Much depends on context. Ethics may be imagined to deal with moral principles that a GROUP has formally agreed should govern the behavior of its members. So professions often adopt systems of ethics, such as "legal ethics." Or even an ethics of war, such as the Geneva Convention.
Morality may be imagined to deal with each individual in his own context: How moral was his behavior or desire, in context?
Morality tends to be harder to judge because people change and learn as events unfold. The idea that you should "judge not lest ye be judged" is often espoused, and often confounded. Should it mean judge not at all? But how can that work in any sustainable civilization? Does it mean leave judging souls to God? But what does that mean to people who do not believe in souls? Does it mean judge acts ("by their acts shall ye know them"), but not souls?
My own test of the morality of a person or action: Does he or it conduce to the sustenance of a society that accords decent respect for the freedom and dignity of its individual members?
However, that test may be inappropriate for a society that is indoctrinated against individual rights or that lacks capacity for sustaining a representative republic. Such a society may prefer to judge morality based on observance of detailed strictures handed down through a supposed mouthpiece (ugh!) for God. It could be considered "immoral" to condemn a person such as myself to live in such a society. Likewise, it may be immoral for anti-American collectivists to invade the U.S. for the purpose of flipping its voting demographic to fundamentally change it from a representative republic to one of elitist fascism or mouthpiece diktat.
We don't get measurably final and provable answers to questions that fall under philosophy of morality. But we do try to reconcile communications concerning moral values, and we do pursue the assimilation of such values into civilizing culture.
I do not see how science, by itself, can reasonably be expected to lead us to any "scientifically correct" (or global) system of moral, political, or spiritual vaules. Rather, value-leading tends to be accomplished, if at all, with a process of participatory feedback within a system that often seems to be alive to our (spiritual) concerns.
I much doubt that the idea that an elitist "science of morality" can lead us to assimilate better values and "explanations" concerning the issues that are most important to being human is less faith-based than the idea that participatory gatherings in empathetic respect of an intuited godhead can lead us to much the same.
I may agree that one can (such as by how one defines terms) reasonably imagine that personal philosophy is "distinctly different" from formal philosophy. (One may even imagine that metaphysics is not philosophy.) For example, one may imagine a "distinct division" between concerns about HOW to transpose measurables (technological tinkerings), versus meta-philosophical concerns about WHY certain issues (such as "the best" personal and political choices) should remain beyond empirical proof.
One may write extensively to imagine that science-based empiricism can lead us to a synthesized "science of morality" -- for elitists and globalists to better resolve all concerns about both the HOW and the WHY. But I much doubt that any such a synthesis can be finally and formally achieved (or even better achieved) in any kind of logic that is consistent, coherent, and complete. IOW, analytics can imagine that God can be kicked from the system, but I suspect such imaginings among mortals must forever remain perplexed and somewhat hubristic. I suspect every system of "distinct divisions" is doomed to back-door track backs, that will pop back up as relentlessly as in a pop up game of "Hungry Hungry Hippos."
Science may replace Philosophy with regard to objective technological applications. With regard to important subjective human questions about how a decent civilization ought to be organized, I do not see how Science can replace participatory Philosophy.
Even though I expect A.I. will lead to trans-humans, I doubt Science can ever finally explain the subjective Mind in entirely measurable terms. To my intuition, I suspect "personal subjectivity" (observer effect) is built into the cosmos in a way that defies scientific explanation. And I much doubt science (or analytic logic or philosophy) can ever prove the contrary.
I suspect the subject is not easily pigeon holed. However, we have to start somehwhere. And pigeon holes seem to be essential even to begin attempts at grand explanations. Because we are restricted to short space, I thought your short explanation was a pretty good one.
However, at the far out edges, I suspect immeasurable and subjective aspects about the cosmos are inextricably intertwined with the unfolding of its measurable and objective aspects. In shorthand, I think the cosmos is "spiritually living."
For most concerns within our galactic system, a dichotomy between the objective-how and the subjective-why seems to make practical sense.
I don't have a detailed philosophical system of morality. I don't believe God has sent mouthpieces to prescribe our moral behavior in fine detail. But I do have a faith-based, general test, as I mentioned elsewhere. And I don't think any mortal can evade making a leap of faith of some kind. So I think metaphysics remains of import for availing forums for congregants to assimilate moral values and purposes. Even though most of them seem now to have become corrupted (like nearly every other formal institution) by those who prescribe tax laws and by elitist greed bags.
Who picked Hillary? Who was crying for her to run? Americans weren't calling for her. So who slimed her off onto Americans?
Is it not obvious that hedging oligarchs went shopping for a corrupt bag whose resume they could inflate, who could be relied on to sell out to them? Is this not obvious?
What is more worrisome: That some people don't see this, or that most Dems see it but do not care? What sort of Dem would see it and not care? Well, that would be Dems who want not to have to work, but to be paid for voting, whining, blaming "Whitey," and making excuses for their deviant degenerant decrepitude. IOW, the kind of people Dems want to import a lot more of.
So now we have the alt anti-American movement. It is globalism stirred by crony miscreants. It makes ordinary Americans out ot be goats by calling them white privileged and alt right, while it pretends to be for socialistic redistribution of wealth -- but only as a way to dupe masses into serf traps.
Until recently, people understood the American Ideal to relate to a culture of Christian values revolving around individual liberty and responsibility, characterized by emphasis on decent faith, family loyalty, and national fidelity. This was a culture for conserving liberty, open to persons of all colors who are willing to stand up against invasions by depraved collectivistic leeches.
Now, most of our formal institutions of persuasion have been bought and coopted by miscreants bent on people farming. With their broadcast platform, they try to re-brand Conservers of Liberty as "alt right." That is, nationalists bent on restoring white culture to the exclusion of everyone else. They were not satisfied to try to re-brand adherents to the American Ideal as "Uncle Toms." Now they want to rebrand everyone who stands for the American Ideal as being alt right -- which they want to pre-judge and pre-profile as being racist, jingoistic, and intolerant.
In actuality, the alt anti-Americans (Progs, Commies, Reconquistas, Militant Gays, Feminazis and Femimen, Jihadis, Globalist Cronies) are the ones who are most racist, anti-ethnic (anti-caucasion), gender poisonous (against straight white males), jihadistic, murderous, and intolerant (of the First and Second Amendments). They claim to be after Whitey, but they are really intent on murdering the American Ideal. This is Global Maternalism Gone Wild. Munchausen Mothers of Murder, Inc. Warning: You will consent to being made safe (sexually and politically neutered), or you will be eliminated.
The alt anti-Americans are the people who rarely give from their own pockets, but are always willing to vote and conspire to make everyone else kiss their ring and pay "charity." They never tire of showing heart wrenching photos of suffering children and refugees. They don't do this to inspire giving to good and effective charities. But they often do it to inspire giving to their laundry foundations for enriching and empowering themselves. If they think the rest of the world of political basket cases can and should be salvaged, let them inspire giving of time and money among themselves. But STOP presuming to storm control over the central gov apparatus in order to force the world into the criminally "charitable" arms of absolute despotic fascists.
Blackie is incorrigibly conditioned to believe he can never compete without making Whitey a goat, to blame. Metro Whities are conditioned to want to be blamed. And ordinary Americans of all colors will continue to be called Whities and be blamed for this nonsense until they holler: Stop! Grow the hell up! Man up!
Until then, "Whitey's" role will continue to be to pay for the sins of the world -- because so many Multi Cultis, Muslims, and Blackies utterly refuse to pay their own way, and because so many MetroFems and FemiMen grease their way.
How far behind do Asians start, when they come to America, often without even knowing the language, yet very soon thrive? How long will ordinary Americans continue to coddle loser mentalities with this "white privilege" crap? If the goal of Progs is to raise a permanent class of entitlement-minded losers who can be relied on to do little more than vote for a living, they have perfected mining of the mother lode. Every thinking person should be ashamed of Progs and their infantile mentalities and bs warped profs.
In America, if you're not making as much money as you think you should, more likely than not it's because you're spending your time and energy blaming others while failing to man up to the situation. The way to get more of this crap is to reward it.
What kind of system would license low-IQ inbred-nimrods with little experience and much brainwashing to take on themselves the power and responsibility to strike the heads of people of obviously superior intelligence, experience, and capacity for moral reasoning? Answer: A subhuman system for monsters. Guardians of despotic fascism, red in tooth and claw.
Is it reasonable to consider Progs who serve as red guards and apologists for such a system of monsters as behaving as other than monsters themselves? Answer: No, it is not.
Is it reasonable to defer to their "superior political education"? No, it clearly is not.
Different societies cultivate different values and tendencies, which are bound to lead to variations in local gene pools. There is little reason to suppose the extent of that variation will find precise correlative expression in color of skin.
That said, the most hated, blamed ethnicity in the world today consists of mind-their-own-business Caucasion males. They are relentlessly blamed by racists worldwide for no other "sins" of their fathers than those that are presumed to have moved the world out of primitivism. Racists blame them because they envy their presumed accomplishments, but know not how to compete without looting -- which they "justify" via nonsensical bs -- for which they award doctorates.
I suspect there is a gene set for this worldwide rampant racism, and it is the exact same set as the one for gangsterism secondary to incompetent failure to launch as an individual -- regardless of racial color of skin.
The careful cultivation of this gene set is a big factor in why the rainbow coalition of crybullies, feminaziis, peter-pan-femimen, plantation-recidivists, perpetual welfare addicts, faithless oligarchs, elitist knowitalls, demented jihadis, and very-legally-neat-aclus has coalesced to blob-ulate the world.
To take the census of Progs and see their drowning of the American gene pool demographic is to see why electing Hillary will end the American Experiment as we have known it. Blob-ulation: We see it coming, but we let it roll over us. Progism -- it's much more nefarious than racism. Moreover, Progs tend to make the worst racists.
I think it's a mix of genetics, epigenetics, nature, nurture, culture, and chaotic pattern reinforcement. A lot of variables to try to manage, with no science-based panacea.
To my intuition, without means for, and openness to, the inspiring, inculcating, and assimilation of good faith and good will, we haven't much of a prayer. What we need, and lack, is socially (and spiritually) learned good faith and good will.
I agree that we currently have little to protect us against being ravaged by the advertising and disinformation skills of faithless elitist plunderers. We used to have Christian values. But hedgers have pretty much divided those, cut them to pieces, banished them from the public square, and in replacement given us "very legally neat" aclu judges -- who never met a crony fad they could not "justify" under the "living Constitution."
The United States was created as a federal republic in 1788. Slaves were emancipated in 1863, being 75 years later. To date, slaves have been emancipated for 153 years -- more than twice the number of years the nation allowed slaves. Brown v. Board of Education was decided 64 years ago, in 1954, to end "separate but equal."
Blacks are now represented in every profession and business. The gene pool for Blacks had been shaped by plantation needs for strong backs and weak minds. That malshaping will take awhile to be overcome. It can be overcome by allowing competitive abilities to be favored in the environmental marketplace. It will not be overcome by politically malshaping the environment to favor the reproduction of codependent and incompetent mentalities and subcultures.
Look at Prog policies of Rinos and Dinos on immigration. They are twisted to favor the importation of collectivist minded illegals, refugees, and cheap technocrats. They are also twisted to keep reliable ghetto voters in the ghetto projects. Progs do not want to advance their base gene pool. They want to keep it barefoot, pregnant, dependent, uninformed, incompetent, and reliably Democrat. And they want to export that policy to cultivate herd people to continue to take a fall, throughout the globe.
Progs are like Charlie, in On the Waterfront: Charlie keeps telling them -- "This ain't your night." So they keep taking dives for the short end money. Year after year after year. Look in the mirror, Charlie educated-elitist-boy: It was you.
There is no- thing that the rainbow- dupes of nation-destroying hedgers cannot rationalize to enserf the masses. The rainbow alliance of ACLU neats, militarily proud Gays, BLM fascist Blacks, anarchist OWS, knowitall fembrains, and multi- culti lovers of illegals and jihadis means to bury representative republicanism under elitist division and rule, once and for all.
Their message: You don't know enough to govern your locality, so our gay masters mean to do it for you. This will continue until enough competent people say, Hell no!
I think our common situation entails a mix of genetics, epigenetics, nature, nurture, culture, and chaotic pattern reinforcement and Reconciliation (Source Feedback). A lot of variables to try to manage, with no science-based panacea.
To my intuition, without means for, and openness to, the inspiring, inculcating, and assimilating of good faith and good will, we haven't much of a prayer. What we need, and lack, is socially (and spiritually) learned good faith and good will.
I agree that we currently have little to protect us against being ravaged by the advertising and disinformation skills of faithless elitist plunderers. We used to have Christian values. But hedgers have pretty much divided those, cut them to pieces, banished them from the public square, and in replacement given us "very legally neat" aclu judges -- who never met a crony fad they could not "justify" under the "living Constitution."
Think about how quickly gene pools for dogs can be managed to produce breeds that vary considerably in intelligence and numerous other aspects. And how a history of wars, famines, and catastrophes can rapidly change gene pools. Or sudden loss of vitality can invite immigration to dramatically swamp the gene pool.
If you ignore that, then I don't see how your "sciency" can be very meaningful for political purposes. Genes and cultures don't just evolve by themselves. Political choices help, to affect and direct the evolution of gene pools. And those choices can be greatly influenced by the philosophical stuff -- especially bad philosophical stuff as broadcast by control-minded elitists to entitlement-minded subjects.
IAE, it is amazing that so many people get hung up against evolution. The fact that patterns for reproducing forms continue to evolve is as obvious as noticing that change unfolds. And that evolution takes place within a system whose flux is governed by conservation of matter and energy, thus necessitating reconciliatory feedback. It is because material change entails constant rebalancing of equations that there is no free lunch.
The system is "alive" to reconciling sacrifice and guidance. Lower animals may be unaware of feedback effects on their gene pools. But oligarchs, cronies, and war chieftains often try to design for the kind of gene pool they want to bring forth. That is what the Uniparty of Prog Rino-Dino-Ainos is presently set upon: The deliberate redesign of gene pools, worldwide, to produce a world of people who want to be farmed, and of people who want to farm them.
The question is: To what and whose end is your "sciency" pertinent? Whatever the historical interest of your sciency, modern science for gene design and gene pool management will easily swamp it.
Pump cycles? Once survival pressure is reduced because of increased intelligence, genetic drag resurfaces in the kind of softheadedness we often see in metromen and jihadi turkeybait. What we reward (softheadedness), we often soon get more of - - genetically, culturally, cyclically,, systemically, and spiritually. Farmed people, people farmers, and liberated people. Fluxing, transposing, and reconciling systems.
A mix of genetics, epigenetics, nature, nurture, culture, and chaotic pattern reinforcement and Reconciliation (Source Feedback). A lot of variables to try to manage, with no science-based panacea.
To my intuition, without means for, and openness to, the inspiring, inculcating, and assimilating of good faith and good will, we haven't much of a prayer. What we need, and lack, is socially (and spiritually) learned good faith and good will.
I agree that we currently have little to protect us against being ravaged by the advertising and disinformation skills of faithless elitist plunderers. We used to have Christian values. But hedgers have pretty much divided those, cut them to pieces, banished them from the public square, and in replacement given us "very legally neat" aclu judges -- who never met a crony fad they could not "justify" under the "living Constitution."
Different societies cultivate different values and tendencies, which are bound to lead to variations in local gene pools. There is little reason to suppose the extent of that variation will find precise correlative expression in color of skin.
That said, the most hated, blamed ethnicity in the world today consists of mind-their-own-business Caucasion males. They are relentlessly blamed by racists worldwide for no other "sins" of their fathers than those that are presumed to have moved the world out of primitivism. Racists blame them because they envy their presumed accomplishments, but know not how to compete without looting -- which they "justify" via nonsensical bs -- for which they award doctorates.
I suspect there is a gene set for this worldwide rampant racism, and it is the exact same set as the one for gangsterism secondary to incompetent failure to launch as an individual -- regardless of racial color of skin.
The careful cultivation of this gene set is a big factor in why the rainbow coalition of crybullies, feminazis, peter-pan-femimen, plantation-recidivists, perpetual welfare addicts, faithless oligarchs, elitist knowitalls, demented jihadis, and very-legally-neat-aclus has coalesced to blob-ulate the world.
To take the census of Progs and see their drowning of the American gene pool demographic is to see why electing Hillary will end the American Experiment as we have known it. Blob-ulation: We see it coming, but we let it roll over us. Progism -- it's much more nefarious than racism. Moreover, Progs tend to make the worst racists.
The United States was created as a federal republic in 1788. Slaves were emancipated in 1863, being 75 years later. To date, slaves have been emancipated for 153 years -- more than twice the number of years the nation allowed slaves. Brown v. Board of Education was decided 64 years ago, in 1954, to end "separate but equal."
Blacks are now represented in every profession and business. The gene pool for American Blacks was shaped by plantation needs for strong backs and weak minds. That malshaping may take awhile to overcome. It can be overcome by allowing competitive abilities to be favored in the environmental marketplace. It will NOT be overcome by politically malshaping the environment to favor the reproduction of codependent and incompetent mentalities and subcultures.
Look at Prog policies of Rinos and Dinos on immigration. They are twisted to favor the importation of collectivist minded illegals, refugees, and cheap technocrats. They are also twisted to keep reliable ghetto voters in the ghetto projects. Progs do NOT WANT to advance their base gene pool! They want to keep it barefoot, pregnant, co-dependent, uninformed, cloistered, covered, incompetent, and reliably Democrat. And they want to export that policy to cultivate herd people to continue to take a fall, throughout the globe.
Progs are like Charlie, in On the Waterfront: Charlie keeps telling them -- "This ain't your night." So they keep taking dives for the short end money. Year after year after year. Look in the mirror, Charlie educated-elitist-boy: It was you.
Much as I disdain elite-agarchy, the arguments of multi-culti elitists will have to be met on elitist grounds.
The U.S. was a rarity, built mainly by competent and independent minded individuals who joined for that purpose. Most of the rest of the world has remained in the default condition of Lowers (peasants) ruled by Uppers (aristocrats and oligarchs). Now, those oligarchs, through traitors such as those of the Clinton Foundation, have reached for the jugular of the U.S., to pull us back into their primitivism.
As things stand, given the mass Stockholm Syndrome imposed on much of the rest of the world, we cannot fix them. Nor, outside Philosophy, can we argue that we should or should not fix them. IAE, we can hardly fix them if we let them, through our own traitors, "fix" us.
There is NO good reason in science or philosophy why we ought to let them pull us back into the default enserfment of humanity. Problem is, "we," having been massively invaded without the firing of a shot, are no longer as vital as once we were.
Progs pretend to be against eugenics, but that is only so they can practice it all at once by flipping demographics on entire local gene pools. And the eugenics they want is much the same as for the plantations of old: Divided masses, with strong backs and weak minds.
Decent Americans are only now, possibly too late, awakening to the perfidy of elitists who argue against the humanity of the masses by seeking to pull the U.S. back into feudalism.
Our problem may be conceptualized (minded) to relate to a trinitarian (spiritual) flux: What values exist (Substantive facts), how and in what aspect do we know they exist (Informational interpretation), and why should we care (Conscious emotion)? What forms can we bring into manifestation, and what should (purpose) we do with them?
The masses hardly care, because most have accepted that spiritual and material responsibility should be transferred to the elites. By and large, the masses have been induced to trade material bribes, false promises, and indoctrination for mental freedom: Free stuff that isn't free in trade for surrendering freedom that isn't absolute.
As upshot, neither the masses nor the elites much participate in good faith and good will in the guiding the unfoldment of our civilization. Instead, they simply default to the embrace of mind-overpowering addictions. They become people-farming pushers in want of addicts, and farmed addicts in want of pushers. Mind enslavers that want zombies, and zombies that want mind enslavers. Advertisers posing as educators, and educators feeding the destruction of the republic.
During the Renaissance, we ventured out of the cave, got a lot of stuff and dope, then promptly took it back with us into the cave. The consequence is the destruction of the republic: A two-class system of fascists, whose members have faith in nothing but emotions of pleasure and techniques of power, that is gaily putting the boot on its own faces, all the way down.
Bottom line: We have become swamped in faithless funk, as we remain distracted and transfixed by corrupt purveyors of mind surrender and "very neat" idiocy off the Orwellian charts.
Elitists who want to rule collectives under force of government hate when individuals prefer to rule themselves under love of spirituality. Like pre-Reformation priests, "scientific" elitists don't like for the lower masses to presume to think (and pray) for themselves. So they insult Christians for their spiritual faith, even as they pretend (falsely) not to indulge any faith (elitist based socialism) of their own.
So why do Elitist Socialists (ES) expressly denounce Christians, but not Muslims? Several reasons. For one, many ES are metrosexualized, androgynous cowards who fear the violent reputation of Muslims. For another, Muslims, like ES, tend to be socialists, but they remain apart and unassimilated -- so they seem to be a less significant threat to ES. But there is a main reason. The main reason is that ES want to ally with Muslims to tear down Christianity. Thereafter, they imagine Marxism or Scientific Socialism, if forceful enough, will have the resources to defeat Islam, if needed.
ES laugh at affronts by Islam against civilized Christians, by telling Christians that their religion is "no better." That is indicative of the moral bankruptcy of ES. ES, instead of lording that their God is greater, lord that their (so called) "scientific moraliy" is better. And they are as willing as Muslims to consign the rest of the world to hellfire to prove it.
ES are morally numbed by their mincing worship of elitist-led hedonism. That is why they are so proud ("gay") and willing to groom, profane, and abuse children. The fact that ES are willing to give Muslims license to impose horror on much of the world, even the West, is indicative of how hollow and uncaring ES, apart from their NWO cause, really are. If convenient to their cause, there is nothing of innocence or Christianity that ES, like most collectivized mobs, would hesitate to degrade or burn. In that, they compete for the apex of evil.