Free thinking conservers of liberty promote a collective civilization by internalizing shared values that are self evident or empathetically intuitive in their culture. Corrupt libertines of abuse promote a collective civilization by beguiling the ignorant to accept the externally forced rule of the corrupt. As the corrupt become more powerful and the ignorant become more desperate and poor, they tend to make crass common cause against free thinkers. Free thinkers cannot conserve liberty against such corruption unless they remain vigilant to check against perverse accumulations of power and provide enough of a safety net to preserve the hope and good will of the less able and talented. If liberty is to survive, wealth must be limited short of incitement to despotism, and poverty must be alleviated short of desperation.
CHILDREN OF DECONSTRUCTIONISM: There are people who exist who like perpetually to play dress up. They like to recognize the sometimes richness in poverty, genius in idiocy, wisdom in ignorance, truthiness in playing false, and heroism in cowardice. Should this mean that medical schools must award proportionate admissions and student loans to poor, ignorant, deluded cowards? Should it mean that those who prefer to use words in their ordinary meanings are hateful phobes and racists, who must be ridiculed and often punished? Should it mean that decent civilization must equally deconstruct and annihilate all discriminatory distinctions?
GOD: Whatever the Information we're massing, we're massing it together. This necessitates that words be accorded meanings. The avatars with which our perspectives of consciousness bond undergo pattern shifts, yet consciousness itself is perpetually required, even though it undergoes phase shifts and its avatars assimilate and accumulate changing insights and Information. Nothing evolves or unfolds to the sequential record of informationally digitized manifestation without the previously participatory, simultaneous or preset, idealistic or representative, approval or disapproval of at least one perspective of conscious will --- whether primitive, organic, human, or holistically field-like. Consciousness is variously iterated, but, stripping all religious models to their essential worth, the common field of Consciousness may be conceptualized as "God," i.e., the basis for intuitive, empathetic, moral interfunctioning, unfolding, and evolution.
.FOUNDATION OF MORALITY: Conscious will, communicating intuitively and empathetically among its iterative perspectives, is the foundation for all moral signification. It is the connector of spiritual good faith and good will, the qualitative basis for the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, above all quantitative pretenses of measuring science and physics. There is no moral principle that can be derived purely from physics. However, there is a moral reconciler, a still quiet voice, that guides physical significations, which abides in self evidence, not dependent on any axiom of measurement. Its existence is reasonably intuited in self evidence. It's unfolding purposes are empathetically intuited. Its communications are signified and transmitted in analogies, figures of speech, models, and conceptualizations. All of physical signification abides first as a figure of speech of communication of conscious will, before such physics can then be related for measuring in terms of variously fluxing models, which models cannot themselves be unified because they are nothing in themselves.
PROGRESS OF CIVILIZATION: I cannot reasonably speak to whether perfection or heaven are attainable. However, I can speak in good faith and good will (intuitive empathy) to an ideal that I envision as being worth pursuing. That is the establishment and preservation of civilized governance that avails decent dignity for the exchange of communications among free thinking perspectives of consciousness.
IDEAL VS PRACTICALITY: That is an ideal. It can best be nurtured by assimilating a fair and independent minded middle class of free thinkers. However, the ideal recognizes a practical reality: Even the best of middle classes will always be accompanied by (1) corrupt predators who seek to acquire skills and leverage to obtain despotic hegemony, as well as by (2) those easy prey and perpetual children who, because of physical or mental infirmity or disposition, can never quite grow up to become independently competing avatars for their own thoughts. A decent civilization needs institutions for checking and balancing the tendencies of the first, and it needs a reasonable safety net for the second.
ALIGNMENT OF PREDATORS AND PREY: This produces a natural alignment among predators and prey: predators beguile the easily beguiled to believe they will be protected if they help bring down the big game, i.e., the middle class. The more the middle class remains oblivious and at work, assuming all others share its good faith and good will, the fatter, slower, and more attractive it becomes as big game. The more the middle class insists on an impossibility, that government abandon everyone to their own talents, including the talentless (the infantile, senile, idiotic, handicapped, addicted, mal-conditioned and mal-educated), the more the lower class reasons it has no choice but to align itself to the mercy of canopy crony corporatists, who have no faith higher than their own advancement. Decent civliization is not easy. It seems to require billions of years of evolution. It requires evolution of a middle class that's wise enough to check amoral predators while simultaneously providing a safety net for the infirm, the childlike, and the ignorant, without making the safety net so enticing as to encourage lives of sloth and unnecessary dependence.
IDEAL VS PRACTICALITY: That is an ideal. It can best be nurtured by assimilating a fair and independent minded middle class of free thinkers. However, the ideal recognizes a practical reality: Even the best of middle classes will always be accompanied by (1) corrupt predators who seek to acquire skills and leverage to obtain despotic hegemony, as well as by (2) those easy prey and perpetual children who, because of physical or mental infirmity or disposition, can never quite grow up to become independently competing avatars for their own thoughts. A decent civilization needs institutions for checking and balancing the tendencies of the first, and it needs a reasonable safety net for the second.
ALIGNMENT OF PREDATORS AND PREY: This produces a natural alignment among predators and prey: predators beguile the easily beguiled to believe they will be protected if they help bring down the big game, i.e., the middle class. The more the middle class remains oblivious and at work, assuming all others share its good faith and good will, the fatter, slower, and more attractive it becomes as big game. The more the middle class insists on an impossibility, that government abandon everyone to their own talents, including the talentless (the infantile, senile, idiotic, handicapped, addicted, mal-conditioned and mal-educated), the more the lower class reasons it has no choice but to align itself to the mercy of canopy crony corporatists, who have no faith higher than their own advancement. Decent civliization is not easy. It seems to require billions of years of evolution. It requires evolution of a middle class that's wise enough to check amoral predators while simultaneously providing a safety net for the infirm, the childlike, and the ignorant, without making the safety net so enticing as to encourage lives of sloth and unnecessary dependence.
GOOD FAITH FREE THINKERS: Good faith free thinkers must be aware of the exposure of easy prey to corrupt predators. Skills have been developed and networked to quickly reduce most unprotected people to the status of perpetual debt slaves. Astonishing "progress" has been made in the science of advertising to get people to trade debt enslavement for baubles. The more the number of people enslaved, the more those people feel little hope ... unless they align to help predators enslave yet more. The goal of a decent civilization of free thinkers is not advanced by advocating that the poor and infirm should aspire to become rich like the predatory.