Sunday, February 8, 2015


Whatever the patterns and forms that happen to have nurtured our measurable physicality, they are temporal, not eternal. The asteroid that has our name on its kill list is out there. Change, that is, entropic dissipation of Substance in trade for cumulation of Information, is relentless. Of interest for the human form is: How long can (or should) the environmental balance or temporal homeostasis that sustains it be preserved? To what evolving forms and purposes should we feel ourselves to be guided? In what way may G_d's purpose be either to replace or reduce us? To phase us towards the existentiality of bacteria, ant piles, borgdom, or ... maximization of intellect that will be able to abide in civilized sociobility, freedom, dignity, and economy, without needing, reactively or premptively, to destroy itself?

To what extent may various kinds and spaces of temporal homeostasis be desirable or possible? Why does the default condition of humanity seem generally to decline towards the reduction of middle class opportunities for escape from lower to upper classes and towards the increase of oligarchic power, deceit and arbitrariness? What system of politics, economics, and republicanism may best preserve communications among a middle class of decent, competent, and free thinkers, who tend to want neither to abuse, nor to be abused by, their fellows? What adjustments may be needed to preserve middle class republicanism, or will the present system suffice to right itself? Must the trend towards central consolidation of power and wealth be inexorable?


Anonymous said...

The donor class makes its easy money by taxing producers to redistribute to moochers. That way, it's far easier for the donor class to recoup whatever taxes it pays by selling its wares to morons, moonbats and metropolitans. The morons are kept in perpetual debt servitude by common hucksters. The moonbats are kept in mind servitude by methods of mass mesmerization. The metropolitans are kept in lust servitude by flattering them concerning how marvelous they look with their tattooed cheeks hanging out of their denims. It's all about modern management of the masses by the media mongering moguls.

Anonymous said...

Obama fancies himself an enlightened Muslim. An enlightened Muslim is an intellect who fancies himself superior to most of us, who takes the Koran more figuratively than literally, but whose sympathies are all the same more with the jihadis than with those who believe G_d functions in a trinitarian capacity that avails personal relations with each of us. Now all we need is for someone to put that on Totus so the fool can read it to the nation and the world.

Anonymous said...

Anything we do that is without respect for the Reconciler will merely kick our problems down an ever more twisting road. Unless and until there is a spiritual awakening of respect for the Reconciler, no purely formal or materialistic contrivance can put us back on the right path. Until then, a convention of states, a secession of states, a third political party, and even finding leaders of genius can do nothing to set us right. Logic that is devoid of spirituality cannot even begin to fix what is wrong with us.

Anonymous said...

American Republicans talked about welfare queens and Operation W e t b a c k. Now, we have to say those things between the lines, even at A.T. In many cases, to call an illegal border jumper a criminal would get you suspended or fired. The oligarchy is suffocating us in pc. In such a society, they fear that telling the truth is an act of rev o lution.

Anonymous said...

The easiest path to advancement within the kind of femi-regime we have today is the path of the flattering happy face on a stick. The problem with such a femi-regime is that it cannot defend itself from invasion from without, nor from corruption from within. Our republic will have fallen long before we get the nine female justices that Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants.

Anonymous said...

Reagan explained it in this respect: There is no left or right. There is up and down. Conservers of liberty are up. Rino-Dino promoters of central rule are down.

Anonymous said...

Leftists, being basement dwelling trustafarians and hallucingenic tripping Tralfamadorians, rely on inherited or taken wealth and welfare. Being unchallenged in life, they are usually wrong, but always certain. Their continued support has come to depend on it.

Anonymous said...

I was 15 when JFK was shot. In the Army and 19 when MLK and RFK were shot. I have read much since those days. However, at the time, it seemed like America was falling apart. There was a respite during the Reagan years. Now, with Obama and the treason of Rinos and Dinos, it is indeed a chore to care. So I don't think the world is getting better. Except that I have a grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Dems tend often to be mistaken, but hardly ever uncertain. All observatons tend to be twisted into politically correct evidence for a single minded pre-conceptualization when a single minded pre-conceptualization is used to slant all observations.

Anonymous said...

I expect the Supremes, if ever soon they were to take up the question, would now decide that a "natural born citizen" is one who is a citizen without needing to be naturalized.

While I like predictability in the law, I bow to the fact that it is people and the times that make the law. The old leaves die, and Spring brings new ones. If we're lucky, the Tree of the American Ideal will live. Absolutes do not live apart from the Tree of Consciousness. Words change in meaning with the times, and often shift to their opposite. (Does "oversight" refer to close supervision or to careless supervision? Does "to sanction" mean to allow or to prohibit?)

Our only Absolute is in the Reconciler, i.e., the Living Word, not the dead word. WWJD? What does it take to sustain a representative and unfolding republic, i.e., a civilizing community that nourishes human freedom and dignity? Without respect for the caring G_d, our Constitution soon reduces to nothing but dead words. Yet, people who seek absolutes in the dead soldiering of materiality never die. They just fade away.

Anonymous said...

Our ship cannot be righted by people who are pouring water into it rather than out of it. The basic fact is this: A vibrant middle class is necessary to have a decent and viable representative republic. A Rino or Dino is someone whose purpose is to hurt or eliminate the influence of the middle class. A main way this is done is by weakening the border and using foreign workers to replace American workers. Rinos do this to make money by cheapening labor. Dinos do it to acquire cheaply bribed votes. The effect of the rino-dino combination is to suck all the air out of representation for decent middle class Americans. An Establishment Aino voter is someone who is satisfied with this range of "choice."

Anonymous said...

All elitist institutions seem to be at war with white American middle class heterosexual conservatives. YTs can do nothing right. Their very existence would be intolerable but for the taxes that can be taken from them. All the abbie normals are agglomerating and community organizing. Liliputians are shamelessly getting their kicks by tying Gulliver down. All for the cause of social progress.

Anonymous said...

So long as Blacks, women and minorities are considered too untouchable to impeach, more and more people will see them as too risky to elect. On the down side, this may disadvantage West, Carson, Palin, Rubio and Jindal. On the plus side, maybe it will also disadvantage Hillary and Warren.

If impeachment could be used as cover to finally vet Obama and the subterranean, parasitical billionaires who funded him, it would be a good thing. However, that is as unlikely as it is counterintuitive. More likely is that the subterraneans would putsch with a permanent snow job. Conservatives need to rally and pick our battles and our ground. We need a battle of Yorktown, to pin the devil between us and the deep blue sea.

Anonymous said...

Obama, an operative immersed in the hate of Black Liberation Theology, a fellow traveler who rode with Rev. Wright and took his sweet time leaving his community, wants to lecture Christians about moral equivalency with Muslim head cutters and man burners. Sort of reminds me of Jake, in Lonesome Dove, who took too much time leaving some man burners. Obama has crossed the line way too many times.

Anonymous said...

How a civilization confronts evill is affected by how it contorts its people into metrosexuals. The innate monstrosity in metrosexuals is illustrated in their embrace of Che fashion and their gushing tolerance for bloody psychos who claim to be fighters for oxymorons like "Islamic freedom."

Anonymous said...

I suspect we may assimilate a more helpful appreciation of spiritualiry as we come to approach it in good faith and with more humility, so we don't presume so much to know the precise will or name of G_d. And so we accord more respect and dignity to our fellows, without making unnecessary demands that they accord to our conventions, customs or ceremonies. Maybe someday a society will choose to be chiefly guided by this: What is needed to sustain a republic that avails decent respect for individual human freedom and dignity. Who knows. Maybe G_d's purpose is to guide our evolution so that we can eventually maximize individual intellects that will not feel the need to reactively or preemptively destroy one another. Meantime, facepalm.

Anonymous said...

Recognize that Islam is a captive and a tool to sociopaths. Problem is, much of international corporatism seems also to be captive to sociopaths. I am unable to discern any guiding decency or loyalty to humanity in them. Evil is rampant in the world, but most people prefer not to notice, or even to make excuses for it. Islam proves that people's brains can be frozen. Unrepentent sociopaths simply put that knowledge to lustful use for acquiring power to stomp faces under boots. That is a quality that abides with the human form.

The only antidote is assimilation to a higher, better, more inviting, more understanding, more inspiring, and, ultimately, stronger faith. When we finally sense that, stop equivocating about it, stop censoring the recognition of it (a thinking person needs to copy everything he writes before a censor can shove it down the memory hole), and stop making excuses for evil cultures and treasonous cronies, then we will know what must be done. And we will be able to pull the trigger.

Anonymous said...

With Mohammad as a guide, what stops a drug addled sociopath from starting a religion for sociopathic killers? Call heaven for sociopaths "ValPsychHalla." Celebrate the prophets: Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac, Ted Bundy, Mohammad, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Che, Fidel, Pol Pot, the Bay Harbor Butcher(/s), al Baghdadi, etc. Base it on The Won's preassigned predestination, so that every depraved killing is blessedly foreordained. Celebrate all who kill in the name of The Won.

Sprinkle its holy text with a few verses that talk about charity and fundamental change. In that way, all contributions to its community organization could be deducted for tax purposes. Include "evolved" provisions approving of child grooming, polygamy -- and favorite goats for rewarding the single men.

How would that be stranger than the reality of billions of brain frozen people reciting the Koran with fevered respect? Or censors to ensure that Americans continue to call Islam a religion of peace?

If there is a solution to mankind's madness, perhaps it starts with good faith receptivity to the conception of an inviting Reconciler. Else, we are beyond hope.

Anonymous said...

The man burning by ISiS is the writing on the wall to tell us what Iran will do with nukes. So, what is the Regime's priority? To politically neuter and physically disarm American Conservers of Liberty. When Raging Psychotics operating under cover of fake religion position nukes in American cities, what will the Regime do? Why, it will help the Raging Psychotics pre-position more nukes! A nation whose elites concocted to put a Dhummie In Chief in power as Prezy is a nation that will offer its behind to every slurping despot. Despots smell this. Indeed, we will arm, and have armed, despots even as we "confront" them. Writing is on the wall. Conservatives need to start reading and start rousing.

Anonymous said...

Our Founders enforced hard choices to move us towards equality of opportunity and away from ensuring equal distribution of results. Obama means to redistribute equality of results to all serfs who vote for a living, regardless of whether they are willing to work for a living. For the Founders, equality was something each individual could work to obtain and surpass. For Obama, equality is something to be funded by everyone who is branded with "white privilege."

The point is, Obama and his Prog enablers are unable to enforce any hard choices. This gives them an advantage against well meaning, tolerant Americans who often think, mistakenly, that every person and culture desires to be fair minded, industrious, socially responsible, and respectful of the dignity of every free thinking person. Against brain frozen, Stockholm Syndrome inflicted, untrusting psychopaths of sociopathic cultures and faux religions, however, Obama Progs enjoy no such advantage. Because Obama Progs are completely lacking in discipline to make hard choices, they cannot stand against hard sociopaths. And every sociopath knows this. Entrusting Obama Progs with nuclear codes and diplomacy is like entrusting a babe in the woods to the devil.

Obama has flourished only because he happened to be born into a rich, tolerant, and appeasing society. This is not to speak well of appeasing societies. In any decent society, Obama and the Progs so lacking in common sense that he rode in on would have been relegated to clean the stables and to contemplate their "superiority" in that environment.

Anonymous said...

I smell a con. Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory, when con-flated, produce Black Muslims lecturing about how to be Americans. A whitey who recognizes this, however, is "acting stupidly" and exceeding his white privilege.

Anonymous said...

Islamists are killing because of their religion, to further it or to protect it from affronts. I don't see atheists killing to further atheism or because they feel atheism is affronted. One is oriented. The other is random. The oriented one needs to have its orientation disrupted.

Anonymous said...

Progs want to convince us with "scientific" stats so we will be taught to rely on elites, instead of good faith and common sense. They make a religion out of social science, use economists as Levites, and then play with the stats behind the holy of holies. In effect, they are conditioning us to worship at the alter of lies of elitists, even as they heap calumny upon Christian faith. Next, there will be a Nicene Creed about Global Warming.

Anonymous said...

Every sentient person knows Obama will tell any lie, bear any misrepresentation, and hatch any conflation in the name of liberty for the crony class. As to his apologists -- they are seriously demented, cluelessly ignorant, or both.

Anonymous said...

On many issues, it is a pipe dream to hope to acquire enough objective data to make worthwhile statistical analysis. Instead, elites callously misapply statistics to try to push aside the common sense of the general citizenry. Thus, the people are misled to surrender their good sense to craven elites working for depraved masters. Look at the billions of depraved Marxists and Muslims who farm, and are farmed as, sheeple for their masters. Then ask: Stastically, how much good has been done by social scientists who farm statistics and overreach to sell global warming religion?

Anonymous said...

Ain't it good to know we've got a new nuke entrusted friend? No lie (sarc), we just need to keep dusting off James Taylor. Progs thought it wise to favor replacing the Iranian Shah with the mad dog Ayatollah. Since then, the American Prog Dystopia of rino-dino-cronydom has lasted 26 years (4 +8+8+6), and it gains in cash and clout with every depraved enactment and every invitation to third world border jumpers. The metrosexual regime that is replacing Americans with cosmosexuals will need it to pay tribute. It's good to see that the author gives us cover to call the tribute an investment in mutual defense. Rome did the same with Atilla, but I think Attila knew tribute when he saw it.

Anonymous said...

The choice between delusion, debauchery and depravity on one side and individual integrity on the other is plain to all. Past the age of innocence, people are responsible for their choices. No amount of blanketing under collective metrosexualization can defend against the accounting that comes relentlessly due.

Anonymous said...

Obama is fronting an all out effort by the cronydom to put the middle class under its boot, once and for all. And with it, the republic. He has come right up to saying it, expressing in so many words his desire to flip the demographic. He has made conservatives his enemy, and all the hair-do, metrosexual, Ivy, perpetual toddlers think that's jolly good fun. This has been for some time as obvious as night follows day. Yet, what signs do we see of the needed internal and external resolve to set this right? Mainly what we see from our pathetic culture is more in the way of speech codes designed to belittle conservatives while at all costs avoiding the bullying of deviants. What's killing us is not an excess of Christianity, but an excess of girlyman hedonism. Scotus is just one more omen.

Anonymous said...

The combination threat from Marxists and Muslims is symbiotic. I doubt their roles can be precisely weighed apart from one another. Can a figure be put to the opportunity cost that is paid because of the billions of man hours tied up in TSA lines, imposed upon us courtesy of the symbiosis? Most of my work is in Texas. Even though it's a big state and I work in all parts of it, I no longer fly. Multiply by many others to get an idea of the cost to the airline industry, not to mention the sacrifice in travel time.

Then there's the cost to manhood because of the feminization imposed to force tolerance of the intolerable. To some extent, coming generations can say, Hell no, we won't pay. But how does the republic ever recover the manhood needed to defend itself? Our volunteer military is very good, but also very thin. Most young men could no longer qualify to enlist. The femi-commie pinky-waggers are our immediate threat. But the vacuum in manhood seems likely to be closely followed by a much more evil, fascist threat.

Rome fell as it came to pass that it could no longer hire or trust mercenaries to defend it. America's consumers seem likely to fall as they can no longer hire or trust third worlders to produce for them. We are being collectivized with temporary carrots, but I suspect we will be threatened with longer rule under sticks. Especially as decency, trust and currency unravel.

Anonymous said...

Progs emote at the level of children, where they remain stuck. This is the cycle that sticks when gov pays children to have children, and then commissions Libs to study how more fed money might resolve this problem. Libs can be smart, but they are smart as children. They often study hard so they can remain childish. Eventually, we get smart children who remain children at 40 years of age and beyond. That's when it can reasonably be said that a person has made himself so smart that he has doubled back and down on stupidity. Maybe courses are needed in "Critical Stupidity Theory."

Anonymous said...

Commies and Muslims make allies because they share some traits: they are unhappy in their own lands, and they cannot tolerate or get along with anyone else -- not even among themselves. Fearing them is rational, not phobic. See

When Obama and his fellow travelers make apologies for Islam, ask, regarding Islam as practiced: can reform to decency be possible while keeping a belief system with which so many followers are inspired to advocate for sharia law, female subjugation, dhimmi subjugation, apostate killing, female mutilation, child sacrificial bombing and honor killing?

Anonymous said...

The mask has slipped to expose our ruling class. It is now mainly composed of effete metrosexual slobs and globs of soul dead liars, connivers, aggrandizers and plantation people farmers. Lyin' Brian Williams has more honor than Scotus.

Anonymous said...

The crony knowotall class wants to rule, and it wants to force everyone else to say its rule is legitimate, even when it is not. This is done through crony judges and executives, who believe they owe alliegiance only to the donor class and that dissident serfs must be made to conform to pc or face punishment, denial of federally monopolized benefits, or elimination.

Cronies always made communism a farce, because communism could not otherwise abide. Now, however, crony oligarchs have bought up Boardwalk Media and Academia and so many other rentier institutions for extorting and taking power and wealth that they think they can also make representative republicanism a farce. They are bringing this to a head, to test whether human freedom and dignity must bow before soulless rentiers and their depraved hacks and black gowned apologists.

Obama and all the Rino-Dino cronies behind him want to flip the demographic to grease America's slide under central crony rule. Scotus sees that crony Rinos and Dinos are aligned in that respect. So, Scotus bows to what it sees as the crony writing on the wall. But I see alternative writing. Writing with regard to liberty that challenges Obama and Scotus to "come and take it."

Anonymous said...

Ask not what the donor class can do for America. Ask what America can do for the donor class. Ask not how the Tea Party can restore the republic. Ask how the donor class can be made safe from the Tea Party. Question not the teachings of your establishment paid instructors. Shameless explanations to follow during the coming campaign season. S/o. (Imagine there's no shame. It's easy if you try. Imagine all the people, lying day to day. You may say she's a pervert, but she's not the only one.)

Anonymous said...

It's a vast right wing conspiracy. Conservatives were slipping mind conflation aerosols in the air as part of their conspiracy to deny manmade global warming. As soon as that tests out, Brian will be back.

Given the dumbed down quality of the citizenry, nearly anything can be sold if the right packagers are hired. Equation of recent Islamic man burning with 1492 inquisitions, check. Equation of conversion by the sword with religion of peace, check. Equation of criminal invasion with right to work, check. Equation of child grooming and polygamy with freedom of association, marriage and religion, partial check. Equation of crony-donor-class vetting of teleprompter readers for fronting gov and TV News as being consistent with a representative republic, check. Rehabilitation of Susan Rice, check. Second election of the guy who said, in essence, that he wants to flip the demographic and the republic, check.

The equation for whether Brian will be back is comprised of various main factors: How stupid is the audience; what makes the audience squeal; how reliably bu tt kissing is Brian; what's the net profit; how much will the rehabilitation of a soulless sell out demoralize and help enslave the serfs; does Brian hold cards of his own to play; what threats can be held over his head; can Brian come to Jesus in order to sell out from another angle. Never underestimate the godless depravity of the crony class or the godforsaken stupidity of the eloi class.

Anonymous said...

Progs are at war with the idea that there is a path for becoming a responsible grown up in decent society. They believe the only paths are arbitrary. This means the strong horse wins. The horse that does not care about right or wrong, but that just "does it and gets it." People who promote an idea of assimilation to mores because it is the right thing to do are detested. People who fight against individual responsibility to society are admired. People who take from responsible people are celebrated. Responsible people are the common enemy of established Progs. Western Progs will make common (rainbow) cause with every front that seeks to bring down responsible western society. They will do this even if it means inviting enemies of all western values into our midst. Thus, commies and jihadis find investment in western Progs to be highly effective to their purposes. Thus, Susan Rice deems western enterprise and a silly film dangerous to the globe, but a coordinated series of acts of beheading and man burning are nothing to get alarmed about. Among petulant Progs, this eternally stunted childish thinking cannot be fixed. It will have to be rooted out.

Demonic oligarchs know most parents will not forsake the children the oligarchs have corrupted. Notwithstanding Susan Rice's assurances, the challenge to our social glue is no minor contagion. It is a pandemic of evil that breeds on evil. No human conspiracy is required -- just the emptiness of collective complacency and stupor. Obama scripted by Totus. Behold, a pale horse, sucked in by the void.

Anonymous said...

Progs live to lie and shock. They have no internal discipline by which to know when to say no. For that, they rely on grown ups, i.e., responsible parents and Conservatives. Problem is, adults can no longer say no in any effective way. This is because corrupt cronies have taken over the institutions of power. Not having grown up for themselves, Progs tend to be unaware that the demon oligarchs who rule their parents are perfectly willing to give Progs all the rope they need in order to enserf themselves. Progs actually think oligarchs care more about them than their own parents or Conservers of Liberty. Progs think they are aligned with oligarchs in a great moral cause against the "tyranny of morality." In such cause, Progs think shocking antics and lies calculated to bury the republic are jolly good fun. So long as they get their drugs and condoms, Progs celebrate, even as their masters bury the last best hopes for conserving the republic. In this state of affairs, it would take a Moses to restore sanity.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping an open mind on Dr. Carson. His manner of speaking softly while carrying a big brain helps inoculate him from some of the childish tantrums of the Left. The Left feels it can ridicule and hate on most Conservatives because Conservatives are expected to be the grown ups who can take it. However, when Leftists rant against a soft spoken person with an agile brain, their words tend to boomerang back. Most Conservative adults are not allowed to point out the childish behavior of Leftists, because these children cry that their feelings are hurt, so the Conservative is fixed and frozen into a caricature of a bully. To fight like a child is to reserve the right to bully adults, while raising hell if any adult dares to bully back. This is how we end up with speech codes that grease the way to every depravity.