In communications of discrete feedback between the perspective of the Whole and of the Parts, it is the number and degrees of freedom for giving signification to expressions of flux (symmetry-breaking in conservation) that avails what might be termed qualitatively “CONSCIOUS” pursuits of empathetic perspectives. In other words, our universe is brimming with a quality of evaluative, reconciling Consciousness that necessarily accompanies feedback between its holistic aspect and its particularistic aspect.
Associative aspects of communications can be quantitatively measured from perspectives of the parts. Some associative aspects of symmetry-breaking are reliably seen to persevere over longer sequences than others. Nevertheless, qualitative aspects concerning relations among the whole and its parts cannot be entirely reduced to quantitative measure. All aspects relating to numbers and degrees of freedom in apprehending and appreciating fluxes between the whole and its parts simply cannot be reduced to measurable factors within a completely defined system of mutually exclusive and exhaustive particulars. Mathematically, the whole simply cannot be reduced to a completely causal part of itself.
Yes, many ASSOCIATIVE relations within the whole can be quantitatively, discretely, and sequentially counted and measured. However, holistically complete CAUSES cannot, even though they can be qualitatively appreciated. We can measure and tinker with Associational sequences for guiding or predicting transfers of gravity and mass, but we cannot measure all of that which ultimately Causes transfers of gravity and mass.
Associations can be variously phased and tricked towards interpretations of artistic inspirations, harmonic forms, and music ... or towards anomie or noise. In any event, no science of pure causation can eliminate the spiritual quest for inspiring communications (i.e., morally qualitative empathies) between the Holism and its variously iterative and Particular Perspectives. Thus, God, Soul, iterations of CONSCIOUS WILL, spirit, empathy, and moral purposefulness will abide and will continue to resist being reduced to any dumb “standard model” of science or politics or being reduced to any completely deterministic formula that may be advocated by elites or collectivizing despots, who feign to know what is perfectly best.
Whatever happens to be the sustaining reliability of one's situation tends to help one build up and reinforce habits and motivations of trust, uncertainty, love, empathy, confusion, and/or hostility. It is we --- by the associated quality, intuition, empathy and skill of our respect and participation in feeding back conscious evaluations to the Holism --- who affect how civilization unfolds and whether it will continue to avail human freedom and dignity.
Suppose a reconciling one is given to imagine the expression of a perfectly symmetrical, neutral vacuum in the form of a sphere (a sort of three dimensional zero). First, remember that that particular sphere, as a pure substance, would not exist without its being signified in relation to such a one's imagination or conscious will. Second, consider what happens when the zero-sphere so signified becomes not perfectly neutral, but misshapen, so as to express fluxing charges, charged against the conservation of zero: For every (positive) charge or change, in order to balance the zero sum of the sphere, there must somehow be accumulated a conservationally restoring and opposite (negative) charge or change.
Given each flux that breaks the level of symmetry of the originally imagined or imaged expression, one will apprehend that there must be a simultaneously opposing conservation. Appreciating this facilitates skilled access to mechanistic practicalities, opportunities, and significations of purposefulness. However, appreciating this will not answer how it is that the Holism (consisting in sum as the reconciling one together with its expression of a fluxing sphere) should exist in the first place, nor will it answer how it is that the sphere, as a signified holistic potential, should flux to facilitate purposeful access to asymmetrically conservational expressions and significations.
Thus, we can acquire skills for facilitating ASSOCIATIVE significations, but not for altering the CAUSE of the original expression of the Holism, nor for simultaneously causing or controlling all conservational aspects of any of its fluxes. That is, each flux, being balanced with the remainder in order to sum a conserved whole, cannot be completely caused or reconciled by any perspective that is less encompassing than that of the whole. Still, each PERSPECTIVE of the whole PARTICIPATES to express a role in measuring, evaluating, and appreciating how each flux in the controlled balancing and conservation is to unfold. That is, how our perspectives of consciousness unify to observe, interpret and evaluate events affects how events are signified and reconciled to unfold.
Necessarily, each perspective of consciousness will experience being inspired to apprehend that certain conceptual significations, representations, and figures of speech (word made flesh) should be regarded AS IF they were true or valuable. On continued and sequential reinforcement, such apprehensions may tend to become more and more reliable, perhaps eventually being shared among more and more of the general populace. Eventually, such apprehensions may take on various aspects of self-fulfilling value or "truthiness," even taking on aspects for being quantitatively tested, both for practical reliability and for ultimate falsification. Thus, our various conceptualizations sequence to facilitate practical goods, even as they fail to capture perfect truth. This is because non-trivial perfect truth is dependent on a non-quantitative quality, which can be conceptualized as conscious will. Such can be the conditioning power of positive thinking.
The methods of deductive and inductive logic for establishing what are definitional and empirical truths ultimately pertain to bivalent true-false statements about quantitatively or statistically measurable relations among substances other than conscious will. Consciousness, when functioning of its own will, is, by definition, operating beyond the control of true-false predictions. Until a relational situation that entails a quality of conscious will unfolds, the situation is tri-valently unstable and not reliably predictable. Such a situation inherently offers alternative choices among degrees of freedom. When we try to reduce that which is qualitatively experienced as conscious will to complete, quantitative control and prediction, we are mixing qualitative apples with quantitative oranges. To expect that what is essentially qualitatively experiential can be reduced entirely to that which is quantitatively controllable is to take the bivalent function of logic for understanding substantive relationships and conflate it with a trivalent injection of a character that is not limited to the logic of substances. It is to attempt to reduce non-substantive, holistically influenced, conscious will to rules that regulate mere particles of substance. It is to pretend the qualitative expressiveness of the whole is entirely subservient to the quantiative expression of its parts.
The Holism abides with the sum of the measurably conserved and fluxing spherical vacuum and with that which fluxes and conserves it. Without a loop of FEEDBACK from all --- a Fluxing vacuum, a Conserved vacuum, and a Qualitative Agency that holistically and iteratively fluxes and conserves it, then communicative signification would not abide. It is the capacity of the vacuum of nothingness for being fluxed and conserved (in Mathematical representation, the capacity for borrowing against zero) that avails Communications of Appreciations among Perspectives of Consciousness.
.Necessarily, each perspective of consciousness will experience being inspired to apprehend that certain conceptual significations, representations, and figures of speech (word made flesh) should be regarded AS IF they were true or valuable. On continued and sequential reinforcement, such apprehensions may tend to become more and more reliable, perhaps eventually being shared among more and more of the general populace. Eventually, such apprehensions may take on various aspects of self-fulfilling value or "truthiness," even taking on aspects for being quantitatively tested, both for practical reliability and for ultimate falsification. Thus, our various conceptualizations sequence to facilitate practical goods, even as they fail to capture perfect truth. This is because non-trivial perfect truth is dependent on a non-quantitative quality, which can be conceptualized as conscious will. Such can be the conditioning power of positive thinking.
.The methods of deductive and inductive logic for establishing what are definitional and empirical truths ultimately pertain to bivalent true-false statements about quantitatively or statistically measurable relations among substances other than conscious will. Consciousness, when functioning of its own will, is, by definition, operating beyond the control of true-false predictions. Until a relational situation that entails a quality of conscious will unfolds, the situation is tri-valently unstable and not reliably predictable. Such a situation inherently offers alternative choices among degrees of freedom. When we try to reduce that which is qualitatively experienced as conscious will to complete, quantitative control and prediction, we are mixing qualitative apples with quantitative oranges. To expect that what is essentially qualitatively experiential can be reduced entirely to that which is quantitatively controllable is to take the bivalent function of logic for understanding substantive relationships and conflate it with a trivalent injection of a character that is not limited to the logic of substances. It is to attempt to reduce non-substantive, holistically influenced, conscious will to rules that regulate mere particles of substance. It is to pretend the qualitative expressiveness of the whole is entirely subservient to the quantiative expression of its parts.
For oneself to represent a statement --- that holistic iterations of conscious, subjective will regressively defy being entirely reduced to quantitative measure --- is to entertain an experiential intuition, not a statement of true-false bivalence that is amenable of objective proof. Thus, to try to employ mere logic to conflate bivalent objectivity with trivalent subjectivity is to commit a fundamental logical fallacy: that of willing to subjectively deny subjective will. This is the soul suicide of hollow men.
.The Holism abides with the sum of the measurably conserved and fluxing spherical vacuum and with that which fluxes and conserves it. Without a loop of FEEDBACK from all --- a Fluxing vacuum, a Conserved vacuum, and a Qualitative Agency that holistically and iteratively fluxes and conserves it, then communicative signification would not abide. It is the capacity of the vacuum of nothingness for being fluxed and conserved (in Mathematical representation, the capacity for borrowing against zero) that avails Communications of Appreciations among Perspectives of Consciousness.
In itself, chaos is a label, not a cause, for describing a process of unfolding manifestations that defy complete reduction to quantitative explanation. Such label can be used to refer to a process by which social institutions and organizations arise, fall, flux, and re-sort themselves, in a perpetually unfolding reconciliation of all apprehensions and appreciations at all layers and levels of all perspectives of consciousness. Although a particular history of chaotic unfolding would not in itself be the cause of anything, it may convey information to a skilled and powerful observer, who may detect therein potential for repetitive tweaking, thus feeding back measurable observations of chaos that can be factored as a kind of associative agent of causation, by which to choose to guide or replicate observed conditions. Thus, an unfolding that seems to occur initially in chaos may, as it is recorded by a skilled observer, be fed back so that information concerning it becomes part of the appreciable cause of future unfoldings.
In like manner, the Higgs mechanism, whereby mass is measured and thought to be incrementally transferred during interactions among particles, may not, in itself, ultimately, constitute a causal particle. Rather, it may abide as a label or mathematical mechanism, in respect of which regularities are observed to accompany measurable transfers of mass under certain prescribed conditions. With respect to how the mechanism may be made in any finely particular way to express itself in respect of any specific particle, there may not be any precise way to so specifically prescribe. Even so, the mechanism may generally be reconciled with, and thus considered never inconsistent with, a conservational quality of the encompassing field.
HIGGS: There seems to abide a mathematical construct that can be treated AS IF it were a measurable particle for the purpose of explicating a standard model for measuring and predicting significations, AS IF they entailed the interfunctioning of basic particles-in-themselves. Even so, at a deeper plane, the notion of a particle-in-itself cannot be completely coherent, because a particle (i.e., a part) necessarily implicates an influencing relationship with a holism which encompasses it (and of which is is a part).
While particles are secondarily expressed by fields, fields are not measurable except with particles. While the quantitative is secondarily expressed as traces of the qualitative, the qualitative is not measurable except with traces of the quantitative. The primary qualitative, in itself, is not measurable, but it can be experienceable.
While particles are secondarily expressed by fields, fields are not measurable except with particles. While the quantitative is secondarily expressed as traces of the qualitative, the qualitative is not measurable except with traces of the quantitative. The primary qualitative, in itself, is not measurable, but it can be experienceable.
By evaluating feedback, a holistic sponsor of fluxes, conserved and borrowed against in mathematical respect of zero, could experiment with bubbles of patterns that unfold to manifest various systems of expressions (such as of mass, spin, charge) in obedience to mathematically quanticized and measurable increments. Eventually, the sponsor may find itself enjoying capacity to sense, experience and measure feedback from such fluxes from locally imbued perspectives. In each such case, the incremental fluxes of quanta would not be in respect of particles-in-themselves, but in respect of the experimental synchronizing, reconciling, and guiding purposefulness of the holistic sponsor. Even so, such rules would mark and reliably associate with predictably sequential consequences, so that the rules could be treated by locally measuring observers AS IF the rules themselves were causal agents of nature, rather than the nature of such rules being merely the associated expressions of an holistic sponsor. That is, sequences in incrementally mathematical expressions of changes could be reliably considered AS IF they were the consequences of causal particles, with no quality of involvement of feedback entailed with any conscious, evaluative, or appreciative Holism.
Obviously, there IS involvement and feedback with a holism that enforces conservation, which holism itself is of a quality that is beyond the complete measure of any particular perspective. So, the more qualitatively important question is: What is the quality of the conserving holism's involvement and feedback? Is its reconciling involvement purposeful, appreciative, evaluative, caring, and guiding? Or is it simply and entirely preset, predetermined, or dumbly random? Does it enjoy some kind of algorithmically leverage-able capacity or will to experiment to preset some functions, randomize other functions, and contemporaneously accompany and imbue with and identify with and experience conscious appreciation from the organic perspectives of still other functions? Is it reasonably worthwhile to intuit and suppose that such Holism enjoys Conscious Will of a kind that experiences a quality of feedback and communication with variously iterative, particular, and local perspectives? Well, we cannot quantitatively prove whether such a qualitative relationship does or does not abide. We can, however, feel and intuit and empathize ... and choose to act on same.
I agree with the implication that there is no reason in physics or philosophy to believe the cosmos makes some kind of bright line distinction between that which is presently animated or preset by conscious will versus that which is animated or preset in the complete absence of conscious will. To my thinking, quantitatively conveyable substance is logos and its signs of evaluative byproduct. Why are not any "particles" perpetually countable in an aggregate, ultimately separate and independent from one another, like mutually exclusive and exhaustive components of a sum-able whole? Why is every "particle" measurable only in respect of its capacity to be transitioned and related into a different kind of particle? Why does there arise any conserving bubble of entangled, associated fields of particles?
It does not appear that any "particle," ultimately, is countable, causal, or existent in itself. Rather, the existential appearance of every relational particle and field is associated with, and derivative of, mathematically conserved significations (signings) of a single reconciling field, as if every expression of quantifiable substance were merely significatory of feedback among perspectives of conscious communications of fluxing observations, apprehensions, and purposes ---perpetually subjugated to reconciling corrections and limits imposed by a Holism. As if all of substance were, ultimately, merely logos (word made flesh). It need not cost anything nor cause any downside to believe we are entailed in a qualitative conversation with a Reconciler. Rather, the implication of such a belief is a basis for morality, i.e., decently unfolding civilization. This does not seem to be inconsistent with a common belief among the Native Americans.
We may spot a system of mathematical mechanisms for conveying communications that flux in respect of a conserving Holism whose ultimate substance is beyond complete knowledge or measure. In doing so, we may act AS IF such mathematically obedient mechanisms were expressions of existent particles in themselves. We may do this as a covering strategy, to hide from having to confront uncertainties about qualities of the Holism (as well as from having to entertain phonies who pretend to speak for God in order to exaggerate authority to condone or condemn specific behaviors). However, in those moments when we are not trying to banish God from Eden, we tend to notice: (1) None of these so-called existent "particles" exist independent in themselves. (2) All of them are subject to conserving reconciliation. (3) The precise way in which reconciliation is accomplished in each case can be approached only in rationalizations about the "nature" of random-reconciling "chaos" (which itself is a label more than an existent "particle" or explanation). (4) No system of mathematical mechanisms is measurable as precluding systematic phase shifts to other iteratively possible systems. (5) In banishing a notion of a feedback conserver for qualitatively guiding empathetic purposefulness, we become bereft of any inspiring story by which to assimilate civilizing moral purposefulness (good will secondary to good faith).
I agree with the implication that there is no reason in physics or philosophy to believe the cosmos makes some kind of bright line distinction between that which is presently animated or preset by conscious will versus that which is animated or preset in the complete absence of conscious will. To my thinking, quantitatively conveyable substance is logos and its signs of evaluative byproduct. Why are not any "particles" perpetually countable in an aggregate, ultimately separate and independent from one another, like mutually exclusive and exhaustive components of a sum-able whole? Why is every "particle" measurable only in respect of its capacity to be transitioned and related into a different kind of particle? Why does there arise any conserving bubble of entangled, associated fields of particles?
It does not appear that any "particle," ultimately, is countable, causal, or existent in itself. Rather, the existential appearance of every relational particle and field is associated with, and derivative of, mathematically conserved significations (signings) of a single reconciling field, as if every expression of quantifiable substance were merely significatory of feedback among perspectives of conscious communications of fluxing observations, apprehensions, and purposes ---perpetually subjugated to reconciling corrections and limits imposed by a Holism. As if all of substance were, ultimately, merely logos (word made flesh). It need not cost anything nor cause any downside to believe we are entailed in a qualitative conversation with a Reconciler. Rather, the implication of such a belief is a basis for morality, i.e., decently unfolding civilization. This does not seem to be inconsistent with a common belief among the Native Americans.
All quantities that are measured are associated with the signification of particles. While some quality of a field avails significations, it is only the quantitative of a signification that is measured, not the entirety of the quality that produced the particle. Regard for a quality of experiential freedom is always implicated in that no experience of a directional vector in space-time is measurably determinable in the same instant that a measurement is taken of the location in space-time.
.We may spot a system of mathematical mechanisms for conveying communications that flux in respect of a conserving Holism whose ultimate substance is beyond complete knowledge or measure. In doing so, we may act AS IF such mathematically obedient mechanisms were expressions of existent particles in themselves. We may do this as a covering strategy, to hide from having to confront uncertainties about qualities of the Holism (as well as from having to entertain phonies who pretend to speak for God in order to exaggerate authority to condone or condemn specific behaviors). However, in those moments when we are not trying to banish God from Eden, we tend to notice: (1) None of these so-called existent "particles" exist independent in themselves. (2) All of them are subject to conserving reconciliation. (3) The precise way in which reconciliation is accomplished in each case can be approached only in rationalizations about the "nature" of random-reconciling "chaos" (which itself is a label more than an existent "particle" or explanation). (4) No system of mathematical mechanisms is measurable as precluding systematic phase shifts to other iteratively possible systems. (5) In banishing a notion of a feedback conserver for qualitatively guiding empathetic purposefulness, we become bereft of any inspiring story by which to assimilate civilizing moral purposefulness (good will secondary to good faith).
Common consciousness connotes a constant Conservation that coordinates continuity in continuously changing communications and conversations. Consciousness implicates a Character of conservation, under whose limits degrees of freedom of expression are made possible.
Common consciousness connotes a constant Conservation that coordinates continuity in continuously changing communications and conversations. Consciousness implicates a Character of conservation, under whose limits degrees of freedom of expression are made possible.
Re: Announcements say: "We have observed a new particle that is consistent with a Higgs boson"
Is that which in being seen merely artifactual of dual quark resonance formed by bottom and anti-bottom quarks?
I doubt the "source of mass" can ever be explicated free of turtles. Resonance, charmonium and bottomomium? Wth? Can we really reasonably expect to know why or how any form can take a shape that for whatever reason, while passing through space-time, implicates mass in a way that is consistently measurable in relation to other forms within its shared cone of expression?
I wonder whether a Higgs mechanism, whereby mass is thought to be made measurable and incrementally transferred during interactions among particles, may not in any ultimate sense constitute a causal particle. May the Higgs simply be a label for a mathematical mechanism, in respect of which regularities are observed to accompany measurable transfers of mass under certain prescribed conditions? Even so, the mechanism may generally be reconciled with, and thus considered never inconsistent with, a conservational quality of the encompassing field.
There seems to abide a mathematical construct that can be treated for some purposes AS IF it were a measurable particle, for the purpose of explicating a standard model for measuring and predicting significations, AS IF they entailed the interfunctioning of basic particles-in-themselves. Even so, at a deeper plane, I con't quite see how a notion of a particle-in-itself could be completely coherent. To me, a particle (i.e., a part) necessarily implicates an influencing relationship with a holism which encompasses it (and of which is is a part).
We're finding deeper levels for making more accurate measurements, but I'm not clear in what sense these things we're measuring can be understood as particles, as opposed to some kind of mathematical placeholders or conservational significations. A conundrum about wholes and parts seems to be that every particle, while expressing its separateness, is simultaneously expressing its encompassment by that of which it is a part. Similarly, every whole is simultaneously involved in expressing those parts it encompasses. There doesn't seem to be any such substantive things as parts of a class that could obey a complete scheme of logical classification for being mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
We talk about our universe, as if it presently exists, in some kind of orderly sequence, perhaps itself as a particular bubble among other sequences of bubbles of universes. However, that kind of talk moves the discussion to another level of turtles, while the underlying conundrum remains, regarding how all parts could possibly be reconciled within a unifying whole. If wormholes to other universes may exist, such that their laws may influence ours, then our universe cannot be completely explicated in terms of "its own" laws. Does any substantively measurable sequence carry or record any significance beyond interpretation within a local cone of shared experience? If time is also an illusion, and parts do not exist in themselves, and information regarding sequences among parts can be lost or reversed, then the experience of existentiality, even existentiality itself, would seem to be only a property of reality, and particles interpreted therewith would not be real in themselves, but would only have properties for being experienced and interpreted AS IF they were real. If so, of what would such property of existentiality be significative?
Something new seems to have been found for the zoo of particles. Since research money is always desired and interest has been ginned high in the label "Higgs," it may soon be announced that the Higgs has been found. If so, any bets on whether they will then say, Well, we found the Higgs, but we need more work to find counterparts to fill in more blanks to explain how mass is transferred?
Some mechanism must be reconcilable with, and considered never inconsistent with, a conservational quality of the encompassing field.
I wonder whether the idea of a Higgs particle is being switched out for a label for a mathematical mechanism, in respect of which regularities are observed to accompany measurable transfers of mass under certain prescribed conditions? I wonder whether the "new particle" that seems to have been found will be testable, to confirm and explain how transfers in mass can be consistently followed or accounted for?
Perhaps there abides a mathematical construct that can be treated AS IF it were a measurable particle, for the purpose of explicating a model for measuring and predicting significations, AS IF they entailed interfunctionings of basic particles-in-themselves. (When enough "as ifs" are put together, the result seems to be that distinguishing between a real particle versus a mathematical construct becomes a distinction without much of a difference. (I suppose the "moral difference" would be that the particle people could say Naturedidit, while the math people could say Mathdidit (or Conserving Mathematiciandidit).)
I haven't appreciated how a notion of a particle-in-itself could be completely coherent. To me (and physicists also, I suppose), a particle (i.e., a part) necessarily implicates an influencing relationship with a holism which encompasses it (and of which it is a part). I suspect usage of the word "particle" should not necessarily be meant to be inconsistent with a mathematical construct. Whether substantive or constructive, there doesn't seem to be such things as parts that could obey a complete scheme of logical classification for being mutually exclusive and exhaustive within a class. If no substantively encompassing class can abide completely independent of all other encompassing classes, then perhaps no encompassing class is entirely based in the substantive. What's left? Perhaps the ultimate Reconciler needs to be recognized as not being entirely quantifiable or substantive.
It will be interesting to see how this continues to be explained to lay people like myself.
HIGGS: I suspect they're talking about what they actually found, rather than finding what they've been talking about. Next, they will (excitedly) explicate how what they found is "sort of" along the path towards something that would fill the mass-transference gap. The search for funds (and the Sasquatch Particle) will continue.
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