Sunday, March 17, 2013

Falsity of Financial Talismen

The idea of reducing destructively expensive moral depravity by cutting funding generally would be more appealing were it not for so many wild cards.  One of the more significant wild cards consists in the federal government's having allowed itself to be used to push so much expression of moral and spiritual concern out of the scholastic and public square.  Because libertines have gone so far in that direction, merely reducing the funding of government will not re-right the ship.  Instead of "in God we trust," our currency may as well say, "depravity is our settled consensus."  Feral government doesn't have to be seen to be spending money in order to impose negative mandates (i.e., political correctness, forced toleration among children for lifestyles destructive of human dignity, etc.).  Merely to cut funding is not a strategy for slowing the devil.  Evil has ready currency in many other symbols.  People must once again be made free to discuss their moral concerns in the public square in the language of respect for a Reconciler.  Money is much like other symbols: cutting funding generally is hardly a talisman for reversing all the other symbols of America's turn towards evil.  So long as green eyeshade politicians take money funded legalism as the only symbol that has currency, it becomes hard core misdirection to suggest that evil can be redirected without resorting to money funded legalism (i.e., federal laws).  Feds have funded both the fining and the promotion of tobacco.  Yet, Libertarians would have us believe that Feds should fund only the ejection of spirit based moral concerns, but not the promotion.
Heritage and Destiny:  Two concepts I find very interesting.  Some people would put the two concepts in one wrapper:  Predeterminism.  There is a parallel debate about the quality or nature of Information and Time:  Is any accumulation of Information ever lost; does any time really exist, except for the present?  Is all the Information there ever will be already extant, so that the past-present-future already exist in a never changing loop of eternal return?  Does God answer prayers, or have all prayers already been determined and answered?  These do not seem to be topics that can be resolved in science.  Perhaps, however, they can be meaningfully addressed in reasoned faith.
Even so, hubris of scientists (reductionists of materialism) seems often to stand in the way.  Scientists rightly (and trivially) point out that no ghost can be measured to abide in any machine, and then suppose they have "proved" or said something meaningful.  But of course no ghost can be measured in any machine (or fairies counted on any pin point), for ghosts are immeasurable.  So a more interesting question beckons:  Is there a meaningful way to reason about immeasurable ghosts?
Jung reasoned there is.  I purport no Jungian expertise, but I am fascinated by his concept of the "collective unconscious" --- which seems to be his name for God.  I would not take the unconscious as being the opposite of conscious. I would take it as consciousness not yet made aware of itself in any binding to a particular, mortal perspective.  Thus, by definition, the collective unconscious is not measurable to mortals.  We cannot measure its empirical existence, but I think we can meaningfully infer its existence.
Consider: Your conscious mind is not consciously aware of what it will think tomorrow, or even in the next instant.  Yet, your thoughts will continue to unfold.  Indeed, some Aspect decides each decision your conscious mind becomes aware of, shortly before you even become aware you have made a decision.  You do not pre-plan your thoughts.  Your thoughts rise to your conscious self awareness.  I think they can be meaningfully inferred to be pushed and pulled there by a qualitative feedback with the reconciling, collective unconscious.  Particularly and materially measurable things do not in themselves exist, apart from attuned apprehension by some form of consciousness, with back and forth feedback (prayer and Will) and unfolding reconciliation between individuated and self aware perspectives and the holistically collective unconscious.
I suspect it is in the quality of one's contemporaneous appreciation of his thoughts -- his good faith and good will in contemplative feedback -- by which he participates to influence, and be influenced, regarding how and where the collective unconscious (God) next will lead him.  I also suspect that we tend to become adrift in a sea of despond when we deny the Reconciling Source that is inferred before us.  Entire nations become adrift when their rulers become blind to the Guide that is necessarily inferred before them.  At present, the only star that "guides" America seems to be the gland-based pleasures of libertine hedonists, who misuse scientists as apologists.  Thus, our moral compass has become useless, our heritage of wisdom ridiculed, and the sail for our main mast tattered and torn asunder.

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