Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Relationship Between Fields Of Continuity versus Discreteness

CONTINUITIES: There seems to abide no favored or standard unit of time or space that is simultaneously and equally applicable in common to all loci throughout the apparent and sensible cosmos. Rather, to be rational, every local measurement of mass, charge, vector, and wave function must be renormalized to be in reference to its local frame of reference. Only in that way does there abide a standard for CONTINUOUSLY renormalizing relations. Only in that respect does there abide a renormalizing-math standard that can be applied to every locus of continuity in space-time.

DISCRETES: As to a standard for renormalizing DISCRETE and digitizing relations among particles at the leaping quanta level, whatever the explanation of its system: No such math-based standard seems to abide, except based in statistical randomness concerning degrees of freedom and kinds of exchanges.

RECONCILIATION OF SUMS: A math-sum of manifestations of DISCRETES among locally vectored centers of quantum fields is always reconciled to a math-sum of manifestations of CONTINUOSITIES among locally centered vectors of electro-magnetic-gravitational fields.

MASS: The math-value for every selectively measured and manifested particle-field seems to express Mass when it is simultaneously vectored in respect of more than one kind of quanta that is other than the quanta correlates (photons and gravitons) for the electro-magnetic-gravitational field.

UNITY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC-GRVITATIONAL FIELD: Is every gravitational field necessarily bound up with an electromagnetic field? Imagine a common approximation or model for analogizing gravity as the geometrical effect of a disturbance caused by a large mass in a field, as in the case of a bowling ball on a large and taut trampoline. Then imagine small marbles rolled towards the bowling ball. The marbles will roll round and round, gradually drawing close to the indentation correlated with the bowling ball. The marbles will not orbit, because the trampoline injects friction as the marbles roll along it.

Now, imagine an electromagnetic field were added, so that the marbles rolled along in air above the trampoline, but towards the bowling ball. In empty space, where an electromagnetic field is added to the gravitational field, the marbles, once directed towards the disturbance in the field caused by the bowling ball, could be caused to approach it at such a vector as to be captured in an orbit. If the bowling ball itself were rolling towards an even bigger disturbance in the field, then the marbles could be interpreted as rotating in an elliptical orbit around the bowling ball.

CONTINUOUS FIELD VECTORS: Is every gravitational field necessarily bound up with an electromagnetic field? Taken together, do they constitute one CONTINUOUS electro-magnetic-gravitational field? Is one fluxing electro-magnetic-gravitational field the math-basis for the continuous particle-vectors of all photons, gravitons, inertial masses, and energy radiations? Is the continuous, WAVE-LIKE flux of such field the calculus-math-basis for the wave function of such particle-vectors?

DISCRETE FIELD RANDOM LEAPS: What about DISCRETE-jumping-quanta-particles at the digital, random, and leaping level of statistical-math-basis? A purely geometric idea of a continuous geometric field cannot represent or correlate well with the digital-math-values for a field comprised of leaping, interconverting quanta. For such a field of discretes, should MASS-VALUES best be conceptualized based on a model of correlative Higgs Bosons? Should CHARGE-VALUES for quanta-level forces of attracton and repulsion be based on an idea of polarization and discrete-spins?

FLUXES SECONDARY TO RENORMALIZATION: Are continuous fluxes of electro-magnetic-gravitational fields and discrete jumps of quantized-particles "not real or directly relational in themselves," but only MATH-RENORMALIZED, to avail the storeage and communication of Information across the continuity of space-time and between the variously discretized local perspectives?

DEEP STUBBORN IMPRINTS: If so, then curvature of space-time and quanta leaps are not existents-in-themselves, but Mind-Constructs that are at a deep and stubborn level imprinted into every local perspective. They offer a way for each recording avatar and perspective of consciousness to record, translate, and interpret its mathematical locus of experience into sensations that are renormalized to its relational locus.

RENORMALIZATION TO LOCAL FIELD CENTER OF MASS AND CHARGE: In whatever way math-values flux and interconnect to describe a system, they must be experienced to every local recording and observation as being renormalized in such a way as to conserve constants for the speed of light and the acceleration due to gravity, based on locally unified field center-of-mass-and-charge.

LOCAL APPEARANCE OF CAUSE-EFFECT: But for the appearance that bodies (cue balls) can push and pull one another by setting up some kind of causal relationship or "contact," there would abide no way for different perspectives of consciousness to apprehend communications in measurable terms with one another as such.

LOCAL CAUSATION AND PARTICIPATORY WILL VS META CAUSATION AND RECONCILING WILL: For each locus, the present combined state of its photons and gravitons is not the cause of each next apparent unfolding. The present state is merely the correlative for the local renormalizing of measurable communications that accompany each next unfolding. The choice of each next unfolding manifestation of measurable substance is under the Meta-Conservation of the Reconciler. The Reconciler expresses itself through the various levels and layers of Participatory Wills of each and every perspective that is renormalized to whatever the frame of reference being experienced locally.

NO BEGINNING OR END TO MATH SPACE OR MATH TIME: The cosmos always consists with one system of math frames being pushed and pulled after and into another. The substantive space-time aspect of it, respecting an originating big bang or a final dissipation, is illusion. The only real aspect is an immeasurable qualitative that fluxes with its expression of Self Identity in terms made quantitative in respect of locally renormalizable math-values. That is, IT quantitatively renormalizes to local recordinga and appearances of perspective.

STANDARD REQUIRED, BUT NO NON-META STANDARD AVAILABLE: There is no non-meta, measurable recorder or observer that sets a standard for all loci in the cosmic system, except as to calculable sequence (chronology preservation). The experience of space-time may be distorted, stretched, expanded, compressed, but whatever the Information regarding events that may be shared among perspectives, its empirically calculable sequentiality is preserved. (Chronology Protection Device.)

GOD: There is no non-meta, measurable recorder or observer that sets a standard for all loci in the cosmic system, except as to calculable sequence (chronology preservation). The experience of space-time may be distorted, stretched, expanded, compressed, but whatever the Information regarding events that may be shared among perspectives, its empirically calculable sequentiality is preserved. (Chronology Protection Device.)

Math-value is constantly, continuously, immediately, and synchronously renormalized for the range of freedom that is allowed for the expression of every particle-field. Every particle-field is defined in respect of whatever may then and there constitute the center of its local mass and charge of reference. Every locus in the electro-magnetic-gravitational web of space-time and apparent-contact-sequence is renormalized to the perception and experience of whatever its local recorder or observer.

How and why is the measurable cosmos set to so much fine tuning effort to avail every local perspective with potential for experiences that are renormalizeable to it? Mere math, by itself, could not do this. Intuitively, some immeasurable quality or Character seems needed to synchronize, reconcile, activate, vector, and guide all the appearances that are presented to us in quantitatively renormalized terms. Does this not reasonably lead to intuition of a purposeful Meta-Reconciler?

If no-thing of what appears is related to any common standard for measurable reality, if all that appears seems to bubble forth in respect of math-values out of otherwise nothingness, then is not some Immeasurable-Meta Essence-Source implicated? After all, even a zero bank account is still more than zero. Rather, it is a bank account, with measurable potential that depends on a qualitative character of its sponsor.

LIMITS OF GOD: I do not need to try to figure out the limits, if any, of God. I don't seek a complete explanation of everything and every possibility. I am instead interested in appreciating, in a consistent and coherent way, how and what God seems here and now to be communicating to us.



RELAY OF BITS OF INFORMATION: Photons and electrons relay Information about the contact surface of particles from which they reflect or originate.

INTERPRETATIONS OF COLLECTED ORGANIZATIONS OF BITS: Computing Beings interpret Information from collections of photons and electrons that are received as a result of reflection or origination from an Organized Body.

ORGANIZATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONS OF INFORMATION: Organized Information about Organized Bodies can thus be sensed, modeled, and interpreted. Abstract organizations (printed words and physical signs) can be modeled for preserving Information about sub-abstractions about sub-abstractions about sub-abstractions.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Appreciation of Consciousness is entailed in the renormalization of Information for a contemporaneous Observer-Appreciator with which Information is received and collapsed into a quantifiable state.

CONTINUITY OF IDENTITY: Continuity in the qualitative appreciation of Information does not destroy the Conscious Identity state of an Interpreting Observer.

SUBSTANCE: Potential for quantitative Measurement of Substance is entailed in the renormalitive absorption of Information with a non-consciously-observing Recorder-Storer. The Information that is absorbed may in some respects be kept in an ambiguous and unresolved state. Continued absorption of Information changes by erosion and accumulation the physical state of the Recorder.

INFORMATION: Information is that which is qualitatively appreciated by Consciousness and quantitatively measured by Substance.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chronologically Appreciated Unfolding From Superpositions of Ambiguous Potentialities

SUBSTANCE: Substance is that which is measurably spun, revolved, orbited and vectored.

INFORMATION: In-form-ation is what is accumulated in mathematically-digitize-able and manifested representations among part-icle-fields, as represented and signified in the co-relational appearance of each locally-viable and contextual interpretation of its organically co-relational spins, revolutions, orbits and vector rates.

PARTICLE-FIELD: Each part-icle-field (or interval of space, time, matter, energy, vector, mass, organized sub-system) is not itself Information, even though each part-icle is itself constantly, continuously and perpetually renormalized. In-form-ation is that which is communicated to each focus of each degree-kind of part-icle concerning its cumulative context.

PROVING A NEGATIVE: Can a lack of Information being "collapsed" (measured by a co-relator) be "recorded"? Can a negative be empirically demonstrated by its absence from a sub-system?

SUPERPOSITION: Except as measurements are taken (co-related, communicated, received, recorded, observed), every sub-system, before-being-measured-by-a-new-measurer, would be charged in an ambiguous state of superposed, possible potentialities.

IN-FORM-ATIONAL MANIFESTING: A co-relative of Information is exchanged only among such part-icle-fields of substantiality as then and there happen to be receptive to record or observe such co-relative of it.

THE NON-MANIFEST POTENTIALITY:  Possible co-relations of Information that are neither recorded to part-icular storeage nor accumulated to observation are co-preserved with the mathematical ambiguity of the possible potential.

PARTI-CLES THAT HAPPEN TO TRANSLATE CHRONOLOGICAL COMMUNICATIONS: Only such electromagnetic, radiative, gravitational, or attractive propagatons of Information occur as are "collapsed" to manifestation for symbolic-recordation or interpretive-observation. That which is chronologically phase-collapsed to manifestation for symbolic recordation or interpretive observation is that which happens to be translated, transmitted, and received co-relationally among level-layers, degree-kinds, range-fields of part-icles.

EPIPHENOMENA OF META-MATH: A part-icle, as such, does not within its field attract the attention of a perspective of consciousness unless and until and to the extent that a two-way current in meta-math is established and represented in a math-field made measurably manifest or appreciative to some level of consciousness between or concerning them. All that is recorded or observed to manifestation is renormalized and collapsed in measurable translations of appearance of particle-fields.

ALL CENTERS OF ALL DEGREES AND KINDS OF PARTICLE-FIELDS ARE RENORMALIZED / EXCEPT IN FAITH, NO CENTER IS REAL IN ITSELF: Every thing that records Information concerning every kind and degree of localized context is a renormalized and renormalizing part-icle (that is of an eternally present system of Meta-Math) that in itself (apart from co-relational appearance) has no real center, perimeter, beginning, or end. Without Faith, we are all prey for madness. Among America's faithless (faithless in God, Family and Country), madness is rampaging.

NO PART-ICLE IS MANIFESTED INTO RECORDED EXISTENCE EXCEPT AS IT IS ON SOME LEVEL APPRECIATED: Part-icles are fuzzed and do not clearly exist in themselves, except in respect of how they are somehow brought into focused appreciation in respect of the happenstance of a Recorder or Observer.

PART-ICULAR SIGN-IFICATIONS OF THE LIVING WORD: In that sense, every part-icle-field represents the Living Word -- the Meta-Mathematician, Renormalizing Reconciler, Self-Programming Programmer, Essence-Source, Changeless-Changer.


IDENTITY OF CONSCIOUS PERSPECTIVE:  Experiencing a conscious identity entails a cumulatively connecting organization of ideas and translations of interpretatons and apprehensions in a flux state of becoming.

ORIENTATION:  Some aspect or teleology of projection of Information onto a system-recording device is fuzzed in respect of a meta-orientation and potentiality of the Recorder-Projector.

IDEAS:  Ideas are defined, yet open. Quantifiably representable, yet qualitatively appreciable. Become, yet becoming. Ideas are not quantitatively, mathematically closed.  They are mathematically open to interfunctioning with an encompassing system of sub-systems, contexts in flux with contexts.  They are co-relative with unfolding, vectored, "Active Math."

REPRESENTATIONS OF QUANTITATIVES AND QUALITATIVES:  Ideas are not merely co-relative of translations of the quantitative. Ideas are not merely representations of quantitatively measurable past influences (that which has been).  Ideas are also representations of qualitative potentialities (that which may or may not become).

IDEAS OF IDEAS OF IDEAS:  Can we in any specificity imagine a color that our experience has not yet led us to experience?

Saturday, April 11, 2015



SPEED OF PERCEPTION SHARED AMONG RENORMALIZED IDENTITIES: A being that were perceived to travel faster than the speed of light (or the speed of gravity) would be a being that was perceived to upset the present informational record of chronological sequences. All beings that did not travel faster than the speed of light would be renormalized in their identities and experiences such that they would have no empirical way to prove or notice the alterations. What would be the relative frame of perception among beings that each traveled at the same or different speeds in excess of the speed of light? Do identities often travel faster than the speed of light in relation to one another, but simply renormalize their measurable and relational perceptions to make it appear that they do not? Can or does any unifying Identity exceed the speed of light and know that it does and know what alterations it has effected in the continuous renormalization and reconciliation of locally measurable events?

ILLUSIONS DERIVATIVE OF THE META: In the way that all measurable Substance (matter, energy, spin, revolution, orbit, charge, potential, polarity, frequency, wavelength, amplitude, intensity, distance, space, chronology, time, radiation, vector, direction, and appearance) is illusion, so also is speed a relational illusion. Why does the relative-constant of the speed of light appear to be a real constant, almost like a rule-in-itself? Well, in the way that all measurable appearance is renormalized to each experiential perspective (avatar of identity) of consciousness, so also, by definition, those perspectives that happen to share an experience of a chronology of events will perceive their relationships as being renormalized to preserve their shared chronologies. No perspective can share the chronology-framework unless it is constrained (renormalized and reconciled) so as not to measure any event as exceeding a speed that avails such chronology preservation.

USEFUL FICTIONS OF LIGHT AND TIME AS THINGS IN THEMSELVES: It is not that the speed of light is a constant-in-itself. It is that those perspectives that happen to relate to share a chronology-framework cannot be allowed to measure a speed that would exceed the capacity of the framework to preserve its recordation and perception of a shared chronology. For any single perspective to have power to measure a relative and continuous violation of the Limiting-Speed-Of-Renormalizing-Perception (light) would be for it, and it alone, to have power to upset and render chaotic the framework of shared chronology. All perspectives that would share a non-chaotic framework of experiential chronology must share a renormalization of their experiences in such a way that no one among them is allowed to upset the common chronology. It is not that the speed of light is "really" constant. It is that each perspective is constrained in the way it is renormalized to the shared framework to make the appearance of light appear to occur at a relationally-constant speed.

LIMITATION OF SPEED WITHIN THE CONTINUITY: It is not that no light-in-itself exceeds the relational speed. It is that no light-as-it-is-perceivable is able to be related to any particular foci or perspective except such light as avails renormalization of perceptions to the limiting speed that is requisite to the preservation of the shared chronology. Thus, in traversing through a continuity of space or space-time, no individual is allowed to perceive or experience a relational violation of the speed of light. Continuous travel in excess of the speed of light is not allowed. But, what about instantaneous travel, or "spooky action at a distance"?

INSTANTANEOUS CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION: Can Information be conveyed at a distance, instantaneously? Well, it appears events can be reliably connected and correlated, instantaneously and from a distance. But can Information be so conveyed by any individual less than the Godhead??? It seems presently unknown whether this is unknowable.

TIME IS USEFULLY CONCEPTUALIZED AS BEING BOTH GRANULAR AND STRETCHABLE: It appears that personages at remote segments of the cosmos would experience the sequential unfolding of events to be proceeding at different rates. "Time-in-itself" does not exist, except as a conceptualization or useful fiction. As a useful fiction, is time-in-itself best conceptualized as being granular, continuous, or "stretchable"? Unless time as we experience it is "stretchable," it would not appear that correllative points could long preserve polarized and correlated action at a distance. Unless time as we experience it is both granular and stretchable, it would seem that reliable transmission of Information from a remote distance is not permitted. Time exists as a useful fiction in respect that the math of the Godhead that renormalizes and preserves chronologies treats time as if it consisted in respect of meta-particles that are both mathematically granular and stretchable.

RATE RENORMALIZATION WITHIN CHRONOLOGY PRESERVATION: If points of time as we experience them are, in respect of a common and renormalizing system of meta-math, both granular and stretchable, then, even though continuous travel in excess of the speed of light is not possible, INSTANTANEOUS travel and transmission of Information may be possible -- without upsetting the chronology framework. Thus, even though different perspectives from different foci may experience events as unfolding at different relational rates, they will still perceive the events as unfolding in the same sequences. Thus, the shared renormalization rule of the chronology-framework dictates that events may be perceived from different perspectives to unfold at different rates and in different degrees of focused clarity or collapsed fuzziness, but not in different sequences.

VIRTUAL PARTICLES: If, at some level, Information is instantly conveyable back and forth across both space and time, and without direct contact between "particles," without such Information being useable by humanity to alter macro chronologies, then such forays back and forth between the present and the future may be modeled as proceeding under a conceptual fiction concerning "virtual particles."

GODHEAD: In respect that it is reasonable to conceptualize that all appearances of measurable Substance are, in themselves, merely illusions, derivative of a Meta Essence-Source, it seems reasonable, for purposes of Moral Intuition, to suppose that all that appears is derivative of something about the Godhead that avails it to sponsor and experience a potential infinity of Perspectives of its Identity by nothing more than applying various maths of renormalization to Itself. But for such renormalization to be reconciled by the common and caring Godhead, there would abide no way for each perspective to part-icipate being a-part from, or in communication with, any others. This is the essential basis for Moral Philosophy.

TRINITY: The Godhead is trinitarian in IT's aspects for availing Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI).

CHANGELESS-CHANGER: It is sometimes thought that the only thing that does not change is change itself. (No river flows twice through the same channel.) How can this be? It can be because the changeless aspect is immaterial and immeasurable, while the the changing aspect is relationally measurable and renormalizing. It abides because the Essence-Source somehow has capacity to experience and communicate with itself among various different perspectives, whose locus in measurable space-time is derivative of mere math applied to a meta aspect. CONUNDRUM: If time does not really exist as a thing-in-itself, then does the Source-Essence "really" learn, remember, change its "Mind" -- or does IT just know, appreciate and Empathize in respect of IT's Eternal Present?

THE ESSENTIAL MORAL COMMANDMENT: The essence of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule: Be Empathetic! That is, be respectful of what is needed to exemplify, establish and sustain human freedom and dignity and to lead it towards sublime surpassage.



How can a body that is not under the directional control of any force -- other than the propulsion of its initial creation (or se-part-ation) and the push or pull of gravitational distortions in space-time -- exhibit simultaneous conformance with the gravitational constants of multiple fields when it comes under the influence of competing gravitational frames of reference?

Well, different gravitational distortions probably harmonize in additive, sequential, and lagging center-of-gravity effects (gravitational drag), rather than compete. And, various curvature effects in respect of spins, revolutions and orbits may harmonize, so that effects of gravitational constants are preserved in that way. And, web stretching or compressing of granular points of space, time, and space-time may fuzz out what would otherwise constitute violations of renormalization of bodies to locally significant frames of gravitational reference. If so, renormalization is possible because of shedding or gap-filling of Information between perspectives, i.e., ranges of significant clarity and fuzziness.

In any event, mass and gravitational force (geometric curvature in space-time), in respect of the Meta Essence-Source, are as derivative and ultimately illusory as any other dimensional aspect of relatively-measured Substance. Thus, gravity is an aspect of the expression of the Essence-Source of distortions in space-time, as the Essence-Source (Godhead) applies math to itself, to renormalize foci for its various perspectives.


May micro relations among particles at and below the atomic level be usefully conceptualized as following geometrically-induced distortions in the field of space-time in such a way as to produce vectored and potentialized levels of elecrical charges or polarized relations? Even if so, such fields of disturbance and distortion in space-time would not, in themselves, be real. That is, geometry is not a "real-er" math than arithmetic. Ultimately, geometry is also derivative of the Essence-Source applying math to renormalize foci for its various perspectives.


Intuitively, the potential flux of the math that can be applied by the Essence-Source to itself appears to be infinite.  The experience of the Potential is made Manifest as Information is recorded or Conscious Observation is experienced.  It may be that the Essence-Source does not appreciate all potential unless and until and as IT "applies" math to Itself, to make events manifest.  "Applies" entails becoming.  Becoming abides between being and has been.  Whether, how or why the Essence-Source experiments, chooses, decides, guides, proposes  or purposes to Becoming is a sacred mystery, approachable only in Intuition, Empathy, and Faith.


All Information about every event that can be directly and contemporaneously experienced to interpretive sensation as the sensation occurs is not instantly conveyable to another perspective whose senses are set, defined and limited to operate from a locus that is made to it to appear to abide at a remote distance.  Some Information is necessarily lost or fuzzed in the interpretive recording, bundling, stretching or compressing of it.

For example, a twin who is situated at such a distance and in such a gravitational frame as to age faster than his counterpart will not be capacitated to receive Information after his death concerning the ongoing experiences of his younger twin.

Moreover, Information that is bundled and reduced to representative form will inevitably take on a gloss from its interpreter, and its interpreter will have to reduce the Information to such bits in which he or it took interest and care to record and convey.

For example, a writer who undertook to describe events of the last year would typically omit describing some events altogether and would tend to give shorthand interpretations of events that required more time in their actual unfolding.  A description of all events that occurred during the time that is represented by a writing (or compressed recordation) about them will necessarily constitute a selected, edited, shorthand and indirect interpretation of such events -- even if such writing itself were instantaneously conveyed to the granular, stretchable and contemporaneous time of a distant twin.

Thus, between the distances that appear to separate perspectives, the cosmos necessarily conveys fuzzed, incomplete, selected, and inexact recordations and descriptions of distant events as they occur locally.  Thus, using conveyances of bursts of compressed, or digitized bits or writings cannot fill or clarify all gaps or fuzzes in Information as it unfolds from and between distant loci.  Mortals simply cannot access all the Information that is created by or accessible to the Godhead.

UNCANNY AND CREATIVE DANCE OF MATH WITH THE UNFOLDING OF TECHNOLOGIES: If we conceptualize that time is both granular and stretchable, then, depending on our relational vectors within the web of space-time, we will more likely develop maths that will facilitate technologies for the spooky and instantaneous transmission of digitized bursts of information from a distance. Make it so!

The power of imagination and the insights of Jesus grab many people, like a spooky flash of insight from a distance. :)



I think people wonder where our need to survive in a group came from. To say morality comes from our need to survive in a group is to beg a question: What group should take priority? And, if a multicellular organism constitutes a group, then should a single organism that somehow acquires the most situational power be then and there thought to be the most authoritative fount of moral instruction? If might makes right, then what would be the point of pondering what is right? One would, like Progs, merely FEEL what is right. Non-Progs tend to think there is more to a decent life than just surviving. Many think a kind of meta empathy is perhaps the superior reality over a merely derivative and inferior illusory ride.


RENORMALIZATION OF ILLUSIONS: In the way that all measurable Substance (mass, gravity, matter, energy, spin, revolution, orbit, charge, potential, polarity, frequency, wavelength, amplitude, intensity, distance, space, chronology, time, radiation, vector, direction, and appearance) is illusion, so also is speed (as in speed of light and speed of gravity), ultimately, a relational illusion. Why does the relative-constant of the speed of light appear to be a real constant, almost like a rule-in-itself? Well, in the way that all measurable appearance is renormalized to each experiential perspective, so also, by definition, those perspectives that happen to share an experience of a chronology of events will perceive their relationships as being renormalized to preserve their shared chronologies. No perspective can share the chronology-framework unless it is constrained (renormalized and reconciled) so as not to measure any event as exceeding a speed that avails such chronology-preservation.

USEFUL FICTIONS OF LIGHT AND TIME AS THINGS IN THEMSELVES: It is not that the speed of light is a constant-in-itself. It is that those perspectives that happen to relate to share a chronology-framework cannot be allowed to measure a speed that would exceed the capacity of the framework to preserve its recordation and perception of a shared chronology. For any single perspective to have power to measure a relative and continuous violation of the Limiting-Speed-Of-Renormalizing-Perception (light) would be for it, and it alone, to have power to upset and render chaotic the framework of shared chronology. All perspectives that would share a non-chaotic framework of experiential chronology must share a renormalization of their experiences in such a way that no one among them is allowed to upset the common chronology. It is not that the speed of light is "really" constant. It is that each and every focus for recording Information and observation for experiencing Consciousness is constrained so as to be renormalized to the shared framework, to make the appearance of light and gravity appear to occur at relationally-constant speeds.
In traversing through a continuity of space or space-time, no individual is allowed to perceive or experience a relational violation of the speed of light. Continuous travel in excess of the speed of light is not allowed. But, what about instantaneous travel, or "spooky action at a distance"? Can Information be conveyed at a distance, instantaneously? Well, it appears events can be reliably connected and correlated, instantaneously and from a distance. But can Information be so conveyed by any individual who is less than the Godhead? It seems presently unknown whether this is unknowable.

TIME MAY BE USEFULLY CONCEPTUALIZED AS BEING BOTH GRANULAR AND STRETCHABLE: It appears that personages at remote segments of the cosmos would experience the sequential unfolding of events to be proceeding at different rates. "Time-in-itself" does not exist, except as a conceptualization or useful fiction. As a useful fiction, is time-in-itself best conceptualized as being granular, continuous, stretchable, or both granular and stretchable?
Unless time as we experience it is both granular and stretchable, it would seem that reliable and correlated transmission of Information from a remote distance could not be facilitated. Intuitively, it seems that time exists only as a useful fiction. That is, a math of the Godhead that would renormalize and preserve chronologies may treat time as if it consists of meta-particles that are, mathematically, both granular and stretchable.

If points of time as we contrive to measure and experience them are, in respect of a common and renormalizing system of meta-math, both granular and stretchable, then, even though continuous travel in excess of the speed of light is not possible, INSTANTANEOUS travel and transmission of Information may be possible -- without upsetting the chronology framework. Thus, even though different perspectives from different foci may experience events as unfolding at different relational rates, they will still perceive the events as unfolding in the same sequences.

GODHEAD: In respect that it seems reasonable, for the purpose of moral philosophy, to conceptualize that all appearances of measurable Substance are, in themselves, merely illusions, derivative of a Meta Essence-Source, it seems reasonable to suppose that all that appears is derivative of something about the Godhead that avails it to sponsor and experience a potential infinity of Perspectives of its Identity by nothing more than applying various maths of renormalization to Itself. But for such renormalization to be reconciled by the common Godhead, there would abide no way for each perspective to part-icipate being a-part from, or in communication with, any other. This would seem to be an essential basis for Moral Philosophy.

CHANGELESS-CHANGER: It is sometimes thought that the only thing that does not change is change itself. (No river flows twice through the same channel.) How can this be? It can be because the Changeless Aspect is immaterial and immeasurable, while the Changing Aspect is relationally measurable and renormalizing. It abides because the Essence-Source somehow has capacity to experience and communicate with itself among various different perspectives, whose locus in measurable space-time is derivative of mere math applied to a meta aspect.

THE ESSENTIAL MORAL COMMANDMENT: The essence of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule: Be Empathetic! That is, be respectful of what is needed to exemplify, establish and sustain human freedom and dignity and to lead it towards sublime surpassage.
RENORMALIZATION OF THE POTENTIAL OF INFINITY: Intuitively, the potential flux of the math (that can be applied by the Essence-Source to itself) appears to be infinite. The experience of the Potential is made Manifest as Information is recorded or Conscious Observation is experienced. It may be that the Essence-Source does not appreciate all potential unless and until and as IT "applies" math to Itself, to make events manifest. "Applies" entails becoming. Becoming abides between "being" and "has been." Whether, how or why the Essence-Source experiments, chooses, decides, guides, proposes or purposes to Becoming is a sacred mystery, perhaps approachable less in logic and empiricism than in Intuition, Empathy, and Faith.


ANALOGY FOR GOVERNANCE:  In similar fashion, a decent and representative republic ought to renormalize wealth and power among its citizens, so that no one person or generation acquires such disproportionate wealth, power, property or influence as to subjugate the participatory freedom of most others.

PHASE TRANSITION:  A thing that flips into a violation of the rules that define it will accompany a phase flip -- in itself, the system that defines it, or both.  A person who becomes too powerful to be a  citizen of a republic will become no longer a citizen and no longer a member of a republic.  He will become despot over a dictatorship.