There have been marauding bodies and tribes of trading corporatists, relatively independent of nations, since before the East India Company, before the Mongol hordes, before Eric the Red, before the first shipping companies, before the caravans of the Silk Road, before Abraham. These marauding companies have both enriched and vexed established communities and nations. To cohere, they have always had their extra-national codes and customs, leading eventually to the law of the sea and the law merchant. Such extra-national "law" has always been unreliable when great riches and power beckon for being easily pirated against immediate weak resistence. Thus, marauding corporations have time and again brought down established cultures and nations. One does not engage in "free and fair trade" with Vikings, privateers, or pirates --- even when they come as Janus faced lawyers and priests.
Human nature is such that "small government and open private trade" are simply not talismen for any self respecting culture that desires to sustain itself. A nation without foresight and means to protect itself against privateering insinuations of corporatists who do not share its values is little more than a child with an attractive lollipop. The sad thing is that foreign corporations tend so easily to recruit apologists and enablers from within the cultures and nations upon which they intend to prey. Injecting that mindset into populations at large is the prelude to successful privateering.
Indeed, growing brains are easy to groom and groove to represent apologies for subjective self interest as if such apologies represented common objective truths. Just look at how easily Islam converts desire not to be beheaded into zealous defense of the faith. But this easy susceptibility of the brain is hardly confined to Islam. Rather, it permeates every field of human endeavor where skilled traders and trainers acquire financing and power over sheeple for the dispensation of bribes and threats and pleasures and pains. The insidious root from which branches are springing forth for strangling the American ideal consists in the failure of the Founders to ensure adequate checks and balances against dangerous entanglements with foreign privateering corporatists. Now, a shadow of the East India Company, the NWO, has returned with vengeance, to re-colonize and re-enserf America. Meanwhile, the people at large are so divided and duped that most do not see that the Dim Party is merely the hireling of the establishment Rino Party. Each thinks the solution to all its problems is to cut off the head of the other, never realizing that they are two heads of the same Beast. And so we go, quarreling all the while we are being corralled.
However faithful the geezering among middle class Americans, they will remain impotent to coordinate against their enemy until they are willing to raise fingers to identify their enemy. The enemy is not a mere abstraction. The enemy is the palpable evil that abides and expands in the nature of each of us. Among those who, by cutthroat competition, become major owners and directors of foreign corporations, how many are supposed to refrain from the cutthroat acquisition, division, and rule of the little people?
Should we blindly trust those who are raised on cutthroat competion, who have acquired oligarchic control over major media outlets, to make such outlets nurture society's views to become other than those views that are hedged to the owners' material advantage? What does the "open society" of the NWO look like? Does it not look like a society of largely open borders and easily manipulated or erased cultures? For the "open society" NWO of establishment corporatists, are not nations just precincts of convenience for the indoctrination and summoning of serfs and soldiers?
Until the American middle class commits to measures to tax or reduce the political grip of the new corporate mafia order, all talk about preserving America's national culture is idleness. Meanwhile, middle class Rinos and middle class Dinos are cheered to beat each other up, to the jolly entertainment of the new owners.