idiot box (right view)
Originally uploaded by seekayem
OBAMA: Given the alignment of our situation, it comes as no surprise that our favored nominee for President (Head Thumb) is a supremely gifted organizer.
IMPLODING ORGANIZATIONS OF INFORMATION: In Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question,” the entropic inclination for spatial dispersal within each preceding universe or hyperspace could be conceptualized as helping to preclude conflict with each succeeding hyperspace. In other words, entropy did not rule out an ever-replacing and organizing of perspectives of experience and information. Entropy did not rule out local or galaxy level explosions in inter-organization of self-aware or conscious forms of active information.
GAMING A TRANSCENDENTAL MEME: Participating In A Game Of Consolidating And Organizing Categories Of Information (religious, news, entertainment, advertising, communicative, capitalistic, and regulatory) seems inclined to turn temporal winners not just into kindred spirits, but towards one monstrously powerful, self-feeding, exponentially-exploding (eventually imploding?) meme for controlling organized information, or “Head Thumb.”
RELENTLESS MEME OF HEAD THUMB: Humans are temporal and mortal. It is the height of foolishness for one to suppose he/she can “win the game” by becoming Head Thumb. The part of Head Thumb can only be created by zipping all of humanity into submission, in a “Borg” strait jacket. Once the position of Head Thumb is designed and actuated, it becomes a relentless meme. Humanity’s only hope against such Meme is to fire up some Red Ass Moderates (Rams).
TRIBE-ULATION: Tribes of Head Thumb Fascists are coming together in tribe-ulation: Religious Fascists (Muslamo-Tribe) are bent on imposing mind surrender; Computer Fascists (Media Tribe) are bent on plugging all human functions into one monitoring internet; Corporate Fascists (Market Tribe) are bent on gearing each of us into a completely controlled Product-Consumption-Unit (PCU), conditioned to mindlessly calculate product and to consume as instructed; Government Fascists (Marxist Tribe) are bent on imposing comfort and security in trade for confiscating freedom and dignity; and Mental Arts Fascists (Mentalist Tribe) are bent on our final mind meltdown.
CAPITALISM: Capitalism comes nearly alive, like a transcendental meme, to consume and dehumanize its players --- regardless of political stripes. Thus, Capitalism becomes a self-feeding game for conditioning, hardening, and numbing practitioners to treat flesh and blood people as if they were virtual abstractions, sort of like avatars in a computer game of Dungeons and Dragons. Capitalist winners, whether Democrat or Republican, come to feed on each other and on all of us --- coming to think nothing of: selling out the very country in which they were raised; reducing the countryside to servants, and organizing inferiors as Borg --- all under Head Thumb.
SELF DEFEATING REGULATORY STRATEGIES: But corporations love to be regulated! Regulations create barriers against potential new rivals. Smothering regulations help ensure oligopolies and monopolies. (Religion, Media, Capitalism, and Government all must be regulated, but sanity requires wise regulation, not smothering regulation!)
LOSS OF PRIVACY, FREEDOM, INDIVIDUALITY: We march on, reducing everything to market pricing and governmental measure, surrendering individuality, privacy, dignity, and freedom. We become agglomerated into Borg-Herd, leading to Borg-Gaia, then to Borg-Galaxia. We lose our separate selves, trading individual artistry for the comfort and security of Borg-Mind. But for Borg absorption or close monitoring (National ID cards, fingerprint credit cards, etc.), we would become, Separately, too powerful and dangerous for our Unity to trust.
"5M" BORG PROLETARIAT: Thus, we come to think it a good thing to lash ourselves and everyone else to serve the Organization Game, as Borg Slaves. Muslims, Media, Money Markets, Marxists, and Mentalists (aka, “5M”) all come together, to appreciate themselves as serving common cause. (Were it not for 5M, why else would America’s leaders have been AWOL, even treasonous, for more than 30 years in failing to defend borders and to promote sane energy policies?)
ULTIMATE IRONY: Once we absorb into Borg, it matters not whether we label ourselves of the Muslamo Tribe, Media Tribe, Market Tribe, Marxist Tribe, or Mentalist Tribe --- for 5M Borg become interchangeably united, selecting temporal elites only to sell us into Borg-land. (Shut up and play the game.)
ON WITHERING AWAY: Once we consent to allowing patterns that facilitate the transcendental emergence of One Head Thumb, why should we expect such patterns to wither away, just because some titular occupant of that position happens to die?
SPENT CARCASS: The Republican GOP is a spent carcass, malnourished on a poisonous motto of the monied and political class (“money talks and bullsh*t walks”).
LOST INDIVIDUALITY: The Gini index forewarns of a bridge of empathy too wide to withstand accumulating pressures. Common cause in arts and concerns between ordinary middle class folks and other classes is being lost. Thus, we lurch towards isolation, each serving his or her self-created taskmaster. Once Pinocchio’s fellow gamers become transfixed into organized-donkeyhood, few will retain means or capacity to regain individual independence. Shut us and play the game!
ONE WAY OUT: If we have a way out, for navigating a course between the stinking carcass of Republicans, mindless blogswarming and Marxism of Democrats, and dehumanizing submission to Wahabists, it may be found by Red Ass Moderates (Rams).
EARLY DETECTION: Mental Arts Fascists are found in Rap Crappers, Heavy Metalists, Advertising Spammers, Blogswarmers, Addiction Pimps, Poverty Enablers, Abnormal Normalizers, and Morality Melt Down Artists. In self protection, we need a form of Interventional Machine Psychoanalysis, since we have no gauge on our foreheads for indicating satiation. That is, we need skilled intuition to recognize early warning signs that alert to needs to reorganize, divert, and reinforce attention away from mind surrender, towards other, newly emerging, more socially redemptive habits.
RESTORE MIDDLE CLASS: Rams must work to restore economic and political power to the middle class! Otherwise, we all fall under the spell and horror of an inhuman, self-made, soul-less, devil-meme, i.e., “Head Thumb” (Nurse Ratchet, aka, “Organized Wretched”) --- which must never be underestimated! Man the firehoses! Throw the bums out!