Sunday, November 2, 2014



TRUTH -- NON-TRIVIAL, EXPERIENTIAL, DIRECT, INTUITIVE TRUTH: Perspectives of Consciousness apprehend, appreciate, experience, record, represent, remember, observe, interpret, communicate, and participate with the effecting of an unfolding chronology of facts regarding a constant flux of events.

TRINITY -- CSI: Consciousness communicates Information in the significations of Substance.

FACTS: Facts concern events, not things. The measurable world is comprised of a Flux of facts, not essences of things in themselves.

HOLISM: The flux is conserved as a Holism that is expressed to perspectives of consciousness at points of view within frames of reference. The Flux abides as a holism, which in itself is beyond mortal measure. The unfolding expression of the flux of the Holism is quantitatively signified and qualitatively appreciated in ways that are amenable of meaningful and purposeful communications among perspectives of chronologies of events, facts, opinions, interpretations, and constant reevaluations.

CSI: The flux entails potentiality of events, i.e., qualitative experiences of Consciousness, recordations of Information, and communications of significations of quantifiable Substance. The fundamental fact is that Consciousness communicates Information with the significations of Substance. Without all three fundaments of the Holism, being Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI), no beingness or flux of beingness would be imaginable or communicable in any meaningful respect.

FLUX: Facts, as sequential events, are represented and preserved in a record of the past. That record, even though existent, is not experienced except insofar as it is Re-Normalizable to each perspective that experiences a measurable observation of its constituent Facts and immeasurable interpretative Opinion of its qualitative values.

RENORMALIZATION: Insofar as facts are renormalizable to each perspective, facts are not set as determinate things in or by themselves. Facts, although indeterminate, are preserved in a sequential record of the past. The observation and recordation of a measurable and measured fact "collapses" and determines it, so it can be communicated as a fact. Facts that are not observed or measured remain in a general flux of indeterminateness and potentiality. Every fact that is collapsed to the measured determination of a perspective or recorder, contemporaneous with its communication, such as to another observer, must first be renormalized to the perspective (point of view) and context (frame of reference) within which such other observer habituates its identity (avatar). Every measurable fact that is communicable as such is broadly renormalizable to every perspective that can receive a communication relating to it.

RECORD OF PAST FACTS: A sequential record of the Information concerning the measurable Facts of the past abides. No mortal can meaningfully discuss, measure, determine, or limit any fact as a fact about any thing in itself. All facts concerning events are indeterminate except as they are measured, communicated, and renormalized to perspectives operating in respect of contexts. All facts abide as broad fluxes of future potentiality of renormalizable communications. In functioning within a system that makes a rainbow or universe, there is no measurable or determinate end-in-itself of any thing-in-itself. All relational ends and events are constantly and continuously renormalized to each perpsective, depending on the relative locus and vector in space-time of each fluxing event, perspective, and context. Facts are representations of events that have either been partially renormalized to the experience of Consciousness or broadly recorded as Information to the fluxing form of Substance. Facts do not exist except as interpretations of events. For interpretations, facts exist in a multi-flux of renormalizable ways.

ABSOLUTE NON-TRIVIAL TRUTH: Accepting the truth of the contemporaneous participatory will of human action and perspectives of consciousness, which pervades and adjusts and normalizes all non-trivial truths, there is no such thing as a non-trivial truth that is absolute in substantive effect, apart from the contemporaneous influence of actions that are summoned and normalized in respect of the observations and fluxing participation of human beings and other perspectives of consciousness.

CHRONOLOGICAL PROTECTION: Non-trivial truth concerning factual events does exist concerning chronologies of recordations, observations, interpretations, renormalizations, and fluxing and overlapping formulations of purposefulness.

CSI: Perspectives of purposeful Consciousness bond with avatars of Substance, as substance is defined and limited in respect of shared systems of conservational maths, which conservation conforms to renormalizing rules of natural In-form-ation. Perspectives unfold in purposefulness as they record, observe, interpret, appreciate, apprehend, and part-icipate in the alteration of experiences of sequential events.

CONSCIOUS IDENTITY: Consciousness of I-ness abides with intuitions of cohesive continuity with each unfolding of a perspective of Consciousness that is bonded with a fluxing avatar of Substance as it cumulates Information

FREEDOM WITH ORDER: The limits of a particular perspective of consciousness will be bounded in the spatiality-temporality with which its avatar of substance happens to have bonded. Such limits are finite to their defining spatiality-temporality, but the spatiality-temporality "itself" is unbounded in image-inative potentiality. Our flux limits our present opportunities, but our future potential seems bounded only by the limits of image-ination.

UNFOLDING LIMITS: Thus, science of Substance and cumulation of Information avail finite yet unbounded potentialities for tinkering with, designing, and cumulating avatars and measuables. However, the potentiality of Consciousness is limited only by the definitional triviality of math. The potentiality of Consciousness is not limited by Substance, except in respect of happenstance needs of particular avatars for sustenance.

MORAL LIMITS: Nor is the potentiality of moral purposefulness of Consciousness limited by Substance. If Consciousness respects limits for moral purposefulness in interrelations among perspectives within a civilized society, such limits would seem to flux in respect of one principle of morality: Be empathetically reconciling.

HUMAN MORALITY: Human morality may relate to humanity as well as to the destruction, surpassage, or replacement of humanity. Human beings do not have power to destroy Consciousness in its trinitarian aspect, any more than they have capacity to destroy the universe of substance or the cosmos of consciousness, substance, and information. Human beings have potential to seek to facilitate societies that avail decent respect for the reasonable freedom and dignity of responsible individuals.

GOVERNANCE: To so seek necessitates, in part, that destructive, irresponsible, and immature persons and children be limited and guided to become less destructive, irresponsible, and immature. This necessitates rules of society and authority delegated to its various levels of parents, agents, and governors. This necessitates institutions for balancing powers in order to restrain sociopaths, conspirators, and despots.

INSPIRATION: However, by themselves, forms of institutions are inadequate to such task unless the people of a society evolve to generally share an inspiring regard for an assimilating and purposeful spirituality. The assimilation of Purposeful Spirituality is vital -- regardless of whether such assimilation happens to be in respect of innate cosmic empathy or in respect of a pet name for a spiritually reconciling godhead. The challenge to decency for any such assimilation is to guard against the selfish contrivances of those who plot not for humanity but for their selfish power.

CHRISTIANITY: The ideas Jesus represented have unlimited potential, towards which I believe a self-fulfilling good in Consciousness can choose to aspire.

DECLINE AND FALL: Read Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Compare the bribes and deceits of some of the synods convened under Constantius with the politically correct machinations of professional "scientists of social justice and ethnic studies." Such machinations proceed under pretense. In theosophy, under BLT; in CRT as science; in LGBTK9 as political movement against prevailing establishments; in media as current analysis; in academia as indoctrination; in political practice as power harvesting. What is the essential difference between modern scientism and the scholasticism of antiquity? Is it found in the greater faithfulness of modern progressives in "science" than in the previous faith of the pious eccelesiastics of antiquity? I much doubt it.

FOUNDATIONAL PROBLEM: Can the con-substantial trinity of CSI (consciousness, substance, and information) be consistently and coherently differentiated? Not as things in themselves, but as different aspects or flavors for experiencing the same fluxing holism of beingness? Perhaps yes. The "way" is by adopting and bonding with a perspective (avatar of substance) within a context (frame of reference) and then apprehending and appreciating the unfolding of events as presented to the senses, observations, and remembrance of such perspective. The ultimate "how" of such bonding is unknown and perhaps unknowable.  I must leave that with God.

CON-SUBSTANTIAL CO-EXISTENCE: CSI coexist. Substantive, non-trivial truth concerning social affairs does not exist by itself, free of representation, recordation, observation. interpretation, apprehension, appreciation, alteration.

CON-SUBSTANTIAL TRINITY: The trinity of CSI may be figuratively analogized as follows:  Reasoning (Jesus -- Consciousness); Formulating (God -- Substantiveness); Reconciling (Holy Spirit -- Informativeness).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We seem almost unnbounded in our potentiality, except by the limits of our imagination. As to morality, perhaps the most encompassing principle could be stated thusly: "Be empathetically reconciling." Morality may relate to humanity, as well as to the destruction, surpassage, or replacement of humanity. We have potential to facilitate decent respect for the reasonable freedom and dignity of responsible individuals. This would necessitate that destructive, irresponsible, and immature persons and children be limited and guided to become less destructive, irresponsible, and immature. This necessitates rules of society, as well as authority delegated to various levels of parents, agents, and governors. This necessitates institutions for balancing powers in order to restrain sociopaths, conspirators and despots.

The ideas Jesus represented have unlimited potential, towards which I believe a self-fulfilling good in Consciousness can choose to aspire. Read Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Compare the bribes and deceits of some of the synods convened under Constantius with the politically correct machinations of modern professional "scientists of social justice and ethnic studies." Such machinations proceed under abounding pretenses. In theosophy, pretense of morality abounds under BLT; in CRT, pretense of minority morality abounds as science; in LGBTK9, pretense of morality abounds as a political movement against prevailing establishments; in media, pretense abounds against prevailing notions of morality as current analysis; in academia, pretense against morality abounds as indoctrination; in political practice, pretense abounds as power harvesting.

What is the essential difference between the pretenses of modern scientism versus the scholasticism of antiquity? Who benefits from modern pretenses? Do modern progressives have more faith in the morality of science than the pious eccelesiastics of antiquity had in God? I much doubt it. What modern progressives have is just as much moral delusion and selfish connivery as any corrupt ecclesiastic of antiquity.

By themselves, forms of political and scientific institutions are inadequate to their task unless the people evolve to share an inspiring regard for an assimilating and purposeful spirituality. The assimilation of purposeful spirituality is vital -- regardless of whether such assimilation happens to be in respect of innate cosmic empathy or in respect of a pet name for a spiritually reconciling godhead. The challenge to decency for any such assimilation is to guard against the selfish contrivances of those who plot not for humanity but for their selfish power. And who do so under pretense of scientific goodliness or religious godliness. Without assimilation of moral values, pretentious connivery runs rampant. The multi-culti of academics may easily become the decline and fall of America.