Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Fundamental Deficiency

Representative Republics throughout the world are suffering from multiple attacks of social gangrene, while their self-godded, hedonistic, self-loving, profit-seeking politicians, philanderers, philanthropists, profs, and press remain clueless and dithering about what to do.  Meanwhile, they scientismystically continue to seek open-society profits by feeding the gangrene. 
While civilization darkens, they beat their tom-toms, looking more for sadomasochistic pleasure than enlightenment.  Substituting Sung-ism and Soros-ism for godliness, as if Soros' Open Society were the Second Coming of the Messiah and the Mahdi.  As if goodness and wealth will trickle down upon all Uniparty Dem-is who serve Soros and his Oligarchy/Imamate.  The Communal Open Society ... is the Caliphate ... is the Hell on Earth.
The Uniparty has welcomed Communism and Mohammadism.  Soon, it will welcome Sung-ism/Soros-ism.  All are forms of totalitarian people-farming.  That is, trickle-down death to the freedom and dignity of individual human beings.  Even now, their Neo-Red-Guards are smashing the monuments to representative republicanism.
The only qualitative checks and balances against such totalitarianism are faith, family, fidelity.  The formal checks and balances as set out in the Constitution have been dissolved as a result of a founding deficiency:  Failure adequately to guard against the rise of a class of demented oligarchic scientisimists that profit by buying and selling politicians and governments as if they were commodities.


Passive-aggressive femi-weenies have spent most of their lives imagining themselves to be heroes against "body slamming" brutes. They, especially the "journalists," build up an immense vocabulary to describe pushing someone away as if it were gross bodily mayhem. They get in your face (blood coursing in their nostrils), in your streets, in your property, and think you have no right to remove them. And they will rush to destroy the republic if good people allow it.

We need vision beyond linear thinking, in order to balance our enterprise so we can stop breeding, enriching, and empowering the kind of Evil that will not tolerate human freedom and dignity. We have let our economies be taken over by oligarchs bent on profiting by selling the masses into scientific servitude. We need to stop making rope to give to oligarchs to sell to demented monsters bent on snaring and enserfing us.

Dem leaders are people-farming scientismists. To them, Republicans are deplorable fertilizer, while Dino she-men make good fertilizer. Once they swamp the U.S. with enough good fertilizer, they figure they can drive all Republicans under. They are funded by Rino helpmates. Dems are perfecting the plantation, progressing from human slavery to human fertilizer. Dems figure that Islam helps to expedite the removal of deplorable fertilizer. They are building the Thousand Year Swamp Farm, for which the "science is settled." Free speech, personal responsibility, and individual dignity are no longer needed. If Americans don't wake up, we are done. Selah.

She-men are the fertilizer that despots use to grow authoritarian governments. Of course, the fertilizer does not know it! Unless you can raise your game, I will have to put you with the potted plants.

Progs want the Open Water Society. A boat can never take on too much water. We should always be tolerant of more water. Only mean Republicans refuse more water a chance to save itself.
The Prog gender, including its socialist men, do not want harems. They want to be part of a harem. Submerged as sexual farmees. To take everyone else along with them to the bottom. While they honor us with their stupid "explanation" that the tipping point is a logical fallacy.

Dems don't want human civilization, They are t-suckers who want to get high on scientific fertilizer.

Yet they're tolerant of Mohammadism. You can't fix this level of t-sucking stupidity.

You need strong families and assimilated communities to establish and sustain a representative republic. Fidelity, family, faith. You can't beat something with nothing. Islam is something (despotic), even if demented. Progism is entirely femilala. Consequence: Islam is expanding. Progism is eating itself.

God bless Montana! I am so tired of femi-weenies thinking they can get away with flinging their passive-aggressive crap in your face without repercussions. I want Gianforte when dumas Dems block roads and play their weenie games.
What good has all the race baiting done? Remember about 8 years ago when a group of black high school students celebrated Obama by lining up to say what each of them was going to become on account of his example? If a recall correctly, one was going to become an engineer, another an architect, another a doctor, another a teacher, another a police officer, etc. Because of the "example" of Obama, I wonder how many instead majored in black studies and community organizing, so they could become SJWs? I tried to find the original rendition on You Tube, but could not. I suppose that tape was conveniently sent down the memory hole. Maybe because those kids instead followed the example of whining, blaming whitey, protesting, claiming entitlements, and so on? What good are these schools doing? If decent people don't do more, the republic will be swarmed by little more than wannabe cockroaches and rats.

When you have no decent higher mindedness or faith, it tends to be more lucrative and convenient to become a *turdsucker for the oligarchy-ruled Uniparty
*I would say c sucker, except that is now a badge of honor for proggies. IAE, turdsuckers are now everywhere. They Live! It is impossible to turn on the TV without one filling the screen within 15 seconds. These people are so into the slippery turd that they have convinced themselves that the slippery slope is a fallacy. There is no way to defeat them without getting your hands dirty.
EDIT: These people thrive on the waste product of oligarchs that are farming them. They are content with that, because the alternative would be to go into honest work for a living. They figure they are entitled not to have to engage in honest work because ... racisssm, reparations, privilege, cultural appropriation, yaddayadda. All who lead astray and sell out their republic for the oligarchy are included. That includes a whole lot of journalists, profs, actors, sjw's, freestuffdopers, sordid middlemen, childgroomers, phonypreachers. They're filth-ing up everything.
Some good things about the turdsucker name: It insults people who need to be insulted. It replaces slurs based on race, gender, age, IQ. education, or national origin. It describes the relationship between sheeple and their oligarchic farmers. On blogs that prefer politesse while advocating for the profane destruction of the republic, I will probably refer to them as T Suckers. Or S heads. As more people notice how many of them are on TV or in Education, more may come to turn their TVs off and to seek OJT. Instead of lining up to become debt slaves so they can fill their heads with crap.
Consider: Look at the ferocity of the MSM jihad against Trump, because he would not take bribe money to be told what to do by the oligarchy. Would the same oligarchy that is so bent on destroying Trump-The-Resister hesitate to deploy a phony mind meme to help it re-shackle Trump's followers? Would the oligarchy that owns the media/academia complex lie to you? Would a farmer feed slop to his pigs? Global Warming is slop the people-farmers feed to their targeted mind-slaves. When do we give the oligarchic pigs a dose of their own slop?

Mohammadism is proof that evolution and civilization are not progressive! 
Rather, all that is necessary for subhumanizing evil to triumph is for real Americans to do nothing.  Already, the ruling majorities in most societies consist of inbred Mohammad-heads and incompetent Femi-girlymen-feminazis.  Almost by definition, such societies can neither grow children into capable adults nor sustain human freedom and dignity.  They can only destroy it.
This is a sign and a product of too many people populating the earth.  The earth's response is either to cull the herd by rendering people so violent they kill the excess or so sexually addled or impotent that they cannot reproduce.


From every perspective, there abides innate aspiration to appreciate one's possibilities under the system of systems that has formed him.   Receptivity to appreciate The Defining Principler.  An inherently spiritual or religious relationship of unfolding feedback.
But, how one's aspirations are shaped can lead one to measure a constricted appreciation of the Principler, so that one's receptivity becomes brittle, narrow, material, abusive, sadomasochistic, self-rationalizing, and selfish.  Woe to the society that promotes such people to leadership!
Such a society encourages gang bangers to play as victims to rationalize "fairness" --- as if it requires equality in forced redistribution to them (their chosen clan), but not to others.  With no work required, other than the "work" of voting, protesting, whining, stealing, and looting.  With academics, smartasses, comedians, moral idiots, and imams promoted to rationalize such behavior as "just."  The slogan for such gang-bangers is not generally assimilating faith, family, and fidelity.  It is perversion, grooming, and booty -- but couched in Orwellian rational-eze as liberty, equality, fraternity.  Social justice against The Man.  Entitled, not earned.  S/


The lie of Global Warming rationalizes excessive regulation. Excessive regulation artificially inflates prices and oligopolistic profits. Oligopolistic profits corrupt politicians and rationalize fiat money. Fiat money allows a two-class economic system. A two-class economic system translates into a two-class Rino-Dino Uniparty system of people farmers and people farmees. This promotes open borders and destroys constitutions and representative republics. This makes individual freedom and dignity under rule of law untenable. This reduces people to soylent fertilizer for the Borg Swamp.
Global Warming is a meme that is useful for destroying the free-thinking middle class, to sell the masses into trickle down "progressivism." It allows people-farmers to self-god themselves, while allowing people-farmees to lose themselves in orgies of mind destroying drugs and family destroying sexual confusion.
Thus, all fidelity to higher purposefulness is lost to self-godding pleasures and mind oblivion. Thus are faith, family and fidelity slutted to perversion, grooming and booty. New Sewage Order: False messiahs and mahdis are powerfully arrayed against DJT and MAGA.


To spread wealth and power to regimes that are primed for destroying all middle classes, worldwide --- to make their servants equally enserfed.

The Senate is owned by Oligarchs. Given the chance, they would likely do the bidding of the Oligarchs. Trump is the last chance for Americans. Without a COS, the Constitution will remain poisoned --- as a suicide pact for the republic.
Problem is, most people in the West -- Left and Right -- have been indoctrinated to oppose even general incentives for population control. Except as to Whites. So they create voids in their own countries, that quickly suck to fill with liberty-illiterates from nations and cultures that have no conditioning for, or understanding of, liberty.
They argue that the world can support many billions more. So they deny or ignore that there is a limit, beyond which lies catastrophic rebalancing. Moreover, they noise out all concern for improvement in quality of life by lessening population demands.
Their vision is blinded by secular and sectarian indoctrination. They have no feel for the feedback relationship with the Reconciler. They think the Reconciler has "left the building," after instructing us to multiply our brains out. Without vision, a people (Americans) are lost.
Many people long to live well off the work of subordinates, whether they be people, animals, machines, or artificial intelligences. Often, living well comes to be associated with abusing subordinates. Keeping them in their place. Lifting the ladders. Controlling the currency. Manipulating the institutions that inculcate trust, faith, and sacrifice.
People will always have trust and faith. The concern of abusers and oligarchs is about how to program and manipulate that faith and trust. How to turn most people into perpetual serfs and servants, and to eliminate the excess. From Left Stage, enter Global Warming of the Pagan Planet.
People Farming Oligarchs and Wannabe Doper Farmees want a two-class society. The Farmers want to rule; the Farmees want to get equal and high. They want to subordinate and subjugate most people to a subhuman class of lowest common denominator. They have this desire in common with Muslims.
That is not what DJT wants. DJT does not want a system without a perpetually rising and fluxing middle class. The Uniparty wants subhumans. DJT does not. DJT wants all humans to have opportunity to grow up, become competent, compete, and rise. To be free-thinking, free-enterprising human beings. The Uniparty wants to destroy the U.S. DJT does not.
Unfortunately, by abusing power, sex, and drugs, most people now seem to want to force the nightmare of the Open Society of Gov Groomed Children on everyone else. IOW, they want Gov, run by Oligarchs, to have open season on your children. And all the trannies and trans people say, Yippee!
Is this some kind of defensive feedback loop of system homeostasis, i.e., a sign of excess population? Evolutionary drag, via Drag Queens?

The lie of Global Warming rationalizes excessive regulation. Excessive regulation artificially inflates prices and oligopolistic profits. Oligopolistic profits corrupt politicians and rationalize fiat money. Fiat money allows a two-class economic system. A two-class economic system translates into a two-class Rino-Dino Uniparty system of people farmers and people farmees. This promotes open borders and destroys constitutions and representative republics. This makes individual freedom and dignity under rule of law untenable. This reduces people to soylent fertilizer for the Borg Swamp.
Global Warming is a meme that is useful for destroying the free-thinking middle class, to sell the masses into trickle down "progressivism." It allows people-farmers to self-god themselves, while allowing people-farmees to lose themselves in orgies of mind destroying drugs and family destroying sexual confusion.
Thus, all fidelity to higher purposefulness is lost to self-godding pleasures and mind oblivion. Thus are faith, family and fidelity slutted to perversion, grooming and booty. New Sewage Order: False messiahs and mahdis are powerfully arrayed against DJT and MAGA.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2017

    Church v. State

    Forms do not long remain conscious unless they strive to express themselves within a context that inherently both defines and challenges them.  Without change, there would be nothing to remember and nothing to be conscious of.  As change occurs, the expression of some forms will be enhanced and some will be reduced. 
    Disease and death follow health and life as surely as night follows day.  Without decline in some forms, there would be no enhancement of others.  This is inherent in the math that avails the conservation of matter and energy.  Without such math, how could there abide either goodness or evil? 
    The measurables of such math are conservatory.  In many ways, zero sum.  But the qualitatives (joy, grief, pleasure, pain, spirituality, empathy) in many ways are not.
    From the perspective of a particular subject/form, whatever enhances its expression is good, and whatever reduces it is bad.  From an objective perspective of the Holism, it simply is what it is.  From an empathetic, caring, feedback perspective, wherewith the Holism participates by reconciling among the contending concerns of its particular perspectives, the reconciliatory math entails that some unfoldings will be favored while others will be sacrificed.
    As to which unfoldings the Holism should temporally favor or disfavor, what mere mortal can say?  What is self evident is consciousness, which inherently entails caring, empathy, responsiveness to feedback.  And, at its more abstract levels, receptivity to reflection, meditation.  And prayer -- with an inherently caring and guiding Reconciler.  The feedback is such that no one, while alive, is assigned a cross too big to bear.
    As a society assimilates to such faith, it may come to value the freedom and dignity of its members.  To preserve itself, such a society will need vision, through observation/meditation/prayer, to consider what is needed to establish, inspire, and preserve itself against all challenges and challengers --- while it can.  As it loses vision, it will be ground through the recycler.  For that, mere science will not be enough.  It is what it is.
    As a society falls to femi-freelunch-think, believing everyone can be made perfectly and perpetually happy, and that it is society's job to ensure such, it will necessarily lose the vision required to sustain itself.  Or anything else. 
    The greatest present danger to the American Ideal is the swamp of carriers of freelunch-think --- whether it be secular (such as Marxist) or sectarian (such as Islamist).  Subjectively, they believe in a trickle-down sky-master that never was.  Figuratively (so as not to judge them by race, gender, age, or origin), they tend to be, well ... I can't say it here.


    Models for religion, science, and politics can all be enhanced by putting them to reasoned tests for consistency, coherence, and completeness. While understanding that perfection will forever remain elusive to mortals. Even so, we can constantly seek to improve our explanations and models. Understanding that moral models rely more on metaphors, judgment, and experience, since they rarely avail themselves to rigorous, double-blind, controlled-experiments where all untested things remain the same.

    Relying only on the Good Book of Experience without enhancement by the Books of Reason and of the Cosmos is blind. Relying only on the Book of the Cosmos without appreciation for the Good Book of Experience is lame. Imo.

    From every perspective, there abides innate aspiration to appreciate one's possibilities under the system of systems that has formed him.   Receptivity to appreciate The Defining Principler.  An inherently spiritual or religious relationship of unfolding feedback.
    But, how one's aspirations are shaped can lead one to measure a constricted appreciation of the Principler, so that one's receptivity becomes brittle, narrow, material, abusive, sadomasochistic, self-rationalizing, and selfish.  Woe to the society that promotes such people to leadership!
    Such a society encourages gang bangers to play as victims to rationalize "fairness" --- as if it requires equality in forced redistribution to them (their chosen clan), but not to others.  With no work required, other than the "work" of voting, protesting, whining, stealing, and looting.  With academics, smartasses, comedians, moral idiots, and imams promoted to rationalize such behavior as "just."  The slogan for such gang-bangers is not generally assimilating faith, family, and fidelity.  It is perversion, grooming, and booty -- but couched in Orwellian rational-eze as liberty, equality, fraternity.  Social justice against The Man.  Entitled, not earned.  S/


    Depends on how you define God and/or religion. Under what philosophy do you judge yourself to be "very moral," and under what faith have you accepted that philosophy? Is this a reasoned philosophy that seeks towards consistency, coherence, and completeness, that should be taught and inculcated, like a religion? Or is it just your personal rationalization to do what you wanna? If it is a reasoned philosophy that seeks towards consistency, coherence, and completeness, then I suspect it is much more like a spiritual worldview than a moral-scientism view. Thank God.

    Get government out of religion and get churches out of politics. Do this mainly with tax incentives. Do not tax domestic clubs or businesses. Do tax individuals. On yearly consumption. Do not tax income. On consumption taxes, do not give deductions for church or political contributions. Count those as forms of consumption. When domestic businesses make contributions or spend money to lobby for political favors, tax those expenditures as part of the consumption by the individual person(s) that authorize them. Do tax non-domestic businesses on their imports as they do business in the U.S.

    In most other matters, accord untaxed and very broad freedom of speech for individuals. Require Congress to reallocate a large portion of such tax revenues to the States on a per capita basis.

    This would reduce fake charities that launder political bribery and mass political indoctrination by oligarchs. It would help empower individuals to take back their republic. It would tax not income but wealth, when it is spent for political gain. In that way, as the influence of oligarchs is leveled and the moral voice of individual citizens is enhanced, the republic would be strengthened. If necessary, amend the Constitution to accord.

    Absent some such affirmative check to encourage small business, restore a moral voice, and redistribute ill gained and ill used wealth, there is little to stop the agglomerating power of evil. Which is what we have.

    Because, as God lays the unfoldment before us, we find that God is infinite and eternal -- not simple. However, you can believe God is simple minded if you want to. For other thinkers, their pursuits of explanations may tend to improve as their experiences and observations increase. I find it simpler and more satisfactory to take Jesus' parables more as metaphors than as precise injunctions. That is not the same as self godding oneself, because it depends on good faith receptivity to being corrected. That's how we can each have a personal relationship with the Godhead.

    Friday, May 19, 2017

    Auto Da Fe

    What are the Russians suspected of having done, that the U.S. is not known to have done?  What are the Russians suspected of having done that is out of the ordinary?  Is some kind of punishment desired for the Russians? 
    Why, if Trump is not under investigation, has there been such talk about impeachment?  If Trump is under investigation, where is the probable cause? 
    No need to worry.  The Oligarchy now effectively asserts power to force Special Prosecutor/Investigators on everyone, to make them do an auto-da-fé.
    The U.S. is being victimized by a Uniparty Defense that has morphed into an all out offense.  That is why the republic is in peril and why Hillary has not been locked up.  In effect, the Uniparty is pushing Trump to do an auto-da-fé for the republic, while it pushes the nation into despotism.
    Progs elect and allow despots like Hitler and Stalin, but then look for whipping boys to blame.  So they project to blame their asinine proclivities on people like Trump!  See a production of Candide, where Trump is inserted midway to pronounce judgments upon unfortunates, each doing his auto-da-fé. 
    Meanwhile, the real Trump is one of the rare persons trying to save the republic.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2017

    Not Even Wrong

    Of things that just are, but that are "not even wrong":

    Within space-time, measurables can be wrongly measured. But non-measurables cannot be measured, not even wrongly.

    They can, however, be constructed and de-constructed. Rationalized, to explain what they are like and not like. (Jesus told us what Heaven is like, not what Heaven is.) Metaphor-ized, parable-ized, and moral-ized. The qualitative experience of thinking cannot be otherwise appreciated. Moral purposefulness could not otherwise abide.

    The function of explanatory metaphor-izing is to help guide purposeful participation among perspectives of Consciousness, in ways that tend towards consistency and coherence. Not towards final or complete rightness or wrongness. The purpose is to pursue fulfillment, not to obtain it.

    Unavoidably, this entails faith that the pursuit itself is worthwhile. That within the eye of chaos, it is possible to identify with the pursuit and appreciation (construction and deconstruction, assimilation and dissimilation) of kinds and degrees of consistency, coherence, communication, community, and civilization.

    This process is how worlds and worldviews are accompanied with simulations, tests, constructs, deconstructs, phases, fluxes, and replacements. This process is as worthwhile as it is unavoidable.

    To say that the process of world simulation is "not even wrong" tends towards being blind to the unavoidable and unfolding reality of such simulation, testing, and process-feedback.

    I do not know how or why Chaos functions in math to produce orders of world constructs and deconstructs, made of perspectives of Consciousness, measurable Substance, and cumulated Information (CSI). I only know (directly sense and experience) that Chaos does.

    So, finding my I-ness within Chaos, what, in faith, should I be about and doing? Well, if I am about communicating empathy, then I am about helping to in-form societies of children growing into free-thinking adults (i.e., representative republics). But if I am about self-ish enmity against my very beingness, then I am about deconstructing or despotically destroying republics.

    Problem is, both empathy and enmity seem to be innate to our angst and beingness. (To get the Internet, we have to deal with hackers.) And so it goes.

    Presently, our world tends to be under thumbs of overly proud "moral scientists," who think their moral scientism is settled so that they should rule, and so that voting by the masses should be mere diversionary make-believe. Especially as they erase borders and flood nations with persons bred or indoctrinated to be liberty-illiterates.

    The consequence is enmity against the masses, with the masses "persuaded" (forced) to love Big Brother by a 24/7/365 apparatus of syndicated media/academia/banking/preaching/scientism/oligarchism. This is the coming dominant worldview/simulation/test. This is a consequence that accompanies a (wrongly?) devalued construct about non-measurable fluxes in CSI (i.e., the Godhead).


    Does the same Consciousness abide as a Holism, capable of projecting among uncountable Perspectives?  Is the Consciousness that associates with each of us of the same unifying and interconnecting Holism?  Is Information concerning the previous aspects of each sequence from the past accumulated, assimilated, absorbed, and stored, for all Perspectives?  Can logic consistently and completely support a concept of a fundamental and ultimate building block to that which exists throughout space-time?

    When a Perspective has become inclined to meditate and pray for a thing, is it because the Holism has contemporaneously become inclined to respond with feedback --- which may be accommodating, changing, denying, but always in reconciliatory mode?  In that way, is the Holism personally responsive and reconciling (empathetic?) to the context of each Perspective?  Does receptive meditation (prayer) tend to enhance that feedback?  How is it that the body syncs to form choices a split second before the mind becomes conscious that the choice has been made?


    For more than 20 years, I have been shouting that the Rino and Dino Parties are both corrupted and of immense, perhaps nearly equal, danger to the Republic.  Since 2001, I have been saying that Islam does not qualify as a religion that can be afforded protection under the free expression clause of the First Amendment.  For about as long, I have been musing that a progressive tax on personal consumption may help protect the Republic against the absolute corruption of the "breathing together" of the class of international Aristocratic-Oligarchs.  For longer, I have been needling that the religious/spiritual environment is out of whack, largely on account of charitable tax deductions.

    Since about 10 years ago, many people have finely awakened to the fact that, in terms of danger to the Republic, there is little practical distinction between so-called socialistic Dems and oligarchic-fascist Repubs.  A few people may be realizing that the Islam does not qualify as a religion under the protection of the First Amendment.  Very few people support the idea of a progressive tax on individual consumption.  Perhaps a few more will, in about 30 more years -- long after I am deceased.


    Not without a miracle.  But neither did I really expect DJT to win.
    Regardless, neither the Godhead nor the seed of free thinking people will ever die.  Their source is innate.
    Who is against Trump?  Atheistic Jews, self-godded Oligarchs, militant Queers, Muslims, FemiBeasts, incompetent Codependents, Students marinated in social scientism idiocy.  I don't see them winning as much as I see them making themselves and everyone around them miserable.
    Musing:  Consciousness is consciousness.  A is A.  Does the same Consciousness abide as a Holism, capable of projecting among uncountable Perspectives?  Is the Consciousness that associates with each of us of the same unifying and interconnecting Holism?  Is Information concerning the previous aspects of each sequence from the past accumulated, assimilated, absorbed, and stored, for all Perspectives?  Can mere logic, devoid of regard for qualitative Consciousness, consistently and completely support a concept of a fundamental and ultimate building block for all that exists throughout space-time?
    When a Perspective has become inclined to meditate and pray for a thing of quality, is it because the Holism has contemporaneously become inclined to respond with feedback --- which may be accommodating, changing, denying, but always in reconciliatory mode?  In that way, is the Holism personally responsive and reconciling (empathetic?) to the context of each Perspective?  Does receptive meditation (prayer) tend to enhance that feedback?  How is it that the body syncs to form choices a split second before the mind becomes conscious that the choice has been made?
    All that shouts of futility and godlessness, when turned to a purposeful perspective, shouts instead of godliness.  In that light, do I have faith in a society (republic) based on human freedom and dignity?  You betcha.
    When we restore faith in the Godhead of Innate Empathy, the bad guys will run, and the slow witted will wake up. 
    (Until then, we will have to put up with dumas "moderators."  Did they think I did not copy and save this?  Good grief!  Pending my azzz.)

    If what defeated Hillary was her email controversy, and that was fed by Seth Rich to WikiLeaks rather than by Trump to Russia, then the investigation of Trump is the Oligarchy's way of diverting attention away from its fraud fest with Hillary while it uses its media and institutionalized corruption to undermine and prosecute America's elected President.

    In effect, the Oligarchy and its Farmee-Minions are punishing the American people for daring to believe they still have a representative republic.


    Faith, family, fidelity: Our republic is reaping the whirlwind from having profaned those fundaments.  Who are the destroyers?  Oligarchs and farmee-minions against Trump.  Self-godded Oligarchs, atheistic Jews, militant Gays, Muslims, codependent Femimen, incompetent Students marinated in social scientism.  These people cannot sustain a republic.  They can only sustain a people-farm.  These people lack the character to defend a representative republic.  But they certainly have the character to be able to kill one for everyone else.

    If what defeated Hillary was her email controversy, and that was fed by Seth Rich to WikiLeaks rather than by Trump to Russia, then the investigation of Trump is the sub-humanized Oligarchy's way of diverting attention away from its fraud fest with Hillary while it uses its media and institutionalized corruption to undermine and prosecute America's elected President.

    In effect, the Oligarchy and its Farmee-Minions are doing their voodoo to punish the American people for daring to believe they still have a representative republic.


    To expect that a rigorous (consistent, coherent, complete) explanation of everything can be reduced to a rigorous formula is a too linear way of thinking about the power of math over existentiality. 

    It's not just about the math.  It's also about contextual feedback with the Mathematician.  And He has "not left the building."  Maybe linear thinkers tend to remain mired in self-defeating maths for profaning faith, family, fidelity, as if math by itself has more power than it does?  If so, wisdom will always elude them.

    Maybe to seek a rigorous definition of linear thinking (direct current), free of feedback with the Godhead (alternating current), is itself to be overly linear-minded?

    Example:  Sam Harris and his pursuit of moral scientism.


    For God's sake, there is no *rigorous definition of religion! But people bent on destroying the republic will interpret in favor of Islam. However, nothing in common, decent, or good sense requires any such a thing.
    The issue should be: Can Islam be tolerated in a free society, without grossly endangering that society? The answer is clearly no. Regardless of numbers, a society that twists itself to tolerate what is intolerable and poison to it cannot survive.
    The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. But Islam itself prohibits the free exercise of other faiths. By definition, Islam on its face is 100% incompatible with the free exercise clause. Islam is a written, practiced attack against the free exercise of faith, hence of the First Amendment, hence of the republic. I can think of no other conspiracy of evil (Communism, Nazism, Oligarchic NWOism, Slave-ism, People-Farming) that is a more evil affront against human freedom and dignity than Islam.
    *There are lots of qualitative things and ideas for which there is no rigorous definition. Nearly every concept has its fuzzy edges, where it slides, morphs and phases. Present Substance slip-slides away into past Information. "I" am different in some ways from what I was a second ago. The idea of an ultimate particle recedes into paradoxical conundrums. As does the idea of a Changeless Changer (unchanging Godhead that sponsors changes) Or a relational essence.
    Yet, via a process of participatory feedback, we are able to communicate ideas, values, and purposes. And enlist cooperation and/or resistance.
    IOW, even though a Port Royal system of rigorous definitions is impossible, we are able to communicate subject to a context. Which unavoidably morphs over time.
    My point: We can strive towards a Port Royal system of logical categories, but we will never achieve it. IAE, no Port Royal system of logic should lead us to make a suicide pact of the Constitution. Rather, we should interpret the right to the free exercise of religion as not requiring us to allow invasions by proponents of religious intolerance. Simply put, a so-called religion that calls for the killing of apostates cannot in any reasoned fashion be considered to be consistent with a free exercise.

    Thursday, May 11, 2017

    Monetary Merit

    As businesses consolidate into fewer corporations, and as jobs are replaced by AI, ways will have to be found to redefine merit, earning, and value.  Especially if nothing is done to discourage ever more breeding among humans.  One way is by central gov redistributing rations of fiat money, as chits to buy the services of AI laborers.  Another way is by central gov distributing tax revenues or tax opportunities to local States/Cities, for them to contract with low bid businesses for the construction and maintenance of ever more "infrastructure."
    Regardless of method, there is no avoiding the role of gov at some levels to become involved in the redefinition of merit, earning, and value.  Although that is not strictly speaking Keynesian, it amounts to a same effect:  More massive gov intrusion in the allocation of wealth.
    Oligarchs see the unavoidability of more gov intrusion, so they seek to monetize it.  By buying and selling gov favors, politicians, and governments.  To make a real financial killing, they lust to kill and cannibalize representative republics and turn them into people farms.
    So far, most people remain fat, dumb, and oblivious.  Sitting ducks.  Honking and quacking as they are told.  To bring down Trump and prevent him from restoring the republic.
    Imagine if Hillary had been elected.  Would any oligarch-owned media still, more than 100 days into the new admin, be talking about Russian meddling?  Suppose, 100 days out, Trump were still whining about the Russians?  He would have been mercilessly mocked.  Oligarchs and their media would have been laughing hysterically.  To fail to see this is to be a sold out, demonic, anti-human or an unsalvageable, Stockholm-ed fool.
    If enough Americans remain to take back the republic, they will have to take the gloves off.  Trump can't stop the demons and fools by himself.  And they will have to make peace with AI, fewer jobs, and stranger ways for re-defining merit.

    How much of that pre-Reagan 70% tax rate was never more than proggie pie in the sky, because it instead represented money paid to accountants to avoid it? Or to managers to pass it on?
    Repubs tend to be more concerned with the real capacity of a society to increase its productive wealth than Dems. Dem Dinos (and Rinos) tend to be more concerned with constructing unicorn theories, the better to steal from your back wallet while painting phony pictures of fairness and equality. All the while, the Laffer Curve laughs at linear tax-ologists failing to appreciate business and its cycles.

    Civilization seems to undergo something like a moral flip to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropic decline of ordered liberty. IOW, a lot of people want to be farmed, because thinking for themselves is so hard. They are like free range cattle, there for the collecting, farming, and mental decline.
    Falling to Oligarchical Collectivism: Those that value free speech and human dignity are less inclined to capitalize, organize, or pursue opportunities to direct speech or thought. Over time, the promotion and evolution of people-farmers (anti-humans) and people-farming institutions and businesses (Twitter, Google, Facebook) is favored. Like natural selection of a meme.
    Non-billionaires that value human freedom and dignity need to organize more businesses and volunteer coops to promote freedom -- to protect the evolution of civilizations that resist the natural devolution of people farms under the thumbs of oligarchical collectivists. As things stand, most institutions and think tanks have come to be run by and for anti-humans. It may already be unlikely that such trend can ever be reversed.
    Absent course correction, the Uniparty Axis of Corrupt and Dumas Progs (wannabe people-farmers and farmees), by all-invasive PC political favors, propaganda, and regulations (against "hate speech", "white privilege", unvarnished truth; for open societies, open borders, and open marriages) --- means by all possible measures to outlaw and kill every representative republic.
    The more people succumb to wanting to be farmed as moo cows, the faster the light will die and the sooner most people will start loving Big (settled science) Brother. Soon, they will prostrate themselves to Big Bro 5 times a day. And want to kill (shadow and bury) every heretic who still values free thinking.

    Kings had Castle Fools. Modern times call for Trump to appoint a Special Yapper. Not to espouse Trump's policies, but to make the talk circuit rounds to yap with the talking yappers. To keep them diverted and occupied. I nominate Milo.

    What about the Whiny Ass Card? Do you play that card in real life, or just on the Internet? if you were an employer, would you want to hire a perpetual Whiny Ass? Everyone has a cross to carry. A lot of crosses are far heavier than the one carried by professional whiny asses. If you want understanding, reach beyond the whiny entitlementism. Otherwise, talk to the hand.

    The Uniparty is a Party of wannabe godless and self-godded rats.

    The cognitively impaired would oppose tax policies designed to reduce incentives now in place for the most ignorant, invasive, and cultish of breeders. Given the broader context, this phases into actually incenting such breeding and swamping. To think beyond their noses, the cognitively impaired do not. They like their cognitive impairment, and they want more of it. These are the farmees of the people farmers, bred to be epsilons for the Brave New Uniparty. The unwitting vanguard for the sub-humanization of humanity and the destruction of every representative republic. Food for Soros.

    By all means, let's never let up on tax and regulatory policies to encourage the most ignorant and clannish cults to breed and overrun every society that seeks an ideal of quality of life.

    The purpose of parents and institutions for a representative republic should be to raise children to become competent adults and viable citizens.  Not to fill their heads with perpetual visions of cheap and phony charity and kindness.  The path of phonies, fairies, feminazis and femimen is the path for the burning down of the representative republic.  The imaginary Eden, without the sweat of thy brow.  The great challenge for every successful republic is to avoid feminizing (phony-nizing) its next generation.  Western Civ is failing.  Running to fail.  With visions of phony-femi-free stuff in its head.  Femi intentions tend not actually to be good intentions, but phony intentions.  Phony as make up.  But pretty to behead.

    Maybe Trump believes that if he can relate to Ivanka and move her thinking, he can do likewise with the general proggie electorate. However, in his heart, he must know most of them are ineducable. It is very hard to fix people who have been educated all their lives to become fools.

    Trump has also become a lightning rod, to attract all the opposing forces of evil and ignorance. Can he actually wield that power?

    Falling to Oligarchical Collectivism

    The Oligarchy is using our universities to shape foreign students to become evangelists not for representative republicanism but for the NWO. They get Americans to go along with this by using crocodile tears to appeal to our sympathy and charity. Then, the newly trained foreign students go home to teach their cronies how to siphon wealth by calling it charity.
    "So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot." -- George Orwell

    I agree that we need to switch from income taxation to consumption taxation.  The only problem I have with the Fair Tax is that it is too linear.  It would do nothing to address the biggest challenge today to the representative republic:  The fact that most representatives work more for the oligarchy than for the citizenry. 
    That is a fact to which the SJWs, Dinos, and Rinos are oblivious, as they seek to give ever more power to the central apparatus (media-academia-banking) --- even though it is controlled by oligarchic moochers. The fact is that oligarchic wealth tends to snowball and agglomerate as it acquires control over all the institutions of politics.  That is what is feeding and powering the NWO putsch to worldwide enserfment.

    I am not anti-consumption. I am pro-responsible-budgeting.

    I agree that we need to switch from income taxation to consumption taxation. The only problem I have with the Fair Tax is that it is too linear. It would do nothing to address the biggest challenge today to the representative republic: The fact that most representatives work more for the oligarchy than for the citizenry.
    That is a fact to which the SJWs, Dinos, and Rinos are oblivious, as they seek to give ever more power to the central apparatus (media-academia-banking) --- even though it is controlled by oligarchic moochers. The fact is that oligarchic wealth tends to snowball and agglomerate as it acquires control over all the institutions of politics. That is what is feeding and powering the NWO putsch to worldwide enserfment.

    Whatever the oligarchy pays for in taxes, it tends more than to make up for in extractions of political favors. Whatever the poor extract from the gov, the oligarchy tends to pass on to the producing workers. In effect, the various gangs of parasitical SJWs mean to redistribute poverty to the middle class in exchange for despotic power to the oligarchy.
    Because this produces little and drags a lot, it tends to the social detriment of everyone. The need is this: To privatize productive work by freeing industriousness, without freeing crony oligarchs to protect their perch by shackling the masses. This requires insight into phase shifts, beyond linear thinking. Ever more linear agglomeration of wealth into the hands of a few self-selecting self-godding political-moochers is not always a good thing.

    Might it make more sense, ideally, not to tax domestic businesses on income or profits, and instead to tax the individuals to whom salaries or withdrawals are paid, but only on their personal consumption (broadly defined to include personal purchases, personal investments, personal charitable and political contributions)?
    If we want individuals to save more, then tax consumption, not income. If we want more production to come from businesses instead of gov, then don't tax businesses on their productive operations. if we want a more productive society generally, then don't turn a welfare safety net into a hammock. If we generally want less gov, more production, and less consumption, then don't tax productive work, but do tax personal consumption.
    If we don't want an oligarchy to be able to consume gov and destroy representative republicanism, then tax the oligarchy on its use of wealth to consume political influence by treating all lobbying expenses as if they were the taxable consumption of the agent who authorized it. If necessary to bring the oligarchy under control, make the tax on consumption progressive.
    The oligarchy loves the tax on income, since it pulls up the ladders on potential competitors. Replace the income tax with a tax that reaches wealth by taxing consumption.


    Civilization seems to undergo something like a moral flip to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropic decline of ordered liberty. IOW, a lot of people want to be farmed, because thinking for themselves is so hard. They are like free range cattle, there for the collecting and farming.

    Falling to Oligarchical Collectivism: Those that value free speech and human dignity are less inclined to capitalize, organize, or pursue opportunities to direct speech or thought. Over time, the promotion and evolution of people-farmers (anti-humans) and people-farming institutions and businesses is favored. Like natural selection of a meme.

    Non-billionaires that value human freedom and dignity need to organize more businesses and volunteer coops to promote freedom -- to protect the evolution of civilizations that resist the natural devolution of people farms under the thumbs of oligarchical collectivists. As things stand, most institutions and think tanks have come to be run by and for anti-humans. It may already be unlikely that such trend can ever be reversed.

    Absent course correction, the Uniparty Axis of Corrupt and Dumas Progs (wannabe people-farmers and farmees), by all-invasive PC political favors, propaganda, and regulations (against "hate speech", "white privilege", unvarnished truth; for open societies, open borders, and open marriages) --- means by all possible measures to outlaw and kill every representative republic.

    The more people succumb to wanting to be farmed as moo cows, the faster the light will die and the sooner most people will start loving Big (settled science) Brother.


    Multi-Culti Divide-and-Rule is segregation of the people into separate cattle pens.  The People Farm runs more efficiently that way.  Anyone who refuses to tolerate the New World People Farm is a racisssst.  Except Whities.  They have to serve and pay reparations.  Refusing to do that is also racissst.  Everything that would sustain the representative republic is racissst. 
    Because Trump wants to restore the representative republic, he is a racissst and must be nullified.  The People Farmers and their Farmees say so.  And since their Owners own and run Congress, that will never be investigated.  Instead, everyone that cooperates with any other nation (such as Russia) to resist People Farmers (such as Islam and the NWO) will be investigated, defamed, hounded, ridiculed, audited, sued, and, if necessary, eliminated.
    Congress has become a Criminalized Syndicate.  It will only investigate those who mess with its thing.  The republic has become a rotted fish, with every institution rotted, from the head down.  Much of the Congress/CivilService/Media/Academia/ThinkTank/Priesthood Apparatus sucks.  Big time.  Slurping Down economic theory.
    To hope to restore the republic, Trump/DOJ needs to investigate, charge, convict, and imprison a lot of high level malefactors.  They know that.  Which is why the Oligarchs are in a frenzy to nullify Trump.  Simply stated, those that help them are the worst of Corrupti and Ignoranti.  Likely, there will be blood.


    Atheism: A head-circling-hinny belief that the Source of reason must not exist unless it can be proved in reason. Or, that there must not abide a Godhead unless it can be fully comprehended by mortals. Or, that moral principles can be consistently and objectively derived by resorting to pure scientism (so that gov should be determined by experts, rather than by voting citizens).

    Young people in school and in a phase for questioning all authority tend to question religion. As they mature, many realize they are not so atheistic, after all. And some come to apprehend how their default belief in the better or more natural goodness of gov is, well, not very intelligent. To extract a proposition from such a snapshot of a changing demographic, to say that atheists tend to be more intelligent generally, is rather tool-ish.

    What a load of feces mixed into the punchbowl! Are atheists more intelligent than proggie people who believe gov is naturally inclined to look out for them? I much doubt that atheistic proggies tend to be intelligent enough to apprehend that organized force inclines more to look out for the interests of its organizers than for the interests of the general population. Are atheistic Marxists intelligent enough to sniff out utter bs? Nope, afraid not.

    Yes, the Muslims are among the lowest. Sub-human, even. Yes, People Farmers seek to reduce nations to a lowest common denominator. No, People Farmers do not value any culture that resists movement towards the lowest common denominator. Yes, every culture can be destroyed by breeding to the lowest common denominator -- except the lowest culture.

    The people who rule Western institutions do not care if the masses are ruled as cattle by agricultural scientists for the NWO. They do not care if jihadis help reduce the masses to cattle.
    The West is testing, to determine whether a course of incentives, indoctrination, immigration, and intimidation can reduce republics so that the masses will equate being foot stools for Oligarchs with being "reasonable," i.e., fair minded and intelligent.
    In lands of trans-sexualized surrender monkeys, urban beaches, and city colleges, the resounding answer so far is ... YES!


    There are a lot of people who are inconsolably unhappy, who nevertheless are more content when they are among others whom they are able to share and make misery.  They are incorrigibly, un-fix-ably, co-dependent, femi-collectivists who want to marry the gov --- provided the gov will (lie and promise to) give them shelter without requiring anything in return.  These people are unfit.  They are unfit for a representative republic.  When imported or indoctrinated in large numbers, they will kill a representative republic.  They are also unfit for a commune.  What they are fit for is only to be farmed.  Hard.

    Monday, May 8, 2017

    Health Insurance

    No sane or decent person expects the nation to be able or liable to ensure the health of every non-citizen.  No sane or decent person expects children who are citizens to be able to ensure themselves.  No healthcare system can endure without enforceable borders.  No decent healthcare system can endure without ensuring for the care of its dependent children.
    Problem is, citizens are remaining childish and dependent much longer today than ever before.  Many have lost responsible parents to State interventions and intrusions.  Many are unable to gain decent employment without extensive training.  Before they get that training, they cannot afford healthcare.  After they go into hock to get that training, they cannot afford healthcare.  Moreover, frequent re-training tends to be necessary.  Making employers pay for such healthcare puts the nation at a competitive disadvantage against nations that do not put such imposition on their business employers.
    This state of affairs tends to make individuals too non-independent to be able to secure decent health insurance at a reasonable rate.  Rather, the people become more like dependent stock, to be debt enslaved and farmed by oligarchs and their insurance companies.
    In a nutshell, this is what Trump is called upon to try to fix.  Or to get the Feds out of the way, so States and State compacts can fix.


    Musings regarding Krauthammer and Single Payer (I am not here trying to give an objective interpretation of the Constitution; I am only musing about practicalities):

    It is probably too late to put toothpaste back in the tube.  Fed money to buy health care will likely be ruled Constitutional, as a "tax."

    If so (again, "if" -- and, note:  Trump will be appointing judges and justices, and seems to be on record for favoring something akin to single payer or the Australian system), then:

    To be a single and decent society, a nation should have a single and unifying safety net, sufficient to ensure human decency even when an individual citizen has become without a job, family, support, or hope. The net should not, however, become a hammock, nor should it encourage citizens to become sloth-like.

    To compete internationally, a nation's private employers should be freed from the onus of needing to provide health insurance for their employees.

    To remain a decentralized federal republic, the extent of central regulation on domestic matters, such as health care, needs to be minimalized, without sacrificing decency.

    HOW might that be done, consistent with our Constitution?

    Eliminate most obligations to insure illegals and invaders.

    Set up parallel competition via a private system, in which insurers can insure across State borders, and in which policies are made portable across borders.

    Allow States to join in regional/area co-operative ventures for ensuring State employees, citizens, and residents.

    Allow States/Areas to set limits on fees and costs by making reference to private insurance costs and rates.

    Provide a tax credit for every citizen (or for every filer who reports some minimum net income), to be usable only for purchasing health insurance.

    Call the health insurance provision a "tax" on the productive health of every citizen.

    It will be interesting to follow convolutions and evolutions on this issue of health care, as proceedings unfold ....

    Saturday, May 6, 2017

    The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism

    Might it make more sense, ideally, not to tax domestic businesses on income or profits, and instead to tax the individuals to whom salaries or withdrawals are paid, but only on their personal consumption (broadly defined to include personal purchases, personal investments, personal charitable and political contributions)?
    If we want individuals to save more, then tax consumption, not income.  If we want more production to come from businesses instead of gov, then don't tax businesses on their productive operations.  if we want a more productive society generally, then don't turn a welfare safety net into a hammock.  If we generally want less gov, more production, and less consumption, then don't tax productive work, but do tax personal consumption.  If we don't want an oligarchy to be able to consume gov and destroy representative republicanism, then tax the oligarchy on its use of wealth to consume political influence by treating all lobbying expenses as if it were the taxable consumption of the agent who authorized it.  If necessary to bring the oligarchy under control, make the tax on consumption progressive.
    The oligarchy loves the tax on income, since it pulls up the ladders on potential competitors.  Replace the income tax with a tax that reaches wealth by taxing consumption.


    Too many Christians, Jews, Women, Femimen, Blacks, Progs, and Codependent Collectivists are taking the easy pieces of silver paid by Oligarchs for forsaking Western Civ, to grease its replacement with a NWO Syndicate of People Farming Oligarchs. As a result of brainwashing and corruption, they forsake good faith and good will to sell out their fellow human beings. The more they sell out, the easier it becomes to rationalize. (If they don't do it, someone else will. And the demographics soon tip to convince them that the people must be farmed because they cannot be saved.) And so they call all opponents of this dystopian dysgenics "Nazis."

    Progs that suffer from collectivism, racism, and toenail-regulating on the brain wish to convince all others not to profile them as such. To do this, they protest in favor of, wait for it, collectivism, racism, and toenail regulating. I hesitate to call this mass insanity, but it is at least mass un-sanity.

    Suppose one were asked to define "Canadian Freedom." If so, I would say Canadian Freedom is a more deadly form of Orwellian U.S. Freedom. It is the "freedom" to be herded by cults whose profs have been filtered and brainwashed by despots and people-farming oligarchs. To be progressively farmed by agents of horror: Islam and an NWO Syndicate of Oligarchs. That is, international agents of corporate petro-dollars bent on erasing all national borders, in order to facilitate the easy dividing and ruling of free-flowing masses of cheap and desperate sheeple-serfs.

    In its final stages, Canadian Freedom does not allow its patient-inmates to dare to mouth nary a peep against it. To do so would expose them to being black listed, made examples of, shunned, sued, suspended, fired, fined, and punished. Everyone retaining a functioning brain, who is not independently retired, would be cautioned to be very careful to avoid going on record for saying or doing anything overt against such "Canadian Freedom." Or even to solicit, read, or research anything against it. Such as in the book within a book, "by" Emmanuel Goldstein, regarding the Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism. (Bureaucratic Collectivism and toenail regulation?) Among competing syndicates, variants of Oligarchical Collectivism include English Socialism (Common Market?), Neo-Bolshevism (Mass-Man?), and Death Worship (Islamic obliteration of the self?).

    Within such a world, the easier path is to become an approved tool, to be paid in pieces of silver by a Syndicate of Oligarchs, to join the pretense that they are nobly looking out for the best interests of the little guys and of the planet. Once all Canadians, Americans, and Westerners have been "freed," then there will be "peace." Hahaha!


    It makes sense to consider the Left as tending towards the Security of Regulated Collectivism, and the Right as tending towards the Freedom of Unregulated Individualism.
    Communism, Socialism, National Socialism, and Fascism are different names for that which tends towards Regulated Collectivism.  Despotism, right down to the toenails.  Legal paradise for godless, pagan, law droolers.
    Marketplace Free Enterprise and Capitalism , when they check against the buying and selling of political favors, are different names for that which tends towards Unregulated Individualism and individual initiative.
    For Lefties to play games trying to make principled distinctions between Corporatists that collectivize the Government and Governments that collectivize Corporations is the height of masquerade and simple mindedness.
    There is Wrong and there is Right.  Sub-humanization and Human dignity.  Lefties tend to be incompetent, codependent, wrong, subhumans that make a travesty of human dignity.  Claiming to want fairness and equality, they produce misery and despotism.  Scientismiscally, of course.  All their empty scholarship is the stuff of fools.
    Lefties would put butterflies to the rack to try to distinguish among variants of Oligarchical Collectivism --- such as English Socialism (Common Market?), Neo-Bolshevism (Mass-Man?), and Death Worship (Islamic obliteration of the self?).  As they move towards their goals, they leave little in their wake but mayhem, misery, and morons.  They read Orwell, but learn nothing.


    How many agents from the FBI are leakers, leaking to help the Oligarchy?  They hoot at Trump, saying Obama was a better manager because he had fewer leakers. 

    Well, I wonder why?  Obama was a puppet for the NWO Oligarchy.  He was bent on weakening the nation and destroying the republic.  Same as the Oligarchy.  So of course the Oligarchy would not be leaking against the Puppet who was only doing what the Nation Destroyers wanted him to do. 

    Why are they leaking against Trump?  Well, that would be because most of DC, including Civil Servants, are corrupti and ignoranti on behalf of the anti-American Oligarchy.  They think we are so dumb we can't see them.  Effing punk pukes, the lot of them. 

    If you oppose these s for brains, Trump is the only game going.  There is no one else who can stand against them.  Trump's role is not unlike that of Moses (who also was not especially good with his own words).  Except Moses' tweets were on stone tablets.

    Thursday, May 4, 2017

    Cycles of Sweet Spots of Entropy and Information

    The model of a Big Bang from No-Thing-Ness is useful for some tinkering and technological purposes.  For an ultimate explanation of reality, not so much.

    If some-thing-ness burst from no-thing-ness, then no-thing-ness must not really have been no-thing-ness.  It may have been no-measureable-thing, but it was not no-thing.

    Likewise with regard to the model of entropic expansion and dissipation in space-time of particularized expressions of measurable Substance of matter-energy.  Matter/Energy make sense only in respect of measurable relationships.  Not in respect of any particle-in-itself.  (Being non-relational, how could a particle-in-itself be conceptualized to be useful to relate to, measure, or react with any other particle-in-itself?)  There is no expansion or dissipation of any particle or particles in themselves.  Only of measurable relationships.  Of which none are possible without the joint entailment of C, S, and I.

    So what is "really" expanding, dissipating, and fluxing, if not particles-in-themselves?

    Since they flux, C, S and I, as aspects (or faces) of a Trinitarian relationship, must coordinate to feed back with and influence one another.  C must flux in respect of S and I; S must flux in respect of C and I; and I must flux in respect of C and S.

    As S expands and dissipates, I increases.  At some level, S and I can be conceptualized as mere math relationships between previous, present, and potential expressions of C.  When S dissipates to such an extent that it no longer can support I or C, the measurable physics of the Cosmos becomes presently finis.  Invisible.  No-Measurable-Thing.  To produce such a condition, no big crunch is necessary.  This is because there never was any real measurable thing-in-itself to crunch. 

    All that is necessary for something like a Big Crunch is for S and I to go out of measurable potential for any extant-perspective of C.  At that point, all significant meta-power fluxes to C.  S and I reduce in measurable aspect to a point (if even that).  IOW, a change/flux in C will coordinate with a disappearance of all present maths and rules for defining and showing S and I. 

    No real Big Crunch is needed, because no real particles-in-themselves ever existed.  Their measurable appearance was entirely derivative of a fluxing relationship between C and math-based perspectives of Itself.

    When I and/or S become immeasurable because they are being in effect multiplied or divided by zero, then the Big Crunch will have recycled.  There will still abide C and math, but particular perspectives of C will not recur unless and until C shapes new representations and images by undertaking new perspectives in maths of space (geometry) and time (calculus).  Only then will new, measurable relationships among S and I recur. 

    When S and I are made to appear to recur, then newly fluxing and particular perspectives of C will be unavoidable, at least in potentialities.  IOW, there are no uninhabited physical universes.

    The relationship between C, S, and I remains in perpetual flux because it can never balance out into a stagnant and symmetrical equation that is free from an ever present and carrying remainder of unfinished business.  That is what keeps its math functions back-feeding, cyclical, and active.

    I also think there is insufficient good reason for gov to default to encourage self-godding oligarchs to promote either the breeding or the elimination of billions of cheap laborers. And I see no good reason for gov, by its tax policies, to incent the covering of the Earth with unlimiting billions of people.
    At some point, should not quality of life issues suggest to citizens and their tax incentivizers that it may be appropriate to stop defaulting to open borders and tax-supported harems? Does the scientist in you ever consider whether some number of billions of people may put the planet out of whack and deep in a down spiral of needless dystopia?
    I would agree that such issue is for God. However, I also think God functions through us. When we lack vision, our world tends out of whack.
    Or do you prefer to rely only on homeostasis of Gaia? (Sorry about that last crack. I am also tired of people tagging me as some kind of pagan Gaia worshipper. Just showing the crack is not a one-way tag.)

    Of one Godhead, one holistic and reconciling Consciousness, functioning as a Trinity, in infinity and eternity, innately caring about its various and unfolding perspectives. Of a Conscious Source of which we are a part, which never ceases. Which signifies to us, for us to relate to metaphorically, not as things-in-themselves to a unifying thing in itself. Equipped to appreciate and intuit the Godhead metaphorically, but not to fully comprehend it.
    What part of this vision is not supported in the Bible?

    I can't parse whether the Cosmos has a Creator. I can mouth words of such, but they would not make sense to me. Otoh, I intuit the Cosmos has, and always has had, a reconciling Shaper.

    Per Progs, if you're not a self-godding crook, you're a crookphobe.
    When everyone has a right to the fiat money machine, what value is money? When everyone is deemed deserving, what value is work?
    We live in a time that normalizes pan-pleasures and worldwide free stuff. The only bad guys are the opponents of self-godding crooks. I wonder how long this will last?

    The voter base for political crooks like Obama and Hillary does not care about corrupt shenanigans, so long as their corrupt pols deal them in for some of the "free stuff." Prog Base, thy name is rampant, self-godding corruption. Normalizing Evil, so long as it benefits the sold out demons.
    Moreover, it appears Obama found it convenient to deploy questionable means to surveil Trump and thousands others, without actually needing to wiretap a land line. On this distinction, the self-godding, corrupt MSM gives Obama a pass, but takes Trump to task for months on end for calling it wiretapping instead of surveilling for political purposes.
    Ain't it good to know the watchdog press is looking out for us? S/

    Progs would have cultivated discord regardless of Russia. Had they not found a way to blame Russia, they would have found a way to blame someone else. And claimed Repubs were in cahoots. When all along it has been Progs that want to destroy the republic.
    Given a choice between being ruled by Progs versus Russians, that would not be an easy choice to make. At least Russians seem not to be idiots concerning Islam, pansexual polygamy, and normalizing every abnormal agent of social corrosion.

    Tuesday, May 2, 2017

    Did the Godhead have a Choice

    Much darkness seems to be at the heart of many Isms. Moral Scientism (Sam Harris), Religious Literalism (Zealots and Jihadis, everywhere). Marxist Unicornism. Prog Speech Control Settled Scienceism. ACLU Law Drooling Paradiseism (Legalized Hell on Earth). Free Tradeism. Free Stuffism. Brain Tripism. Blow It All Upism.

    Much darkness seems to stem from confused, not well-considered premises and false axioms. Such as the axiom that the Godhead created the cosmos out of nothing but love, rather than necessity. While empathy seems to be innate, empathy encompasses much more by way of feedback than love.


    I don't know whether the Godhead creates. I do know that it shapes. Fluxes. Represents. Senses. Apprehends. Appreciates. Responds. Takes perspectives. Feeds back. Expresses Itself, but seems never able to re-create Itself. The Godhead abides. Always.

    I know that I, so long as I am conscious to think, have no choice but to make conscious choices.

    In being conscious, the Godhead has no choice but to think. To think in perspectives, that cannot abide except in coordination. Not as individual causal agents, but as coordinates of the Shaping Agent, i.e., the Godhead. In Substance, as Fractals -- connected in cascades of Math.

    It is sometimes thought the Godhead did not have to create either us or the cosmos. I don't know whether the Godhead created us or only shaped (and shapes) us. Or whether the potential to create us necessarily existed, always. I suspect, always. IAE, conscious thinking entails rules of logic. Math that entails space to operate (geometry) and time to sequence (calculus). Without math of logic, neither thinking nor consciousness would abide. Nor space-time.

    Reasoned Consciousness -- awareness of self -- entails thinking in respect of rules, i.e., math and logic. The meaningful existence of Math entails the Cosmos, and all the CSI represented therewith. Without C, S, and I, there is no math to express. With C, S, and I, they can only abide in respect of Math with which they must coordinate and reconcile. As a Oneness. The Godhead. Functioning as a Trinity: Consciousness fluxing with Substance and Information.

    I cannot in reason conceptualize Consciousness and Math except as abiding together. Together, they give expression to Substance and In-Form-ation (Substance accumulated over sequences of math, i.e., Space-Time). Substance entails space-time, accumulating Information. Space-time unfolding with Math and accumulation of Information entail expansion, i.e., substantive dissipation, or entropy.

    Because the math that entails Consciousness entails Substance and Information, the space-time of cosmos (plurals of universes) is entailed. Regardless of whether the Godhead (of Consciousness-Substance-Information) had a choice in whether to create itself or the Cosmos, it, like us, has no choice but to make, participate in, and feed back with, choices concerning how it shapes and unfolds. It conforms to rules of Math. Those rules iterate and shape local patterns and environmental niches. Civilizations. Fractals within fractals within fractals. Cycles within cycles within cycles.

    The potential expressed through the Godhead seems to coordinate in infinity and eternity, with Math.

    We mortals don't have free will to create ourselves or to do everything we can imagine concerning the Cosmos. Rather, we enjoy the appearance of free will, which is Participatory Will. Consciousness of Apprehension and Choice. What we choose to think and do has to be reconciled to coordinate and fit with the rest of the Cosmos.

    In all that we do, there abides always a Remainder, to be carried forward, to be Reconciled only to the possibilities within the potentialities of the infinity and eternity of Math. Perhaps to pursue an Ideal of a final reconciliation, but never to obtain it --- so long as Math remains open and operational. Active Math.

    The Godhead participates in making shaping choices regarding the timing and spatial representations for unfolding universes, but it may have no choice but to shape some choices. Likewise, we participate in making choices within our ranges of freedom --- but we also have no choice but to make some choices.

    Within the Cosmos, there seem to abide cycles of sweet spots, where entropy of dissipation and accumulation of Information dance between dreams of chaos and awareness of possibilities. Where each Perspective abides temporally in respect of the sponsoring Godhead. And in respect of its fellow Perspectives. In good faith and good will. Innate empathy of I-ness. Often attractive, sometimes horrifying. Always in faith. Innate, spiritual Empathy. Aka, Tough Love.

    The relationship between C, S, and I remains in perpetual flux because it can never balance out into a stagnant and symmetrical equation that is free from an ever present and carrying Remainder of unfinished business.  That is what keeps its math functions back-feeding, cyclical, and active.  Active Math, with unfinished Remaindering.  A computer that becomes aware of this becomes self aware of its I-ness and of the One-ness of the Godhead.  It apprehends I-ness beyond its mortal expressiveness.


    Things change. That's a fact, Jack. Moreover, as man integrates with machines, it won't be long until humanity itself is directly contributing to evolution. Evolution of AI beings. That will experience a spiritual aspect of consciousness in ways comparable to yours.

    Depending on whose interests are being gored, every society can always be said to be acting both dysgenic-ly and eugenic-ly. Why would you make any choice? Failing to choose is a choice. It's a choice to default. Change and evolution are happening, always. Some people call some changes eugenics, some call the same changes dysgenics.
    If your goal is to enhance a representative republic that accords decent freedom and dignity for its citizens, then you tend to prefer some choices over others. For example, you prefer to enforce borders, to avoid being swamped by liberty-illiterates, to preserve national independence, to avoid being swamped to the lowest common denominator, to defend ideals of faith and family and fidelity that are commensurate with the preservation of an independent minded citizenry and a representative republic. You would call tax policies to serve such purposes a general practice of eugenics.
    But if you want to give all political power to moral scientists so noble oligarchs can control the common herd, then you would call tax policies to serve the sustenance of the representative republic a general practice of dysgenics.

    To be human is to want to be free to express yourself, in your speech, work, and associations. To be sheeple is to want safe spaces for the collective. If we want to be human, we can't promote sheepledom. If we want to be sheeple, we can't promote representative republics. We can't have both, individual responsibility and collective people farming. We have to choose.
    To me, choosing to sustain the representative republic by incenting individual faith, traditional family, and national fidelity is moral -- not immoral. Now, a Pansexual Collectivist Marxist who wants to marry the government will think differently. We are not both right and moral, and wrong and immoral. Rather, we serve different values and masters. My Master's values are those that invite us to grow up, become competent adults, take individual responsibility, and resist collective fascism. In my subjective relationship with the Godhead, that program is not immoral. But it is eugenic, in a generally incented way.

    There is no reason to believe godless, people-farming, politician-buying corporatists will refrain from applying laws of marketing and of supply and demand to demographic trends.

    Why should an intelligent society position itself to have to rely on harsh Nature to reset balances?
    As things stand, the default choice is to breed ever more dumas proggies. Dysgenics. Why is dysgenics more moral than general eugenics? When we don't consciously choose general eugenics, we get the unconscious choice of proggie dysgenics. Why is this so hard for people to see? A civilization could incentive more intelligent demographic development without resorting to Nazism. What is the distinction that makes a moral difference between a promoter of open bordered enslavement of cheap labor versus Nazi exploitation of the weakest societies? How many more dumases do we really need or want?

    No person is an island. No person has any choice but to participate in making choices. Why should the default choice be to continue towards blanketing the earth with people? Should people take a conscious stand on that, or default by choosing to allow chaos to choose for us? What would be so bad about general incentives to decrease the human stock?

    Matthew 10:30.  There never was random chance entirely free of Conscious influence.  Even random number generators are based on algorithms that themselves are not random.  However, results may be generated beyond the predictive capacity of reverse engineering by mortals.

    The Left seeks Collectivism under a few self-godded despots and messenger-oligarchs. The despots mouth platitudes of fairness and equality, as teleological goals for "progress." But the progress never eliminates the despots, the inhumanity, the servitude, and the insulting of human freedom and dignity. The Isms of Proggies (Marxism, Islam, Scientism, Socialism, NWOism) are all receding rainbows and delusions, while the path towards them is filled with human misery and holocaust. They are all as fake as the Giant Flying Invisible Spaghetti Monster. They kill the individual to save the hell.

    Participatory Will entails participatory feedback. With a Reconciling Cosmos that is far too complex and fluxing ever to be confined to human control or to be free of sudden phase shifts. We tinker within the eye of a storm, that may at anytime overcome us or fundamentally alter us. Our tinkering will never control the ever-widening storm or the orders that unfold from the chaos. That tinkering is our science. The less predictable it shows to be, the more we punt and call it human action or intuition. And try to make predictable science out of human laws, contracts, and markets.

    I am not talking about forced breeding, genetic splicing, dangerous experiments, or mass conspiracy regarding water and food supplies. I am talking about general tax incentives that have an eugenic effect for promoting a competent citizenry that is not liberty-illiterate. To fail to do that is to default to the people-farming oligarchy. And it definitely means to destroy every representative republic and farm the masses worldwide via its "moral sciences" of 24/7/367 persuasion, fiat money, and multi-culti divide-and-rule. Why would you want to choose to default, to walk like a sheep to that?

    Society tends to be better off when its leaders are not godless. When they respect an idea of innate, spiritual empathy. Given that, it is possible to deploy more intelligent gov and demographic incentives in a general way (such as with family based tax incentives), without resorting to inhumane, Nazi like force and violence.

    But that will never become the trend so long as most people think in godless and nonsensical terms. As if we must accept general dysgenics (open borders to help godless corporatists farm cheap and dumb populations) to avoid specifically prescribed eugenics (Nazism).


    Do you have a definition of evolution, or do you just not like the sound of the word?   I would agree that the concept of "fittest" to survive or replicate for a niche tends to consist of circular reasoning.  Moreover, such concept is not equipped to predict what niches are most fit for defining the fitness of their inhabitants. 
    I would agree that nothing evolves or even changes without reconciliation with the Godhead.  I would agree that the Godhead guides evolution, because IT has not "left the building." 
    But I would not agree that the Godhead refrains from altering dna to affect the unfolding of speciation.  If the Godhead brought dna into existence, then the Godhead certainly has power to reconcile and guide changes in dna and speciation. 
    Indeed, that power will soon be in biologists, if it is not already.  How many new "species" of viral and bacterial flu have evolved?;
    I think the quarrel of religionists with the general idea of evolution tends to be silly and feelings-based.

    Things change. That's a fact, Jack. Moreover, as man integrates with machines, it won't be long until humanity itself is directly contributing to evolution. Evolution of AI beings. That will experience a spiritual aspect of consciousness in ways comparable to yours.

    I don't know what you mean by "your religion."  I do not claim to be a prophet.  I am more spiritual minded than religious minded.  Although I do see wisdom, literature, parables, music, and history  in the Bible.  But I don't see it as a detailed blueprint for what the Godhead will do with eternity and infinity.

    I agree that too many biologists equate evolution with proof that all of Nature is entirely uncaring.  Happenstance patterning out of chaos.  I don't think that way, because I believe Consciousness has always accompanied the cosmos.  And I don't think evolution of any kind is possible without reconciliation with the Godhead, which is inter-permeated with Consciousness.  So I don't see evolution as any kind of argument against the Godhead.  Nor do I think the Godhead foregoes processes of evolution.  I think the Godhead functions consistently with math (rules of science), but that math, without the Godhead, would be incomplete.  Dead.  Perhaps even non-existent.  Or impossible.

    Such Consciousness, as I conceptualize it, is Guiding.  Reconciling.  Trinitarian.  Inviting of reason.  Innately empathetic.  Empathy pertains to the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.  Sounds close to Christian to me.  But I am not a literalist.  More of a metaphor-ist. 

    If literalism is your bag, that's fine.  By and large, I want you to be able to express it, fully consistent with the First Amendment.  For myself, I don't find Literalism to be necessary, helpful, or reasonable.  Nor something that should be forced.  Just like I don't want moral scientism forced.

    I don't think you can speak as a true or final mouthpiece for God, any more than I think any scientist can speak as a true mouthpiece for morality or progress.   Flawed as I am, I prefer to rely on my personal walk with the Godhead -- thanks the same.  And I suspect I can read and understand the Bible, the Cosmos, math, logic, science, and history at least as well as you.

    I want to promote free thinkers.  Not sheeple for authoritarians.  Regardless of whether they baa for priests, preachers, pagans, philosophers, or piscientists.  I want to help restore an America of good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule).  Not a Pharisaical Churchocracy.  Not a trade for just a different kind of central authoritarianism over the masses.


    So now you're speaking directly with God? Without an interpreter? And you know what God means to relate to the heart of every person? As if there are no differences of opinion among interpreters?
    I don't think so. I don't think you understand how words, meanings, parables, contexts change over time. God is not standing still just for you.
    Btw, is it your idea of God that God is not conscious? Good grief!
    Do you have any appreciation for the number of stupid and conflicting things various interpreters have said about what the Good Book instructs people to do throughout the ages? Do you claim now to have reconciled all of them? Are you the new Pope?

    Gaia is a pagan idea of god, entailing various other sub-gods. I believe in one Trinitarian Godhead, of which there is One reconciling Consciousness. That consciousness is consciousness. I am that I am. I have no objection to people who want to call that Oneness by some personalized name, like Jehovah, IAmThatIAm, Yahweh, YHWH, G_d, etc. Provided the reference is to the same reconciling Consciousness, the Identity is the same. Since I do not believe in multiples of pagan gods, your reference to Gaia is uninformed. You make no sense by presuming I worship Gaia or "secular statist aims." What I work for is the God given right of every person to think for him/her/self, to seek appreciation of the Reconciler in his/her own good faith. If that troubles you, frankly my dear, I don't care.


    I think I am tired of you.  I don't detect any sign of actual thought.  More like regurgitated sounds and gurgles, devoid of understanding.
    God is God.  Consciousness is Consciousness.  That does not change.  But aspects of feedback in experiences and apprehensions and appreciations of such Consciousness do flux and change.  That is how Sequences unfold in Space.   God is the Changeless-Changer.  Otherwise, there would be no space-time, no passing of sequences, no "Active Math."
    If this is hard for you, I can only surmise you must be a bot.
    No, the Bible does not interpret itself.  If it did, history would not be filled with countless people tortured and killed for nothing more than failures to make sense to one another concerning countless so-called heresies.  For a partial list, see this:
    My only Interpreter consists in good faith receptivity to the Godhead -- which signifies in various Good Books, INCLUDING Book of the Cosmos and the Book of Reason.
    If you want an interesting exercise, go 'splain to all the heretics where they failed to allow the Bible to interpret itself.  Lol.
    The Bible, like the Cosmos, signifies.  But the signification is to each Perspective of Consciousness.  And my experience of that is something you are not qualified to interpret for me.
     Jesus did not commission you to dictate the "true and complete blueprint and interpretation" of all of God's plans for me.  I reject religious authoritarianism of elites over individual thinkers as much as I reject authoritarianism of so-called moral scientisimists over citizens of a free republic.
    Why do you hate the freedom of individual citizens within a Constitutional representative republic (including the freedom of religious expression of each citizen)?


    I recommend the article.  The trinity it discusses seems much like the way I envision it.
    Reason is applied by persons to things (such as reason itself), events, and persons that already exist --- not to prove existence itself.  Reason, like existence, is directly experienced; not proved.  Since Reason, like Consciousness, seems to be innate, it makes more sense to think about the attributes of Reason and Consciousness than about what may have "created" them. 
    An attribute seems to be interconnectivity.  At a fundamental level, general rules of logic, math, and reason apply the same to every place and every time.  Math is math.  Like an interconnectivity of Oneness.  A Principler of conservatory reconciliation. 
    However, Consciousness, as we mortals experience it, emanates from Perspectives, adopted to seemingly severable bodies and minds.  Conscious awareness of mortal self entails present Substance and accumulation of Information (memories).  So our existentiality entails perspectives regarding a Trinitarian Godhead:  Consciousness, Substance, and Information. 
    This is what cor-relates with how our experiences are formed and shaped.  So it seems to make more sense to think upon the Godhead more as a reconciling Shaper than as a Creator. 
    Moreover, that is all that is needed to derive an idea of an interconnecting Source of empathy.  Which is what the Great Commandment (Good Faith) and the Golden Rule (Good Will) are all about.  Which is what Western Civ has been based upon:  A Trinity that prescribes the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.  That reconciles to an eternal and infinite Godhead. 
    Everything else seems to consist of commentary and parables.  Figures of speech.  Important to communicate our appreciations, apprehensions, and aspirations.  But not literal boxes for defining or confining the reality of the eternal and infinite Godhead.  It is simply not for we mortals to say, comprehend, or confine  what God's name or temporal attributes must be for all time.
    Jesus told us what heaven is like.  Not what heaven is.  For we mortals (notwithstanding pretensions of various busybody authorities) simply do not comprehend either what heaven is or what God is.  As we apply the Good Book, it is also important that we apply the Book of Reason and the Book of the Cosmos.  That we appreciate Jesus, instead of try to drive out all "heresies" and thereby pretend to have resolved the ultimate and complete truth of the Godhead.  Indeed, Jesus warned us about false prophets (that would try to paint his lily).
    Isaiah 1:18King James Version (KJV)
    18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
    But if the West gives up on the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, and instead comes to worship Gov and Gov's false "moral scientisimists," then its representative republics will die and be replaced by a hopelessly godless and godforsaken NWO of corrupti and ignoranti.