Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Entropy, Information, and Vacuum

GALAXIES DO NOT TEND TO BE EXPANDING: Within most galaxies, as centripetal force of gravity attempts to pull stars in, that increases their rotational speed around spiral galaxy centers from the conservation of angular momentum. In turn that increases the counter acting centrifugal force, which offsets the gravity pull and contraction. As a consequence, most galaxies tend to stay pretty much the same size. Their black holes tend not to be sufficient to pull them in.

SPACE-TIME BETWEEN GALAXIES IS EXPANDING: To support a galactic, locally-increased organization or cumulation of Information, it seems necessary to expand the web around such a local galaxy, for sequence-recordation-renormalization --- which seems often to correlate with a local expansion of what we call-space-time. IOW, as each local galaxy's Information accumulates, local space-time between galaxies expands.

To support a galactic black-hole smudge-out of some of its local information, it is necessary to hold such a galaxy together. As local information is smudged out, local black holes increase. Must a galaxy's central black hole eventually swallow it? The consensus seems to be, no.

TREND: The combined trend or vector seems to point to an expansion of space-time and a black-hole consolidation of matter-energy. However, as matter-energy becomes more densely compacted among more and more black holes, does the cumulation of information reverse, to reverse the dissipation of space-time? Does gravity or consolidation of black holes eventually become forceful or dense enough to re-contract the space-time around galaxies, to consolidate as a singularity? May this lead to a near void, caused by a combination of dissipation of space-time and a smudge-out of much of local information? May this lead to a near vacuum compaction of matter-energy? May this lead to a recurring instability of a vacuum, that then leads to a recurring big-bang like explosion?

DOES ANY USEFUL INFORMATION SURVIVE A BLACK HOLE: Does a Living Algorithm retain potential information from black-hole smudge-outs? Is smudge-out information too fuzzy for mere mortals to interpret?

DARK ENERGY: Is Dark Energy that expands and stretches space-time an artifact of the vectoring cumulation of local information?

DARK MATTER: Is Dark Matter that holds galaxies together an artifact of the densification of galactic matter and energy into black holes?

ENTROPY AND VECTORS: Is the entropy associated with disorganizations of matter and energy a correlate of increases in both localized information and smudged-out information? Is entropy reversed if smudged-out information correlates with a reversal of the expansion of space-time and a reversal of the expanding cumulation of localized information?

ROLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Observer Effect: To look at, and to conceptualize, Information is to expand it.

ALGORITHMIC LIMITS: May there abide an algorithmic limit to the universal cumulation of localized Information, that correlates with a limit to the expansion of space-time? Were such limits met, would vectors reverse, to consolidate both space-time and matter-energy?


To a mortal in respect of the Holism, can it make sense to seek an equation to explain the equation?  An algorithm to govern the algorithm?  A Creator to create the creation?

Could any algorithm be or become self-aware or conscious of itself, to cause or change itself?

Can a perspective of consciousness ever entirely account for its own perspective?

Pi, as a pattern of decimals, plays out as endlessly non-repetitive.  Insofar as our universe is math-like, does it play out as an endless cycle of numerical balancing, in which no cycle ever quite entirely repeats itself?

An instability based entirely in math need not ever erode, tire, or age.  It could simply and perpetually sequence, even if in kaleidoscopic cycles.

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