REALITY – SUPERIOR AND DERIVATIVE: Superior Reality is conceptualized to consist of the meta-charge-feedback that vibrates between two dimensionless points (manifest one and potential zero). They are the Real Source from which all else, i.e., all Inferior Reality, fluxes and derives, including: zero, one, halting, constancy, discreteness, continuity, feedback, math, representation, geometrical forms, relational spins and vibrations, sequentiality, dimensional analysis (space-chronology), contemporaneous determination (conscious will), presently re-normalized and centered consciousness (severable will), measurable substance (matter and energy), investment, predictability, iterative empathy, moral purposefulness, spirituality, trust, deceit, imperfection, life, death, renewal, good, evil, neutrality, conservation, change, perpetual pursuit of hope.
CONCEPTUAL MODEL REGARDING THE CHARGE AND MATH OF THE SOURCE: Suppose there abide two digitally opposing "point" charges, but one is "greater" than the other. They cannot mutually annihilate, nor can they reduce simply to the excess of the greater. Neither can exist without the other, neither can annihilate the other. They are the Meta-Manifest and the Meta-Potential. Separately, they are dimensionless. Together, they give geometric-field expression and potential expression to all possible real and imaginary numbers and formulas. Their attraction is such that they cannot merge and annihilate. Thus, geometrically, they vibrate "between, across, and through" one another, thereby expressing a shared field. Each directly intuits, experiences, and "feels" its presence in respect of its vibration with the field of the other. The field in perpetual present temporality stores Information regarding the vibrational sequences. Such Information is signified in either the perpetually present manifest or the timeless potential. Manifest signification is experienced in point of re-normalized centering. Because the charges are points, they do not themselves exist in geometry. Rather, they define geometry; geometry does not define them. There is no "real" distance or speed between them or their vibrations. Rather, the appearances of vibrations, sequences, distances, vectors, speeds, and maths are derivative of inter-functioning of the opposing point charges. Entropic expansion of space-chronology is derivative, not in itself real. Information and Signification fluxes between the Timeless Potential and the Present Manifest. As Manifest significations dissipate into Potential (beyond their kin, as in different dimensions of math), replacement Information transitions from the potential to the manifest, therewith constantly replacing "the" Big Bang with replacement Big Bang. Potential Information is carried into Manifest Information, but only in exchange for Manifest Information being dissipated into Potential Information. Derivative Perspectives that live in the present do not notice specific information that is constantly being exchanged and lost, because their Identities are tied to the present cone of experience that they happen to share.
ITERATIONS: Fundamentally, each perspective of conscious identity is
mathematically translatable into every other perspective. That is, each and
every signification is an iteration that is projected from the same Source.
Consciousness, i.e., centered locus of contemporaneous determination of the
perpetually unfolding present, assumes multitudinous forms, but it always shares
a fundamental connection. That connection is the source of intuitive empathy,
i.e., morally meaningful purposefulness.
THE ONLY CONSTANT IS THE SOURCE OF CHANGE: In respect of being a vibration, each exchange between two point META-CHARGES (the charge of the substantive manifest and the charge of the informational potential) is quantitatively alike, yet each succeeding exchange is qualitatively different in the sequential appreciation of context of signification. The “duration” of each exchange is the marker of the perpetual present. Each vibration is digital, yet each perspective is experienced as being qualitatively continuous. The quantitative apprehension of the present is manifest and substantive. The qualitative apprehension of the present is ambiguously potential and informational. As informational apprehension becomes presently appreciated, the qualitative becomes presently experienced as substantive. As the substantive becomes presently qualitative, it becomes presently informational. In respect of the source, qualitative information exchanges back and forth with quantitative substantiality. As substance dissipates, information organizes. As information dissipates, substance re-centers.
RECENTERING: The original center of each cone of substantive experience maps with the original centering of its contemporaneously conscious determination. Cones of experience waft from the potential, in and out of the manifest, but the Source of consciousness remains perpetual. Particular experiences of centers of perspective of consciousness waft in and out, bonding with unfolding exchanges between substance and information. When substance dissipates beyond capacity to sustain a center of perspective, and informational organization overwhelms any particular perspective, then every particular iteration of perspective that they sponsor is re-absorbed to the source. The Source perpetually recycles perspectivistic iterations to math-based dimensions of new “Big Bangs.” In relation to centered perspectives of consciousness: Symmetrically organized vectors of Substance are directed towards cracked, disorganized dissipation. Accumulations of potential Information are gathered and organized towards a Singular holism (rather than a sum of particulars). That is, as particular cones of perspectivistic experience wink out, God winks in a new Big bang.
POLAR ENTANGLEMENT: Every signification is polarized to be two-faced: facing in, and facing out; projecting to inward (mirror?) representation and projecting to outward representation. The split is simultaneous with the perpetual present. The split of a single field of signification may be differently represented in space, but not in chronology. A signification that splits its representation in space, and then splits one of the splits again, without splitting the first, becomes dis-entangled and dissipate in respect of the first.
SOURCE RECEPTIVITY: Why does the Source seem so often to put conceptualizations into my consciousness? How few others are inclined or attuned to listen?
ESSENTIAL CHARGE POTENTIAL: Cracked, charged, and conserved from unitarian symmetry. Whatever IT is that is conservationally charged to avail digitally iterative, mathematical representations of zero and one, IT is also necessarily charged with potential to avail iterative geometrical representations of formulas, forms,and significations of physics. IT is also necessarily charged with potential to avail contemporaneously conservational and determinative feedback. Consciousness necessarily emerges and participates in the determinative unfolding of fractal-field patterns of apprehension, appreciation, and alteration.