Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Constitutionalism for Collectives

The Constitution was written for a free people, but it has for many years been taken over by corporatists and collectivists. So now the utter adulturation of the Constitution is a done deal. Given mountains and mountains of nonsensical precedents, I don't see how the Constitution can possibly be expected to be restored to any original intent. To try to do so would be to do violence to too many established precedents, for which there is neither political will nor public acumen to effect wholesale correction. Language judges cannot freeze definitions accorded words by changing cultures. Under present establishment, ordinary citizens cannot ease the grip of powerful corporatists and collectivists over the interpreting, writing, and evading of precedents, laws, and regulations and the financing of dependent (puppet) political candidates. Doing so would take a strong movement, probably borne of a severe collapse and therefore quite dangerous. The only alternative would seem to be to inspire fundamental change in how group entities, corporations, collectives, and parties are allowed to do business in the extra-national buying and selling of products and political advantages.
However, if anyone actually were successful in starting such a movement, he would probably become a target to be eliminated from all quarters of established collectives. Science and technology are altering cultures and countries at a precipitous rate. Without insight meet to the times, old forms, regulations, institutions, checks, and balances will not suffice to win unfolding new battles. I can hardly think of a single established and influential institution or large business or collective that is not likely criminally corrupt through and through. Read Predator Nation to get an idea about how thoroughly corrupt nearly every person and institution of significant influence is. Simply put, there's hardly any toehold of significance remaining that has not been occupied by corrupt sell outs. I don't know the solution. Championing common sense and decency would be a good start. In any event, I'm not advocating giving up. However, to address the problem, it would help to understand its character and extent. Predator Nation is a good place to start.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Why is it that testing for God (Holistic Consciousness) or for God's responsiveness seems to be appropriate for consideration only in respect of empathetic intuition, and not in respect of empirical or statistical analysis? Well, Consciousness carries capacity to appreciate the present and to apprehend potentials. So, it can evaluate the present as good or bad or neutral, and it can set precedents in responsive feedback. It can follow along and make modificatons as deemed appropriate. Thus, Conscious Will tunes some precedents to harden into rules, some into randomized associations, and some into contemporaneous changings. Consciousness determines that some relations will be guided or determined contemporaneously, some will be pre-determined, and some will be left to algorithmic randomization.
That which unfolds and evolves is of a mix, but every aspect of the mix that feeds back to our particular, experiential perspectives has first --- either in contemporaneous sequence or previous sequence --- been affected by the Holism, as the singularly synchronizing re-normalizing reconciling and unifying agent of conservation. The more skilled we become in associating with that part of the mix that entails pre-determinants and randomized determinants, the more we may tend to assume there is no contemporaneous guidance from the Holism. The less we look for such guidance, the less we seem to intuit it. The more we demand empirically quantitative proof of that which is beyond proof in quantification or statistics, the more morally arbitrary, alone and apart we seem to become. Conversely, the more hubristically we assume that the interests of God are entirely consonant with our own particularly developed interests, the more dogmatically despotic we become. Moral guidance seems to be non-quantitative: Temper humility with moral receptivity.
Consciousness implicates a Character of conservation, under whose limits degrees of freedom of expression are made possible.
RELIGION that appeals to one's free thinking and free will pertains to respect for metaphors for how to sanely moderate one's will as one seeks to communicate and reconcile one's self with the cosmos. UNSANITY that overpowers one's free thinking and free will pertains to confusion of metaphors with the moral truth behind them. Unsanity tends to immoderate, unbalance, subjugate, and annihilate one's capacity to seek to reconcile anyone with the cosmos. INSANITY pertains to the loss of control and complete submission of one's self in order to deny the cosmos and disintegrate and diminish those who affirm and retain will to reconcile with the cosmos, as their minds perceive the cosmos to be. Insanity seeks the "peace" of annihilation of self and all others.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rent Seekers

Landslides occur during times of great social confusion.  A decent, vigilant people would not have allowed itself to be positioned to need such a corrective landslide.  Within fluxing bounds of accountability (rule of law), a decent nation would have endeavored to educate and establish a society that has capacity to defend a reasonable range of freedom and dignity for all its citizens.  Such a nation will be constantly challenged with continuous churnings and creative conflatings of rent seekers --- persons who add no value, but who seek to position themselves to be able to demand support from those who can be ensnared.  Rent seekers, persons of little social virtue, become skilled in deceiving gullibles to believe they care about them.
Those who add value are entrepreneurs, enjoying freedom of expression and enterprise, who produce things other people want to buy.  Rent seekers are heads who use union power to demand entitlements not based on production or merit, but based on organizing power.  Rent seekers are also heads who use corporate power not to buy and create products, but to corrupt, buy and exploit politicians and governments.  The constant challenge to decent society is to check against over-tipping accumulations of gangster power in corrupt rent seekers of every variety, who suck the blood of producers everywhere.
Without a citizenry that is informed and decent enough to establish and defend constantly fluxing lines of evolving accountability, a nation cannot avoid falling prey to border-erasing, decency-erasing, rent-seeking parasites operating within and against every class of society.  A representative republic cannot be sustained by an indecent people, nor by a people who allow themselves to be alternatingly beguiled between different parties headed by rent seekers.
There is no set, perfect form of government or regulation that can long defend against rent-seeking corrupters.  Rather, the only lasting protection comes from social inculcation of worthy, higher (spiritual) ideals.  A people who have lost assimilating faith in a source of spiritual values and ideals will lose all common sense and quickly become ripe for being picked apart and led astray by every soaring conniver who is skilled at dividing, hedging, and pitting minority mobs against minority mobs.  Most Americans have displaced their common sense.  Why else would we have allowed rent-seekers to proceed under disloyal crony corporate form to undermine and buy control over every significant social institution ---  including currency, banking, border enforcement, media, and academia?  Why else would we have allowed our nation to be put in hock under the biggest, godless communist nation of thugs on earth?
We need to back away from know-it-all elites and spiritual despots and return to common sense respectors of individual freedom and dignity.  If Romney offers hope, it's more in his adult sincerity of assimilating, unifying faith and common sense than in his financial skill.  The last thing we needed was a Marxist Muslim Elitist to undermine us in order to forcibly instruct us how to be better Americans.
The notion of evolution, aka natural selection, begs many questions about the "nature of nature" and what it is that does the "selecting," i.e., determining. The notion begins by noticing a trivialism: that there abides variation in potentials, out of which specifics are selected, and that patterns of selection often become reinforcing and self-sustaining. The same may be applied to selections and choices concerning anything, including systems of culture and politics.
However, what ultimately is the nature of the nature that is doing the selecting? In ultimate aspect, is IT entirely quantifiable, measurable, predictable, and/or controllable? Or is IT ultimately and necessarily of a quality and character that is beyond substantive measure, but not beyond qualitative appreciation? What is the means of determining each selection? Is it entirely (1) pre-set and pre-determined, (2) randomly or chaotically determined, and/or (3) appreciatively determined, based on a reconciliation of appreciation between the whole and the unfolding expression of its parts?
What is the role of feedback (prayer?) from the perspectives of appreciative observers and parts? What is the reconciling means by which every wave function of the wider field is reduced to particular appreciation and expression? Is that reconciling, synchronizing, holistically conserving means purely dumb, pre-determined, and oblivious to subjective appreciations expressed from perspectives of its parts? Well, no method of measure will demonstrate such a notion. So, people look to their subjectively experiential empathies and intuitions, i.e., their "inside information," which also is of a quality that defies being completely reduced to quantifications. When people do so, many reasonably reach the intuition that measurable events, ultimately, are determined not by preset fate or dumb randomness, but by an immeasurable quality of reconciling appreciation of feedback (communication) between the whole and its parts.
This immeasurable quality of feedback (communication) seems to many to constitute a kind of conversation between an holistic expression of conscious will and its variously particular perspectives. To them, it seems intuitively obvious that all of "natural selection" can and should better be considered as being guided in respect of a higher, reconciling consciousness. For them, this is a fundamental and necessary basis for teaching people to be empathetically respectful of one another, as perspectives of a same holistic conscious will. Others rationalize that there is nothing more worthwhile to devote their little lives to than the agglomeration of temporally vain positions of wealth and power for the subjugation of all others.
For the first, the only role for government or social organization is to provide a loose framework for establishing and sustaining reasonable freedom for people to express and occupy themselves. For the second, the only role of government is as a tool, for bending all others to selfish, rent-seeking purposes. A free society maximizes degrees of freedom of expression and enterprise; an elitist society (such as under Scientism, Marxism, or Islam) desires instead to subjugate all lessers to menial servitude under finely prescribing regulations of minutia.  For the first, natural selection should better be considered as appreciative selection, participated in by a reconciled multitude.

Monday, June 18, 2012


In communications of discrete feedback between the perspective of the Whole and of the Parts, it is the number and degrees of freedom for giving signification to expressions of flux (symmetry-breaking in conservation) that avails what might be termed qualitatively “CONSCIOUS” pursuits of empathetic perspectives. In other words, our universe is brimming with a quality of evaluative, reconciling Consciousness that necessarily accompanies feedback between its holistic aspect and its particularistic aspect.
Associative aspects of communications can be quantitatively measured from perspectives of the parts. Some associative aspects of symmetry-breaking are reliably seen to persevere over longer sequences than others. Nevertheless, qualitative aspects concerning relations among the whole and its parts cannot be entirely reduced to quantitative measure. All aspects relating to numbers and degrees of freedom in apprehending and appreciating fluxes between the whole and its parts simply cannot be reduced to measurable factors within a completely defined system of mutually exclusive and exhaustive particulars. Mathematically, the whole simply cannot be reduced to a completely causal part of itself.
Yes, many ASSOCIATIVE relations within the whole can be quantitatively, discretely, and sequentially counted and measured. However, holistically complete CAUSES cannot, even though they can be qualitatively appreciated. We can measure and tinker with Associational sequences for guiding or predicting transfers of gravity and mass, but we cannot measure all of that which ultimately Causes transfers of gravity and mass.
Associations can be variously phased and tricked towards interpretations of artistic inspirations, harmonic forms, and music ... or towards anomie or noise. In any event, no science of pure causation can eliminate the spiritual quest for inspiring communications (i.e., morally qualitative empathies) between the Holism and its variously iterative and Particular Perspectives. Thus, God, Soul, iterations of CONSCIOUS WILL, spirit, empathy, and moral purposefulness will abide and will continue to resist being reduced to any dumb “standard model” of science or politics or being reduced to any completely deterministic formula that may be advocated by elites or collectivizing despots, who feign to know what is perfectly best.
Whatever happens to be the sustaining reliability of one's situation tends to help one build up and reinforce habits and motivations of trust, uncertainty, love, empathy, confusion, and/or hostility. It is we --- by the associated quality, intuition, empathy and skill of our respect and participation in feeding back conscious evaluations to the Holism --- who affect how civilization unfolds and whether it will continue to avail human freedom and dignity.
Suppose a reconciling one is given to imagine the expression of a perfectly symmetrical, neutral vacuum in the form of a sphere (a sort of three dimensional zero). First, remember that that particular sphere, as a pure substance, would not exist without its being signified in relation to such a one's imagination or conscious will. Second, consider what happens when the zero-sphere so signified becomes not perfectly neutral, but misshapen, so as to express fluxing charges, charged against the conservation of zero: For every (positive) charge or change, in order to balance the zero sum of the sphere, there must somehow be accumulated a conservationally restoring and opposite (negative) charge or change.
Given each flux that breaks the level of symmetry of the originally imagined or imaged expression, one will apprehend that there must be a simultaneously opposing conservation. Appreciating this facilitates skilled access to mechanistic practicalities, opportunities, and significations of purposefulness. However, appreciating this will not answer how it is that the Holism (consisting in sum as the reconciling one together with its expression of a fluxing sphere) should exist in the first place, nor will it answer how it is that the sphere, as a signified holistic potential, should flux to facilitate purposeful access to asymmetrically conservational expressions and significations.
Thus, we can acquire skills for facilitating ASSOCIATIVE significations, but not for altering the CAUSE of the original expression of the Holism, nor for simultaneously causing or controlling all conservational aspects of any of its fluxes. That is, each flux, being balanced with the remainder in order to sum a conserved whole, cannot be completely caused or reconciled by any perspective that is less encompassing than that of the whole. Still, each PERSPECTIVE of the whole PARTICIPATES to express a role in measuring, evaluating, and appreciating how each flux in the controlled balancing and conservation is to unfold. That is, how our perspectives of consciousness unify to observe, interpret and evaluate events affects how events are signified and reconciled to unfold.
Necessarily, each perspective of consciousness will experience being inspired to apprehend that certain conceptual significations, representations, and figures of speech (word made flesh) should be regarded AS IF they were true or valuable. On continued and sequential reinforcement, such apprehensions may tend to become more and more reliable, perhaps eventually being shared among more and more of the general populace. Eventually, such apprehensions may take on various aspects of self-fulfilling value or "truthiness," even taking on aspects for being quantitatively tested, both for practical reliability and for ultimate falsification. Thus, our various conceptualizations sequence to facilitate practical goods, even as they fail to capture perfect truth. This is because non-trivial perfect truth is dependent on a non-quantitative quality, which can be conceptualized as conscious will. Such can be the conditioning power of positive thinking.
The methods of deductive and inductive logic for establishing what are definitional and empirical truths ultimately pertain to bivalent true-false statements about quantitatively or statistically measurable relations among substances other than conscious will. Consciousness, when functioning of its own will, is, by definition, operating beyond the control of true-false predictions. Until a relational situation that entails a quality of conscious will unfolds, the situation is tri-valently unstable and not reliably predictable. Such a situation inherently offers alternative choices among degrees of freedom. When we try to reduce that which is qualitatively experienced as conscious will to complete, quantitative control and prediction, we are mixing qualitative apples with quantitative oranges. To expect that what is essentially qualitatively experiential can be reduced entirely to that which is quantitatively controllable is to take the bivalent function of logic for understanding substantive relationships and conflate it with a trivalent injection of a character that is not limited to the logic of substances. It is to attempt to reduce non-substantive, holistically influenced, conscious will to rules that regulate mere particles of substance. It is to pretend the qualitative expressiveness of the whole is entirely subservient to the quantiative expression of its parts.
For oneself to represent a statement --- that holistic iterations of conscious, subjective will regressively defy being entirely reduced to quantitative measure --- is to entertain an experiential intuition, not a statement of true-false bivalence that is amenable of objective proof. Thus, to try to employ mere logic to conflate bivalent objectivity with trivalent subjectivity is to commit a fundamental logical fallacy: that of willing to subjectively deny subjective will. This is the soul suicide of hollow men.
The Holism abides with the sum of the measurably conserved and fluxing spherical vacuum and with that which fluxes and conserves it. Without a loop of FEEDBACK from all --- a Fluxing vacuum, a Conserved vacuum, and a Qualitative Agency that holistically and iteratively fluxes and conserves it, then communicative signification would not abide. It is the capacity of the vacuum of nothingness for being fluxed and conserved (in Mathematical representation, the capacity for borrowing against zero) that avails Communications of Appreciations among Perspectives of Consciousness.
In itself, chaos is a label, not a cause, for describing a process of unfolding manifestations that defy complete reduction to quantitative explanation. Such label can be used to refer to a process by which social institutions and organizations arise, fall, flux, and re-sort themselves, in a perpetually unfolding reconciliation of all apprehensions and appreciations at all layers and levels of all perspectives of consciousness. Although a particular history of chaotic unfolding would not in itself be the cause of anything, it may convey information to a skilled and powerful observer, who may detect therein potential for repetitive tweaking, thus feeding back measurable observations of chaos that can be factored as a kind of associative agent of causation, by which to choose to guide or replicate observed conditions. Thus, an unfolding that seems to occur initially in chaos may, as it is recorded by a skilled observer, be fed back so that information concerning it becomes part of the appreciable cause of future unfoldings.
In like manner, the Higgs mechanism, whereby mass is measured and thought to be incrementally transferred during interactions among particles, may not, in itself, ultimately, constitute a causal particle. Rather, it may abide as a label or mathematical mechanism, in respect of which regularities are observed to accompany measurable transfers of mass under certain prescribed conditions. With respect to how the mechanism may be made in any finely particular way to express itself in respect of any specific particle, there may not be any precise way to so specifically prescribe. Even so, the mechanism may generally be reconciled with, and thus considered never inconsistent with, a conservational quality of the encompassing field.
HIGGS: There seems to abide a mathematical construct that can be treated AS IF it were a measurable particle for the purpose of explicating a standard model for measuring and predicting significations, AS IF they entailed the interfunctioning of basic particles-in-themselves. Even so, at a deeper plane, the notion of a particle-in-itself cannot be completely coherent, because a particle (i.e., a part) necessarily implicates an influencing relationship with a holism which encompasses it (and of which is is a part).
While particles are secondarily expressed by fields, fields are not measurable except with particles.  While the quantitative is secondarily expressed as traces of the qualitative, the qualitative is not measurable except with traces of the quantitative.  The primary qualitative, in itself, is not measurable, but it can be experienceable.
By evaluating feedback, a holistic sponsor of fluxes, conserved and borrowed against in mathematical respect of zero, could experiment with bubbles of patterns that unfold to manifest various systems of expressions (such as of mass, spin, charge) in obedience to mathematically quanticized and measurable increments. Eventually, the sponsor may find itself enjoying capacity to sense, experience and measure feedback from such fluxes from locally imbued perspectives. In each such case, the incremental fluxes of quanta would not be in respect of particles-in-themselves, but in respect of the experimental synchronizing, reconciling, and guiding purposefulness of the holistic sponsor. Even so, such rules would mark and reliably associate with predictably sequential consequences, so that the rules could be treated by locally measuring observers AS IF the rules themselves were causal agents of nature, rather than the nature of such rules being merely the associated expressions of an holistic sponsor. That is, sequences in incrementally mathematical expressions of changes could be reliably considered AS IF they were the consequences of causal particles, with no quality of involvement of feedback entailed with any conscious, evaluative, or appreciative Holism.
Obviously, there IS involvement and feedback with a holism that enforces conservation, which holism itself is of a quality that is beyond the complete measure of any particular perspective. So, the more qualitatively important question is: What is the quality of the conserving holism's involvement and feedback? Is its reconciling involvement purposeful, appreciative, evaluative, caring, and guiding? Or is it simply and entirely preset, predetermined, or dumbly random? Does it enjoy some kind of algorithmically leverage-able capacity or will to experiment to preset some functions, randomize other functions, and contemporaneously accompany and imbue with and identify with and experience conscious appreciation from the organic perspectives of still other functions? Is it reasonably worthwhile to intuit and suppose that such Holism enjoys Conscious Will of a kind that experiences a quality of feedback and communication with variously iterative, particular, and local perspectives? Well, we cannot quantitatively prove whether such a qualitative relationship does or does not abide. We can, however, feel and intuit and empathize ... and choose to act on same.
I agree with the implication that there is no reason in physics or philosophy to believe the cosmos makes some kind of bright line distinction between that which is presently animated or preset by conscious will versus that which is animated or preset in the complete absence of conscious will.  To my thinking, quantitatively conveyable substance is logos and its signs of evaluative byproduct.  Why are not any "particles" perpetually countable in an aggregate, ultimately separate and independent from one another, like mutually exclusive and exhaustive components of a sum-able whole? Why is every "particle" measurable only in respect of its capacity to be transitioned and related into a different kind of particle? Why does there arise any conserving bubble of entangled, associated fields of particles?
It does not appear that any "particle," ultimately, is countable, causal, or existent in itself. Rather, the existential appearance of every relational particle and field is associated with, and derivative of, mathematically conserved significations (signings) of a single reconciling field, as if every expression of quantifiable substance were merely significatory of feedback among perspectives of conscious communications of fluxing observations, apprehensions, and purposes ---perpetually subjugated to reconciling corrections and limits imposed by a Holism. As if all of substance were, ultimately, merely logos (word made flesh).  It need not cost anything nor cause any downside to believe we are entailed in a qualitative conversation with a Reconciler.  Rather, the implication of such a belief is a basis for morality, i.e., decently unfolding civilization.  This does not seem to be inconsistent with a common belief among the Native Americans.
All quantities that are measured are associated with the signification of particles.  While some quality of a field avails significations, it is only the quantitative of a signification that is measured, not the entirety of the quality that produced the particle. Regard for a quality of experiential freedom is always implicated in that no experience of a directional vector in space-time is measurably determinable in the same instant that a measurement is taken of the location in space-time.
We may spot a system of mathematical mechanisms for conveying communications that flux in respect of a conserving Holism whose ultimate substance is beyond complete knowledge or measure. In doing so, we may act AS IF such mathematically obedient mechanisms were expressions of existent particles in themselves. We may do this as a covering strategy, to hide from having to confront uncertainties about qualities of the Holism (as well as from having to entertain phonies who pretend to speak for God in order to exaggerate authority to condone or condemn specific behaviors). However, in those moments when we are not trying to banish God from Eden, we tend to notice: (1) None of these so-called existent "particles" exist independent in themselves. (2) All of them are subject to conserving reconciliation. (3) The precise way in which reconciliation is accomplished in each case can be approached only in rationalizations about the "nature" of random-reconciling "chaos" (which itself is a label more than an existent "particle" or explanation). (4) No system of mathematical mechanisms is measurable as precluding systematic phase shifts to other iteratively possible systems. (5) In banishing a notion of a feedback conserver for qualitatively guiding empathetic purposefulness, we become bereft of any inspiring story by which to assimilate civilizing moral purposefulness (good will secondary to good faith).
Common consciousness connotes a constant Conservation that coordinates continuity in continuously changing communications and conversations.  Consciousness implicates a Character of conservation, under whose limits degrees of freedom of expression are made possible.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Which is the superior reality: the Field or the Particle?

Which is the superior reality: the Field or the Particle?
It seems the more we tinker with particles, the more particles we find.  Are the particles real, or are they reflections of our ingenuity?  Is there any real limit to the number that can be concocted?
I am thinking about what is necessary to support the Discrete Incrementalism that seems to pertain to every quantifiable, digital transfer of a quantum of energy or communication of information.  Transfers of discrete quanta seem to implicate or associate with discrete, mediating particles.  So how could discrete changes and transfers of mass be made, without a mediating particle?
Our capacity to make accurate measurements of quantifiable expressions within our conserved environment seems to demand a set of properties that could support the discrete incrementalism requisite to each quantifiably recordable change.  Insofar as each change in a transfer of mass is measurable, it would seem there must be some fundamental unit, bit, or smallest particle that mediates each such transfer.  However, the fact that each transfer of mass obeys Discrete Incrementalism does not necessarily require that a "real particle" must exist to mediate each such transfer.  Rather, the requirement of discrete incrementalism in each change may be enforced by an holistic principle of conservation, i.e., a mathematical mechanism, not necessarily a particle mechanism.
If so, there need not exist a smallest, "real particle" of mediation.  Rather, the smallest possible increment of mass transfer may depend on a conserving relationship that applies between the Holism and the context of its then and there expression of particulars.  Changing the level of focus, observation, and appreciation for the interfunctioning of particulars may change the smallest possible incremental change of recordable mass.  The ultimate limiting principle may abide more in the conservational quality of the Holism and the limits of math than in any limits to the "smallest" size for "real particles."  Ultimately, the Higgs mechanism may pertain more to a relationship with math than to a relationship with a mediating particle.  On the other hand, so long as one wishes to consider such notions as "electrons" as if they represented "real particles" (rather than significations of the wider field or logos of the "Word made flesh"), then one may postulate a Higgs correlate for that level of analysis.
In any event, the agent of each transfer of a quantifiable exchange or signed communication may abide in a qualitative, iterative, proportionately renormalizing, mathematically conserving, reconciling capacity of the Holism.  Each proportionately discrete re-normalization may be an upshot of reconciling a multiplicity of iterative perspectives of the same qualitative Holism.  That may implicate a deeper notion of what should be meant by "Consciousness."  It may also help drive atheists buggy.
While particles are secondarily expressed by fields, fields are not measurable except with particles. While the quantitative is secondarily expressed as traces of the qualitative, the qualitative is not measurable except with traces of the quantitative. The primary qualitative, in itself, is not measurable, but it can be experienceable.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


THE ONLY REALITY: "Ought" is derivable from "is," where the only real "is" is the spiritual Holism that Experiences consciousness of evaluative choices. All measurable Ism's are derivative of and relative to the Holism.
SUPERIOR CAUSE: The real cause of all that is quantitatively signified abides in measurably re-normalized, rationalized, significations of the Holism, as it qualitatively fluxes out, synchronizes, and reconciles its interests, apprehensions, and appreciations.
RATIONALIZATION OF MEASURABLE SEQUENTIALITY AS CAUSALITY: It is because the significations of the interests of the Holism are synchronized and reconciled in obedience to mathematical constraints of conservation that we take and rationalize such significations in their sequential order as if they themselves were causally related, back to a primordial first mover or beginning. However, we have no way of knowing whether there are/were beginnings before beginnings, or futures after futures. Even though sequential, all sequentially measurable significations are merely associational, i.e., associational with unfolding fluxes in the interests of a holistic, synchronizing, reconciling, Experiencer of consciousness. Sometimes, associates are trivially iterative of the same meta caused signification.
CAUSAL LOOP: What is the qualitative character of the causal-loop feedback-generator of quantitative signification? How are the following loops generated: chronologically previous/vibrating and unfolding/subsequent; past/unfolding/potential; music/flux/noise; spiritually and sequentially eternal and infinite/vibrationally conserved/substantively enumerable and transpositional; spiritual/significative/substantive; qualitative/observative/quantitative; holistic experience/feedback/perspectivistic experience; experience/conservation/mathematical representation; representation/comprehension/communication; interest for/non-interest/interest against; constantly discrete/continuous/digitally changing; spin/wave/directionality; positive/neutral/negative; care for/care not/care against; apprehend/record/appreciate; anticipate/record/evaluate; potential/becoming/manifesting; stable/unstable/transitional; catalyzing/changing/storing; purpose/perspective/context; qualitatively motivational/quantitatively bonded investment/emotionally leveraged interest; qualitative description/mathematical signification/word made substantive; synchronization/destabilizing flux and fuzz/reconciling re-normalization; consciously determined/consciously predetermined/consciously randomized; holistic field/particular perspective/compatibility phase change; trivially true/experientially evaluative but without true-false valence/trivially false; qualitative/fuzzy/quantitative; essential/trivial/relational; self-evident/trivial/practical.
CONSERVATION OF SIGNIFICATION: An Informational bit that was part of a conserved system would lose its relevance, meaning, and manifestation the instant it became incompatible with its sponsoring program. It would necessarily shift to become consistent with the conserving system, or the entire system would phase shift to accomodate its contextual change. Similarly, when the Holism loses interest in an avatar, the avatar would either collapse and jump to a separate or parallel Holism, or the avatar would transition to a conservationally sustainable form. A non-sustainable avatar would necessarily transpose when it became no longer receptive and pertinent to an unfolding, synchronized reconciliation of a conserved system or program.
NO CORRELATIVE: That Holism which metaphysically represents my avatar is not divisible or quantitatively represent-able. IT has no correlate that is measurably accessible to my limited and mortal perspective. Even so, the Holism expresses and takes a grid-able, quantitative, sequential, synchronizable, reconcilable, measurable interest in Precise respect of each particular perspective of consciousness. The Holistic Field, being a conserved counterpart to each particular perspective, senses a Precise, correlative, holistic, Flow-Through-Qualitative Experience of every particular perspective. Meta-Stuff (Holistic Field) does not correlate as substantive correlates correlate. Rather, Meta-stuff "e-motivates" (apprehends, appreciates, e-motes, chooses, decides, likes, dislikes, binds with, adopts, imbues with) in digital responses to field-particle feedback among avatar-perspectives. Feedback is between each avatar-perspective and all other avatar-perspectives. Feedback is not between individual avatars, as such, per se. Rather, real feedback is between each individual bit and the program that conserves, limits, and defines it, and between each particle and the field that sponsors it. The appearance of feedback from other bits, particles, and avatars is merely associational and derivative. Even so, such associational and derivative interfunctioning, being measurable, can often be usefully and empirically observed for the purpose of detecting likely significations of trends, presets, omens, and signs ... pursuant to Bayle's law and assessment of statistical probabilities.
RECEPTIVITY TO SIGNS AND TRENDS: May one measure or detect any divisible, chronological, moral purposefulness of the eternally encompassing metaphysical, or may one only seek in good will, good faith, and self-fulfilling visions of unfolding goodness, to be receptive to qualitatively reasoned rationalizations of its interests? From particular perspective, one may intuit, empathize, and participate in humble good faith and good will concerning what or where the Holism may next want to do or go.
CHOICE OVERPOWERING INDICIA OF SEQUENTIAL INERTIA: Mathematical analyses of economics, politics, and society are necessarily based on statistical comparisons in piecemeal terms and arbitrary models that look backwards to what has gone before. Such methods are important, but not to the point of completely substituting for intuitive vision in respect of the morally empathetic unfolding of a dance of feedback between a Holism and its conscious, iterative perspectives. Math and science have no capacity in themselves to substitute for consciously unfolding good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule). The notion that purely secular science and reason should entirely substitute for spiritually emotive empathy is bad science, bad reason, bad morality, and bad religion. It self evidently violates self expression. Such notion can never be supported in enough mathematical completeness to avail reasoned belief that it has adequately accounted for all substantive factors, much less all spiritual factors. The only moral guide that can reasonably be received is found in humble, empathetic, intuitive respect for one’s dependence on feedback with a Reconciler — not purely in any scientifically categorized or substantively proved certainty. Good faith and good will lead us in the morally qualitative “why”; science only leads us in the practically quantitative “how”.
COUNTERPART: The counterpart to my stubborn attachment to my avatar is in respect of that aspect of the Holism which synchronizes and reconciles in order to sponsor me.
WHY does it sponsor me? What feeds back the motivation for the Holism to "flux me out?"
Well, it is the empathetic experience of the Holism, from IT as field to me as avatar, and from the perspective of my avatar back to IT.
I AM YOU: That which represents me is not separate and apart from that which represents you. “I” simply relate to different perspectives and "iterations of myself." So, “I” am empathetically interested in iterations of Myself having good experiences in good faith and good will through other perspectives.
INFINITE CAPACITY: Because potential sequences of feedback are mathematically infinite, the experiential capacity of the Holism is infinite, even though its unfolding follows interests.
TRIVIAL FACTS AND NON-TRIVIAL CHOICES AND CREATIONS: In trivial and tautological respect, various brute, substantive facts and noises may be quantified and sequentially organized. These facts and noises pertain to that which is, not to that which morally ought to be guided to become. To idealize that which God may desire of a child of God, one needs to consider how a child of God would be. To conceptualize and talk about such an ideal, one needs figures of speech. (The word become flesh.) All non-trivial speech is representative, relational, musical, and thus figurative. Speech cannot relate non-trivial, pure truth, but only relational truth, and only with relational figures of speech. Such speech is spiritually signatory as it communicates feedback among apprehensive forebodings and appreciative afterbodings. Even so, non-tautological speech is necessarily and simultaneously deceptive to self and to others if it is represented or taken as pure truth of non-trivial substantives.
PUTTING SUBSTANCE ON METAPHORS: All parables, analogies, metaphors, figures of speech, models, maps and concepts need to be taken with common sense, i.e., an unfolding of purpose, focus, perspective, and context. For moral relevance, figures of speech need to be reconciled — consciously or subjectively — in layers and levels of good faith and good will. The moral value of figurative communications is not disproved by proving they are not absolutely correlative with non-trivial truth. This is because absolute correlation with quantitative substance could never be the reasonable purpose of qualitative communications. This is because the only non-trivial truth is not substantively, completely, or absolutely derivable, but spiritually self evident. Simply put, moral issues are not well appreciated when restricted purely to scientific terms and models.
ROLE OF RELIGION: The true role of sacred stories cannot be to explicate absolute, non-trivial truth in substantive terms (no mortal can quantitatively delimit heaven), nor to expostulate mathematically consistent reconciliations of set theory, or relations of every whole to its sum of ultimate particles. Rather, the reasonable role for sacred stories is to preserve and facilitate musical, empathetic, and intuitive communications of historical and present good faith and good will in languages of common figures of speech. Sacred parables avail conventions, backgrounds, or frameworks for guiding and communicating moral intentions. Sacred parables cannot condense a consistent, coherent, complete explication of the physical and metaphysical cosmos. Sacred parables need not attempt to address the quantitative substance of the cosmos, except as needed to communicate, explore, and experience the mystery of Beingness, i.e., a twilight region that ever recedes with ever attempts to map the conscious brain.
HOLLOW MORALISTS: Militant atheists who yearn to reduce morality and conscious beingness to a set of trivial facts are prone to deride those who apprehend it as self evident that no such reduction is possible. However, unless a moral atheist can prove his belief that the lack of any qualitative basis for morality is a measurable fact, then it is fatuous for such a believer in moral atheism to deride those who believe moral beingness is not reducible to a set of measurable facts. A belief that itself cannot be empirically demonstrated, that another person should be derided for his beliefs merely because his beliefs cannot be empirically demonstrated, is internally insupportable. A non-quantitative belief that another person “ought” to be derided for believing in a non-quantitative source of “oughts” is a morally unbalanced and dramatic stance — not a position well based in reason, self evidence, or sustainable moral intuition. It is the stance of a hollow person who wants to set himself apart from, or superior to, extant foundations for moral communication.
MORAL CARING: How does the metaphysical become motivationally invested and leveraged in concerns of empathy, emotion, caring, and morality? How does spirit of identity bond with iterative bodies of brain to experience emotional motivations, purposefulness, and meaningfulness? Is there a causal, mechanistic, measurable, divisible, correlative that can be rationally modeled to show whether or how evolutionary unfoldings are subject to moral guidance, synchronization, and reconciliation? Can such a correlative be demonstrated empirically or only in intuitive empathy and self-evidence? If such correlative cannot be demonstrated empirically, can it be rationally relevant in respect of self evident, humble, optimistic responsiveness and receptivity to self fulfilling omens, contexts, and significations? After all, how else could or should anyone decide where his interests and pursuits should be?
CONSCIOUS WILL: The feedback loop does not predetermine the unfolding of the Holism,
Not in any way that I can consistently rationalize. Rather, it is self evident or intuitive that what determines each discrete change in that which unfolds to be signified is the upshot of a synchronization among choices made and experienced through a multiplicity of perspectives and interations of a single reconciling Experiencer of Holistic consciousness.
DERIVATIVE PARTICIPATORY FEEDBACK: Our separate perspectives unfold in obedience to the synchronizing, reconciling interest of the Holism, not in obedience to our individual interests.
The “participation” through our avatars is representative and derivative of the reconciling Experiencer.
MORALITY IS A PURSUIT: God is not moral, but God (the Holistic Experiencer of Consciousness) is the agent of a seeking of morality and purposefulness. God is the synchronizing, reconciling capacity to experience e-motivational organizations of conscious feedback.
SPACE AND TIME:  Space constantly has to do with how accumulations of sequentiality are presently stored. Time continuously has to do with the potential for changing how the present is stored. Space has to do with constancy in representation. Time has to do with continuosity or unboundedness in potential. Space is presently, finitely, conservationally closed. Time is potentially eternal, infinite, unclosed, and unbounded. Space-Time forms the web network for facilitating and conserving all potential expresion and interfunctioning among perspectives of consciousness.
INVESTMENT IN CONVERSATION:  However, Space-Time is not an independent existent in itself. Rather, it exists derivatively or as byproduct. This is because God's consciousness is invested in continuing a conversation among ever replacing iterations of perspectives of the same consciousness. The conversation is constant in its feedback circularity, yet ever changing in its unfolding of an infinity of possible permutations over the mathematically unlimited sequentiality of chronology.
GOOD WILL:  Guided evolution is the consequence of the conservation of God's investment in a conversational experience among iterations of God's perspectives of consciousness. Material substance is the figurative consequence, signification, and logos of unfolding communications of a mix of negative apprehensions, neutral non-apprehensions, and positive appreciations among iterations of perspectives of God. For a perspective of God to love the ideal of the holistic God is to respect the holistic sponsor and counterpart to one's qualitatively much more limited self; to love God is to respect the author of all iterations of consciousness. The consequence of good faith in God is good will among men.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Death of Common Sense

Obama is owned by a criminal NWO cartel.  When a criminal corporation or collective gets big or wealthy enough, it can buy influence (politicians, media, banks) that will empower it to run roughshod over mere law.  Common sense is now replaced by nonsense.   It is nonsense to expect decent individuals to compete in an "open market" against powerful collectives of outlaws.  It is nonsense to expect to preserve an open market among free competitors without undertaking to reduce the biggest corporations to the rule of law, as opposed to enabling them to continue in the buying of law.  It is nonsense to expect international law to control corporations that are sponsored by nations that give sanctuary to criminals.  It is nonsense to expect to rehabilitate criminal nations by destroying the culture of our own nation, merely to re-label foreign depredations as being no longer criminal.  For a short while, we had a nation state under the rule of law that was accountable to the people.  Now, we have in main a thug-ruled state that is lawless and only pretends to be looking out for the people.  Johnny rosen up your bow, cuz nonsense has broken loose.
It's not democracy that's deathly ill, but the common sense that's necessary to sustain it.  A majority has been educated to lack common sense, to believe that persons who posture as elites know best, regardless of corruption in narrow and immediate self interests. What should mark those who retain common sense?
Any person of common sense ought not: want to facilitate agglomeration or entrustment of control over our currency and banking in a class of disloyal, international, crony cannibals; want to enrich or educate incorrigible enemies to individual human dignity and freedom of thought; want to convert America as an oasis of liberty into a haven for those who seek to cannibalize it; want to surrender national independence by facilitating the exportation of important industries; want to waste resources trying to convert non-convertible nations and cultures into lovers of individual liberty when they lack the culture, traditions, institutions, and core beliefs that could possibly support a republic of free thinkers; want to admire moral philosophies and philosophers that are nihilistic of morality; want to be financing the brainwashing of our kids to believe the establishment and defense of an oasis of human liberty is a bad thing.
Had enough Americans retained common sense, we ought to be establishing and defending institutions, procedures, checks, and educators who want to resist and reverse the above mentioned affronts to ordinary human decency. Why has it become so hard to retain and defend common sense? Well, too many have for too long ignored the steadily accelerating agglomeration of stupidity, corruption, and faithlessness, which has now brought the world to the point of tipping back to despotism. America had to work real hard to get this suckered by so many stupid, corrupt, faithless, doped-up, damnable cherry-picking statisticians posing and passing as elites.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Manipulated Marketplace

Too often, too many useful idiots are overawed by hired explicators of closed system notions, such as the so-called law of supply and demand. That law would apply IF people, businesses, and nations truly operated within closed systems, so that each change would always produce a conserved effect. However, economic traders do NOT intelligibly operate within closed systems. See Economic Theory / Supply and Demand, by Gerhard Adam.
Rather, the system is always subject to being grossly changed and manipulated by people, businesses, and nations that consciously choose to exploit the system, to create artificial, psychological expectations and pressures, followed up with artificial relief valves for exploiting the faith, trust, and credit of naive, good-faith believers. The system is NOT exclusively material or economical. Rather, the interfunctioning of perspectives of qualitative consciousness is at least on a par with, perhaps even superior to, the byproduce of substantively quantitative interactions. It is by convincing dupes that the so-called law of supply and demand necessarily implicates that we should promote free trade that exploiters are fond of pressurizing bubbles and then manipulating and releasing escape valves at times opportune for maximizing contrived profits.
Suppose a closed system with a finite number of extra houses for sale. If the sellers got together to run a pattern of increasing the sales prices, the appearance of inflating value may well spur speculators. In that case, it would not be the limited supply that was driving the increased demand, but psychological, monopolistic, crony manipulation. Equilibrium is not based only on quantitative pricing, but also on qualitiative value, which is based partly on skilled manipulations of subjective perceptions.
In a time of conglomerate ownership of mass-mesmerizing media, the notion that buyers and sellers usually operate objectively, free from psychological manipulation by rampant gang-style trading corporatists, is quaint. For an individual freely to offer his wares in a crony market, without starting or joining his own gang, is to volunteer to be cannibalized. A deer surrounded by jackals is not engaging in free trade. For a representative republic to open wide its borders and trade to emissaries of despotism is to volunteer to be internally infested by traitors and to have its free-thinking middle class consumed and wasted.
The demand side is not independent. It acquires wherewithal from the supply side. What happens when American labor doesn't produce products, yet continues to buy them, by borrowing? If a home nation exports its industry and well paying jobs, it will not produce supplies enough to enable its people to continue to finance and purchase at sustainable levels, even if more products are priced lower on account of having been produced by foreign labor. This is because the economic-evolutionary system is not entirely bit-based or closed. Rather, trading groups and nations tend to compete to have their laborers and groups benefit at the relative expense of their trading victims. Corporate moving of labor costs outside the system opens the system and skews the rules, so the law of supply and demand no longer holds for individuals duped to trust in it. Rather, manipulaters and hedgers create and exploit bubbles, greased by coaching victim nations to keep the faith and elect political proponents of "free trade." The concept of a marketplace based on supply and demand becomes less helpful to individual, good-faith dealers the more the system is not closed. The system tends then to be open to abuse by crony jackals prone to tell deer that free trade is always the best policy!
A system that stubbornly tries to rationalize economics based purely on objective competition, that fails to establish checks against pack-cronyism, will eventually sacrifice itself to false-altruistic, totalitarian mindsets.
It appears some of Romney's money men are deep in this GM-China Motors fiasco. We seem to be alternating between crony socialism and crony corporatism. Once America is hollowed out by crony cannibals, what will be left to defend?
