Monday, October 29, 2012


You cannot force respectable people to love one another.  To succeed in forcing love is to turn the forced into something other than respectable people.  You can force people to pretend to work according to their ability, but you cannot force them to actually work according to their ability.  You cannot expect those who control government to give to each according to need, any more than you can expect the wealthy to willingly spread their wealth.  What you can force is a loss of freedom and dignity.  But why would any decent, sentient person want to do that?  Why should I feel any shame at all for not loving any person who wants to force me to work for them?  Fascist rape is not love, forced redistribution is not charity, forced pretense of belief is not religion, parasitism is not enlightenment, and collectivism is not American.
Tests for whether new hopey-changey regulations are sheep bait -- Ask: Is the cost of this new program worth going into the debt it will put Americans under to China? Is this program not a back door to reward crony corruption among National-Capitalists (NWO and Chinese Nacis) and the siphoning away of middle class decency and influence? Will this program not induce intrusive regulation by bureaucrats over American families? Will this program sustain itself without harming the Constitution and the freedom and dignity of the American people? If the answer to any of such tests seems negative, then don't prostitute the law to enshrine the new program.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What It Is

WHAT IT IS:  Everything that can be represented can be represented and deciphered in digital Morse Code or computer zeros and ones. This begs a question: Can every thing-that-exists be represented, or is there a behind-the-scenes Entity that can only be projected in caricatures? For a person of perspective to represent and/or decipher, such a person must adopt a point of view in respect of a frame of reference. In so doing, one presumes to withdraw one's perspectivistic Consciousness apart from the holism in order to study the holism. However, simultaneously with such withdrawal, one is no longer studying the holism, but only a representation of its remainder. From the standpoint of the System, perhaps a fluxing Circle of Dovetailing perspectives may represent the holism. However, such a circle is not able to convey at any present time a complete understanding to any one mortal member of the circle. In itself, the Holism cannot be represented or deciphered in math or digital code.  Everything of the Entity that can be represented can be represented in, and reduced to, digital math.  Of the Entity, we can know nothing more than what can be represented by math.  It sometimes seems we have only to work with equations acting-upon-equations, code acting upon code, even as we intuit that there must abide a mathematician-entity behind "the curtain," which, so long as we remain apart from the Holism, we cannot perceive or be.
The most basic mathematical model for Beingness seems to be accessed by conceptualizing DIGITAL RELATIONS that are represented by “meta-vibrations” — that is, VIBRATIONS of vibrations (... of vibrations). These vibrations can avail conscious experiences that can be translated, counted, leveraged, and interpretatively twisted. It seems the Reconciling Holism has power/capacity/will/purpose to emit various cones of cohabiting, vibrational experience (parallel universes). Each separately vibrating universe (cone of shared experience) is subject to inherent, innate rules of mathematical conservation. Such conservational math yields logic (either-or analysis, on-off, positive-negative-neutral analysis).
Every separate cone of experience must be subject to recordation to potential experience of severable perspectives of consciousness. No particular perspective can “split” from the holism in order to identify and bond with a limited avatar of particular experience, unless its entire contextual cone is subject to being potentially experienced among such ITERATIVE perspectives of consciousness as are needed in order to capacitate the shared cone of vibrational experience. This is because what is being vibrated is the consciousness of the holistic Entity Itself. In other words, no cone of apparent substantive experience (universe) can be brought and sustained into beingness without sufficient particular perspectives of consciousness to capacitate its unfoldment. For my person-perspective to come into being, it is required that multitudinous iterations of perspectivism “CRACK SYMMETRY” in order to come into vibrational focus and manifest being. Only by vibrating conservational circularity among iterative perspectives does the Holistic Entity create and sustain the experience of Universe that seems to dovetail before us.
That seems to be “how” the consciousness of the Holism “becomes associated with flesh,” to DIGITALLY SPLIT into, adopt, or become imbued with separately-defined, empowered, and limited perspectives. The Entity “participates with its parts” to “write” parameters for its musically vibrating scores; then the Entity tunes, seeks fulfillment from, perfects, and iteratively INHABITS such parts.
The meta-source, the Holism, the Entity Itself, cannot be “known” to be particularly related to from an inferior position. The Holism receives feedback from the iterative parts; both qualitatively and quantitatively. However, the consciousness of the iterative parts cannot quantitatively measure the consciousness of the Holism. The Holism, occupying the superior directionality, cannot be “known” except through direct experience or qualitative, empathetic INTUITION. While I live apart, I can intuit IT; once I am no longer apart, “I” will EXPERIENCE IT (and perhaps review my life while I was apart). I suspect that any iterative perspective that would more fully experience IT must be RE-ABSORBED into it, so as no longer to abide apart.
CONSCIOUSNESS both expresses and empowers VIBRATION (physical representation of math); vibration both expresses and empowers consciousness (qualitative experience of beingness). Consciousness apprehends and appreciates vibrations; vibrations mark consciousness (subject to selection of point of view and frame of reference). Quality of consciousness "CAUSES" (experiences participation in effecting contemporaneous determinations) quantity of vibration; quantity of vibration "causes" quality of consciousness. Conscious meta-imaging (active verb) causes meta-vibration (state of being); vibration (state of being) causes conscious imaging (active verb).

Monday, October 15, 2012

Good Candidate

A literate electorate should establish and preserve a republic. A republican form of government should provide a safety net, but not to such an extent as to disincentive able bodied adults from working. Government should not disincentive charities and churches frow working to incentive able bodied adults to work. Government should limit corporations and people from acquiring so much power that they acquire capacity to replace government with themselves. Government should limit crony trade and free trade to such an extent as to protect the integrity of the nation's republican system of governance and borders from being dissolved and replaced by international cronies. Which candidates, if any, are able and inclined to lead America under those principles?

Thursday, October 11, 2012


DREAMS: Dreams are the stuff of a severable perspective's informational processing, which jump the tracks of measurably shared reality.  Dreams, though fantastical, often make sense within their context because they need not re-normalize or reconcile to a shared cone of measurable signification. This begs a question: Can a dream ever be shared, to become a cone of experience that is shared in common among multitudinous iterations of a reconciling consciousness? Well, in a way, is that not the situation of our cosmos: a dream, shared in common among iterative perspectives, rationally communicable and measurable only because we happen to share the same dream?
Suppose a source program were to broadcast a current interpretation of a common field to multiple receivers, such that each receiver would interpret the program to be of a quality that is convenient to its organically separate and differently structured wiring. Suppose the program also allowed receivers to exchange sensory communications among themselves. In that way, would not the source program be defining the limits and degrees of freedom allowed to each receiver within a commonly broadcast "dream"? In such a case, absent feedback allowed from the receivers to the source, the source program would be outside the measurable time and space of its receivers. That is, the source program would prescribe the potential for what may unfold, and it would reconcile the parameters, but it would not necessarily predict the sequence of what may emerge within allowed degrees of freedom. Nor must the source program itself necessarily enjoy the quality of experience of any of the receivers.
However, what if that which is "broadcast" consists of fields of the same consciousness-in-itself? If the cosmos is self-defining (finite yet unbounded?), then it would seem the case that consciousness itself would be that which was being iteratively broadcast. And that would suggest that the source not only defines the parameters and degrees of freedom, but also experiences, records, and reconciles a correlative to the qualtity of beingness that is experienced by every extant perspective. IOW, it suggests that God, in some respect, connects to "feel" correlatives to qualities of our sorrows and joys.
ITERATIONS OF AVATARS: One's perspective of consciousness has previously or potentially identified with countless iterations of avatars. Yet, the way one bonds with one's avatar and its presently accumulated cone of experience allows one to experience Nowness as if it were the only Nowness. Fundamentals for how the Source severs, iterates, and reconciles perspectives of consciousness remain constant. Variations are, qualitatively, simply different analogs for a same Entity, i.e., consciousness. Figuring this out does not seem to make the bonding process of birth and death less angst ridden.
EMPATHETIC COMPANIONSHIP AMONG AVATARS:  A multitude of iterations, analogs, and avatars avails Consciousness to experience empathy in all manner of quantitatives and qualitatives. The bonding of severed perspectives is what avails companionship, empathy, meaningful communication, and purposefulness. It is a never-ending, perpetually-present story.

Chronology Protection Mechanism

HAWKING’S “CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION MECHANISM” IS AN ILLUSION. THE PAST IS AN INFERIOR “REALITY.” THE RECORD OF SEQUENTIALITY LEADING UP TO THE “PERPETUAL PRESENT” IS CONSTANTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY RE-NORMALIZED: Sequences do not in-themselves-exist, nor are they necessarily preserved in a constant Record. Rather, their existence is dependent, derivative, and relative. Sequences are constantly and continuously re-normalized to such conscious experiences as happen to share a re-normalizing, reconciling cone of experience. (Compare virtual particles popping in and out of quantum reality.) When a space traveler departs at high speed and returns much later, he will have pushed the envelope of the Shared-Cone-of-Sequential-Information and manifested experience. Each shared cone of manifested experience will always be balanced and re-normalized, to the perpetual conservation and preservation of all perspectives of consciousness that happen to share it. The cone will be re-normalized, both for the stay-at-home and for the traveler. The continuous re-normalizing will often produce differentials in perceived experiences of age rates. Yet, the experience of all will always be re-normalized to a common, perpetual nowness. The process of re-normalization will always establish adjustments in accumulations of Information that are stored and shared. However, the adjustments from an assumed constant Record will not be subject to empirical confirmation, because any otherwise means of empirical confirmation will also have been adjusted. There is no favored, constant, physical grid for the Cosmos (nor any stable fulcrum by which Archimedes could move the world). Rather, Information regarding sequences previous to the present are constantly and continuously re-normalized to the present, to preserve an Illusion-that-chronologies-are-protected in a constant Record. This is not because the Meta-Source (God?) maliciously “tricks” the Record. Rather, it is because the Record is inferior to the Source. Because the record of the shared system of signification is constantly and continuously updated, there is no “record-in-itself” that can be consulted in order to prove that the present appearance of it is consistent with “substantively measurable reality.” This is because the Superior Reality is not that which is Signified, but that which is Signifying. By definition, the superiority of the Signifier cannot be proved by means that assume the Signified is superior. The proof of this is qualitative, not quantitative. The “proof” is only in self-awareness, intuition, and perhaps the character of math (or the Mathematician). "The Perpetual Present" conveys purposeful meaning only in respect of its potentiality for facilitating measurably significative and qualitatively appreciable communication among perspectives of consciousness.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Perpetual Exchange of Potential Information for Manifest Signification

REALITY – SUPERIOR AND DERIVATIVE: Superior Reality is conceptualized to consist of the meta-charge-feedback that vibrates between two dimensionless points (manifest one and potential zero). They are the Real Source from which all else, i.e., all Inferior Reality, fluxes and derives, including: zero, one, halting, constancy, discreteness, continuity, feedback, math, representation, geometrical forms, relational spins and vibrations, sequentiality, dimensional analysis (space-chronology), contemporaneous determination (conscious will), presently re-normalized and centered consciousness (severable will), measurable substance (matter and energy), investment, predictability, iterative empathy, moral purposefulness, spirituality, trust, deceit, imperfection, life, death, renewal, good, evil, neutrality, conservation, change, perpetual pursuit of hope.
CONCEPTUAL MODEL REGARDING THE CHARGE AND MATH OF THE SOURCE: Suppose there abide two digitally opposing "point" charges, but one is "greater" than the other. They cannot mutually annihilate, nor can they reduce simply to the excess of the greater. Neither can exist without the other, neither can annihilate the other. They are the Meta-Manifest and the Meta-Potential. Separately, they are dimensionless. Together, they give geometric-field expression and potential expression to all possible real and imaginary numbers and formulas. Their attraction is such that they cannot merge and annihilate. Thus, geometrically, they vibrate "between, across, and through" one another, thereby expressing a shared field. Each directly intuits, experiences, and "feels" its presence in respect of its vibration with the field of the other. The field in perpetual present temporality stores Information regarding the vibrational sequences. Such Information is signified in either the perpetually present manifest or the timeless potential. Manifest signification is experienced in point of re-normalized centering. Because the charges are points, they do not themselves exist in geometry. Rather, they define geometry; geometry does not define them. There is no "real" distance or speed between them or their vibrations. Rather, the appearances of vibrations, sequences, distances, vectors, speeds, and maths are derivative of inter-functioning of the opposing point charges. Entropic expansion of space-chronology is derivative, not in itself real. Information and Signification fluxes between the Timeless Potential and the Present Manifest. As Manifest significations dissipate into Potential (beyond their kin, as in different dimensions of math), replacement Information transitions from the potential to the manifest, therewith constantly replacing "the" Big Bang with replacement Big Bang. Potential Information is carried into Manifest Information, but only in exchange for Manifest Information being dissipated into Potential Information. Derivative Perspectives that live in the present do not notice specific information that is constantly being exchanged and lost, because their Identities are tied to the present cone of experience that they happen to share.
ITERATIONS: Fundamentally, each perspective of conscious identity is mathematically translatable into every other perspective. That is, each and every signification is an iteration that is projected from the same Source. Consciousness, i.e., centered locus of contemporaneous determination of the perpetually unfolding present, assumes multitudinous forms, but it always shares a fundamental connection. That connection is the source of intuitive empathy, i.e., morally meaningful purposefulness.
THE ONLY CONSTANT IS THE SOURCE OF CHANGE: In respect of being a vibration, each exchange between two point META-CHARGES (the charge of the substantive manifest and the charge of the informational potential) is quantitatively alike, yet each succeeding exchange is qualitatively different in the sequential appreciation of context of signification. The “duration” of each exchange is the marker of the perpetual present. Each vibration is digital, yet each perspective is experienced as being qualitatively continuous. The quantitative apprehension of the present is manifest and substantive. The qualitative apprehension of the present is ambiguously potential and informational. As informational apprehension becomes presently appreciated, the qualitative becomes presently experienced as substantive. As the substantive becomes presently qualitative, it becomes presently informational. In respect of the source, qualitative information exchanges back and forth with quantitative substantiality. As substance dissipates, information organizes. As information dissipates, substance re-centers.
RECENTERING:  The original center of each cone of substantive experience maps with the original centering of its contemporaneously conscious determination. Cones of experience waft from the potential, in and out of the manifest, but the Source of consciousness remains perpetual. Particular experiences of centers of perspective of consciousness waft in and out, bonding with unfolding exchanges between substance and information. When substance dissipates beyond capacity to sustain a center of perspective, and informational organization overwhelms any particular perspective, then every particular iteration of perspective that they sponsor is re-absorbed to the source.  The Source perpetually recycles perspectivistic iterations to math-based dimensions of new “Big Bangs.” In relation to centered perspectives of consciousness: Symmetrically organized vectors of Substance are directed towards cracked, disorganized dissipation. Accumulations of potential Information are gathered and organized towards a Singular holism (rather than a sum of particulars). That is, as particular cones of perspectivistic experience wink out, God winks in a new Big bang.
POLAR ENTANGLEMENT: Every signification is polarized to be two-faced: facing in, and facing out; projecting to inward (mirror?) representation and projecting to outward representation. The split is simultaneous with the perpetual present. The split of a single field of signification may be differently represented in space, but not in chronology. A signification that splits its representation in space, and then splits one of the splits again, without splitting the first, becomes dis-entangled and dissipate in respect of the first.
SOURCE RECEPTIVITY: Why does the Source seem so often to put conceptualizations into my consciousness? How few others are inclined or attuned to listen?
ESSENTIAL CHARGE POTENTIAL:  Cracked, charged, and conserved from unitarian symmetry.  Whatever IT is that is conservationally charged to avail digitally iterative, mathematical representations of zero and one, IT is also necessarily charged with potential to avail iterative geometrical representations of formulas, forms,and significations of physics. IT is also necessarily charged with potential to avail contemporaneously conservational and determinative feedback. Consciousness necessarily emerges and participates in the determinative unfolding of fractal-field patterns of apprehension, appreciation, and alteration.


Monday, October 1, 2012


DIGITIZED SEVERANCE AMONG PERSPECTIVES: Severance among determinative perspectives at various levels and layers of consciousness is made by pre-imposed mathematical halters (laws of nature's God). At each Mathematical Locus, there is only one decision (transmit, receive, remain neutral) that is made per meta-reconciled nowness. Every decision (mutual exchange across an equal sign) within nowness is linked to a reconciling flux-field of math, so that some are higher, denser, faster, or more polar-connected than others.
RENORMALIZATION: The experience of consciousness is localized, so that each level and layer experiences qualitative appreciation of feedback that is appropriate to its coordinating point of domino-chained-collapsing-determination. Thus, the experience of space-chronology-protection is renormalized to each local level and layer that experiences decision-determination.
AGE DIFFERENTIALS: Information is transmitted and exchanged not just in quanta, but in equation-field-polarized-packets of quanta, so that Information does not cascade-collapse-deliver unless there is a mathematically-receptive-polarized-particle-field. That necessitates a field that is within relative receptive parameters of equational exchange. Otherwise, Information simply passes through, without being collapsed, exchanged, or experienced. Thus, receptions at varying distances and speed will vary, so that dosage-receipts of polarized Information packets will vary, so that perspectives from different loci will appear to age differentially.
THE ESSENCE:  Substantive formulas, maps, and territories will always remain imperfect, defective representations of something more fundamental, which exists and yet in itself is immeasurable. We can intuit and empathize about it, qualitatively, but not quantitatively. We never get "closer" quantitatively to mapping it. We do leverage technological skills for manipulating that which we tinker to measure as "substance."  As to the essence of substance, we qualitatively appreciate it, are guided by it, flow with it, are diminished when we swim against it --- but we do not measurably, quantitatively control IT.
ARCHTYPE FORMS (PLATO): We function and phase-shift under and within a dovetailing set of practical sub-formulas. I suspect that all these sub-formulas are subsumed under one reconciling, meta formula, which describes and delimits the cone of potential experience that we share in common. That potential defines the possible points and lines of our perspectives and separate experiences of beingness. The inter-functioning of the various sub-formulas under the meta-formula tends to give expression to various elemental combinations of spins and vibrations among relational forms. Such elements seem similar to the archtypes of forms Plato had in mind. Geometry-vector-math based formulas for the various chemical elements, nuclei, and quarks would seem to abide as such archtypes, which the meta-formula favors to “bubble” in and out of the measurable manifest of the perpetual present. It seems that all of measurable substance consists of significations of math-based interfunctionings of forms in respect of a reconciling meta-formula. Behind the math, we can measure only more relations of math, all center-based and re-normalized to each perspective.
CONSERVATIONALLY FLUXING AND DOVETAILING EQUATIONS: The way matter-energy is determined to collapse into measurable signification within the geometry of space-time has much to do with the focus determined by each purposeful point of view of consciousness. The quality of each apprehension of any formulaic experience of the world depends on point of view, substantive context, and qualitative purpose. It depends on which term one wants to isolate on one side of the equation then and there being experienced. Which does one propose to focus on: energy, matter, speed, distance, space, time, communication? To focus on an idea of speed is to implicate an idea of comparative sequentiality (chronology). Field Equations can be stable, directional, or fluxingly or evolvingly determinate. Terms on each side of the signs of conservation, balance, equality, direction, transition, or flux of fractals. Interpretation necessitates a point of view. A point of view collapses an interpretation. Terms on each side flux as a point of view fluxes. Terms-in-themselves do not exist, apart from relation to the equation of which they happen to be a part. Terms-of-interpretation can be split into interpretations of sub-terms, equations into sub-equations, programs into sub-programs, universes into sub-universes. A + B + C can = X + Y + Z. A can equal m+n+o. X can equal 1+2+3. m+n+o + B + C can = 1+2+3 + Y + Z. Terms can collapse and phase in and out of interpretive relevance, depending on interpretive point of view. What seems a hierarchy of terms can phase to a dovetailing of inter-phasing interpretations among circulating points of view, like a snake perpetually swallowing and birthing itself, presetting and resetting itself, like a never ending mobius twist.
ITERATIONS: Fundamentally, each perspective of conscious identity is mathematically translatable into ever other perspective. That is, each and every signification is an iteration that is projected from the same Source. Consciousness, i.e., centered locus of contemporaneous determination of the perpetually unfolding present, assumes multitudinous forms, but it always shares a funcamental connection. That connection is the source of intuitive empathy, i.e., morally meaningful purposefulness.