Comments: War Against Psychopaths:
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/12/when_we_all_know_the_press_is.html:
There is war going on, worldwide.
Everyone except Liberals and their sympathizers knows who are the aggressors. The aggressors are psychopathic “leaders” and their lust-blinded minions, scenting and ravening after power. Yet, Libs think psychopaths and their mesmerized minions are just upset on account of root causes, i.e., affronts and insults of conservatives.
Psychopaths, to kill free thought and demolish America (“burst the bubble”) in order to consolidate holds on power, worldwide, are using techniques of extra-national financial piracy (Soros), terrorism (Iran and Saudi Arabia), and direct military threats and actions (Putin). Such psychopaths need not indoctrinate a Fifth Column, because the work of indoctrination has already been done.
The Fifth Column, i.e., “Liberals” (useful dolts) and their media are busily killing free thought with “Ministry of Truth” fervor, i.e., college and corporate speech codes, selective definition and enforcement of “hate crime” legislation, and mob-militant acting-out, to enforce all manner of political correctness and emasculation of traditional family values, without which no assimilation of society can be conserved.
Demonstrably, smart psychopaths have great, asymmetric advantages for hacking to the top of any power structure, to preside over libs, idealogues, and other useful idiots. Reading through the history of the world, studying leaders of nations ruled by extremists, one soon apprehends how much of history consists in the study of psychopaths.
The miracle of America was consolidated when George Washington voluntarily declined a third term as President. Liberty lovers have conserved his example ever since. But the price of American liberty has been the dearest blood of each succeeding generation.
Except, perhaps, by studying history, one cannot very well appreciate liberty without having shed blood for it. Modern sheltered “Liberals” simply lack the maturity that comes of study or experience to apprehend when the root cause of evil is psychopathic will to power, rather than the slights or affronts of conservators.
Our newest and most sheltered generation, more so than most, now finds allayed against its liberty such insidious and monstrous forces as have rarely been encountered.
Modern Libs, in dangerous immaturity, project their childish philosophies onto psychopaths, conceiting thereby to understand them. Not even the patience of Job suffices to explain to modern Libs the error of their ways. Few children, especially over-sheltered children, sit still to be told they are behaving as children. But, correction comes soon, from sterner authority.
Suppose a foreign government wanted to subvert and demoralize America. In what way would they behave any differently than our MSM? Our established press, whether out of ignorance, corruption, or disloyalty, have become agents not just against truth, but against America. Often in unison, they distort context, publish our secrets, hamstring our defenses, undermine our morals, dissolve our traditions, and dis-inform our electorate. (... Not to mention their understatements and romanticizations of the likes of William Ayers and Che Guevara --- as if the faux-liberals who would trade us to socialistic security were somehow as admirable as our founding lovers of liberty.)
Now, we are so demoralized, we routinely see treason in our media, but have no hope that any authority will call them on it. Indeed, to do so would incite yelps of political incorrectness, hate speech, invasive personal abuse, or investigations unleashed by the secret service.
Meanwhile, our leftists seem to think this is just great, because "America is evil," "capitalism has failed," and "Bush and the neo-cons have it coming."
Something concerted is going on, and has been gathering steam for some time, whether or not it was planned in detail. We have been treated as slow boiling frogs, made too dumb to notice our way of life is about to be evaporated. It is past time to notice the water is boiling. Those who have been gasing the flame must finally be confronted --- within the next 100 days --- and taken down.
There comes a quickening, and there appears no way to avoid it. Either leftist minions, to consolidate the rule of their owners, will eliminate the independent intelligentsia, or all who think more with their brains than with their hearts must rise to speak and act truth to ravening idiocy.
Contributors should keep detailed lists to document the perfidy of our MSM, leftist pols, and their owners. We may soon need to re-list our grievances ... and instigate a new contract-declaration of liberty for America.
See e.g.:
Psychopathy --- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy:
“A common statistic estimates the number of psychopaths in the general population to be 1-2%.”
Sociopathy --- see:
Benny Hinn --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lvU-DislkI&feature=related
For promotional advantages of “The Unburdened Mind,” see http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=936.
Snippets from http://cbs11tv.com/local/Psychopath.Hogan.s.2.494138.html:
“O'Toole warns that there are white collar psychopaths who may head corporations or governments, "they can go in and create a great deal of confusion, tumultuousness, and have no regard if the company or the country implodes on itself because their primary interest is on themselves."”
“"People who have these traits view these traits as allowing them to do special things. Allowing them to live on the edge… allowing them to get away with things, because a conscience really limits you. You are constrained because of your emotions. A psychopath does not have those kinds of constraints."”
Compare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Antisocial_personality_disorder/Archive_1.
Nothing would preclude a psychopath from shamelessly twisting even the accurate results of studies of psychopathy to his advantage. For a twisted use of studies of psychopathy by a shameless HOLOCAUST DENIER (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial) and bigot for White Power, John de Nugent, see:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0kloojm50c&NR=1, and
Although I consider De Nugent’s political philosophy REPREHENSIBLE, and he takes glib liberties about whom he calls psychopathic, still, some of his assertions are interesting, even though they should never be relied upon without considerable additional checking.
“Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread— one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions. The key traits of the psychopath: he (usually a male) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely fearless.”
“After hours of hearing this same lament from various parts of our planet, it would seem that politicians, in particular, came from another and very twisted world.”
“Religions have called such persons evil. Yet religions usually teach that almost anyone can be saved. The science of psychopathology says “no.” Not all can be “saved.” Their brains won’t permit it; they do not want it. But if you want to save them, they may find a way to exploit your compassion.”
“It is reliably said that Genghis Khan raped 10,000 women. Genetic studies indicate that 10% of all continental North Asians are descended from him. One of Genghis’s memorable lines was: “Happiness is to kill the foe, ride his horses, watch his wife and daughters weep, and seize them to your bosom.””
“One of the most important benefits of understanding the new finding of the prevalence of psychopaths in society is this: whereas so-called conspiracy theories tend to appear to decent people as “off-the-wall,” now no more. The main objection to a conspiracy theory, especially one that posits the involvement of many evil people, is this: “I cannot imagine anyone doing such a thing. And it could never be a secret.” Wrong: psychopaths are numerous and they do know how to keep a secret and kill to maintain it.
Perhaps the struggle against the psychopaths marauding among us will be the ultimate battle for the human race.”
“…brain scans show that when psychopaths are shown horrifying images that turn others sick to their stomachs, the pleasure centers of psychopaths are highly activated.”
“In the 1980s a distinguished Polish psychologist with first-hand experience under Stalinism, and a long-time resident of the United States, Andrew M. Lobaczewski Ph.D., wrote his revolutionary Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (from the Greek poneros, evil, and logia study). He asserts that much of politics, bureaucracy, political philosophy—and thus the whole history of mankind—has been shaped by persons who today would be considered clinically diagnosible psychopaths.”
“Among his unique observations, Dr. Lobaczewski describes how, after the brutal Stalinization of his native Poland from 1948- 52, virtually every psychopath in his country “within two years” had emerged from the dregs of society, recognized himself as among friends in the new system, and become a bureaucrat or other servant of the Stalinist regime.
In effect, they all crawled out from under their rock. He emphasizes that this Stalino-psychopathic regime was as inept and “out of touch” as it was cruel, showing that many psychopaths are not brilliant and great mis-leaders of men, but often despised and shunned “scum.” What makes them similar is their desire to dominate, humiliate, prevaricate and cause suffering.”
See also: http://rexcurry.net/mental-illness-psychopaths-sociopaths-socialists-insanity.html
Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 239–251 :
Why then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or
bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.
QUESTION: Of what are separate perspectives of consciousness derived?
HOLISM is myself subsumed into all of Being’ness.
HOLOGRAPHY is what I sense of the rest of Being’ness, APART from my perspective of myself.
Each perspective of holography, being apart from holism, is incomplete, made so by its own definition.
Being incomplete, each perspective is necessarily less than entirely consistent and coherent, but flits from focus to focus, collapsing perspectives, but not reality.
I do not “approach” Holistic God.
I merely relate to God from different flits of perspective, in respect of differently sequencing metaphors, models, and holographies.
One can choose to look at one’s place in the universe in indifference, or in awe.
If in awe, one can look in fear or love, or at evil or good.
One may choose to interpret as if all of experience were evil, mostly evil, evenly evil and good, mostly good, or all good.
When one interprets goodness, one may ask: Goodness in respect of What?
To considerable extent, one’s conscious choice of attitude carries self-fulfilling properties.
Thinkers may unite to facilitate civilization;
Or, Anti-Thinkers will unite to impose anti-civilization.
Thinkers need not instigate crusades, for crusades will come to them, as Anti-Thinkers, subordinate to Mind-Slavers, instigate anti-crusades. Had Charles the Hammer not withstood the Moors, free thinking had been annihilated.
Except derivative of mathematical choice, physics does not exist.
Except in derivation of Nothingness, Somethingness does not exist.
Except in derivation of Somethingness, Nothingness does not exist.
We have no choice (“un-choice”) but to make choices.
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/12/il_governor_rod_blagojevich_an.html:
Perhaps, politics has always been this corrupt. Perhaps corruption only seems more pronounced as one grows older and more aware. But I wonder whether our exposure to danger on account of rampant corruption has now reached unprecedented orders of magnitude. Did the corruption of politicians of yore go more towards feathering their own nests, while favoring less internationally activist cronies?
Today, with media as monopolized and corrupt as it is, and our means for regulating international pirates of finance as limited as they appear to be, the danger that confronts us as a result of rampant corruption in politics (as well as in media, academia, and international commerce?) seems of several orders of magnitude higher.
We have always had psychopaths and sociopaths. Now, having gutted middle management, have we "learned" how to allow sociopaths to become more powerful, in greater proportions? We seem to be under attack by their emerging cohorts. Can we rouse to face this "War Against Psychopaths And Sociopaths" in time?
Obama-rama-ding-dong, Turbin-Durbin, now Count Blogoeula. What a State!
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/the_exquisite_difficulty_of_pr.html:
To Catholic Man:
In an age of nuclear weapons, biologic agents of mass destruction, and increasing prevalence of increasing skills for propagating pathological mind control, it would be suicidal to absolutely banish torture or preemptive war, or to limit their use only to situations where think tank after think tank has tried to reach consensus about whether such resort would be consistent with abstract notions of "just war."
It is plain silly to deny that the practical reality of our interrelations, from time to time, will present us with stark choices: Either to fight for our survival or to surrender to the craziest bull-goose zanies and sociopathic gangs on the planet.
There is no abstract political-theory-of-everything that can or should direct our efforts. Rather, we merely rationalize, to try to justify and make such notions "fit" --- after the fact. There is little "objective" practicality in confused notions that the end can or cannot justify the means. Ultimately, this is because there is no physical "end," because there is no physics. Rather, there is appearance of physics, derivative of interrelations of functions of math, as are being "thought out" by Mind-of-Math (aka, "God").
What we can promote is empathetic support for each free perspective of mind that is willing to tolerate only such minds as return the favor. Otherwise, you are merely giving aid and comfort to intolerant sociopaths, who will sacrifice you at first clear opportunity. Trusting to enlightened empathy, whether in respect of gene of altruism or Holistic God, we apply our best good faith judgment. Aside from that, there is no better or more objective "just war rule."
We do not choose for sociopaths to be sociopaths. They make that choice. In rare instances, we may be able to rehabilitate them. As they reach more towards full blown psychopathy, chances of rehabilitation quickly reduce towards nil. It is psychopaths who bring their war to us, not us to them. And, once clearly identified as psychopaths, it becomes silly to believe they can ever be trusted to forego opportunity to wipe us off the map.
Rather, we must closely monitor them, try to appraise and intuit their motivations, and, when they clearly appear to approach opportunity to annihilate us to their purposes, we must preempt them.
We can afford them opportunity to avoid that unpleasant result by being strong, clear, and united in our message: If you want to live, do not approach our defensible perimeters. Live free or die.
War of Financially Political Psychopaths — see:
Why did Beijing spread its atomic knowledge so freely? The authors speculate that it either wanted to strengthen the enemies of China’s enemies (for instance, Pakistan as a counterweight to India) or, more chillingly, to encourage nuclear wars or terror in foreign lands from which Beijing would emerge as the “last man standing.”
Today, the authors write, “South African technical mercenaries may be more dangerous than the underemployed scientists of the former Soviet Union” because they have no real home in Africa.
“It is a tribute to American diplomacy,” he writes, “that so many countries that might otherwise have gone nuclear were convinced to remain under the nuclear umbrella of the United States.”
... caution that the situation has reached a delicate stage — with a second age of nuclear proliferation close at hand — and that missteps now could hurt terribly in the future.
Mr. Reed and Mr. Stillman take their title, “The Nuclear Express,” from a 1940 radio dispatch by Edward R. Murrow , who spoke from London as the clouds of war gathered over Europe. He told of people feeling like the express train of civilization was going out of control.
The authors warn of a similar danger today and suggest that only close attention to the atomic past, as well as determined global action, can avoid “the greatest train wreck” in history.
Snippet from http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/companies_could_be_sued_over_c.html:
Even the UN's climate panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, admits in its 2001 report that the climate is a "complex, non-linear, chaotic object" whose long-run evolution cannot be predicted by any method. In this the panel echoes the celebrated paper Deterministic Non-Periodic Flow, with which the mathematician Edward Lorenz founded the new mathematical discipline of chaos theory in 1963. Precisely because the climate is, in mathematical terms, a chaotic object, it is altogether impossible to predict the likelihood, timing, magnitude, duration, or even the sign of any "phase transition" - the mathematical term for a sudden, extreme event that temporarily disrupts what otherwise appears to be the steady state of the object. For this reason, it is not possible to ascribe individual extreme-weather events to "global warming", as the IPCC makes explicitly clear in both its 2001 and 2007 reports.
Question: So, in situations of irreducible complexity, how do we make decisions?
Answer: By delegating degrees of freedom to appropriate levels, under market-based checks and balances.
Question: How do we determine what should be the degrees of freedom and the appropriate levels of supervision and control?
Answer: By exercising enlightened empathy, informed with empathetic respect for social traditions.
Question: How do we decide which traditions should be honored, which modified, and which replaced?
Answer: Enlightened empathy, in respect of each observer’s situational acts and locus within a system of market based checks and balances.
Translation: You will try to know it when you see it.
“Non-Preemptionists” tend not to appreciate the threat that is Islamofascism, nor that Islam, as practiced, tends not to be a religion, but a vicious brain virus, masquerading as religion. Such virus will absolutely not stop propagating merely because we bless it as “peaceful,” nor will it stop infesting merely because we try to be fair and understanding.
True religion consists in methods and observances which help bring one, with one’s practitioners and fellows, figuratively closer to a communicable appreciation of the Being’ness that is God. True religion does not presume to provide more than a means for approaching figurative empathy for God and one’s fellows.
Religion does not presume to dictate or provide an ultimate, exact, empirical, scientific, or complete explication of God, much less that a mortal could understand any exact or empirical explication of God.
In part, that is why Religion, when it is not mind-controlling Anti-Religion, relates more to direct intuition (not supervised regurgitation of slogans) than to empirical Science.
Whatever Islamofascism is, it is not “religion.” Rather, as practiced, Islamofascism is mutually-reinforced, Stockholm-syndrome, mind-imprisonment and sociopathy — not religion. Islamofascism is, by definition, Thought-Police, robbing practitioners of opportunity freely to express and experience their own directly intuitive spiritual relationship with Being’ness.
Rather than inspiring personal growth and responsibility, Islamofascism forces captives to follow prescribed regimens for all manner of social minutia, thereby reducing civilization to a culture of moral zombies, preparing them to perform acts of unspeakable, animalistic brutality. This is not “religion.”
To confront such an outrageously obvious and monstrous invasion of Western Civilization, we have elected “leadership” that has been a blight on intelligence and decency. We have elected leaders who have disarmed our borders and defenses, while infusing enemy cultures of sociopathy (which are led by psychopaths), with the money, means, and mechanics to put us to grave risk.
We have allowed sociopathic mind zombies to insinuate themselves among us, even as we have so far turned a blind eye to their geometric expansionism. Had we better vision as a society of free thinkers, we should have elected decent leadership to unmask the monster, while it could still be held at bay, before it had encroached within our defensible borders. Now, we find the monster not only among us, but also allied with other species of usefully-idiotic mind-dead, i.e., “Liberals.”
Soon, we shall be forced either to turn back the monster or be devoured by it. For our troubles, we will be “aided” by ankle-biting, anti-preemptionist liberals among us. The coming Quickening is going to get ugly — soon.
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/blame_me_for_job_losses.html:
Re: Laughing at AT (You honestly think Grover Norquist likes being poorer because the hedgefunds he was deeply invested in has tanked?? Or Mellon-Scaife?)
No. Being "poorer" is a relative thing. Regardless, individual greed has frozen brains on all levels. (Ayn Rand had half, but only half, a philosophy.)
Now, what we have is a lot more of gang style loyalty, but precious little loyalty to America.
Chalk that up to a number of bad acting factors:
1) Distraction to false priorities on account of holiday (bubble) from history;
2) Unraveling of common commitment to defend borders against enemy psychopaths;
3) Unearned entitlement ethos;
4) Dufus commitments to sacrifice enormously to try in vain to rehabilitate psychopaths;
5) Agenda driven, misguided socialists and hedonists;
6) Dufus style secular religion;
7) Political and corporate "leadership" that is lost, both in space and in short term greed;
8) Entire un-assimilated generations "educated" to hate traditional family and American values; and
9) Rise of billionaire socialists and religiously dictating charlatans, whose shared absolutist control is easier consolidated by fixing markets and limiting speech (in order to wipe out nearby classes and to widen gulfs between relative powers) than by preserving competitive free markets, free enterprise, free speech, or free thought.
So, Free Thinkers are now caught in a double vise grip: On one hand of the grip, between masses conditioned to confuse rote regurgitation of slogans with thinking; on the other hand, between powers that have risen above free markets, which now seek to undermine opportunities to challenge them by undermining free markets in themselves.
Free Thinkers will either break this vise, or the vise will break them.
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/israels_choice.html:
I would be interested to read some intelligent liberal responses to Geoffrey Britain’s analysis regarding pre-emption.
Anyone? Anyone?
Got anything, NYT? Soros? Code Pink? Obama-rama-ding-dong?
Oh, wait, I know: “The threat is overstated.”
Based on what genius' analysis? Answer: Based on liberal faith in “fairness.”
We are the change we have been waiting for. Oh goody!
Now all liberals can get back to the serious business of being happy faces on sticks.
Comment by Geoffrey Britain, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/israels_choice.html:
Iran will get the bomb. At this point, it's a virtual certainty.
Bush will not attack because to do so would result in his impeachment and subsequent war crimes trial, both for him and for his administration. THAT would tear the country apart.
Even should Bush make the personal sacrifice, the political will for either an American invasion and/or an extensive US air campaign against Iranian command and control and its nuclear facilities is non-existent. While opposition to such a strategy is off the charts. Congress will not support an invasion of Iran, nor of an air campaign against it.
The Israeli's cannot sustain a conventional air campaign against Iranian assets and conventionally, nothing less will do. A quick Israeli strike with conventional ordinance will accomplish nothing more than temporarily derailing Iranian pursuit of nuclear capability.
Short of a US led invasion and Iranian regime change, the ONLY effective way to stop Iran is to nuke the facilities.
Neither the US nor the Israeli's are going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike upon Iran. Its simply NOT going to happen. If Israel was to strike Iran with nukes it would guarantee a nuclear terrorist attack against it. Islam would demand it and Pakistan would be the most probable supplier of the nuclear ordinance.
So the Iranian mullahs will get their bomb and in time nuclear proliferation will spread throughout the ME, into Africa and even into South America. As nuclear proliferation spreads, a black market in nukes will emerge and terrorists 'stealing' them from a third-world nation, while bribed officials look the other way, will be an option as well.
At some point, proliferation will have spread to the extent where terrorists will easily acquire nuclear bombs. Probably sooner than later and definitely within 10 years. They will use it and Israel will effectively cease to exist. It's too small a country and social cohesion will evaporate under the continuing threat of nuclear immolation. Israeli refugees will quickly swell into a tidal wave and the country will be lost.
The terrorists will use nukes against us, as well...and any cargo ship, entering any US major port of call, will make an ideal delivery system. New York, LA, Miami, San Francisco, Seattle and even Chicago will all make fine targets.
Retaliatory bombings against Al Qaeda won't be an option, especially if they've 'stolen' them from a third-world country. Once people realize there's no one we can really strike against, defense will become the highest virtue. The permanent existential threat of nuclear terrorism will be a reality that no one can deny. The inevitable result will be the imposition of a near-permanent state of martial law and America as we once knew it will be lost. Eventually, the Bill of Rights will be a distant memory and the ban against 'unreasonable' search and seizure will be the first freedom to go. The right to bear arms will follow quickly as well.
Security, threatened sufficiently, trumps freedom every time.
All because pacifist liberals couldn't face the bully and never learned the truth of the adage, "If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk"...
By the time the general public sees past the distorted 'information' and 'reportage' of the MSM to actually comprehend the situation's truth, it will be far too late.
We're looking into the abyss and it's a grim visage indeed.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/israels_choice.html:
To Will48:
Your realistic approach is refreshing!
Something like it should be made a "Statement of Self-Evidence," to be immediately adopted and advanced by all Conservatives, Republicans, Patriots, opponents of mind-slavers, and Other Actual Thinkers.
Quislings will resist awhile longer, but moderates, even those a bit slow, do (unlike Libs) often think.
This Nation, if led, will respond overwhelmingly once the need is made clear to all thinking patriots.
Be assured, however, that time is of the absolute essence.
Otherwise, the response of Islamofascists will soon be this: "Do it and our pre-placed nukes will evaporate your major metropolitan centers."
To which our response, as we push the button, should be: "To accept mind-enslavement is to be too dead already!" (sort of like walking Lib Zombie Genitalia-for-Brains).
Cowering before brutes is not an acceptable option!
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/che_rides_again_in_hollywood.html:
Hollywood, like any other media or business, runs on a sort of Maslow scale for money, ego, and ideology, for which truth is not a priority. Something about the artiste loves a brute. So, Hollywood reflects a blend of base desires, promiscuous flirtation with perversity, self-view of world, and gullibility about truth.
Having satisfied its lower scale needs, Hollywood casts about for new thrills. Lacking focus that comes of existential challenges, Hollywood devours what is nearest, i.e., America.
Had America better vision, we should have better, more visionary competition --- “to see around corners.”
Because few counter-markets are immediately present for defending mind-freedom and truth, visionaries must inspire and cultivate such markets --- through counter media, academia, business, and politics.
The alternative will be the devouring of mind-freedom into non-existence.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/obamas_abortion_socialism.html:
In Obama-land, we are not human beings.
Rather, we are social-economic units, destined for Borg-dom, to be taught what to think by our better masters, for the greater good.
To make the omelet of the greater good, it is worth cracking a few hundred million or so eggs.
This is "Liberation Theology" for the "God of Socialism."
And the difference between this "God of Socialism" and the "Allah of the Islamofascists" is what?
The Socialist Umma: "Hope you can believe in."
Thanks be to Obama. pbuh.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/12/fitzgeralds_repeating_his_outr.html and http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/for_the_sake_of_the_nation_gov.html:
In the Valerie Plame affair, we learned how Fitzgerald is bent on mixing prosecution with self-aggrandizement that trumps even politics.
Although Fitzgerald's ego apparently is beyond being constrained from spilling over into politics, at least, in this case, the spillover may well be helpful to the country.
Obama intends to: Weaken our military, weaken borders, fail to resist the Militant Gay Agenda and the undermining of essential family values, unionize infrastructure, socialize infrastructure, cripple us in perpetuity to bureaucratic graft and corruption, regulate many small businesses out of existence, pave the way for perpetual monopolization by international controllers, wave the white flag to the Islamic controlled agenda of the U.N., and escort us to subservience to some sort of emerging New World Government (which will necessarily entail mind-surrender or perpetual duping of the masses).
Because our Press utterly failed to vet Obama, it becomes crucial to the country that this prosecution cause Obama's pigeons to come home to roost, the sooner the better --- for the country and humanity.
We are not without precedent: Any good that Bill Clinton did was primarily the result of his having been force-fed karmic medicine, extracted from his own shenanigans.
Comment on http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/for_the_sake_of_the_nation_gov.html:
Lee ("The fact that the FBI rates Chicago as only 18th in the list of cities with significant munincipal corruption and/or crime, that these urban centers are, every one of them, in "blue" aka Democrat controlled areas of the country should give any thinking american pause.
This is a very, very significant problem. While I am at it I will remind all that these megacities are also home to our MSM as well as the core of our liberal, PC ridden universities and think tanks."):
Interesting observation. It may be worth investigating how organized crime has gussied itself up as "legitimate," as it takes over big city governments, together with keys to media and academia, and uses them to convince urban America that sophisticated people know that truth, justice, and the American way are the realm of metro-philian, bi-coastal elites.
Is there a better explanaton for the drearily predictable bias that pretends to be mainstream news? MSM need not make an honest profit, so long as its owners' bread is buttered somewhere below the fold.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/obamas_abortion_socialism.html:
Joe ("If we have no obligation to those who have not yet been born, as the Left would have us believe, then we surely have no duty to those that have not yet been conceived. So why all the fuss over global warming?"):
I would have loved to see someone ask Obama this question while the cameras were running. Uh-uh-uh....
But the obvious answer is more scary than funny.
For Leftists, theoretical ideology is their God. That ideology may as well be called Socialistic Environmental Entitlementism (or Gaia Paganism).
This is not entitlement so much for actual people, but in concept.
Sort of like Communism --- not in actual practice, but in theory.
Why is this scary?
Because the ideology always trumps the little people.
This is why gulags and millions made dead in pursuit of the omelet of Socialistic Entitlementism is no big deal.
Pascal felt the chance of eternal salvation was worth taking up the Christian cross.
Socialists believe the chance of bringing their ideology to fruition is worth any sacrifice of any number of human beings.
In that, they are not unlike the Jihadists who wish to spark the apocalyptic return of the 13th Imam.
In religious fervor, there is very little difference between Socialistic true believers and Islamofascist true believers.
This is their "Hope you can believe in!"
During the first 100 days, we are going to need to ring the bell hard on Obama-rama-ding-dong.
Europe: For the next four years, if you value your survival, you had best get proactive and not rely on America, or even your own EU. Hopefully, someone will preserve a vestige of Western Civilization and freedom of thought.
An epic war of light vs. dark is moving towards us, whether we move towards it or not.
Either we live free, or we succumb to the dark.
Comment from http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/12/post_149.html:
Can’t Fix Stupid:
The amazing thing about the brain-dead majority of Leftists is that they truly believe their heirarchies of financiers are just trying to help everyone "to do the right thing" (you know --- fairness, equality, progressive secular theology, etc.), with no thought of personal plunder.
The scary thing is, moral zombies so love company that many of these brain-dead will continue to believe, even as they surrender the shirts off their backs. Anything to avoid a sense of personal responsibility. We can't fix stupid. But we really ought not be expanding its voting franchise.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/12/post_149.html:
Re: "O Force One"
More "O" coincidences?
Socialist Soros: The Open Society
Socialist H.G. Wells: The Open Conspiracy
Soros does not even feel the need to speak in code anymore. In The Atlantic Monthly (?), before the recent unpleasantness, he discussed his desire to undermine and burst the American bubble.
If Warren Buffet couldn't make sense of how to value the weird new AIG securities, how in the hell is anyone going to value anything, once everything is under the government's thumbs?
What we are witnessing is not calculated to enhance individual freedom --- personal, social, or economic.
It is, however, calculated to fit us all for harnesses and blinders.
Who likes this "O-Conspiracy"?
(1) those who ride in the carriage and whip the horses;
(2) those horses who like to be whipped, so long as all are whipped equally;
(3) those horses who have been conditioned to think pain is love and collectivist is smart.
How did we get here?
Our institutions and checks and balances became inadequate to prevent us from putting premiums on head-in-ass short-term-speculation, over delayed gratification and vision.
True lovers of free expression and free enterprise had best figure out how to burst the likes of Soros, who, so far, has safely soared beyond our reach.
Ron Paul understands much of this, perhaps better than most.
He badly needs some intelligent, charismatic, secure help.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/enough_with_the_illinois_bashi.html:
Howard Beale: "Well, I'm not going to leave you alone!"
We're human beings, goddammit!
For more about the “Chicago Way,” see http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/16/us/politics/16legal.html?_r=1&th&emc=th).
Our short sighted Liberal-Entitlement-Greed and Libertarian-Ayn-Rand-Morality are pressuring us, not to a tipping point, but to a volcanic erupting point. Either Conservatives and Red Ass Moderates act decisively, soon, to vent corruption out of politics, or we doom our progeny to pandemic political corruption as the norm.
Liberty lovers are confronted by two main problems: To keep alive (1) individual purposefulness and (2) individual free expression and enterprise.
In respect of such problems, we should remember:
(1) Enabling people to leverage wealth to the point of buying up politicians, media, and academia is suicidal to democracy; and
(2) Conditioning people to believe they are so entitled that government must owe them purpose and a living is unhealthy to any society that hopes to endure.
After all, apart from whining, what have modern day socialists — whether poor or mega-wealthy — ever paid, to earn the right to profane what America's forbears have paid for in blood, sweat, and tears?
Red-Ass Position for Squaring the Circle:
We must provide a floor of civilizing decency, promote free expression and markets above that floor, and constrain such freedom within parameters above, so that no one person or cabal is allowed to become or remain so powerful as to substitute personal dictate for social or market forces. In other words, both Liberals and Libertarians must pull their heads out and put them together. Thus sayeth a Red Ass Moderate.
Curbing Abuses:
Billionaires who abuse their wealth by fomenting sedition and international financial panic must have that wealth confiscated, under some sort of “RICO” like act.
Even those Mega-Wealthies who do not abuse their resources ought not be permitted to use them to leverage inordinate political influence. Rather, money spent by individuals to buy political influence should be cumulatively accounted for and then taxed, yearly, quite progressively.
Non-individuals and foreigners should be entirely precluded from contributing to campaigns for electing individual candidates.
Investment foundations, businesses, and corporations should be very restricted in making political contributions. This is because such gang style investments are so easily twisted to undermine equal opportunity in representation for all.
Social Revenue:
We should end re-distributive income taxes on corporations and individuals. Instead, we should impose differential sales and trade taxes on most transactions, impose a progressive yearly consumption tax on individuals, and impose property taxes on most owners.
Buying political influence must be considered a form of consumption, and taxed as such!
Spending money may be a form of "speech," but not purely so.
Except for perverters, surely, our Founders ought not be taken to have Constitutionally ordained political graft as protected speech.
"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."
John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health Education and Welfare under JFK and author of "Excellence."
Comment from A.T.:
HMHaanpaa ("I do not follow this topic because it has been out of control for so long. Avoiding situations is the only hope a person has so as not to become a statistic. We keep building more and bigger facilities for more and more law avoiders with no end in sight.")
We have more criminals for the same reason we have more terrorists: Liberals, Libertines, and Bluebloods mollycoddle and support them.
They would rather a named killer or terrorist be paroled than that his unnamed future victims be protected.
They would rather play an Inside Game than reform the Chicago Way.
They would rather enable stupendous chasms in wealth and power than bring billionaire pirates to justice.
Support criminals, get rap crap, get more criminals.
Support terrorists, get movies romanticizing Che, get more terrorists.
Support unlimited power to purchase political influence, get Soros' "Open Society," reap the whirlwind.
When we are trying to defend society against sociopaths, this pattern of behavior becomes simply stupid.
Libs, Libertines, and Bluebloods are "molly-paths."
Its time to stop mollycoddling molly-paths.
Comment at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/12/a_scheme_with_no_off_button_1.html:
Brian ("They top 1% of tax payers already pay 40% of the income taxes in America.")
Look, I loathe entitlement theory --- both on the left and the right.
But don't forget the contributions to maintaining an orderly society, such as made in blood, sweat and tears by firemen, police, and our troops.
Sorry, but play me the world's smallest violin while I shed a few tears about how those most opportuned are also expected to provide the most financing.
Alliance of Obama and Bush:
Perpetual Check or Checkmate?
Our problem is to design and preserve systemic checks that will tend to optimize the accumulation of capital for use in investment by those with civilizing vision, without undermining representative civilization.
The answer to every economic problem is not merely, as the Obama-left would say, (1) to spread the wealth, nor as the Bush-right would say, (2) to proportionately lower taxes on the investing class.
Overemphasis on (1) kills incentive to work harder or to create much that is new, while overindulgence on (2) tends to create work more of ostentation than of substance.
Only with an optimizing mix of (1) and (2) is civilization pulled to new heights and greater skills for confronting unavoidable challenges. But, we are not getting an optimizing mix or check of (1) and (2). Rather, we are getting their unholy alliance, now materializing in an Unholy Emperor and His Train of Cohorts.
While our society (1) promotes Obama-equality by stagnating any work ethic and stifling creativity, how shall we hope to propagate civilization beyond a narrow and short eclipse of space and time?
While our society (2) promotes Bush-investment by decreasing representative governance while increasing ostentatious aristocracy, what of worth shall we have accomplished or created?
While we turn all effective political power over to an unholy alliance of (1) Socialistic Leftists (Obama) and (2) Blueblood Aristocrats (Bush), what will become of government of free people?
Presently, our politics is monopolized by (1) Obama Leftists seeking to equally spread wealth among the working class (even as they kill free expression with p.c. speech codes) and by (2) Bush Bluebloods seeking aristocratic control over the politics that rules the working class (even as they kill competitive markets needed for free enterprise).
ENTER UNHOLY EMPEROR, GEORGE SOROS --- (1) propagandizing socialism, while (2) expecting to rule it.
In Soros’ train slavishly follow MSM, academia, Socialistic Leftists, and Blueblood Rinos. His “Christmas gift”: Curtailment of freedom, both of expression and of enterprise. This is the gift of the present unholy alliance among Socialistic Leftists and Aristocratic Bluebloods. Caught in the vise of this unholy alliance are Moderates and Conservatives.
For government of free people to survive, Moderates and Conservatives must get "the royal mad" and unite:
To restore toleration for freedom of expression and religion (hint: one-way speech codes and intolerant religion need not be tolerated);
To restore some semblance of equality of opportunity and representation (hint: stifle favoritism-by-regulation);
To restore some semblance of competitive markets (hint: stop regulating minutia of small businesses);
To reduce the power of centrally removed government (hint: central government is grossly overinfluenced by specially empowered interests);
To check against excessive political influence by aristocrats of wealth (hint: end income tax, while progressively taxing individual yearly consumption); and
To restore the nation as a viable entity with defensible boundaries (hint: don’t tolerate one-sided, hate-America versions of history).
Bottom line: If you don't like Obama enforced equality, stop feeding Bush Bluebloods.
Sociopaths --- often by having not otherwise been conditioned, churched, inspired, or taught --- become uninstilled with character for empathizing with their fellows and countrymen. Thus, they tend to be less constrained by niceties when it comes to competing to run large organizations and agencies. Once sociopaths, unhampered by customary niceties, rise to the top, they worry less about causing rot from the top down.
Various institutions may help inspire citizens to come together, to build firewalls against encroachments by sociopaths, by nurturing common empathies and civilizing interests. However, even such institutions are prone to becoming ruled or controlled by interests aligned with sociopaths.
Thus, sociopathic interests may spread, merge, and monopolize, eventually to control media, academia, governors, judges, police, corporations, and all major forums for indoctrinating, promulgating, and enforcing secular and sectarian ideologies comfortable to currently prevailing powers and dictate.
Thus, a society whose members lack experience, insight, or method for detecting and checking against becoming ruled by sociopaths falls quickly into hazard.
General society, to help opportune those who are reasonably competent to protect and pursue their dreams, even against tyrannies of power monopolizers, should nurture strong institutions for inspring and inculcating characters of self reliance, individual strength and dignity, collective social responsibility, and freedom of expression and of enterprise.
Neither civic (such as Boy Scouts), nor sectarian organizations (such as churches), should be discouraged from espousing how Spiritual Morality (or God) may favor general, institutional, civilizing, character-building forums and purposes.
Such organizations and forums, by bringing together persons of energy, independence, and social responsibility, can tend, with group custom and body language, to facilitate strong and empathetic purposefulness, much more so than could mere words written from a distance.
For facilitating and focusing individuals to appreciate their personal freedoms and collective responsibilities, what method could be superior to that of bringing persons together in deliberate, humble receptivity to a spiritual source of common inspiration?
For facilitating despair and the surrendering of individual responsibility to ad hoc, collective panic, what method could be better than WALLING OFF CHURCHES, while schooling people to look only to mechanics of legalism in order to address their concerns and to whip up their divisive interests and competing grievances?
UNNECESSARY COLLECTIVIZATION tends to consolidate power among swindlers. Thus, we should invest in collectivization (government) only when needed to enhance freedom to pursue individual fulfillment. We should encourage as much freedom as is reasonably sustainable, while discouraging constraints of collectivism. Thus, government should be limited to those legalisms that are actually helpful to sustain a society’s purposeful freedoms. Human minds should not be reduced to buzzing insects or to hive-man swindles.
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