Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Misc Posts


I happen to value the ideal of a representative republic. I do not claim that is what Nature or God must prefer. Only that I happen to prefer such an ideal. So I think about the metaphysical stories, myths, interpretations, or faiths that are needed or helpful to establish and sustain that. I see such myths as having truth values for chosen purposes. Whether there abides an ultimate objective basis for such a thought-system is beyond me. I see such a deliberate choice as no less reasonable than the choice of a globalist atheist who imagines some kind of scientism may best guide civilization.


I doubt the Consciously Appreciative aspect of the Godhead would subjectively know how it may choose at a given time and place to appreciate its then and there context or whether or how to choose among all possible next unfoldings. However, to the extent it keeps itself apart, It may know how a particular Perspective of itself will choose.

What an holistically conscious aspect of the Godhead may choose may be subject to a higher math. That is, to define itself, it would seem to need to conform its expressions to parameters of a defining math. But it need not subjectively model or know in advance how that math will at any given time and place determine its subjective experience and feedback of conscious appreciation. In that sense, the conscious aspect of the Godhead would function as though it enjoys free will in participation with whatever the maths of Substance and Information that co-define it.

Much the same may be said of each limited, mortal Perspective of that Consciousness. An observing person may tend reliably to study, control, and predict the unfolding actions of an unsuspecting other person. However, that reliability will diminish as each person comes in dynamic feedback to factor his expectations regarding his co-acting others. In that sense, each person would function as though he enjoys free will in participation with whatever the maths of Substance and Information that co-define his fellow participants.

Subjective Consciousness, objective Substance, accumulating Information: No one of such aspects can exist, meaningfully, in or by itself. Each is needed to define and be defined by the other two.

DYNAMIC FEEDBACK: If even the system-math is subject to change via dynamic feedback, then what we have is "finitely limited by a math of open possibilities." Such a finite but unbounded system of consciousness, substance, and information cannot be completely defined with terms such as free will, predetermination, or randomness. Even a notion of order arising from chaos would be more a label than a limiting explanation.

Given such a system, there is no clear reason to trust completely to prescriptions of moral elitists or knowitall objectivists or moral scientisimists. Rather, to persevere, a civilization needs to assimilate persevering values of faith, family, and fidelity. Nature, science, logic, and seers cannot well substitute for a civilization's need --- so long as it wants to be a civilization --- to find ways to rationalize and assimilate sustaining values.


Most of the hate, racism, and intolerance nowadays seem to be coming from the Left. How many Conservatives have keyed cars, trespassed to pull up campaign signs, stolen campaign hats or buttons, shoved their droopy-drawer butts in other people's faces, or blared hate rap at everyone in earshot?

Many religions, especially Islam, seem to use techniques of Stockholm Syndrome to attract and bind adherents. So long as a person's mind is bound to ways of thinking that are non-empathetic, inhumane, or in opposition to human freedom and dignity, I see little reason to accord much respect for their political views.

Read the Koran and follow how Shariah is rationalized nowadays. Think as an independent and test whether the cloaking, mutilation, and devaluing of women and other faiths are things that should be valued in a free and tolerant society. Why should the West tip-toe around this?

Why support people that function as poison to representative republics?

Apart from DJT and RWR, it may be necessary to go all the way back to Polk to find a good President. The Founders' concerns about being governed by halfwits appear to have been well placed.

We have seen how the Deep State abuses political power to conduct dirt research against its opponents. Why should citizen taxpayers foot the Bill for an existing establishment bent on hamstringing any possible opposition? The Uniparty-against-the-republic has been exposed. At this point, a decent respect for the representative republic requires that the options for abuse by the Deep State need to be restricted, not enlarged.

Now that judges have required the gov to recognize same sex marriages, and given that Nature in itself does not preclude any kind of sexual or imaginary relationship, and given the popularity of child and group marriages elsewhere in the world, and given the silence of the Constitution, there does not appear to be any hard logic or definition for what should or must constitute a "marriage."

So I suspect attempts to limit marriage fraud will be evaded until they, like national borders, simply erode away. After all, most people seem to be "evolving" to cast aside faith, family, and fidelity, to want to be farmed by know-better experts on a "tolerant" and worldwide plantation.

The Mask of the Deep State needs to be fully lifted. Is it not becoming more and more obvious to non-sheepletons that the main reason Never Trumpers want him out is because he impedes and offends the Deep State? Why should any decent American not want DJT to defeat the Deep State and send it packing?


So long as populations are not out of balance, free enterprise tends to be a good thing. Until it turns politics into a commodities market for the buying and selling of political influence. Then capitalism devours the citizens of its own nations. Villains seek office for opportunities to sell out their own misled constituents. Chicanery and corruption run wild. Ways need to be devised to restrain capitalism from turning representative republcs into plantations for turning people into jackasses.

Within budgetary constraints, an assimilating citizenry of good faith and good will can prioritize and dispense generous benefits as infrastructure. It cannot sanely dispense unlimited benefits among unlimited numbers of entitlement-minded, pleasure-addled, logic-unbound, liberty-illiterates. Don't come to my country to demand welfare in order to turn it into the kind of cultural shole you helped create before you left it. Don't be a philosophical nitwit with no appreciation for the foundational roles of assimilating faith, family, and fidelity. Except in dumb-speak, that is not progressive. It is a recipe for a plantation of crap.

To globalize is to seek the lowest common denominator for farming the people as beasts. The Pope has joined the wannabe people farmers. This is not humane. It does not inspire great souls. It sub-humanizes the masses.

Because, behind false fronts, most Rinos are part of the treasonous Uniparty. They represent monied, global corporatists. Not Americans or the Republic. They have infested every institution. They have neutered faith, family, and fidelity. And they have divided Americans, the better to farm them.

The concern of the Deep State at DOJ-FBI to protect Hillary was less because they expected her to become Potus than because they expected her to become the Lying Front for the Anti-Republican Ruling Establishment.

Meanwhile, too many polite Americans think it is rude to notice or talk about. Llittle can be expected until they wake up and make themselves heard.

It was blackjack bootstrapping by the Deep State under pure pretense of authority. It's instigators and goon squads need to get a proper trimming.

How would you "obstruct justice" merely by declining to cooperate with an investigation into a non-crime that is meant to gather derogatory information to be leaked to a Congress that is inclined to impeach because it does not likethe elected President?

Is it Constitutional for the DOJ to appoint itself Inquisitor with subpoena power to gather dirt as opposition research for an obstreperous Congress?


Reparations are as unjust as they are unworkable. No sentient person really believes in them. The purpose of calling for reparations is to keep animosities raw, to enrage and animate the base. Pols that call for reparations are corrupt to the core.

Democratic Socialism means the majority votes enrichment for itself from the work of everyone else. Problem is, most people want to receive but not to work. And there is nothing to limit the principle of voting to be paid out of the work of others. The consequence is entirely predictable, except to mental adolescents.

The special counsel procedure was bootstrapped into use by Deep State operatives without statutory authority. No statute authorized it.
It was a trick to stage a coup, to replace the President with an operative for turning the republic completely Kabuki.

Ask: How would you "obstruct justice" merely by declining to cooperate with an investigation into a non-crime that is meant to gather derogatory information to be leaked to a Congress that is inclined to impeach because it does not like the elected President?

Is it Constitutional for a DOJ rife with Deep State operatives to appoint itself Inquisitor with subpoena power to gather dirt as opposition research for an obstreperous Congress that has been bought and corrupted by international Establishmentarians?

How would you "obstruct justice" merely by declining to cooperate with an investigation into a non-crime that is meant to gather derogatory information to be leaked to a Congress that is inclined to impeach because it does not like the elected President?

Is it Constitutional for the DOJ to appoint itself Inquisitor with subpoena power to gather dirt as opposition research for an obstreperous Congress?


Where is the point of enough? That question hits the nail on the head. Dems have no principle that can tell them when enough is enough. Once you accept it is ok to gang up "democratically" to vote to take the property of others, there is no objective stopping point or line. Just day after day of more taking without contributing. After awhile, no one wants to work because everyone knows his product will be taken. When there is nothing to check against majoritarian rule ("democratic socialism"), national impoverishment becomes unavoidable. Dems are working overtime to make everything a matter of majority rule. By trying to eliminate the electoral college. Keeping the border open to hordes of cultural socialists. Indoctrinating students to believe in their entitlement to "free stuff." Agitating minorities to combine to form majorities of reparation-taking voting blocs. This kind of madness is calculated to destroy a republic in very short order. Who is calculating to benefit from this?

Gov pushes out charities. Or turns them into tax haven foundations. Then charities try to fulfill their purposes by pushing them onto gov. But paying taxes is not charitable. And I doubt gov takes as personal and active a role in actually requiring its beneficiaries to become responsible citizens. Gov often does not want people to get back onto their feet. It tends to want to keep its empire of dependents. Have big cities improved the lives of minorities? Do socialists ever improve society? Apart from the Salvation Army, are churches nowadays re-building responsible adults?

No such thing as a perv. Just people with disorders that need understanding and help. Let them take over leadership roles so that both they and society can get better. This is why nearly every major city is now run by gender-fluid people with needs and disorders. Let them run every institution. That is bound to make us stronger. S/

Give me a break! Now Dems want to make it an "obstruction to justice" every time a person resists the advances of wannabe, community-organizing, fake-expert, people-farmers. Just stuff it, Hank.

Autonomy is the highest value on Maslow's pyramid. To be free and responsible as an adult human being. To settle for less is to remain less than an adult human being. It is to be content to be a snowflake. Or a sheepleton. To be farmed by others. To cast all responsibility on the dead state. To become an amoral gland for experiencing pain or pleasure under the scientism of others. Not part of a decent society, but of an orgy of pulsing glands.


Is there a big city remaining that is not run by a militant gay or an anti-American wuss?

I am good with live and let live. However, that does not seem to be the case with a lot of anti-Americans. Is there a big city remaining that is not run by a militant gay, a gun-grabber, or an anti-American wuss or Islamist? Does "progress" really require so much pinkie-wagging and madness?

So long as populations are not out of balance, free enterprise tends to be a good thing. Until it turns politics into a commodities market for the buying and selling of political influence. Then capitalism devours the citizens of its own nations. Villains seek office for opportunities to sell out their own misled constituents. Chicanery and corruption run wild. Ways need to be devised to restrain capitalism from turning republics into plantations for turning people into jackasses.

Within budgetary constraints, an assimilating citizenry of good faith and good will can prioritize and dispense generous benefits as infrastructure. It cannot sanely dispense unlimited benefits among unlimited numbers of entitlement-minded, pleasure-addled, logic-unbound, liberty-illiterates. Don't come to my country to demand welfare in order to turn it into the kind of cultural shole you helped create before you left it. Don't be a philosophical nitwit with no appreciation for the foundational roles of assimilating faith, family, and fidelity. Except in dumb-speak, that is not progressive. It is a recipe for a plantation of crap.

To globalize is to seek the lowest common denominator for farming the people as beasts. The Pope has joined the wannabe people farmers. This is not humane. It does not inspire great souls. It sub-humanizes the masses.

The way Lefties get ahead is to learn to eat S often and to like it. Occasionally even to admire a big portion of it. That's when they say, in admiration, "What a crock of S!"

Because, behind false fronts, most Rinos are part of the treasonous Uniparty. They represent monied, global corporatists. Not Americans or the Republic. They have infested every institution. They have neutered faith, family, and fidelity. And they have divided Americans, the better to farm them.

The concern of the Deep State at DOJ-FBI to protect Hillary was less because they expected her to become Potus than because they expected her to become the Lying Front for the Anti-Republican Ruling Establishment.

Meanwhile, too many polite Americans think it is rude to notice or talk about. Llittle can be expected until they wake up and make themselves heard.

First, they came for Christians. Then White Men. Then Hispanic Whites. Then married women. Then Jews. And Americans. Next, they mean to swamp and destroy the Republic. To replace it with a Rainbow Flag. Behind which stands a goose stepping Big Brother subhumanoid. A mad leap of faith into the abysmal void. Such great moral scientisimists! S/


Liberalism is a mental, moral, and political disorder. Libs rightly sense there must be a basis for assimilating moral purposefulness, but they tend to disdain a spiritual basis derivative of a fundamental aspect of conscious empathy. So they conflate incoherent and elitist scientism to mask their pleasure-addled claims of social entitlementism. Instead of respect for individual freedom, volunteerism, and charity, they seek to force Big Brother govermentalism. In that way, they reduce humanity to lowest common widgets of statist machinery. This is the way of destruction of representative republics and elitist madness. It becomes nearly impossible ever to free the minds of people saturated in such madness. To allow them unrestricted access to your homeland is an evil affront to human freedom and dignity.


Dems are trying to destroy the Representative Republic by turning it into a kabuki farm swamped with imported liberty-illiterates. At this point, they are at war with American ideals. There is no point in giving them any more power than is absolutely required. None.

Starry-eyed kids have been trained from birth to take funding and direction to be misled by the Ruling Class on how to make the Ruling Class share the wealth. They are specially bred to be servant dogs, to help keep the middle class at bay. They are cockfight amusements for our new aristocrats. If you really want political fairness, then close the marketplace for buying political influence as if it should be a free trade commodity.

Nordic countries do not have Socialism. They have generous social welfare. Like infrastructure. That can work when you have a relatively cooperative, responsible, homogenous, or assimilating society. Not so much when you think diversity by throwing our borders open to America-hating, anti-assimilationist terrorists, cheats, illegals, socialists, race baiters, utopian fruitcases, and wussie whiners somehow "makes us stronger." If you want to compare the USA economy with Nordics, then work more to compare apples to apples by comparing with Nordics in America. For example, the average Swede in the USA does better economically than the average Swede in Sweden.


Recipe for "progressive" rule under Big Brothers: Pull the ladders up and reduce the masses to a lowest common denominator. Then feed them propaganda and have experts tell them they are being managed for their own best interests, scientifically. Divide and undermine every opposing institution that is based on faith, family, fidelity, and individual freedom and dignity. Disarm the masses. Control the media and permitted speech. Monopolize education. Twist Christianity to conflate taxes with charity and to turn the people into sheeple -- and make them learn to like it. Like Soma in Brave New World, offer free condoms and weed. Ahh, Utopia! Once the worldwide plantation is in place, then implement the real reforms: Massive forced reductions in populations. 


To globalize is to seek the lowest common denominator for farming the people as beasts. The Pope has joined the wannabe people-farmers. This is not humane. It does not inspire great souls. It sub-humanizes the masses.

Because, behind false fronts, most Rinos are part of the treasonous Uniparty. They represent monied, global corporatists. Not Americans or the Republic. They have infested every institution. They have neutered faith, family, and fidelity. And they have divided Americans, the better to farm them.

The concern of the Deep State at DOJ-FBI to protect Hillary was less because they expected her to become Potus than because they expected her to become the Lying Front for the Anti-Republican Ruling Establishment.

Meanwhile, too many polite Americans think it is rude to notice or talk about. Llittle can be expected until they wake up and make themselves heard.


No, I cannot explain. I can only observe. Everyone finds their own way to work the system. Notwithstanding Desiderata, Objective Nature does not intervene in the name of natural fairness. If we want fairness, we will need to inspire it in spiritual terms, not purely natural terms. Despite pretense among fake experts, there is no scientific basis for determining ultimate fairness. Or for deriving ought from is. The cultures that endure may be the ones that write down and preserve spiritual stories that inspire enduring people, and that enlist science to advantage their purposes.


Contingent on what a society wants to become, empirical testing and analysis can help guide it towards that. That is a contingency. What empiricism cannot do is to tell society what it objectively should best want to become.

Answering that is for internal or spiritual intuition and social assimilation. That is not a proper realm for so-called experts to invade the participatory freedom and dignity of individual citizens. Unless the managers of Gov are limited, citizens are not free.


I am not much concerned about Finland. I do not see how Finland is of much relevance to the USA. I look at the kind of people modern youth are electing in the USA (AOC, Ilhan, Tlaib). I look at the propensity of youthful students to meltdown under pressure and their willingness to shout down speech they disagree with. I look at how easily they are misled to advocate for the drowning out of their own nation. So I don't much care how you want to categorize the humanities, social "sciences," or critical race theorists. Apart from STEM courses, I don't see much evidence of critical thinking skills being learned. I don't see that non-STEM students are getting much of a clue about what they are trying to do or how to go about achieving it. Moreover, I doubt many modern profs have much of a care or clue about what is needed to sustain a representative republic. I suspect they are so convinced of their expertise that the last thing they want to do is to educate or entrust a self-reliant, competent, thinking citizenry. I suspect the indoctrinated and history-illiterate blind are leading youth to become blind to what is needed to sustain a representative republic that is not Kabuki.


Well, I take exception to every Congressperson that hides his/her transcript, IRS reports, and payments out of the Congressional Hush Fund. And to every Congressperson who takes money from either or both of the Establishment and/or the Cartel to sell out the nation. Term limit all the btards. Btw, Congresspeople are perhaps the best example of why the nonsense of socialists is so foolish. What person in Congress chooses to place serving the Republic over his/her personal enrichment or aggrandizement? You can take all the starry-eyed profs and experts in the world to try to train people to devote themselves to what best serves "the community." Guess what -- they will all cheat and cheat and cheat on the downlow. Just like Congress. You want human freedom and dignity? Then limit the stinking central gov and preserve the Republic with its checks and balances. Except add one: Put a helluva progressive consumption tax on all political influence buying.


First thing we do, let's all vote to reinstate mob rule so we can be herded back onto the plantation, where we will all be safe and well cared for. Feel the Bern! California dreaming!


What I think: Love and tolerance can be great. But there is a season for everything. When people become too "good" (soft and snowflaky) to confront evil, evil tends to win.

When evil wins long enough, all institutions become infested and corrupted with soft-headed profs, press-prattlers, politicians, preachers, pretenders, phony philanthropists, and puzzlewits.

So we get Leftist infestation and intimidation of academia, media, Hollywood, courts, churches, corporations, Congress. Everything soon goes to crap. Then the nation dissolves from internal poisoning because every decent free-thinker was intimidated on account of being called magical names, like "racist."

Nowadays, the self-engrossed, self-righteous Left seems to want to call everyone who is not a lowest-common-denominator, open-border, share-the-wealth globalist a "racist." So that word has lost most of its potency. Which may be good for Progs, because they can be quite really racist --- against other races and especially against their common scapegoat, i.e., white Americans. Who may care little about race, but want to preserve the Republic.

Each of us may be special to God. But none of us is more special than any other merely on account of superficial characteristics, envy, entitlement-mindedness, mushy education, or tendency to melt under pressure.


But for adoption of a point of view (conscious perspective), could any pattern meaningfully store or transmit Information to represent order out of chaos? Or would all of the otherwise void constitute mere randomness, with no principle for organizing order out of the chaos?

Must not the existentiality of a system that conserves and perpetuates unfoldings of patterns within patterns necessarily be contemporaneous with its conceptualization? For order to become manifest out of chaos, must not the system that sponsors it exist in feedback communication with itself? As a kind of entailment of system-wide, fluxing Consciousness?

Must not any meaningful or measurable manifestation of ordered Substance and Information entail Consciousness as a fundament? Must not a representation of existentiality entail a fluxing triad of Substance, Information, and Consciousness?


Order and Chaos are concepts. Apart from a conscious conceptualizer, they have little meaning. Their existentiality requires Consciousness as a fundament. That is the heart of my point.

A comment of 4/17/15 by John Jones on Quora seems apt.

"An interesting question. Order we probably think of as being stable and predictable. Chaos on the other hand we understand is not predictable. Another way of thinking has these two extremes positions as being the ends of a continuum. Systems can become increasingly predictable or unpredictable, exhibiting both order (predictability) and disorder (chaos, unpredictability) in the middle area. As a simple example, think of a slowly dripping water tap. Predicting the exact moment of the next drip is complex (possibly even impossible). Try it. But, we know it is going to drip, so there is order in the system from this point of view. However, we don't know the exact moment of the next drip, so the system also some degree of chaos. We see the pattern in the drips but cannot use the pattern to predict (calculate) precisely the arrival of the next drip event. Many systems have these sorts of behaviours, weather patterns being the famous example. We can grasp the pattern but we cannot predict how the pattern will unfold. As the drip rate from the tap increases, the time between drips shortens until eventually you have a flow, which could be argued is more ordered. Chaotic systems, which is the entire universe, have this tantalising beauty, where you can see the order but they are also unpredictable in the detail."


You do not get order from chaos apart from the happenstance of perspective. Which is why Consciousness is a fundament for any meaningful appreciation of both chaos and order. Free your mind.


Where did I say anything about a creation-deity? You may have a fixation that impedes further thought. I merely observe that three fundaments exist: Measurable Substance, cumulating Information, and Conscious Observers/Recorders. I do not care what you call or name such fundaments. I observe that empathy at some level seems fundamental among all perspectives of Consciousness. Like attracts or repels like.

Your idea about language seems quite artificially constrained. Do you not think bees and plants communicate? Information is continuously being exchanged, communicated, and accumulated in Nature, regardless of human beings.

Who said any particular set of religious practices or metaphors or creation myths corners the market on morality? People and societies are inspired to assimilate mores. Oughts. No science can objectively answer how they ought to assimilate their oughts. To what then do they look? Well, they socialize. Come together. Assess who demonstrates the character to be trusted and who does not. Then they communicate and symbolize their commitments of trust, faith, and good will. For that purpose, they may develop a common language of metaphors.

This is not hard, if you learn to think beyond the weeds of self-imposed mental constraints. Names given to mythological metaphors among various societies tend to connote many of the same concerns or ideas.

Science and logic are contingently useful for serving moral purposes and for removing superstition concerning practical ways to pursue such purposes. But science and reason are not in themselves determinative of particulars concerning what any person or society ought to devote themselves to.


Article IV Section 4 also guarantees to every state a Republican form of government. A majority-rule democracy, without reasonable checks and balances or an Electoral College, that is kabuki for an oligarchy is hardly a Republican form of government within the meaning of the Constitution. Nor is a Bernie Democratic Socialism to be run by Big Brother for regulating every aspect of our lives. (Remember when Chris Matthews, Woody Allen, and Gwynth Paltrow wanted Obama to just rule us, like a King?)

A Swamp Establishment that declines to enforce our borders, that calls patriotic nationalists disparaging names, that seeks to reduce the USA to a multi-culti part of a lowest-common-denominator Globalism, is assuredly treasonous to the Constitution. (Standardless "diversity is our strength"-- if you are a lowest-common-denominator globalist who is willing, for whatever the corrupt or ignorant reason, to expose US citizens to cultures and people that hate us.)

Problem is, this treason is occurring after a likely majority of Millennials and Certified Progs have been mush-brained into trading belief in Santa Claus for belief in a lying, Free-Stuff, Secular State. Adding insult, Trump is being disparaged for not being able to lead a bribed, corrupt, and treasonous Congress to de-treason itself.


Mental fixation often impedes understanding. IAE, I am merely observing how order tends to rise out of chaos. How what may seem to have begun as a perfect state of randomness will tend to move towards patterns, then patterns that replicate, then patterns that replicate in fine detail. How randomness coexists with precise unfoldments of patterns. How the precision of such unfoldments does not remove the co-existential aspect of randomness.

How precise instrumentation does not argue against a role for future indeterminacy. How merely to give the appearance of randomness a name does not explain it. Nor does it explain how or why any system-wide set of patterns happens to unfold in space-time. Resort to a deity-name does not explain it. Resort to a non-testable notion of multiverses does not explain it.

So I take what is fundamentally given: measurable Substance, cumulating Information, and Conscious perspective. And I notice that, among perspectives of Consciousness, like tends to be charged to attract or repel like. Which seems to be at the root of how patterns and purposes unfold and reconcile within a conserved system of feedback.

There may be a simpler way of putting this, but I think this ought to be enough for any person of reasonable intellect or goodwill with whom I would wish to converse. Simply put, I have little interest in conversing with persons who cannot get beyond fixation on silly notions (such as that the pursuit of science is their sole moral purpose, or that morality is meaningless, or that science in itself can provide sufficient inspiration or explanation for moral purposefulness). You may now return to your favorite fixations.


Where did I say anything about a creation-deity? You may have a fixation that impedes further thought. I merely observe that three fundaments exist: Measurable Substance, cumulating Information, and Conscious Observers/Recorders. I do not care what you call or name such fundaments. I observe that empathy at some level seems fundamental among all perspectives of Consciousness. Like attracts or repels like.

Your idea about language seems quite artificially constrained. Do you not think bees and plants communicate? Information is continuously being exchanged, communicated, and accumulated in Nature, regardless of human beings.

Who said any particular set of religious practices or metaphors or creation myths corners the market on morality? People and societies are inspired to assimilate mores. Oughts. No science can objectively answer how they ought to assimilate their oughts. To what then do they look? Well, they socialize. Come together. Assess who demonstrates the character to be trusted and who does not. Then they communicate and symbolize their commitments of trust, faith, and good will. For that purpose, they may develop a common language of metaphors.

This is not hard, if you learn to think beyond the weeds of self-imposed mental constraints. Names given to mythological metaphors among various societies tend to connote many of the same concerns or ideas.

Science and logic are contingently useful for serving moral purposes and for removing superstition concerning practical ways to pursue such purposes. But science and reason are not in themselves determinative of particulars concerning what any person or society ought to devote themselves to.


TRIADS:  There abide many triads.   Absent trifunctional relationships, what could possibly exist?

Whole, Sum of Parts, Feedback.
Medium, Reactants, Reconciliation.
Unbounded, Finite, Unfolding.
Information, Substance, Observer.
Cumulated Past, Unfolding Present, Indeterminate Future.
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.
Conservation, Correlation, Conversion.
Definition, Relationship, Meaningfulness.
Holy Spirit, Father, Son.

Except in respect of trifunctional fundaments of some kind, could anything or conceptualization be related or communicated in any meaningful or even analogical sense?

How lacking in support must it be to suggest there abides only one Fundament, with no partners?


How deep is Lefty love?  Dems are diving to find out.  Evidently, militant pinkie-waggers want to rid themselves of toxic free thinking by marrying Big Brother. Keeping the focus on skin diversity empowers their Idol by promoting divide-and-rule.

The anti-Republican base:  Fascists, socialists, communists, anarchists, self-help reparators, whitey haters, thugs, subjugators, minutiae regulators, scientific and atheistic moralists, Jews, Muslims, child groomers, family destroyers, baby killers, PC enforcers, addicts, public pervs, self-righteous liars, stoolies for oligarchs, nation haters, green scammers, gov suckers --- oh my!  All the mal-educated, mal-certified, self-esteemers possible!

What are the common interests that can possibly hold the Dem Consortium together?  Apart from agitated hatred for White Christian Patriotic Males, that is.


Militant pinkie-waggers want to rid themselves of toxic free thinking by marrying Big Brother. Keeping the focus on skin diversity empowers their Idol by promoting divide-and-rule. But there is a lot of backroom scratching within the harem.   Fascists, socialists, communists, anarchists, self-help reparators, whitey haters, thugs, subjugators, minutiae regulators, Jews, Muslims, child groomers, family destroyers, baby killers, PC enforcers, addicts, public pervs, self-righteous liars, stoolies for oligarchs, nation haters, green scammers, gov suckers, oh my!  What are the common interests that hold the Dem Consortium together?  Apart from agitated hatred for White Christian Males, that is.


Keep what is necessary to preserve civilization that respects the spirit of human autonomy. Good faith, good will, innate empathy. From that flows general priority of family over community, less tolerance for socialistic, busybodies and dictators of minutiae. And promotion of cultural assimilation. Respect spiritual autonomy among adults, without forcing a wider society to promote or fund that which tears at its essential character. Do not use Big Brother to force PC that punishes mis-gendering or that grooms children to cater to adult fantasies.


List every "ought" that has been derived strictly from science. Explain how science is in itself sufficient to promote decent civilization, or even to provide a serviceable, sensible, or consistent ideal concerning what is decent or moral.


Notwithstanding astonishing effects availed upon tinkering and funneling with orders of magnitude and quantum probability, no mortal shows able with perfection to test or determine exactly that which must next unfold to measurability. To practical pursuits, we can approach seeming perfection, much as we can count ever further along a number line, without ever reaching perfection or infinity. Or eliminating the element of chance.

Given a purpose, contingent to that purpose, we can use science and logic to guide how best to pursue it. But science and logic, by themselves, cannot give us our purposes.

Regardless of the fundamentally existentiality of chance, measurable events proceed to become manifest. Mortal minds cannot explain how chance could determine chance. Rather, the existentiality of chance simply abides. As it abides, what is it?

We can model AS IF chance were the product of an infinite sum of multiversal manifestations of happenstance. Or as if a Higher Homunculus were the determiner/reconciler of all upshots of chance. But nothing within mortal experientiality avails any way to make any such an "explanation" sensible or testable --- beyond statistical assessments based on sufficient random samples. IOW, we cannot with science or logic precisely pre-determine all aspects of an unfoldment down to a quantum bit.

Beyond modeling, however, there does abide something that is innately and directly sensed --- which is the sense of conscious beingness (taking consciousness within a broad meaning).

Consciousness (Perspective of God Spirit) may be conceptualized as that without which what is measurable and recordable would not suffice to determine and reconcile each next unfolding of that which is measurable and recordable.
The purpose of such an idea is NOT to advance empirical science or technology. The purpose is simply to respect what can flow from an intuition of an aspect about our cosmos that seems to be innate and fundamental. What can flow is a conception that can inspire people to come together in innate good faith and good will --- to promote decent and fulfilling values and civilization. Innate empathy, born of a conscious sense of shared beingness.

That is a purpose that is simply beyond the capacity of science, empiricism, induction, or deduction. It is a purpose born of innate experience and empathy. It can be contingently guided by science and logic, but, by themselves, science and logic are powerless to define what should be the values and mores of decent civilization. There is no formula, elixir, or god particle that in itself can make or reconcile such determination.


When people become too "good" (soft and snowflaky) to confront evil, evil wins.

When evil wins long enough, all institutions become infested and corrupted with soft-headed profs, press-prattlers, politicians, preachers, pretenders, phony philanthropists, and puzzlewits.

So we get Leftist infestation and intimidation of academia, media, Hollywood, courts, churches, corporations, Congress. Everything goes to crap. The nation dissolves from internal poisoning because every decent free-thinker was intimidated on account of being called magical names.


Consciousness (Perspective of God Spirit) is that without which what is measurable and recordable would not suffice to determine and reconcile each next unfolding of that which is measurable and recordable.


U.S. law for anchor babies is a mess and a travesty. No doubt, many Fed Judges would declare her a citizen, especially if the father at the time of her birth was no longer a diplomat, here legally, and she acquired a U.S. birth certificate and SSN. This needs to be changed by whatever means necessary. Since Congress will not likely act, and Amendment is unlikely, the issue will almost certainly have to be tested by Executive Order. Now, more than ever, we need to support DJT. Unless we want to become a basket case nation under Kabuki rule. I love even snakes. But snakes need to be kept in their proper environment. Snakes that are venomous to the Constitutional Republic ought not to be invited or tolerated.


Nope.  If Leftists are so smart, how come so many of them are defenseless in debates, except by shouting down opposing viewpoints? How come so many need safe spaces when confronted with challenging new ideas? How come so many have one argument, which is: "That's racist!" Smart? Nope. No one with any brains would go in debt to get a useless degree in how to be a sniveling snowflake.  Anyone with brains can read the Western Canon for him or her self.

The reason so many Lefties are in academia is that corruption promotes corruption. The monster that liberty-loving Americans have to face is a two-headed ouroboros. It cannot be defeated simply by chopping off one head. Unless both heads are chopped, the ouroboros will always grow back. One head consists of utterly corrupt, self-indulgent, oligarchic, people-farmers. They fund the other head, which consists of corrupt or easily fooled shills and stooges. The oligarchs do a good job of diverting liberty-lovers to fight only the shills and stooges, without attacking the way the oligarchy is able to enrich itself by betraying the trust of the people in how it prints and manages fiat money and political favors.

The quality of critical analysis by Lefties consists of name calling.  They have no defensible principles.  Apart from gimmedat.


FORSAKING SPIRITUAL INHERITANCE:  What has forsaking our spiritual heritage done for us? It has led us to redefine marriage, the essential institution for Western Civ, so gays can feel better about themselves. It has led us to fund and encourage late abortion so women can feel more.empowered. It has led us to invite very young children to experiment with trans-sexuality, so people farmers can pleasure their imaginations. It has led us to invite despotic cultures to destroy representative republics. It has led us to glorify the Gov as established by people farming oligarchs. It has led us to promote fake moral scientism over science and as a replacement God. It has led us to profane colleges with Profs selected for depravity. It has led us to corrupt social trust by turning currency and money creation over to undisciplined monsters. It has led us to ignore the obvious solution to rebalance the environment: incentive smaller families.


OUROBORUS:  The monster that liberty-loving Americans have to face is a two-headed ouroboros. It cannot be defeated simply by chopping off one head. Unless both heads are chopped, the ouroboros will always grow back. One head consists of utterly corrupt, self-indulgent, oligarchic, people-farmers. They fund the other head, which consists of corrupt or easily fooled shills and stooges. The oligarchs do a good job of diverting liberty-lovers to fight only the shills and stooges, without attacking the way the oligarchy is able to enrich itself by betraying the trust of the people in how it prints and manages fiat money and political favors.


Socialism advocates that the means of production should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Problem is, the community as a whole is incapable of owning or regulating much of anything. So the real owners become oligarchs or nomenklatura. Like Big Brother. And apart from his smiles and promises, Big Brother is NOT a nice or caring guy. If he were not corrupt to the bone, he likely could never have assumed the position.

So, yes, to the extent socialism is a non-existable oxymoron, it cannot be "moved towards." But as a BS ideal, it can be used to inspire corrupt and ignorant people to destroy a representative republic. IAE, for Big Brother to attain and hold power, he has to form a loyal base. He does this with lies and BS promises. If his base is corrupt enough, he simply targets a soft goat and then invites tribes based on Identity Politics to come help him pick the goat clean. He may even open borders, to ensure his corrupt loyalists remain in the majority. This will ensure the goat is picked clean much faster. Remember, he is almost certainly corrupt, and no moral principle apart from self-indulgence for him and his loyalists restrains him. There is no clear line in the sand for anything, much less national borders.

Once the goat is picked clean, Big Socialist Brother's loyal stooges will be without skills to reproduce the wealth they ganged up to take. Then, Big Brother will depart for his private island and leave his base to contend for the diminishing scraps.

So, yes, it can be argued that Bernie and the rest of the Dem field do not really advocate for socialism. But they certainly do advocate for corrupt and ignorant Identity Politics.


To be scientific any theory must be falsifiable ... IF IT IS FALSE. If it is true, it could not be validly falsified. UNLESS you presume no model or theory can ever be perfectly coordinate with the reality it tries to represent.

Regarding probability: In sanitized labs, we may assess probabilities with astonishing accuracy. But we cannot very well assess what would likely happen were unknown and untested factors to intrude --- without an insightful process of inductive modeling followed by empirical testing.

IAE, I doubt we can conduct a double-blind test on a parallel twin universe. I doubt we can rule out a fundamental role for Something (Consciousness or Existential Rule of Natural Randomness?) that is entailed with the process by which only one among numerous possibilities happens at any particular time and place to be selected to be made manifest.


Whether by induction or deduction, our explanations rely on models about reality, not reality-in-itself. We have no perfect model by which to explain what particles of matter "really" are. At best, we tinker with models that, by a process of filtering, allow us to more and more reliably control and predict how various material relationships will unfold. But I doubt we get "closer" to an understanding of the entire capacity of measurable relationships. We may simply occupy phasing realms of reference. We may well acquire astonishing technologies, without getting close to an infinite limit of math-based possibilities.


Why presume God should be the ultimate answer? Why not the continuous question? Who presumes "God" to reduce any issue to our complete explanation or understanding? Why cannot God simply abide as an intuited but immeasurable basis for drawing together to reason in good faith and good will, as a basis for assimilating, not dictating, civilizing mores?


For all we know, our experiences of Consciousness are continuously bootstrapped into new realms. Our Universe may consist with continuous re-phasings of whatever parameter limits can be appreciated as defining what we can measure. As new wonders come into our experience, old ones may recede. New laws may be building up by consuming old laws.

Over billions of years, will any gold standard remain by which to say what the measurable parameters for the old universe must have been like? The more we evolve coordinate with a perspective from which to learn, the more that seems to open up as not yet learned.

The only evidence for a Reconciling Empathy or God may be immeasurable, from Consciousness within. May we be participating with a kind of abiogenesis that abides as an unfolding production of matrices within matrices within matrices?


Who best plays the Identity Politics game: The corrupt Rino oligarchs that fund it, or the Dino shills and stooges that stage it? Decent Americans need to stop allowing themselves to be rolled and farmed by this Uniparty Conspiracy of greedy corruption aligned with programmed ignorance. Is there no one in DC who is not part of this Uniparty of corruption and ignorance? Remember: Rinos were complicit with Dinos in crafting the latest funding bill, chock-full of provisions designed to erase the identity of the republic. And nearly all of the crafters hate Trump.

(Then, when Trump signed the veto-proof bill so he could at least accompany it with a signing statement designed to reduce some of its pernicious effects, he got reamed for his trouble. See https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-by-the-president-28/. Then we wonder why it is hard to find good civil servants. Go figure.)


The Left is not about principles, socialism, or democratic socialism. It is about divide-and-rule Identity Politics. Which is essentially tribal corruption based on whatever superficial ethnic and gang markings may be convenient to the time. Its only principles amount to whatever self-indulgence, greed, and envy are thought convenient.

The Identity political wrangling that is funded by crony Capitalists and fronted by fake Socialists is not comparable with Nordic governance of relatively homogenous populations. Rather, it depends on agitating, dividing, dumbing down, and farming gullible stooges. Apart from tribal aggrandizement, there is no real goal or stopping point for such corruption and ignorance. The "ïdeal" of Dinos and Rinos is snake poison.


Restoration of decent faith, revival of family, respect for fidelity. Formal checks against oligarchic corruption of everything political. Not a direct tax on income, nor on wealth. But do impose a progressive tax on yearly personal consumption. Count all personal funds wired out of country as taxable consumption. Also, all funds spent on lobbying should be taxed as consumption against the authorizing agent. This would target the political abuse of wealth.

However, the chance such a tax would be enacted is between very slim to non-existent. Iow, we will most likely continue to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic, while the owners continue selling us pipe dreams, trading in drugs and human trafficking, and giving the finger to the representative republic.

Lara Logan will be the example: If you question the Deep State Media and Academia and Church in this way, you will lose your prospects of employment. The Deep State punishes free expression that opposes its agenda. Unless you are safely retired, it is unsafe to question their propaganda or to call them the kind of names they call others. Why do the Deep State and its minions hate Trump? Simple. Because he is able to talk back to them.

Because the Republic is perilously close to being swamped with ignorance posing as intelligence and virtue while being in the service of corruption.

Would the people that feel entitled to confiscate your yard signs or MAGA cap try to hoax you? Or that think their genes are entitled to reparations from your genes? Does rot stink?

Without hoaxes and intellectual dishonesty to prop up hatred by free-stuff Libs against competent white males, Dems got nuthin.

Fairness does not reign supreme and the state does not wither away. It puts you in chains and back on the plantation. Under Big Brother. And he is not nice at all.

The only decent solution is a well checked representative republic, with a vigorous and historically literate citizenry. Not a swampload of Liberty illiterates or a swarm of maleducated buzz flies looking for free sh*t.

And if you practice crying to dissuade others from alerting you to facts, then you are also an extremely weak person.

Good Americans forgot the hard lessons their ancestors tried to pass on to them. As moochers came in to promise free stuff and to namecall against everyone who questioned them. It got so bad the people that deserve the names were enabled to divert responsibility by projecting their evil as if it were coming from others. Sheeple never built a republic, and they can never sustain one.

Without stirring hatred against competent patriotic white men, there would be nothing to hold together the monstrosity that is the Left. Meanwhile, femimen think they should be respectfully silent when Nini, Hildebeast, Occasional-Cortex, Streisand, etc. are speaking. Afraid of being called names, they are.

If Libs do not hate America, why do they love Iran so much? What is the attraction, if it is not hatred of American patriots? Is it the music? The burkas? The female empowerment?

Clueless bastards. He believed it because he had no clue how little he knows. Yet he still presumes to instruct everyone else. Read more widely, dammit.

How is it decent or compassionate to invite abusers to bring children along for a trek to invade the USA, knowing that many will be raped and abused along the way? This is crap.

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