Sunday, September 27, 2009

Human Bondage

Human Bondage:

So far as we can apprehend, what best seems to be the relationship between Higher Principles (“God”) and mortals?
There seems to be willing, intelligent collaboration for ever-changing, expanding, diversionary, creative, artistic, emotional bemusement in respect of music, poetry, literature, and drama.
We seem destined for creating and discovering new ways to leverage music … as well as to leverage our responsiveness to music.
By “music,” I mean to include all gland-related appetites and pleasures.
So, we seek creative emergence and leveraging of new glands for informational organization and empathetic experience.
Thus, there seems to be an ever-expanding need for the nurturing and surpassing of habitats for top-controllers or predators who can participate in the designing and evolving of systems, glands, animals, and serfs … to add to expanding information about how to be pleased and entertained … and about how to be pleasing and entertaining.
For that, we seem to be occupied with enslaving and teaching enslavers … as well as with liberating and teaching liberators.
So, for siren-calling to enslavement, we learn tactics for inducing: debt enslavement, entitlement-minded debilitation, and video-violence addiction.
And for liberating, we learn, practice, and aspire to be good companions, even as changes ever challenge us.
And so, together, we grope forward in an expansion of space and time.
Humanity, as a strategy, has availed itself with the system of civilization, i.e., institutions for facilitating empathetic decency regarding self-evident needs and “rights” in one another to the “pursuit of happiness.”
For America’s governance in civilization, Congress would have less need to forfeit free speech had it less inclination for forfeiting trust.

O Bams e doats and
Dohs e doats and
Liddle shams e divy.
A quid eledivytoo
What about you?


Anonymous said...

Article II, Section 4, of the Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

At what point would it become obvious that Obama was a treasonously clear and present danger to the nation, for leading us to such imminent ruin or weakness inviting of war as to constitute "high crimes?" And insofar as Obama interprets the Constitution "liberally," how could he or his minions credibly complain of being impeached because of inciting worldwide panic?

Well, the current Congress would not draft articles of impeachment even were 70% of the nation to sense the danger quite clearly. So we need to toss Reid and also toss enough Reps in order to depose Pelosi. Then watch carefully. Otherwise there will be few options for confronting grave, nihilistic tendencies towards national suicide and dhimminitude.

Anonymous said...

D. said:
“When time is short, odds are against and options are few I don't think it serves a useful purpose to be fussy about who or what might help you meet your objectives. You seem to have defined RINOs as your enemy. While they are a problem, they are not the first problem. Sitting Socialists in Congress are the first problem because they have the run of DC and a co-conspirator in the WH. Three of the three branches of government are co opting liberty. They must be stopped. This is not the only priority but it is THE mission critical priority. Only the legislative branch is within our near term grasp.”
“If we can similarly turn 2 Senate seats, so much the better. Time, energy, effort and money used in an effort to unseat a RINO in 2010 does literally nothing toward the prime objective and my very well be counter productive.”

Well, I “raccoon” YES! (So what follows is mainly of the egghead in me. It’s purpose is only to illustrate the general background.)

Anonymous said...

PARADIGMS: Recently, there was a discussion on American Thinker pertaining to new paradigms for the political spectrum, one of which considered the far right to correlate with maximization of liberty and the far left to correlate with maximization of governmental control. Of course, absolute liberty (anarchy) does not exist except as a state of fear for prompting transition to absolute rule. In that way, the linear analysis for the political spectrum loops into a circle. In practice, it appears there are really only two main models of government: Rule by a capitalist oligarchy (sometimes as a clatch of Imams, Nobels, or Nomenklatura) versus participation in self-rule under the rule of law of a constitutional republic.

DECEIT: What most folks remain deceived about is that Rino style rule (International Corporatism) is not a benign substitute for Dino style rule (International Collectivism). Big International Rino rule is just more crafty, in that it progresses in slower advances by directly buying politicians, thereby directly commoditizing government, i.e., the total rule of everyone else. The result: Unless you’re the lead dog in the team of huskies, the view is the same.

MASQUERADE: How are Rinos and Dinos alike in their effects? Well …
1) Both tend to be run by godless elites, who compete mainly to pleasure individual egos, with no regard for a higher Source for valuing the freedom or dignity of anyone else. (He who dies with the most toys wins.)
2) Their head owners tend to overlap. (Soros and Goldman Sachs know to pull strings for both parties.)
3) Neither gives a rat’s behind about preserving national borders or enclaves of human freedom. (Bush encouraged illegals by giving the green light to prosecution of border guards.)
4) Both are prone to be disloyal (even treasonous) by selling out infrastructure and military secrets to foreign collaborators, while ignoring long term solutions in order to service short term political investors. (Both have pursued energy policies that enrich foreign interests in undermining American borders. Do this long enough, in advances, and the public is easily lulled to accept it -- much like the Big Lie.)
5) Both are prone to scrap the Constitution whenever convenient, as by bending America’s knee ever more to a shadow government of czars, unconstitutional signing statements, end-run agreements, and international law that is subject to whims of controlling collaborators and corrupt U.N. officials.
6) Few support a population policy that can be both moral and intelligent.
7. Both use “free trade” as code for the care and feeding of lawless international corporations and the dismantling of national industrial independence.

RESULT: Godless Rino’ism is no less on the path for dismantling America than is Godless Dino’ism. Actually, insofar as the head brains overlap, the path is the same. The periodic change of fronting political parties is more in the vein of bread and circuses. Both “Ism’s” incline to maximum governmental control. The Dino Left does this by trading liberty for the total security of the collective. The (so-called) Rino Right does this more craftily (snake’ily?), simply by buying increasing government by turning politicians into commodities (while giving the “nah-nah” to Conservatives, telling them they can do nothing about it). Poof! The Rino Right suddenly transmogrifies into totalitarian rule. They are the new Columbus: Sail left by sailing right.

SOLUTION (strategy?): Pull eyes chained to the cave of party politics and unite freed souls in the cause of righteous Conservatism.

Anonymous said...

SIDENOTE: In some ways, Islam is just a more virulent strain of Dino’ism. That is, Islam advocates for the subjugation and submission of human liberty in trade for the collective security of the Umma as being fore-ordained by God. Why else should Dinos and Islamos be so friendly?

SPIRITUAL NOTES: American Conservatism tends not to be Godless, but inherently spiritual. This is why faith-with-works will see Conservatives through. This is why Dinos and Rinos know they will fail unless they can recruit an anti-faith to American faith, which is the role of Islam. The only way the New Totalitarians “win” is by beguiling the freedom-faithful of Western Civilization into an annihilating confrontation with ultimate-subjugation minded Eastern Islam.

And so, instead of smart environmentalism (stewarding of earth homeostasis by simply employing moral and smart population policy), and instead of smart energy policies and smart trade (trade that looks to preserve the interests of Western Civilization), we get Radical Cap and Trade Environmentalism from Dinos and Radical Free Trade from Rinos. These are the tools the one Snake (with two heads) uses to subjugate human liberty.

Nevertheless, for American Conservatives, God remains the one Source which reconciles the ongoing dialectic of balancing human Freedom with human Dignity. The formula for that is not directly accessible to mankind. But receptivity to, and respect for, its Author is.

BOTTOM LINE STRATEGY: Sure, infiltrate caucuses of Rinos. But keep your guard up. (And where advantageous, infiltrate caucuses of Dinos. Watch the devil’s adolescents on all sides.)


EGGHEAD BTW: Is our conscious appreciation of our decisions a step slower than That Which Is Implementing our decisions? Has Something about our body and our situation already decided, a split second before our brain even consciously knows a decision has been made? See However, the analysis in the link misses the issue: Is human liberty, i.e., Free Will, of an immeasurable repository of Consciousness beyond the body?

Anonymous said...

Re: " Their arrangement engenders the greatest form of political and material (property) inequality, yet what do the Marxist Socialists constantly agitate for - equality."


Well, they also agitate for (faux) "comprehensive solutions." In that, the Dino Marxist Socialists are not that removed from Rino Blueblood Corporatists. After all, Soros contributes to politicians in both camps and bespeaks of equality like crocodile tears bespeak of sympathy.

Just as the Dino-Marxist is concerned with cornering the market on governmental collectivism, the new and most successful blueblood-rino greed-monger is not concerned with cornering the market on industry, but with cornering the (international) market on governmental corporatism. This is why Rinos and Dinos have no regard for preserving national boundaries. Collectivism, corporatism; tomato, tomahtoe --- what's the distinction that makes a difference in respect of conserving human liberty? Is there one? Godless Marxism vs. Godless Corporatism --- Is there a distinction that makes a worthwhile difference?

Government has become a commodity, valued by Dinos and Rinos alike in respect of capacity to buy, sell, and control politicians and bureaucrats. Why? Because he who has most power to control how ordinary serfs are permitted to think and required to work is the "winner of the game" and "king of all he surveys." Money is just a symbol. Control is reality. For Rinos and Dinos there is nothing else.

This is why Conservatives cannot abide either Rinos or Dinos. They are aligned in selling out human liberty to the commoditization of government. They are a two headed snake, joined at the middle, speaking double speak with hissing split tongues. They are artisans of deceit and partisans of crime. They are so practiced in deceit that they believe their own criminal rationalizations. Receptivity to higher concern for conserving truth or virtue is not in them. Indeed, they respect no concern higher than their own egos. Because, you see, they know so much that they know God is just "oogedy boogedy."

Anonymous said...

The analogy of a Manchurian Candidate is not an inapt one for Obama --- not in the sense of a pre-planned, specially nurtured candidate, but in the sense of a candidate of opportunity who is easily bent in the direction of evil opportunists. For those Deceivers of the Collective with easy access to money and connections, skill in conning the public trust, eyes always looking for talented puppets, and a big league farming system, Obama is their plum Manchurian.

What is the concept of a Manchurian Candidate if not that of the bold placing a Great Deceiver? Behold Obama's skill in employing ambiguity, subtlety, and subterfuge for snake charming a majority of gullibles. Behold the cohort of academic and MSM ignorance and corruption. Indeed, for the cabal that is running the czars, what is Obama, other than a sideshow for deceiving the gullible marks?

Evil has been evolving. Civilization has been sleeping. The Manchurian Candidate is apt. Representative governance is endangered. Volunteer with the Tea Party organizers.

Anonymous said...

D. wrote, "Obama is a shill for the union bosses. His goal is to increase union membership and redistribute US wealth to union members and union bosses. And his ultimate goal is to establish national institutions to guarantee this largesse to as many union workers as long as possible."

I think you are right that "communist" is a turn off for a lot of folks, especially folks who are not very well educated. In that respect, "radical union shill" may be better terminology for getting through to those who can be gotten through to.

Even so, I think more money is being used to front Obama than just that which is coming in from union sources, and I think that money expects more in payback than just redistributions to unions.

Anonymous said...

The analogy of a Manchurian Candidate is not an inapt one for Obama --- not in the sense of a pre-planned, specially nurtured candidate, but in the sense of a candidate of opportunity who is easily bent in the direction of evil opportunists. For those Deceivers of the Collective with easy access to money and connections, skill in conning the public trust, eyes always looking for talented puppets, and a big league farming system, Obama is their plum Manchurian.

What is the concept of a Manchurian Candidate if not that of the bold placing a Great Deceiver? Behold Obama's skill in employing ambiguity, subtlety, and subterfuge for snake charming a majority of gullibles. Behold the cohort of academic and MSM ignorance and corruption. Indeed, for the cabal that is running the czars, what is Obama, other than a sideshow for deceiving the gullible marks?

Evil has been evolving. Civilization has been sleeping. The Manchurian Candidate is apt. Representative governance is endangered. Volunteer with the Tea Party organizers.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Likewise, with his misnamed Stimulus Bill, Mr. Obama diverted a trillion dollars of wealth from the productive private sector to the unproductive government sector."

If Obama really wanted to stimulate American capitalism, he could have directly applied tax cuts. If he wanted to stimulate capitalism while spreading wealth, he could have directly applied progressive tax cuts. But what he really wanted to stimulate was a transition from capitalism to state-capitalism, with the state-capitalism to be run by AINO elites. By a humongous bookeeping trick, he has transferred money (symbols of trust and control) to state-capitalists with no loyalty to the state.

Obama's penchant and talent for deceit knows no boundaries and no shame. Those with the merest flicker of discernment know he is a very bold deceiver indeed, even as he fronts for a cohort of smarter and more sinister deceivers. Those who front Obama will seek ways to apply state-leveraged p.c. to restrict the free speech of all decent discerners.

Had Obama and Congress not forfeited trust, they would have no need to forfeit free speech. But they have forfeited trust, and they show not the least compunction to seek legitimately to restore it. So, there will be a grand struggle to preserve freedom of speech and thought. The regime may well look to Islamic history, to learn how to convert thought control into willing fanaticism.

Even now, the regime is assiduously seeking to enact as law bills that cannot even be read. But how can any bill that has not even been read by the people's representatives be considered as other than bastard to representative governance? MSM shows its bastardy by failing to sound the alarm about this threat to America's constitutional legitimacy from every mountaintop. The cohort of faux-collectivist MSM is not elite. It is bold embodiment of evil.

Anonymous said...

The Obama Agenda:

Establish and fund organizations of shock troops ("community organizing leaders") for agitating for class and race divisions and entitlement envy (check);
Cordon off the influence of all politicians who are not on board for agenda of those who fund The Won (check);
Substitute legislative blitzkrieg for reasoned and representative legislation (being done);
Buy and deploy media for doublespeaking-mass-entrancement (check);
Deploy Gitmo terrorists to pleasure islands (check);
Demoralize CIA (check);
Tie military's hands behind back with civil rights and Miranda warnings (check);
De-fund space-based military defense (check);
Wipe out middle class (in progress);
Dictate huge funding for social science of progress for faux-saving of planet (in progress);
Reduce influence of church and health charities (in progress);
Incite religious infighting by importing, opportunizing, and encouraging Muslims and by bailing on Israel (in progress); and
Establish cult of personality in MSM and schools (in progress).

mmm mmm mmm.

The Won is frenetically leading not just the reduction of America but the wiping out of middle class influence world wide.

Anonymous said...

Re-Directing Sidewinders:

I suspect the worldwide political war that is raging is less about left versus right than it is about the cynical and hopeless greed of the Rulers and the Ruled being marshaled against the hope of the Middle Classes for preserving freedom and dignity.

But the conservative middle class is not so much into economic greed or envy. It mainly wants fair rules and equal opportunity. It is generally sustained by faith and/or empathy for freedom of expression and enterprise. It is not so much interested in ensuring it has the biggest car or the flashiest sneakers. It is more concerned with political liberty than with economic con-ery.

But watch how those most concerned to define themselves as being of the Upper or Lower classes tend to sidewind in alliance against the Middle Class. Watch how a snake sidewinds across a field. Then think about how America’s two party system sidewinds, back and forth, from Rino International Corporatism (buying and selling of free agent politicians) to Dino State Capitalism (government-banking double-entry bookeeping).

The general direction is always towards demolishing American boundaries and middle class capitalism, to replace them with competing cabals of international rulers. The common agenda is a new globalism, with no middle classes and no capacity in the little people to imperil the rule of the new nobles and new nomenklatura.

If the Conservative Middle Class desires a civilization that avails freedom and dignity to the little people, then it will find few champions among Rinos or Dinos. Either Conservatives will organize, join, and participate with Tea Parties, or freedom and dignity for ordinary human beings will perish from the earth.

If Obama seems like a pre-prepped Manchurian Candidate, should any less be said about “W”? How was “W” selected and shaped for us? How much of his appeal to Conservatives was artificial and not heart felt?

Anticipate the direction of sidewinders. Then re-direct.

Anonymous said...



Well, join the online Tea Party resistance. Collaborate in groups with weekly meetings to deploy laser guided letters, emails, and protests to reps and news outlets.

The Conservative Middle Class Movement disfavors (1) the economics of Rino corporate enslavement of buying state politicians as commodities as well as (2) the economics of Dino collectivist enslavement of reducing all means of production to state control.

The Conservative Middle Class is interested in how to institutionally preserve a politics and civilization that liberates and respects the freedom and dignity of ordinary people in how they go about fulfilling their individual needs for self expression and economic enterprise.

The Conservative Middle Class is interested in how to preserve a vibrant Middle Class as a political counterweight to the Aino corruption of all those who would reduce America and the world to only two classes, i.e., the Ruled and the Rulers.

How may a "Conservative Tea Party" resist being co-opted by crime-ruled union thugs or corporate buyers of political influence?

1) Helping to develop (and sustain) a Conservative philosophy that is interested in general preservation of individual freedom and dignity, as opposed to special-favor sell-outs ;
2) Educating to keep eyes and pressure on both Rinos and Dinos;
3) Spreading the word about the need to limit direct and detailed governmental control over specific results, in deference to defending a general ground of equal opportunity; and
4) Organizing and deploying patriots (being done with Conservative Blogs, Tea Parties, Virtual Political Parties, local group meetings, and precisely targeted countermeasures).

It's about political liberty, not economic reparations.

Anonymous said...

Prescription for imposing one party rule, worldwide, de facto: Appoint judges who will expand interpretations of every nation's legal structure or Constitution, to allow their Legislative Authorities to require every employer to get a government, federal, or U.N. license to hire anyone. Then deem every such hireling to be, at least in part, an employee of the government. Then deem that each such hireling, as a government employee, is entitled to certain direct redistributions, subject to certain p.c. restrictions on conduct and speech (to avoid being blacklisted). Then have an international consortium buy all political parties. Then turn the backing for every such employee's money over to the fiduciary management of said consortium.

On worldwide plantation I'll take my stand, to live and die on plantation land, look away, look away, look away, plantation land!

mmm mmm mmm.

Anonymous said...

Good show, Mr. Marcus!

Re: The War Against Spiritual And Family Values ---

Why do Ainos (Rinos and Dinos) seem so aligned against the Conservative Middle Class’s notion of higher values? Are Ainos unable to stand that anyone does not share in spiritual hopelessness, not envy big cars or flashy sneakers, not share expectations of entitlementism, not crave addictive diversions, not admire what Ainos wear, what they deal or steal, and cannot be bullied to accept a party line? How many Ainos are miserable in greed, envy, addictions, and hopelessness? How many want everyone else to be miserable enough to be good company for misery?

The audacity of anyone who simply does not care about the things for which Ainos invest so much greed and envy! And so, otherwise-involved Conservatives must be banished, force fed with addictions or make-work, mind hijacked and reprogrammed, ridiculed, robbed, and deprived of authority … even over their own children.

What is it with “The Horsemen” who are so against spiritual or higher mindedness? Are they so desperately lonely in their notion of a closed clockwork of an unwinding spring of a universe and so miserably unfulfilled that they must foist and force their notion upon everyone else, under pretense that any intuition of, or empathy for, any notion of meta physicality or higher Source of spiritual freedom, dignity, and moral responsibility is simply stupid?

Are Ainos so jaded with purposelessness in relation to anything beyond mechanistic physics that they simply have no room left for intuition or imagination of any purpose or Will that could relate to any possibilities beyond?

If they believe that everyone “should” be discouraged from intuiting or empathizing about possibilities beyond the notion of a closed universe-only-in-itself, for what objective or moral reason must they believe such a thing? Do they imagine they have objectively proved it, and that they therefore should believe it? Such poppycock!

Anonymous said...

Re: "Likewise, with his misnamed Stimulus Bill, Mr. Obama diverted a trillion dollars of wealth from the productive private sector to the unproductive government sector."

If Obama really wanted to stimulate American capitalism, he could have directly applied tax cuts. If he wanted to stimulate capitalism while spreading wealth, he could have directly applied progressive tax cuts. But what he really wanted to stimulate was a transition from capitalism to state-capitalism, with the state-capitalism to be run by AINO elites. By a humongous bookeeping trick, he has transferred money (symbols of trust and control) to state-capitalists with no loyalty to the state.

Obama's penchant and talent for deceit knows no boundaries and no shame. Those with the merest flicker of discernment know he is a very bold deceiver indeed, even as he fronts for a cohort of smarter and more sinister deceivers. Those who front Obama will seek ways to apply state-leveraged p.c. to restrict the free speech of all decent discerners.

Had Obama and Congress not forfeited trust, they would have no need to forfeit free speech. But they have forfeited trust, and they show not the least compunction to seek legitimately to restore it. So, there will be a grand struggle to preserve freedom of speech and thought. The regime may well look to Islamic history, to learn how to convert thought control into willing fanaticism.

Even now, the regime is assiduously seeking to enact as law bills that cannot even be read. But how can any bill that has not even been read by the people's representatives be considered as other than bastard to representative governance? MSM shows its bastardy by failing to sound the alarm about this threat to America's constitutional legitimacy from every mountaintop. The cohort of faux-collectivist MSM is not elite. It is bold embodiment of evil.

Anonymous said...

A problem with the public option for health care, as with any public option or comprehensive goodie, is that it is to be conceived, designed, and implemented by immature leftist minds. Almost by definition, Leftist minds imagine systems of perfection, but lack the least comprehension of systemic capacities, limits, or budgets. What rational person would entrust any leftist to have capacity to engineer where any lines should be drawn even for one's personal affairs, much less as an exemplar for the affairs of a nation or world?

The systems imagined by leftists are "designed" for plastic pawns, not for real people. For actually making any system work for real people, as opposed to shoving it down throats, leftists have no idea. In their minds, the problem will always be that "the system sucks, man." And, in their minds, they always know the comprehensive solution --- if only the rest of us would listen to them. But the road to perdition is paved with the foolish intentions of big-government leftists.

Conservatives work towards practical solutions. Pixie-dust Leftists imagine towards faux-comprehensive solutions. And what is their "ultimate comprehensive solution?" Why, nihilism (i.e., the result of making the comprehensive perfect the enemy of the good).

For health care, instead of Occam's Razor we are getting Obama's Scalper. Not suitable for a comprehensive solution, but quite suitable for a comprehensive fleecing.

Anonymous said...

Teleologicus wrote: "This, of course, is what the criminals and murderers and war-mongers themselves believe. According to them, when they explain themselves, they do what they do because the world is not the way it should be and other people do not behave the way they should behave. If the world and other people were the way they should be it would not be necessary to commit acts of violence and mayhem."

Well, it is one thing to idealize the perfect, as an ideal. It is another to make the perfect the enemy of the good. For that translates quickly into justification for nihilism. And false "religion of peace." We will always have evil among us. We must try to quarantine it, knowing we will never perfectly succeed, and learn to absorb its blows yet keep resisting. We must not simply appease evil and then hope that things will change for the best. Help with the tea party organizers.


How about a comprehensive public option that simultaneously frees us of the inefficiencies (waste, fraud, and abuse) and b.s. artistry of trial lawyers? Viz, trade government run health care and welfare in order to eliminate all negligence based lawsuits?

Anonymous said...

L. said: "The most frightening aspect of the situation now is the utter stupidity and ignorance of the media and academia. They are under the impression that kindness, money, sympathy etc will set things straight. They don't understand psychology nor do they understand that there is no cure for Sociopathy. Sociopaths are incurable and have to be locked up for the rest of their lives to protect society. Some of these terror apologists even get a vicarious thrill from the barbarism of others."

And the elites among them get thrills up their legs and joy in recognizing those who are one of their own. How does Acorn recruit for potential leaders? Does it recruit for the very kind of sociopathic people whose conduct was recently exposed by the kids with the undercover videos? What traits do elite colleges look for, in deciding which among gifted applicants to admit? Do they look for Conservative minded kids?

Look what our culture is selling: self-esteem justification of entitlement-arianism, gangsta rap, video game violence, movie special-effects glorification of violence. Look how a lot of entrepreneurs make fortunes: enticing people into debt slavery under usurious credit extensions, enticing ghetto kids to believe they need $200 sneakers, kicking God out of classrooms, forcing moral relativism into classrooms (if any culture anywhere advocates for marrying 6 year old girls, is it "chauvinistic" to draw a line against it?), and exciting needs for immediate gratification to the point of being willing to sell souls in trade. What is this, if not a prescription for doubling the proportion of sociopaths among us every ten years? What manner of "elite" and "talented" leaders do we expect to arise from this witches' brew?