Wednesday, June 6, 2018


No noble lie needed. Only inspiring metaphors and more appreciation of the interpenetrating flux and role of the Godhead. People, enhanced by AI, will less likely accept knowable overstatements (lies?), whether or not thought noble.

Once upon a time, in frustration, I earnestly sought a way to eliminate metaphysics from physics. As I appreciated the futility of that endeavor, I then sought at least to determine a clear line with which to separate metaphysics apart from the domain of physics. Reluctantly, I came to believe that no such a clear line is ascertainable. That physics is interpenetrated throughout with metaphysics. That perhaps even the laws of nature thought to be most fundamental may be subject to flux, re-determination, or re-definition. Even the speed of light may be subject to gradual phase shifting.

The knowledge we acquire seems to be trivial, even though its application often leads to astonishing consequences. What I mean by trivial is that such knowledge is true by definition -- either by the flux of our conceptual definitions or by the flux of nature's definitions of its laws. Conceptually, 2+2=4. Naturally, to the extent any Algorithm may define limits of objective expression (laws of nature), may such limits, if or when known, reasonably be said to be trivial, because they would be true in how they are or were defined (even if they needed to be discovered)? May the speed of light be constant in every re-normalization in space time, only because constancy in the experience of such speed is part of how the Algorithm defines space-time? Under such usage, only our allowances within defining parameters, and our qualitative experiences of them, would seem not to be trivial, i.e., not pre-determined or true-by-definition.

It does not appear that there abides any thing whose measurable values are not subject to a flux of immeasurables. This seems consistent with various apprehensions. Such as: The cumulation of Information, as the orderliness of Substance dissipates. The existence of possibilities within fluxing parameters. Our moral freedom within fluxing laws. The effects of Consciousness on manifestations. The fluxing of conscious memories and recordings as they are re-normalized throughout space-time. The innate empathies among the various perspectives of what seems to be a same Consciousness. (Consciousness is consciousness; there but for fortune go "Ï"). Apprehensions of dynamic-conservational-reconciliation and feedback-guidance-motivation between the cosmos and its manifestations.

I suspect the Cosmos will continue with its motivational and unfolding feedback under its trinitarian flux of Consciousness-Substance-Information ---- notwithstanding pretensions among humanity about "noble lies." Simply put, the Cosmos abides as more than dead matter, and IT does not especially need humanity in order to "save" it. Even if IT may be entertained by pretensions among humanity.

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