Friday, January 14, 2011

Truth in the Balance of Avatars

We live in a time when avatars of only a few value systems are being stirred to boiling, as if sensing that the gain of one may be to the longstanding loss of others. Within a boiling pot, it tends to be difficult to find an oasis of calm reflection. Still, most of us are hushed when innocents are suffered to die, perhaps especially so when the innocent is an otherwise blessed child.

It begins to seem reasonable to believe that all of reality may be contingent upon communications among our various particular and holistic perspectives of consciousness. More and more, we seem to weigh ourselves as avatars for values we believe in. It may be that our interactions avail means for bringing forth not only the unfoldment of our values, but the unfoldment of physical and technical reality itself. Our coming together to accept the values of a moral exemplar or ideal tends to be harbinger of the acceptance of such values by the dominant part of the Field of consciousness, with which our purposes find definition.

As we believe in the best interpretations of the values of Christ, so do those values take on reality. As we repudiate those values, to join forces with perspectives that are more cynical, sinister, or crushing of individual expressions of free will, so do those values take on reality. God, that is, the Field of Consciousness, is real. However, God's unfolding choices may well be sensitive to our feedback. For our tiny corner of the universe, the reign of values --- either of mind (Jesus) or matter (the Borg) --- will come as we find it in us to decide we are ready. It may be that Jesus asserts a power to heal us only to the extent we are willing to enlist in order to fuel that power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of the Perfume and Stench of Being

Although consciousness may abide in condensate of particles at the smallest conceivable level, the experience of intelligent free will may depend upon the manner of organization of such particles or perspectives, as organisms for giving expression to consciousness. Perhaps, the organization of such perspectives is byproduct of synchronized and unfolding patterns of competitions, being competitions that define the replicable propagation versus the unfit demise of each such pattern. Perhaps, the only way God has found to organize particles of consciousness — to transcend the crass materialism that is byproduct of their unfolding patterns of intercommunication and competition — is to allow them, in their organized capacities, to experience and apprehend the perfume of life and the stench of death. It may be that there is no other path to enlightenment, to apprehend that materialism is secondary to the unfolding designs and directions of holifying (holistically reconciling) fields of consciousness.

For God, the continuous payoff may consist in experiencing ever more creative and empowered perspectives of consciousness, through Avatars, i.e., organized perspectives of consciousness. In the absorbing potential of higher Avatars, i.e., The Imbued, may reside all the hopes, fears, and conscious experiences of all lesser perspectives.