DIGITIZED SEVERANCE AMONG PERSPECTIVES: Severance among determinative perspectives at various levels and layers of consciousness is made by pre-imposed mathematical halters (laws of nature's God). At each Mathematical Locus, there is only one decision (transmit, receive, remain neutral) that is made per meta-reconciled nowness. Every decision (mutual exchange across an equal sign) within nowness is linked to a reconciling flux-field of math, so that some are higher, denser, faster, or more polar-connected than others.
DIGITIZED SEVERANCE AMONG PERSPECTIVES: Severance among determinative perspectives at various levels and layers of consciousness is made by pre-imposed mathematical halters (laws of nature's God). At each Mathematical Locus, there is only one decision (transmit, receive, remain neutral) that is made per meta-reconciled nowness. Every decision (mutual exchange across an equal sign) within nowness is linked to a reconciling flux-field of math, so that some are higher, denser, faster, or more polar-connected than others.
RENORMALIZATION: The experience of consciousness is localized, so that each level and layer experiences qualitative appreciation of feedback that is appropriate to its coordinating point of domino-chained-collapsing-determination. Thus, the experience of space-chronology-protection is renormalized to each local level and layer that experiences decision-determination.
AGE DIFFERENTIALS: Information is transmitted and exchanged not just in quanta, but in equation-field-polarized-packets of quanta, so that Information does not cascade-collapse-deliver unless there is a mathematically-receptive-polarized-particle-field. That necessitates a field that is within relative receptive parameters of equational exchange. Otherwise, Information simply passes through, without being collapsed, exchanged, or experienced. Thus, receptions at varying distances and speed will vary, so that dosage-receipts of polarized Information packets will vary, so that perspectives from different loci will appear to age differentially.
THE ESSENCE: Substantive formulas, maps, and territories will always remain imperfect, defective representations of something more fundamental, which exists and yet in itself is immeasurable. We can intuit and empathize about it, qualitatively, but not quantitatively. We never get "closer" quantitatively to mapping it. We do leverage technological skills for manipulating that which we tinker to measure as "substance." As to the essence of substance, we qualitatively appreciate it, are guided by it, flow with it, are diminished when we swim against it --- but we do not measurably, quantitatively control IT.
ARCHTYPE FORMS (PLATO): We function and phase-shift under and within a dovetailing set of practical sub-formulas. I suspect that all these sub-formulas are subsumed under one reconciling, meta formula, which describes and delimits the cone of potential experience that we share in common. That potential defines the possible points and lines of our perspectives and separate experiences of beingness. The inter-functioning of the various sub-formulas under the meta-formula tends to give expression to various elemental combinations of spins and vibrations among relational forms. Such elements seem similar to the archtypes of forms Plato had in mind. Geometry-vector-math based formulas for the various chemical elements, nuclei, and quarks would seem to abide as such archtypes, which the meta-formula favors to “bubble” in and out of the measurable manifest of the perpetual present. It seems that all of measurable substance consists of significations of math-based interfunctionings of forms in respect of a reconciling meta-formula. Behind the math, we can measure only more relations of math, all center-based and re-normalized to each perspective.
CONSERVATIONALLY FLUXING AND DOVETAILING EQUATIONS: The way matter-energy is determined to collapse into measurable signification within the geometry of space-time has much to do with the focus determined by each purposeful point of view of consciousness. The quality of each apprehension of any formulaic experience of the world depends on point of view, substantive context, and qualitative purpose. It depends on which term one wants to isolate on one side of the equation then and there being experienced. Which does one propose to focus on: energy, matter, speed, distance, space, time, communication? To focus on an idea of speed is to implicate an idea of comparative sequentiality (chronology). Field Equations can be stable, directional, or fluxingly or evolvingly determinate. Terms on each side of the signs of conservation, balance, equality, direction, transition, or flux of fractals. Interpretation necessitates a point of view. A point of view collapses an interpretation. Terms on each side flux as a point of view fluxes. Terms-in-themselves do not exist, apart from relation to the equation of which they happen to be a part. Terms-of-interpretation can be split into interpretations of sub-terms, equations into sub-equations, programs into sub-programs, universes into sub-universes. A + B + C can = X + Y + Z. A can equal m+n+o. X can equal 1+2+3. m+n+o + B + C can = 1+2+3 + Y + Z. Terms can collapse and phase in and out of interpretive relevance, depending on interpretive point of view. What seems a hierarchy of terms can phase to a dovetailing of inter-phasing interpretations among circulating points of view, like a snake perpetually swallowing and birthing itself, presetting and resetting itself, like a never ending mobius twist.
ITERATIONS: Fundamentally, each perspective of conscious identity is mathematically translatable into ever other perspective. That is, each and every signification is an iteration that is projected from the same Source. Consciousness, i.e., centered locus of contemporaneous determination of the perpetually unfolding present, assumes multitudinous forms, but it always shares a funcamental connection. That connection is the source of intuitive empathy, i.e., morally meaningful purposefulness.
ARCHTYPE FORMS (PLATO): We function and phase-shift under and within a dovetailing set of practical sub-formulas. I suspect that all these sub-formulas are subsumed under one reconciling, meta formula, which describes and delimits the cone of potential experience that we share in common. That potential defines the possible points and lines of our perspectives and separate experiences of beingness. The inter-functioning of the various sub-formulas under the meta-formula tends to give expression to various elemental combinations of spins and vibrations among relational forms. Such elements seem similar to the archtypes of forms Plato had in mind. Geometry-vector-math based formulas for the various chemical elements, nuclei, and quarks would seem to abide as such archtypes, which the meta-formula favors to “bubble” in and out of the measurable manifest of the perpetual present. It seems that all of measurable substance consists of significations of math-based interfunctionings of forms in respect of a reconciling meta-formula. Behind the math, we can measure only more relations of math, all center-based and re-normalized to each perspective.
CONSERVATIONALLY FLUXING AND DOVETAILING EQUATIONS: The way matter-energy is determined to collapse into measurable signification within the geometry of space-time has much to do with the focus determined by each purposeful point of view of consciousness. The quality of each apprehension of any formulaic experience of the world depends on point of view, substantive context, and qualitative purpose. It depends on which term one wants to isolate on one side of the equation then and there being experienced. Which does one propose to focus on: energy, matter, speed, distance, space, time, communication? To focus on an idea of speed is to implicate an idea of comparative sequentiality (chronology). Field Equations can be stable, directional, or fluxingly or evolvingly determinate. Terms on each side of the signs of conservation, balance, equality, direction, transition, or flux of fractals. Interpretation necessitates a point of view. A point of view collapses an interpretation. Terms on each side flux as a point of view fluxes. Terms-in-themselves do not exist, apart from relation to the equation of which they happen to be a part. Terms-of-interpretation can be split into interpretations of sub-terms, equations into sub-equations, programs into sub-programs, universes into sub-universes. A + B + C can = X + Y + Z. A can equal m+n+o. X can equal 1+2+3. m+n+o + B + C can = 1+2+3 + Y + Z. Terms can collapse and phase in and out of interpretive relevance, depending on interpretive point of view. What seems a hierarchy of terms can phase to a dovetailing of inter-phasing interpretations among circulating points of view, like a snake perpetually swallowing and birthing itself, presetting and resetting itself, like a never ending mobius twist.
ITERATIONS: Fundamentally, each perspective of conscious identity is mathematically translatable into ever other perspective. That is, each and every signification is an iteration that is projected from the same Source. Consciousness, i.e., centered locus of contemporaneous determination of the perpetually unfolding present, assumes multitudinous forms, but it always shares a funcamental connection. That connection is the source of intuitive empathy, i.e., morally meaningful purposefulness.
1 comment:
You sometimes hear about an instinct for fight or flight. There seems no instinct for fight or reason. That is a learned talent, and few are suited to stand reasoning while all around are hysterically emoting. Obama's appeal has always been to non-thinking, id-feelers. In a proper environment, a few may be salvageable, and they are the ones Romney must reach. This requires immense talent, discipline, and a bit of grace. This is what Romney must channel. Pray that it is there for him. Let Romney be the adult, come to salvage the salvageable children of the maddened, buzzing flies.
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