manifestations within the Cosmos.


Much of the American Ideal is reflected in the First Amendment. That Amendment is not liked by Globalists. It stands in their way. Many cultures do not have it. They will prosecute and punish you severely for non-PC speech or what they call heresy or blasphemy.
To allow your nation to be overwhelmed by their immigrants is to forfeit your birthright to the First Amendment. Which is to reduce your individual autonomy and responsibility as a free thinking human being. That is a cost of allowing Globalism to bury America and the First Amendment.

To allow immigration in excessive amounts from cultures that do not value the rights under the First Amendment is to allow constant and rapid abrading away of the essence of being human.

That is part of what separates Patriots from stooges for Globalists.

You were raised to judge people on character, not race or ethnicity. To give them the benefit of the doubt, but to know when to cut them off. To give of yourself in good will and good faith. To work with others to do charitable work in Mexico. You have a caring and giving heart, which is more important to you than popularity.

The world today is contesting between nationalism v. globalism. Depending on purpose, there are good arguments for both. Each has its place.

The nature of competition is often to reward two-faced, conniving sociopaths that think they are be served by the rest of the world. It is important not to let yourself, your family, or your nation be used too long either by stooges or by sociopaths.

Wannabe rulers can be prone to argue against nations. To argue for open borders and easily divided and ruled cheap laborers. To pit all manner of diverse classes against one another.


None. That is the point. The proof is in innate empathy of one subjective perspective of consciousness for another. Not in any objective-standard-in-itself that is outside subjective experience but objectively knowable to it.

Too many people assume all qualitative experiences are completely subject to quantitative objectification.

Consciousness expresses measurables subject to a conserving web of math based flux among quantitatives. The law of conservation of matter and energy. But under that law there abide parameters that flux with feedback. No human can know in advance precisely how future apprehensions may interfunction to affect his subsequent acts.

To suggest that God functions with math is not to say that everything God does must have been scientifically pre-determined. To suggest humanity can enjoy freedom under law is not to say that humanity cannot enjoy participatory freedom.

Such freedom implicates that science cannot provide a precise prediction for how every unfoldment will feed back to conscious appreciation.

This may be hard for people trained to be utterly devoted to objectivity in science to commit to their subjective understanding. For them, there tends to be little point in the effort.


Special appeals to heartstrings should be based in voluntary charity and gratitude -- among individuals and private charities. Not based in claims of entitlement among tribes contending against the general government.

When did Progs first begin conflating forced taxation by the Gov with charity? Answer: When they began hating on their gov, stomping on police cars, blocking traffic, shouting down speakers, imprisoning or suspending people for expressing dissent, ripping out opposing signs, keying cars, pushing elaborate hoaxes, claiming a right to use public schools to groom children, and generally behaving like entitled children. Enough!


Even for a sensible 5 year old, it should make no sense to demand empirically quantitative proof for those things that are only qualitatively or intuitively appreciated.

Such as: The uncaused cause, prime mover, first cause, eternal cause. Or a complete explanation for the specific choice of expression of any quantum event.

Specific quantum events happen. Can you perfectly predict the specific time and place for the unfolding of any one of them? Using any model, can you do so? Even when you cannot, Something determines it. To call that "Something" random chance is a label for a result, not an explanation for any specific result.

You say Religion has a burden to prove God. You do this without defining God and without specifying what you mean by proof. If by "God" you are referring to an agency beyond the reach of builders or scientists, then why do you perversely ask for scientifically testable proof of that which you define as being beyond science? Are you nuts?

I can as well say that Science, if it wants entirely to displace an idea of God), has a burden to prove it can offer a complete explanation of all that is quantitatively and qualitatively experienceable without resorting to metaphorical models, metaphysics, or mere labels for happenstance results. Can you meet the burden to prove such things are not the results of things that are beyond science?

Some things (quantifiable measurables) are matters for an empirical approach. Some things (immeasurable qualitatives) are concerns for an intuitive approach.

Yet, they are expressed, and when they are correlated with a measurable expression (mind with body), they may thus be said to be reconciled.

But some people are candidates for adopting a posture of unreconcilable perversity. I cannot help them. But hey, perv on, Dude.

A putrid, perplexing pile of pulsating worms.


The Founders did not ignore previous generations. They stood on their shoulders. Volume I of Gibbons' The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire had been published. Some of the Founders even adopted Roman pen names, such as Publius and Brutus.

It is one thing to allow workers to bid their labor under the framework of a nation that respects the debt owed on account of its defense under their citizenship.

It is another thing to allow international corporatists to buy politicians in order to open all borders to workers made desperately dependent on foreign despots.

A Conserver of Liberty should defend liberty under the framework of a nation.


Does the relationship between matter and energy flux, yet conserve to a total? Are the specific unfoldings of that flux pre-determined? If not, with what are they determined (reconciled)? And if they are pre-determined, what measurable or non-measurable thing pre-determined them?

The problem with pure empiricist philosophy is that it Assumes What It Wants To Prove: That our experience of the cosmos reduces entirely to measurable relationships. That intuition-of-consciousness has nothing worthwhIle to contribute beyond what is empirically measurable.

Do you think you can consult a dictionary to define everything that is worthwhile in terms that reduce to measurables? If you want to believe your conscious intuition has no role or worth beyond what is measurable then there is little point in conversing with me about meta values.

What is the Source and Cause of Thinking and what prompts it? How does IT sense through us, but we not through IT? Information passes through us. We are not pure agents of free will to control it.

We function as perspectives for the interpretation and appreciation of Information. Perhaps, for the feedback control of Something immeasurable beyond it.


Exist-ing and Be-ing implicate time. Existentiality, perhaps not.

Marsha, Jenny, and Jackie: I poured a lot of my soul into you guys and I loved doing it. I am proud of your influence as it unfolds to others. We are all in that way connected to a wonderful and higher Consciousness. God bless you and keep you.

Innate intuition or empathy suggests that no measurable thing or Substance is measurable in itself. And no Information is in itself controllable.

Whatever may avail apprehension and consciousness of fluxing expressions and cumulations of Substance and Information, IT is not entirely or only of any definable mortal perspective. Nor is IT reducible to any math appreciable to mortals.

However, IT seems to be appreciable in conscious, subjective, good faith and spiritual good will. Only from that is availed all moral philosophy and theosophy.

People learn how to interact with effective empathy and moral purposefulness through a process of growing up through phases of increasing personal empowerment and responsibility. Not by putting all direction, power and responsibility in the hands of those that best play the game of gov diktat. Through families and a marketplace for distributing and assimilating values. Not through central PC, elitist diktat, or substituting the state for families.

Assimilating strength from diversity comes with diversity in free thinking. Not from elitist imposed favoritism for selected variations on tribal diktat over minutiae, masquerading as virtuously intended.


The lodestar should be to respect the dignity and autonomy of free-thinking adults as socially tempered by reason.  Freedom within law.  Action limited in math.  Communication within society.  This entails decent regard for faith, family, fidelity.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for every social contingency, culture, or country.  It is not decent to punt humanity to the complete rule of fallible political philosophers.  To do so is to commit the grotesque evil of sub-humanizing the masses.

The problem is to facilitate free-thinking humanity within sustainable parameters.  To determine what cannot be tolerated if general tolerance is to be preserved.

- Nukes for mouth-foaming jihadis cannot be well tolerated.
- Shariah law in representative republics cannot be well tolerated.
- Destruction of faith in a source of higher-mindedness and replacement of the family and marriage with marriage to a gov ruled in detail by elitists cannot sustain a representative republic.
- Imposing open borders on every nation cannot preserve a representative republic from the most awful excesses of a global lowest-common-denominator.
- To fail to avail citizens to grow up and learn how to think responsibly for themselves, rather than to regurgitate indoctrination, is to poison a representative republic.
- To fail to check people-farmers from buying out a people's politicians and government is to commit the evil of standing by while humanity is sub-humanized and sheepified.

A pox on stupid, evil Never-Trumpers.


Fake news about fake news. The post does not identify Chapo. It identifies Nieto. Cuellar is cropped out of the photo. Nieto is accused of taking 100M from Chapo. The cartels have much power over Mexico and law and border enforcement. To think otherwise is to have your head deep in dirt.

Pelosi and Beto are pro-porous borders, contrary to the interests of American citizens? Why? Seems obvious their principles are convenient to their bank accounts. Means, motive, opportunity.

I cannot exonerate them. Time for special counsel and an impeachment committee to subpoena their tax returns and all bank accounts and financial transactions. Lol.

Oh, and to indict for all process and collateral crimes found along the way. Lol.


Open borders hurt all people. it cheapens labor, reduces hope, and demeans human autonomy. It throws the globe open to machinations of corporate sheeple farmers. Open borders craps on the sacrifices of patriots that gave all to defend the republic. The question being put to American patriots is whether they will consent to global governance of brainwashed sheeple or whether they will demand republican governance of free-thinking human beings. Presently, Congress and nearly every institution of political persuasion have been corrupted to the point that they advocate for global corporatists and give malicious lip service to Americans.

The people that think Dems want open borders just to be fair are probably investors in timeshares.

Follow the money. Open-border socialism means cheapening labor in order to reduce Americans to the impoverishment and ruling class abuses of third world nations.

Nature provides no standard weight or measure for a best form of civilization or a liberal unit of fairness or victim class compensation. That is the assimilating work for nations.

To try to tear down nations in the hope of punting to Nature for something better is the work of liberal dumases. Deploy reason and good faith. Not infantile shouting down, crying storms, car keying, traffic blocking, doxxing, child grooming, or sign stealing. GTHU.

My leap of faith is that empathy at some level is innate, justifying the Golden Rule and the Great Commandment. From that, secular positions unfold.

Human Secularists seem to want to derive their morality and politics by projecting as if Nature necessarily implicates higher mindedness. Perversely, they want to deny such a projection is religious. They do not want to hamper their "feelings-based" attractions to immediate gratifications as carrying any long term spiritual consequences. Rather, they want to interact as pan-gender glands pulsing to here and now pleasures, oblivious to consequences, yet fantasizing utopia.

Interesting quote: "philosophy, like mathematics, can only reason from premises; it can't provide or prove those premises."

When corrupt and ignorant snowflakes feel entitled to safe spaces and to sacrifice the nation to global equality in results, I wonder: What did they pay to earn the right to undermine what so many others did pay for in blood?


Hundreds of thousands of Americans gave all to a representative republic as the best way to establish, defend, and sustain human freedom, dignity, and decency. Somehow, pinkie-waggers (of whom George Will is an exemplar par excellence) have rationalized that they are entitled to undermine and cannibalize that effort. Total ahole he is.

Has drug legalization prompted the cartels to move their business model more towards buying political influence in order to make human trafficking easier? Is the virtue-signaling Left the willing dupe of the cartels?

The plots of pinkie-waggers (femimen and feminists) to impose their detailed ideas about how to use gov to force people to be charitable have always provided the surest and shortest roads to hell and to the corruption of human freedom, dignity, and decency.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans gave all to a representative republic as the best way to establish, defend, and sustain human freedom, dignity, and decency. Somehow, pinkie-waggers (of whom George Will is an exemplar par excellence) have rationalized that they are entitled to undermine and cannibalize that effort. Total ahole he is..

It is about getting a permanent base of desperate, brainwashed, socialistic, history-illiterate, virtue-pretending, immediate-gratification stooges to ensure the republic falls under the thumbs of Kabuki despots, forever.

Unfortunately, the population of competent, thoughtful, free-thinking, responsible Americans is rapidly unraveling into a permanent minority. I hate what the globalist stooges and their conniving cannibals are doing to the cause of human freedom, dignity, and decency.

What did Trump obstruct? The investigation went forward. It, in fact, was not obstructed. It found no collusion.

Trump fired Comey on recommendation and for good reason. Trump may have wished he could stop the witch hunt, but he, in fact, did not. Is declining to step down because Dems do not like him their idea of a prosecutable crime? If anyone should be impeached, prosecuted, jailed it is the members of the deep state that set up this dishonorable and trashy travesty.

Dems are devoted to farming the people by using national laws to destroy the nation. To force open borders and groom the world for perversion.

I wish Dino-Rino-Aino Superficial-Virtue-Signalers would pay more attention to facts, history, and reasoned analysis and less attention to adolescent attempts to psychoanalyze Trump

Among consenting sex bodies of all ages and species, the Left tends to hold that there are no moral issues. Only pleasure issues. If one culture finds a practice pleasurable, it soon becomes a legal right for all cultures. Diversity gone wild soon de-defines depravity to a lowest common denominator.

The Left fears competent, free thinking Americans. That is partly why it hates Trump. Individuals of the Left are afraid to be charged with responsibility.

They want everything on the collective, as it is ruled by the connivers among them that promise free stuff and global pleasure.

The delusion: Utopia of the purple haze. The reality: Plantations based on fear, hate, and lies. A never-ending GOT for masters of Kabuki despotism.

The Uniparty consists of two wings of the same anti-American bird. The groups they delude vary in their kinds of ignorance and corruption, but few among them are true advocates for human freedom, dignity, and decency.

The system has become so poisoned that It takes a reliable stream of corrupt money to get and stay elected to the club. Trump is the exception. Maybe only a brief respite. That is why so many of the business-as-usual crowd and their stooges hate him.

"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

So, did the persons named by Trump adhere to enemies of the USA and give them aid and comfort? Are international corporatists that plot for open borders and the undermining of rhe representative republic committing "war" against the USA?

Do some of those international Corporatists, such as George Soros, receive benefits as citizens and owe loyalty to the USA?

All that seems a heavy burden to prove. So maybe a thorough investigation is called for? Are such people much more dangerous to the republic?"

The most corrupt and ignorant among us have been imported and indoctrinated to heed the call to ensure their lowest common denominator will forever serve whomever their masters choose to front their rule over us. Think of the lowest, laziest, most incompetent, pleasure addled, indecent, unreliable, faithless, treasonous, child-abusing, untrustworthy, and addicted among us. Do you think they tend likely to be Dems or Repubs?

Well, Sir Crony Crybaby Geroge, it's not that hard. We want elites (elected representatives) that understand they are serving the representative republic and working for Americans. As opposed to merely feathering their nests while treating everyone under their rule as turkeys. Dumas.

The Left refuses to allow free thinking. Just as it refuses to allow a President that defends a nation of free-thinkers. The Left wants you to give up and become a sub-human hedonist that learns to pleasure in what the Left pleasures. You will like it or you will be eliminated. One way or another.

The Left Agenda finds no consistent support based in truth, logic, principles, reason, or empathy. Rather, it is based in the sub-humanizing force of cultivated Stockholm Syndrome.

This is how the plantation of mad-made sheeple delude themselves that they have good intentions as they befoul and inherit the globe. But don't say anything or they will hunt you down.

Their main standard seems to be to tolerate and celebrate diversity. (Except for toxic white Protestant males that want to sustain the representative republic.)

So no other standard or principle can guide them. So they make all sexual arrangements out to be entitled to equal respect and benefits. Voting rights for resident non-citizens. Soon for absentee non-citizens. Soon for anyone above the age of consent. Because of forced toleration of Islam, that may drop to age 6.

To reduce everything to one "principle" seems to be to reduce everything to madness. Ademlu Whackbar!

They have been trained to believe that natural law entitles them to demand that you and your children join in their celebrations. We are seeing the rise of a bizarre faith.

Each soldier at Omaha Beach, as an individual, made little difference. Yet was willing to give his life to secure freedom and dignity for his posterity. Because, taken in sum, he was heroic.

Each person that works to puncture Big Brother affronts to human freedom and dignity makes little difference as an individual. Yet, taken in sum with others, can preserve freedom for his posterity.

His risk and cost are far less than what was given by his forebears on D-Day. How can he in honor decline? Because someone may, gasp, be offended? Good grief. Cowboy up.


Going me-too full-Taliban: I am more concerned about policy issues than I am with micro-examining individuals for human weaknesses.

That said, if we're going to continue tearing down statues of Columbus, Washington and Jefferson then let's just go full-Taliban and tear down MLK while we're at it. (Please, Make America Grown-up Again.)


Evidently, we need to import more because we do not already have enough incompetent voters. Is this true: "The Pentagon recently released data stating that 24 of the 34 million Americans aged 17–24 — 71% — are ineligible to serve in the military, due to obesity, a criminal record, or lacking a high school diploma. The 24 million are also ineligible for most careers."


My take: I did not see where Obama during his eight years ever stood much for assimilating, strengthening, preserving, or defending the republic. To my eyes, he was and is a race-baiting divider and agitator in the service of globalist-corporate elitists. It will be interesting to see where the trail leads with regard to the attempted coup by the Deep State. Pinkie-wagging debates about so-called differences between elitist totalitarian democrats, corporate fascists, and knowitall national democratic-socialists do not interest me. The scale I am concerned about is the one that differentiates between elitist government of sheeple versus republican government of free-thinking human beings. I think the people that want to reduce the globe to an open-bordered toleration for only the PC lowest-common-denominator tend to suffer from dangerous and permanent infantilism. The shout-down, car-keying, sign-stealing, doxxing tactics of Leftists suggest a lot to me about the quality of Leftist/fascist philosophy and its infestation of nearly every institution of political persuasion.


Indoctrinating a child to take any meme concerning the beginning or ending of all space, time, and math sequences as if it were The Truth rather than an aid for discussion or experimentation is unsavory.

To imagine there must have been a purely objective beginning to the cosmos that birthed the cosmos that birthed the cosmos is to plod ad infinitum against that which is beyond mortal comprehension or appreciation.

Otoh, to notice that subjective will abides with measurable substance and cumulation of information is merely to notice that which is directly obvious. If you think not, show a single objective sensation or observation that entails no contemporaneous cumulation of information or involvement with consciousness.


Regarding consciousness as a fundament:

To say that the awareness of a subjective choice occurs only after the brain has already made a choice is not to say that a mix of subjective functions has no effect on objective interactions.

This is because:

Consciousness is manifested and experienced beyond organizations of brain matter.

Subjective consciousness entails levels of consciousness other than immediate consciousness of self. (There abide consciousness of information, consciousness of interpretation of information, consciousness of things, of self, of consciousness itself.)

To inform in a way that cannot be appreciated or interpreted is to tend towards irrelevancy or noise.

To be relevant or meaningful, information must be interpreted or appreciated.

To interpret or appreciate information necessarily entails some level of conscious perspective.

Subjective interpretation of information is fundamental to the expression of information.

But for some level of interfunctioning of subjective interpretation, objective facts would be without meaning or perhaps even existentiality.

The dissipation of objective substances is non-measurable apart from a shared subjective perspective.

Order that arises from chaos would be non-experienceable or non-existent apart from subjective interpretation.

Subjectivity at some level is entailed before or contemporaneously with every objective measurable.


We are not free to ignore all math-based determinants.
But no form of consciousness can pre-factor all possible determinants.
Each increase in subjective appreciation inputs new objective data that was not previously factored.
If subjective appreciation is itself part of the mix of determinants, then, even though there is not absolutely free will, neither is there absolutely pre-determination.
Rather, there is subjective Will participating with a general unfoldment of order from chaos.
Morality consists with innate empathies among similar perspectives of subjective/interpretive/appreciating consciousness.
Each perspective abides as a permutation from allowable possible perspectives. In that sense, empathetic consciousness abides as a fundament.

To say that the awareness of a subjective choice occurs only after the brain has already made a choice is not to say that a mix of subjective functions has no effect on objective interactions.
This is because:
Consciousness is manifested and experienced beyond organizations of brain matter.
Subjective consciousness entails levels of consciousness other than immediate consciousness of self.
There abides consciousness of information, consciousness of interpretation of information, consciousness of things, of self, of consciousness itself.
Information that cannot in any way be appreciated or interpreted tends towards irrelevancy or noise.
To be relevant or meaningful, information must be interpreted or appreciated.
To interpret or appreciate information necessarily entails some level of conscious perspective.
Subjective interpretation of information is fundamental to the expression of information.
But for some level of interfunctioning of subjective interpretation, objective facts would be without meaning or perhaps even existentiality.
The order that arises from chaos is non-existent apart from subjective interpretation.
The dissipation of objective substances is non-measurable apart from subjective perspective.
To imagine there must have been a purely objective beginning to the cosmos that birthed the cosmos that birthed the cosmos is to plod ad infinitum against that which is beyond mortal comprehension or appreciation.
To notice that subjective will abides with measurable substance and cumulation of information is merely to notice that which is directly obvious.  If you think not, show a single objective sensation or observation that entails no contemporaneous cumulation of information or involvement with consciousness.


Muttonheads do not want to allow any place on earth for people to assimilate in order to establish and sustain freedom and dignity for non-sheeple.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Nor can you educate a devoted socialist into philosophical good sense. Such people are a clear and present danger to the republic.


I happen to value the ideal of a representative republic. I do not claim that is what Nature or God must prefer. Only that I happen to prefer such an ideal. So I think about the metaphysical stories, myths, interpretations, or faiths that are needed or helpful to establish and sustain that. I see such myths as having truth values for chosen purposes. Whether there abides an ultimate objective basis for such a thought-system is beyond me. I see such a deliberate choice as no less reasonable than the choice of a globalist atheist who imagines some kind of scientism may best guide civilization.


I doubt the Consciously Appreciative aspect of the Godhead would subjectively know how it may choose at a given time and place to appreciate its then and there context or whether or how to choose among all possible next unfoldings. However, to the extent it keeps itself apart, It may know how a particular Perspective of itself will choose.

What an holistically conscious aspect of the Godhead may choose may be subject to a higher math. That is, to define itself, it would seem to need to conform its expressions to parameters of a defining math. But it need not subjectively model or know in advance how that math will at any given time and place determine its subjective experience and feedback of conscious appreciation. In that sense, the conscious aspect of the Godhead would function as though it enjoys free will in participation with whatever the maths of Substance and Information that co-define it.

Much the same may be said of each limited, mortal Perspective of that Consciousness. An observing person may tend reliably to study, control, and predict the unfolding actions of an unsuspecting other person. However, that reliability will diminish as each person comes in dynamic feedback to factor his expectations regarding his co-acting others. In that sense, each person would function as though he enjoys free will in participation with whatever the maths of Substance and Information that co-define his fellow participants.

Subjective Consciousness, objective Substance, accumulating Information: No one of such aspects can exist, meaningfully, in or by itself. Each is needed to define and be defined by the other two.

DYNAMIC FEEDBACK: If even the system-math is subject to change via dynamic feedback, then what we have is "finitely limited by a math of open possibilities." Such a finite but unbounded system of consciousness, substance, and information cannot be completely defined with terms such as free will, predetermination, or randomness. Even a notion of order arising from chaos would be more a label than a limiting explanation.

Given such a system, there is no clear reason to trust completely to prescriptions of moral elitists or knowitall objectivists or moral scientisimists. Rather, to persevere, a civilization needs to assimilate persevering values of faith, family, and fidelity. Nature, science, logic, and seers cannot well substitute for a civilization's need --- so long as it wants to be a civilization --- to find ways to rationalize and assimilate sustaining values.