Monday, October 17, 2016

The New World Wussydom

So why have so many Jews seemed to embrace corporate fascism instead of representative republicanism? I understand why, from experience, they distrust democracy. But, assuming a reasonably intelligent and morally assimilated citizenry, why would so many Jews want to replace that with imported agents and stooges for corporate fascism?

Perhaps because they were nationless for so long that, when they looked for secular solutions, they began to look to ideologies instead of republics. And even to head up ideologies. Perhaps because too many stayed "hyphenated" and declined to assimilate -- which preserved the blueprint for divide and rule.

I don't know, Just musing, looking for an explanation that could make sense.


One may muse in similar fashion to wonder why Catholics have seemed more inclined to support ideologies that tend to run counter to the founding American Ideals of respect for States' Rights and individual freedom and dignity.

For whatever reason, I suspect the ACLU, NAACP, and SCOTUS (being hyphenating institutions recently bent on consolidating central governmental control) consist disproportionately of Jews and Catholics.


At the time of posting "Of the nine(9) senior executives of the American Civil Liberties Union, four(4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 44%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the American Civil Liberties Union by a factor of 22 times(2,200 percent). may be an unsavory site, but it makes the following relatively easy to follow argument: "By weakening the majority and strengthening minority rights, Jews create the conditions for the most organized minority group (Jews) to advance their interests and take charge."

This site also says that, "Of the fifty-three(53) senior executives and directors of the Anti-Defamation League, fifty-three(53) are Jews."  And It says that, "The NAACP had only Jewish presidents from it's conception in 1909 until 1975."

For the past 30 years, most of the Justices on Scotus have been either Jews or Catholics.  Recently, the following were and/or are Catholics:  Brennan, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor.  Why have Jews and Catholics been so prominent on Scotus?  I would muse that Jews and Catholics, for justice, tend to look less to individual self reliance and more to central power.

Is this another instance of death by diversity?  Am I wrong?  Unfortunately, that is contrary to the Ideals of the Founders. 


I see Trump's purpose as twofold:  Win the Presidency if he can.  If the Uniparty of Corporate Fascist Rino-Dinos does its evil and spreads its bribery enough to elect Hillary instead, then his purpose is to start a movement for blowing up the Corporate Fascist Uniparty. 

That is more than fine with me.  Indeed, that is marvelous!  Here's to the Corporate Fascist Uniparty (CFU) as it stumbles to dance with its hideous Grendl as Prezy. 

Whatever the result on Nov. 8, apologists for the CFU are clueless if they think Americans are going to cooperate with business as usual.  Those that are not either for the republic or against the NWO are against Americans.  And they will be brought to atone!  We may lose an election, but we have more innate stamina, intelligence, and righteousness than the goosestepping corporate fascists and their nancyboy stooge allies.  We won't be forgetting the year the masks slipped on the corrupti and ignoranti.


Laura Ingraham has an article listing all the things Hillary and Obama were wrong about.

Except I don't believe the main results were unintentional.  All along, the intention was to reduce the U.S. to just another state, then to open the borders of all states, simultaneously to move to a global system of corporate fascism.  General peace and prosperity for the masses was never the purpose.  Rather, the purpose was to divide the masses to ease their assignments to the new gulag. 

The purpose was certainly not peace.  Overlords do not make their Killing profits in times of peace.  They make killing profits in times of turmoil, ripe for being tipped to the advantage of hedge artists.  Soros has always been a corporate fascist.  He came to the U.S. precisely because our corrupt establishmentarians welcomed him.  We have been had, big time.

The hollowing out of the U.S. was not a surprise to our ruling rascists.  It was a deliberate policy.  Good Americans are now being hounded everywhere by the unholy alliance of uniparty corporate fascists and their clueless prog useful idiots, with heads filled with planted visions of sugarplums.  This is going to get dicey very quick.


NOTHING to do with any intelligent decision regarding the crucial issue to be decided:  Remain a republic, or surrender to global corporate fascism.  Be gone.

When you add various others (flunking DC bar, Nixon gate, Whitewater, Bimbogates, Travelgate, throwing lamps. throwing papers, stealing silverware, trashing the White House, etc., there are probably reasons enough not to vote for Hillary to exceed the number of days in a year.  She is a corrupt, dishonest, criminal, sociopath who will cannibalize the republic to enrich her corporate fascist masters.  Crybully wussieguys deserve to be ruled by Hillary.  I do not.


Both Obama and Hillary are run by corporate fascists with a NWO agenda. That necessitates the cracking and hollowing out of the resources of America. It necessitates the arming of corporate fascists. Shadow armies. It necessitates the reduction of Americans to beggars. This is prelude to the World Sheeple Farm. The World Gulag. The gulag envisioned by Hillary's fascists will make Stalin's look amateurish. But incompetent morons will at least be made "equal." Oh, and Hillary loves you. Especially your children. S/ Forward!


I don't care nearly as much about the dreams of empire of corporate fascists as I care about the rights of Americans to be left alone.


A lot of competent smart people are well aware of what's up. Between Trump and Hillary, many wonder why Progs are so blind with regard to what Hillary is up to. They wonder how so many 21 to 29 year olds can be so ditzy as to believe the Prog Agenda amounts to anything in practice other than worldwide fascist corporatism. Given the great issues before us, they wonder why ditzy Progs vote based on which candidate most appeals to their ditzy delusions about free sugarplums.
They wonder why so many women and nancyboys are shutting their ears to the points being made by Trump and going lalalalala. Our problem is that there seem to be far more nancyboys than strong republican women. These boys don't want to have to be responsible for themselves. They want what the Left promises, and they are too corrupt or stupid to see that what the Left promises is phony.
Tell me, do you REALLY believe the billionaires funding Hillary are going to pick up the tab for your "free stuff"? Do you really believe our best solution is to give elites central power to use government to regulate us down to the finest nitty gritty of politically correct political compulsion? Do you really believe the U.S. should open its borders to every depraved person and culture in the world? I think you do. I think you believe those things because your thinking remains stunted in infantile land. Smarrrrt. S/


Our "smarrrt" Progs will never go for any disqualification of their "champion.". They will just rationalize that Hillary had to rape the law to save the law. They have been trained to rebel against anyone who tells them the truth about the non-reliability of free lunches.
Progs already deem themselves "smarrrt" because they seek to mix themselves with millions of liberty-illiterate and illegal voters. No doubt, they deem all the illiterates they are importing to be "smarrrt" also.
When I go to a Walmart, gov office, school, college, law office, grocery store, etc., I see large percentages of people that look ripe for being farmed by taking bribes to vote for more "free stuff." Appeals to substantive reason will not fix the carnal greed, self admiration, and stupidity that have been so assiduously cultivated by corporate fascists. Progs are proud! to believe in sugarplum visions.

Congress and DC no longer protect us against those who engage in the very highest crimes and misdemeanors. Instead, they grease the way, in advance of appointment or election, to approve of such curses against civilization.


Do you know why more Prog wussies go to college than Conservatives with skills? Well, because Progs need the remedial time to learn how to serve fries with hamburgers. That's what makes them "smarter" in their eyes.
Next up: Do you know why Prog profs teach but don't do? Hmmm. That's a hard one for Progs.
What's the best vocabulary to describe the skills of a Prog? Well, that would be the vocabulary of a third grader.
Notice: To every person with a functioning brain, the key question before us in this election is whether we want a chance to preserve a representative republic or whether we want to surrender all authority to rule us to a global elite of corporate fascists. Everyone with a functioning brain knows the billionaires funding Hillary are not going to pick up the tab to pay for the "free stuff" and sugarplum visions of Prog toddlers dressing up as adults.
Those are the questions. But Progs want to make the election about which candidate is the most salaciously ewwwey. Of course, to Progs, that would ALWAYS go against the candidate that bursts their visions of sugarplums.


To see how crony corporatists cannibalize nations, just watch how their inner city hireliings and race baiters trash and loot cities.  Blacks think race baiters are out to serve them.  Wussys think criminal cannibals are out to serve them.  This is very sad to watch.

Rape? Hillary fronts for a horde of morally criminal rapists and trolls. Crony corporatists that gang bang to have their way with ordinary people by bribing, training, importing, instigating, and financing liberty-illiterates, thugs, and culture-killing jihadis. She calls this assault (on human freedom, dignity, and decency) "tolerance." She twists her lofos to believe that not engaging in such tolerance only makes her gang bangers want to rape us all the more. She should know.

Wussys that want to be farmed go along with this because they have been so sheltered that they actually believe Hillary is not a sociopath. Indeed, they would not know a sociopath if she was warehousing them in projects and plundering them and their nation blind.

The world of wussys wants to be farmed. It does not like Americans' presumptuousness of independence and freedom, as if those things were some kind of birthright. Apparently, women no longer want their men to be relatively free from statist intrusiveness.  They prefer to divorce the freedom of their husbands and marry the state (operated by Hillary and her goons).  The more the rest of the world immigrates to the U.S., the more wussified we become. The handwriting is on the wall.

If Hillary is elected, as is likely, by hook or crook, the page will have turned. There will be little choice but to secede or join the wussyfarm. Most people will seek their place in the wussy farming hierarchy (the Borg Cloud), so they can "farm" (with a capital F) all those below -- just the way they evidently like it: Good and hard.

IAE, the Founding Documents will be reduced to arcahic curiosities. Our Constitution and separation of powers, and all the lawyers that argue about it, will be made a rude joke. Scotus will become a rubber stamp. Presidential candidates will be Kabuki actors. We will no longer have the Rule of Law. We will have the Fascist Rule of Wussy Farmers. With all the security of the gulag. And all the human value of its inmates. Our reward for giving wussys the vote.


I'm shocked, shocked to find Dem fraud! 

Why is Soros, the open borders guy, so invested in voting machines?  Given Hillary's record of dishonesty and power lusting, if vote tampering can be effectively done without leaving an evidentiary trail, why suppose she would decline to do it?  What practice has the U.S. had in effectively tampering with foreign elections while leaving no evidence or preserving plausible deniability?  What moral or ethical standards of Dems would preclude them from deploying their skills for effective vote tampering?  Why is it always Dems that blow up opponents, shout down speakers, tear out opponents' signs, key cars, phony up and play the victim card, etc.?

What would preclude Dems from gathering data bases regarding Americans that are deceased or unlikely to vote, arranging to ensure they are registered to vote in battleground states with friendly vote monitors, hiring illegals and criminals and giving them phony non-photo non-traceable IDs to bus about to vote multiple times until enough votes of the dead are made to alter key precincts?  Why believe friendly or local Dem officials would ever be able (or even want) to effectively investigate such fraud?

Do 94% of "journalists" support Dems and dishonor?  Intuition suggests this is a consequence of a nation prepped to raise mainly wusses.  Bottom line:  If fraud is necessary and can be done, Dems will find a way to do it.

EDIT:  Because Dems delude themselves to believe their intentions are good, whatever is necessary for the pursuit is in their minds justified.  Measured against their causes and cronies, human life is nearly weightless.


Hillary thinks Conservers of Liberty that are against her collectivist gulag are deplorable. So what does she think of the little people that favor her collectivist regime? Well, she no doubt thinks they are stupid.
So who does Hillary actually like, apart from Beelzebub? Does she even like other people farmers like herself? I doubt it. She uses people. She does not like them.
Mother Hillary is the exemplar of Munchausen by Proxy. She makes everything worse so she can pretend to be trying to make it better. America: What have you got to lose by dumping such people before they can dump more on you?

For women, a correlative for "man up" might be "get real." Both mean to grow up. As in to take responsibility for yourself. Be resilient, as opposed to co-dependently wussy. The alternative is to lay back and hope the people that milk the State will care enough to watch over you. Like dopey wussy Marxist profs think will happen. Yup. Listen to them. Would those that "teach because they cannot do" give you a bum steer? Whoops. That's probably one of their pc incorrect terms. S/

The donor class believes it profits in the short run by importing ever more cheap laborers or by exporting industries to their gulags. They want to import weak and desperate minds that want more than anything security in jobs or welfare.
These "immigrants" are used a fodder and vanguard for assaults by collectivizing despots against everything that is humane and decent.

Re: we need people to do “low paid jobs no one else will do.”
Add the meta message: Unprincipled cronies need desperate people to become vote-mercenaries to help enserf all otherwise independently competent people, worldwide. Cronies need (want) YOU to be their crap wiper and bag carrier. (Hillary: "If you want to remain on this detail, get your f az over here and grab those bags!")
And if you refuse, prepare to get blistered with a stream of Hillaryesque curses. Followed, once she is elected, by actual rapine run rampant.

The trajectory from freedom of speech to political correctness to mother may I speak to political compulsion entails a sad old story.

 The table has been set. There's no avoiding this cup. Stupidity to the level of Evil cannot be fixed by mere argumentation.

Problem is, who will remove Hillary once we fully digest all her depredations, but only after her election?
She and her unholy kindred spirits have already flooded us with so many fascist admirers that few school children will dare wear a t-shirt to question her.
All of Congress that does not want to be chased out of office by her goon funders will know which points they must obey. Indeed, no one will be elected in the first place unless he/she is harmonious to the uniparty and loyal to the sheep shearers.
Independent Americans are about to be voices in the wilderness. Good thing the wilderness is so inspiring!

Re: "This is every bit a renunciation of Obama’s eight years, failed Democrat policies, and Hillary Clinton’s failures in office, as it is of the Washington leviathan, including our own defectors on the right."
Problem is, Obama is still popular. In what kind of electorate would Obama still be popular? Amswer: The kind that can be easily farmed and that wants to be farmed. The wussy kind, for which Obama is King of the Swooning Wussys.
What kind of people fail to resist the New World Order? Answer: The kind that no longer believe enough decent Americans live to turn this around or to deserve to turn it around, even partially. The kind that are unwilling to try a COS or, if it comes to it, to secede.
What kind of people actively cheer for the NWO? Answer: That would be the rainbow coalition of godless or godforsaken moral criminals and wussy crybullies. They can be "thanked" for believing fascists are beneficent. Or for not even knowing what fascism is when it's at their doorstep.

Regarding the kind of people that engage in this way: What motivates them? I don't see how it could be truth, justice, empathy, fairness, or equality. It looks like plain old lust for power over others and/or lust for promotion under fascist despots. People farming of the most cynical and depraved kind, by wussyboy goose steppers.
Maybe prison and basement dwelling teaches people to love abusing and to love being abused. The truth is, they long ago learned to love Big Bro/Sis/Bi/Uni.

Our Founders made a big mistake by trusting criminals in Congress to decide when to impeach a fellow criminal, with no means for the people to remove them all on a vote of no confidence. Now we are all under the ratchet effect of Nurse Ratched. We are aboard the one way ratchet to the gulag.

In Islam , no one can hear you think.

Progs, including Prog media, coordinate to dump onto Trump. Then they coordinate to ridicule Trump for noticing their dumpings, instead of "focusing on the issues." Like Hillary wants to focus on the issues. Or like her base of wussys has the least interest in actual substantive issues. You know, concerning all Hillary's "accomplishments" and plans. S/
Like Hillary's wanting to open our borders to ensure we have an unaware and compliant citizenry. Ask any Hillary voter what that means. They won't have a clue.
They say Trump should tell them the important stuff. But he has. And the information is out there. But they are reading National Enquirer and watching Mad Prog TV. Ask any of the women and wussymen voting for Hillary whether they have compared policies or appointments as proposed by either main candidate. Almost certainly, they have not. Nearly all they know is that a lot of diggers have recently come forward with stories (most of which do not add up). Hillary saved up, with them specially in mind.
As to the millenneal issue of whether we remain a representative republic or have our borders,Constitution, and republican traditions sold down the river, Hitleryites are all lalalalala.
Given the state of the Wussyland, it more than deserves what it is likely about to get. If you thought Donald was an abuser, wait till you get a load of Hillary unleashed.


Both Obama and Hillary are run by corporate fascists with a NWO agenda. That necessitates the cracking and hollowing out of the resources of America. It necessitates the arming of corporate fascists. Shadow armies. It necessitates the reduction of Americans to beggars. This is prelude to the World Sheeple Farm. The World Gulag. The gulag envisioned by Hillary's fascists will make Stalin's look amateurish. But incompetent morons will at least be made "equal." Oh, and Hillary loves you. Especially your children. S/ Forward!

I don't care nearly as much about the dreams of empire of corporate fascists as I care about the rights of Americans to be left alone.

What Hillary and her goose stepping corporate fascists want to do to the American Ideal:


A lot of competent smart people are well aware of what's up. Between Trump and Hillary, many wonder why Progs are so blind with regard to what Hillary is up to. They wonder how so many 21 to 29 year olds can be so ditzy as to believe the Prog Agenda amounts to anything in practice other than worldwide fascist corporatism. Given the great issues before us, they wonder why ditzy Progs vote based on which candidate most appeals to their ditzy delusions about free sugarplums.
They wonder why so many women and nancyboys are shutting their ears to the points being made by Trump and going lalalalala. Our problem is that there seem to be far more nancyboys than strong republican women. These boys don't want to have to be responsible for themselves. They want what the Left promises, and they are too corrupt or stupid to see that what the Left promises is phony.
Tell me, do you REALLY believe the billionaires funding Hillary are going to pick up the tab for your "free stuff"? Do you really believe our best solution is to give elites central power to use government to regulate us down to the finest nitty gritty of politically correct political compulsion? Do you really believe the U.S. should open its borders to every depraved person and culture in the world? I think you do. I think you believe those things because your thinking remains stunted in infantile land. Smarrrrt. S/


Anonymous said...

Lol. Putin must think it funny that the Left would rig the election by complaining that he is exposing their rigging. How many voting machines does Soros own?


A lot of competent smart people are well aware of what's up. Between Trump and Hillary, many wonder why Progs are so blind with regard to what Hillary is up to. They wonder how so many 21 to 29 year olds can be so ditzy as to believe the Prog Agenda amounts to anything in practice other than worldwide fascist corporatism. Given the great issues before us, they wonder why ditzy Progs vote based on which candidate most appeals to their ditzy delusions about free sugarplums.

They wonder why so many women and nancyboys are shutting their ears to the points being made by Trump and going lalalalala. Our problem is that there seem to be far more nancyboys than strong republican women. These boys don't want to have to be responsible for themselves. They want what the Left promises, and they are too corrupt or stupid to see that what the Left promises is phony.

Tell me, do you REALLY believe the billionaires funding Hillary are going to pick up the tab for your "free stuff"? Do you really believe our best solution is to give elites central power to use government to regulate us down to the finest nitty gritty of politically correct political compulsion? Do you really believe the U.S. should open its borders to every depraved person and culture in the world? I think you do. I think you believe those things because your thinking remains stunted in infantile land. Smarrrrt. S/


Do you know why more Prog wussies go to college than Conservatives with skills? Well, because Progs need the remedial time to learn how to serve fries with hamburgers. That's what makes them "smarter" in their eyes.

Next up: Do you know why Prog profs teach but don't do? Hmmm. That's a hard one for Progs.

What's the best vocabulary to describe the skills of a Prog? Well, that would be the vocabulary of a third grader.

Notice: To every person with a functioning brain, the key question before us in this election is whether we want a chance to preserve a representative republic or whether we want to surrender all authority to rule us to a global elite of corporate fascists. Everyone with a functioning brain knows the billionaires funding Hillary are not going to pick up the tab to pay for the "free stuff" and sugarplum visions of Prog toddlers dressing up as adults. Those are the questions. But Progs want to make the election about which candidate is the most salaciously ewwwey. Of course, to Progs, that woujld ALWAYS be the candidate that bursts their visions of sugarplums.


Facebook began as chauvenistic piggy Facemash. Which was much more jerk-asinine than anything Trump has done or said. Facefarmers always accuse others of what they are malevolently doing.


Incompetent nancyboys always seek the protection of the gang so they can parasite from the herd. Facebook is a place for the herd to identify itself. Figuratively speaking, for self defense, Americans, while avoiding being stampeded themselves, will need to devise ways to lure nancyboy gangstas and their useless cattle off some cliffs or behind better walls. We need to stop trading with them and feeding them. Don't nurture subhumanoid cultures.


My father was an Air Force NCO. I paid my own way from the day I came down from Canada to enlist in 1967. I'm guessing you're a nancyboy metrowussie.

Anonymous said...

Put aside the salacious depravity on all sides and focus on the important concerns of public policy.

Do we want a defined republic with less central gov intrusiveness, or do we want to erase borders and move to international law as funded by faithless corporatists?

In the names of equality and fairness, how much regulatory power do we want to surrender to central judges appointed by central authorities? Should Americans retain any power at all as individuals to decide with whom they wish to associate, socially and economically? In fairness and equality, must the central money fiating process fund shelters for every citizen of the world, irrespective of borders or taxes?

Who will the work and taxes finally fall on, to build and fund the "fair and equal" NWO? To make the NWO work, how much authority must it usurp, to require that each citizen work to the extent he is able? To which college educated dorks should we entrust such authority?

Hillary's globalism, in her public persona, is pretended to be Marx-like in its emphasis on fariness and equality. In Hillary's private persona, her globalism is much more like corporate fascism. Her public persona says those corporatists will foot the bill for her new fairness and equality. In her private persona, she knows those fascist corporatists will pass the expense onto the backs of desperate workers, whose ladders will then be pulled up so the corporate class does not anymore have to pretend even to listen to their groans.

The choice between Trump and Hillary is the choice between a chance to preserve the representative republic versus the near certain burying of it for a millenneum under a depraved NWO of fascist corporatism.

Bottom line: All supporters of Hillary that are not extremely stupid or mal-informed are likely very evil deceivers. But still too stupid to appreciate how they are deforming their very souls.


Was it once suggested that only the immoderate Muslims of the Middle East were out of their ever loving minds?


Might the following be a problem for small state dreamers? That they imagine people will, "by reason," come to share mores and values as needed to sustain their society. But then they tend to confine "reason" to science, so-called political science (rationalization?), and hedonistic pleasure.

However, their understandings of histories of social strife and philosophy, and how those contribute to forums and churches for assimilating intuitions and insights about worthwhile social values, seem often to lead them to a knowitall assumption that traditional churches and communities need to be divided and broken up. So elite knowitalls can "work their magic," I suppose.

Bottom line: I think theories of anarcho-capitalism can help illuminate and inspire the quest for liberty. For actually conserving liberty, I think more would be necessary.

Anonymous said...

Re: "as states devolve into smaller self-governing areas"

Well, "as states devolve into smaller self-governing areas," would they not become easy prey for larger despots unless they federate for the purpose of mutual defense? However, in that case, they would no longer be independent sovereign states.

Moreover, without a decent federal republic, there would be little to check the agglomeration of power and property held by oligarchs and large international corporations. Such a replacement of gov by corporations would lead to a worldwide marketplace for cheap, serf like labor.

That would not seem likely to avail much of a utopia! More like a corporate-fascist-totalitarian system of force that only foregoes the term "government" as a matter of politically correct diversion.

If you want reasoned human decency, dignity, and liberty, you need a system that will establish and defend those things. Like a representative republic with a formal system of checks and balances and an informal general assimilation of shared social values. Those social values would need to be inculcated and defended not so much by the government and not so much by force of law, but by the free exchange of ideas, such as in enlightened church forums. A shared interest in reasoned assimilation of defensible and lasting social mores. (Come let us reason together ... concerning our intuitions, insights, and interests.) That would be a path for Conservers of Liberty, such as those that were among our Founders.

Without a system for Conserving Liberty, all alternatives (like anarchism, libertineism, hedonism, polyamory, socialism, fascism, etc.) seem to be chimeras that cannot exist as envisioned but that must and invariably do lead to despotism. IOW, anarchism and socialism are words for imagined "departments of heaven" that on earth seem to lead to despotism as surely as any in-your-face tyrant that foregoes such polite words and phony promises. (Instances of communes have been found, but they have tended to be sheltered under stronger arms, have they not?)

So the only practical choices seem to consist in some aspect or combination of the following: (1) minimal central (federal) gov to the extent necessary to preserve liberty by deterring agglomerating corporations, or (2) Kabuki gov that gives lip service to liberty while in actuality practicing despotism, or (3) in-your-face despotism (whether by corporate fascists or commie nomenklatura).

In substance and practical effect, (2) and (3) seem very nearly to be one and the same. I doubt the actual practice of anarchism would lead to much lasting or defensible difference from despotism.

For scaling, I would be more concerned about how a gov measures in terms of how it avails individual liberty and responsibility versus totalitarian regimentation. On that mixed scale of qualitatives and quantitatives, I would tend to put systems under Conservers of Liberty on one side and all other systems that lead in practice to actual collectivism on the other. As to which would be Left or Right, I would leave that to the Hegelians. No doubt, they could go round and round forever.

Bottom line: We favor and defend the individual, or we favor the herd. I suppose God, fate, and/or chance will decide the upshot for our era. Will we remain human, or will we become Borg?

Anonymous said...

When I visit a Walmart, grocery store, school, college, law office, government building, or anywhere south of San Antonio, my head tells me the sewer has been hacked.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. I am not sure our republic paid that price the last time it had a chance. Too many were fixated on contrivances like safe spaces, hate speech, fake news, free condoms, gay adoptions, fake rape charges, fake racist attacks, locker room talk, paid rumor mongers, etc. Especially on taking God out of Gov by proclaiming the new faith that Gov should be God.

I feel I hardly know most of "my countrymen." Where did all the adult Americans go to? Why did they allow so much infestation by all the liberty illiterates?


Six feminazis and six nancy boys. They can't win a fair fight so they shoot opponents in the back. Their followers can't debate, so they abhor any political discussions on Facebook. Their mods can't refute opposing ideas, so they turn off mics and ban commenters.

Simply put, they have no respect for the free exchange of ideas because they are so sure they are right. They are so sure their opinions are right because those are the opinions they have been trained and are paid to give. They are paid to give those opinions so the people will be easier to farm.

These people are pushing us through the gates into our assigned collectivist stations. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao murdered people. These people are set on murdering every representative republic. After that, they will "see about" the people.


Nurse Ratched mods, double standards, thumbs on debate scales, contrived majorities, banning of contrary insights -- all those things mark a subpar thread. If the goal is to enlighten minds via informed debate and the free exchange of ideas, then knowitall Nurse Ratcheds are major stumbling blocks.

Anonymous said...

What isn't phony nowadays? Phony FBI investigations of well connected criminals. Phony labor participation stats. Hired troll phonies. Phony debate mods and blog mods. Phony debates. Phony election polls. Phony fiat money. Phony lying Dino and Rino politicians. Phony campaigns that promise to take from rich corporatists to redistribute to dupes, even as the corporatists are funding the campaigns and hollowing out nations and laughing at the dupes. Phony education that is really indoctrination into stupid baa baa noise. Phony religious leaders. Phony SJWs that want to loot, abuse, and choom. Phony pols "concerned" with children and families, while they engage in sordid and depraved trysts and orgies and baby-parts-selling. Phony republics that are really under the thumbs of empire builders.

Behind this phonyness run amuk lies a great loss of cultural good faith, good will, and belief in the trustworthiness of one's neighbor. We need a rational, moral, reawakening. A miracle. Which we will not get until we humble ourselves to ask for it.

No one who refuses to shill for the NWO corporatists can get very far up the ladder in most of the worlds of media, academia, empire military, international trade, banking, organized crime, pornutopia, choomermania, organized religion, Hollywood, or DC.

Cream can't rise so long as floaters monopolize. If you want to play, you pay.

The only effective check there has ever been against the worldwide downhill flowing of people farmers has been in the assimilated faithfulness of individually competent citizens. "Multi culti" was and is the euphemistic battle cry among rulers and looters for the NWO. It means, "Dhimmi that working guy." Also, "handsupgimmedat," and "lemmedodat." It also means good faith and good will are dead.

The drivers are faithless greed, envy, and sociopathy, reducing majorities of human beings from free agents to subhumans that farm people and subhumans that want to be farmed.

What we are inheriting is not the product of well meaning think tanks, academia, news media, or legislative bodies. It is the product of those that sell out to people farmers in order to be promoted to head up think tanks, academia, news media, and legislative bodies.

Corporate loyalties seceded from nations long ago, but citizens neglected to protect themselves from having their governments bought out from under them.

We don't get the thinking of the NYT. We get what the NYT is trained or told to think. The think tanks are not the leaders but the rationalizers. They put the pretty bow ties next to our dog food. But their pants are well creased and their smiles are wussie white and toothsome.

Anonymous said...

The problem is unprincipled greed of nationless corporatists combined with unprincipled envy of faithless incompetents.

Billionaires and looters are in an alliance of convenience to push all decent, individually competent, producers into the NWO people-fleecing farm.

The richest guys aren't Conservers of Liberty or Republicans. They are Rino allies of Dinos. The lust of Dinos for opm won't be satisfied by taking from the Rino Billionaires. It will be satisfied, for a very short time only, by pushing fiat money on the backs of the working producers.

After that, herd thinning will begin in earnest. The time for decent, competent, working, middle class Americans to defend themselves from unprincipled greed, envy, and faithlessness (loss of good faith and good will) is at hand. Crying and shrieking: "Wake up!"

Unprincipled Rulers (people farmers) long ago declared open season on the weak minded. Leftists tend to be especially easy prey for rulers whose favorite tactic is divide and rule.

Subroutines include racebait and confuse, conflate and confound, bait and switch, stir and boil, hit and run, whine and loot, promise and blame. At no time will you hear Rulers of Leftists urge them to man up, grow up, practice discipline, develop competence, or work harder.

Rulers will require the masses to work harder, but they won't tell them they need to work harder. Not until the republic has first been fully cannibalized. Then the Rulers will separate those that remain useful to them from those that are not.

Leftists don't think much about hypocrisy because they are constantly being "moved on" to new promises and bribes. Their next big promise is a sex robot with which they can do anything they want to do. For the unprincipled Left, that would be heaven: 72 robots content to be dhimmied to engage in every imaginable, mind-blowing diversion. As with Jihadis, the dream of Lefties is the eternal orgy over dhimmis.

Eventually, many will learn to their horror that they found their master through the wrong door.

Dlanor TheDeplorableJackpineSavage 2 days ago

Unfortunately, most of the women I know detest talking about politics. From the nature of their general awareness, I fear they may also detest reading about politics. Unless there is something salacious about Trump.

Many will vote based on feelings, farmed by skilled and highly paid political advertisers. Most of the wealthy Republicans seem to have aligned with Dem-Prog People Farmers in order to milk the feelings of wussies, collapse the republic, and rip off its innards.

So these ignoranti and corrupti have major advantages in terms of funding from disloyal billionaires and access to hordes of trained political dufusses. Even if Trump, by some miracle, is elected, nearly every one of our institutions will still continue to suffer from 100 years of prog poison.

Upshot: It's hard to trust in good sense from any man under 40 or any woman under 60. I pray I'm very wrong about this.

Anonymous said...

The new idea of "charity" seems to amount to voting for the fed gov to provide charity, and then to facilitate community organizers to exploit openings. To fill pews, import more people who incline to vote for gov charity and to help exploit it.

Somehow, corrupti have been promoted to coopt every institution in order to collapse competence and nations, so all the people that are stampeded by those that vote for a living can be assigned to their apppropriate collectivist stations by corporatist officers for the NWO.

When the collapse comes, it will be quick, but not painless. No doubt, plans for "managing" the coming floods of desperate masses have already been made.

Anonymous said...

In a way, Communism and Fascism do seem both to be flavors for bundlers of elitists to rule over the masses. I would suppose communism depends more on direct threats and force applied through its nomenklatura, while fascism may smooth its application more efficiently with fiat money and opportunities for corruption funnelled through its oligarchs.

Subjugated subhuman hivemind will be fulfilled. But I don't think it will be any kind of utopia, which "exists" only in fantasyland. Eventually, it will dawn on the hivers that they have created a prison, and that the minds they are psychotically raping are mirrors into their own. Then the gates will close for a millenneum long laugh by the devil.

The nomenklatura being made into a nearly hereditary oligarchy through a facade of capitalism that largely runs on fiat money would be an evolvement that would not be dissimilar to what is often called fascism. If so, fascism need not be altogether unlike communism, but it has more smoke and mirrors to sometimes soften the appearance of brutishness, if not brutishness itself.

It appears that Russia and the U.S. are converging on fascism from different points of departure. To get to worldwide NWO fascism, a global form of fiat money may help.

I hope the NWO crumbles first, like the Tower of Babel. It seems easier to think of a scale between individual free agency versus hive mind, with communism and fascism being different in quality, but not so much in substantive result, i.e., somewhat hierarchical overlordship.

Instead of a linear scale, it may sometimes make sense to model a sphere. Free human beings are at the center. Varieties of nutter hivemind intrude and circle madly around, intersecting in constant turmoil and countless wars.

Globalists want to be at liberty to centrally farm the masses. They don't want national borders. They want corporate bins, and they want masses desperate enough to compete to jump into them. Until globalist fascists consolidate power, they will dress up their programs in whatever names the masses like.

If Libertarian sounds good to the masses, that is what global corporate fascists will call themselves. Whatever the culture, food, or music of the labor market they are surveying, corporate fascists will coopt its names to suit their purposes. Anyone that has no idea about what is necessary to conserve human decency, dignity, and liberty has no business pretending to be much of anything. Anyone that is so naive is silly putty in the hands of conniving fascists.

The Koch Brothers can call themselves whatever they want, but only fools accept them as anything contrary to corporate fascists. Unfortunately, political candidates in need of funding routinely find it necessary to give corporate fascists cover to pretend to be what they are not. And that is precisely why the U.S. has become a kakistocracy. We tend to be governed by the biggest floating lying fascists possible. Everywhere, our culture has become such that the important promotions go first to the servants of the devil. But hey, Christianity is the problem, right? S/

Anonymous said...

Trying to preserve political freedom is more important than trying to force economic equality. Patrick Henry did not say, Give me an equal share of free stuff or I will cry and loot. But a lot of people that vote for a living do.

Responsible people accustomed to having jobs tend to screen their calls better, and they tend to be Conservatives. They tend to be less welcoming of polls and politicians for freeloaders.

Compound that with the fact that the main issues (preserving the republic versus killing it with globalism) are more visceral than ever. Will good and responsible Americans be substantially more likely to actually vote than those that rely on being bussed or bribed?

Many may be like me. I steer away from pollsters much as I steer away from street people registering voters. Moreover, I am not willing to sell even a minute of my time for a promise of a $10 reward from a person who is so low that he works for a poll operative (barely a step above phisher cons and time share cons).

Then there is the filter problem. If around 90% of journalists and educators are Dems, then what is the agenda of so-called independent pollsters and the people willing to work for them? How much has the public awakened and become sickened by people that work as shills for the establishment, and how may that affect general willingness to submit to polling?

There is the selectivity problem. How much desire will a pollster have to complete a poll from a respondent that does not seem to share his values?

And there is the problem of a largely uninformed and distracted populace. As the election draws nearer and they begin to pay attention, how much will they be susceptible to being moved to and fro by recently reported information -- especially as Wikileaks informs them how corrupt all the institutions around them really are? As decision time approaches, will they cancel out the salacious nonsense and look to substance? Will the sheep overlook the ugliness of the sheepdog that is trying to save them? If so, will they compare Trump's accomplishments and positions to Hillary's non-accomplishments, failures, and desires to sell the U.S. into servitude?

Most problematically, there is the fraud problem. Just how corrupt have our establishmentarians and institutions become? I would say monstrously corrupt.

So we have reasons both to hope and to fear. Regardless, the polls are bogus. Hang on tight!

The correct path would have been to stop Islamic and Socialist immigration. By not doing that, the Patriot Act (and the TSA lines) was used as one more nail in the coffin of our republic. Establishmentarians were not trying to make democracies in the Middle East. They were trying to make satraps for the fascist NWO. And to use that effort to increase the fascist hold at home. The Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Soros, et al are despicable subhumanoids.

The previous wave was of anti-American La Razans and socialists. That was to soften us up for the present wave of Muslim jihadis, mixed with fascist estasblishmentarian election fraudsters We are now well into a fascist coup that is expected to be in mop up stages within 4 more months. In main, the sheeple, as students, were successfully misdirected by previous stages of brain manipulated profs. The message, "resistence only makes things worse," is now tattooed on the eyeballs of a large number of resident zombies.

When people phony up to play victims, is that not more common among Progs than Conservatives?

Maybe a course could be studied to confirm whether the well creased, "educated" Progs (ACLU) favor passive aggression, while the frontline fodder (BLM) among Progs are comfortable in going quicker to active aggression.