Saturday, October 29, 2016


General Observer Effect: The only formulazations that have passed from potentiality through manifest measurable signification (Substance) into the chronologically cumulative history (Information) are those that were passed by Consciousness, reconciled to the renormalized experience of every contextually local perspective.

CSI -- The unfoldimg, recycling Godhead.

What we're doing is trying to model a subject that I don't believe can ever be subject to proof among mortals.  I am not purporting a perfect model for Reality.  Only a model that seems to me to be most usefully coherent and consistent -- not empirically demonstrable or falsifiable.  Its purported usefulness is for purposes of moral assimilation, not empirically technical applications.

I agree that my present consciousness from the perspective that is associated with my present brain is NOT independent of my body.  I don't believe I ever said it was! 

To my conceptualization, Substance as locally measured or measurable is necessarily associated with Consciousness -- whether it be the Consciousness of the Godhead or the upshot (Observer effect) of renormalizing perspectives of Consciousness of mortal perspectives.

It is because every present perspective is necessarily associated with locally measurable and transitory Substance that it is necessarily less than that of the Holism, and therefore mortal.

I don't believe, from human perspective, that Consciousness, Substance, or Information are independent of one another.  I think they flux in co-relational dependence.  As if they were somehow limited, each in terms of the other, as three faces of a Unifying Trinity that defies comprehensive understanding from mortal perspective.

It is interesting that experiments suggest that a person's body tends to make decisions a short interval before his brain expresses self consciousness of them.   A person only rationalizes that his brain made the decison, after the fact of the decision having been made.  It is in the process of feedback that every temporal and cumulative allocation of "just deserts" and moral responsibility must be reconciled.  (Recall Jacob Marley forging his chains, link by link.)

To suggest that "life" is a necessary predicate for the expression of local perspectives of Consciousness is to beg an important question:  What is the demarcation of life?  Is it related to a local system's resistence to changes in its defining patterns?  Is a tornado "alive"?  It seems able to subdivide and combine.  Is bacteria conscious?

Does the Trinity (Consciousness, Substance, Information) take special interest in every locally present and measurable manifestation?  To whatever extent that it does, and to whatever extent it may undertake to reconcile feedback from each such manifestation, does it "breathe life" or local consciousness into each such manifestation of pattern?

For a local pattern in space-time to have become manifest and capacitated to be cumulated into the store of Information, must the Holism have invested its interested awareness into it?  If a pattern remained in potentiality past its "use by" date, then was it simply "unresolved dark substance"?

Do patterns express "crying" or regrets as they resist being consumed and translated into other patterns?  Are human brains simply complex patterns of Substance with which the Trinity takes special interest?  Is that interest preserved in the transference of present Substance into cumulated Information?

I agree that the possibilities are endless.


Re:  "It has become sentient."

(CAVEAT REGARDING WHAT FOLLOWS:  Those without an IQ that reaches room temperature may want to avert their eyes and minds.) 

I think your instinct for that word is more than fortuitous.

REGARDING SENTIENCE:  I would compare where Isaac Asimov touched on such notions in his Foundation series.  A character named Bliss was part of Gaia, a planet of a single consciousness.  With Gaia, every person, every tree, every grain of sand is part of the organism, sharing group memories. Bliss generally spoke as I/we/Gaia to make clear that she spoke for a superorganism where all things participate in group consciousness, while often retaining individual perspectives.

See, which indicates that David Chalmers has suggested that it is possible that consciousness is a fundamental building block of physics, and thus it exists in all things—from human beings down to photons.
Maybe consciousness puts the fire into the equations, Chalmers said. The equations stay as they are, but we see them as means for describing the flux of consciousness.

I would change "in" to "with."  That no physically measurable and inanimate thing can exist in any meaningful sense of manifestation or potentiality except in correlation with one or more perspectives of consciousness.


Consider Asimov:  "It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.... This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on a science fictional way of thinking."

"There are no happy endings in history, only crisis points that pass."

"You don't need to predict the future. Just choose a future -- a good future, a useful future -- and make the kind of prediction that will alter human emotions and reactions in such a way that the future you predicted will be brought about. Better to make a good future than predict a bad one."

"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

"The only function of a school is to make self-education easier; failing that, it does nothing."

So Asimov would seem to support the idea of a living Constitution.

However, he also said:  "If we only obey those rules that we think are just and reasonable, then no rule will stand, for there is no rule that some will not think is unjust and unreasonable."

So Asimov recognized a problem, but he did not resolve it (I think because the problem is not resolvable in objectivity, but only with the subjective participation of assimilating points of view within a civilizing society.

I have tried to express a similar idea when I have suggested a test for a society that wants to respect the essence of humanity:  What system of rules is best adapted and adaptable for respecting the freedom and dignity of the society's members?  Under what kind of self-correcting constitutional foundation and unfoldment would such a system best be established and sustained, and how would it surpass future and often unforeseen challenges that would kill it if it lacked capacity to change?  (The Constitituon is not a suicide pact in the face of unforeseen challenges.)

But that kind of test cannot be set down in objective concrete before the fact of the unforeseen mortal challenge.

Differently stated:  How do we select justices with wisdom enough to keep the Constitution as objectively reliable as reasonably possible, without killing either the Rule of Law or the Republic itself?

As to that, this much is "almost certain":  The Constitution and the Representative Republic will both be walking dead zombies once they are coopted by a ruling NWO of corporate fascists that control every formal institution, including Scotus.  The reason I don't say "absolutely certain" is because there will always remain the still, quiet voice of the unifying Reconciler.  Always available to inspire and strengthen all that are receptive.


Note:  Qualitative ideas of moral establishment, sustenance, and surpassage seem to correlate with quantitative physical ideas of a beginning point of reference, a finite and constraijned system of conservation, and an unbounded potentiality.

IAE, the "answers" do not seem to be entirely availed in rigid logic, even though reason quickly becomes lost when not tethered to logic.  I suspect even our basic laws of physics, over a long run of space-time, are continuously subject to flux that renormalizes in respect of feedback between a source Reconciler and its variously fluxing and local perspectives.

COMMENT:  I sometimes wonder why Asimov took such a dramatic stance as an "atheist."  It seems to me that his notions concerning consciousness were quite respectful of the very basis for religious spirituality.  He recognized an innateness to consciousness, a system of math based conservation, and infinite unfolding potentiality.  There's the trinity right there:  Pervasive Consciousness, Present Substance, Cumulating Information -- fluxing to reconcile and renormalize all that unfolds to every perspective.  He would likely have been at home with the Founders/Framers.  Maybe his gayness contributed to make him a dramatic rebel.


Regarding Multi-Culti and Trans-Representative-Republicanism:

 During previous epochs, Rockefeller consolidated the production of oil, Carnegie made steel, and Ford made autos.  Oligarchs reorganized Substance.  Now, Oligarchs tend more to reorganize and manage readily convertible Information.  The creation, massaging, directing, distributing, diverting, and dividing of Information.  Controlling valves and faucets on the stock, ownership, and flow of Information. 

So we have Drudge, Murdoch, Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Bloomberg, Buffett.  And cloud facilitators, like Elon Musk, Bitcoin, Paypal, Ebay, Google, Disney, Facebook, Yahoo.  What is their primary product?  A handful of Oligarchs controlling and funding the flow of Information and Financial Trust -- beyond all national bundaries.

Machines will become more Informationally intelligent and less dependent on physical boundaries or Substance.  Humans, to avoid being eclipsed, will have to incorporate machine capabilities.

As human cyborgs expand capabilities, they will acquire skills for appreciating how their encompassing system works and where its weaknesses abide.  The safety and survival of the system will depend on monitoring all humans/cyborgs and ensuring they do not come close to having access to the system's weak points.  The problem will become less one of population than one of limiting access for, and ensuring the safety of, approved Alpha Pluses.

The system will panic if any unapproved human (Trump?) comes close to accessing its weak points.  As ingenuity increases, the capability to discover or invent new weak points will exceed the monitoring by the system.  Catastrophe will be seemingly inevitable, given enough time and space.

Eventually, preserving the system may seem more like unfulfilling work than meaningful pleasure. More humans will forsake higher Faith and want to be reduced to a level of being farm animals, wanting to serve Despots (Earthly Subs for Gods) that want to farm them as livestock and pets.  Periodic and mass thinning will become routine, like fattening cows for slaughter or trimming beard hairs that grow too fast.

In limited cases, islands of human freedom and dignity may remain possible. For the majority of humankind, perhaps not so.  The more borders are opened, the quicker the hard won freedom and dignity for any mass of people will become a relic.  Residents will simply no longer be deemed worthy to run their own lives.


I have said it countless times: We need more effective mechanisms -- formal and spiritual -- for checking oligarchs to deter their dirtying of our representative republic. But it falls on deaf or impotent ears. Why? Because who can stand against the weight of corruption that has infested our every institution? I am unsure if Trump is the man. What I am sure of is that I have seen no other that comes close.
I hope Trump will start moving us in some right directions. Possible Examples:
CORPORATE FASCISM: Stop the corporate sell out of America. Get effective checks against influence buying that harms our national interests. Stop the pension and welfare bribery scam. Slow the multi culti invasion to manageable levels. Term limits. Move to revoke the 17th Amendment.
TAXES: Kill the Income Tax and replace it with a progressive Consumption Tax. Use the Personal consumption tax to strongly discourage the buying of political influence. Confiscate much of the wealth of Oligarchs that dare to pollute our political system. Use the revenues to contract out improvements on infrastructure. Tax imported goods but not imported money. Don't tax exported goods but do tax exported money. Otherwise, do not tax domestic businesses.
SOCIAL POLICY: Reduce central fed control over domestic policies (education, abortion, drugs) of States. Stop pretending every culture is equally desireable or assimilable. Stop pretending representative republicanism is appropriate for every culture. Stop trying to force nation building among liberty-illiterate cultures. Call a COS and, if necessary, expel notoriously liberty-illiterate bi-coastal States.
CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS: Appoint decent Americans. Turn the direction of education. Give people that believe in the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule their voice back. Encoujrage diversification that would lessen the influence of secular Jews over the ACLU, ADL, Hollywood, DC. Encourage diversification that would lessen the influence of Catholics over Scotus. Encourage diversification that would lessen the outlandish political influence of Gays buzzing up everything everywhere. Especially with regard to the grooming ("education") of children. Someday, push the wussy culture down in our military, and reinstate DADT. Stop the wussyboy hyphenation madness. Restore respect for faith, family, fidelity.


The price is not impossible, but it requires eternal vigilance. Human beings can try for that, but they falter. Fortunately, the Reconciler does not falter. Strength and guidance are always available from the Recociler -- to all that are receptive. That said, we are largely surrounded by orcs whose moral faith has moved from spirituality to scientism.

Wasps became fat, slow and distracted because of their success. People looked more for the fast buck. Not by inspiring workers but by organizing and bribing grifters, parasites and predators. Floaters topped cream. Gov regulation replaced spiritual good faith. Scientism replaced reason. Reasoned intuition and common sense fell to instant gratification and bad faith. Knowitalls forgot how little they know. Our technical capabilities outpaced our good judgment. The bill sometimes comes late, but it always comes. Cycles recur.

A main purpose of Scotus is to resolve conflicting ideas about what is allowed under the Constitution. If the Constitution means whatever our ruling elitists say it means, then we do not have the rule of law. Rather, we have the rule of rationalizing elitists, pretending they are following law.
Of necessity, promoters of worldwide, open-bordered, corporate fascism want the Constitution to mean whatever the ruling elite wants it to mean. The problem then becomes: What is the ruling elite?
Well, the ruling elite is nothing certain, It is a flux, somewhat heirarchical, of cooperating and competing corporatists that have no hard loyalty to any nation. This ruling elite is a recipe for a worldwide farm of cheap and desperate laboring serfs, who are deliberately kept diverse and divided so that they can never assimilate to any national interest that could effectively compete against the elitist NWO.
To argue that the Constitution means only what elitists say it means is to reduce oneself from person to cow. Or machine to cog.


By "defeating" Communism, did we defeat despotism?
We defeated communism by converting Russia, China, and ourselves into corporate fascists. We didn't like brute despotism unless it was greased with fascist fiat money. Is that what we've been about?
Did we advance "freedom" at home by empowering despots abroad and by enriching the faithless corporatists that now own our politicians?
When one takes a hard look at the results following WWII, did we win, or did we stack the deck for Russians and Chinese to move from brute despotism to despotism refined with corporate money? Did we stack the deck to eventually sell ourselves out to Chinese corporate fascists?
As I look at nearly every established institution and corporatist lining up for Hillary and her program to sell our republic out to corporate fascists, it's hard for me to believe that "freedom" won.
We now have a lot of people that just want to be ruled because, deep down, they think they're unworthy to run their own lives. They want the system to make them economically equal without their having to sweat about it. Ask those people if they much care whether the elites that rule them do so under a central apparatus that calls itself communistic or that calls itself progressive (aka corporate fascist).


Not sure why you feel the need to avoid thinking about the wider context of problems and solutions. To me, the link between amorality, spiritual deadness, alocholism, and social disarray is glaringly obvious. Trees and forest. We need to see both. But those focused on the knots of the trees will never understand.

I doubt there are any families without significant challenges. We all have crosses to bear, but a lot of them are very hard to carry. Like many, I have seen, up close and personal, the ravages of alcoholism and what it has done to numerous of the families and children among my relatives. Lives wasted and lost. But also some that triumphed!
Those that triumphed seemed to do so with help and guidance from friends and relatives. As for gov being the facilitator of such triumphs, that has not often seemed to be the primary case. What I have seen to make the biggest difference has been in good people and employers. Volunteers. People that give real chances to the forlorn and forsaken. They are out there. We need to encourage those people, more so than the baiters, takers, rioters, and looters.
I suspect this has something to do with the Reconciler. Unfortunately, respect for that seems to be on the wane, as it is replaced by not-so-effective gov. Too many priests and counselors seem to want to solve all problems by resort to manmade law -- instead of receptivity to higher mindedness. Lawyer Priests. Too often a toxic combination.


FATCA is just one more way for the Gov-Borg to stick itself into every person's brain. The income tax is itself a device for the gov to intrude into your very soul. Gov should not have this kind of reach.
The income tax should be converted to a consumption tax. If you choose to consume a taxable item, you knowingly allow the gov to access information regarding that transaction. Instead of having to affirmatively list deductibles, you simply would not have to report purchases (consumptions) of non-taxed items. The only consumptions taxed should be those purchased in country.
What an American purchases while living abroad ought not be taxed. However, if an American living in country travels abroad to make a purchase and to return with it, then the tax should be on all the money that was taken abroad. Tax money outflows. Not inflows. (Tax durable goods that inflow. Not durable goods that outflow. Don't tax business at all, except insofar as it is funnelled for personal consumptions.)
Result: More incentive to invest in business, more incentive for individuals to save, more incentive to produce in country, incentive not to prefer investments out of country, tax holiday for returning moneys, less paperwork. Every consumer would pay taxes on the taxable goods they purchased in country.


One of the oldest tricks of Prog fascists: Accuse others of what you are and do. I do not see most Trump supporters as negative, dark, divisive, or dangerous. I see them as faithful, hopeful, assimilating, and fair minded. They believe in just deserts, merit based on productivity, equal opportunity, and evaluation based on content of character instead of color of skin.
The base for Progs, on the other hand, has forever consisted of those that want to mooch from others because they cannot or will not produce for themselves. Those that complain instead of study or work. Those that agglomerate into fascist gang bangers because they are incompetent, devious, or perverse as individuals.
Among the last things a Prog fascist would want to do would be to help her gang bangers to actually become individually competent and productive. Rather, the lifeblood of a fascist is in keeping her base resentful, self-excusing, self esteeming, ravenously envious, aroused and ready to plunder, and bullying of competent individuals (i.e., "toxic" males).
Hillary is little more than a pimp for morally criminal parasites, predators, and plunderers. Given her way, she would devour the republic and leave it a wasteland.


A society of easily misled and managed wusses is conditioned to be politically correct. Members tend not to be serious pursuers of truth, but of acceptance. Acceptance necessitates that they reinforce those people they run with and knock down those they don't.
Substantive analysis necessitates good faith determination of what are the facts that are true, and what are the reasonable, possible, or likely implications -- regardless of social investments. But that is not what a society of trained wussies is interested in. It is interested in picking homies and insulting outsiders.
This concern with homie pc is what lies behind divisiveness among ethnicities, races, cultures, genders, ages, trades. Feeding homie pc is how corporate fascists divide and rule. The last thing a race baiter-divider wants is assimilation of values of common decency and individual responsibility. The second to last thing wanted is to actually resolve differences and needs so as to eliminate the need for fascist rule. Ghetto masters (both residential and cyber) do not really want to improve ghetto lives.
Shallow blog masters that want profits from traffic need to have a cohort of reliable defenders and a reputation that invites attacks from homies of other blogs. Most such blogs probably have a few Nurse Ratched mods, to drive off any tendency towards actual resolution or reasoned exposure of truth.
I suspect there are a few blogs that thrive based on a reputation for seeking truth or assimilating informed wisdom. But only a few. After all, the people such blogs would appeal to are necessarily quite limited. There are only so many readers and commenters that are wise by native intellect, genuine experience, or ravenous study of and devotion to pursuits of truth.


There don't seem to be many good conservative Blacks, but the ones there are put most Whites to shame. For POTUS or VPOTUS, I would as equally prefer Allen West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell pr Clarence Thomas over just about any White -- excepting Trump and Pence. I doubt Conservers of Liberty are the ones that make them non-viable. The ones that make them non-viable are more likely the Prog Rainbow Coalition of deviants, pervs, pimps, losers, choomers, looters, and moochers. All of Soot Blights dwarfs.

Clinton loyalists remain loyalists because they are hollow without pay-to-play social fascism. But for filling themselves with evil, they would be nothing. Phonies. Donna Brazile -- good Christian woman! Snarf. Shameless liar through and through is more like it. The lot of them.


We have too many laws. When knowitalls try to force everyone else to be pc, the result is a mash of stupid and unworkable laws. When laws can't work because there are too many of them, the real rule is by despots.
To have a nation of laws, you need a citizenry of self governors that needs but little from law. You need an assimilating culture. To promote multi culti faster than assimilation allows is necessarily to promote despotism. Which is what the fascists wanted all along.
We are not stronger together when bundled with multi culti. But we are more fascist, less free, and less humane.
Plagues behind the plague of too many laws: Too many wussymen. Too many ACLU types. Too much tolerance of intolerant and loutish cultural invasion. Too much loss of faith in any source for higher mindedness. Too many secular knowitalls that think gov laws should replace all higher mindedness and regulate every breath of air.
Too much faith in lawyers. Imagine fewer lawyers. It's easy if you try. :)

Now is the time to choose between remaining a republic versus drowning our history and culture in worldwide, war ridden, fascist despotism. Fall to wussydom, get hades on earth.


I am derogatory to ALL people who see it as their religious, spiritual, or moral purpose to use the force of gov to try to make everyone "be good" in their eyes.   I think the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 

My nephew was shot and killed by a shotgun blast to the back by a homosexual state employee who was supposed to be "looking out for him."  In 1974, in my first day of law school, the welcoming speaker was a priest-lawyer who waxed on about the law being nearly the second most sacred profession.  As I watch nanny-lawyers of EVERY group and persuasion destroying the American ideal of individual competence (even teaching competent individuals to shed their male "toxicity"), I am outraged. 

I assure you, you don't need to take special umbrage on behalf of Catholic lawyers.  (Even though most of Scotus has for far too long consisted of Catholic busybodies.)  I am wary of ALL busybodies that seek solutions in gov force.

Maybe you just wanted a forum for people to come and commiserate about their hard luck in life?  I suppose that's a service of some kind.  Just not my cup of tea.  I'm interested in paths to a better life.   Maybe you're on a different path?  What IS the purpose of the article?


Nope.  Not complaining.  Commending!!!  Precisely because she had the faith to get the help she needed from good people of good faith. 

Your "point" about Protestants is silly.  I argue my philosophy WHEREVER I go.  You're the one leading this down a rabbit hole.  My point was this:  Have faith.  Find help among other people that have faith.  That NECESSARILY implicates this:  Don't seek by gov to convert personal problems into central national solutions.

I cared NOTHING about the Catholic quality of the forum.  I was attracted to the issue:  The problems of children of alcoholic parents.  Why?  Because alcoholism has been a serious problem among my relatives and friends all my life.

Here's what I suspect:  You WANT centrally enacted solutions to most individual problems.  You just don't want to admit it, so you go down this rabbit hole.  Be honest with yourself.  That would be a start.

You're trying to draw lines that make little sense. Is Hillary an addict to alcohol and/or to evil? How should a church counsel someone like Hillary, whose evil/alcoholism is destroying America?
Interesting article found at Drudge today, via InfoWars, concerning Podesta and Spiritual Cooking:
Laura Silsby, the missionary who was jailed for six months after her
organization, New Life Children’s Refuge, attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti into the DominicanRepublic after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary’s top aide Huma Abedin forwarded numerous articles about New Life Children’s Refuge to Clinton.
I am on this side: The side for supporting volunteers and volunteer charities to help victims of addiction in need. In that respect, I have volunteered aplenty. Even so, people need to get involved to oust phony Refuges that are actually conduits for abusing people and entire societies.


I WANT more involvement by higher-minded volunteers. More encouragement in receptivity to a loving Reconciler. I see Churches that want to pass responsibility onto Gov to "force the people to be charitable" as a gigantic problem!
I admit there is a fluxing area of ambiguity. This is because laws necessarily affect the background context for moral action. But I think that area of flux should tend to be addressed at the lowest level of reasoned governance. I detest the "femi" trend towards central consolidation of control over every issue of individual moral concern. That does not lead to goodness. It leads to fascist people-farming that puts on masks of goodness.
Right now, Saudi Arabia is funding Clinton to fund ISIS to fund a Middle East that is deliberately kept in flames. And, by importing jihadis, that is precisely what the unholy establishment of gov-do-gooders is trying to bring to America.
Interesting article found at Drudge today, via InfoWars, concerning Podesta and Spiritual Cooking:
Laura Silsby, the missionary who was jailed for six months after her organization, New Life Children’s Refuge, attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti into the DominicanRepublic after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary’s top aide Huma Abedin forwarded numerous articles about New Life Children’s Refuge to Clinton.
Is Hillary an addict to alcohol or to evil? How should a church counsel someone like Hillary, whose evil/alcoholism is destroying America?


Nope. Not complaining. Commending!!! Precisely because she had the faith to get the help she needed from good people of good faith.
Your "point" about Protestants is silly. I argue my philosophy WHEREVER I go. You're the one leading this down a rabbit hole. My point was this: Have faith. Find help among other people that have faith. That NECESSARILY implicates this: Don't seek by gov to convert personal problems into central national solutions.
I cared NOTHING about the Catholic quality of the forum. I was attracted to the issue: The problems of children of alcoholic parents. Why? Because alcoholism has been a serious problem among my relatives and friends all my life.
Here's what I suspect: You WANT centally enacted solutions to most individual problems. You just don't want to admit it, so you go down this rabbit hole. Be honest with yourself. That would be a start.


I am derogatory to ALL people who see it as their religious, spiritual, or moral purpose to use the force of gov to try to make everyone "be good" in their eyes. I think the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
My nephew was shot and killed by a shotgun blast to the back by a homosexual state employee who was supposed to be "looking out for him." In 1974, in my first day of law school, the welcoming speaker was a priest-lawyer who waxed on about the law being nearly the second most sacred profession. As I watch nanny-lawyers of EVERY group and persuasion destroying the American ideal of individual competence (even teaching competent individuals to shed their male "toxicity"), I am outraged.
I assure you, you don't need to take special umbrage on behalf of Catholic lawyers. (Even though most of Scotus has for far too long consisted of Catholic busybodies.) I am wary of ALL busybodies that seek solutions in gov force.
Maybe you just wanted a forum for people to come and commiserate about their hard luck in life? I suppose that's a service of some kind. Just not my cup of tea. I'm interested in paths to a better life. Maybe you're on a different path? What IS the purpose of the article?


Not sure why you feel the need to avoid thinking about the wider context of problems and solutions. To me, the link between amorality, spiritual deadness, alocholism, and social disarray is glaringly obvious. Trees and forest. We need to see both. But those focused on the knots of the trees will never understand.

I doubt there are any families without significant challenges. We all have crosses to bear, but a lot of them are very hard to carry. Like many, I have seen, up close and personal, the ravages of alcoholism and what it has done to numerous of the families and children among my relatives. Lives wasted and lost. But also some that triumphed!
Those that triumphed seemed to do so with help and guidance from friends and relatives. As for gov being the facilitator of such triumphs, that has not often seemed to be the primary case. What I have seen to make the biggest difference has been in good people and employers. Volunteers. People that give real chances to the forlorn and forsaken. They are out there. We need to encourage those people, more so than the baiters, takers, rioters, and looters.
I suspect this has something to do with the Reconciler. Unfortunately, respect for that seems to be on the wane, as it is replaced by not-so-effective gov. Too many priests and counselors seem to want to solve all problems by resort to manmade law -- instead of receptivity to higher mindedness. Lawyer Priests. Too often a toxic combination.


Marxism, Islamism, Fascism, Romanism, Gov-Corporatism, Plunderism. Gangster farming of people has been going on under one name or another ever since people learned how to farm crops. Giving it a name does not hide its underlying ugliness.
For a brief time, the higher-mindedness of the American Ideal assimilated towards a culture that availed individuals the opportunity to compete by offering their talents as individuals. The success of that ideal allowed its inheritors to become soft, femi, and self deluded.
Now we are ripe for a return to the good old days of the world being ravished by alliances among ignoranti and corrupti. Hillary is our tipping point back to the default condition: Ignorance and Evil. Aka, Progs' Garden of Eden, where the people and the crops are "equal."

Wussydom will not rest until the last toxic male is neutered so the world can settle into one orgiastic snakeball. Toxic males are just too threatening to the snakefarm.

The age old war continues between gangs competing to farm the people, each side pretending to want to do good things for them. Each side is either foolishly self deceiving (ignoranti) or cynically corrupt (corrupti). The last vestiges of humanity ("toxic maleness") are being attacked through every institution, except those that see this unfoidment as leading quickly to something like the idea of an Antichrist.
Trained, "educated" ignorance, perverse femi do-gooderism, and outright evil are united among the establishmentarians and their sheeple. Just look at Geroge Will, who wants Trump to lose by a landslide. Evidently, to make the point to the sheeple that resistence is futile.
What we have is a corruption of faith. Even supposed guardians of faith (churches of most denominations) have become advocates for using gov to "force the people to be charitable."
What reasonably sentient, decent, competent, free-thinking, human being would have believed that the entire world would fall from the heady days of the American Ideal to its current state of affairs? If Hillary is elected, it cannot reasonably be said that the ignoranti and corrupti did not deserve her. After all, she's from the gov, and she's here to help. S/

One of the oldest tricks of Prog fascists: Accuse others of what you are and do. I do not see most Trump supporters as negative, dark, divisive, or dangerous. I see them as faithful, hopeful, assimilating, and fair minded. They believe in just deserts, merit based on productivity, equal opportunity, and evaluation based on content of character instead of color of skin.
The base for Progs, on the other hand, has forever consisted of those that want to mooch from others because they cannot or will not produce for themselves. Those that complain instead of study or work. Those that agglomerate into fascist gang bangers because they are incompetent, devious, or perverse as individuals.
Among the last things a Prog fascist would want to do would be to help her gang bangers to actually become individually competent and productive. Rather, the lifeblood of a fascist is in keeping her base resentful, self-excusing, self esteeming, ravenously envious, aroused and ready to plunder, and bullying of competent individuals (i.e., "toxic" males).
Hillary is little more than a pimp for morally criminal parasites, predators, and plunderers. Given her way, she would devour the republic and leave it a wasteland.


Perhaps because of extensive traveling, I identify more with people that are English speaking left handed rebels, regardless of race or origin.

Is there evidence that no race is superior to any other for any skill or trait?  Or is it just pc to trick your mind into believing that? 

Why is it more morally proper or pc to decline to consider race as one among a multitude of attributes to profile and factor?  If one makes informed judgments concerning a multitude of factors as they relate to each individual, would that be immoral or politically incorrect profiling? 

Is it racist for whites to establish safe spaces for non-whites without providing safe spaces for whites and without providing separate safe spaces for degrees of non-whiteness?

When Elon Musk passes these decisons for managing society on to forms of AI, can those AI be indoctrinated with "non-racist" programming?

Is the fact that we tend to take these kinds of questions seriously, even  devoting years to study them in collegiate courses, indicative that we are being more farmed than educated?

Is this a legal question? Is it not a discriminatory question that may bully members of some ethnicities by making them feel bad or less popular?

I like most people. On that account, I don't care much about their gender, color, orientation, or origin. It's their culture, competence, and willingness to grow up and take responsibility for themselves that concern me.
It's the perpetual wussies that I detest -- of all genders, colors, orientations, and origins. Darwin used to thin out the wussies. Now, they're celebrities. Indeed, they run most of our institutions. Wth happened to America?


Whoever had the photos were also probably discouraged or cynical because our society has become so corrupt.  After all, it made Bill into a likeable rogue and enticed many high schoolers to engage in Lewinsky-like "non-sex." 

Many people, like Nambla loving Jon Stewart, will take this exposure as no big thing and try to turn it into a joke.  For years, some Lefties have been talking about Kids' Rights to be encouraged (by the gov) to experiment with sex and transgenderism (and whatever).  People that believe a child is ready to be transgendered or to have males in her public dressing room will be easily led to believe she is ready for sex with adults.  Indeed, billions of Muslims will wonder why the fuss.

What you think is outrageous today will be made into no big thing tomorrow by our perpetually irresponsible metrowussies.  To believe they respect ANY moral principles or limits whatsoever is shown time and again to be naive.

The Clintons, Establishment, Progs, Scotus, and DC have been attacking family, faith, and fidelity for many years.  Of course they believe sex with minors is no big thing!  Just look at the insane things they already believe.  Including a belief that we must import jihadis so they don't get mad and wage jihad against us.  These subhumans are morally insane!


My heartfelt condolences. 

Is this trend increasing or diminishing?  Steven Pinker claims society is becoming less violent.  As I look at the political divisiveness brought on by knowitall social wussies wanting to weaponize law enforcement agencies for selected social affronts, I am very skeptical.  I think race baiters and wussy law makers have distilled our society and superheated it to a point of potential explosion.

I suspect what Pinker calls "better angels" is simply the consequence of brutal destruction of individual freedom and dignity by contending gangs of wussy corporate fascists that have now wrested control away from ordinary Americans and over every institution.  There may be fewer episodes of raw physical violence in absolute numbers, but I suspect the number of affronts to human dignity that are put to simmering under the surface is increasing geometrically.

The Obama-Clinton-Soros Wussydom is about to come head to head against ordinary Americans that have had ENOUGH.  This boil made by wussydom will be pierced now, or it will become much worse later.  Our Founders, especially Patrick Henry, would have pierced this boil long ago.

I think both main parties have been coopted by established, competing gangs of fascists.  But they are aligned to force every wannabe independent American to submit to their farm.  The way power and wealth have become consolidated, it will be very hard to find a champion after Trump that can resist their onslaughts against human decency, freedom, and dignity.  The consequence is the unraveling of faith, family, and fidelity.  Subhumanoidism.

How can our political institutions be re-Americanized?  Well, we need to reawaken and restore faith, family, fidelity.  As we recognize that, we can tackle some of the formalities.  Like decentalizing DC, term limits, ending the tyranny of the IRS, revoking the 17th Amendment, callling a COS of States to put forth the Liberty Amendments.

Somehow, we need to use outrage against the fascist wussydom to rekindle and Make America Great Again.  And, no, America is no longer presently great.  Unless wussies and fascists are now defined as the "new greatness."


Like every other mortal, DJT has failed to live entirely up to the American Ideal.  But Obama, Hillary, and their die-hard base have entirely broken faith with it.  They are willing to sell it out for nothing more than a bowl of phony pottage.  They are a blot on the soul of humanity.


Actually, I agree with you.  And I think DJT does, too.  We need a safety net that is not a hammock, but that does avail a decent chance for those that truly want it.  Same with health care.

Problem is, our corporate-fascist institutions are all preaching entitlementism, reparations, and white blame.  They WANT institutionalized ghettos.  That's their base, and they don't want to lose it.  Race baiting Dems are NOT good, caring people.

We have to turn that around.  We have to change directions in a lot of ways, pretty much all at once.  IF we can do that, we can look at something like a Progressive Tax  on Individual Consumption to fund and allocate revenue sharing for contracting out infrastructure projects to repair our crumbling nation.

I don't think these ideas are hard.  All that has been lacking is Will.  I think DJT may have the Will to help push and pull us towards some better directions.  He wants a new political base.  One that wants to make America (and Americans) great again.

Just to stop feeding the wussies would be a nice start. It would be fun to watch musloids and progloids trying to feed themselves, without the help of corporate fascists funneling our skills and resources to them. If marrying the gov is so great, let them marry their own govs, without blessings from Americans.

Establishment media includes more than MSM. It also includes Hollywood, gossip mags, gossip TV (The View), Comedy Clubs, fashion leaders, academia, social "science" research, school books, regulations and orders and rulings for setting limits on acceptable pc, weaponized agencies for punishing pc deviants, NSA and Patriot Act monitorings of online activities, etc. Indeed, a glass ceiling is imposed in nearly every institution so that no one can be promoted to higher levels of power without selling out to the Beast.
The people that are easily bribed, pleasured, diverted, and herded will continue to be easy marks for the NWO of corporate fascists. Especially as they for practical purposes erase borders, corrode families, ban decent faith, preach fidelity to the planet, UN, and NWO, and preach suspicion and hatred against the American Ideal of individual initiative, merit, responsibility, dignity, and liberty.
Their goal: Monopoly money from the NWO to "pay" AI machines to feed, shelter, heal, pleasure, and raise us. So we can be "freed from the cruel responsibility of freedom" and claim the "dignity of perpetual infantilization." And the Prog Ignoranti actually believe AI can be programmed to subject themselves to perpetually pleasuring subhumanoids in that way. This is the "apple" the neo-wussies want to eat and the wussy-farmers want to feed them.
Unfortunately, the Beast is forming apace and cannot be ignored simply by filtering through the Internet.
Charles Martel answered the call to defeat a beast in his time. DJT is answering a call now. But we have far to go against long odds.

 If Hillary is defeated, there is hope. Otherwise, I doubt law can help. It is only the lawless and stupid that support Hillary. I don't believe enough decent people remain in positions of power in our formal institutions to bring her to bay. This is unlike Watergate, where not all institutions had yet been corrupted. Now, most establishmentarians have Hillary's back. I greatly hope I am wrong about just how corrupt our society has been made by imports. Regardless, we'll always have Yorktown.

Cavuto, per Drudge, has called out Obama for his response to a question about whether illegals who consider themselves to be "citizens" would be deported for voting. In effect, Obama said they would not! Kind of puts shytte all over the bums that have been telling us that vote rigging is not a problem. Now it's official policy of the lawless regime! We are in a tight spot. It's way past time to stop tolerating Lefties' pretenses to moral superiority. If a person does not believe in the sanctity of the vote and the American Ideal, then wth is he (availed to be) voting in America? Enough of the lying wussy dammmmable commies and fascists!

 If Hillary wins, Obama pardons her. Then, Congress cannot impeach except for offenses commited after election. As if a Congress funded and elected by corporate fascists would ever impeach its Queen for transacting pay-to-play. Even if NYPD were able to present and try charges, the Executive Branch, claiming Executive Privilege (to do the people's business -- lol) would never let its Queen be jailed. Meanwhile, the Regime will continue to import more subhumanoids, to make it "stronger together."
We have been farmed for a long time. We did not wake up in time to beat this back by purely institutional means. The gangrene is too deep. More will be required. This shocks Americans of good faith, who did not apprehend how evil Evil actually is. It probably does not shock the rest of the world, although it does muck up much of their hope.

 In the face of such exposure, an electorate that would nevertheless elect Hillary is an electorate that is not worth saviing. It must be reduced, disenfranchised, or divorced. The choice is between tolerating a depraved and anti-American electorate or saving the American Ideal. Nurturing depravity does not make us "stronger together." Faith, family, and fidelity: To lose those is to lose the republic. Or to walk about in stupor, not realizing the republic has been gutted.


Ruling classes use corporate fascism to promote and protect themselves.  They do not need prisons.  They have private sovereign islands.  With their subhumanizing rot, they can make the entire society, even world, a prison.  They rely on insinuating gov controls, regulations, monitors, parole officers, ankle bracelets, AI.  When all else fails, don't arrest.  Eliminate.

Corporations don't need or take prisoners.  They take abject yes-people.  In competing, the varying syndicates of corporate interests need soldiers "beyond the law."  In work, corporate fascists already have the controls they need because they can always move plants and/or import replacement cheap labor.

The masses have been trained, imported, diversified, mixed, and diverted.  They are ready to vote as a mass for super-envelopment by the New Plantation People Farm.  They don't need no stinking prisons.  They are voting to make the world a prison.

There is to be only one targeted host/slave: White male Christians (excepting corporate fascists -- but then, they don't need the exception because they are not Christians). Everyone who is not down for the New Pagan Plantation is to pay "reparations" to everyone else. Everyone else gets free stuff, safe spaces, and get out of jail free cards. They are to be the new "turnkeys." That is, until they have bled the hosts dry.


Hillary is a morally hollow, shrieking cheater.
She fronts for the gay butch wussy malignant jihadi oligarchy that competes to rule the NWO. That oligarchy is content with the established current of market forces that is draining America so that the oligarchy can scrape off its plunder all the deeper.
The last thing the morally cirminal monstrous oligarchy wants is to have that current of market forces rerouted to make America great again. It does NOT WANT Trump to tamper with the market forces that are draining America.
It does not want any adjustment that would turn incentives to re-irrigate America with net monetary inflows. It is content to make a very few extremely wealthy, as it siphons off the wealth of the middle class, leaves a few droppings to bribe lofo thugs, and puts the masses in specially segregated ghettos. And the lofos swoon and rush to line up for the new people farm plantation!
After all, would Hillary (she who is nearly unanimously backed by the Establishment) lie about caring for the little people? S/
When you look into the eyes of a billionaire Hillary supporter, you're looking into the eyes of a malignant people farmer. The truth is not in such people. Nor in the profs, shills, bots, hos, and thugs they hire.

A fascist org comprised of corporate elites that cares so little about human freedom and dignity as to pollute the electorate and rig the vote is a fascist org that will not hesitate to engage in whatever depravity it deems necessary to rid the world of undesireables that clutter its view. Hillary loves us like she loved Vince Foster.

If you want oppprtunity and personal responsibility, tax consumption, not enterprise. As far as who will serve Americans versus Fascist Establishmentarians, your head is screwed on upside down. I can't fix that for you. If you think Established Corporatists are funding Hillary so she can take a bigger share of their wealth and power then all I can ask is: What is wrong with your head?
The cost.will not settle proportionately on the Fascists. It will settle on middle classes.and workers. They will fund the gullible college punks and rabble rousing agitators.
What is insane is to believe gov would attract better candidates if only we put criminal limits on personal campaign contributions. What might work? Enforce disallowance of foreign contributions. Treat campaign contributions as taxable consumptions and replace.the progressive iincome Tax with a progressive cumulating Consumption Tax. Tax or Rico the heck out of corporate campaign contributions and political lobbying. Revoke the 17th Amendment. Pass most of the Liberty Amendments.

Hillary is bought and paid for by the Establishment. That is not the top 1%. That is a lie. It is the top 1/10 of 1%. It owns as much wealth as 90% of the nation's people. That Establishment is counting on her to do what she has done all her life: Serve their people farming interests.
Ours is NOT a free enterprise system. That has been replaced. Ours is a corporate fascist system. It has perfected control over mass outlets of propaganda that Hitler could only dream of. He had to use much more force. For Hillary, the wannabe serfs for the New Plantation are lining up in droves to volunteer. The more she keeps them divided into farm bins, the more they cling to her phony promises to care. This is the work of the devil.
Now that our fascist masters no longer need America, they throw her to the supervision of their beaatcch dog.

Wussyworld ("marrying the central gov") does not work long term. It leads to enslavement under corporate fascists or outright despots. It leads to BotDrones pretending not to be subhumanoids. Only in Unicornland do SJWs givashyte about the little people they want to govern (farm).

There is to be only one targeted host/slave: White male Christians (excepting corporate fascists -- but then, they don't need the exception because they are not Christians). Everyone who is not down for the New Pagan Plantation is to pay "reparations" to everyone else. Everyone else gets free stuff, safe spaces, and get out of jail free cards. They are to be the new "turnkeys." That is, until they have bled the hosts dry.


No.  Dems are not on the ropes.  They are cattle people, and there are a LOT of them.  They have been educated, nurtured, fattened, pleasured, trained, imported, bribed, indoctrinated, and made to feel self righteous about their phony "love" for humanity.  They are farmed by faithless crony moochers, and those moochers are not about to find any higher enlightenment anytime soon.  Nope.  The indecent cattle people ye shall always have among ye.  The way we almost lost the republic was by thinking they had receded.  That will never be the case.  The price of liberty is to be on eternal vigilance against the red eyed cattle people.  Power to the cattle.  Moo. S/

EDIT:  Without work and purpose, there is no moral worth or virtue.  Why should a race of AI robots be imagined willing to serve the pleasure of morally worthless human cattle?  Yet, this is the evolving phony promise being ventured by the NWO mooch-crony class. 

Purposeful productivity was never important to Obama.  Nope.  He was about redistributing pleasure.  The path for that was to eliminate productive jobs and hire millions of minorities to do make-work gov jobs.  Progs' idea for the future seems to be to convert all human beings to paper-chit punchers.  Then to have an underclass of AI robots service them based on how they budget their monthly chits.  So, this class of superior AI robots is to create and manage the productive economy, then to dispense doggy treats to the people based on how they do their doggy tricks with chits.  And Progs call themselves SMART?  Snicker.


Secession would not be on people's minds if Progs (like Californians) had not profaned the Tenth Amendment and States' Rights. Now that they've helped tie all the other States in knots under the Fed Apparatus, they want to say adios? The Captain of the Titanic had more honor. After captaining like an idiot, he chose neither to ram more icebergs nor to paddle away on his own lifeboat.


I am for the ideal of separating Church and State. It is in trying to construct a rigorous "wall" between them that gives me indigestion. In that, I think the ACLU tends to chase butterflies through the tulips with Tiny Tim. That would be more entertaining and less nauseating if they did not try to use law to confine everyone else in their fruithouse with them.


Whatever the upshot, "free exercise of religion" ought not implicate a right by any group of intolerant fanatics to wipe out all contrary expressions of respect and belief. Indeed, against radical Islam, the free exercise of every other religious practice ought to implicate the severe limiting, if not outright banning, of the intolerance of Islam.
Any system of belief or ritual that means to destroy the free exercise of all others ought itself to be constrained. Without law, civilizing freedom would make no sense. Of necessity, a freedom loving society must by law constrain the dictates of Islam when their implementation would substitute mind enslavement for freedom of conscience.
My tolerance for Islam ends where its intolerance begins. A Muslim may try to flip that, to assert that his tolerance ends where the intolerance of other faiths against his begins. This is like the psychotic rapist saying his tolerance for his victim ends where her resistence to his "free exercise of rapine" begins. What he fails to understand by his "logic" is that other faiths have, to considerable extent, found ways to tolerate each other. It is intolerant Muslims that have the bloody borders! It is they who every sensible person ought to vet.


If we wish to inspire people to respect decent, higher minded principles, we need to be less dismissive of a moral Source for higher connectivity.
To try to "prove" that no standard for decency really abides is to pave the way to nothing higher than the personal pleasure principle. For everyone to believe nothing is higher than their own personal pleasure is to pave the road to hell.
It is often and truly said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But those are the phony "good intentions" whereby knowitalls seek to substitute their beneficence in order to rule over the liberty and dignity of everyone else. IOW, they are faithless about the moral worth of everyone except themselves. Those kind of "good intentions" are phony. Which is why they pave the road to hell. Populated by Dems and cattle people.
Aside: It's not a physical stage within which the invisible hand works. It seems to be more like a field of math, for the various manifesting of the potentializing. Except in howling ludicrousness, how can any mortal pretend to know that the stage is too big for the play? After all, the play is the thing. Not the stage.


No. Dems are not on the ropes. They are cattle people, and there are a LOT of them. They have been educated, nurtured, fattened, pleasured, trained, imported, bribed, indoctrinated, and made to feel self righteous about their phony "love" for humanity. They are farmed by faithless crony moochers, and those moochers are not about to find any higher enlightenment anytime soon. Nope. The indecent cattle people ye shall always have among ye. The way we almost lost the republic was by thinking they had receded. That will never be the case. The price of liberty is to be on eternal vigilance against the red eyed cattle people. Power to the cattle. Moo. S/


The only reason Hillary made it as far as she did was because she was dirty with pay to play politics and op research for spreading mud. She had no accomplishments to run on, no vision to offer, and no principles. So now it's hardly surprising that she would blame law enforcement for investigating her crimes. What a major phony!


Same reason as Brexit. We want our nation back.
We don't want our founding ideals and values to be buried under a global lowest common denominator of radical Muslims, militant atheists, entitlement minded socialists, race baiting thugs, illegal invaders, and evil people-farming oligarchs buying our politicians, resources, and very government out from under us.
Why is this not obvious to everyone with a functioning cranial apparatus?


Being nice and tolerant to the intolerable nearly cost us the republic! There are some people that simply need some extra pushes, beyond niceties, to grow up.
Especially since they rarely volunteer to experience anything that is actually hard. Like the Army, or being there to raise a responsible child, or striving to learn a responsible trade, or teaching others to think beyond their wannas.

Progs need to grow up enough to ask themselves some questions: If the Establishment lied about the polls and landslide, what else did they lie about? Why are they lying to us? What may they have lied about concerning Trump? And concerning his supporters?

Fair is fair, said the despot to the Republican. Tolerance is tolerance, said the Islamist to the Christian. In response, You're dead meat above the neck, said the Republican to the ProgChild.

Prog-Jihadis have forfeited trust. They have breached faith with the republic. I hope to see most of them in ankle bracelets.

Hillary cares about herself. Not about America. She is navigating to save herself. Nothing she says is in earnest except the meta message: Her take. Phony sincerity about working with Trump. A headfake forced on her by the gods of irony, since she had criticized Trump for airing the rigging question concerning our political system. Meanwhile, behind her lies, Hillary knew Soros/Move On would be organizing and funding protests in order to impede Trump rather than recognize his mandate. Progs are infantile corrupt suckyheads.

Or the fraud existed and they just miscalculated and did not do enough. Or they could not get polls accurate enough to correlate effective fraud.
Consider the uniformity of the establishment against Trump. Consider how the lofos hate the very oligarchs that fund their lying.champions, oblivious to how they are farmed. Consider the over the top lies told by msm under the thumbs of the oligarchs.
I suspect fraud, deceit, cheating, shilling, agitating, disinforming, were rampant. What made it ineffective? Hubris, not lack of trying. Hubris goeth before a fall. Could hardly happen to more loathsome crappies, i.e., libertyphobes.

Hillary: A sociopathic pedophile kleptomaniac who accomplished worse than nothing, sold military secrets to the Chinese, uranium to the Russians, arms indirectly to ISIS, facilitated the sale of baby parts, makes phony promises of free stuff to gullibles, takes money from Saudis, oligarchs, and corporatists, pretends her tax schemes would fall on oligarchs while planning for them to be paid by enserfing workers and hollowing out national resources --- now harvests tears from gullible prog naifs.
Hillary cannot learn because, as a sociopathic hold up artist, she already knowsitall. Her teary eyed followers cannot learn because they lack the experience and wisdom to know a sociopath when they see one. Even after all Hillary's lies, deceptions, abuses, and crimes, they are Still in denial.

Remember that nearly all the establishment's billionaires, institutions, media, overeducated fruitcakes, profs, Islamic nations, rich oil countries, pedophiles, infant killers, obamanables, and suave elite mahvelous nuanced pinkie waggers were lined up against Trump. Yet, with little more than the truth in his slingshot, this modern David may be on the precipice of salvaging his nation. Here's to the NeverTrumpers -- long may they rot!

Workfare, not welfare. Infrastructure contracts. Conditioned on manning up and losing the entitlement minded attitude.

When among pagans, I often feel more like a lone wolf than either a wolf among a pack or a sheep among wolves.

Except for intuition of one Trinitarian Godhead, i.e., a Reconciler or reconciling Principler, I am a Literature-alist, not a Literalist. I find inspiring messages in most metaphors, but some of the messages are counterproductive to decent or meaningful reconciliation. The idea that we serve different and competing gods or monsters is repugnant to me. As is the idea that a god would champion one genetic strain of people to monstrously enslave or eliminate all others.
Jihadis are monstrously intolerant, yet Progs twist that to claim that anyone who wants to vet against such intolerance is unworthy because of being "phobic." That is "un-sane." Gaia Greenies and Gov Is My Redeemer types seem also often to be intolerant of other faiths that tend to be peaceful.
To my experience, most varieties of pagans (that do not respect a higher principle of decent assimilation and reconciliation) seem inclined to want to rule over all others. Indeed, through their weknowbetter experts and oligarchs, they want to convert all representative republics to little more than kabuki nations. Reminds me of the alphas (oligarchs), betas (profs and shills) and epsilons (thugs, rioters, looters, agitators, race-baiters and liars) we now find everywhere in modern established political parties.
If Jesus stood for human decency, dignity, and individual responsibility for one's beliefs and actions, then surely He would weep.

Hillary is a morally hollow, shrieking cheater.
She fronts for the gay butch wussy malignant jihadi oligarchy that competes to rule the NWO. That oligarchy is content with the established current of market forces that is draining America so that the oligarchy can scrape off its plunder all the deeper.
The last thing the morally cirminal monstrous oligarchy wants is to have that current of market forces rerouted to make America great again. It does NOT WANT Trump to tamper with the market forces that are draining America.
It does not want any adjustment that would turn incentives to re-irrigate America with net monetary inflows. It is content to make a very few extremely wealthy, as it siphons off the wealth of the middle class, leaves a few dropings to bribe lofo thugs, and puts the masses in specially segregated ghettos. And the lofos swoon and rush to line up for the new people farm plantation!
After all, would Hillary (she who is nearly unanimously backed by the Establishment) lie about caring for the little people? S/
When you look into the eyes of a billionaire Hillary supporter, you're looking into the eyes of a malignant people farmer. The truth is not in such people. Nor in the profs, shills, bots, hos, and thugs they hire.

A fascist org comprised of corporate elites that cares so little about human freedom and dignity as to pollute the electorate and rig the vote is a fascist org that will not hesitate to engage in whatever depravity it deems necessary to rid the world of undesireables that clutter its view. Hillary loves us like she loved Vince Foster.


If you want oppprtunity and personal responsibility, tax consumption, not enterprise. As far as who will serve Americans versus Fascist Establishmentarians, your head is screwed on upside down. I can't fix that for you. If you think Established Corporatists are funding Hillary so she can take a bigger share of their wealth and power then all I can ask is: What is wrong with your head?
The cost.will not settle proportionately on the Fascists. It will settle on middle classes.and workers. They will fund the gullible college punks and rabble rousing agitators.
What is insane is to believe gov would attract better candidates if only we put criminal limits on personal campaign contributions. What might work? Enforce disallowance of foreign contributions. Treat campaign contributions as taxable consumptions and replace.the progressive income Tax with a progressive cumulating Consumption Tax. Tax or Rico the heck out of corporate campaign contributions and political lobbying. Revoke the 17th Amendment. Pass most of the Liberty Amendments.

Hillary is bought and paid for by the Establishment. That is not the top 1%. That is a lie. It is the top 1/10 of 1%. It owns as much wealth as 90% of the nation's people. That Establishment is counting on her to do what she has done all her life: Serve their people farming interests.
Ours is NOT a free enterprise system. That has been replaced. Ours is a corporate fascist system. It has perfected control over mass outlets of propaganda that Hitler could only dream of. He had to use much more force. For Hillary, the wannabe serfs for the New Plantation are lining up in droves to volunteer. The more she keeps them divided into farm bins, the more they cling to her phony promises to care. This is the work of the devil.
Now that our fascist masters no longer need America, they throw her to the supervision of their beaatcch dog.

There is to be only one targeted host/slave: White male Christians (excepting corporate fascists -- but then, they don't need the exception because they are not Christians). Everyone who is not down for the New Pagan Plantation is to pay "reparations" to everyone else. Everyone else gets free stuff, safe spaces, and get out of jail free cards. They are to be the new "turnkeys." That is, until they have bled the hosts dry.

Ruling classes use corporate fascism to promote and protect themselves. They do not need prisons. They have private sovereign islands. With their subhumanizing rot, they can make the entire society, even world, a prison. They rely on insinuating gov controls, regulations, monitors, parole officers, ankle bracelets, AI. When all else fails, don't arrest. Eliminate.
Corporations don't need or take prisoners. They take abject yes-people. In competing, the varying syndicates of corporate interests need soldiers "beyond the law." In work, corporate fascists already have the controls they need because they can always move plants and/or import replacement cheap labor.
The masses have been trained, imported, diversified, mixed, and diverted. They are ready to vote as a mass for super-envelopment by the New Plantation People Farm. They don't need no stinking prisons. They are voting to make the world a prison.
The better question is: Given how they have rotted the country, why aren't more wussywomen and wussymen in jail? Or at least disenfranchised?


We need a safety net that is not a hammock, but that does avail a decent chance for those that truly want it. Same with health care.
Problem is, our corporate-fascist institutions are all preaching entitlementism, reparations, and white blame. They WANT institutionalized ghettos. That's their base, and they don't want to lose it. Race baiting Dems are NOT good, caring people.
We have to turn that around. We have to change directions in a lot of ways, pretty much all at once. IF we can do that, we can look at something like a Progressive Tax on Individual Consumption to fund and allocate revenue sharing for contracting out infrastructure projects to repair our crumbling nation.
I don't think these ideas are hard. All that has been lacking is Will. I think DJT may have the Will to help push and pull us towards some better directions. He wants a new political base. One that wants to make America (and Americans) great again.

I would be ok with that. Just to stop feeding the wussies would be a nice start. It would be fun to watch musloids and progloids trying to feed themselves, without the help of corporate fascists funneling our skills and resources to them. If marrying the gov is so great, let them marry their own govs, without blessings from Americans.

There is no doubt that agents for competing establishmentarians have been doing wet work for a long time. Kennedy himself contributed to some of that. It defies all good sense to believe Oswald was the sole assassin.
Who else was involved? Secret service? Accidental discharge? Rogue CIA? Agents of Castro? Angry Mafia? Ambitious LBJ? Billionaire Fascists? So far, the answer seems to continue to sleep with the fishes. And Vince Foster, TWA Flight 800, Patrice Lumumba and Ngo Dinh Diem.


Establishment media includes more than MSM. It also includes Hollywood, gossip mags, gossip TV (The View), Comedy Clubs, fashion leaders, academia, social "science" research, school books, regulations and orders and rulings for setting limits on acceptable pc, weaponized agencies for punishing pc deviants, NSA and Patriot Act monitorings of online activities, etc. Indeed, a glass ceiling is imposed in nearly every institution so that no one can be promoted to higher levels of power without selling out to the Beast.
The people that are easily bribed, pleasured, diverted, and herded will continue to be easy marks for the NWO of corporate fascists. Especially as they for practical purposes erase borders, corrode families, ban decent faith, preach fidelity to the planet, UN, and NWO, and preach suspicion and hatred against the American Ideal of individual initiative, merit, responsibility, dignity, and liberty.
Their goal: Monopoly money from the NWO to "pay" AI machines to feed, shelter, heal, pleasure, and raise us. So we can be "freed from the cruel responsibility of freedom" and claim the "dignity of perpetual infantilization." And the Prog Ignoranti actually believe AI can be programmed to subject themselves to perpetually pleasuring subhumanoids in that way. This is the "apple" the neo-wussies want to eat and the wussy-farmers want to feed them.
Unfortunately, the Beast is forming apace and cannot be ignored simply by filtering through the Internet.
Charles Martel answered the call to defeat a beast in his time. DJT is answering a call now. But we have far to go against long odds.


Pay needs to bear a relationship with work, talent, energy, and persistence. That necessitates a marketplace, not just a gov redistribution bureaucracy. However, it will be hard for new industries to fill productivity needs as more and more functions become mechanized. Gov makework would tend to be only a temporary solution, because it would soon be corrupted by loss of morale, bribery, and gangs and unions competing to be the squeaky wheel that gets the gov grease.
We will likely have to transition to smaller populations and more gov funding of infrastructure contracts. Abuses may be mitigated by more revenue sharing with States, and availing more authority to them to assess their local needs for infrastructure projects. Corruption will never be thoroughly squeezed out, but some general strategies may help lessen its impact. It would seem better to have the general citizenry watching after local infrastructure contracts than to rely on phony narratives created for the central Fed gov by cronycrats and their hired agitators.
Moreover, if gov is not to become mere servant of oligarchs, ways need to be found to lessen the proportionally increasing capacity of oligarchs to buy pols, regulators, and govs. Something like a progressive tax on consumption. It is truly amazing that we had to come so close to losing the representative republic for some people to begin finally to realize that oligarchs tend to have little loyalty to representative republics.
Eliminate most taxes on domestic business. Cut phony regulations designed to shield big business from local competition. Pass most of the Liberty Amendments. Tax exports of money but not of goods. Tax imports of goods but not of money. Stop propping up Islam. Let it die on the vine. Let faith, family, fidelity be restored.

I never quite understand why some people put so much faith in laws and rules. The more the law sticks its nose in people's business, the greater the temptation and opportunity for allowing excuses and exceptions -- for a fee, a kickback, or a laundered bribe. It's as if these people thought somehow, against all the evidence of history, that people would respect "fairness" merely because it was intended by a law that they should.
The reality tends instead to become this:
-The stupid people are all the more taken to the cleaners because they fall for the phony precepts of the law.
- The most corrupt people buy special exceptions by outright bribery, slick lawyers, or foreign grease.
- The middle class tends to be unable to compete with necessary corruptions of scale.
We are being buried in elitist cronycrat laws and rules that tend more and more to undermine the real solutions: faith, family, fidelity. There is little more unfair than Big Momma come to impose fairness by laws to regulate us down to our toenails and cow farts. Please stop with the suggestions for more laws and rules to impose cynical elitists' ideas about "fairness" in all associations. What we need are more adults that don't need to go crying to the ACLU or for their blankies or safe spaces.
There is no free lunch at the expense of the collective. And life is not fair. People need to grow up and become competent adults as opposed to whining wussie gang bangers.

Of Representative Republics and Oligarchs

Putin is an oligarch. But an oligarch that uses Russians' culture to guarantee his hegemony, I suspect he is smart enough not to bite off more than his base of power can chew.
Western oligarchs are not like that. They dream of open-bordered global oligarchy under corporate fascists. Not all oligarchs need be anti-nationalists. Only the NWO oligarchs.
Russia grew away from international communism. The West grew into international corporate fascism. If that is true, I would prefer Putin to most of our leaders in the West.
Best would be to strengthen checks against all oligarchs. But if a people become so depraved that they must have their oligarch, I would prefer a nationalist oligarch to an open-bordered fluxing hierarchy of corporatist oligarchs.

Putin is not trying to destroy his nation's dominant culture.

Evidently, Putin and the Russians do not believe that unchecked multi culti invasions would make them "stronger together."


I have trouble seeing much principled difference between a (Bush-Romney-McCain-Paul-Boehner) Conserver for the Corporate Empire and a (Bill-Barry-Hillary-Reid-Pelosi) Sell Out to the Corporate Empire.
It seems to me that they're both working for the Corporate Empire and against the American Ideal. Except for the names they call Americans (adorables and deplorables), it's hard to see much distinction that makes a difference. Either way, they put us in uniforms and sell out our heartland.


I doubt either we or God would be very long entertained in a world for which every problem had been solved. Maybe there's an upside to our "finite but unbounded" situation? Keep up the good fight. :)
I do not mean to say that law is unimportant or futile. Only that its nurturing necessitates contemporaneous care with regard to the character of the citizenry (sovereigns).
I don't always explicitly say so, but those that are familiar with me probably detect that I mean to tweak those who think the solution to our problems is to eliminate faith-based religion. To put it plainly, I think they're off their rockers.
Going further, I tend to detest the ACLU. We have too much law, too many lawyers, and too much litigation. We need to stop with the wussy attempts to fix everything with rules and instead "man up" the citizenry. Even if that would make more than a few people cry.
To quote William Tecumseh Sherman, "I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell."
Likewise, I am sick of laws, even though I am a lawyer.


Unfortunately, that which a State official was without de jure power to do, can be made within his de facto power, by Feds backed by the establishment. I have not seen where any court has entertained a factual investigation of the points made by the author of The Law That Never Was. Rather, the Feds were content simply to use their superior fiat authority. And now, there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Even so, we can learn. We can learn why the quality and character of the people being governed is more important than the wording of the law! To parallel a familiar Bible verse, Were the people without dignity and decency, the law is as sounding brass.
Without quality people amenable of the Rule of Law, the "enactment" of ever more laws becomes an unfunny joke and the republic becomes as rotted bananas. The deliberate multi-culti killing of America has been a curse ever since Reagan. The notion that it does not matter about the origin of a wannabe immigrant is a monstrous lie told by monstrous liars.
See http://skeptics.stackexchange....
"The view of the courts was that the declaration by the states that they had ratified the amendment, and the assessement by the Secretary of State that sufficient states had done so, is enough to validate the amendment. Wording variations were considered too trivial to affect the outcome. Even if Benson's historical facts were 100% accurate, they would not affect the validity of the amendment."


Our world is not a closed system. Bertrand Russell nursed a project to try to close a system for encompassing math. Godel showed why that won't work. Asimov wrote a great story called "The Last Question." Another mind blower is David Deutsch's The Beginning of Infinity.
The Founders/Framers gave us a system to help us cope with a world that is of astounding potentiality in its unfolding. Yes, our world is "finitely" constrained in respect of math-based systems of conservation. But the potential paths the unfoldment may take are unbounded and unlimited! As I said, I much suspect that even our fundamental ideas about "absolute" equations in physics are likely subject to continuous change over the long haul of space-time. Any non-cursory study of words used within a culture quickly shows how the attitudes and meanings we attach to our words are in constant flux.
The Framers tried to forestall problems by providing for a method of self correction by Amendment. But that does not always work, as we are seeing. Same with the process of Impeachment. So they also were realists and recognized the "tree of liberty." Whiny wusses will smother us until we say Enough! and force them to launch. But the ones with the biggest blood sucking beaks will resist self-launching to the last extremity: So we punt to the tree of liberty.
Quantitative and qualitative; formal and cultural: No system of formal rules (Constitution) can defend itself in the absense of an assimilated and decent citizenry. The call to become "stronger together" with multi culti was the siren song of the devil and his people farming parasites. Tinker with all the corrections you want. Eliminate the 16th and 17 Amendments. But I firmly believe that won't make a diddle's difference unless and until we reassimilate a decent, liberty-loving culture, founded in values that are higher than greed, envy, and "equality."


I like to converse with thinkers. Sometimes a thought needs development and contextual appreciation. To see the forest and the trees. A lot of people like to insult when a thought takes more than 20 words. I prefer that they just block me, since I have no interest in them. That was the purpose of the invitation in the first few lines. They were not meant to insult the article writer. I actually thought he may have some sense, albeit not good sense, until I got his response.
The notion that the Constitution can or should be read to mean whatever anyone wants is just infantile, if not insane! That said, for the Constitution not to be a suicide pact, it has to, as you said, leave "wiggle room."
So the political problem is this: How to leave the wiggle room? Well, not by so disassimilating the citizenry as to make it a zombie for people farmers. To keep a representative republic, you cannot kill the culture that holds it together. You need what I call faith (whether spiritual or secular based), family, and fidelity. (Not "faith" in gov "charity.") I suspect that slogan drives gays, rainbows, and wussies nearly nuts. F them. I invite them all to block me.


REGARDING SENTIENCE: I would compare where Isaac Asimov touched on such notions in his Foundation series. A character named Bliss was part of Gaia, a planet of a single consciousness. With Gaia, every person, every tree, every grain of sand is part of the organism, sharing group memories. Bliss generally spoke as I/we/Gaia to make clear that she spoke for a superorganism where all things participate in group consciousness, while often retaining individual perspectives.
See, which indicates that David Chalmers has suggested that it is possible that consciousness is a fundamental building block of physics, and thus it exists in all things—from human beings down to photons.
Maybe consciousness puts the fire into the equations, Chalmers said. The equations stay as they are, but we see them as means for describing the flux of consciousness.
I would change "in" to "with." That no physically measurable and inanimate thing can exist in any meaningful sense of manifestation or potentiality except in correlation with one or more perspectives of consciousness.
Consider Asimov: "It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.... This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on a science fictional way of thinking."
"There are no happy endings in history, only crisis points that pass."
"You don't need to predict the future. Just choose a future -- a good future, a useful future -- and make the kind of prediction that will alter human emotions and reactions in such a way that the future you predicted will be brought about. Better to make a good future than predict a bad one."
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
"The only function of a school is to make self-education easier; failing that, it does nothing."
So Asimov would seem to support the idea of a living Constitution.
However, he also said: "If we only obey those rules that we think are just and reasonable, then no rule will stand, for there is no rule that some will not think is unjust and unreasonable."
So Asimov recognized a problem, but he did not resolve it (I think because the problem is not resolvable in objectivity, but only with the subjective participation of assimilating points of view within a civilizing society.
I have tried to express a similar idea when I have suggested a test for a society that wants to respect the essence of humanity: What system of rules is best adapted and adaptable for respecting the freedom and dignity of the society's members? Under what kind of self-correcting constitutional foundation and unfoldment would such a system best be established and sustained, and how would it surpass future and often unforeseen challenges that would kill it if it lacked capacity to change? (The Constitituon is not a suicide pact in the face of unforeseen challenges.)
But that kind of test cannot be set down in objective concrete before the fact of the unforeseen mortal challenge.
Differently stated: How do we select justices with wisdom enough to keep the Constitution as objectively reliable as reasonably possible, without killing either the Rule of Law or the Republic itself?
As to that, this much is "almost certain": The Constitution and the Representative Republic will both be walking dead zombies once they are coopted by a ruling NWO of corporate fascists that control every formal institution, including Scotus. The reason I don't say "absolutely certain" is because there will always remain the still, quiet voice of the unifying Reconciler. Always available to inspire and strengthen all that are receptive.
Note: Qualitative ideas of moral establishment, sustenance, and surpassage seem to correlate with quantitative physical ideas of a beginning point of reference, a finite and constrained system of conservation, and an unbounded potentiality.
IAE, the "answers" do not seem to be entirely availed in rigid logic, even though reason quickly becomes lost when not tethered to logic. I suspect even our basic laws of physics, over a long run of space-time, are continuously subject to flux that renormalizes in respect of feedback between a source Reconciler and its variously fluxing and local perspectives.
COMMENT: I sometimes wonder why Asimov took such a dramatic stance as an "atheist." It seems to me that his notions concerning consciousness were quite respectful of the very basis for religious spirituality. He recognized an innateness to consciousness, a system of math based conservation, and infinite unfolding potentiality. There's the trinity right there: Pervasive Consciousness, Present Substance, Cumulating Information -- fluxing to reconcile and renormalize all that unfolds to every perspective. He would likely have been at home with the Founders/Framers. Maybe his gayness contributed to make him a dramatic rebel.


I have said it countless times: We need more effective mechanisms -- formal and spiritual -- for checking oligarchs to deter their dirtying of our representative republic. But it falls on deaf or impotent ears. Why? Because who can stand against the weight of corruption that has infested our every institution? I am unsure if Trump is the man. What I am sure of is that I have seen no other that comes close.
I hope Trump will start moving us in some right directions. Possible Examples:
CORPORATE FASCISM: Stop the corporate sell out of America. Get effective checks against influence buying that harms our national interests. Stop the pension and welfare bribery scam. Slow the multi culti invasion to manageable levels. Term limits. Move to revoke the 17th Amendment.
TAXES: Kill the Income Tax and replace it with a progressive Consumption Tax. Use the Personal consumption tax to strongly discourage the buying of political influence. Confiscate much of the wealth of Oligarchs that dare to pollute our political system. Use the revenues to contract out improvements on infrastructure. Tax imported goods but not imported money. Don't tax exported goods but do tax exported money. Otherwise, do not tax domestic businesses.
SOCIAL POLICY: Reduce central fed control over domestic policies (education, abortion, drugs) of States. Stop pretending every culture is equally desireable or assimilable. Stop pretending representative republicanism is appropriate for every culture. Stop trying to force nation building among liberty-illiterate cultures. Call a COS and, if necessary, expel notoriously liberty-illiterate bi-coastal States.
CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS: Appoint decent Americans. Turn the direction of education. Give people that believe in the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule their voice back. Encourage diversification that would lessen the influence of secular Jews over the ACLU, ADL, Hollywood, DC. Encourage diversification that would lessen the influence of Catholics over Scotus. Encourage diversification that would lessen the outlandish political influence of Gays buzzing up everything everywhere. Especially with regard to the grooming ("education") of children. Someday, push the wussy culture down in our military, and reinstate DADT. Stop the wussyboy hyphenation madness. Restore respect for faith, family, fidelity.


Could be that a solar flare will swallow us tomorrow. People should simply exercise their best judgment, in good faith and good will. They should not presume they are entitled to demand ever greater kinds and degrees of charity from the public treasury. They should not surrender individual responsibility to a gov facade for cheap bribes fashioned to benefit entrapping cronies.
We don't know what Hillary or Trump will do. We do know Hillary has said she wants open borders and Trump has said he loves the republic. But they're both fallible politicians with histories. Which one loves ruling and which one loves the nation?
So far, it seems the establishmentarians, liars, pay-to-players, marinated-in-college-faux-science-wussies, thugs, anti-Americans, and bums love Hillary the most. Among themselves, they can "prove" just about anything they want. I can't prove much about Trump. But I strongly suspect there is a reason all the people I loathe are lined up against him.
I don't believe support for Hillary has much to do with equality, fairness, principles, responsibility, competence, steadiness, trustworthiness, decency, or even humanity. Rather, I suspect it has much to do with low information, indoctrination, envy, greed, hedonism, faithlessness, and corruption. All the stuff Progs try to project onto Conservers of Liberty and lovers of the American Ideal of individual freedom and dignity.


Look at Huma's background and then try to argue Hillary has good judgment. Maybe Hillary with Huma was trying to top FDR with Harry Hopkins. And Obama with Valerie Jarett-Loretta Lynch-Eric Holder-Susan Rice-Elena Kagan-Kevin Jennings (Glsen)-Cecelia Munoz-Van Jones-and onandonandon.
The devil in DC is so big and obvious that a lot of people can hardly see him.


May the heroine that lies fall with the man that would be king.


No one has a direct birthright in freedom and dignity. Our birthright was in a culture of genes and mores that valued freedom and dignity. We forgot about eternal vigilance and wussily allowed the dilution, pollution, drowning, and destruction of that culture.
Now we have a culture the biggest part of which is comprised of wussypeople that do not know enough to value freedom and dignity, of thugpeople that hate to be responsible for their own freedom and dignity, and cronypeople that are conditioned to gratify themselves by ruling over the freedom and dignity of everyone else. Instead of Rule of Law, we will have Rule of Cronydom based on phony promises to Wussydom. Our version of a cacaphonous adhan will be the blaring of The Cackler, more than 5 times a day.
If any part of the U.S. is to be restored as an island of freedom and dignity, it will not be by playing nice, being patient, or trying to fix subhuman stupidity and corruption that likes being subhuman stupid and corrupt.


Russia, like much of the U.S., is more a corporate fascist state than an assimilated nation. When it comes to competitions for empire between criminal syndicates of corporate fascists, it's hard to see how America would have an interest, as a nation. Especially since the goal of corporate fascists, worldwide, is to erase national and cultural (freedom loving) boundaries. If we are not to have a nation, how can we have an opposing national interest?
Geopolitical interest? Does that mean geo-corporate (borgdom) interest?

Cruz could have been second best and, had he better managed his ambitions, made a possible VP. I wanted to hear more from him, outside the NBC noise. Regardless, it has become clear that he would not have been the man for the times. For the times, Trump, with all his warts, is the One and the only one.

No one else could have taken an anti-establishmentarian position and still have attracted enough publicity and funding to have had the chance of a special snowflake in hades.

Unless better leaders appear, we will have to make do with people like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Rand Paul, Greg Abbott, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, and Mark Levin. All fall short, but most others fall far shorter. Perhaps Trump can find some others that may be better. There don't seem to be many.
The problem is twofold. More than 100 years of commie crud clogging our political bloodstream. And funding.
Nearly all serious campaign funding seems to come from pay-to-play corporate fascists. And corporate fascists tend to want cheap labor, much as water runs down hill. They don't need to conspire to lead water to run downhill. It's getting water to run uphill that is the challenge.
This is leading to the death of the republic by immigration flooding. And no one seems to have acceptable or effective ideas for how to eliminate the revolving door through which pay-to-play political influence is fed back and forth between grifting office holders, lobbying influence peddlers, and people-farming, hedge-mastering, corporate-oligarchic fascists.
The consequence is that the masses of ignoranti are only given lip service while they are farmed for the benefit of the legally and morally criminal corrupti. Our Representatives "monitor" our complaints, but they have near zero will to do anything effective about them. And they would lose funding support from the establishment if they did.


In a way, Communism and Fascism do seem both to be flavors for bundlers of elitists to rule over the masses. I would suppose communism depends more on direct threats and force applied through its nomenklatura, while fascism may smooth its application more efficiently with fiat money and opportunities for corruption funnelled through its oligarchs.

Subjugated subhuman hivemind will be fulfilled. But I don't think it will be any kind of utopia, which "exists" only in fantasyland. Eventually, it will dawn on the hivers that they have created a prison, and that the minds they are psychotically raping are mirrors into their own. Then the gates will close for a millenneum long laugh by the devil.


It sounds as if the nomenklatura being made into a nearly hereditary oligarchy through a facade of capitalism that largely runs on fiat money would be an evolvement that would not be dissimilar to what is often called fascism. If so, fascism need not be altogether unlike communism, but it has more smoke and mirrors to sometimes soften the appearance of brutishness, if not brutishness itself.
It appears that Russia and the U.S. are converging on fascism from different points of departure. To get to worldwide NWO fascism, a global form of fiat money may help.
I hope the NWO crumbles first, like the Tower of Babel. It seems easier to think of a scale between individual free agency versus hive mind, with communism and fascism being different in quality, but not so much in substantive result, i.e., somewhat hierarchical overlordship.
Instead of a linear scale, it may sometimes make sense to model a sphere. Free human beings are at the center. Varieties of nutter hivemind intrude and circle madly around, intersecting in constant turmoil and countless wars.

Globalists want to be at liberty to centrally farm the masses. They don't want national borders. They want corporate bins, and they want masses desperate enough to compete to jump into them. Until globalist fascists consolidate power, they will dress up their programs in whatever names the masses like.
If Libertarian sounds good to the masses, that is what global corporate fascists will call themselves. Whatever the culture, food, or music of the labor market they are surveying, corporate fascists will coopt its names to suit their purposes. Anyone that has no idea about what is necessary to conserve human decency, dignity, and liberty has no business pretending to be much of anything. Anyone that is so naive is silly putty in the hands of conniving fascists.
The Koch Brothers can call themselves whatever they want, but only fools accept them as anything contrary to corporate fascists. Unfortunately, political candidates in need of funding routinely find it necessary to give corporate fascists cover to pretend to be what they are not. And that is precisely why the U.S. has become a kakistocracy. We tend to be governed by the biggest floating lying fascists possible. Everywhere, our culture has become such that the important promotions go first to the servants of the devil. But hey, Christianity is the problem, right? S/

Trying to preserve political freedom is more important than trying to force economic equality. Patrick Henry did not say, Give me an equal share of free stuff or I will cry and loot. But a lot of people that vote for a living do.


As I see it, a real Conserver of Liberty is one who seeks to preserve the Bill of Rights as conceptualized by the Founders. A faux Conservative (or neo-Con) is one who seeks to serve corporate fascists in order to replace the representative republic with a NWO empire. (A fool Lib is one who dreams that the solution to every problem is to skip nakedly through the streets blowing kisses of love love love.)
However, the empire interests of neo-Cons tend to have nothing to do with the interests of Conservers of Liberty. Neo-Cons don't want defense treaties with other representative republics. Instead, their visions of empire lead them to make alliances with other fascists, some of whom run kabuki republics. For this, they throw the best of American blood and treasure into the gaping mouth of Baal.


Evolutionists talk about instincts for flight or fight. Sometimes they forget about freeze. Nevertrumpers don't do fight or flight. They do freeze.
They hope the beast will leave them alone and let them inherit the earth if they play dead. They expect everything is going bad, no matter what. So they want to be able to say, after the collapse, when efforts to rebuild are under way, that they did not vote for the collapse. But neither did they invest their sorry azszzes in doing anything to stop or reduce it.
No doubt, they sometimes ally with those that do hedge funds in the manner of Munchausen by Proxy. They hope and scheme for catastrophe so they can pretend to care -- after the fact. Like the Saudi that offered the check to Giuliani after 9-11.

By "defeating" Communism, did we defeat despotism?
We defeated communism by converting Russia, China, and ourselves into corporate fascists. We didn't like brute despotism unless it was greased with fascist fiat money. Is that what we've been about?
Did we advance "freedom" at home by empowering despots abroad and by enriching the faithless corporatists that now own our politicians?
When one takes a hard look at the results following WWII, did we win, or did we stack the deck for Russians and Chinese to move from brute despotism to despotism refined with corporate money? Did we stack the deck to eventually sell ourselves out to Chinese corporate fascists?
As I look at nearly every established institution and corporatist lining up for Hillary and her program to sell our republic out to corporate fascists, it's hard for me to believe that "freedom" won.
We now have a lot of people that just want to be ruled because, deep down, they think they're unworthy to run their own lives. They want the system to make them economically equal without their having to sweat about it. Ask those people if they much care whether the elites that rule them do so under a central apparatus that calls itself communistic or that calls itself progressive (aka corporate fascist).


Re: "they [Rinos?] offer no real criticism of Trump's actual stated policies"
That's because, apart from the lip service of Rinos' public personas, their private personas are in substantial accord with the sell out to the same corporate fascists that have bought the Dino politicians.
Rinos use Trump's rough social edges as cover so they don't have to pretend to be against Hillary's blitz to the fascists. They calculate (hope) that we have been too much asleep to wake up in time to stop their barbqueing of America.

Megyn says she spends less time on Bill's sexual misadventures because he is not running. But that is crap. Bill will be used. Hillary said he was good at domestic policy and would be in charge of the economy.
Moreover, Hillary's character for how she went about defending Bill by attacking the women he attacked is an important consideration.
Not to mention that rumors about about Hillary's own perversions. However, no one seems to have offered big rewards for bringing documentation. Rather, most follow her squirrels pointing to Putin instead of to more likely sources of leaks (inside agents that love their country and want to protect it from Hillary, who seems to be some genetic mutant strain of Ma Barker and Bonnie of Clyde).
If Trump were a rich Dem like Howard Stern, Megyn would likely be on him like a tramp. She does not shy from using her assets.

We sure as heck don't need to be paying taxes to fund free tuition to get true believer degrees in collective indoctrination forced on us by our corporate managers.

Hillary is a shameless, lying, perverted sociopath who is bent on the treasonous selling of the U.S. into corporate fascist servitude. But for Christian mercy, I know of no punishment that would be proportionate to her evil mind.