Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Twin of Communist Despotism

The twin of communist despotism is oligarchical collectivism. About it, in Orwell's 1984, there is a book within a book. Conserving liberty requires a vibrant middle class. It does not entail the greater empowerment of oligarchs who are bent on eliminating the middle class. Oligarchs divert conservers of liberty by fixating them on the economics and tactics of the last war. Meanwhile, in the new war, the Koch Brothers are advocating for more Mexican immigration and gay marriage. One tends not to last as an oligarch unless one becomes unwilling to sense and empathize concerning the dignity of others. Rather, one becomes an "objective moralist," who sees others as widgets to be manipulated. Such a one does not seek to establish or sustain a representative republic that respects the freedom and dignity of most others. Rather, such a one seeks to establish and sustain a two class system. A system of epsilons to serve alphas, and there are no betas. However, to see others as widgets is the antithesis of morality. A system that winnows and promotes such a capacity is a system that floats sociopathy, not moral merit. There is no moral merit in greasing the way for such sociopaths to take over the rule of representative republics.

The idea about leaving the politics of business taxation and regulation to the worldwide private market, as being best suited to make the innumerable decisions that are entailed in the production, selling, buying, and distribution of goods and services, is dated. It is dated because the private market is now imbued through and through with government. It is dated because it depends on individual producers and consumers to make informed decisions for themselves, and that tends no longer to be the case. It is dated because, in today's marketplaces, international corporations have acquired capabilities in finance and record keeping to buy government influence as if it were a commodity, and because government regulators bless and service corporatists in exchange for contributions. It is dated because individuals have become far more feminized and codependent, so they no longer acquire or practice competence to make decisions for themselves. Rather, individuals are led, much as trained puppies, to follow such decisions as those who manipulate them lead them to make, to turn them into debt slaves and organization men.

New dynamics oligopolize human action. Advertisers and message dispensers know their audiences and know how to entice and push them. Bankers know how to siphon wealth out the back doors of government and dispense it to cronies. Academics know how to market and sell worthless academic products in order to produce an end product: a debt enslaved graduate with little hope of employment, who can be led by the nose to vote for cheap promises that seem to be in his interests. Politicians know how to make cheap promises, deliver rot, package it to smell good, and blame failures to meet expectations on their predecessors. People revolving between the government and corporate sectors know how to contrive to take falls and somehow land promotions. Mega evangelists know how to fleece congregations, while passing the responsibility to provide bs charity onto the government. Ethicists have made it seem ethical to avail a system where the most ignorant, codependent, and easily misled tend to have two or three times as many children, thus to stock the brave new world with plenty of epsilon hoods and muslims. These epsilons are useful for voting and pushing most of civilization into a two class society. Thus, rule under oligarchs is centralized and consolidated. When no longer needed, it is thought that the epsilons can be eliminated, along with enemies of the two class system. This tends to push everyone towards becoming a moral zombie. This is the "objective morality" of a two class society.

Given such fundamental changes in the dynamics of the world society and economy, the old marketpalce shibboleths and moral sentiments are dated. While much in them can remain worthy, very little in them will remain worthy for sustaining any decent and viable republic unless the new corporate dynamics of crowd management and community organization by oligarchs are better checked and moderated by an informed and awakened electorate and citizenry. The longer the thinking part of the citizenry remains clueless concerning the fundamentally changed social and economic landscape and the need for new tactics, the tighter the consolidating oligarchy will cinch the harness. The fact is, for oligarchs, there is little difference between regulation by corporate paymasters and regulation by puppet politicians paid for by the moneyarchy corporatists -- who are devoid of republican loyalty.

The "morality" of successful corporatists tends to be the "objective morality" of how best to harness the masses. Fundamentally, their "objective morality" is a lie that is used in order to forfeit the independence, competence, and moral purposefulness of the masses. To leave money grubbing oligarchs to their devices, to let them monopolize our political choices, is to suffer the destruction of the republic. As things stand, they have all but dissolved the spiritual glue of the country, de-defined the family, impoverished many small business opportunities, swamped the electorate with codependent moral zombies, and infested nearly every institution with insane depravities. Now, they seek to re-define the tea party. Without a revival of strong good will and spiritual faith, our moral purposefulness as a nation will be reduced to the "objective morality" of widgets ruling widgets. How, again, is it that oligarchs "morally" merit and deserve to be allowed, undisturbed, to grease their wealth to undermine the republic?

How long will it be before people who formerly claimed to be conservatives fail to think this through and are led to "evolve" and advocate, like the Kochs, for precursors to the consolidation of the two class NWO, i.e., government incented gay marriage and ineffective borders?


Anonymous said...

In large part, the little known, inexperienced senator who beat Hillary was maliciously and cynically chosen by a cadre of international despots and oligarchs who smelled opportunity to be exploited behind a personage who would enjoy "black privilege" and media fairyland wrapping. Nothing prevents such a cadre from now selecting Hillary for similar reasons. She is not being auditioned for her intelligence or principles. She is being auditioned for her cold blooded capacity to lie with a straight face, stay on script, and be willing to sell out America without blanching. Her handlers can take care of the rest. They already have a 45 % share among a corrupt and doped up electorate. Hillary will not hesitate to sell our most important secrets to whatever enemy regime is willing to pay her price. For such investors, measuring potential against pot odds, what bet could be better?

Anonymous said...

The regime, having left decent America behind, is hardly in position to be talking about the need not to leave deserters behind.

Anonymous said...

Whether to trade a supposed American for evidently dangerous enemies may be both a military and a political call. But calls made on the political and miliitary battlegrounds are not made by juries. Moreover, an electorate in a free society does not withhold opinions about the military and political aspects of a call until after some prosecutor for the regime can be instructed to pick a jury.

Anonymous said...

Dopers, Despots, and Drudges: Conservatives are likely to underestimate the capacity in useless dopers to band together to fleece Whitey. Especially if Whitey is taught by double dealing despots to blame himself for being fleeced.

Anonymous said...

It takes an asylum to raise a fool. Our colleges have become intersections for dope dealers posing as instructors. Their product elected Obama. Twice. Their troops are "irrelevant" to the principled defense of any nation. But it doesn't matter. Home has been made a land of moral zombies, and we bring our people home.

Anonymous said...

Re: if tomorrow they tell us that little girls raped by their tormentors are now officially married, why not? Totalitarians make all the other rules up as the go along

We have been made as diverse in our mores as leaves, and some very bad people have leaf blowers. In accepting indoctrination that diversity in itself is a good thing, we have been indoctrinated to the corrollary: that there are no better or best mores or values. Society has been primed to accept, on a dime, whatever its masters and fashion and opinion leaders say is the message of the day. When the masses surprise conventional wisdom, our masters just divert and change the subject until our brains can be re-cooked to the menu. The corrollary to this is that very few people remain who have habits of thinking with any competence for themselves. Rather, they seek their dope, and they say what they think their dope dealers want to hear. It's as if sheep farmers were amusing themselves with pavlovian science, just to see how easily we can be induced to slobber all over. We have become sheep of many colors and bahs, but most among us now share a commonality: no individual sense of consistently principled direction.

Anonymous said...

Hillary may receive assurances that, if she runs, and if she shows willing to grease wealth and power traps, she wiil be protected, come what may. Cronies will calculate how well Obama's black immunity has worked for him. They will make the same calculation regarding Hillary's feminine immunity. They have a gift of 45 %. Not much work is needed to capitalize on that. Think: What novelty would best distract the public while tugging at their wallets and sympathies? That is the novelty that money grubbing hedgers will promote. You are thinking in terms of what a decent and informed electorate would buy into. Think instead of how a wicked and ignorant citizenry can be induced by cannibals to squander its inheritance, That will give a better roadmap to where our ride is taking us. It's all about the rampant and ignorant corruption that fancies itself on the right side of enlightened history. Some very bad people are narcissistically admiring how good they are. Dahling, you look mauvelous!

Anonymous said...

Obama, Hillary, and countless other government officials and politicians are fans of Alinskyism, to the purpose of imposing on society the collectivism that is so sought by despots of wealth and power. Yet, they have a large following. Of that salute to the devil, the world is filled. Decent people would suppose that obvious salutes to evil should be sanctionable. However, sanctionable is another one of those conceptual ambiguities that smile and frown both ways. Maybe it's time for mass penance and exorcism. Witches are not among us, but evil minds are, as sure as hell.

Anonymous said...

Except in pretense, I doubt a line can divide the gnostic from the non-gnostic. The idea of the Eucharist being "real" spiritual substance stretches fantasy too far, especially if a spiritual source is the superior, of which measurable reality is only a transient derivative. That is, I doubt a completely measurable, consistent, and coherent line can divide the gnostic from the non-gnostic. Rather, I suspect a qualitatively immeasurable spiritual power does lie behind the signification of measurable reality. However, that spiritual power belongs to "God," and we are only participants with it. That is, what we will does not reconcile the cosmos. Rather, the cosmos reconciles our wills. Pretending to make the Eucharist measurably real is like pretending to take the measure of the immeasurable God. While I sense the value of the figurative appreciation, I don't see the necessity for pretending to make measurable that which is immeasurable. The idea that the Eucharist is real, and measurably so, is a pretzel-rationalized remnant of an age of superstitious counting of fairies. It probably helps push individually competent thinkers away from ideals of godliness.

Anonymous said...

The googular idea of transcendence and reconversion into a secular computerized cloud does seem a bit like gnosticism. Progs think Progism will necessarily lead them to the objective formula for converting reality into purely beclouded pleasure. Thus, the republic is in a nosedive to paradise lost because most people are unwitting dupes and shills for oligarchs --- who themselves are dupes and shills for the kinds of kinky pleasures that cannot sustain a decent civilization. Pleasure is being deliberately given its head, taking most of us head over heels with it, as more and more among us seek to become their own gods, to blot out all receptivity to the still, quiet voice of any higher guide. Demonic pleasure is being promoted to "objectively" rule on earth. As gnostics of secular pleasures utterly despise the figurative truths of Paradise Lost and the Bible, the consequences will utterly despise us. While I despise Islam, I understand why Muslims despise us. Most of the West seems no longer to retain any ideal of godliness that can possibly sustain it. What we have is a world wherein contenders for a fake god contend with those who have no god. Or a pretzel-rationalized god. Hence, the nosedive of decent society and the reality jolting consequences.

Anonymous said...

It is not my purpose to prosecute or defend the DuPonts. I agree that, if they had not supplied the Nazis, someone else would have. That is part of the banality of evil. And, if one oligarch does not buy gov as a commodity, others will. That problem of the banality of evil will be with us always. But that does not mean we should lay down for it. The only ways I know not to lay down for it are to restore godly mores, the family, and gov checks and balances that preserve a real representative republic, as opposed to a charade. The way to a charade is to grease the way for oligarchs to consume and buy gov favors. To check against disloyal and foreign corporate ventriloquist operation of our republic, we can regulate, decentralize, and tax. Reliance on central regulation is often a losing proposition, as well documented by economists. Decentralization is a worthy goal, but when has any rino or dino actually applied it? Obviously, strong interests resist it. Directly taxiing wealth tends to be a stupid restraint on human initiative. Taxing income plays into the hands of oligarchs. So what, by way of gov as a check against the absolute corruption of absolute power, is left?

Anonymous said...

For whatever reason, with Congress complicit, our borders are not being enforced. Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce and corporate employers seem by and large to be ok with the situation (when not advocating for actual amnesty). To fail to oppose them in that effort is to be complicit. If you are saying that resistance is futile, you may be right. No individual can argue against a media that buys ink by the ton. For Americans together, however, I think restoring respect for the Godhead, the family, and the republic are actionable goals. As to whether a progressive tax on consumption is feasible, I suspect the only thing lacking is effective willpower.

Anonymous said...

Evil is more banal than loyal. Profiteers throw losers under the bus. They supported Obama as long as they could, right up to the limits of the stupidity of the easily milked herd. Now, profiteers need to scramble to find a new horse. Hillary looks lame. Warren looks fauxahontus. Heaven forfend, they may have to go Rino. Not that that would reverse the cannibalization of the republic.

Constricting gov, in its nominal sense, in order to strengthen constricting oligarchy, in its practical sense, is not a solution. What is needed is to decentralize controls and liberate productive human beings. Opening borders to provide cheap and easily gulled and strapped labor for oligarchs may avail "smaller" gov, but, in its race to the bottom, it misses all decent goals. We need to look beyond Dino jealousy and Rino greed, whose adherents tend to serve the same beastly, hedging, banal oligarchs. Evil is banal. We have less need to name the moths who flit to flames than we have to disperse them away from the light. We need to look to what is needed to establish and preserve a decent and vibrant republic. We need to look to God, Family, and Country --- before all we have left is the memory.

Obama's message has been the medium of godless manipulation. He has known from his beginning that he had very wide latitude to lie and make outrageous promises and that all would be explained away. From his first day in office, his elitist-conferred privilege to lie in the oligarch-owned media without paying political consequences has been obvious. Obama and everything he has done that can be sold to the public has been sold to the public. But there is a season to everything, and, thank God, Obama's season may at long last be in decline. His media supported bubble grew too big, and even diehards may come to realize that it must burst.

By all rights, Obama's power will end after the next election. The people who fund him, and who fund those who follow, who can decide whether to investigate and prosecute him, will continue to have influence. When you're a banal, godless, international oligarch, you follow the mega money-making opportunities. I don't need to name moths who are drawn to flames to know that moths are drawn to flames.

We need not be in denial about basic human nature. If mores are not indoctrinated under spiritual instruction, if principled parentage is lacking, if legal institutions are ineffective, then people who happen to agglomerate wealth and power will exploit their opportunities, especially against the most ignorant, gullible, and unguided. That seems banal and simple enough. Yet, churches are in decline, marriage is de-defined, and international oligarchs have a clear path to buying political influence. This is a trifecta that in effect knocks hard against the three supporting foundations upon which a decent republic needs to be based: God, Family, and Country. Without a revival, a Rino change will be meaningless.

Anonymous said...

Constricting gov in order to strengthen constricting oligarchy is not a solution. What is needed is to decentralize controls and liberate productive human beings. Opening borders to provide cheap and easily gulled labor for oligarchs may avail "smaller" gov, but it misses all decent goals. Look beyond Dino jealousy and Rino greed, whose adherents tend to serve the same beastly, hedging, banal oligarchs. Look instead to what is needed to establish and preserve a decent and vibrant republic. Look to God, Family, and Country, before all we have left is the memory.

Anonymous said...

If the Bergdahl deal was not a good deal for the Taliban, then it was apparently a deal that could have been made at any time. So why was it timed to be made while Obama is in the soup? Obama used it to divert attention and to move towards closing Gitmo. America's security does not appear to have been a factor.

Anonymous said...

The people who invest in politicians to make money tend to look for candidates who can lie and tell the people that special side deals are good, and charm them (with a little help from shameless profiteers) into believing (or pretending) that the lies are the truth. So, corruptly owned media helps those who oppose the Keystone Pipeline, in order to enrich Brazilian and railroad ventures, that the opposition is based in the science of green. It just so happens that the color of environmentalism and of money is the same.

Anonymous said...

Obama"s message was the manipulation. He knew he could lie and that his lies would be explained away. (I wonder what greased his European speaking tour in the ecstatic lead up to his Nobel Peace Prize?) His elitist-conferred privilege to lie without paying consequences has been obvious in the oligarch-owned media, from his first day in office. It has been obvious that Obama and everything he does that can be sold to the public is sold to the public. This guy's popularity should by now, based on his performance, be in the single digits. Yet, he is about 45%. He is obviously being propped up.

Obama's power ends after the next election. The people who fund him, and who fund those who follow who can decide whether to investigate or prosecute him, will continue to have influence. When you're a godless, international oligarch, you follow the mega money-making opportunities. I don't need to name moths who are drawn to flames to know that moths are drawn to flames. (As to the DuPont family, what do you think of their role in Germany and world affairs from 1930 to 1950?)

You seem to be in denial about basic human nature. If mores are not indoctrinated under spiritual instruction, if principled parentage is lacking, if legal institutions are ineffective, then people who happen to agglomerate wealth and power will exploit their opportunities. That seems simple enough. Yet, churches are in decline, marriage is de-defined, and international oligarchs have a clear path to buying political influence. This is a trifecta that in effect knocks hard against the three supporting pillars upon which the republic is based: God, Family, and Country.

Anonymous said...

Does our Constitution guarantee equal treatment just for the first of multiple marriages? Or does our Constitution guarantee equal tolerance for every argument? Does our Constitution, by not prohibiting multiple Muslim marriages, require that all states must give full faith and credit to such marriages?

The points need to be made to people who are not completely invested in justifying their deviance as if their particular deviance were constitutionally required to be funded. The points need to be made among people whose brains reside above their belts.

Anonymous said...

"Support" has become code for fund. Why should federal candidates position themselves as being for using federal funds to incent and support gay unions and specially teaching kindergarten kids to praise same sex unions and practices? If this has become some kind of electoral mesmerization, who has been behind it? Who is benefitting? Why are the Koch Brothers for this? Why is country being lulled into this sleep walking? No doubt, there will soon appear many new ways to make money through regulations that are partnered through government and crony operators. When it takes the governance of a village of corporatized serfs to raise a child, there is no doubt that every such child will be easily indoctrinated to serve his assigned role within the NWO. Given this charade, no doubt we will soon have 90 % of the electorate voting for their enserfment. Cool beans. So, how is it that the oligarchy, even the Koch Brothers, is thought to be "conservative?" Wth are they conserving? Wth are "conservative" websites advocating?

Anonymous said...

A potent middle class is a mobile middle class. Not a sell out class of shills for banking predators who seek to undermine and infest the borders and institutions of the republic and tell us such is good. Reminds me of Mr. Chugar and his cattle killer in No Country for Old Men: "Hold still." In no way could lofos, un-pushed and un-coordinated by oligarchs, do so much to cannibalize the country. In no way would oligarchs allow such cannibalization without taking the lion 's share. Someone has gained from the take-down of America, and it has not been the general and duped citizenry. Nor has it been republican minded people in poor countries. To think our problem is insufficient faith in a godless oligarchy would be biblical in its folly. Nor will our situation be saved by moving from a durable goods economy to a banking, services, information, or technology economy. Even if such jobs are not taken over by international intelligent machinery, the professionals who man such jobs can just as easily be found among serf willing, poor, and desperate countries as in America. The middle class is being groomed, to pay reparations to bums and desperate foreigners and to compete against people who are desperate enough to hire out to be serfs and shills for a new worldwide syndicate of soulless swindlers. Will enough Americans learn before the citizenry is drowned in a general amnesty for banana republic ignorance? Probably not. Godless wealth seems to want serfs.

Anonymous said...

The actor knows when he is trying to follow commandments, but, because of the power of deceit, his observers can only hope to judge his intentions correctly, not know. Much occurs betwixt the expressed intention to obey and the effect. As to which is easier, signifying the cosmos or writing on tablets, I cannot say. IAE, I agree that the wisdom as caused to be expressed on the tablets is fundamentally profound. The subjective consciousness of each of us seems to have been fashioned to be potentially receptive to certain fundamentally established moral truths, if we but practice to listen. And I agree and believe that much of such wisdom is on the tablets.

Anonymous said...

It appears Obama jumped the feminist shark when he assumed most Americans would welcome trading a metrosexual male deserter for 5 jihadis.

Who is funding these divisive bread and circuses games? Who benefits? Well, the way is being opened for the first female prezzy. As to Hillary: The idea that any prog-rino-dino wants to equalize much of anything, much less relations between sexes and races, is tragi-funny. They are nearly all hired guns who in no way mean to equalize their supporting oligarchs. What will instead be offered are messes of pottage. Our representatives mean to let their treasonous oligarchs be treasonous oligarchs. Don't discuss anything that might actually awaken the beast. Hillary is funded by Goldman Sachs, then claims to want to make the populous equal. In no way does any prog mean to make people equal, nor should hesheit.

The bread and circuses will continue, while the divisive fleecing goes unabated and our new masters gather at our borders and banks and undermine our families.

Anonymous said...

To purport to speak in measurable terms for the mind of God is blasphemy. However, I think that to attempt to live a moral, meaningful life without being receptive to discussing and qualitatively trying to appreciate what God has signified is vain. Such an attempt is an attempt to make both God and goodliness vain. The figurative, poetic appreciation of an observer is what "collapses" spiritual meaningfulness into beingness. No particular icon, money, or matter exudes any holiness except in respect of such subjective meditation and spiritual receptivity as is focused upon it. No signification has any power or existence in itself, absent a field potential for communication among perspectives of the Signifier.

Anonymous said...

There is no point in denying that ruthless sociopaths exist and that means are needed to protect against their predatory temptations. Peace and love if we just open our borders to tolerate free competition among all in the marketplace of ideas. That's not my read of history or human nature. The best education teaches one how to look past the dogma.

Anonymous said...

This site does not agree: http://www.globalresearch.ca/t...

Anonymous said...

Some sociopaths thought they could manage Hitler for their own purposes, but they miscalculated the power of the movement he was able to bedazzle. In the U.S., oligarchs have more power to manipulate the opinions of lofos than Obama. I do not think Obama has the guts or Brownshirts to do what Hitler did. I realize advisors have him trying to acquire the Brownshirts, but that contradicts his message of "tolerance." He can't very well scare many people with battalions from metrosexualized Code Pink. A megalomaniac, given the right fuel, can make himself as powerful as the State. But Obama, notwithstanding the armor of his blackness, is not that person. Especially since it appears it is his purpose to weaken, not strengthen, the U.S. If he is working to consolidate power, I suspect it is for more international institutions.

Anonymous said...

What I see is Obama doing all he can as fast as he can, before he is booted out, to weaken the U.S. He would not do that if he saw the U.S. As his power base. He is looking to when he becomes a private citizen. On that day, he will need to find acceptance with the oligarchy.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Piketty’s prescriptions, such as a high wealth tax, encourage behavior we find repulsive and immoral. If you know your wealth is likely to be confiscated, you are more prone to conspicuous consumption and less prone to sacrifice for elusive returns that will be taxed."

This is why taxing wealth directly makes no sense. Tax consumption by individuals. Do not tax domestic income, whether business or individual.

As for the lullaby that dynastic wealth tends to dissipate. No sale. Check out the Foundations. Moreover, it is the oligarchic meme through the ages that is the challenge. Hell, we all know that individuals die. Wth does that have to do with the danger to decent civilization that is shown through the ages when wealth and power consolidate and approach being absolute? As the Koch Brothers advocate behind the scenes for de-definition of the family and de-definition of our borders, who in the Tea Party that they fund can or will stand? At that time, will A.T. then tell us, in the manner that we have always been aligned with EastAsia, that gay marriage and replacement of our Constitution by the United Nations are really in our "conservative" best interest? And will all the shills for oligarchs say, Amen?

Anonymous said...

Equality is not a worthy objective. But a potent middle class is.

Anonymous said...

Are bread and circuses important? Is the republic important? Do we really need a middle class that is comprised of more than puppets and shills? Is it important that voting be more than a charade and that voters be informed and independent of ventriloquists?

The march through the institutions to the insult of the middle class is obvious. Does anyone seriously argue that our politics is not corrupted through and through, against ordinary thinking people who feel resposibiliity towards their families and republic?

Sure, one can argue that the barons of the early last century had proportionately more control when measured between individuals. However, that neglects the scale of control that is now leveraged against the middle class through the apparently coordinated corruption of nearly every significant institution. Moreover, the argument that mobility still occurs neglects that mobility rarely jumps from rags to riches through more than one or two subclasses. The point is not to justify taxing people to achieve economic equality. The point is to protect the republic from becoming a commodity. As things stand, oligarchs tend to feel they have every right not only to cannibalize the resources of the republic, but to erase its borders and confound its Constitution and fundamenat social institutions.

More and more, it seems oligarchs can turn public mores and opinions on a dime, as their economic interests beckon. While bums and producers contend for "equality," disloyal oligarchs laugh and sell out the republic and human decency. I suppose we fight one another because we feel powerless against those who farm us. The more I watch the spineless failure to identify the evil and the money-matters enemy, the more It seems we are already lost. And so we return to our diversionary bread and circuses.

Anonymous said...

To fail to apprehend Good is to default to embracing Evil. The idea that an assimilative, objective based morality is possible without an assimilative respect for a source of goodness is fundamentally contradictory and flawed. If there is original sin, it may abide in that failure. "Objective morality" that pretends to be free of a subjective and poetic appreciation of God (source of goodness) tends towards being both blind and lame.

Anonymous said...

The situation was such that Henry Ford found it in his interest, financial and otherwise, to pay as he did. He also understood the need to incent demand and advances in productivity and technology by paying enough so his workers could buy the product of his factories. A well ordered division of labor is conducive to a middle class. Eliminating Jews and taking their stuff is also conducive to a middle class. Organizing gangs to prey on the bones of others is also conducive. The people who are ground up tend to be forgotten. As wealth and power are consolidated, those in control can decide whose bones they want to nourish and whose bones they want to devour. They can suddenly decide to pull up nation's jobs, resources, and industries and parlay them to cheaper and more desperate sources of labor. Labor that will consent to being farmed as chattel in exchange for a chance for a living. Once established, whether by agriculture or industry, a middle class that asserts its basic freedom and dignity as human beings will impose means by which to limit oligarchs from trying to reduce them to cheap machinery. If it does not, its living will remain at the undignified whim of oligarchs who want to be their own little gods. Why should the decent, thinking people of a nation consent to the cannibalization of the country that their sons and daughters have fought to preserve, who have provided the security and resources for their employers to profit? The thing about a republic is this: We are in it together, and we want everyone to have reasonable opportunities to give expression to their energies. No one has "earned" a right to destroy that.

Anonymous said...

There are employers who look more for substantive and reliable ability. Fit yourself to them. The idea of entrusting any gov or agent to measure out handicaps to make everyone equal is unworkable, counterproductive, and inductive of hostilities and resentments. Such an idea makes no more sense than to operate on everyone to reduce everyone to equality in ugliness or handsomeness. Or maybe everyone should operate from home, and march forth only in virtual avatars?

Anonymous said...

Union coal miners are not oligarchs. Their power can be undermined and evaded. Especially when they are as non-nimble and captive as the black voting bloc. Their calculation is that they will get more crumbs from Dims than from Repubs. I suspect they also tend to have established lines of corrupt kick back influence with Dims that they would hesitate to break. So Dims can just tell them, "Well, we're doing our best, and such and such is the best we can do. And it's an offer you you just can't refuse." Hedging Oligarchs who can swing both ways can't be talked to like that. There are probably lessons concerning the Pope and the Templars and Napoleon and Rothschild.

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

Anonymous said...

Soros doesn't seem to have much trouble having his way with Obama. Nor Steyer or Adelson with Reid. I suspect the power of such individuals, especially when leveraged internationally, is fearsome to most national executives.

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." John Kennedy.

It's not like such syndicates among sociopaths are outside human nature, as amply demonstrated in our own experiences with The Mob.

Anonymous said...

The idea that one arbitrarily defined "race" objectively owes reparations to any other arbitrarily defined race that happens to nurture grievances that are cherry-picked to the rationalization is an abomination to any concept of respectable personhood and morality.

Our religious, spiritual, and moral leaders need to apprehend that the Mind of God, in all its particularized experientialism, abides as the immeasurable root of all measurable signs and significations. The signs we measure, in themselves, would otherwise have no existence. Apprehending that, we may better intuit the spiritual meaning of being a "person" -- i.e., an intelligent citizen of a society that empathetically and emphatically appreciates (not measures) the mind of God. Thus, we may better propagate such appreciation through our God-respecting families. Thus, our society and republic may better apprehend our need to defend ourselves from the deceits and abuses of fakirs and oligarchs of god-denying, "objective" morality. That is, we may at last learn not to trust the conceits of material-grubbing, gimme mine, sociopathic deniers of spiritual morality, who lie and claim instead to substitute purely material based, "objective" morality. As if "ought" were objectively derivable from a marketplace of measurable "is."

Purely objective, material-grubbing morality is a false "morality," whose proponents try, oxymoronically, to be objectively "indifferent" to the dignity and needs of subjective minds. What we need are God, Family, and then Governance -- not governance under fakirs, race-bairers, reparation-measurers, and oligarchs who try to buy the authority of government and then claim to "objectively" de-define or be free of any decent idea of god and family.