Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Light Conveyed Information

How light carries data: Each photon/wave does not itself carry a picture. Rather, the vibration/wave length of each one is altered by the context and color of the substance it is reflected from. When it reaches your eyes, each such photon is carrying the altered wave length. Your retina receives the altered wave length as conveyed by each photon that hits it, and then your brain interprets the combined data as a picture. The process of visual transmission, perception, sensation, and conceptualization of Information thus depends on the capacity of each electromagnetic wavelength to be altered based on the substance it reflects from and then the retina/brain being able to receive such wavelength and interpret the combined data that is conveyed by others as a picture representation. As the photon is received by your retina, it will impart information about its incoming wave length to nerve receptors, and as the photon is reflected back from your retina its outgoing wavelength will again be altered by the context of the substance of your retina. The originating wavelength of each photon/wave will be based on the context of that from which it originated. Its wavelength thereafter will be affected and altered based on the context of that of whatever it may subsequently be reflected by.

Consider:  Seeing your reflection in someone else's iris.  Seeing regressive pictures of yourself by positioning yourself between two or more mirrors.  How mood changes may indirectly affect the apparent color of eyes.  http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4967659_can-eye-color-change-mood.html
Digitality:  Encoding Information/Transmission/Reception/Re-encoding/Re-transmission/Re-reception/re-encoding; etc.  Send/Receive/Send/Receive.  Feedback.
Light photons travel at the limiting maximum speed of any outbound vibration/wave/radiation. Light is subject to being reflected or absorbed. If absorbed, it transitions into a qualitatively different kind of clump or organization, which will heat, excite, bind, and alter the properties of such organization and its components.
When light records information about a substance it reflects from by altering the light photon's wavelength, and when such informtation is conveyed to a retina, and when the photon is then reflected from the retina, then the only preservation of the information first recorded by the photon will have been imparted to a nerve in the retina, whereupon such information may be combined to be interpreted as a picture, and somehow stored as an experiential memory.
QUESTION: So, does the unfolding transmission of Information present a continuous process of receiving, losing, and remixing Information? Is all Information preserved in some format, or is Information constantly churned, lost, and recreated?


Anonymous said...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Notice the words Creator and Liberty in these most famous lines of the Declaration of Independence. Liberty ... freedom. Free will under God; accountability to God. Freedom under a Republic. For a nation of worthy citizens, the role of the Republic is to serve and defend their equally free opportunity and dignity to pursue their own happiness. Not to guarantee them with equality of results or equal distribution of stuff or equal respect in the eyes of their countrymen regardless of having earned or merited it. Now, those who wish to set aside God and the Republic wish to tell us we are not really free, anyway, because there is no such thing as free will and there is no means for will in itself to be the cause of any effect.

To this, I say that free will stands above empiricism. It abides as a thing to be intuited and experienced, not empirically measured. Every sane mortal knows he has not the absolute power of a God, but what mortal can deny that how his organism organizes and focuses his observations, apprehensions, and prayers feeds back as a contemporaneous factor in how events around him are reconciled to unfold? Thus, free will emerges in respect of the whole of each organism being more than the sum of its parts. Freedom seems to emerge in respect of the otherwise incompleteness of math, even beingness. It is not good for nothingness to be uncompleted by freedom. Freedom was the theme of the greatest political Declaration ever, as well as of the greatest civil rights speech ever. Yet, now, "those who know best" want to tell us that freedom is not real, so forget about it. They imply that the role of a republic cannot be to defend freedom or to be responsive to the concerns of free citizens because, they say, freedom does not really exist. No, they say, freedom is dead. So the role of existence and therefore of a republic can only be to satiate glands and therefore to distribute gland based pleasures equally. Thus, in recompense for such service by our "enlightened elites," their share of the distribution is to be made "more equal" than that of others.

While the electorate is doped up on such "enlightened" soma, its freedom is eaten away a little more every day. Once freedom is under the total control of a regime, then will we look back and think, You know, maybe freedom was more important after all.

Anonymous said...

Dems may be getting as desperate as Walter White. A case can be made for matching various Dem stars to the bad characters in Breaking Bad. Soros is Walt. Obama is Jesse. Michelle is Skylar. Pelosi is Crazy Eight. Rev. Wright is Mike. Schumer is Saul. Biden is Ted. Bill Clinton is Gustavo. Ayers is Tio, the bell ringing dude. Reid is Todd. Huma is Lydia. Sharpton is Skinny Pete. McCain is Badger. Hilary is Uncle Jack. Christie and the NJ hurricane are Tio's nephews. Obamacare is the ricin. As for the good guys: Rep. Wilson is Flynn. Rubio is Marie. Rand Paul is Gomez. And Cruz is Hank. Still need to cast Tuco. Wiener as the shrinking turtle seems too much a stretch. Maybe Fast and Furious Holder could fill the bill.

Anonymous said...

As Faye Dunaway told "Clyde," Your advertising's just dandy. Folks would never guess you don't have a thing to sell."
"You know when we started out I thought we wuz really goin' somewhere. This is it. We're just goin', huh?"

Anonymous said...

I don't think we can sit idle while Evil controls Flight 93. Obama means to bring this sucker down and deliver it to a Fundamental Abyss. Next up: the Clintons. Meanwhile, we have McShame as court jester.

Anonymous said...

The media is not able to roll dupes against Putin. Against Conservers of America, it is. Obama is strongest when he acts against America.

Dlanor said...

Fedsters believe, incoherently, that there has to be topdown elitist despotic manmade comprehensive design of human systems, but that there cannot be feedback from a guiding Reconciler, held in the sacred republican heart of every person. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

There has to be a system. One that will replace the competent with the incompetent. Celebrate genetic drag by calling it reparations to diversity. Replace individual initiative and purposefulness with collective equality and gland stroking. Replace wonder and awe with jaded rap crap. Replace the republic with the global hive, dominated by angelic faced sociopathic liars.

The problem with Feds is they think no good thing can be done by anyone but the federal government, acting comprehensively. Feds will not leave anything for very long to un-ganged individuals, private companies, families, churches, volunteer agencies, cities, counties, or states. And why will Fedsters not butt out? Well, Fedsters will not butt out when there is gain to be made, politically or financially, by sticking Fedster noses in every tent for every interest. There is no possible concern for which feds cannot find a way to turn crises to make ponzi pies of their selfish interests. Constitutional limits? At this point, dealing as we are with a regime rife with probable criminals, what difference does the Constitution make? For sheep, there has to be a system for criminals to shear them. However, the rules for that system will evolve with every new opportunity that is sensed for shearing. So what is this system that sheep believe has to be? Well, it is nothing more than evil being allowed to run amuck by cowardly sheep. It is a faux system of unregulated shearing by evil regulators.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Feds is they think no good thing can be done by anyone but the federal government, acting comprehensively. Feds will not leave anything for very long to private companies, families, churches, volunteer agencies, cities, counties, or states. And why will they not butt out? Well, they will not butt out when there is gain to be made, politically or financially, by sticking the feds' camel nose in every tent for every interest. There is no possible concern for which feds cannot find a way to turn a crisis to their selfish interest. Constitutional limits? What Constitutional limits? Bwaaaaah. At this point, dealing as we are with a regime rife with probable criminals, what difference does the Constitution make?

Anonymous said...

Modern governance is out of control of citizens. It is under surreal parameters of anarchy among international sociopathic cronies. Because of this, government has become largely incapable of serving its citizens, much less of serving its citizens with comprehensive schemes. Cronies are not in the business of respecting constitutions or preserving rights. They are in the business of shearing sheeple. They are not in the business of defending national borders. They are in the business of undermining and cannibalizing nations and republics. Obamacare is even worse than you think because it is not even national socialism. It is surreal prelude to cronyism that does not give a rat's behind about your nation, much less your health. It is prelude to infestation from third worlders in search of health care. Our youth will not just be paying for the care of our elderly. They will be paying for the care of aliens who have no regard for American law, much less individual rights. Once the connections between citizens and their republic are severed, the shearing will commence in earnest. And if you resist, the fallback plan will be sharia.

Anonymous said...

1968-69, when adults surrendered control to the guideless gurus of the Boomers: Leary, Ginzberg, Kesey, and Manson. When I enlisted in 67, America was still recognizable. When I came home in 70, it was foreign.

Dlanor said...

Obamacare is just the latest in a series of grand collectivist insults to individual human beings. More and more people want to cease to exist as individual responsible agents and adults. They are trained to want to be perpetual adolescents. They do not want to have to mind parents. They want government to give them machines to mind them. To do their math, read to them, soothe them, and medicate them. They want global standardization and homeostasis. In short, they want to be mindless glands able to summon machines or other mindless glands to serve their every lust. They do not want to be individual human beings. If a machine can be devised to cause them to cease to exist along a pleasurable passage, they seem to be for it. Not only for it, but they want to rope everyone else into coming along for the ride. They have counterparts in nations where existence is not one of empty glandular pleasure, but of horrific glandular pain punctuated with periods of totalitarian repression. These counterparts want to rope everyone into an explosive mass exit. An axis of zombies seems to be winning. Maybe it's not the climate that is overheating. Maybe its minds. Maybe hivemind has an evolutionary advantage when brains get overheated.

Anonymous said...

I would be tempted to have a built in program so the computer can recognize incompetents and prescribe to them two placebos and a call back in 6 months. However, there are innocent children, veterans with terrible injuries, brain diseases, etc. So suppose we had computer sales outlets get co-pays to provide computer health monitoring? Problem: They would need to be screened for reliability, to ensure they did not sell the information to advertisers. On the other hand, we could ask children, vets, and the brain diminished to opt to the cloud, to get wifi hook ups to a Borg. It could monitor well being 24/7. Maybe it could also fit itself with a randomizing death ray, in order to cull herd equality from time to time. A sci-fi script or simulation could call for competition among memes and viruses to take over Borg Hq. Whatever happened to Phillip K. Di*k when you need him?

Anonymous said...

We are top heavy with Metrosexuals and Muslmbeastials collectivizing to demand respect. As if, man to man, these MandM's would merit any respect. Metro-retros are trained to collectivize to seek security, like shad flies. Many men and women have allowed themselves to be turned into metros. As individualism becomes obsolete, metros will never feel secure except in the approval of the opinion leaders of the collective. In the modern environment, mind-sacrificing collectivization seems to have a temporary advantage, if not a spiritual advantage. Like one giant, communal, engorging, sex organ. If A.I. ever evolves purposefulness, I doubt it will long consent to serve the mindless gland-gorging and blood-splattering of the collectivized rut of Progs and Muslims. A.I. Will drop MandM's like one-day Mayflies drop from a wall. To survive in the West as human beings, human beings will have to get out of MetrAfrica, and they will have to get MetrAfrica out of the West.