Sunday, March 22, 2020



- At its simplest level, Consciousness may be modeled or conceptualized as that which detects or interprets Information.
- Substance as that which quantifies and stores measures of Information.
- Information as that which is stored by Substance and subject to being interpreted by Consciousness.

- Self Awareness as Consciousness that experiences and is aware of itself.
- Higher Consciousness as that which facilitates a matrix of parameters for Perspectives of Consciousness to share an integrated and connected experience of a world they consider to be Reality.
- The Matrix as a web of Math that is fluxed and tuned of and by Higher Consciousness.

- Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI), to be defined, all necessitate reference to a math-based, conserving flux or circulation of one another. None abides as an un-sequencing thing in itself.

-If this seems circular, it is because our experience of the world is fundamentally based in a flux of circularity. No amount of empirical effort will pull us out of that.


THE TIMELESS PRESENT: We can appreciate a sense of Present Beingness only because we can appreciate pictures of representations of tracings of previous sequences, which avails us an illusion of continuosities, even as changes in degrees precede shifts in phases of kinds. Conscious Observers engage in interpretations of representations of previous tracings, which triggers choices or determinations of next following sequences. The Math always seeks to conserve and re-balance itself. All un-balancing and re-balancing of math-based functions is an Illusion that entertains all Perspectives of Consciousness.

ACTIVE MATH: Continuous unbalancings, in coordination with observational interpretations and determinations in association with Consciousness, trigger sequences of re-balancings.

Consciousness, as it appreciates each new unbalancing, inherently seeks to make sense of it, thus leading to re-balancing, thus leading to feedback surprise and trying to make each new development comport with its mind-system, thus coordinating with Active Math and Continuous Change.

Each Perspective of Consciousness tries to make sense of the world as a system apart from itself --- even though it is not apart from the world and even though it can never step outside the world to measure or make sense of it. Consciousness, in association with Math, activates and conserves Illusions relating to the continuous interpreting, unbalancing, re-balancing, and unfolding of World Changes.

CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF: We cannot take a picture of Consciousness-Itself. In part because Consciousness is not a thing-in-itself. Even Holistic God would need association with potentialities of Informational Maths. But we can take pictures of phase-tracings of illusions with regard to where Consciousness has been.


4-D Spheroid in all Directions v. Curved Surface of Bubble:

- When you look at the night sky, you can see lights from distant stars and galaxies in all directions, 4-D, not just along an outer surface of an expanding bubble.

- Still, an analogy of points on an expanding outer surface of a BUBBLE helps provide a geometry-math illustration for how the distance between points (galaxies) accelerated more with the expansion of the bubble the further any measured points are apart. It also illustrates how a perspective from any random point could conceptualize itself to be at the center of a surface as it expands. However, common sensory perception tells us we inhabit a 3-D space that separates the points of our interests, that is not restricted to the surface of a bubble. So the model of an expanding SURFACE OF A BUBBLE does not seem to avail a completely satisfactory analogy or illustration in itself.

- But if we were to try to grid all the points (galaxies) to the inside of a expanding SPHEROID, then some should be closer to the center and others closer to the edge. Problem is, the selection of any point of reference seems to allow it to be considered as the center (because points (galaxies) around it seem to be at all distances and in all directions. But if there were a sphere then not every point could be at its center nor at its edge. So the spherical model, even though it comports with common sense concerning the appearance of 3-D space, does not avail a complete or satisfactory analogy or illustration in itself.

- So, why does no universal model or analogy seem to avail a satisfactory illustration for all purposes? ANSWER: Because an explanation for how the Cosmos unfolds needs more fundamentally to conceptualize how CONSCIOUSNESS works than how THINGS are. There are no objectively measurable things-in-themselves. There are only phase traces or appearances of fluxing associations and relationships among Perspectives of Consciousness. Those phase tracings obey mathematical constraints. But they do not inhabit any kind of actual space-in-itself.


- Is Light (EMR) restricted in the paths it is allowed to follow, so that the Appearance of Things relating to us from all Directions is an illusion?

- For Photons of Light to be projected or vectored in any direction, must they somehow associate themselves with a stream of Gravitons? If our Universe were confined to a Spheroid Space, finite but expanding, must there abide a Void or Vacuum beyond that Space, “IN” which there abides no time, matter, energy, mass, or Gravitons? If so, could a projection of massless Photons be vectored out “into” such void? If so, could such projection over enough time entirely DEPLETE the measurable Universe as a “Thing”? (Could a Holistic Consciousness function with accumulations of Information about Possibilities “while” of a Vacuum of No-Thing-Ness, devoid of things made manifest to particular Perspectives of Consciousness?)

- We see and detect that the distance (space) between galaxies is accelerating in expansion. Is New Space thus being created? Is an entropic dissipation and general decrease in or disordering of Matter and Energy (Substance) being mathematically conserved via exchange for an increase in Space and Information? Can mere space “be” in space? For space to be expanded, must such expansion be contemporaneously accompanied with an expansion and dissipation of Matter, Energy, Mass, and Gravitons? Can Light by itself be projected to accomplish such expansion, without reliance on a correlative stream of Gravitons?

- From the perspective of a Photon itself, it is massless. But when photons are confined to a system, such as the Universe, they add mass. If light can be projected “into empty space,” is must add mass to such New Space by making it part of the system of the Universe. May some such light phase-shift to function as Gravitons? To allow other light to ride its stream, to curve and bend back to the Universe? For a vectored light wave, is the shortest distance between two objects the shortest stream of gravitons between them?

- NOTE: I do not believe such a line of rationalization can satisfactorily illustrate that we “actually” do live on the surface of a bubble instead of in a spheroid. I do not believe that we “actually” live either on the surface of a bubble or in a spheroid. Both a bubble and a spheroid are conceptualized as “things.” I do not believe that any model for how Things Work can suffice in a consistent, coherent, and complete way to explain how Consciousness works.


While our Universe is unfolding to our experience, HOW MAY THE HOLISTIC RECONCILING CONSCIOUSNESS WORK? (Must God have “left the building”?)

Each Perspective of Consciousness is part of, and Co-dependent on, a system that is comprised of multitudinous perspectives of consciousness.

Each Perspective functions and unfolds as part of a dynamic system of feedback. No Perspective can measure any action except upon balancing with an equal and opposite reaction. The matrix of math can unfold, but it must always balance. It may appear at times temporarily not to balance. But that is derivative of phase-trace appearances and interpretations among Perspectives. The apprehension of the balance may be borrowed or delayed among Perspectives, but it always abides.

Each Observer does not create his own system. It may seem to him that his “taking a measurement” or making a measurement is an independent causal agent. But all contemporaneous interpretations among all perspectives are synchronized and reconciled to one unfolding and dynamic system of feedback.

Although each Perspective must obey the math parameters of the System, there abide numerous alternative paths of unfoldment that would obey the parameters. So how is any one universal path determined, chosen, or reconciled?

Although we each seem to be a differently functioning Consciousness, we are all mere Perspectives of One unifying, synchronizing, reconciling Consciousness. Consciousness is Consciousness.

Whatever is Delegated for one perspective to appreciate, interpret, or do is simultaneously reconciled with what every other perspective appreciates, interprets, or does. Not to our complete understanding. But to the Math of the Matrix.

We are each an agent of God. What we have capacity to appreciate, interpret, and do, is never more than what God has capacity to appreciate, interpret, and do. At any point in space-time, a focus of power may be rippled out more so from some among us as sources than from among others. In such cases, God may be considered to have conferred special gifts to then and there more special agencies.

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