Friday, November 27, 2015

God Maths

Completeness is one of the receding conundrums. No sooner do we complete passing through one door than at least one other opens. Yet, each system of thought tries to account for all possible contingencies. As you say, It seems beyond us to imagine how even God can be complete in respect of constantly pursuing fulfillment and learning to appreciate surprising unfoldings. I think the godhead is complete, but the conscious aspect of it must in some respects flux.


We do not live in mere Information. Rather, we live in a process of InformNorm. A perpetual unfolding and re-Forming of Substance in respect of experiential apprehensions of perspectives of Consciousness.

When people try to reduce ideas to either-or, true-false logics based only in bi-dimensional equalities and formulas, they tend either towards gross incompleteness or trivial statements of circularity.

Every non-trivial statement implicates and entails a background contextual medium. When a perspective of Consciousness is focused in acting on a Substance, that medium of facilitation may be termed Information. Few non-trivial statements can be made in the form of A = B. Under the equal sign there should be implicated a "f" sign, in respect of the background of facilitation. With a keyboard, that may be typed =>.

In any sense that is other than trivial, we do not tend to function in math equalities. Rather, we function in facilitated transpositions and conservational conversions. As the content of the background medium (Informational History or Cosmic Bubble) phase-changes, so also will the values on either side of the facilitated equations change.

The way the godhead functions will not be appreciated in bi-dimensional logic. A trinitarian appreciation for the terms involved in every math-based trasnposition is necessary. And that appreciation will tend more towards the spiritually and morally qualitative than the scientifically quantitative.

Instead of Substance 1 = Substance 2, use Substance 1 => Substance 2 under facilitation of Informational Field A to the renormalized apprehension of perspective of Conscousness X.

InFormNorm. We, as mortals, can appreciate what the godhead reconciles and unfolds to our experience. We can quantitate what can be quantified, and we can qualitate what can be qualified. But we cannot completely confine our experience of the cosmos to a set system of bi-dimensional math. In that respect, the cosmos that unfolds to our senses and interpretation is qualitatively presented to us, but is not presented to us in quantitative completeness. Math applies, but it is renormalized, reconciled, and made active by the godhead. Across a fractal spectrum of ever more varying iterations, God "maths."


Information regarding the relative time (chronology) and place of the fall of any tree is recorded, and can be uncovered by a sufficiently skilled and forensic analysis of artifacts that remain wihin the field of influence, after the fact.

The more interesting questions pertain not to whether a sound (or coordinate artifact of sound) is made or preserved, but to whether, how, why, to what effect, and to what purpose such Information is preserved that will NECESSARILY be subject to immediate and/or eventual discernment by, or effect upon, observer(s).

Is there any such a thing as Information that exists that is of no effect upon any form of Consciousness? I think not.

To my conception, there is no existential accumulation of Information that is entirely free of a contextual connection with unfolding manifestations of Substance made of apparent influence, however faintly or remotely, upon some form (or forms) of Consciousness.

There is no such thing as any entirely separate existentiality of Information, Substance, and Consciousness. Rather, each aspect of that trinity occurs in necessary dependence upon the other two. Regardless of whether the aspect of Consciousness is at the level of a meta spin, an organic molecule, an organic cell, a self aware organism, or a holistic aspect of the godhead -- there is neither Information nor unfolding Substance without a connection to Consciousness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Information regarding the relative time (chronology) and place of the fall of any tree is recorded, and can be uncovered by a sufficiently skilled and forensic analysis of artifacts that remain wihin the field of influence, after the fact.

The more interesting questions pertain not to whether a sound (or coordinate artifact of sound) is made or preserved, but to whether, how, why, to what effect, and to what purpose such Information is preserved that will NECESSARILY be subject to immediate and/or eventual discernment by, or effect upon, observer(s).

Is there any such a thing as Information that exists that is of no effect upon any form of Consciousness? I think not.

To my conception, there is no existential accumulation of Information that is entirely free of a contextual connection with unfolding manifestations of Substance made of apparent influence, however faintly or remotely, upon some form (or forms) of Consciousness.

There is no such thing as any entirely separate existentiality of Information, Substance, and Consciousness. Rather, each aspect of that trinity occurs in necessary dependence upon the other two. Regardless of whether the aspect of Consciousness is at the level of a meta spin, an organic molecule, an organic cell, a self aware organism, or a holistic aspect of the godhead -- there is neither Information nor unfolding Substance without a connection to Consciousness.