Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blinking At Fascist Bullies

Nathan Hale
Originally uploaded by Symbiosis

(Click title above)

Blinking At Fascist Bullies:

Is “The Debate” Really Over (will to power vs. will to math; will to power; dialectic materialism; universe closed to free will; global warming)? Must we now Crack Eggs To Make Omelets (Collectivism, to be led and controlled by Fuehrers or N.W.O. Controllers or International Financial Pirates)?

Faux Elitism ---

Replacing family decentralized values ---

Actualizing Spiritual Feedback ---

Source of human consciousness ---

Balancing Individualism and Collectivism ---

Top Down Secular vs. Religious Morality and Totalitarianism (Independent Will to Power vs. Empathetic Will to Math) ---;

Faux Atheistic Leaders ---

Betraying Democracy (sell out voting coalitions; Acorn) ---

Jewish Betrayal ---

George Sorosbetrayal ---;;;;

Islamic Socialism ---

Making Revolutionary Omelets ---

Neo Mein Kampf ---

Nazi Will to Power ---

Party Bosses and Favored Nomenklatura ---

Communist Show Trials ---

Socialistic terror ---

Stalin terror ---

Gulag archipelago ---

Chinese Labor and Reeducation Camps ---;

Cultural revolution ---;

Communist bloodshed ---

Pol Pot (it was the communal aspect that made him enthusiastic) ---

Killing fields ---

Religious brainwashing ---

Social brainwashing ---

Landmark brainwashing ---

Cult brainwashing ---

Hitler youth ---

Political brainwashing ---

Deathcult brainwashing ---

Internet Recruitment of Jihadists ---

Dehumanization (Schindler’s list) ---

Religious Corruption ---;

Consolidation of power ---

Manchurian Candidate ---

Testing Western Mettle ---;;;;;;


Western Civilization blinking at fascist bullies:


We want individual freedom, but without responsibility. We want representative governance, but without pushing for an informed, educated, and validated electorate.

The necessary result is that we will continue to get only faux democracy, i.e., only an appearance of representative governance, for which the façade has now slipped.

The wizard now exposed is a ring of international pirates of volatility, i.e., fellow financial felons, fronted by Soros, pushing us to soma. If we want to preserve a civilizing vestige of human freedom and dignity, the challenges growing before us are not adequately being met.

To preserve individual freedom and dignity, what participatory elements and cultural checks and balances must we engage, to buffer thug capitalism vs. thug socialism vs. thug religious extremism vs. thug international piracy? Compare-

Jews blinking at fascist bullies ---


Comment by Dlanor:
To tzvee (“why are Jews liberal? liberalism is such a morally superior political attitude”):
You assume, without logic or empirical support, that liberals are smarter at seeing what is obvious, and that jews, tending to be smart, therefore tend to be liberal. You seem to be pretending liberalism is superior, based only on pretense of superiority of jews. However, if jews are so often liberal because liberalism is so obviously superior, then I must ask you: What in logic or experience demonstrates that liberalism (government enforced communitarian security) is superior to conservatism (respect for individual freedom and responsibility)? As stated, your argument is no better than nyah nyah nyah.


Anonymous said...


Comment by Dlanor to

Regarding Howard Rose ("You say he is a pragmatist, not an idealog. ")

Problem: With Obama-The-Pragmatist, given Democrat control of the House and Senate, what is to preclude the ideology of Obama-Pelosi-Reid from being made pragmatic (at least, in the short term)?

I feel like one of the Soggy Bottom Boys in "Oh Brother Where Art Thou, after Big Dan hit him with a big tree branch: "I don't get it, Big Dan." (It's all about the money, boys --- the money of international pirates of volatility. BTW -- What financial opportunities might Hitchens be sniffing? After all, it's not like he believes in any necessary standards of morality.)


RE: Sharing wealth vs. forcibly confiscating and redistributing wealth --- see


Snippets from
November 02, 2008
Was Jesus a Socialist? That is the question.
By Kyle-Anne Shiver


Jesus did make many statements about the virtues of being generous with one's own material wealth, whether it be great or small. However, the innate crux of every one of Jesus' admonitions to give to those less fortunate was freedom. Unless the deed was done freely, according to the giver's own free will, there was no blessing in the deed at all.

Today, the faith component of Barack Obama's candidacy rests upon this one particle of Jesus' ministry, that by coercively "spreading the wealth" to all by means of a state collective distribution center we will somehow achieve the kingdom of Jesus on earth. In this belief, Obama is backed by a host of religious left people professing many faiths, most predominantly by those claiming to be Christian.


Gospel of Mark: 28:18-20

It should be noted by any reasonable person that Jesus' last commandment to his disciples was purely spiritual, not material in any way. Jesus did not leave his followers with, for instance, this political statement: "Go therefore, and overthrow the corrupt Roman regime, free all the slaves, take all the wealth and give it to the less fortunate, and set yourselves up as the indisputable arbiters of the world's material goods."

If Jesus had made this sort of statement before his ascension into heaven, then perhaps a suitable case could be made for Jesus as a socialist way ahead of his time. However, if anyone reads the entirety of the 4 Gospels, he will come away with a very clear understanding that in all matters, Jesus' words and actions point to his giving absolute supremacy to the spiritual component of human beings over and above all things material.

The material world is temporal; the spiritual eternal. And Jesus had no trouble distinguishing the worth of either.

Anonymous said...

Obama --- Interesting article:

Anonymous said...


"Government of the people" was just raped, having been held down by shameful media, financed and manipulated by international pirates.

Rather than perpetuating the rape down the line to Sarah, McCain needs to be the man we know he is and call the raw deal like it really is.

McCain must awake from his "kept mistress" syndrome. The media only liked him during the primaries, while he was furtherest to the left among Republicans. The media did not spurn McCain because of Saracuda, but because Obamanation was always the prettiest Marxist minx.

Come on, Big John, don't sell us out now!

Anonymous said...

Liberal tolerance --- see

Loss of decency ---;

Loss of decency in media ---;

Media sell out ---;

Media now ready to vet Obama ---

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Why must we always so overindulge as to need rude correction from Nature? Why cannot we muster disciplined intellect to plan, inspire, sell, and pursue common vision for ourselves? Why must we always run right up to, and fall in, deep holes?

Why, at the get-go, were so few among our so-called elites shouting about the obvious stupidity of government sponsored cheap mortgages?

For some time, security-minded Socialists have been working in concert on their vision.

Why has the vision of freedom-minded Conservatives remained hampered by un-assimilated and uninspiring agreement regarding particulars?

We need inspirational sales people for a new Newt-like "Contract with America." We need new leadership to flesh out principles with cohesive particulars. We will not be well served by random bipartisan compromise.

We need to be less dainty when blowing the whistle on acts of sedition and failures to defend America and the Constitution. One may deal politely with scoundrels by smiling at them; but one need not pretend not to realize when they are behaving as seditious scoundrels.


Why expect big government be expected to make a matrix of human batteries any more secure its citizen-mothers should be expected to make their unborn children?

And why must free-minded Conservatives surrender the teaching of political principles until after youth have been thoroughly indoctrinated by security-minded Socialists?

We discourage mixing religion with politics. So, what must we reclaim, to help fortify youth against socialist steamrollers? What is the Conservative answer to community organizers and youth indoctrination?

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at
Now, will we get to the part about the dictatorship of the proletariat within the first 100 days?

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Re: Fascist Romance

Lee -- Missouri Ozarks ("This fascist romance of "Big Government" and "Giant Multi National Corporations" (the Mussilini Fascism model) was first aired by President Dwight D Eisenhower speaking of the then "Military-Industrial Complex). It is alive and well, take a good look at what has led up to, and what is going on, between the US government and big business.")

I agree. If we could recognize and restrain the real enemy (the "fascist romance"), we would be able to do more than shadow box. But, so long as MEDIA, academia, and government are in the tanks of fascist international corporatism, it will be far from easy to escape that crab tank. (Although, that just makes the challenge more interesting!)

Escape would entail: (1) Identifying the problem; (2) better educating the public (including college students)about the "American Idea"; and (3) progressively restoring control of the propagation of goods and ideas either to real MARKETS or to some more direct form of oversight by the people (maybe some sort of aggressively progressive, confiscatory tax on the consumption of political influence).

But, what could inspire such a new Great Awakening?

Until then, fascist international corporatism will continue to erode America until most of the world is reduced to whimpering milk cows.

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Enjoyed The Article ("Adoption agencies would be free to give preference to heterosexual couples if they believed that was the best for the child"):

Well, you put much blind faith in mere law.

Without social mores and backbone to enforce law, law may as well be a pile of crap.

When we undermine the glue of social mores, the rule of law will be replaced not by the rule of Big Government, but by the Rule of Big Governors.

Once we allow Governors of the Fascist Romance to consolidate detailed power and fully undermine the authority of traditional families, our electing a President every 4 years may as well be cast as a charade.

When you roll for Gay Marriage, you may as well roll over for the rest of the agenda.

Don't deceive yourself that the Gay lobby would not then push liberal judges to find an equal right to require adoption agencies to require that children be adopted out to Gays.

Libertarians: Please, study history enough to reach an informed opinion, one that is good enough to meet a high burden of proof, before you conceit to think yourself wise enough to gamble on surrendering essential gluing traditions of American civilization.

Gay activists are practiced social bullies.

If you cannot bring yourself ever to say no, they will never stop pushing.

An unending rainbow coalition closely trails them.

America needs you.

Don't be the "girl who just can't say no."


Anonymous said...

Snippets from Comment by atritium, at


The average age of death for gays is 44 years excluding AIDS. If you include AIDS, it drops to 42. Thus AIDS is not even a significant cause of mortality. Homosexual behavior is far more deadly than cigarette smoking.

Homosexual behavior is an integral part of disease transmission; 73% of all sexual diseases in heterosexuals can be traced back a homo/bi sexual vector. You've got a life-altering condition, chances are you can thank you gay friends.

Danish studies show that the average gay "marriage" lasts 1.5 years. Of the tiny percentage that last more than 5 years, ALL included provisions for multiple partners. Thus, gay marriage is only a legal mechanism to obtain access to social benefits such as the obviously critical health care that is the center-piece of homosexual life.

The purpose of marriage is not to "declare ones' love", but to provide a legal obligation, and create the societal atmosphere of stability needed to properly raise children. Gay marriage is irrelevant to society by nature and practice. No one knows this better than gays themselves.

Gays seek to create a society in which they cannot be confronted with these facts, thus no have reason to deal with and control their behavior. They need continual affirmation of their relevance, which they find in compelling others to subsidize their behavior with medical and social benefits intended for the next generation. It also increases the ease of finding additional partners.

The cause is advanced through violent reaction and emotionalism so as to condition a heterosexual population to never EVER question or challenge them.

Since normal people do not spend their day-to-day life analyzing sexual behavior, and have a degraded ability to reason out moral issues, they can have no response except to simply grant the people screaming what they want. In addition, energized by their compulsions, activists infiltrate and assume control of relevant social and medical institutions like the APA, etc.

The chief argument of homosexuals is that it is enlightened to realize that what consenting adults do is fine as long as no one is hurt.

The same logic can advance adultery and marriage/relations with animals, cadavers, polygamy, brother-sister marriage, etc. You cannot argue against these things without contradicting the arguments used to support homosexuality.

Furthermore, one can ask, WHY is there a limit regarding no one being hurt? Who are you to impose those morals on me? If I want to hurt someone, who are you to impose moral code on me?

In fact, the reasoning used to support homosexual behavior is neither new nor enlightened; humans lived nasty, brutish lives under it for 10's of thousands of years and it was called "paganism". He who has the power defines what is right. We have lived the last 2000 years in a Christianized world which overturned paganism and provided the substance of what we call civilization.

The more homosexual arguments and behavior are normalized, the more human societies will resemble pre-civilization ones. Pity the next generation trying to grow up in world in which hapless heterosexuals have abandoned them to let the lunatics run the asylum ...

Social conservatives don't have trouble adapting to new information; rather, it is the general population that is losing the ability to engage in moral reasoning. The "information" they are basing it on is incoherent gibberish and propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Kerem Oner ("we have too many so called RINOs masquareding as conservatives"):


Stand for true principles. When they are unpopular, educate the opposition. Don't pander! Don't pander on the border. Don't pander on liberal judges. Don't pander to Rino's. Now that the record is clear (liberals were far more racist in their running and voting than conservatives), use the record to educate and recruit conservative Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, and Women.

Begin a conservative coalition. Attack and expose socialist lies. Confront market destroying pirates. Educate to the value and importance of a strong, defensible America. Learn and teach how and when to say no, rather than how to lie and pander. Awaken. Call the media whoredom what it is! Call on Americans to reclaim the spirit of America.

Those who gave blood to give us the colors of the American flag did not run, and we owe the same duty to our coming generations. Burn the "for sale" sign of the globalists. Or run it up their behinds. Engage the world as America --- not as equally homogenized mush.


Comment by Dlanor, at

Karen H ("Okay, we always hear that campuses are so liberal and that professors and so far left, but WHY are they like this? Why are all these educated, articulate people like this? Why does it seem the higher the education, the more left one is?"):

Education equips your mind to think; conditioning equips your mind to regurgitate. You are confusing education with conditioning. College conditioning is being funded and advanced by powerful forces. ("Luke, look to the force.")

The basis for real hope is that many American students remain basically energetic and smart enough to appreciate the USA. Many eventually come around. The challenge is to afford opportunity to expedite that process, so that the new generation can save the old (i.e., mind dead boomers).


Tom Paine,

Well, Churchill (like your nom de plume, another Englishman, although half American) had this to say:

I spoke the other day of the colossal military disaster which occurred when the French High Command failed to withdraw the northern Armies from Belgium at the moment when they knew that the French front was decisively broken at Sedan and on the Meuse. This delay entailed the loss of fifteen or sixteen French divisions and threw out of action for the critical period the whole of the British Expeditionary Force.


Of this I am quite sure, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future.


Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'


we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender


So, let’s not kid ourselves. We have some advantage in respect of foresight based on history. Our young people have been only temporarily waylaid; many remain steeped in the American spirit and are far from stupid. Far too many love liberty for the USA to go down without a fight. One on one, socialists are cowards. Push come to shove, among fighters, conservatives are the strongest tribe. Because conservatives live here also, we know the terrain at least as well as the socialists. And, we ARE organizing. A sleeping giant will re-awaken.

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Absolute Power behind the Throne:

BAILOUTS AND JOLTS: “What we are talking about is a golden political opportunity for politicians to use the current financial crisis to fundamentally change an economy that has been successful for more than two centuries, so that politicians can henceforth micro-manage all sorts of businesses and play Robin Hood, taking from those who are not likely to vote for them and transferring part of their earnings to those who will vote for them.” See

COMMENT: Well, MORE THAN THAT, what we are talking about is a golden opportunity for psychopaths working behind the scenes to consolidate nearly absolute power to pull the strings of “our” politicians. Psychopathic wielders of box cutters, so to speak, are holding the jugular of our economy hostage.

Let’s enact and enforce means to progressively confiscate disproportionate wealth used to manipulate markets and economies. Let’s use progressive consumption taxes to restore some semblance of competitive marketplaces for goods, ideas, and political influence. Let’s use “progressivism” not to make all people economically equal, but to restore some semblance of equality in the marketplace opportunity. Let’s roll.

BIPARTISANSHIP: As things stand, “bipartisanship” tends to mean taking turns shaking the faux socialist left hands and the faux capitalist right hands of the same puppet-mastering, “snarfling,” hoggish, international pirates.

Our challenge is: (1) to have a governing philosophy, stick to it, and teach it until it resonates, while (2) exposing and blocking as much “snarfling” new legislation and governmental intrusion as we can. Compare

Anonymous said...

Lessons in Islamic fairness:

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

All humans are equal, but Saudis are more equal.

All churches are equal, but some must be replaced.

Anonymous said...

Comment by Dlanor, at

Everyone has a right peaceably to assemble to express grievances.

Civilized society has a right to referee whether grievances are legitimate and, if so, how to address them.

Society, thus far, has decided Gays are protected in their private lives, but are no more free to engage in acts of public indecency than anyone else.

Society, thus far, has decided there are legitimate reasons for government, through taxes and law, to incentive traditional families as the primary basis for transmitting assimilating values to each succeeding generation.

Gays have no more right than any other group to expect society to change its view until it is convinced to the contrary.

Rational society is unlikely to be convinced merely because any particular group acts up.

A group that is serious about trying to change social views needs to get serious about (1) giving thought to whether their program really is good for civilization; (2) if their program is good, how to explain as much; and (3) addressing the concerns of opponents.

Thus far, Gays have done a poor and unconvincing job of addressing concerns of the opponents of their agenda.

Merely to make noise about pretended “rights” is not to address the concerns of opponents, nor will mere noise-making convince any rational person worth convincing. Rather, irrational noise-making tends to convince rational opponents that the noisemakers have no worthwhile counterarguments, i.e., that the noisemaking is mainly a reversion to infantilism --- which convinces no responsible adult.

True, our founders resorted to "noise-making." However, our founders (1) were not represented in the existing government, and (2) were willing entirely to undermine and replace the old government. Militant Gays, however, are represented in our existing government, yet still seem intent on undermining America. Thus, one who seeks to preserve a civilizing America has every reason to resist the Militant Gay Agenda.

Anonymous said...

Joe ("If we have no obligation to those who have not yet been born, as the Left would have us believe, then we surely have no duty to those that have not yet been conceived. So why all the fuss over global warming?"):

I would have loved to see someone ask Obama this question while the cameras were running. Uh-uh-uh....
But the obvious answer is more scary than funny.

For Leftists, theoretical ideology is their God. That ideology may as well be called Socialistic Environmental Entitlementism (or Gaia Paganism).
This is not entitlement so much for actual people, but in concept.
Sort of like Communism --- not in actual practice, but in theory.

Why is this scary?
Because the ideology always trumps the little people.
This is why gulags and millions made dead in pursuit of the omelet of Socialistic Entitlementism is no big deal.

Pascal felt the chance of eternal salvation was worth taking up the Christian cross.
Pascal did not advocate forcing his belief on others, but advocated that others accept it under their own free will.
Socialists, however, believe themselves justified in their ideology to advance it not only by persuasion, but also, when necessary, by trickery, graft, buying judges, or militant force.
Socialists tend to believe the chance of bringing their ideology to fruition is worth any sacrifice of any number of human beings and of their free will.
In that, Socialists are not unlike Islamofascists who wish to spark apocalyptic return of the 13th Imam.

In religious fervor, there is very little difference between Socialistic true believers and Islamofascist true believers.
This is their "Hope you can believe in!" Ummmm.

During the first 100 days, we are going to need to ring the bell hard on Obama-rama-ding-dong.

Europe: For the next four years, if you value your survival, you had best get proactive and not rely on America, or even your own EU. Hopefully, someone will preserve a vestige of Western Civilization and freedom of thought.

An epic war of light vs. dark is moving towards us, whether we move towards it or not.
Either we live free, or we succumb to the dark.

Anonymous said...

Comment at

Joe ("If we have no obligation to those who have not yet been born, as the Left would have us believe, then we surely have no duty to those that have not yet been conceived. So why all the fuss over global warming?"):

I would have loved to see someone ask Obama this question while the cameras were running. Uh-uh-uh....
But the obvious answer is more scary than funny.

For Leftists, theoretical ideology is their God. That ideology may as well be called Socialistic Environmental Entitlementism (or Gaia Paganism).
This is not entitlement so much for actual people, but in concept.
Sort of like Communism --- not in actual practice, but in theory.

Why is this scary?
Because the ideology always trumps the little people.
This is why gulags and millions made dead in pursuit of the omelet of Socialistic Entitlementism is no big deal.

Pascal felt the chance of eternal salvation was worth taking up the Christian cross.
Pascal did not advocate forcing his belief on others, but advocated that others accept it under their own free will.
Socialists, however, believe themselves justified in their ideology to advance it not only by persuasion, but also, when necessary, by trickery, graft, buying judges, or militant force.
Socialists tend to believe the chance of bringing their ideology to fruition is worth any sacrifice of any number of human beings and of their free will.
In that, Socialists are not unlike Islamofascists who wish to spark apocalyptic return of the 13th Imam.

In religious fervor, there is very little difference between Socialistic true believers and Islamofascist true believers.
This is their "Hope you can believe in!" Ummmm.

During the first 100 days, we are going to need to ring the bell hard on Obama-rama-ding-dong.

Europe: For the next four years, if you value your survival, you had best get proactive and not rely on America, or even your own EU. Hopefully, someone will preserve a vestige of Western Civilization and freedom of thought.

An epic war of light vs. dark is moving towards us, whether we move towards it or not.
Either we live free, or we succumb to the dark.