Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scholasticism, Intuition, and Empiricism

Liberals dehumanize us by using elitist scientism to replace scholasticism and moral intuition. They are far too greedy in their faith and expectations for science. They think science discovers truths that are essential, not merely usages that are practical or trivial. So they think a "science of morality" can discover essential truths about morality. Most medieval philosophers eventually gave up on the scholastic search for the essential definitions of everything. Liberals, however, did not get the memo.


TRIVIAL TRUTHS: If an idea is true in a trivial sense, then the truth of it is by definitional identity or tautology, not by empirical testing.

EMPIRICALLY USEFUL IDEAS: For an idea to be useful in more than a trivial sense, it needs to be amenable of practical usage, which entails parameters and purposes -- empirical and moral.

CONSERVED BUT CHANGING INFINITIES: Beyond parameters for which an idea may have been experienced to be practcally useful, the extent to which such parameters, usages, or purposes may be pushed may not yet be known.

CONSTRUCTIVISMS: Many ideas may be practically useful only in resepct of how people construct conventions and/or leverage devices or algorithms that nurture them to be useful.

PRESET AND CHANGING CONSTRUCTIVISMS: For all we know, it may be that every idea that is found to be practical is useful only in respect of how intelligent beings have constructed conventions or leveraged devices or algorithms that nurture them to be so.

META CONSTRUCTIVISMS: For all we know, the very cosmos that we share may abide as such a case.

INCAPACITY TO COMPLETELY OBSERVE SELF: To the extent our cosmos defines and limits us, we are without power to go outside it to prove whether or not such is the case.

INTUITIVE FAITHS VERSUS PRACTICAL USAGE: Thus, a true idea may or may not be one that in direct experience and good faith may be acknowledged or denied. As to knowable truth, it may be neither empirically tested, nor falsified. Empirically, it could only be found, within contexts, limits and purposes, either to be practical or not to be practical.

WORKING AND FLUXING EXPLANATIONS: An empirical idea can be a working explanation (hypothesis or model), and thus it may or may not be found for some present purposes and contexts to be or not to be practical.

EMPIRICAL UNKNOWABILITY OF NON-TRIVIAL TRUTHS: Within the cosmos we share, a non-trivial idea that is not subject to empirical testing or falsification may or may not be true, but it cannot be empirically known by we mortals so to be.

REASONABLENESS OF INTUITIVE EMPATHIES AND BELIEF SYSTEMS: As to such ideas, one can intangibly, intuitively, empathetically, and purposely acknowledge (or deny) faith, belief, and trust.

GOOD FAITH AND GOOD WILL: One can in faith believe our cosmos is the unfolding signification of a reconciling and purposeful Intelligence that appreciatively and contemporaneously factors feedback from our participation. This would be generally consistent with Judeo-Christian ideas of a caring, inviting Reconciler.

"CARING ABOUT INDIFFERENCE": Or, one can believe, much as Communists, that our cosmos is a purely scientific and indifferent battleground of competition among amoral contestants that are bloody in tooth and claw.

PSYCHOPATHIC FRUSTRATION: Or, one can believe, much as Muslims, that our cosmos is merely a colosseum for arbitrary entertainments of a monstrous punisher(s).

ONE ENCOMPASSING INTUITION: There is only one intuitive idea that is encompassing: That perspectives of Consciousness communicate Information with the measuring of Substance. That is an idea that is not definitionally trival, because its terms (consciousness, information, and substance) flux with our contexts and purposes. And, its terms seem to transpose in ways that are beyond simplistic, conservational, formulization. Yet, it is an idea that is directly experiential, in that it describes qualitative means by which we self-define, self-actualize, self-fulfill, and self-normalize. Except in respect of that encompassing intuition, there are no meaningfully definitional truths, practical constructions, or self-fulfilling appreciations.

EXPERIENCE OF IDENTITY: So long as I am me, "I" cannot directly experience the quality of consciousness of another perspective of consciousness, unless "I" were somehow to become it (in which case I would no longer know my previous self).

SOLIPSISM: Nor can I empirically prove that a thing that appears exterior to my perspective itself experiences the quality of being conscious. The most I can do in such regard is to apply intuition and practical experience, to come to a belief or faith.

CONSCIOUSNESS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE:  Beingness, as we experience it, can be conceptualized as comprised of Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI).  CSI fluxes in ways to which we do not necessarily have access. Consciousness seems to abide all along a sequential chronology, Substance seems generally to dissipate towards disorganization, and Information accumulates.

PARTICIPATORY CONSCIOUS WILL:  Consciousness may be likened more to a label than an explanation.  Somehow, our experiences, recordations, and memories unfold along a chronology wherein innumerable possibilities are presented all along the way, yet only one possibility is manifested to become the record in each case.  The sum of such manifestations is represented in the informational record of our past. When reference is made only to the "laws" of nature, such may suggest a probability wave function for any particular event, but not a pre-determination.  So, what can "explain" how any particular event actually comes to pass?

FAITH LABELS:  For this, one may punt to a variety of unprovable faiths, such as Multiverse, Many Worlds, or Reconciling God.  For example, one can assume that every possibility "in fact" does occur, in some parallel world or universe.  This also is more a label for a result than a testable, falsifiable, or observable hypothesis. Or, one can assume that a "choosing function" of participatory conscious will operates in our cosmos (being the only cosmos), so that Consciousness, by the immeasurable quality of its observation and appreciation, somehow participates in the choosing or reconciling of occurrences and the renormalizations of events.  For this, one may assume that Consciousness operates at disparate layers and levels of locality in space-time, and also at a level that reconciles current and preset events or laws.  Under such an assumption, it would be implicated that consciousness at every level adjusts its choices and determinations based on changing and unfolding qualities of observation, appreciation, and reconciliation of feedback that are communicated among various levels in conscious intuitions that correlate with measurable significations of Substance and Information.  To assume that a multiverse exists, or that many worlds exist, is to assume that Substance is superior as a determinant to Consciousness.  To assume that Consciousness reconciles choices is to assume that Consciousness is not inferior to, or wholly derivative of, Substance.  To assume a Reconciling Consciousness is to invite people to come to reason together from disparate points of view in empathetic good will and good faith. Such an assumption is generally compatible with Judeo-Christian values for promoting decent respect for human freedom and dignity.  The assumptions that make Consciousness inferior to Substance are more compatible with crony elitists "justifying" rule under scientism, i.e., using deceit and positions of power to claim superior understanding of practical science and "moral science."  Thus, Marxists, Secular Humanists, Socialists, Progressives, and Libertarians who are without faith in a Reconciler tend to want elitist rule over the people at large -- including many people who as individuals are often more competent.

MORTALS DO NOT "CREATE" SUBSTANCE OR CONSCIOUSNESS:  Substance is measurable in respect of how its sum is conserved.  Mortals do not create CSI.  Mortals bond with avatars that occupy loci that are amenable of normalizing measure.  Mortals do not create Substance by adding to its sum.  Mortals leverage Substance for machine purposes by organizing it.  Mortals do not create Consciousness.  Mortals can leverage avatars that can avail the expression of Consciousness in ways that are more capacitated to communicate intelligibly.  Mortals do not "create" Artificial Intelligence.  Mortals tinker to leverage the Consciousness that already abides to avail it to bond with avatars that can be organized for highly complex functions.

INTELLIGENCE:  Intelligence does not magically "emerge."  It is leveraged in respect of "stuff" that already abides.  We do not create babies.  We procreate.  With empirical tinkering, we can tinker with genes.  We can design genes and merge human beings with machines and computers.  With enough tinkering, we will eventually learn ways to design avatars for giving expression to conscious intelligence.  But we will not "create" AI from scratch.  Rather, we will leverage it from the CSI that is already extant.


Assuming practical usages (theorems and purposes) are communicated among multifarious perspectives of consciousness within a shared cosmos, each such perspective would be reconciled to conserve and renormalize the measurable aspects of its experiences and communications in respect of the shared cosmos.

Assuming multifarious perspectives of consciousness abide, each one, depending on its point of view and frame of reference, would experience qualitatively different flavors of its appreciation of whatever may be the conserved measure of the sum its set of experiences within the shared cosmos.

Such accumulations of experiences from different points of view and frames of reference would produce in each perspective its own qualitatively unique flavor.

Such qualities of experience would be abstract, because they would not be measurably communicable.

Yet, intuition and empathy would build on analogous exchanges among correlative contexts, whereby qualities of experiences would be associated with information and preserved to memory.

Such memories would be correlated and referenced to figures of speech, and such figures of speech would in time communicate qualitative meanings, i.e., practical theorems and purposes.


The scientific method does not discover non-trivial, empirically objective, external truths-in-themselves, because no such truths can be objectively known.

Truths may be directly acknowledged or denied in respect of self evidence, self normalization, and self actualization among contexts, points of view, and purposes of perspectives.

Usages, not external truths-in-themselves, are discovered, tested, confirmed, or falsified via empirical testing.

Empirical testing and processes of falsification pertain only to practical theorems and purposes; they do not pertain directly to truths-in-themselves.

It is un-measurable whether (1) Consciousness measures Substance, (2) Consciousness substantiates Measure, or (3) a Reconciler ("changeless-changer") balances and normalizes all fluxing communications of perspectives of Consciousness with particular measures and expressions of Substance and Information.

While such is beyond measure and empirical proof, it is not beyond self-intuition.


CARING GOD: As a society assimilates to acknowledge the quality of a caring, inviting, guiding Reconciler, history and experience suggest to many people a faith in an intuitive truth, which is not subject either to empirical proof or to falsification: That such assimilation favorably affects the unfolding quality of civilization.

MONSTROUS GOD: An idea that is utterly false, in a way that is not trivially false or directly contradictory, would be neither empirically provable nor falsifiable, as such. For example, a faith in a monstrous god that despised all mortal perspectives of consciousness and that sought to commit them to various levels of perpetual punishment, would not be falsifiable.

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: However, for many people, the assimilation of such a faith would affect the unfolding quality of civilization unfavorably. Methods of psychological inculcation, such as Stockholm Syndrome, to indoctrinate underlings to such a faith, could be useful to psychopathic criminals and mentally twisted monsters.

GODHEAD: It is not empirically demonstrable whether a godhead is, or should be, caring, despising, both, or neither. Intuitively, the TRUTH is that a godhead or non-godhead is at least one of the above, and not some of the others. In that, every one who is intelligibly conscious has little choice but to choose, and in word or deed to ac-knowledge, a faith.

DEATH AND TRANSMIGRATION OF PERSPECTIVES OF CONSCIOUSNESS: As to any such truth, we cannot empirically know whether on death we shall empirically know it. What we can have is intuitive faith.

EVIL ELITISM AND SCIENTISM: Much of the world is trying to avoid assimilation by people of any intuition-based faith. Many people actively revile faith, family, and fidelity. The apparent trend is to default to the control of contending elitist cronies who propagandize in the name of science that is not science, but deceptive scientism. This produces a niche in the zeitgeist that favors the rise of monstrous psychopaths, who use demagoguery and deceit to unite corrupt people with ignorant people in order to rule otherwise decent and competent people. The "trivial truth" of the fact that this can be done has been amply demonstrated in history.

TRUTH: Truth abides, but truth about "essential things" is not demonstrably "out there" in itself, because no thing is demonstrably out there in itself. Every thing is expressed in respect of continuously unfolding, algorithmic, and reconciling relationships among measurable Substance, accumulating Information, and fluxing Consciousness. There is no "thing" that demonstrably and measurably exists, purely in itself, as a thing in itself. The Past abides as an accumulation of Information. It is an accumulation that is indirectly Measurable in respect of previous quantitatives of Substance and that is Immeasurable in respect of previous qualitatives of Consciousness. The Future abides as an Immeasurable accumulation of Potentials for Consciousness to signify itself in the expressions of Substance. The one intuitive, directly experienceable, Truth is that perspectives of Consciousness communicate Information with the measuring of Substance.  This is not a truth from which a "science of morality" can derive demonstrably provable and unfalsifiable moral truths about particularities.  It is not a truth by which elitist scientism can reasonably replace individual good faith intuition and empathy.


SHRINKING GOD:  I am not God. I can, however, reason logically from a priori assumptions, then test for internal meaning, coherence, consistency, and completeness under a set of assumptions. I can intuit to assume God's abiding concern pertains to reconciling perspectives of I-ness. I can conceptualize so as to seek to leverage practical empiricism to nurture towards fulfilling such interests as I find fulfilling.

UNIFYING ESSENCE:  Whatever may be a "unifying essence" of the apparent trinity of Consciousness, Substance, and Information, it avails practical, empirical participation to nurture and purpose towards desired changes that are part of a fluxing system whose sensible changes are renormalized and measured in strict regard for conservational math.

DOMINANCE OF PHYSICS:  The dominance of the study of measurable physics is due to the defining fact that it consists, however may be the case, of that which happens to define and limit us in common.  Even so, the measurable physics of our cosmos is no less merely a subject for our empirical study, rather than a book of truth-in-itself for scientists or gnostics.  Empirically, it is beyond a mortal to step outside the cosmos that defines the limits of our physical avatars in order to measure or determine what oir cosmos "really" is.  Such is the innate restriction of our empiricism. Empirical science is not a pursuit of truth, but a cooperative pursuit of self fulfillment through practical empiricism.

SELF-DEFINING FEEDBACK AND RECONCILIATION:  Our formulas can be made empirically self-fulfilling and deceivingly true-in-themselves, simply by obscuring that many of the terms for our equations, of necessity, are not amenable of complete definition. To "account" for inherent incompleteness in all explanations of physics, one need only insert makeshifts, like vague terms or "cosmological constants."  Under such terms can be applied methods of rounding such that alternative factors that could be drawn forth will remain concealed or unused.  That is, until new purposes and practical measures are needed.

UNAVOIDABILITY OF PHILOSOPHY:  I do not think philosophy (or faith) is avoidable. An electorate that lacks a civic philosophy will probably not long sustain a republic. Even science begins with hypotheses, looking to establish axioms. (I do question whether such axioms may be "real" only in a sense of being self-fulfilling to a determiner. In that case, the dominance of a determiner of a life principle becomes important.)

RATIONALIZING INSPIRATIONS OF SOCIAL STUDIES: Yes, I do question the practical value of much that is found in social sciences or ethnic studies. When the studies are contrived or channeled, whether wittingly or not, to produce results that are consistent with a political agenda (or philosophy), I would call that scientism. As such, I suspect it is good for little more than targeting dupes. (For practitioners and professional agitators, I suppose that is a kind of "good.")
Practical empiricism and careful measurements of observable facts are important. I get that about science. But I think it is important for a responsible electorate to learn not to be duped by methods of scientism (rationalizations cloaked in the language and methods of science) posing as "science."

MORAL ALCHEMISTS:  Moral alchemists tend to be just smart enough to stop selling lead as gold, so they can commence selling corruption as virtue.

NATURAL AND MORAL CAUSES:  How much of the important "causal" factors of our cosmos remain "dark" to us?

Under the English Model, all is permitted, except that which is forbidden.
Under the German Model, all is forbidden, except that which is permitted.
Under the Russian Model, all is forbidden, including that which is permitted.
Under the French Model, all is permitted, including that which is forbidden.
Under the American Progressive-Totalitarian Model, all is compulsory, except that which is forbidden.
Under the American Progressive-Totalitarian Model, all speech is required, except that which is politically incorrect (hate) speech by politically incorrect people (previously privileged whites).
Under the American Progressive-Totalitarian Model, all indoctrination is required, except that which is politically incorrect (hate) indoctrination by people who adhere to politically incorrect values (previously privileged white Christians).
Under the Constitution as Amended by Prog Interpretation, there is freedom of speech, religious expression, enterprise, and association, except that States and people who are not politically correct are required not to exercise judgment or discrimination.
Under the Constitution as Amended by Prog Interpretation, there are no dhimmis, excepting the politically incorrect people who adhere to values of individual freedom of expression and enterprise.


Anonymous said...

Prog theft by race based community organizing is a moral disorder. I also think it is commonly associated with an indoctrinated mind sickness that cannot be fixed by ordinary medicine or counseling.

Anonymous said...

Racism is a common mental disorder that afflicts many people. As much as anything, it afflicts those who are given much, without being expected to give anything in return. As such, it tends to be most viral in communities that are organized to cry constantly for welfare. Its top tier of malignancy is manifested in the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

Islam may be considered a religion only in the broad sense that Khanism or perpetual plunder or organized killing may be considered religions. Regardless, Islam is not a religion that can be compatible with the free exercise clause of the Constitution. The Constitution envisions religion to be something a person believes in, or not, freely.

Among Islamic criminals against humanity, there is no freedom to publicly stop believing in Islam. Just as there was no freedom among peoples who were captured in the soviet bloc to decide to leave it. That is, until it fell of its own weight. Even then, the satellite nations must look over their shoulders, nervously. Among U.S. states, there is no freedom to prevent Obama from trashing their borders.

Despots will never voluntarily stop being despots. It is insane to accord a right to despots to act despotically merely because they decide to call their program a "religion." If it were a religion, rather than a criminal conspiracy, then people would be free to believe as well as not to believe in the despot's program. However, under Islam, they are not. The fact that Obama pronounces the Islamic call to prayer the most beautiful sound in the world tells me all I need to know about his unwavering loyalty towards Morlochian despotism.

Anonymous said...

Because Obama is both a Muslim and a Marxist, it is worth considering those abominations together. Popper, in The Open Society, recognized that Marx's idea was that "The social revolution is an attempt of a largely united proletariat to conquer complete political power, undertaken with the firm resolution not to shrink from violence, should violence be necessary for achieving this aim, and to resist any effort of its opponents to regain political influence."

Neither Muslims nor Marxists will ever peaceably give up gains. They are alike in that regard. Their regard is not for human freedom, dignity, or peace. Their regard is for a utopian ideal that they believe is foreordained by the historical determinism of Nature or God. Obama believes this both as his scientism and as his religion. To avoid backsliding, there is very little by way of outrage that people like Obama will not do. You cannot fix or argue with this kind of solidified stupid. It has to be defeated. The alternative is the death of human freedom and dignity.

Popper thought free people would tend naturally to rise up to defend their freedom. So far, he has been wrong. Indeed, one of his false disciples, Soros, is actively abetting the socialist-elitist foreclosure on freedom.

Obama is a "fundamental changing" Marxist. He will shrink at nothing to prevent backsliding. Nukes for Muslims, no problem. Flexibility for Putin, no problem. Ebola for America, no problem. Destruction of a republican demographic, no problem. Destruction of the Constitution, no problem. Obama and the regime do not care in the least what ordinary Americans think. He has seen his ideal of the the future, and he is blinded by it. He does not give a fig about Western values or republics. Neither do the elitists who hatched him.

Anonymous said...

Progs DO know their base! They know every person who is too dead or too dumb to get an ID is a Prog vote waiting to happen. Voter ID is not a poll tax. To not have voter ID is a poll tax. It's an indirect tax on everyone who is qualified to vote.

Anonymous said...

A tyrant who acquires power to redistribute acquires power to take. In exercising that power, he will take from those he wants to burden and he will redistribute to those he wants to make his friends. There is no reason to believe a person so willing to be a tyrant would ever want to reach a point of fair equilibrium and stop taking and redistributing. For one thing, no such point exists. For another, to stop in respect of it, if it did exist, would be inconsistent with the practiced nature of a tyrant. It would also degrade the basis for his hold on power. A tyrant must propagandize to twist and demagogue the idea of charity. Otherwise, people who pay under force would feel abused, not charitable. Regardless, the people who take will feel entitled, not grateful.

There may be situations that call for local governments to seek permission from their people to effect piecemeal measures to relieve temporary problems, such as to help people get back on their feet. Not, however, to teach able bodied people to take welfare every week as an entitlement. However, nothing good can come of such measures when they are centralized to a level higher than needed to address the problem and when they are rolled into measures for "comprehensive" social re-engineering of an entire society or nation.

"Comprehensive solutions" agglomerate power to central and incompetent bureaucrats under vague laws that cannot be intelligibly or fairly interpreted. The consequence is a destruction of citizen participation, to replace it with bureaucrats who just want to draw paychecks and cronies who obtain contracts that license them to siphon.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the effects of conscious beliefs are not purely epiphenomenal. They have material effects. The participation of conscious beings matters. However, the complexity of the reconciliation of such effects is increased in respect of the near simultaneity of the feedback. This may be bound up with the observer effect or the measurement problem. This, in part, is what limits the power of science and imposes the need for human action to refer to judgment, intuition, and experience.

When the dignity of ordinary people is overrun, to be replaced by the power of brute elitists, the elitists will tend to rationalize that their actions are fully supported in "science." So we get treated to global warming science, carbon credit banks, elitist boondoggles, back door siphoning, teleologies of Hegelian historicists, the "trust me" dictatorships of proletariats, etc. Tyranny does not become humane merely because its practitioners call themselves scientists or socialists. No doubt, Lysenko, while he was setting Russia up for mass starvation, thought he was practicing "science."

These kinds of knowitall social scientists and socialists have done as much or more damage to humanity as any modern Christian clergyman. I prefer the humanity-affirming, self-fulfilling effects of assimilated faith in a caring and guiding Reconciler over the de-humanizing, do as I say, tyranny of knowitall "social scientists of historicism."

Many Christians take a more metaphorical view of the New Testament. They do not claim to be able to understand it in a precisely literal way. They do not claim to know precisely what the hereafter looks like. When you assume they do, you are probably fighting with a demon of your own making.

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is for soft headed girly men who rest safely under the protection of men of stouter stuff. The longer it is humored, the more danger it invites.

Anonymous said...

One practitioner can robustly criticize the faith of another. I robustly criticize Islam. I think it is a crime meme masquerading as a religion to reap ignoranti and corrupti and drown ordinary people under the weight of its evil. Female castration, honor killings, stonings of apostates, debasement of everything that is humanizing. I cannot falsify it with the techniques of empirical based science, but I can in good faith and good will intuit its monstrousness. Whatever the figures of speech within it that may facilitate communications of humanity and decency, they are overawed by excitements to literalisms and literalists. To my belief, its books are prescriptions for psychopaths, idiots, and unfortunates caught up in its evil web.

Anonymous said...

The truth only seems like bashing to the deceived. When judges are picked to be delegated with lifelong power to refer to elitist scientism for the purpose of decreeing what is "socially fair and equal" or what social values are without purpose except "to bully," that's not freedom. That's corruption of youth and highway robbery by despots.

Being concerned about prog corruption of children is hardly a triviality. What we now have on Scotus, apparently invited by a sea change in politically idiotic "tolerance" among our elite masters who seek to sink the republic, is educated idiocy that is breathtaking in scale. But they did not get there by themselves. They were invited by the surrender of basic decency by opinion leaders of the electorate. The people who think basic social decency is of only petty concern are woefully deluded. As the foundations of faith, family, and fidelity falter, the republic will not be able to stand. To turn such institutions over to the determination of elitists and cronies is the very definition of tyranny. Once you accept that transfer of power, you have already lost.

As disappointing as it may be, Justice Kennedy was appointed by a Republican.

Anonymous said...

What has Obama touched that he has not made worse? The Middle East? The border? Health care? Race relations? Family values? Education? National safety? The economy? Minority job opportunities? The machinery of government? The competency of individual Americans? The cost of higher education?

Anonymous said...

Until I watched some episodes of Big Bang Theory, I had not noticed how thoroughly so many people have now moved most of their lives into lands of comic book stores and comic conventions. People have invested many waking hours to alternative imaginative realities that intrude everywhere. The list of magical romantic and adventure Disney movies is bewildering. Animated Disney Movies : Animated Movies : List of Disney Animation Films. Then there are all the super hero Marvel and DC movies. Games, movies, and TV shows about Godzilla, Transformers, Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, serial killers, Game of Thrones, Once (upon a time). Special effects. Car chases. Professional wrestling. On and on. Drawing more and more people to involve the better part of their lives in alternative, "imaginative realities." If you want entertainment about characters who are more developed than those of magical special effects and super powers, you almost need to go to some of the old black and white movies. Entertainment has always tended to pull people into the lands of magic, whimsy, and roller coaster special effects. Free Classic Movies, Watch Old Classic Films | - Part 3.
But has it always been to such an extent?

I suspect the people who most deeply immerse themselves in entertainmensts of magic, whimsy, and special effects tend to be the people who are most duped by scientism, who do not believe in individualism, free will, heroes, miracles, or any involvement by a higher power. I suspect the people who are quickest to denigrate those who do believe in participation with a Reconciling power are the people who dedicate large chunks of their lives to make believe entertainments. These are the people who have little clue about how much of their educated and indoctrinated lives are wasted to inappropriate, over greedy scientism. These are the educated dolts who are cocksure of: the evil of America, tolerance of Islam, white privilege, social justice activism, and minority entitlement to perpetual welfare and reparations. They have completely sublimated the reality of the Reconciler of this world. They have replaced the real world of individual participatory feedback and responsibility: with groupthink scientism in their employments, with the haze of legalized marijuana, and with magic and whimsy in their entertainments. And they want to be be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

If they're too dumb to know how to vote, they're too dumb to run things. That means they need other people to run things for them. To chew their food for them. That means they want to be ruled by elitists. That means they are too dumb to judge which elitists are looking out for them versus which elitists are merely using them. That means they have only superficial means for discriminating between who means well versus who does not. Indeed, many think all such discrimination is bad "profiling." That means people who are competent who do not want cons ruling them should not be ensuring that dumb people vote. Problem is, when they take that stance, the dumbies and the cons join together to call them names. When more than 50% of an electorate consists of jealous ignoranti and godless corrupti, a republic is in a deep slough of despond. Obama the Demonic De-humanizer salivates to make that condition permanent. Buck Farack.

Anonymous said...

I do wonder how many Marxists and Social Justice Activists are in basements reading comic books. Do they not see any irony in taking their social justice postures so seriously?

Anonymous said...

Farce is rampant because so many Americans have been so long sheltered from the intrusions of reality. The result is a neverland pathology.

Until I watched some episodes of Big Bang Theory, I had not noticed how thoroughly so many people have now moved most of their lives into lands of comic book stores and comic conventions. People have invested many waking hours to alternative imaginative realities that intrude everywhere. The list of magical romantic and adventure Disney movies is bewildering. Animated Disney Movies : See Animated Movies : List of Disney Animation Films. Then there are all the super hero Marvel and DC movies. Games, movies and TV shows about Space Operas, Godzilla, Transformers, Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, serial killers, Game of Thrones, Once (upon a time). Special effects. Car chases. Professional wrestling. On and on. Drawing more and more people to involve the better part of their lives in alternative, "imaginative realities." If you want entertainment about characters who are more developed than those of magical special effects and super powers, you almost need to go to some of the old black and white movies. Entertainment has always tended to pull people into the lands of magic, whimsy, and roller coaster special effects. See Free Classic Movies, Watch Old Classic Films | - Part 3. But has it always been to such an extent?

I suspect the people who most deeply immerse themselves in entertainments of magic, whimsy, and special effects tend to be the people who are most duped by Marx-like social scientism, who do not believe in individualism, free will, heroes, miracles, or any involvement by a higher power. I suspect the people who are quickest to denigrate those who do believe in participation with a Reconciling power are the people who dedicate large chunks of their lives to make believe entertainments. These are the people who have little clue about how much of their educated and indoctrinated lives are wasted to inappropriate, over greedy scientism. These are the educated dolts who are cocksure of: the evil of America, tolerance of Islam, white privilege, social justice activism, and minority entitlement to perpetual welfare and reparations. They have completely sublimated the reality of the Reconciler of this world. They have replaced the real world of individual participatory feedback and responsibility: with groupthink scientism in their employments, with the haze of legalized marijuana, and with magic and whimsy in their entertainments. And they want to be be taken seriously. Marxo Marxo Man. I Gotta Be A Marxo Man! Lol.

Anonymous said...

People can be turned into incorrigible carriers of memes! Once they are, it becomes unlikely that either medicine or education can fix that kind of stupid. A brain that is conditioned from an early age to certain ways of thinking and feeling tends to have only a limited window of opportunity to learn other ways of thinking. Think of the orientations of heavily practiced homosexuals.

A person develops healthy habits of critical thinking, or he does not. Like most people, Progs like to think they are nuanced, critical thinkers. But they, also, tend not to be so. They tend to come from one dimensional learning environments, and their education in America is certainly constrained to the Prog worldview. The "education" of Muslims tends to be even more constrained. Their brains become misshapen, like the small feet of pet Chinese girls. Once a person's brain has been so relentlessly misshaped, that person becomes a meme carrier. The only way to stop the meme in such cases is to quarantine or eradicate its host. Islam is mind rabies, not religion. Our Prez is a carrier.

Many minorities in America are in danger of becoming meme carriers of entitlement-minded baggage. Progism is a meme on rampage for hatred of America. It has gotten to the point that radical surgery is almost unavoidable.

Anonymous said...

REGARDING INFANTILE LIBERAL FASCISTS: Much of activism is oriented around dissatisfaction with grown ups. Infantile practitioners (such as our President) seek to overthrow grown ups with community organizations and comprehensive collectivizing "solutions." Much of such activism stems from adults' failures to provide guidance that would steer their children safely through adolescence. Much of activism stems from perpetual children having overrun most of the leadership of all institutions of education, governance, and moral faith. So we have "moral instructors" like Rev. Wright, Rev. Jackson, Rev. Sharpton, Father Pfleger, Farrakhan. CRT, BLT, CAIR, ACLU. These people and their organizations have sucked in to fill a void because the grown up faithful have not very well defended any faith.


The faith of NOBLE PAGAN SAVAGES would substitute mysticism and magic for practical science. Such faith leads to lives that are "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." It rails against practical language. A human being who misses his window of opportunity to develop language skills becomes much more limited in his humanity and in his capacity for civilized life.

The faiths of MINORITY INFANTILISTS and MACHINE HEGEMONISTS can inspire fluxing gangs of predators and parasites, but they cannot sustain decent civilization.

The intellectually dishonest faith of SOCIAL SCIENTISM misappropriates science by cherry-picking terms to fit statistics to pre-contrived pleasures.
Real science purports only to test explanatory models to see how they fit to practical purposes. Science does not purport to prove axioms or fundamental essentials, such as how the "best" society should be organized, or what "essentially" is morality, fairness and equality, social justice, or wisdom. There may be a science of neurological impulses conducive to pleasure, but there is no "science of morality" -- except by playing shell games in the use of the word science (as by conflating practical pleasure with philosophical or inspirational notions of civilizing morality). Thus, the faith of Social Scientism can inspire dishonest charlatans or useful idiots, but its necessarily cherry-picked empiricism cannot tell us what sort of social faith and organization would best sustain the development of a decent and dignified civilization of free-thinking people.

The faith of COMPREHENSIVE COMMIE COLLECTIVISTS can inspire miserable proles, and it can provide snake oil for con artists and corrupt cronies. However, there is little in it that can or should inspire anyone who is well off, competent, or able to reason for himself.

The ISLAMIC faith can only inspire sociopathic sadists, masochists, cultural captives, and uninformed ignoranti.

GROWN UP FAITH: The only faith that can inspire competent empaths who can be both strong and thoughtful (like grown ups) is one that respects an
ideal of a spiritually inviting, caring, appreciative, purposeful Reconciler (or an Innate Function that reconciles all the feedback of intuition and empathy, and competition and cooperation). Such a faith is more about the participatory reconciliation of one's interests under Nature's God than it is about the complete surrender and sacrifice of oneself to any artificial ideal of a State. That was the faith of America's Founders. For others, faith may lead them to an idea of comprehensively radical Christian Anarchy that is devoid of government. However, moral faith would seem to do better to adopt ideas more realistically coordinate with limited government and piecemeal haircuts and reformations.

Part of the solution to the activism of infants is in grown ups' reasserting decent faith in themselves and in the faith of America's Founders.

Anonymous said...

CONSCIOUSNESS DOES NOT OBEY LAWS OF PENDULUMS: The problem with the pendulum theory is that it assumes human consciousness and civilization are "things" that operate entirely subject to "laws" of nature. Proponents of the pendulum theory (a non-testable, non-falsifiable "theory") fail to apprehend that an aspect of consciousness may lie beyond laws of nature; may in fact be a coordinate sponsor with laws of nature. (The philosophy for this is expanded below.) IOW, it may be that no mere law of nature (or natural pendulum periods) can save a corrupted culture. It may be that, instead of a swing back, we are in for a long stay in a deep pit.


CONSCIOUSNESS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Beingness, as we experience it, can be conceptualized as comprised of Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI). CSI fluxes in ways to which we do not necessarily have access. Consciousness seems to abide all along a sequential chronology, Substance seems generally to dissipate towards disorganization (entropy), and Information accumulates.

PARTICIPATORY CONSCIOUS WILL: The qualitative aspect of Consciousness may be likened more to a label than an explanation. Somehow, our experiences, recordations, and memories unfold along a chronology wherein innumerable possibilities are presented all along the way, yet only one possibility is manifested to become the record in each case. The sum of such manifestations is represented in the informational record of our past. When reference is made only to the "laws" of nature, such may suggest a probability wave function for any particular event, but not a pre-determination. So, what can "explain" how any particular event actually comes to pass?

FAITH LABELS: For this, one may punt to a variety of unprovable faiths, such as Multiverse, Many Worlds, or Reconciling God. For example, one can assume that every possibility "in fact" does occur, in some parallel world or universe. This also is more a label for a result than a testable, falsifiable, or observable hypothesis. Or, one can assume that a "choosing function" of Participatory Conscious Will operates in our cosmos (being the only cosmos), so that Consciousness, by the immeasurable quality of each observaton and each apprehension from each point of view somehow participates in the choosing or reconciling of occurrences and renormalizations of events. For this, one may assume that Consciousness operates at disparate layers and levels of locality in space-time, and also at an encompassing level that reconciles current and preset events or laws. Under such an assumption, it would be implicated that consciousness at every level adjusts its choices and determinations based on changing and unfolding qualities of observation, appreciation, and reconciliation of feedback that are communicated among various levels in conscious intuitions that correlate with measurable significations of Substance and Information.

To assume that a multiverse exists, or that many worlds exist, is to assume that Substance is superior as a determinant to Consciousness.

To assume that Consciousness reconciles choices is to assume that Consciousness is not inferior to, or wholly derivative of, Substance. To assume a Reconciling Consciousness is to invite people to come to reason together from disparate points of view in empathetic good will and good faith. Such an assumption is generally compatible with Judeo-Christian values for promoting decent respect for human freedom and dignity.

Anonymous said...

The assumptions that make Consciousness inferior to Substance are more compatible with crony elitists "justifying" rule under scientism, i.e., using deceit and positions of power to claim superior understanding of practical science and "moral science."

Thus, Marxists, Secular Humanists, Socialists, Progressives, and Libertarians who are without faith in a Reconciler tend to want elitist rule over the people at large -- including many people who as individuals are often more competent.

MORTALS DO NOT "CREATE" SUBSTANCE OR CONSCIOUSNESS: Substance is measurable in respect of how its sum is conserved. Mortals do not create CSI. Mortals bond with avatars that occupy loci that are amenable of normalizing measure. Mortals do not create Substance by adding to its sum. Mortals leverage Substance for machine purposes by organizing it. Mortals do not create Consciousness. Mortals can leverage avatars that can avail the expression of Consciousness in ways that are more capacitated to communicate intelligibly. In free and reasoned faith, mortals do not "create" Artificial Intelligence. Mortals tinker to leverage the Consciousness that already abides -- to avail it to bond with avatars that can be organized for highly complex functions.

INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence does not magically "emerge." Rather, intelligence is leveraged in respect of "stuff" that already abides. We do not create babies. We procreate. With empirical tinkering, we can tinker with genes. We can design genes and merge human beings with machines and computers. With enough tinkering, we will eventually learn ways to design avatars for giving leveraged and complex expression to conscious intelligence. But we will not "create" AI from scratch. Rather, we will leverage it from the CSI that is already extant. In reasoned and intuitive faith, Consciousness is not inferior to Substance, nor to elitist scientism. However, it does reap the pit it is responsible for choosing to dig.

Anonymous said...

Marx believed economics is fated to increase class consciousness to the point where workers will finally unite to overthrow the establishment, worldwide. When Lenin did that for the Soviets, he found nothing in Marx's work to tell him, "OK. Now what?" Sort of like the dog that chases the spinning car wheel and finally bites onto it. Now what? Well, now we are stuck in a long cyclic phase of history where corrupt cronies unite with ignorant dupes in order to plunder from productive serfs. Marx hardly needed convoluted rationalizing posing as theorizing in order to figure out that jealousy is a common human condition that thugs can profit from in order to "socially justify" gangster looting and "liberating." However, by turning his screeds into a justifying faith, Marx provided inspiration to make class consciousness a class-fulfilling thing.

So, now what? What does human jealousy united with gangsterism accomplish? Well, it helps low life louts develop all kinds of diversified minority class consciousness and grievance industries. Black consciousness, gender consciousness, que er consciousness, polygamy consciousness, Sharia consciousness, Nam bla consciousness, anti-DWEM, anti-white consciousness. All such minority class consciousness tends to be protected and promoted under ethnic, gender, social justice, and critical race studies. No one is allowed to discriminate against the rampant anti-establishment promotion. Self defense against a minority robber is forbidden. It will get you investigated by the BTIC (Big Thug In Charge).

Now what? Once the demographic is flipped and America has been eaten inside out, what now? Will Blacks allow other Blacks to succeed on their own merits? Will they allow their own to "act white?" Question for Marx: Now that we have all this class, race, gender, grievance, and orientation consciousness that is locked and loaded against those who demonstrate ability, how will anything be produced to be redistributed to those who merely want and need? Buck Farack.

Anonymous said...

One does not need a student loan or a prof to learn about gender and ethnic studies or other credentialed bs. General studies are too fundamental and important to need or respect state biased credentialing.

Anonymous said...

General education is too important to leave it to schools and colleges and other agents of the crony ruled state.

Anonymous said...

Scientism convenient to elitism is taught as science, and historicism convenient to cronyism is taught as fact and determiner. Confusion, disinformation, and cunning are in the very air we breathe, the water we drink, and the prevailing philosophy that most among us have adopted into their bones. Elites seek power to serve and, on obtaining it, become corrupt. When caught, they simply confabulate goats and lies to misdirect lies and sheep. The ever faithful ignoranti bounce between the lies, never growing up to think for themselves, outside the box traps aid for them by corrupt cronies.

Anonymous said...

It is so important not to let illegals into the country in the first place. If we were not so far sold down the river under an unholy alliance of cronies and idiots, it should be a simple thing to protect the integrity of the republic via a "no vote" list. If we can do no fly zones and no fly lists, there is no reason we could not do a no vote list. The reason we do not is because the political will is lacking. The political will is lacking because the alliance of corrupti and ignoranti owns all our institutions of significance, and it keeps ordinary Americans, the majority of whom are not down for the collectivist agenda, divided. The issue of truing the vote is one around which every decent American should vigorously and stout heartedly rally.