Monday, April 12, 2010

One Party Progressivism

One Party (cynical, godless) Progressivism:

Considering the overlap among corporate contributors to Dinos and Rinos, are they really two separate parties? If not, are we talking about a third party, or just about a Real second party -- one that actually represents traditional American, middle class, common sense values of individual freedom and dignity? Well, if Rinos will allow Conservatives to assume leadership of the Republican Party, and if the Republican Party will then follow through, then we will not need a third party. But that’s a Big IF!

If we turn out the Dems, Pelosi, and Reid, and if Rinos then give us comprehensive immigration reform anyway, changing our electorate forever, then what? Well, if Republicans want to head off Paul, the best way to do that is for them to learn to stop denigrating the sustainable values of Conservatives.

However, Paul does seem to have non-nuanced notions about free trade. It may be one thing to decline to avail protection to oligopolistic industries (since that would insulate non-competitive sclerosis). But among industries that are competitive, that make good products except that they compete for labor in America (a higher wage market), it would seem that protectionism may sometimes make sense. Otherwise, even competitive industries are eventually forced to relocate in cheaper labor markets overseas. While bleeding out American industry may be to the interests of international corporatists, it does not seem to be much in the interest of America, as its own national and economic entity.

IOW, the good faith interests of middle class Americans are apart from the more cynical interests of both Dinos and Rinos. Both Dino Style Socialism and Rino Style Corporatism are calculated to reduce the influence of the middle class, to make it a political non-entity. For a middle class of good will to survive, it needs to recognize that the villain it faces is a bi-political snake, either head of which is poisonous to traditional American values and to a representative republic.


Anonymous said...

Well, there is socialism as it is idealized and then there is socialism as it is practiced. One is a false ideal, the other is reality. Behind socialistic nations, there eventually arise despotic regimes. When those regimes become extra-nationally coordinated, they may be said to have become based in Corporatists, rather than in States. I took Ron Paul to be speaking about reality, rather than about mind fairies.

The question to ask is, in whose interests is Obama (Soros?) really dedicated? Is he seeking to change America (the world) to a system of pure socialistic equality? Or is he seeking to reduce the mass of inferiors to the corporate rule of their betters ("those who know best")? It is in that sense that I believe Paul is correct: Obama is a Corporatist. He deceives the multitudes in order to level the middle class and reduce all to the corporate (non-national) rule of those power elites who know best.

Unless a program for reducing the masses to the arbitrary rule of elites is "socialism," I think Paul is correct, regarding the reality. It is only regarding a facade that Obama puts on reality that he feigns to be a socialist, but without deigning to use that term.

Anonymous said...

Obama may be a "corporate socialist," but he only claims to spread wealth. In reality, he spreads poverty, and then establishes elitist power to rule over it. He only claims to spread wealth so his thug-cohort can divide, reduce, and rule America. Maybe folks don't like to call him a corporatist because he does not seem to be motivated by profit. Fair enough. But he is motivated by the currency of power.

Anonymous said...

Well, unless humanity is wiped out, it is possible that our planet could be rendered entirely uninhabitable by our toxins. Therefore, in an abundance of precaution, we should all drink the final kool aid. (sarc) This is the sort of thought process that comes to elites of no common-sense appreciation for proportionality. This is the quality of our present leadership. These people are "scientists"?!

Anonymous said...

Progs have no higher, sustainable meaning to affirm, so they fall to lower meaning, by demagoging opponents. In the 50’s and 60’s, racist Dems made political hay by denigrating blacks. Now, racist Dems make political hay by denigrating white male Conservatives. Progs’ political coalitions are based on corrupt bribes that are socially unsustainable without decimating the middle class and that cannot inspire principled opponents. So Progs resort to trying to guilt opponents. Instead of racial slurs, Conservatives are more prone to just call Prog positions what they are: Pathetic. In the feeling-based, p.c. world of Progs, "pathetic" is heard as akin to the n-word. When we are no longer allowed to call Progs pathetic, Conservatives will have lost.
Re -- William Penn: "Those who will not be governed by God will be governed by tyrants."
Yup. A concise way to point out that, to the extent our institutions of social discourse fail to facilitate our free assimilation of good will each to the other in respect of higher morality, we must resort to rule under force. And that force will be rationalized by tyrants who will monopolize detailed control over our governance.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Consumption based taxation also encourages wealth creation and accumulation."

If we're talking ideals, in my ideal world: There would be no income tax -- not on individuals, nor on corporations. But there would still be need to protect the liberty of ordinary Americans from the undermining influence of obscene accumulations of fiat wealth among Corporatists. And there is no protection against godless materialist Corporatists without something to check their capacities for fiat accumulations.

That requires some form of limiting and progressive taxation. Perhaps a two tiered tax on consumption: First, flat retail taxes. Second, annual progressive taxation against individuals based on their consumption. Somehow, the apportioning basis should include purchases of political influence.

As things stand, ordinary, common sense Americans have little hope against an obscenely wealthy hierarchy of Corporatists twisting the central banking system, media, and academia in order to enlist a majority of the voting class of gullibles with cheap bribes to be paid for on the backs of middle class producers.

Anonymous said...

Question: What do Rinos and Dinos have in common, regarding their beliefs in social justice? Answer: Neither believes in any justice higher than getting their entitled share of material goodies.

I have no problem with Beck being very wary of Rinos. He would be deep in denial if he were not. Rinos are cheap dates for making common cause with Dinos to open borders to facilitate cheap, illegal labor that is disloyal to American values. Rinos advocate free trade even when it means sending virtually all American industry overseas. We all see this, yet Rinos tell us we just don't understand economics and to not believe our lying eyes. If allowed to do so, Rinos, once elected, will turn on middle class Conservatives in a heartbeat. Rinos and Dinos both mean to screw America. Rinos just use smoother talk. How many bi-political Rinos supported Obama?

To hope to reclaim America and make a real difference within the Republican Party, Conservatives will have to get mad, stay mad, and stay committed. Else Rinos will immediately sweep back into real power and simply continue selling America down the river, to move the center of power away from America the nation to America the shell for hiding agglomerates of international corporatist power elites. To believe the Rino money that runs much of Republicanism is loyal to preserving America as a land of freedom for ordinary citizens is to be deeply deluded.

Understand that corrupt, radical socialism consists of one portion of Rinos and one portion of Dinos. Dinos are the portion that consists of the gullible greedy, who fall for cheap bribes and promises. Rinos are the portion that consists of the conniving greedy, who specialize in false, cheap promises. Rinos and Dinos simply alternate in political power to sell America downstream. Insofar as Obama is suddenly melting America away, that is only facilitated because Rinos built the fireplace and gathered the kindling.

Conservatives whose hopes spring eternal and who believe Rinos can be rehabilitated without careful monitoring are Charlie Brown. Rinos are Lucy, holding the football. If Charlie Brown is ever to grow up, he must get mad, stay mad, and stay committed.

Question: What do Rinos and Dinos have in common? Answer: Neither believes in any purpose higher than getting their entitled share of material goodies.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that any previous Congress would have allowed Obama to go so far towards embracing all that is anathema to traditional American values. There would have been hearings, investigations, possibly impeachment. Not of Obama's enemies, but of Obama and his friends. How was it fixed that just as Pelosi, Reid, and near filibuster proof majorities arrive that Obama is elected? Even though the trail was there for any diligent media to expose. Some powerful interests are "all in." They are not going to let this opportunity for a permanent leftist coup go without some more very heavy handed exertions. I very much suspect we ain't seen nuthin yet. If we don't get 5 of the high 9 on board and a rout in the coming mid terms, things are going to get ugly. Obama may not even have to do much. The heavy work may be done for him, for his agenda, by Hu, Putin, and Chavez. Soros' operatives will be coordinating. Think about it: Among Obama's constituency and those who want equality, fairness, entitlements, and a command and control world government, who would resist? People I know who are leftists, who years ago I thought had good sense, now simply refuse to see that Obama is a threat. They have bought the notion that American capitalism is a moral failure. I don't see their mentality getting rewired. It seems to me we will have to defeat them. And the window of opportunity for that is closing.