Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Qualitative For How Light Works

REGARDING MATH, logic, random probability analysis, statistical trends, and Bayes' law: Mathematically digitized CHARGES facilitate exchanges across equal signs and measurable quantitatives of cross currents and radiations of charged spins and vibrations of significations, to express: zero v. one; true v. false; either v. or; positive v. negative; electrical v. magnetic; binding v. radiating; reinforcing v. diminishing; borrowing v. annihilating; field v. particle.
LIVING MATH: Suppose all that one can quantitatively record, observe, and measure is derivative of a meta-immeasurable quality that avails field-point-geometry of math to be represented, signified, experienced, and communicated as if it were operating on itself, i.e., math equations operating on math equations, systems of sets operating on systems of sets, subsets operating across and within overlapping and subsuming sets, all dovetailing in nothing more than math: If such a system of fluxing equations avails all that is substantively, measurably experienced, and if one cannot measurably know the qualitative "why" for the determinations and choices that are manifested and explicated within the possible limits of math, then can one at least explicate the quantitative "how"?
MEDIUM FOR MATH OPERATING ACROSS EQUAL SIGNS: That is, can it be explicated HOW nothing more than math is quantitatively experienced as fluxing across the equal signs of equations? Can it be explicated HOW significations of "things" are quanticized to flux and preserve the balance of the perpetual present? How are fluxes of things in-formed and represented as images, sensed, translated, modified, and communicated? Is all of measurable Information represented and recorded in nothing more than potential of geometry for expressing spins and vibrations? Is all communication (transmission and reception) of Information represented via nothing more than potential that is measurably clothed in geometry for expressing dark-material foldings (expansions and contractions) of space-chronology and energetic radiations (of EMR, electronic beams, nuclear radioactivity, and cosmic rays)? If light is nothing more than a representation of a medium for fluxing across equal signs of mathematical equations, then how, quantitatively, does such medium work? How does light receive, transmit, and balance images across geometrical expanses? How does light mediate to allow math to be experienced as operating on math, to allow math to be experienced as trading across equal signs of equations for balancing geometrical representations of forms?
LIGHT MEDIUM: Should each photon, radiating beam, or mediator for recording and transmitting Information be conceptualized as a special kind of geometrical point, spin, vibration, and/or wave or field, that expresses capacity to deform itself in order to capture a surface impression of other kinds of points, spins, vibrations, and/or waves or fields? Does each photon serve as a camera, for recording and transmitting geometrical Information from previous sequences of significations to a record that is availed to the perpetual present? Must each photon's capture of Information be balanced and locked, so as to be imparted and discharged only to a properly quanticizing and receptive receiver? Pending discharge to a receiver, must the image captured by a photon (or field of photons) be kept un-discharged?
MATH BASED PERPETUAL BEINGNESS: Information about representations about preceding sequences of significations is borrowed and transitioned forward in order to balance the equation of the perpetual present. Preceding significations, in themselves, are not preserved in the manifest (except possibly in the fractal potentiality of the recurrent). Once a Perspective is adopted to a Subsystem of significations (cone of experiential sensation), it will experience and sense such significations as it happens to share with other perspectives within its contextual system, as they happen within a subsystem to share under a common system. The System is math based, as are the subsystems that sub under it. The “under” is more like a feedback-dovetailing among fractals than a hierarchy.
RE-CENTERING COSMOS: The measurable cosmos is merely math that is signified for operating on math. The Qualitative that avails such signification is not itself measurable. Each perspective functions from its own re-normalized center. There is no center-in-itself to the measurable cosmos, because there is no measurable cosmos-in-itself. No particular mortal gets to “see” the edge of the cosmos. One only gets to see limits of capacities for iterations to remove from the present representation of the original signification of the extant iteration of Big Bang, in order to look back upon it. Capacity to look back dovetails, so it is limited to how light (radiation of Information) is dissipated and transitioned throughout the perpetual present. Not even light exists in itself. There is no-thing to dissipate. The aspect of light, ultimately, is more like math, mediating and borrowing and carrying forward in order to balance and preserve the perpetual present.
CIRCULAR DOVETAILING VS FINAL VICTORY: Dr. Seuss wrote of a worm who put down a bear and rabbit by claiming to see clear around Earth, to see the back sides of the two biggest bragging fools that have ever been seen. I suspect variations on the Hubble telescope will eventually lead us to an insight: That the Cosmos Field does not in itself have a measurable size. Rather, the size measured is limited by the centering capacity of the perspective and its use of light as a medium for transmitting Information about mathematical Iterations of perspectives of one Reconciling Qualitative. At some point, apparent Information circles back to the beginning of the same field. The cosmos is not in itself a fractal. However, it is a signification of dovetailing Iterations of Fractal Fields (Geometric Representations of Sub-Balanced Equations.
COSMOS REPRESENTS A DOVETAILING FRACTAL: The Cosmos is not a hierarchical fractal, but a dovetailing fractal, like a Cheshire Cat, or a Ouroboros. Substantive Significations-in-themselves do not exist, apart from a System that necessitates interfunctioning among aspects of sequences of Information and Consciousness (i.e., feedback affecting contemporaneity in determinations within allowed parameters).
LABELING: Consider the hubris and conceit of expecting to understand a person, aspect, or concept merely by giving him or it a name. Common labels and parables are only beginning points, i.e., cultural metaphors for discussing unfolding interpretations --– not preset rulings for every situation.
THE QUALITATIVE OF MEANING, PURPOSE, EMPATHY, INTUITION: The habit of expecting quantitatively to prove every idea or thing that is worth communicating is derivative of hubristic delusion, often in aid of evil deceit of friends and self. The habit of expecting debate to lead to quantitative synthesis of truth in every concern is conducive to games of bait and switch, that pretend to measurably prove or disprove the immeasurable by conflating and switching the quantitative with the qualitative. This habit has led to an excess of attorneys, skilled in the ways of deceit. Also, an excess of similarly skilled and inclined advertisers, journalists, and scientists and apologists for political demagogues. There is much potential for temporal profit in conditioning people to give too much benefit of doubt to the science of Evil.
HOLISTIC RECONCILING FIELD:  Consciousness is exhibited and experienced relative to a subsystem (part) within a field (whole) as information (preset chronology preservation) and energy (substance) are received, selected, interpreted, processed, and contemporaneously determined (willed) to the advantage (purposefulness) of the temporal survival and flourishing of the subsystem. Neither the subsystem nor the field are conscious. Rather, together, they exhibit an experience of consciousness. Information about the past, measurement of Substance regarding the present, and contemporaneous determination of purposeful Consciousness do not sum to constitute the Holistic Reconciling Field. Rather, they are merely aspects that are expressed by the Holistic Reconciling Field. The Field is more than any Sum of Information, Substance, and Consciousness.


Anonymous said...

Re: "The system by which Americans invest in each other has been hobbled by Obama's policies"

For Obama's puppet masters, this was intentional. It was intentional to reduce America to nothing special, eventually to make America just another source of easily-misled, free-trading, open-society, cheap labor. The goal is world leadership and rule --- not by America, but by a fluxing syndicate of international hedge-corporatists who deem themselves to know best. That is, the syndicate deems your role as a free thinker to be repugnant, much as a Muslim deems it blasphemous. In that, the syndicate is the looming shadow of Evil. Indeed, the hedge-syndicate enlists the aid of Islamic madness whenever a new destabilizing crisis is needed not to be wasted. We can hope Romney is not entirely just another agent of the NWO syndicate. Problem is, the more independence he shows, the more fire the syndicate will train on him. What we have here is a failure by the Tea Party to accept the communication of the syndicate. For that, good on the Tea Party! However, the syndicate is not weakening. If it acquires a kill switch on the Internet or a way to transition away from dollar-based currency, then it will have progressed far towards the dream of its fathers for disarming and disabling Americans. I am not confident that Mitt will be able to turn the tide of the NWO. But I am confident that Obama will facilitate a worldwide NWO tsunami. Election Day is D-Day.

Anonymous said...

From A.T., regarding the Soul: Lib panderers try to refute with backwards-reasoning, picked-for-the-purpose quantitatives. That is, they mix quantitatives as if thereby to disprove qualitatives, all the while denying the contrived deceit. They will select and add up quantitatives to "prove" America is qualitatively evil, while China and Iran are qualitatively good, that mind-subjugating governance under fascist elites is better than human freedom and dignity. A fool has to work very hard to become so "smart" as to corrupt society in "proof" that human freedom and qualitative spirituality should be sacrificed to animalistic equality. And where does such a fool start? Why, with a notion that freedom (responsible consciousness) does not really exist. That is, with the absurd notion that everyone ought to give up on oughts. Groovy.