Sunday, October 4, 2009


The TRINITY ((1)Holy Ghost, (2)Father, and (3)Son) of Qualities of Existential Essence of Holistic Consciousness: The (1) Aether (empathy-love-potentializing Holy Spirit), (2) Organizing Field (empathizer-lover creator-Deity), and (3) God-Particle (empathizing-beloved fulfiller-Companion) of Consciousness, for fulfilling the ongoing redemption of Information in the pursuit of happiness within the created Algorithm, under which our Mortal Perspectives are availed their Identities and idealizations for communicating and signifying in respect of a shared Universe.

GODHEAD: All Three Qualities of the existentiality of the One Divineness share the same essence, fully God in One being, in total and perfect unity. One raised to the third power still equals one. The Godhead’s raised power presents the Whole of Existence, even though each of the Trinity of Qualities is not separately independent in Itself. The Godhead comprehends the Algorithm completely.

RELATIONSHIP TO THE GODHEAD: We, while restricted to our human forms, receive intuition of the Algorithm as availed by the Godhead only dimly, but less dimly insofar as we are receptive to the higher Holistic Consciousness of the Godhead. After our creation, the Godhead was not satisfied. Only by working the relationship, opening our receptivity, is the Godhead assuaged to our value. The door for that relationship is opened through the ongoing Grace and quality of the Beloved.

“Our human love [consciousness?] is but a poor reflection of divine love [consciousness?]. We cannot observe this with our eyes, so all analogies from nature and humanity ultimately fail in illustrating the Trinity. Analogies from nature cannot reach up to heaven so that we can connect them to the Trinity. Our finite and limited mind cannot grasp this mystery, even after our minds have studied the doctrine for years.”
“Belief in the Trinity is not irrational, but transrational—above our puny minds to figure out, ultimately.”
“…linking military victory with truth is tenuous. Truth should win out through persuasion, not the sword.”


Anonymous said...

The extent to which Teamism lurks beneath our moral consciousness is disturbing. Years ago, the plot for a TV episode of "The Outer Limits" entailed a need to inspire belief in a fictitious, invading alien force, in order to unite us (earthings) against them (aliens). On every level, it seems nothing can be related to meaningfully without drawing lines of division and definition. "Let's you and him fight," etc.

Yet always there are dealmakers and bagmen who learn how to exploit the divisions and then divvy up the warbucks. Of course, sociopathic exploiters of no conscience (such as priest rapists) are liberally sprinkled amongst us, and they are not slow to claim some aspect of God as their mascot, protector, leader, or justifier. And so all manner of names, memes, means, and justifications for God evolve, for exciting frenzied levels of cooperation among teams against their competitors.

Eventually, small teams and nations are absorbed into but a few oligarchic representatives. And so the number of powder keg sponsors diminishes, even as their explosive power becomes unimaginably concentrated. Presently, we have leaders/rulers of three such teams: (1) Sociopathic exploiters and exporters of Fantasy Socialism; (2) Sociopathic exploiters and exporters of Allah as vengeful God who rewards those who hate individualism with sex-crazed Fantasy Harems; and (3) Sociopathic exploiters, political owners, and international puppet-masters of arms-length, free-market, free-trade, Fantasy Capitalism. (Number 3 seems no longer to need to export itself so much, inasmuch as an international cohort appears already to be in place.)

In this mix, the one thing that gives me hope is this: I think there is a just God, who is learning out of feedeback communion with us how to fashion a sustainable, surpassable civilization of free-minded spirits. I think that civilization may eventually flourish and be signified in respect of something like earth, to prevail over the mind-sacrificing, sex-crazed, envy-addled, sociopathic-collectivism and slave philosophy that surrounds us.

Presently, the best oasis and hope for free-mindedness resides in the Conservative American ethos. Responsible American leaders may yet rise from the evil grime that is grinding and sinking us. But forces are feverishly at work to reduce America to the lowest common denominator of collectivist mind surrender to the rule of sociopathy, lust, and ignorance.

Unfortunately(?), the pursuit of meaning within our universe would not be enabled without "us versus them" teamism of some kind. Our most important challenge is to discern the good from the evil, the worthwhile from the vain, and the aspect of invitation to empathy in God from the aspect of surrender to depravity.

Teamism is unavoidable. Choose your team well.

Anonymous said...

Re: "What is the common thread that links Obama, Arafat, Carter, Gorbachev, Tho, Wilson, and Gore? All are planted firmly on the left of the political spectrum. "


More than that, all are firmly committed and skilled in attracting the loyalty of those who most fervently wish to be relieved of responsibility to think for themselves, as individuals. That is too hard; it is much easier simply to trust in whatever sociopath du jour seems most Christ-like in earnestness about feeling and taking on our pains and burdens.

So much mind weight is lifted simply by unburdening oneself to trust in the deceits of a chosen demagogue, such as "The Won"!

Most thinkers are mystified by the throngs who clamor to worship The Won. But Thinkers must learn it well, that the throngs are ruled largely not by their brains, but by their glands. Many are easily deceived, and sociopaths are willing to perform the service.

Individualists would rather take the harder path, to help the throngs learn to love learning to think for themselves.

The power of sociopaths lies in their mass appeal to collectivists. The power of individualists is in their capacity for leveraging knowledge. One seeks to herd sheep. The other seeks to empower soulmates of thoughtfulness. Question: Should humanity be considered as having been fashioned to be led about as animals, or to harness talent for thoughtfulness in order to commune with one another in respect of God?

Anonymous said...

I used to go to a gym packed with straight guys who talked about sex endlessly. Apparently, that's why most guys work out: to look good naked.