Wednesday, November 7, 2012


ACTIVE MATH (PLATONIC GEOMETRY?): Does there abide Active Math (math-operating-on-math, via equations trading in sequences across equal signs)? Does active math innately exist, and does it innately give rise to consciousness? It seems trades conserved across equal signs of equations would necessarily entail a mirror-translative-representative-feedback quality of awareness across equal signs. Were active math to signify or mirror awareness of awareness, that would signify emergence of higher, abstract consciousness. Were active math to signify awareness-of-awareness-of-awareness, moral empathy would emerge to the intuitive experience of each perspective. It seems that Consciousness, once it arises, should purpose to bond with such math-worlds as would sustain it. Consciousness would seem to entail contemporaneous-decision-determining from perspectives in respect of contexts. It would seem also to entail a field-wave-particle effect, whereby particulars would be simulated or projected to give iterative expression of the shared and reconciling field of consciousness from which each iteration was projected and in respect of which each iteration was reverberated.
FEEDBACK: Consciousness would reverberate in feedback, back and forth between the reconciling field and each iteratively representing perspective (or avatar). Such consciousness would not be confined to be solely coterminous with the apparent bounds of any informational bit, particle, burst, cell, synapse, brain, or body. The "ghost" of such consciousness would not be confined to the perimeter of any machine.
FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS SUPERIMPOSED WITH PARTICULAR EXPRESSIONS: Mathematical expressions of fields, waves, and particles may be sequentially severed among and across separate cosmos and worlds of math and equal signs of equations. Yet, as particular equations, all would seem to flux with dovetailing (circular) exchanges, always constrained and summed to a single conserving equality or reconciling holism. Because the math is active, so that its particulars are always in potential flux, the holism can never be restricted simply to a frozen sum of fixed particulars. The conservation imposed with the holism is unchangingly real, but the terms of its particulars are only transitory and sequential.
CHOICE AND CORRELATION TRUMP ILLUSION OF ENERGETIC CAUSE AND EFFECT: If every binary digital sequence entails mere coordinate correlation of mathematical exchanges across equal signs, then both matter and energy, as well as substantive cause and effect, are mere derivatives, such that energy is not "really" a cause of any event, but only a signification of a measurable exchange across an equation's equal sign.
SUMMARY: Active Math abides, but it also innately entails an abiding field of consciousness. "Inactive math" would be an oxymoron and would not give rise to directional energies, spins, or vibrations, nor to consciousness. Active math abides only because it abides also with consciousness. Active math is the measurable-quantitative-component of an immeasurable-qualitative-holism. Apparently, Active Math functions perpetually, without dissipation, without needing any pixellating or projecting meta-force other than the meta-consciousness that innately accompanies it. All that is needed is meta-frictionless contemporaneous choice-making capacity, for channeling courses of exchanges across equal signs, based on nothing more than innate reconciliations of feedback in apprehensions and appreciations among perspectives of a reconciling consciousness.


Anonymous said...

The “Active Math” (platonic geometry) of the cosmos brings perpetual astonishment. It’s comprised of meta stuff that routinely confounds the most inventive of mortal attempts at utopian reductionism. Politics avails no exception. Evolution in all politically measurable concerns is constrained and guided in response to a balancing in the feedback of active math. There is no political path to unearned utopia. There is a path for each person to seek means to his own dignity, i.e., his own responsibility for re-centering and balancing the math of his life. When he seeks, as a child, to throw that responsibility on others, there is always a reckoning. People who have been raised in secure abundance lack experience to understand its cost. They believe in entitlement, and they do not understand sacrifice. They believe they are entitled to security, without exercising individual responsibility to earn it. When they do learn there’s a cost, they tend to fall for demagogues who assure them they can, at no peril, pay the cost to retain security by agreeing collectively to surrender responsibility and liberty. To them, demagogues seem, simply by caring enough to offer bait and feel pain, to be able to abolish the math of No-Free-Lunch. Thus, the politics of contrived caring often outpaces substantive compassion. This result is consolidated when the math of immigration tips to favor femimen and metrowomen (collectivists who, after all, just wanna be as “naturally free” in their wannas as the beasts of the field). As free thinkers recede into the minority, the math of evolution trends to favor syndication of plantations. People become “as secure as collectivized livestock.” However, the bliss lasts only until math clears the fog of ignorance. Eloi, after all, soon learn (too late) not to trust Morlochs. Meantime, notice the mutual mooing of temporary assurances among collectivists, as they shuffle past graveyards of now diminished conservers of individual liberty and put happy faces on a new form of colonialism. Indeed, whatever would Prog Eloi do without their caring Morlochs? Human foresight slept while ignorant and corrupt demagogues schemed against America’s metro-mind-children. Bread and circuses evolved to free sex and hemp. Moo to despots while you can, for Active Math will soon enough separate wheat from chaff.

Anonymous said...

Well, advocates for the "logic" of EROEI (energy return on energy invested, i.e., "peak oil") tend to assume to be true what they are are attempting to prove. That is, they (like global warming alarmists) assume fundamentals: (1) They assume Earth's energy system is closed (it is not, witness the Sun). (2) They assume economies cannot adjust from demand for oil to demand for alternative sources. (However, demand-in-itself does not exist. Rather, there is demand-at-a-price, and the market effects price adjustments that tend to move economies to alternative energy sources, as needed.) (3) They assume oil, once depleted, cannot be replaced or produced via alternative energy sources. (As I recall, there was a similar argument that we have to kowtow to China, because the West lacks adequate deposits of rare earth minerals. As it turns out, that appears to be bunk.)

Like name-calling, argument that merely repackages assumptions does not shed new light on the assumptions. There may be more to the active math that rules the cosmos than the math of materialists. That is, it may be that the substantive cosmos is inferior to (or co-active with) Active Math (God?), rather than that Active Math is inferior to the cosmos. Politically and humanistically, it may be more important to protect markets that facilitate the freedom and dignity of individuals making choices than to assume an elitist posture of claiming superior knowledge about substantive limits that are only assumed to be substantive limits. We see enough of the elitist posture in the tilt of Obama's nose.

Anonymous said...

Commies will consolidate. They will not squander the opportunity. They know how to consolidate so that outrageous facts and insane suffering won't matter. FDR did it even without access to tools now at the disposal of modern (Mao admiring) collectivists. Moreover, Rino-Dino is a good cop-bad cop joint operation. Both Rinos and Dinos want amnesty, cheap labor, open borders, and easily misled and easily bribed electorates. It's theoretically possible to start a viable and decent third party of Conservers of America. So long as the Tea Party works exclusively within extant parties, it will not be able to show a way back to a decent republic of human liberty.