Preserving decent society necessitates that freedom of speech include a right not to be jailed on account of expressing political opinions unfavorable to existing agents of the government. It does not extend to deliberate attempts to foment criminal activity. It does facilitate freedom of thought.
Freedom of speech ought not extend to require businesses to accomodate speech deemed unfavorable to their business interests. Even so, a culture of decent respect for the dignity of fellow citizens should encourage people and businesses to accord due hearing for most information and ideas. Absent good reason to the contrary, opposing and discomfiting ideas ought to be tolerated for verbal expression. Usually, the better way to oppose such ideas is by showing how they are likely inconsistent, incoherent, incomplete, or simply false.
Otoh, when a person is shown to be an habitual, deliberate, incorrigible, trouble-making, con-shilling, lying deceiver or thief, such a person ought to be marked or identified, pending satisfactory evidence of rehabilitation.
No mortal has free will to violate laws of nature (gravity, etc.) What we have is participatory will. From our individual perspectives, we get to participate in a great unfolding process of reconciliation of parts, fluxing among patterns, bringing order out of otherwise chaos. In a free society of human beings, participatory freedom extends to freedom to speak your mind without unwarranted fear of being jailed by the authorities. It does not extend to freedom to physically harm your neighbors. It may be regulated to mitigate against clear hazards and rioting.
In most cases, freedom of speech may not be curtailed by U.S. authorities merely to assauge against hurt feelings. However, even though it may not get you jailed, it may get you banished, expelled, or fired. And, if slanderous, it may get you sued for civil damages.
Freedom of speech ought not extend to require businesses to accomodate speech deemed unfavorable to their business interests. Even so, a culture of decent respect for the dignity of fellow citizens should encourage people and businesses to accord due hearing for most information and ideas. Absent good reason to the contrary, opposing and discomfiting ideas ought to be tolerated for verbal expression. Usually, the better way to oppose such ideas is by showing how they are likely inconsistent, incoherent, incomplete, or simply false.
Otoh, when a person is shown to be an habitual, deliberate, incorrigible, trouble-making, con-shilling, lying deceiver or thief, such a person ought to be marked or identified, pending satisfactory evidence of rehabilitation.
No mortal has free will to violate laws of nature (gravity, etc.) What we have is participatory will. From our individual perspectives, we get to participate in a great unfolding process of reconciliation of parts, fluxing among patterns, bringing order out of otherwise chaos. In a free society of human beings, participatory freedom extends to freedom to speak your mind without unwarranted fear of being jailed by the authorities. It does not extend to freedom to physically harm your neighbors. It may be regulated to mitigate against clear hazards and rioting.
In most cases, freedom of speech may not be curtailed by U.S. authorities merely to assauge against hurt feelings. However, even though it may not get you jailed, it may get you banished, expelled, or fired. And, if slanderous, it may get you sued for civil damages.
But for 100 years of mass indoctrination and child mind-abuse, what thinking person could listen to NWO agents for people-farming and adopt their propaganda as a decent basis for centralizing governance? Ugh!
Why should we tolerate, much less celebrate, the subhumanizing antics of Muslims, Marxists, and Morons -- ugh, ugh, ugh!
Soon, persons perv'd by FedEd will be suing to claim equal rights to receive clearances for top secret assignments. Nuttery! To be encouraged by now-serving perv'd Generals.
A society that tolerates and encourages perversion will soon celebrate and require perversion. We often become what we tolerate. Without vision beyond sex organs and drug addictions, a people and a republic perish.
Patterns form out of chaos, but not all such formations are benign to decent civilization. It is willfully stupid disavowal of moral responsibility to consign all blame to God ("God don't make no mistakes"?), without apprehending that the Godhead functions in a feedback relationship (responds to our prayers and wishes and signifying acts) with us. How else could we and our societies share participatory responsibility?